wow, the response for this is bigger than I thought it would be, plus I have been dropping hints around the forum for months and talking to a lot of people about this so I did not realize it would be that big of a surprise
I've been around, and besides the poll you post a few days ago, I havn't seen any "hints". Needless to say, I was quite surprised.
Can the comparisons to BFL just stop? From both sides? Or put it into a different thread? I've never been a fan of the MMQ, but I've always given Tom props where props are due, such as always having consistent shipping times. I just had to read 3 pages of bickering trying to weed thru any information from Tom I could find.
So a few questions!
27GH/s... Is that for multiple chips, or each module? Meaning 4 chips on a quad backplate (like the MMQ) would each get ~6.5GH/s?
it is from multiple chips, exact details of the exact target ASIC technology and the amount of chips on the bASIC unit will be public in the next couple of days
Is there an option (like the MMQ) to order just a board with 1 chip?
At what point will you issue a refund if the order is not fulfilled? End of December? 90 days after an order has been placed?
since we are taking pre-orders right now we will issue a refund at any time
Will these use the same back-plate as the MMQ? Will there be an option to purchase new modules to upgrade an existing MMQ?
it is a completely different pcb setup
You said you don't know what the power draw will be? By "more efficient" than a MMQ, is that total power, or MHs/W? If the latter, this could use > 1.2KW and still me considered "more efficient".
this will be public info in a few days
By the time this is released, will this be supported by BFGMiner?
I have already hired Luke-JR to write the firmware for our MCU chip as well as to make BFGMiner compatible with the bASIC mining unit
Will the initial orders be shipped all at once, or shipped as soon as they are ready on a first-come-first-served basis?
bASIC units will be assembled at the same plant that the ModMiner Quad's are, they will be produced in batches of 30-50 every 5-10 days and shipped out on first come first served basis
Very interesting... very interesting indeed.
say word.