March 25, 2017, 07:42:07 AM |
Personally, i think Factom should be at least in the top 5 of the Market Cap, with a Market Cap of 300-500 M, which would mean a Factoid value of 30 - 50$.
March 25, 2017, 07:50:24 AM |
Personally, i think Factom should be at least in the top 5 of the Market Cap, with a Market Cap of 300-500 M, which would mean a Factoid value of 30 - 50$.
FCT is fucking SCAM coin ... I think it should be at 1$.. I dumped at 40 no future ..SCAMALERT
March 25, 2017, 07:56:17 AM |
Personally, i think Factom should be at least in the top 5 of the Market Cap, with a Market Cap of 300-500 M, which would mean a Factoid value of 30 - 50$.
FCT is fucking SCAM coin ... I think it should be at 1$.. I dumped at 40 no future ..SCAMALERT ETH hit new ath so did DASH and XMR FCT will break new ATH this month
March 25, 2017, 08:07:12 AM |
Personally, i think Factom should be at least in the top 5 of the Market Cap, with a Market Cap of 300-500 M, which would mean a Factoid value of 30 - 50$.
FCT is fucking SCAM coin ... I think it should be at 1$.. I dumped at 40 no future ..SCAMALERT ETH hit new ath so did DASH and XMR FCT will break new ATH this month FCT value will be 2-4$ not much than that .. FCT disappointed it's all investors soon all will shift towards ETH,XMR,Dash,And ZEC ... As.. ! 
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1007
DMD Diamond Making Money 4+ years! Join us!
March 25, 2017, 08:41:56 AM |
Personally, i think Factom should be at least in the top 5 of the Market Cap, with a Market Cap of 300-500 M, which would mean a Factoid value of 30 - 50$.
FCT is fucking SCAM coin ... I think it should be at 1$.. I dumped at 40 no future ..SCAMALERT Haha, I guess someone sold at 30 or close to that and now s being pissed. My friend, learn from this, real investor are incredibly patient. NERVES OF STEEL. If you grow those, dont trade crypto, go into mining, staking, something less profitable but much safer. Also, NO, most of us, real holders do not plan to shift into these overpriced pumps. I ll stick to my Factom until I get 0.01. Then I ll thank Factom team and go buy myself a cigar.
March 25, 2017, 08:49:33 AM |
Personally, i think Factom should be at least in the top 5 of the Market Cap, with a Market Cap of 300-500 M, which would mean a Factoid value of 30 - 50$.
FCT is fucking SCAM coin ... I think it should be at 1$.. I dumped at 40 no future ..SCAMALERT Haha, I guess someone sold at 30 or close to that and now s being pissed. My friend, learn from this, real investor are incredibly patient. NERVES OF STEEL. If you grow those, dont trade crypto, go into mining, staking, something less profitable but much safer. Also, NO, most of us, real holders do not plan to shift into these overpriced pumps. I ll stick to my Factom until I get 0.01. Then I ll thank Factom team and go buy myself a cigar. Brother FCT is just churning coin nothing else !! one day after the coin will reach again 2$ and you will be disappoint than you will again wait wait .. Churn churn churn ! ! !
March 25, 2017, 09:00:39 AM |
Personally, i think Factom should be at least in the top 5 of the Market Cap, with a Market Cap of 300-500 M, which would mean a Factoid value of 30 - 50$.
FCT is fucking SCAM coin ... I think it should be at 1$.. I dumped at 40 no future ..SCAMALERT Haha, I guess someone sold at 30 or close to that and now s being pissed. My friend, learn from this, real investor are incredibly patient. NERVES OF STEEL. If you grow those, dont trade crypto, go into mining, staking, something less profitable but much safer. Also, NO, most of us, real holders do not plan to shift into these overpriced pumps. I ll stick to my Factom until I get 0.01. Then I ll thank Factom team and go buy myself a cigar. Brother FCT is just churning coin nothing else !! one day after the coin will reach again 2$ and you will be disappoint than you will again wait wait .. Churn churn churn ! ! !
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1007
DMD Diamond Making Money 4+ years! Join us!
March 25, 2017, 09:19:06 AM |
Well, I bought most of my FCT at 14, now is over 40 and I sell when its over 90. I dont feel disappointing at all. Really sorry for your hasty decision to sell but look at this from the bright side. Now you have experience not to make the same mistake twice. After you make the right choice, patience is the key. You did well the first part.
March 25, 2017, 10:41:44 AM |
Well, I bought most of my FCT at 14, now is over 40 and I sell when its over 90. I dont feel disappointing at all. Really sorry for your hasty decision to sell but look at this from the bright side. Now you have experience not to make the same mistake twice. After you make the right choice, patience is the key. You did well the first part.
Hope you will get good farewell here .. But I always see FCT only churn churn . . . it was our mistake to invest in FCT where as if we have had invested at ETH, Dash,XMR , our money got 2× ,3× .. So I named FCT as churning coin haha 
March 25, 2017, 10:51:03 AM |
Any important news on factom for 2017? Please share  .
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1246
March 25, 2017, 10:58:26 AM |
Any important news on factom for 2017? Please share  . Exodus wallet, new clients on mortgage market
Moжeт ли дoмaшкa вocьмиклaccникa cтoить 1 битoк?  Pынoк кpипты пepeгpeт, нo пepeгpeт ли pынoк гoлoвoлoмoк c кpиптoй? Кaк мoжнo пpятaть cвoи битoчки oт пocтopoнниx глaз?  Paзгaдывaeм нeдaвниe дaвниe гoлoвoлoмки Энди Бayчa вмecтe
March 25, 2017, 11:09:51 AM |
Well, I bought most of my FCT at 14, now is over 40 and I sell when its over 90. I dont feel disappointing at all. Really sorry for your hasty decision to sell but look at this from the bright side. Now you have experience not to make the same mistake twice. After you make the right choice, patience is the key. You did well the first part.
Honestly, i think 0.01 would still be undervalued. We already almost reached that point last year. ). 0.02 (depending on the BTC value) is my first selling point.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1007
DMD Diamond Making Money 4+ years! Join us!
March 25, 2017, 01:17:59 PM |
Well, I bought most of my FCT at 14, now is over 40 and I sell when its over 90. I dont feel disappointing at all. Really sorry for your hasty decision to sell but look at this from the bright side. Now you have experience not to make the same mistake twice. After you make the right choice, patience is the key. You did well the first part.
Honestly, i think 0.01 would still be undervalued. We already almost reached that point last year. ). 0.02 (depending on the BTC value) is my first selling point. Not sure we ll actually reach that any time soon but 0.01 might be possible.
March 25, 2017, 02:01:57 PM Last edit: March 25, 2017, 05:16:49 PM by scamalert0 |
Well, I bought most of my FCT at 14, now is over 40 and I sell when its over 90. I dont feel disappointing at all. Really sorry for your hasty decision to sell but look at this from the bright side. Now you have experience not to make the same mistake twice. After you make the right choice, patience is the key. You did well the first part.
Honestly, i think 0.01 would still be undervalued. We already almost reached that point last year. ). 0.02 (depending on the BTC value) is my first selling point. Not sure we ll actually reach that any time soon but 0.01 might be possible. Hola! Price droping sharply ! I don't understand why this coin is under value .. Total supply of around 8.7 Million. Price is around 2.5$ per coin. And Etherum total supply 90Million and 50$ per coin . I salute to Ether... XMR total supply 14Million and price 23$ per coin This coin not developing due to its undervalue price .
March 25, 2017, 02:31:31 PM |
Well, I bought most of my FCT at 14, now is over 40 and I sell when its over 90. I dont feel disappointing at all. Really sorry for your hasty decision to sell but look at this from the bright side. Now you have experience not to make the same mistake twice. After you make the right choice, patience is the key. You did well the first part.
Honestly, i think 0.01 would still be undervalued. We already almost reached that point last year. ). 0.02 (depending on the BTC value) is my first selling point. Not sure we ll actually reach that any time soon but 0.01 might be possible. Hola! Price droping sharply ! I don't understand why this coin is under value .. Total supply of around 87 Million. Price is around 2.5$ per coin. And Etherum total supply 900Million and 50$ per coin . I salute to Ether... XMR total supply 140Million and price 23$ per coin This coin not developing due to its undervalue price . XMR investors have had to wait a long time for this rise, believe me. Factom will get there. Buy and hold is the best strategy.
March 25, 2017, 02:36:19 PM |
Well, I bought most of my FCT at 14, now is over 40 and I sell when its over 90. I dont feel disappointing at all. Really sorry for your hasty decision to sell but look at this from the bright side. Now you have experience not to make the same mistake twice. After you make the right choice, patience is the key. You did well the first part.
Honestly, i think 0.01 would still be undervalued. We already almost reached that point last year. ). 0.02 (depending on the BTC value) is my first selling point. Not sure we ll actually reach that any time soon but 0.01 might be possible. Hola! Price droping sharply ! I don't understand why this coin is under value .. Total supply of around 87 Million. Price is around 2.5$ per coin. And Etherum total supply 900Million and 50$ per coin . I salute to Ether... XMR total supply 140Million and price 23$ per coin This coin not developing due to its undervalue price . What are you even talking about? There are currently 8,753,219 FCT in circulation with a price of $3.57 (0.00380110) per coin.
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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1000
March 25, 2017, 04:15:51 PM |
Well, I bought most of my FCT at 14, now is over 40 and I sell when its over 90. I dont feel disappointing at all. Really sorry for your hasty decision to sell but look at this from the bright side. Now you have experience not to make the same mistake twice. After you make the right choice, patience is the key. You did well the first part.
Honestly, i think 0.01 would still be undervalued. We already almost reached that point last year. ). 0.02 (depending on the BTC value) is my first selling point. Not sure we ll actually reach that any time soon but 0.01 might be possible. Hola! Price droping sharply ! I don't understand why this coin is under value .. Total supply of around 87 Million. Price is around 2.5$ per coin. And Etherum total supply 900Million and 50$ per coin . I salute to Ether... XMR total supply 140Million and price 23$ per coin This coin not developing due to its undervalue price . What are you even talking about? There are currently 8,753,219 FCT in circulation with a price of $3.57 (0.00380110) per coin. He added a zero to all the total supplies he mentioned. Ethereum is 90 million not 900, Factom 8,7 not 87.
March 25, 2017, 05:23:07 PM |
Well, I bought most of my FCT at 14, now is over 40 and I sell when its over 90. I dont feel disappointing at all. Really sorry for your hasty decision to sell but look at this from the bright side. Now you have experience not to make the same mistake twice. After you make the right choice, patience is the key. You did well the first part.
Honestly, i think 0.01 would still be undervalued. We already almost reached that point last year. ). 0.02 (depending on the BTC value) is my first selling point. Not sure we ll actually reach that any time soon but 0.01 might be possible. Hola! Price droping sharply ! on't understand why this coin is under value .. Total supply of around 87 Million. Price is around 2.5$ per coin. And Etherum total supply 900Million and 50$ per coin . I salute to Ether... XMR total supply 140Million and price 23$ per coin This coin not developing due to its undervalue price . What are you even talking about? There are currently 8,753,219 FCT in circulation with a price of $3.57 (0.00380110) per coin. He added a zero to all the total supplies he mentioned. Ethereum is 90 million not 900, Factom 8,7 not 87. Sorry! It was mistake I added extra 0. How many of do you think price of FCT undervalue?  And what do you think about price will rise or dump from here?? suggestions
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
March 25, 2017, 06:09:27 PM |
what are latest news and developments on factom..
Please inform us.. i think factom is still undervalued. need to go long.
March 25, 2017, 06:10:12 PM |
Well, I bought most of my FCT at 14, now is over 40 and I sell when its over 90. I dont feel disappointing at all. Really sorry for your hasty decision to sell but look at this from the bright side. Now you have experience not to make the same mistake twice. After you make the right choice, patience is the key. You did well the first part.
Honestly, i think 0.01 would still be undervalued. We already almost reached that point last year. ). 0.02 (depending on the BTC value) is my first selling point. Not sure we ll actually reach that any time soon but 0.01 might be possible. Hola! Price droping sharply ! on't understand why this coin is under value .. Total supply of around 87 Million. Price is around 2.5$ per coin. And Etherum total supply 900Million and 50$ per coin . I salute to Ether... XMR total supply 140Million and price 23$ per coin This coin not developing due to its undervalue price . What are you even talking about? There are currently 8,753,219 FCT in circulation with a price of $3.57 (0.00380110) per coin. He added a zero to all the total supplies he mentioned. Ethereum is 90 million not 900, Factom 8,7 not 87. Sorry! It was mistake I added extra 0. How many of do you think price of FCT undervalue?  And what do you think about price will rise or dump from here?? suggestions You started off on the wrong foot for a serious discussion dude, sorry. First screaming 'scam' and then asking pretending you want suggestions is not going to get you anywhere.