Is Mark Finished with nokoin. Banished from the cult?
He's been inactive on nokoin forum for 3 months.
Mark Bridges - Now removed from "About" team list. "old" team is generally very quiet, delegating to sock puppets and mods.
The "new team" list is growing. It's getting confusing, hard to know who's who anymore. (but helps keep "user" numbers up)
Quick recap on some of the insiders on nokoin forum these days, (that I am aware of)
Mark (last post 3 months, removed from "about" list, fired? escaped?)
6120 (magicking)
Magicking (just joined, no post, 6120?)
Dank (last post over 5 months)
Ludovic (no post ever, Ludpo)
Sandrine (last post over 2 weeks)
Acorn (appeared 2 weeks ago, no explanation, no ID)
Johan (no post ever)
Ophelie (last post 1 week)
Arcanis (NVWc6Q7ui31zt3PNUKwu73eRna6U9ZoNQY , wallet never used)
Kourush - (Gone)
Ludpo (no post ever, Ludovic)
Guillaume (joined today, no explanation, leader, no ID)
Darteous (active, 600,000+ nokoin victim, possible 200,000 nokoin bonus?)
James mod (active, 200,000+ nokoin victim, 25,000 nokoin bonus?)
Torrgeek (active, ?? nokoin, ?? nokoin bonus?)
Whateveryousayman (last post 5 months ago, inactive)
Baby mod (last post 2 months ago, 0 nokoin, lnactive, schoolboy)
M3ndi3 (resigned in disappointment and frustration with nokoin, cashed out of nokoin, banned)
Myhash (never a mod but privvy to private thread, innovative aspiration unharnessed by nokoin, last seen over a month)
Bitchin camaro (Previously discussed, active 1 month, last seen 2 weeks ago. )
Colt45 (Previously discussed, active 1 month, last seen 1 weeks ago.)
Sith (joined 1 week, Knowledgeable, helpful, new incarnation)
Krypton (joined 2 weeks, new incarnation, private threads)
s199 (joined 1 week, suspect)
Pkeane4osu (bitcoin foundation, old boys club? suspect)
NeuUser (suspect)
Superman (advises others to purchase, not himself, loves delays and disappointments, sock or pure shill?)
King (invited by Superman)
Gyz5 (private thread? no posts yet)
Plus all the other team and sock accounts here. nokoin Project, OCP, ect...
Team falling apart?
Team distancing themselves from nokoin?
Infighting, disputes, lack of trust, embarrassment, shame, fear, palpitations?
Is this what is happening inside nokoin team?