Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: scam_detector on February 28, 2018, 12:43:46 PM

Title: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: scam_detector on February 28, 2018, 12:43:46 PM
I read the whole thread again. There are some things that I have to criticize. Let's start at the beginning.

As you can easily see, my concern was smiled at by TMAN at the beginning. Then Lauda turned on and she also ridiculed my concern. She immediately labeled me someone who was after her and her entourage. Which is not true. aTriz is responsible for being mentioned and accused. Any normal-minded person would have seen a danger in him through his dealings with alia. As I said, he is responsible for that. This example shows the climate between the users in this thread. People who accuse Laudas entourage (in this example it is aTriz and I'm pretty sure that if I had not mentioned aTriz, they would still have ridiculed my worries or the thread anyway. Of course, I can not prove this in retrospect) of being involved in a scam are ridiculed from the start instead of taking the matter seriously and following it up. Instead, I'm made the culprit. In addition, the same people claim that I just opened the thread to target them all, which is ridiculous. No, not only Lauda has claimed this, but also QS. The problem with the whole thing now is that they all seem to be under paranoia and any accusation that goes in their direction is seen as an attack on them. They do not want to understand that the world is not just about them. There are people who give a shit on your quarrel (OG, QS, Lauda, ​​etc.). Do you now realize why I had to create an alt account? I just do not want to get into your toddler fight because they do not interest me and just annoying me. I'm pretty sure that most users are now annoyed by these toddler fights. All of them, just like all shitposter and scammer, make the forum a little bad. Do not get me wrong, I like this forum, but that's another reason why this forum has lost in quality.

Instead of apologizing to me, the same people who have made me the perpetrator have nothing more to say. That's so, I'm sorry that I have to say so, very pathetic. However, when ibminer researched and gave his opinion on it, naturally everything turned for these people and they became quite calm. Thanks again to ibminer!

Let's get back to the present. I just do not understand why, after alia lied so often and obviously (Dave story), you still get a chance. Okay, let's assume she's verified. Does her shady actions do better? Do we really want to believe and support an obvious scammer who has been waiting for the largest possible sum? On the one hand, other users are immediately painted red and ignored (scammer is just right), but on the other hand, alia is given so many chances, even though she is obviously a scammer. I just do not understand this hypocrisy.

Anyone who thinks everything has been done now is wrong! Let us come to an equally important topic. Let's get to aTriz. Let's just assume that he actually was not involved in the long-term scam. Does it make his acting so much better? I do not think so. He proved that you can not trust him. First he claims that their method works 100% and now he claims that he does not know how the system works. I have to admit, I also do not know how it works, but after seeing posts from users who apparently knew what they're talking about, I realized there was something shady about her method.
The question now is, how can someone with a status of aTriz (yes, he is not a DT member, but he still enjoys a certain status!) praise a very questionable (from the moral point of view I do not even talk, that is also an issue!) method.  Imagine I never opened this thread. I'm pretty sure alia could have scammed some people because of aTriz review. She could have broadened her network and scammed more and more potential victims. Somehow nobody thinks about this.

Any other user in this case would have already been painted red (which would be absolutely correct in this case!). Why is not he painted red? After all, he has put himself in this predicament. He proved that he can not bear any responsibility.

Even if it was just luck on my part (it was not!) there was not even a "thank you" from all the skeptics. As I have mentioned many times. They just can not admit they were wrong, because they always want to be right. Before those answer to which my post is addressed. Take your time and just think about your actions!

Since aTriz (;u=135920) responsibility and credibility is not discussed in the actual topic, I have quoted a part of my opinion.

I don't see how the deal with aTriz is related to the other stuff. Why are you writing using the 'he' pronoun here "he shows no evidence.."?
Wait a minute Lauda. Something is very fishy here.

alia all of sudden decided to close this thread because "she has found big investors"(on Feb. 25.) and after that she opened new(self-moderated) thread(on Feb. 26) offering winning script and aTriz confirmed that it is winning script:

Was given a vouch copy of the method by op and played around with in with funds from the faucet.

In my limited experience if it, I profited and worked perfectly. Would recommend.

I made an extremely good ROI, and I’m sure that others who buy the method will experience similar results. Thanks, Alia!

How someone with 7+ trust rate can say such stupid thing in such thread? It is EV- game, such script DOESN'T exist. Also he is recommending something which he has tried from faucet? He said he made extremely good ROI? From faucet?  
That is just fucked up.

Besides, Selling winning scripts is equal to scamming people, and whoever offered such script in past was bashed by everyone  ::)

Also, it would be OK if users mentioned in this locked thread confirm that they watched her gambling and winning money and not only striping:
   nullius         0.01            0.02              200%
 slaman29     0.1              0.107             107%
  v4d1mm    0.0475           0.052           109%
TelevisionLover  0.1            0.109           109%
SyGambler    0.01            0.012           120%
live:tonyl6         2.5              2.8           112%
    favours         0.8              0.88           110%

I don't even want to comment her illegal money laundry tax evade service.  ::)

He actually put it in a nutshell!

Link to the thread (



I think a few words are in order about why I am peculiarly interested in this topic.  It goes beyond my own liking for aTriz:  I feel a certain sense of moral responsiblity in the matter.

As I made clear to “alia” near the end of the last thread:

How do I break this to you gently?

Do you even realize who put your account where it is right now, within the past twelve days?  Instant fame.  A circle of admirers in the Legendary and Hero ranks.  Hmmm.

It wasn’t you who did that.  Granted, I needed decent material to work with.  But it wasn’t you who deliberately spread your name and links to your threads all over threads you didn’t even follow, which were followed by people who respect me.

Sorry to burst your bubble, hon.  “You’d be surprised.”

I think a great many people never would have even heard of Alia, if not for actions on my own part.  I was well-intended—and I was neither the first nor only one fooled.  But I did get fooled; and I raised her profile.

Especially in the Legendary section, I think a good many of you reading this can attest to yourselves that you never even would have heard of Alia, were it not for me.

On that last point, aTriz will need to speak for himself.  Though I seriously doubt that Alia would have ever come to his attention if not for me, I do not have any direct knowledge of how he found her signature-sale thread, nor of private business dealings between them.

scam_detector, whoever you are, I thought you came off reasonably in the other thread when we settled ( your accusation against me, and also when I nailed Alia for having to known Dave ( from “the best” “wallet recovery service” (Dave speaks (  I also will here assume good faith on your part, since you were the one who brought the Alia matter to light.

To better keep focus on the substantive issues, first I wish to point out a few things about where the Alia scam thread got off track.

In addition, the same people claim that I just opened the thread to target them all, which is ridiculous. No, not only Lauda has claimed this, but also QS. The problem with the whole thing now is that they all seem to be under paranoia and any accusation that goes in their direction is seen as an attack on them. They do not want to understand that the world is not just about them. There are people who give a shit on your quarrel (OG, QS, Lauda, ​​etc.). Do you now realize why I had to create an alt account?

Please do understand the response by people who are in fact subjected to daily troll attacks by known as well as new sockpuppet accounts.  You may disdain these ongoing feuds—but the people involved in them can’t, not when they get spurious attack threads launched against them which sometimes grow to 15 pages in the first day.

If you were to deal with that every day—well, foremost, I think that’s really why you avoid these feuds.  Also, why you are using an alt account.  You don’t want to deal with that every day.  For if you did, it would eat your time; and you would quite reasonably come to develop some reflexes about an anonymous party hurling about accusations.  Ok, it’s this today.

I do think that this is the reason why no action was taken until ibminer tagged Alia and posted in that thread.

For my part, you will observe, I did not enter that thread with a simple “go away, troll” response to you.  That was indeed my own initial reflex; and I wrote a post to such effect.  The reason why that was never posted was part prudence, part luck:  Prudence, insofar as I have developed the habit of checking pertinent trust pages before I post about an issue; and luck, because RGBKey and Joel_Jantsen had tagged Alia.

I didn’t take you seriously, scam_detector.  I took RGBKey seriously, because I have interacted with him in Development & Technology Discussion; I know he’s smart, and not a troll.  Moreover, his negative was reinforced by the harsh words in Joel_Jantsen’s neutral (since changed to negative).

I slammed on the brakes when I saw that.  Then, ibminer posted...

The foregoing is illustrative of why you received the initial response you did, quoted above.

Another problem with that thread was the way you tied the Alia and aTriz issues together.  Being somewhat closer to the situation than you are—I snorted when I saw that.  The very title made it come off like the wacky sorts of accusations heard here daily.  Of course, this problem should be solved by the dividing of issues between threads.

Now here, I think it is wise to presume your intent is to state in good faith what you believe to be a meritorious accusation against aTriz.

I think the most reasonable discussion of that would be served by not allowing conflation of spurious issues.  In the Alia thread, I identified discussion of four different issues (—two Alia issues (which are here offtopic), and two aTriz issues.

One issue on-topic here, and (I think) not raised by you anywhere, is the spurious insinuation that aTriz did something wrong by locking in a three-year signature contract with Alia.  I think it’s clear, aTriz got scammed—and that’s the long and short of the matter.  In the absence of any cogent reason to the contrary, I would suggest explicitly dismissing this as a frivolous issue so as to focus on the gambling issue.

On the gambling issue, it is difficult for me to reach a firm opinion.  As I said in the Alia thread, I don’t know enough about gambling to assess this issue.  I have trouble following the discussion, since I do not know all the jargon.  It would take me hours of reading to even begin to get a handle on the issue, when I am already exhausted (now awake much >24 hours due to this Alia blowup...).  I’d be interested in hearing what unbiased, technically competent persons who know gambling have to say about the matter.

I do think it’s clear that aTriz doesn’t know anything about scripting on a technical level.

Also, missing from your thread-split OP is the question of culpability.  Somebody who knowingly promotes a scam is much worse than somebody who is scammed into believing in a scam.  When you write this:

First he claims that their method works 100% and now he claims that he does not know how the system works. I have to admit, I also do not know how it works, but after seeing posts from users who apparently knew what they're talking about, I realized there was something shady about her method.

Well, what would you do without the “users who apparently knew what they’re talking about”?  What if you, scam_detector, with your current level of gambling knowledge, were told by somebody who seemed knowledgeable that “their method works 100%”, etc.?

You might say that you’d avoid such a situation.  That’s easy to say when you are not in the situation.  Now, consider if a scammer has already engendered your trust sufficiently to lock you into long-term contracts with much prepayment.  The person is a sort of “rising star”, admired on the forum and apparently well-liked by some technically competent people.  That person apparently shows knowledge superior to yours—then tells you, “this will work 100%”.

Context can be important.  Without knowing the technical gambling part or what the script actually did, the best I can guess is:  aTriz probably did something at best foolhardy, at worst foolhardy; and he got scammed.

By keeping focused on a calm, reasonable examination of what Alia’s script did, gambling-wise—what aTriz knew or should have known about it—and what aTriz did or didn’t do about it, I think the matter can be handled without 25-page flamewars which are 90% off those topics.  On my presumption of you’re here, I believe that to be your goal, scam_detector.

I will now mostly defer to people who actually understand gambling issues.  Frankly, I myself would like to see this explained.  However, unless/until I crash asleep, I will promptly drive a spike through anything which looks like blaming the victim for getting scammed out of a three-year contract, etc.  (That issue, I very well do understand.)

Three letters. WOW. I had to let it sink first. I did not think a post could change my mind about another person (aTriz), but your post did it. Your post is a perfect example of how to argue conclusively and calmly. After reading your post I feel bad about having brought a very likely innocent person (aTriz) in connection with a scammer (alia) or accusing aTriz to be involved in the scam.  I still believe that his actions should have consequences, but no longer think he should be painted red. That would be too harsh a punishment for which he most likely just naive acted. You have just climbed a level in my personal trust level (nullius).

I am very sorry aTriz. I acted too fast and thoughtless.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: actmyname on February 28, 2018, 01:19:28 PM
Ignorance at best
It is foolish to trust scripts
Luck is unchanging

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on February 28, 2018, 01:47:09 PM
What you are claiming is that every player has the same skill level. Given infinite games, mathematically, every player, regardless of skill, will lose infinite money to the house. In the short term, skill and strategy entirely comes into play. I payed out profit to investors using this script. aTriz used it himself and saw results. Blame one of the top users of this forum for no reason - classic mdayonliar.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Rakeshdobar1 on February 28, 2018, 01:50:12 PM
Scripts giving good ROI :o , why would he need to sell?? Why would Atriz needed to manage the fuckin Campaigns for 0.25 BTC when he can get good ROI?? 20 Rolls a day can make your week happy no need to manage the spreadsheet and saying you are in, you are out ;D
I am a hardcore gambler, I made 3 BTC just by gambling , I have searched enough scripts in my STD 11 and most are self vouched scum unless it is a greasemonkey script or Imacros.
I find the whole cartel involved here, Neither trust your satoshi with them.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on February 28, 2018, 01:52:23 PM
Scripts giving good ROI :o , why would he need to sell?? Why would Atriz needed to manage the fuckin Campaigns for 0.25 BTC when he can get good ROI?? 20 Rolls a day can make your week happy no need to manage the spreadsheet and saying you are in, you are out ;D
I am a hardcore gambler, I made 3 BTC just by gambling , I have searched enough scripts in my STD 11 and most are self vouched scum unless it is a greasemonkey script or Imacros.
I find the whole cartel involved here, Neither trust your satoshi with them.

Good ROI in the micro-short term. Sure, profit can be made, but not for long. Therefore, profits are smaller than I would like. Selling the script is easy, stress-free money, and has no variance involved.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on February 28, 2018, 02:00:24 PM
WTF - leave aTriz out of this fella.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: hilariousetc on February 28, 2018, 02:14:40 PM
I think aTriz was thinking with the wrong head here and blew his beans prematurely. I hope at least he got a free cam show chucked in the deal. Not really worth it if he has to pay the deal in full for the three years though ;D.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on February 28, 2018, 02:16:47 PM
I think aTriz was thinking with the wrong head here and blew his beans prematurely. I hope at least he got a free cam show chucked in the deal. Not really worth it if he has to pay the deal in full for the three years though ;D.


pros - probably shot his load...
cons - going to get a load of crap on the forum and is out some bitkorns.

probably still worth it..

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on February 28, 2018, 02:19:15 PM
I think aTriz was thinking with the wrong head here and blew his beans prematurely. I hope at least he got a free cam show chucked in the deal. Not really worth it if he has to pay the deal in full for the three years though ;D.


pros - probably shot his load...
cons - going to get a load of crap on the forum and is out some bitkorns.

probably still worth it..

Surprisingly, aTriz denied the few sexual advances I made. He's just a nice chap. I didn't cam him, as much as I would have liked to

Edit: OP lied (saying that I have scammed people and insinuating that I will scam more), and instead of letting me reply, locked the thread instantly. Take his words with a grain of salt because he has been proven to be a manipulative liar.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on February 28, 2018, 02:25:35 PM
OP lied (saying that I have scammed people and insinuating that I will scam more), and instead of letting me reply, locked the thread instantly. Take his words with a grain of salt because he has been proven to be a manipulative liar.

*With significant proof that you and potentially a brother/boyfriend control a number of accounts, the others of which are known to be scammers, as well as tried to use the forum to partake in tax evasion and gambling scams, OP help to bring this to light before locking the thread after 15 pages of discussion after you confirmed these facts, insulted other forum members, and left yourself positive trust feedback twice.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 02:29:43 PM
Your whole thread setup was exactly that, negative of both aTriz and me who are not related to Alia. I think after hundreds of these attacks, I developed a new sense for them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Excuse the wrong date of the quote; as someone likes to say in similar wording, OP is digging their own hole shamelessly attacking innocent victims.

I think aTriz was thinking with the wrong head here and blew his beans prematurely. I hope at least he got a free cam show chucked in the deal. Not really worth it if he has to pay the deal in full for the three years though ;D.
He acted quite naively there, but then again he's not part of the people actively dealing with scammers.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on February 28, 2018, 02:31:16 PM
OP lied (saying that I have scammed people and insinuating that I will scam more), and instead of letting me reply, locked the thread instantly. Take his words with a grain of salt because he has been proven to be a manipulative liar.

*With significant proof that you and potentially a brother/boyfriend control a number of accounts, the others of which are known to be scammers, as well as tried to use the forum to partake in tax evasion and gambling scams, OP help to bring this to light before locking the thread after 15 pages of discussion after you confirmed these facts, insulted other forum members, and left yourself positive trust feedback twice.

Tax evasion, never happened. Gambling scam, never happened. Keep talking, liars

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on February 28, 2018, 02:31:29 PM
Your whole thread setup was exactly that, negative of both aTriz and me who are not related to Alia. I think after hundreds of these attacks, I developed a new sense for them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Excuse the wrong date of the quote; as someone likes to say in similar wording, OP is digging their own hole shamelessly attacking innocent victims.

Spot on

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Quickseller on February 28, 2018, 02:33:18 PM
I would not trust aTriz. I don’t think it is so much about the review as it is about the vouching for the gambling script when it has been shown that he very much knew what he was doing.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on February 28, 2018, 02:33:35 PM
I think aTriz was thinking with the wrong head here and blew his beans prematurely. I hope at least he got a free cam show chucked in the deal. Not really worth it if he has to pay the deal in full for the three years though ;D.


pros - probably shot his load...
cons - going to get a load of crap on the forum and is out some bitkorns.

probably still worth it..

Surprisingly, aTriz denied the few sexual advances I made. He's just a nice chap. I didn't cam him, as much as I would have liked to

Edit: OP lied (saying that I have scammed people and insinuating that I will scam more), and instead of letting me reply, locked the thread instantly. Take his words with a grain of salt because he has been proven to be a manipulative liar.

I have locked the other thread because I was asked to do so by a Legendary Member. It is now obvious to anyone that you have prepared a long-term scam in which you want to push your trust through trusting members. This thread is about the consequences aTriz has to carry through his actions and recommendation (script). Meanwhile, I've changed my mind that he was not involved in your long-term scam. Despite everything, his action must have consequences. Had other members acted just like him, they would have been painted red.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on February 28, 2018, 02:34:53 PM
I think aTriz was thinking with the wrong head here and blew his beans prematurely. I hope at least he got a free cam show chucked in the deal. Not really worth it if he has to pay the deal in full for the three years though ;D.


pros - probably shot his load...
cons - going to get a load of crap on the forum and is out some bitkorns.

probably still worth it..

Surprisingly, aTriz denied the few sexual advances I made. He's just a nice chap. I didn't cam him, as much as I would have liked to

Edit: OP lied (saying that I have scammed people and insinuating that I will scam more), and instead of letting me reply, locked the thread instantly. Take his words with a grain of salt because he has been proven to be a manipulative liar.

I have locked the other thread because I was asked to do so by a Legendary Member. It is now obvious to anyone that you have prepared a long-term scam in which you want to push your trust through trusting members. This thread is about the consequences aTriz has to carry through his actions and recommendation (script). Meanwhile, I've changed my mind that he was not involved in your long-term scam. Despite everything, his action must have consequences. Had other members acted just like him, they would have been painted red.

Are you every Legendary member's bitch? I have "prepared a long-term scam", yet there is zero evidence of this thus far. I have not scammed a single satoshi. Stop accusing people, and fuck outta here

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: nullius on February 28, 2018, 02:35:52 PM
Your whole thread setup was exactly that, negative of both aTriz and me who are not related to Alia. I think after hundreds of these attacks, I developed a new sense for them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Excuse the wrong date of the quote; as someone likes to say in similar wording, OP is digging their own hole shamelessly attacking innocent victims.

Spot on

I believe that Lauda is talking about your victims.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on February 28, 2018, 02:38:18 PM
Your whole thread setup was exactly that, negative of both aTriz and me who are not related to Alia. I think after hundreds of these attacks, I developed a new sense for them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Excuse the wrong date of the quote; as someone likes to say in similar wording, OP is digging their own hole shamelessly attacking innocent victims.

Spot on

I believe that Lauda is talking about your victims.

I don't have any victims. The only possible victims here are victims because of stupid allegations by this retard mdayonliner. Easy for you to get out of, but aTriz and Lauda have done nothing wrong here.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on February 28, 2018, 02:41:40 PM
Alia you are not the topic here! Open a thread in the off-topic area.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on February 28, 2018, 02:42:31 PM
Alia you are not the topic here! Open a thread in the off-topic area.

I wasn't talking to you, shitbag. Your whole life should be in the off-topic section, imho.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Rakeshdobar1 on February 28, 2018, 02:43:12 PM

Surprisingly, aTriz denied the few sexual advances I made. He's just a nice chap. I didn't cam him, as much as I would have liked to

Edit: OP lied (saying that I have scammed people and insinuating that I will scam more), and instead of letting me reply, locked the thread instantly. Take his words with a grain of salt because he has been proven to be a manipulative liar.
Others who are on the cam seeing you cumming are bad people??  ???
Fingering? Cumming?? Why not killing people for Money mBTC.

I am not against Atriz but i believe that few group of people are using DT system to fuck this forum for their ego.
Remove only one person from DT and everything will be normal as back when neither QS was here nor Lauda was Notable.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on February 28, 2018, 02:44:48 PM
Alia you are not the topic here! Open a thread in the off-topic area.

I wasn't talking to you, shitbag. Your whole life should be in the off-topic section, imho.

And now the true colours start to show.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on February 28, 2018, 02:45:31 PM
Alia you are not the topic here! Open a thread in the off-topic area.

I wasn't talking to you, shitbag. Your whole life should be in the off-topic section, imho.

And now the true colours start to show.

Sorry for the harshness... not a fan of dumb people saying dumb stuff.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on February 28, 2018, 02:47:46 PM
Guys, please do not answer on alias posts anymore. Thank you.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on February 28, 2018, 02:50:10 PM
Guys, please do not answer on alias posts anymore. Thank you.

Yeah, because fuck reason and logic! To hell with all of that! ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on February 28, 2018, 02:58:05 PM
Guys, please do not answer on alias posts anymore. Thank you.

To be fair here, you did just lock a thread that contained an ongoing discussion.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on February 28, 2018, 03:00:14 PM
Guys, please do not answer on alias posts anymore. Thank you.

To be fair here, you did just lock a thread that contained an ongoing discussion.

Exactly my point. It seemed like he wanted to get the last word in, and cut off the dialogue without any chance of a rebuttal. Cute move, but it clearly didn't work

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Quickseller on February 28, 2018, 03:01:42 PM
Guys, please do not answer on alias posts anymore. Thank you.

To be fair here, you did just lock a thread that contained an ongoing discussion.
The other thread really should remain open until there is a resolution which has clearly not happened.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: JayJuanGee on February 28, 2018, 03:04:35 PM
Guys, please do not answer on alias posts anymore. Thank you.

To be fair here, you did just lock a thread that contained an ongoing discussion.

Exactly my point. It seemed like he wanted to get the last word in, and cut off the dialogue without any chance of a rebuttal. Cute move, but it clearly didn't work

Actually, even though I believe Alia is not really helping her case, I do agree with the point that the other thread should not have been locked during the ongoing discussion, and that topic should not have to move to another thread in order to continue  - even though it does seem fair enough to open this new thread.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on February 28, 2018, 03:06:40 PM
Guys, please do not answer on alias posts anymore. Thank you.

To be fair here, you did just lock a thread that contained an ongoing discussion.

Exactly my point. It seemed like he wanted to get the last word in, and cut off the dialogue without any chance of a rebuttal. Cute move, but it clearly didn't work

Actually, even though I believe Alia is not really helping her case, I do agree with the point that the other thread should not have been locked during the ongoing discussion, and that topic should not have to move to another thread in order to continue  - even though it does seem fair enough to open this new thread.

Feels like I was just a stepping stone, and OP's real targets are Lauda and aTriz, as his main account mdayonliner show. Anyway, I'm off to bed, let's hope I wake up to some more good drama that I can debunk.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on February 28, 2018, 03:10:15 PM
If you really want, then I open the thread again. You will end up where you started again. The discussion has not progressed for a few pages.  ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: JayJuanGee on February 28, 2018, 03:17:04 PM
If you really want, then I open the thread again. You will end up where you started again. The discussion has not progressed for a few pages.  ::)

I think that you gotta let some of that nonsense play out for a while.  There had been still some new quasi-topical revelations there, even though sometimes a bit painful, too.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: tmfp on February 28, 2018, 03:29:47 PM
I suggested to scam detector that he should think about locking his other thread, as and when he believed that the substantive points had been made.
If only other thread starters would do the same.
Out of the last 24 posts, 16 were personal alia/nullius recriminations, and her/his/its other recent responses were just abuse or drivel.
The alia account is effectively dead, just a noisy twitching corpse now.

It was an unpleasant surprise to see someone who appeared to be level headed like aTriz, making the errors of judgement he has made in vouching for a gambling script and pre paying a large signature deal with a newbie, based on a 'contract' apparently scribbled on the back of an envelope.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Wendigo on February 28, 2018, 03:30:15 PM
This shit is fucking hilarious really. Just do a search for the real name of revcback and you would find an interesting interview. There is a sibling indeed ;)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: ibminer on February 28, 2018, 03:40:41 PM
It is disappointing(concerning?) that a 1 month old e-whore account would have gotten a 5 month upfront payment from aTriz on a 3 year contract with a clause stating that red trust doesn't matter. ???  Maybe it is because I'm not active in the campaign management business but this seems highly irrational to me?  :-\   I'm curious to hear more from aTriz on this.

I also want to note: Without knowing who the OP is nor what potential ulterior motives they may or may not have, I have avoided responding directly to whoever it is. I'm just looking for evidence and/or verifiable information.

EDIT: Fixed for clarification. I misunderstood a post done by aTriz relating to the "red trust clause" mentioned above. Actual contract is here ( which came with a 5 month upfront payment.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 03:45:47 PM
It is disappointing(concerning?) that a Jr. Member e-whore would have gotten a 5 month upfront payment from aTriz on a 3 year contract with a clause stating that red trust doesn't matter. ???  
That is not correct I believe. There is no clause addressing a potential trust rating of any kind; there are also no clauses addressing other potential *situations*

Maybe it is because I'm not active in the campaign management business but this seems highly irrational to me?  :-\  
Campaign management has nothing to do with striking private (custom) advertising deals. In campaign management, negative trust of members is usually a no-go. Yes, the deal was very vague and obviously a mistake on his end (hindsight is 10/10 as always).

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Quickseller on February 28, 2018, 03:46:59 PM
I suggested to scam detector that he should think about locking his other thread, as and when he believed that the substantive points had been made.
If only other thread starters would do the same.
Out of the last 24 posts, 16 were personal alia/nullius recriminations, and her/his/its other recent responses were just abuse or drivel.
The alia account is effectively dead, just a noisy twitching corpse now.
The accused have the right to defend themselves no matter how clear it is they are a scammer and no matter how bad continuing to respond makes them look. Unless the OP wants to admit he was wrong about alia (it is fairly clear to me he was not), the thread should remain open.

The separate thread about aTriz is appropriate as comments about him seem to pretty quickly get buried, perhaps this was intentional...

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: ibminer on February 28, 2018, 03:55:45 PM
It is disappointing(concerning?) that a Jr. Member e-whore would have gotten a 5 month upfront payment from aTriz on a 3 year contract with a clause stating that red trust doesn't matter. ???  
That is not correct I believe. There is no clause addressing a potential trust rating of any kind; there are also no clauses addresses other potential *situations*

I'm going based off of what aTriz stated himself here:
Do you get your money back if she gets negative trust?
Nope :( I don't that was in the contract. Technically the contract means I have to buy her sig for 3 years, correct?
..which sounds like there was a clause in the contract exempting this user from negative trust and allowing them to continue in the campaign regardless of what negative trust they get.

Maybe it is because I'm not active in the campaign management business but this seems highly irrational to me?  :-\  
Campaign management has nothing to do with striking private (custom) advertising deals. In campaign management, negative trust of members is usually a no-go.
I guess I can separate the two as a publicly run signature campaign and a privately run signature campaign, but in either case, why would a private advertising deal on this forum include a clause allowing the user to get red trust and still be paid for advertising?

Again, there is no clause at all let alone one exempting someone from negative trust. Read the actual contract:
Thanks, I did not realize the private deal was publicly posted ::)  I'm not quite sure what aTriz meant with his post then?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 04:02:32 PM
..which sounds like there was a clause in the contract exempting this user from negative trust and allowing them to continue in the campaign regardless of what negative trust they get.

I guess I can separate the two as a publicly run signature campaign and a privately run signature campaign, but in either case, why would a private advertising deal on this forum include a clause allowing the user to get red trust and still be paid for advertising?
Again, there is no clause at all let alone one exempting someone from negative trust. Read the actual contract:

aTriz and I are going into a 3-year contract for my signature space. The terms are as follows:

- - I will post anywhere from 30 to 100 posts monthly on bitcointalk
- - By the end of the three year term, I will be a Legendary member
- - For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space

If any of these terms are not met, aTriz has no obligation to continue payments, and I will refund him the total paid amount.

The total payment amount is 1.1 BTC, locked in at a rate of 12741.75 SGD per coin (9654.30 USD).
The payments will be done in BTC, but BTC will simply act as a payment method - the value will be pegged to the SGD amount, the total being 14015.93 SGD.

A monthly payment of (14015.93/36 = 389.33) SGD will be made (~294 USD, for reference). This will be converted and paid in BTC according to the BTC to SGD rate on the last day of every month.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Quickseller on February 28, 2018, 04:03:20 PM
The question of negative trust is not addressed in the contact that aTriz agreed to and confirmed. The terms were 30-100 posts/month with alia wearing the signature of aTriz’s choice in exchange for ~$400 per month.

Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 04:05:01 PM
Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on February 28, 2018, 04:10:43 PM
This thread is not mainly about the contract between aTriz and alia, but about this, in my opinion, massive problem.

I don't see how the deal with aTriz is related to the other stuff. Why are you writing using the 'he' pronoun here "he shows no evidence.."?
Wait a minute Lauda. Something is very fishy here.

alia all of sudden decided to close this thread because "she has found big investors"(on Feb. 25.) and after that she opened new(self-moderated) thread(on Feb. 26) offering winning script and aTriz confirmed that it is winning script:

Was given a vouch copy of the method by op and played around with in with funds from the faucet.

In my limited experience if it, I profited and worked perfectly. Would recommend.

I made an extremely good ROI, and I’m sure that others who buy the method will experience similar results. Thanks, Alia!

How someone with 7+ trust rate can say such stupid thing in such thread? It is EV- game, such script DOESN'T exist. Also he is recommending something which he has tried from faucet? He said he made extremely good ROI? From faucet?  
That is just fucked up.

Besides, Selling winning scripts is equal to scamming people, and whoever offered such script in past was bashed by everyone  ::)

Also, it would be OK if users mentioned in this locked thread confirm that they watched her gambling and winning money and not only striping:
   nullius         0.01            0.02              200%
 slaman29     0.1              0.107             107%
  v4d1mm    0.0475           0.052           109%
TelevisionLover  0.1            0.109           109%
SyGambler    0.01            0.012           120%
live:tonyl6         2.5              2.8           112%
    favours         0.8              0.88           110%

I don't even want to comment her illegal money laundry tax evade service.  ::)

Imagine I never opened this thread. I'm pretty sure alia could have scammed some people because of aTriz review. She could have broadened her network and scammed more and more potential victims. Somehow nobody thinks about this.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 04:15:08 PM
This thread is not mainly about the contract between aTriz and alia, but about this, in my opinion, massive problem.
No, you're massively full of hypocrisy. If you were concerned about such situations and similar, you'd be advocating against people advertising Betcoin post them getting a lot of negatives. This is just one example of many. However, those examples don't implicate aTriz so I guess, in my opinion, they aren't a massive problem. ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on February 28, 2018, 04:18:18 PM
This thread is not mainly about the contract between aTriz and alia, but about this, in my opinion, massive problem.
No, you're massively full of hypocrisy. If you were concerned about such situations and similar, you'd be advocating against people advertising Betcoin post them getting a lot of negatives. This is just one example of many. However, those examples don't implicate aTriz so I guess, in my opinion, they aren't a massive problem. ::)

I have one word for you: Whataboutism (  ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 04:19:50 PM
This thread is not mainly about the contract between aTriz and alia, but about this, in my opinion, massive problem.
No, you're massively full of hypocrisy. If you were concerned about such situations and similar, you'd be advocating against people advertising Betcoin post them getting a lot of negatives. This is just one example of many. However, those examples don't implicate aTriz so I guess, in my opinion, they aren't a massive problem. ::)
I have one word for you: Whataboutism (  ::)
That implies that you have a valid argument. You do not. Try again. I do not like slopes (

I imagine your claims and actions will become more and more desperate as time passes..
Such a handy quote.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: ibminer on February 28, 2018, 04:28:59 PM
Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.

I have to assume aTriz is referring to something with his post... but I agree, it seems like the contract, as posted, should not hold aTriz accountable to continue payments. Still not sure why one would agree to a 5 month upfront payment in this situation. Seems like quite a risk for a user with no real prior history who has only been on the forum 1 month.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 04:31:28 PM
Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.
I have to assume aTriz is referring to something with his post... but I agree, it seems like the contract, as posted, should not hold aTriz accountable to continue payments.
Not really, no. He's addressing the exact question, and his response is "Nope, I don't that was in the contract". In other words: The case if alia gets a negative rating is/was not covered by the contract.

Still not sure why one would agree to a 5 month upfront payment in this situation. Seems like quite a risk for a user with no real prior history who has only been on the forum 1 month.
Indeed. When I was informed of the contract, I couldn't even remotely imagine a upfront 5 month payment. To get an answer from him on this, you're going to have to wait several hours though.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: marlboroza on February 28, 2018, 04:38:24 PM
Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.

I have to assume aTriz is referring to something with his post... but I agree, it seems like the contract, as posted, should not hold aTriz accountable to continue payments. Still not sure why one would agree to a 5 month upfront payment in this situation. Seems like quite a risk for a user with no real prior history who has only been on the forum 1 month.

This rule is interesting:
For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space

He should send (s)cam girl legendary signature, she won't be able to wear it, and I don't see "junior member signature" is mentioned anywhere in contract  :D

@OP i am not sure, but maybe aTriz was thinking with his dick  :-\

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 04:41:39 PM
@OP i am not sure, but maybe aTriz was thinking with his dick  :-\
Possibly. However, we rarely go on witch hunts on innocent people who made a bad business decision or two.

I guess I can separate the two as a publicly run signature campaign and a privately run signature campaign, but in either case, why would a private advertising deal on this forum include a clause allowing the user to get red trust and still be paid for advertising?
I'd like to clarify this:
1) Campaign management is usually running a campaign for a third party.
2) Hiring someone to advertise for your own service is not similar to the above[1]. You can create private advertising deals that are also related to the campaign that you're managing (as per 1).

[1] If it were, then every service that entered into private advertising deals with signatures would be considered a campaign manager; which does not make a lot of sense.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: ibminer on February 28, 2018, 04:53:02 PM
Not really, no. He's addressing the exact question, and his response is "Nope, I don't that was in the contract". In other words: The case if alia gets a negative rating is/was not covered by the contract.

So he apparently forgot a "not" in the statement ("Nope, I don't that was not in the contract"), which is understandable and why I misinterpreted this. He was likely responding to the fact that he cannot get his money back for the upfront payment because he didn't specify this in the contract. Still eager to hear from aTriz but I can accept this piece relating to the potential red trust clause and have revised my prior post.

Title: A different focus
Post by: nullius on February 28, 2018, 04:53:43 PM

I think a few words are in order about why I am peculiarly interested in this topic.  It goes beyond my own liking for aTriz:  I feel a certain sense of moral responsiblity in the matter.

As I made clear to “alia” near the end of the last thread:

How do I break this to you gently?

Do you even realize who put your account where it is right now, within the past twelve days?  Instant fame.  A circle of admirers in the Legendary and Hero ranks.  Hmmm.

It wasn’t you who did that.  Granted, I needed decent material to work with.  But it wasn’t you who deliberately spread your name and links to your threads all over threads you didn’t even follow, which were followed by people who respect me.

Sorry to burst your bubble, hon.  “You’d be surprised.”

I think a great many people never would have even heard of Alia, if not for actions on my own part.  I was well-intended—and I was neither the first nor only one fooled.  But I did get fooled; and I raised her profile.

Especially in the Legendary section, I think a good many of you reading this can attest to yourselves that you never even would have heard of Alia, were it not for me.

On that last point, aTriz will need to speak for himself.  Though I seriously doubt that Alia would have ever come to his attention if not for me, I do not have any direct knowledge of how he found her signature-sale thread, nor of private business dealings between them.

scam_detector, whoever you are, I thought you came off reasonably in the other thread when we settled ( your accusation against me, and also when I nailed Alia for having to known Dave ( from “the best” “wallet recovery service” (Dave speaks (  I also will here assume good faith on your part, since you were the one who brought the Alia matter to light.

To better keep focus on the substantive issues, first I wish to point out a few things about where the Alia scam thread got off track.

In addition, the same people claim that I just opened the thread to target them all, which is ridiculous. No, not only Lauda has claimed this, but also QS. The problem with the whole thing now is that they all seem to be under paranoia and any accusation that goes in their direction is seen as an attack on them. They do not want to understand that the world is not just about them. There are people who give a shit on your quarrel (OG, QS, Lauda, ​​etc.). Do you now realize why I had to create an alt account?

Please do understand the response by people who are in fact subjected to daily troll attacks by known as well as new sockpuppet accounts.  You may disdain these ongoing feuds—but the people involved in them can’t, not when they get spurious attack threads launched against them which sometimes grow to 15 pages in the first day.

If you were to deal with that every day—well, foremost, I think that’s really why you avoid these feuds.  Also, why you are using an alt account.  You don’t want to deal with that every day.  For if you did, it would eat your time; and you would quite reasonably come to develop some reflexes about an anonymous party hurling about accusations.  Ok, it’s this today.

I do think that this is the reason why no action was taken until ibminer tagged Alia and posted in that thread.

For my part, you will observe, I did not enter that thread with a simple “go away, troll” response to you.  That was indeed my own initial reflex; and I wrote a post to such effect.  The reason why that was never posted was part prudence, part luck:  Prudence, insofar as I have developed the habit of checking pertinent trust pages before I post about an issue; and luck, because RGBKey and Joel_Jantsen had tagged Alia.

I didn’t take you seriously, scam_detector.  I took RGBKey seriously, because I have interacted with him in Development & Technology Discussion; I know he’s smart, and not a troll.  Moreover, his negative was reinforced by the harsh words in Joel_Jantsen’s neutral (since changed to negative).

I slammed on the brakes when I saw that.  Then, ibminer posted...

The foregoing is illustrative of why you received the initial response you did, quoted above.

Another problem with that thread was the way you tied the Alia and aTriz issues together.  Being somewhat closer to the situation than you are—I snorted when I saw that.  The very title made it come off like the wacky sorts of accusations heard here daily.  Of course, this problem should be solved by the dividing of issues between threads.

Now here, I think it is wise to presume your intent is to state in good faith what you believe to be a meritorious accusation against aTriz.

I think the most reasonable discussion of that would be served by not allowing conflation of spurious issues.  In the Alia thread, I identified discussion of four different issues (—two Alia issues (which are here offtopic), and two aTriz issues.

One issue on-topic here, and (I think) not raised by you anywhere, is the spurious insinuation that aTriz did something wrong by locking in a three-year signature contract with Alia.  I think it’s clear, aTriz got scammed—and that’s the long and short of the matter.  In the absence of any cogent reason to the contrary, I would suggest explicitly dismissing this as a frivolous issue so as to focus on the gambling issue.

On the gambling issue, it is difficult for me to reach a firm opinion.  As I said in the Alia thread, I don’t know enough about gambling to assess this issue.  I have trouble following the discussion, since I do not know all the jargon.  It would take me hours of reading to even begin to get a handle on the issue, when I am already exhausted (now awake much >24 hours due to this Alia blowup...).  I’d be interested in hearing what unbiased, technically competent persons who know gambling have to say about the matter.

I do think it’s clear that aTriz doesn’t know anything about scripting on a technical level.

Also, missing from your thread-split OP is the question of culpability.  Somebody who knowingly promotes a scam is much worse than somebody who is scammed into believing in a scam.  When you write this:

First he claims that their method works 100% and now he claims that he does not know how the system works. I have to admit, I also do not know how it works, but after seeing posts from users who apparently knew what they're talking about, I realized there was something shady about her method.

Well, what would you do without the “users who apparently knew what they’re talking about”?  What if you, scam_detector, with your current level of gambling knowledge, were told by somebody who seemed knowledgeable that “their method works 100%”, etc.?

You might say that you’d avoid such a situation.  That’s easy to say when you are not in the situation.  Now, consider if a scammer has already engendered your trust sufficiently to lock you into long-term contracts with much prepayment.  The person is a sort of “rising star”, admired on the forum and apparently well-liked by some technically competent people.  That person apparently shows knowledge superior to yours—then tells you, “this will work 100%”.

Context can be important.  Without knowing the technical gambling part or what the script actually did, the best I can guess is:  aTriz probably did something at best foolhardy, at worst foolhardy; and he got scammed.

By keeping focused on a calm, reasonable examination of what Alia’s script did, gambling-wise—what aTriz knew or should have known about it—and what aTriz did or didn’t do about it, I think the matter can be handled without 25-page flamewars which are 90% off those topics.  On my presumption of you’re here, I believe that to be your goal, scam_detector.

I will now mostly defer to people who actually understand gambling issues.  Frankly, I myself would like to see this explained.  However, unless/until I crash asleep, I will promptly drive a spike through anything which looks like blaming the victim for getting scammed out of a three-year contract, etc.  (That issue, I very well do understand.)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on February 28, 2018, 04:53:52 PM
This rule is interesting:
For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space

He should send (s)cam girl legendary signature, she won't be able to wear it, and I don't see "junior member signature" is mentioned anywhere in contract  :D

Or my suggestion. He forces her to wear this signature:

Quote from: Signature
Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on February 28, 2018, 04:57:15 PM
I can see why aTriz wanted her sig space, and I can totally understand locking her down for 3 years. On the face of it she was popular and an active poster sure it was a risk but it was also a cheap deal. $300 a month isn't a lot for someone who was already on Theymos's watch list and who had convinced theymos to change her forum name.

As for the gambling vouch, didn't he just say that it worked?

OP you really need to get a life or post from your min account

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Quickseller on February 28, 2018, 05:07:37 PM
Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.

I have to assume aTriz is referring to something with his post... but I agree, it seems like the contract, as posted, should not hold aTriz accountable to continue payments. Still not sure why one would agree to a 5 month upfront payment in this situation. Seems like quite a risk for a user with no real prior history who has only been on the forum 1 month.

I am curious to know what in the written contact makes you come to this conclusion. The only way I see aTriz getting out of the contract is if alia doesn’t make at least 30 posts per month.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: marlboroza on February 28, 2018, 05:27:39 PM
As for the gambling vouch, didn't he just say that it worked?
Did he check script for backdoors?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on February 28, 2018, 05:28:43 PM

I think a few words are in order about why I am peculiarly interested in this topic.  It goes beyond my own liking for aTriz:  I feel a certain sense of moral responsiblity in the matter.

As I made clear to “alia” near the end of the last thread:

How do I break this to you gently?

Do you even realize who put your account where it is right now, within the past twelve days?  Instant fame.  A circle of admirers in the Legendary and Hero ranks.  Hmmm.

It wasn’t you who did that.  Granted, I needed decent material to work with.  But it wasn’t you who deliberately spread your name and links to your threads all over threads you didn’t even follow, which were followed by people who respect me.

Sorry to burst your bubble, hon.  “You’d be surprised.”

I think a great many people never would have even heard of Alia, if not for actions on my own part.  I was well-intended—and I was neither the first nor only one fooled.  But I did get fooled; and I raised her profile.

Especially in the Legendary section, I think a good many of you reading this can attest to yourselves that you never even would have heard of Alia, were it not for me.

On that last point, aTriz will need to speak for himself.  Though I seriously doubt that Alia would have ever come to his attention if not for me, I do not have any direct knowledge of how he found her signature-sale thread, nor of private business dealings between them.

scam_detector, whoever you are, I thought you came off reasonably in the other thread when we settled ( your accusation against me, and also when I nailed Alia for having to known Dave ( from “the best” “wallet recovery service” (Dave speaks (  I also will here assume good faith on your part, since you were the one who brought the Alia matter to light.

To better keep focus on the substantive issues, first I wish to point out a few things about where the Alia scam thread got off track.

In addition, the same people claim that I just opened the thread to target them all, which is ridiculous. No, not only Lauda has claimed this, but also QS. The problem with the whole thing now is that they all seem to be under paranoia and any accusation that goes in their direction is seen as an attack on them. They do not want to understand that the world is not just about them. There are people who give a shit on your quarrel (OG, QS, Lauda, ​​etc.). Do you now realize why I had to create an alt account?

Please do understand the response by people who are in fact subjected to daily troll attacks by known as well as new sockpuppet accounts.  You may disdain these ongoing feuds—but the people involved in them can’t, not when they get spurious attack threads launched against them which sometimes grow to 15 pages in the first day.

If you were to deal with that every day—well, foremost, I think that’s really why you avoid these feuds.  Also, why you are using an alt account.  You don’t want to deal with that every day.  For if you did, it would eat your time; and you would quite reasonably come to develop some reflexes about an anonymous party hurling about accusations.  Ok, it’s this today.

I do think that this is the reason why no action was taken until ibminer tagged Alia and posted in that thread.

For my part, you will observe, I did not enter that thread with a simple “go away, troll” response to you.  That was indeed my own initial reflex; and I wrote a post to such effect.  The reason why that was never posted was part prudence, part luck:  Prudence, insofar as I have developed the habit of checking pertinent trust pages before I post about an issue; and luck, because RGBKey and Joel_Jantsen had tagged Alia.

I didn’t take you seriously, scam_detector.  I took RGBKey seriously, because I have interacted with him in Development & Technology Discussion; I know he’s smart, and not a troll.  Moreover, his negative was reinforced by the harsh words in Joel_Jantsen’s neutral (since changed to negative).

I slammed on the brakes when I saw that.  Then, ibminer posted...

The foregoing is illustrative of why you received the initial response you did, quoted above.

Another problem with that thread was the way you tied the Alia and aTriz issues together.  Being somewhat closer to the situation than you are—I snorted when I saw that.  The very title made it come off like the wacky sorts of accusations heard here daily.  Of course, this problem should be solved by the dividing of issues between threads.

Now here, I think it is wise to presume your intent is to state in good faith what you believe to be a meritorious accusation against aTriz.

I think the most reasonable discussion of that would be served by not allowing conflation of spurious issues.  In the Alia thread, I identified discussion of four different issues (—two Alia issues (which are here offtopic), and two aTriz issues.

One issue on-topic here, and (I think) not raised by you anywhere, is the spurious insinuation that aTriz did something wrong by locking in a three-year signature contract with Alia.  I think it’s clear, aTriz got scammed—and that’s the long and short of the matter.  In the absence of any cogent reason to the contrary, I would suggest explicitly dismissing this as a frivolous issue so as to focus on the gambling issue.

On the gambling issue, it is difficult for me to reach a firm opinion.  As I said in the Alia thread, I don’t know enough about gambling to assess this issue.  I have trouble following the discussion, since I do not know all the jargon.  It would take me hours of reading to even begin to get a handle on the issue, when I am already exhausted (now awake much >24 hours due to this Alia blowup...).  I’d be interested in hearing what unbiased, technically competent persons who know gambling have to say about the matter.

I do think it’s clear that aTriz doesn’t know anything about scripting on a technical level.

Also, missing from your thread-split OP is the question of culpability.  Somebody who knowingly promotes a scam is much worse than somebody who is scammed into believing in a scam.  When you write this:

First he claims that their method works 100% and now he claims that he does not know how the system works. I have to admit, I also do not know how it works, but after seeing posts from users who apparently knew what they're talking about, I realized there was something shady about her method.

Well, what would you do without the “users who apparently knew what they’re talking about”?  What if you, scam_detector, with your current level of gambling knowledge, were told by somebody who seemed knowledgeable that “their method works 100%”, etc.?

You might say that you’d avoid such a situation.  That’s easy to say when you are not in the situation.  Now, consider if a scammer has already engendered your trust sufficiently to lock you into long-term contracts with much prepayment.  The person is a sort of “rising star”, admired on the forum and apparently well-liked by some technically competent people.  That person apparently shows knowledge superior to yours—then tells you, “this will work 100%”.

Context can be important.  Without knowing the technical gambling part or what the script actually did, the best I can guess is:  aTriz probably did something at best foolhardy, at worst foolhardy; and he got scammed.

By keeping focused on a calm, reasonable examination of what Alia’s script did, gambling-wise—what aTriz knew or should have known about it—and what aTriz did or didn’t do about it, I think the matter can be handled without 25-page flamewars which are 90% off those topics.  On my presumption of you’re here, I believe that to be your goal, scam_detector.

I will now mostly defer to people who actually understand gambling issues.  Frankly, I myself would like to see this explained.  However, unless/until I crash asleep, I will promptly drive a spike through anything which looks like blaming the victim for getting scammed out of a three-year contract, etc.  (That issue, I very well do understand.)

Three letters. WOW. I had to let it sink first. I did not think a post could change my mind about another person (aTriz), but your post did it. Your post is a perfect example of how to argue conclusively and calmly. After reading your post I feel bad about having brought a very likely innocent person (aTriz) in connection with a scammer (alia) or accusing aTriz to be involved in the scam.  I still believe that his actions should have consequences, but no longer think he should be painted red. That would be too harsh a punishment for which he most likely just naive acted. You have just climbed a level in my personal trust level (nullius).

I am very sorry aTriz. I acted too fast and thoughtless.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 05:32:26 PM
As for the gambling vouch, didn't he just say that it worked?
Did he check script for backdoors?
That would imply that he knows more than what a variable initialization looks like. To my knowledge, he does not.

I very sorry aTriz. I acted too fast and thoughtless.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: ibminer on February 28, 2018, 05:46:18 PM
Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.

I have to assume aTriz is referring to something with his post... but I agree, it seems like the contract, as posted, should not hold aTriz accountable to continue payments. Still not sure why one would agree to a 5 month upfront payment in this situation. Seems like quite a risk for a user with no real prior history who has only been on the forum 1 month.

I am curious to know what in the written contact makes you come to this conclusion. The only way I see aTriz getting out of the contract is if alia doesn’t make at least 30 posts per month.

I don't think he's obligated to pay. He entered into the contract thinking someone was who they said they were and that person is clearly a liar who is misrepresenting themselves, so IMO the contract could be void just based on the fact it was created under false pretenses. I'd also add that standard public policies amongst the community has generally been that red trust == removal from signature campaigns which I believe adds further reasoning.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Quickseller on February 28, 2018, 05:49:04 PM
The three year contract that aTriz entered into gave both parties who are very new to the signature campaign market an undeserved appearance of trustworthiness. If aTriz is entering into three year signature campaign contracts then surely he is sufficiently experienced to manage my campaign (yet of course this ignores the fact that aTriz has virtually no experience in this field, a couple of months worth maybe).

In regards to the gambling script, it is clear that aTriz knows there is no way to beat the house in a provably fair casino with a house edge based on his posting history, someone quoted several of his old posts that demonstrate this. He was vouching for something he very well knew was being misrepresented.

If you ignore the above, then he was vouching for something he didn’t understand and could not possibly vouch for. If you believe this, then why would you believe anything else aTriz says? Why would it be appropriate to entrust aTriz if he has a history of not doing his due diligence?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 05:54:46 PM
Here we go again: OP *stands down*, the forum's Iago continues his personal vendetta.

manage my campaign (yet of course this ignores the fact that aTriz has virtually no experience in this field, a couple of months worth maybe).
I guess you intentionally like to make obvious lies. ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on February 28, 2018, 06:03:50 PM
Here we go again: OP *stands down*, the forum's Iago continues his personal vendetta.

Oh my god, you really seem to have a mental problem. I will not close this thread for two reasons.

  • First, I was criticized earlier for closing the other thread in the middle of the discussion.
  • And second, I do not like your manner. You are a very arrogant, opinionated person who does not accept other opinions. I just do not want to give you the satisfaction of telling me something.

I will not respond to your posts anymore! I will now go offline.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 06:07:29 PM
Oh my god, you really seem to have a mental problem.
Take a look in the mirror, sockpuppet.

I will not close this thread for two reasons.
Did not ask you to.

And second, I do not like your manner.
Do you really think I care whether some random likes me or not? Cute.

I will not respond to your posts anymore!
You've said that already, and we've established that you're a liar. No wonder you like Iago. ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: nullius on February 28, 2018, 06:08:51 PM
Three letters. WOW. I had to let it sink first. I did not think a post could change my mind about another person (aTriz), but your post did it. Your post is a perfect example of how to argue conclusively and calmly. After reading your post I feel bad about having brought a very likely innocent person (aTriz) in connection with a scammer (alia) or accusing aTriz to be involved in the scam.  I still believe that his actions should have consequences, but no longer think he should be painted red. That would be too harsh a punishment for which he most likely just naive acted. You have just climbed a level in my personal trust level (nullius).

I am very sorry aTriz. I acted too fast and thoughtless.

Thank you, scam_detector.  I think that when aTriz arrives, all this can be settled amicably some way which reasonably assures that the thing you complain of will not happen again.  I think that’s what you’re seeking; am I right?

Aside, it was from your behaviour in the other thread that I concluded that your intentions are what you claim:  Fighting scams—while not risking flamewar blowback to your main account, but also not taking credit as “the one who outed Alia”.  I see that I was correct in this assessment.

For all the people discussing that signature contract:

In the Alia scam thread, I raised the issue of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.  Rather than digging up what few words I already said on the topic, or trying to write new ones—here, have a wiki link:

TL;DR:  Terms such as “you must not be a scammer totally misrepresenting your identity to obain this contract” do not need to be written into a contract.  They are implicit in all contracts; and breach thereof is material breach of the contract.

Ignorance at best
It is foolish to trust scripts
Luck is unchanging

Thank you.  That was—not only witty, but quite instructive, I think.

Out of the last 24 posts, 16 were personal alia/nullius recriminations, and her/his/its other recent responses were just abuse or drivel.

At least mine were witty—and true.

It was an unpleasant surprise to see someone who appeared to be level headed like aTriz, making the errors of judgement he has made in vouching for a gambling script and pre paying a large signature deal with a newbie, based on a 'contract' apparently scribbled on the back of an envelope.

My best guess:  Star power.  Movie studio exec rushes to lock in a hot rising starlet, who is supposed to be the Next Big Thing—and it turns out, there is some nasty surprise about her...

Again, my guess.

I note that aTriz also hinted at making an offer for my signature.  From Alia’s signature-selling thread:

Do we get the sig space of your alt nullius as well? :P

(Disclosure:  Some discussions were had.  The only reason why I’m not wearing a paid signature now is that I really don’t want one—although I do not wholly exclude the possibility; remember, I’m the guy who couldn’t get scammed out of 1.2 BTC because I don’t have it.  Nevertheless, my PGP key fingerprints need the space.  PGP fingerprints are important to me.)

@OP i am not sure, but maybe aTriz was thinking with his dick  :-\

Though I was not privy to any discussions between them whatsoever, I doubt that.  I suspect that aTriz was simply interested in snapping up her signature and, he hoped, mine also.

Quote from: Signature
Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.

Good idea.  (Suddenly, the prepayment money becomes a public service.)

$300 a month isn't a lot for someone who was already on Theymos's watch list and who had convinced theymos to change her forum name.

My bad.  Oops.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: actmyname on February 28, 2018, 06:11:49 PM
I am very sorry aTriz. I acted too fast and thoughtless.
First, I was criticized earlier for closing the other thread in the middle of the discussion.
There needn't be more
Here, future speech relates not
Look at the title

(Has it not been resolved?
Need we continue any more?
Pointless dialogues?)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: OgNasty on February 28, 2018, 06:29:41 PM
I'd be concerned why aTriz rushed to team up with a fraudster like alia that tried to pull the wool over theymos' eyes ( as well as a documented extortionist like Lauda ( who has been fired for his behavior, and seemingly has been taking out small loans to establish trust ratings (  Not actions you'd expect to see from an aspiring signature manager.

Title: Re: A different focus
Post by: LoyceV on February 28, 2018, 06:44:11 PM
On the gambling issue, it is difficult for me to reach a firm opinion.  As I said in the Alia thread, I don’t know enough about gambling to assess this issue.  I have trouble following the discussion, since I do not know all the jargon.  It would take me hours of reading to even begin to get a handle on the issue, when I am already exhausted (now awake much >24 hours due to this Alia blowup...).  I’d be interested in hearing what unbiased, technically competent persons who know gambling have to say about the matter.
Do you mind if I jump in here? I've been a Mod in an online casino for over two years, and the one thing that's always been very clear, is there is no winning method, script or bot. You can get lucky, you can get lucky quite a lot, but luck is all there is to it. You can win at 1% chance, or lose at 98% chance. The former is just much less likely than the latter, but both are possible.

aTriz posted this:
Was given a vouch copy of the method by op and played around with in with funds from the faucet.

With the 10 minutes I used this script with, I profited and worked perfectly. Would recommend.

I made an extremely good ROI, and I’m sure that others who buy the method will experience similar results. Thanks, Alia!
Let's assume he turned a 30% profit in 10 minutes. I just went to BetKing, played 1 bet at 76% chance, and instantly earned 30% profit (Bet # 32333134)!
What does this say about my system? It means nothing! But it is the same result as aTriz reached in 10 minutes. Am I a master gambler or what?

Using past results to predict future bets is like a lottery winner telling you to buy a ticket, because it worked for him. Gambling, and especially your chance to win/lose, isn't intuitive. People easily see patterns, while it's just random numbers. Winning once doesn't mean you'll win again. Winning many times doesn't mean anything either (as long as the game is fair, cheating can change this of course).
Now, back to BetKing: I did it again (Bet # 32333137)! And again (32333138) and again (32333139)!
I could vouch for "bet all at 1.3x four times", but doing so would only make me look like I don't understand math. My fifth (32333140) and eighth (32333143) bets lost.

Selling a winning script is like selling the goose with the golden eggs: if it would exist, you wouldn't need to sell it.

The only way I see aTriz getting out of the contract is if alia doesn’t make at least 30 posts per month.
The contract states 30 to 100 posts per month. Alia has already posted more than 100.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: MadZ on February 28, 2018, 07:22:32 PM
Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.

The contract also states that all payments will be refunded to aTriz should she fail to reach Legendary member status by the third year. Assuming people wake up and stop handing her free merit (21% of her merit comes from just one user, nullius), I doubt she will be able to meet this requirement.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: OgNasty on February 28, 2018, 07:34:55 PM
Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.

The contract also states that all payments will be refunded to aTriz should she fail to reach Legendary member status by the third year. Assuming people wake up and stop handing her free merit (21% of her merit comes from just one user, nullius), I doubt she will be able to meet this requirement.

So nearly 40% of his/her merit comes from TMAN and nullius?  Seems legit.  ::)

Title: Re: A different focus
Post by: nullius on February 28, 2018, 07:38:54 PM
Do you mind if I jump in here?

Thank you.  I think an edited, generalized version of what you wrote should be stickied in the Gambling forum.  (If something isn’t already...)

Stripping it down to simple mathematical terms and concrete examples puts the issue quite clearly in focus.

Using past results to predict future bets is like a lottery winner telling you to buy a ticket, because it worked for him. Gambling, and especially your chance to win/lose, isn't intuitive. People easily see patterns, while it's just random numbers. Winning once doesn't mean you'll win again. Winning many times doesn't mean anything either (as long as the game is fair, cheating can change this of course).

I sometimes have fun looking for patterns in hashes of arbitrary data, or in the output of /dev/random.  At least I know it’s not real.  If I want an extended intelligible pattern, such as the vanity addresses in my signature, then I need to bruteforce it—600 CPU-hours on slow laptop for those addresses.  By analogy, flipping a coin many times until you get n heads in a row.

Thinking aloud here:

Suppose I think that a gambling script which wins, say, 1000 times in a row should be possible.  Of course!  Not only is it possible:  It is trivial.  The problem is that depending on the odds of the game, it will need to lose an astronomical number of times to hit an unbroken streak of 1000 wins in a row.  (Rather like after trying many billions of losing keys, I got one with a corresponding address which spells “segwit”.)

So, I write this script (which essentially just plays the game repeatedly).  Then I create a forum account called “Alia 2.0” (new and improved!), pay some girl to get /r/GirlsGoneBitcoin verified for me, and sell my script as the script which will win 1000 times in a row.

Does that sound like an “upgrade” on what happened here?  I hope so.  I always like to improve things.

What I think OP is seeking here is to know that my “Alia 2.0” alt would not obtain such a glowing mini-review from a widely respected person for the “guaranteed 1000 wins in a row [eventually]” script.

Aside:  I feel a bit stupid now for not having paid more attention.  Alia had many posts about gambling, wrapped in a sort of gambler’s talk I tended to tune out.

It would ordinarily be absurd to follow or scrutinize all the posts of users I like, if many of them are uninteresting to me.  Maybe I should have here.

Anyway, after the scandal broke, I PMed a trustworthy gambling expert to ask for learning information.  He sent back a bunch of Github links.  Works for me.  I’ll dig into them later.  Perhaps you’ll see me in Gambling someday—though probably not any day soon.

Selling a winning script is like selling the goose with the golden eggs: if it would exist, you wouldn't need to sell it.

Quote from: Alia 2.0
Sure, I do.  Because although it wins, it will need to lose more than it wins on average—and I can’t afford that!  However, it is probabilistically guaranteed that eventually, you will hit a really awesome winning streak.  Also, the goose which lays golden eggs must be fed more gold than it lays in eggs.  I will start a thread in Goods for that.

Edit:  @MadZ:  Re, “21% of her merit comes from just one user, nullius”:  If you want to ask me about that in the Alia scam thread, I would reply there.  (Short answer:  Nobody gave her “free” merit; I could have given +48 in one shot to put the account up to 100, but would never do such a thing.)  Otherwise, suffice it to say, I think it’s clear that that account will not be receiving much more merit from anyone—if any at all.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on February 28, 2018, 07:46:07 PM
Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.

The contract also states that all payments will be refunded to aTriz should she fail to reach Legendary member status by the third year. Assuming people wake up and stop handing her free merit (21% of her merit comes from just one user, nullius), I doubt she will be able to meet this requirement.

So nearly 40% of his/her merit comes from TMAN and nullius?  Seems legit.  ::)

Yes in the same way as theymos thought she was legit so did I. She was entertaining and not a shitposter.

It's a bit like the early investors in your IPO they changed there minds when you went down the scamclub route. Hence the price of the seats dropping. So in the same vein, the amount of merits she will receive will drop as well.

Keep trying little man

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: OgNasty on February 28, 2018, 07:52:37 PM
Just a hint: (also for TMAN) if you guys are trying to make a point here, I'd refrain from taking it to a personal level.

Totally agree - I have stopped the mud slinging now!

That lasted about as long as you'd expect TMAN's word to last...

So nearly 40% of his/her merit comes from TMAN and nullius?  Seems legit.  ::)

It's a bit like the early investors in your IPO they changed there minds when you went down the scamclub route.

The NastyFans member list shows an all time high in active member accounts was reached this week.  As usual, your allegations are not only fabricated, but the exact opposite of the truth.  (Shhh... Your intelligence is showing: It's their, not there.)

Men lie. Women lie. Numbers don't.

Back to how aTriz & aLia's words are not to be trusted (TMAN's word is quite obviously already worthless)...

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on February 28, 2018, 07:58:27 PM
Just a hint: (also for TMAN) if you guys are trying to make a point here, I'd refrain from taking it to a personal level.

Totally agree - I have stopped the mud slinging now!

That lasted about as long as you'd expect TMAN's word to last...

So nearly 40% of his/her merit comes from TMAN and nullius?  Seems legit.  ::)

It's a bit like the early investors in your IPO they changed there minds when you went down the scamclub route. Hence the price of the seats dropping. So in the same vein, the amount of merits she will receive will drop as well.

The NastyFans member list shows an all time high in active member accounts was reached this week.  As usual, your allegations are not only fabricated, but the exact opposite of the truth.

Men lie. Women lie. Numbers don't.

Back to how aTriz & aLia's words are not to be trusted (TMAN's word is quite obviously already worthless)...

Don't poke and I won't bite..

Numbers of people = price of share??

Trust?? I think you need to get some water in you, we know it's hot in the desert especially with those miners running on the solar that zeroxal paid for

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 08:02:41 PM
Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.
The contract also states that all payments will be refunded to aTriz should she fail to reach Legendary member status by the third year. Assuming people wake up and stop handing her free merit (21% of her merit comes from just one user, nullius), I doubt she will be able to meet this requirement.
Unless she makes a miraculous recovery out of this, she will very unlikely make it. However, that would still take too long for aTriz to get his money back. Additionally, I think that it implies that he continues sending her money until that time.

One handed thief (the getaway car)

The one handed thief ran out of the bank and jumped into the getaway car only to realize it was a four on the floor with stick shift .
T'is one be full of th't morality.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: OgNasty on February 28, 2018, 08:07:09 PM
Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.
The contract also states that all payments will be refunded to aTriz should she fail to reach Legendary member status by the third year. Assuming people wake up and stop handing her free merit (21% of her merit comes from just one user, nullius), I doubt she will be able to meet this requirement.
Unless she makes a miraculous recovery out of this, she will very unlikely make it. However, that would still take too long for aTriz to get his money back. Additionally, I think that it implies that he continues sending her money until that time.

Interesting take.  So aTriz will have to continue paying a scammer, knowing he won't get his funds back because he agreed to an awful contract?  I guess feeling that way, you'd probably leave him negative trust if he refused to honor these payments?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 08:08:52 PM
Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.
The contract also states that all payments will be refunded to aTriz should she fail to reach Legendary member status by the third year. Assuming people wake up and stop handing her free merit (21% of her merit comes from just one user, nullius), I doubt she will be able to meet this requirement.
Unless she makes a miraculous recovery out of this, she will very unlikely make it. However, that would still take too long for aTriz to get his money back. Additionally, I think that it implies that he continues sending her money until that time.
Interesting take.  So aTriz will have to continue paying a scammer, knowing he won't get his funds back because he agreed to an awful contract?  I guess feeling that way, you'd probably leave him negative trust if he refused to honor these payments?
En garde.

I don't think he's obligated to pay. He entered into the contract thinking someone was who they said they were and that person is clearly a liar who is misrepresenting themselves, so IMO the contract could be void just based on the fact it was created under false pretenses. I'd also add that standard public policies amongst the community has generally been that red trust == removal from signature campaigns which I believe adds further reasoning.

Title: Re: A different focus
Post by: suchmoon on February 28, 2018, 09:29:19 PM
Suppose I think that a gambling script which wins, say, 1000 times in a row should be possible.  Of course!  Not only is it possible:  It is trivial.  The problem is that depending on the odds of the game, it will need to lose an astronomical number of times to hit an unbroken streak of 1000 wins in a row.  (Rather like after trying many billions of losing keys, I got one with a corresponding address which spells “segwit”.)

No. That's not how it works, gambling or hashing. The next bet or hash has the exact same probability of being a winning bet or a valid block hash or a super cool vanity address as any other regardless of any bets or hashes preceding it.

You mentioned someone pointing you to github and that might help, but for a proper context you also might want to read some posts here in the gambling section. There are some brilliant folks here who know how this shit works and learned some of it the hard way and don't hesitate to share stuff that you won't find in source code.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: johhnyUA on February 28, 2018, 09:42:36 PM
I guess feeling that way, you'd probably leave him negative trust if he refused to honor these payments?

Maybe someone of you will better leave negative feedback for merit abusers like these - 1 ( or these 2 ( than debating here? 

Sorry for my intervention in such interesting debates.

Title: Re: A different focus
Post by: Astargath on February 28, 2018, 10:18:03 PM
Suppose I think that a gambling script which wins, say, 1000 times in a row should be possible.  Of course!  Not only is it possible:  It is trivial.  The problem is that depending on the odds of the game, it will need to lose an astronomical number of times to hit an unbroken streak of 1000 wins in a row.  (Rather like after trying many billions of losing keys, I got one with a corresponding address which spells “segwit”.)

No. That's not how it works, gambling or hashing. The next bet or hash has the exact same probability of being a winning bet or a valid block hash or a super cool vanity address as any other regardless of any bets or hashes preceding it.

You mentioned someone pointing you to github and that might help, but for a proper context you also might want to read some posts here in the gambling section. There are some brilliant folks here who know how this shit works and learned some of it the hard way and don't hesitate to share stuff that you won't find in source code.

However I remember that she said her ''strategy'' was based on a vulnerability on a particular casino because the casino itself had some sort of script that would let new accounts win at first or something like that. It wasn't really a normal idiotic ''strategy'' at least that's what she said. I personally wouldn't vouch for something like that even if it was legit since it involves some sort of cheating.

Title: Re: A different focus
Post by: Lauda on February 28, 2018, 10:21:44 PM
Suppose I think that a gambling script which wins, say, 1000 times in a row should be possible.  Of course!  Not only is it possible:  It is trivial.  The problem is that depending on the odds of the game, it will need to lose an astronomical number of times to hit an unbroken streak of 1000 wins in a row.  (Rather like after trying many billions of losing keys, I got one with a corresponding address which spells “segwit”.)

No. That's not how it works, gambling or hashing. The next bet or hash has the exact same probability of being a winning bet or a valid block hash or a super cool vanity address as any other regardless of any bets or hashes preceding it.

You mentioned someone pointing you to github and that might help, but for a proper context you also might want to read some posts here in the gambling section. There are some brilliant folks here who know how this shit works and learned some of it the hard way and don't hesitate to share stuff that you won't find in source code.
However I remember that she said her ''strategy'' was based on a vulnerability on a particular casino because the casino itself had some sort of script that would let new accounts win at first or something like that. It wasn't really a normal idiotic ''strategy'' at least that's what she said. I personally wouldn't vouch for something like that even if it was legit since it involves some sort of cheating.
aTriz said he was aware of this exactly where?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: marlboroza on February 28, 2018, 10:27:41 PM
As for the gambling vouch, didn't he just say that it worked?
Did he check script for backdoors?
That would imply that he knows more than what a variable initialization looks like. To my knowledge, he does not.
That wasn't really a question.

Look, I am strongly against people who are selling "winning scripts" or any kind of gambling scripts/bots for several reasons:
1) gambling scripts/bots are available for free, no one needs to buy one
2) winning script/method doesn't exist, people who are selling such methods are selling fog to naive people
3) such scripts/bots usually have something hidden to steal balance

As I already said, he was probably thinking with his lower head and I hope all this will remind him not to vouch for such shady thing again.

However I remember that she said her ''strategy'' was based on a vulnerability on a particular casino because the casino itself had some sort of script that would let new accounts win at first or something like that. It wasn't really a normal idiotic ''strategy'' at least that's what she said. I personally wouldn't vouch for something like that even if it was legit since it involves some sort of cheating.
You are wrong, For this case and method, she specifically said that script was created for provably fair sites:
This script is designed for crash sites, and has been backtested against around 2 years worth of data. This script is intended for use on provably fair sites
"Method" you mentioned was posted in other topic.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Astargath on February 28, 2018, 10:33:05 PM
As for the gambling vouch, didn't he just say that it worked?
Did he check script for backdoors?
That would imply that he knows more than what a variable initialization looks like. To my knowledge, he does not.
That wasn't really a question.

Look, I am strongly against people who are selling "winning scripts" or any kind of gambling scripts/bots for several reasons:
1) gambling scripts/bots are available for free, no one needs to buy one
2) winning script/method doesn't exist, people who are selling such methods are selling fog to naive people
3) such scripts/bots usually have something hidden to steal balance

As I already said, he was probably thinking with his lower head and I hope all this will remind him not to vouch for such shady thing again.

However I remember that she said her ''strategy'' was based on a vulnerability on a particular casino because the casino itself had some sort of script that would let new accounts win at first or something like that. It wasn't really a normal idiotic ''strategy'' at least that's what she said. I personally wouldn't vouch for something like that even if it was legit since it involves some sort of cheating.
You are wrong, she specifically said that script was created for provably fair sites:
This script is designed for crash sites, and has been backtested against around 2 years worth of data. This script is intended for use on provably fair sites

Oh, I guess she said that about her own personal strategy? I don't remember exactly and I believe the thread is dead. If she said that then it's even worse, to be honest.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Quickseller on February 28, 2018, 10:38:09 PM
As for the gambling vouch, didn't he just say that it worked?
Did he check script for backdoors?
That would imply that he knows more than what a variable initialization looks like. To my knowledge, he does not.
That wasn't really a question.

Look, I am strongly against people who are selling "winning scripts" or any kind of gambling scripts/bots for several reasons:
1) gambling scripts/bots are available for free, no one needs to buy one
2) winning script/method doesn't exist, people who are selling such methods are selling fog to naive people
3) such scripts/bots usually have something hidden to steal balance

As I already said, he was probably thinking with his lower head and I hope all this will remind him not to vouch for such shady thing again.

However I remember that she said her ''strategy'' was based on a vulnerability on a particular casino because the casino itself had some sort of script that would let new accounts win at first or something like that. It wasn't really a normal idiotic ''strategy'' at least that's what she said. I personally wouldn't vouch for something like that even if it was legit since it involves some sort of cheating.
You are wrong, she specifically said that script was created for provably fair sites:
This script is designed for crash sites, and has been backtested against around 2 years worth of data. This script is intended for use on provably fair sites
nullic said in the other thread that he trusted alia with 0.01 btc to gamble with, and was told that the identity of the site she was playing at is secret and iirc the strategy was specific to the site (even though the identity of the site would be public via the blockchain).

My suspicions will strengthen if anyone who gambled with them tells me the name of the gambling site.

I gambled with Alia.  She did not tell me the name of the site, and I didn’t ask.  —  Edit:  I recall her having said explicitly in that thread that she would not reveal the name of the site, in order to prevent her method from becoming “saturated”.  I will look for that post when I have a moment; or somebody else can find it.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: marlboroza on February 28, 2018, 10:39:51 PM
nullic said in the other thread that he trusted alia with 0.01 btc to gamble with, and was told that the identity of the site she was playing at is secret and iirc the strategy was specific to the site (even though the identity of the site would be public via the blockchain).
I was editing my post.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: aTriz on February 28, 2018, 11:18:57 PM
I would not trust aTriz. I don’t think it is so much about the review as it is about the vouching for the gambling script when it has been shown that he very much knew what he was doing.
I don't know what you are trying to get across.

It was an unpleasant surprise to see someone who appeared to be level headed like aTriz, making the errors of judgement he has made in vouching for a gambling script and pre paying a large signature deal with a newbie, based on a 'contract' apparently scribbled on the back of an envelope.
Looking back at it, the review was probably not the best idea, especially with my limited knowledge of scripts and lack of time. Although, I would still say, the signature deal was a good move IMO, if alia was not negged.

From that posts, I received an offer of sorts from nullius, who I first saw posting and then after stalking his posts, came to find alia (this was when both users were popular) and therefore, It seemed like a good move.

It is disappointing(concerning?) that a 1 month old e-whore account would have gotten a 5 month upfront payment from aTriz on a 3 year contract with a clause stating that red trust doesn't matter. ???  Maybe it is because I'm not active in the campaign management business but this seems highly irrational to me?  :-\   I'm curious to hear more from aTriz on this.

I guess I can separate the two as a publicly run signature campaign and a privately run signature campaign, but in either case, why would a private advertising deal on this forum include a clause allowing the user to get red trust and still be paid for advertising?
Honestly was a slip up for me. Never thought she would get red trust and didn't bother to add that into the contract. Probably since I was dealing with mostly trusted people who would never get negged, and just forgot to apply that to her.

Thanks, I did not realize the private deal was publicly posted ::)  I'm not quite sure what aTriz meant with his post then?
I mean't is there any way I can escape? Or am stuck to lose 1.1 BTC?

The question of negative trust is not addressed in the contact that aTriz agreed to and confirmed. The terms were 30-100 posts/month with alia wearing the signature of aTriz’s choice in exchange for ~$400* per month.
300* Love the slight manipluation of words

For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space

He should send (s)cam girl legendary signature, she won't be able to wear it, and I don't see "junior member signature" is mentioned anywhere in contract  :D
Does this mean contract is broken. You should be a lawyer if so!

@OP i am not sure, but maybe aTriz was thinking with his dick  :-\
Nope. I am a totally different person business from person. Just ask any of the people I've done trades with.*

This rule is interesting:
For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space

He should send (s)cam girl legendary signature, she won't be able to wear it, and I don't see "junior member signature" is mentioned anywhere in contract  :D

Or my suggestion. He forces her to wear this signature:

Quote from: Signature
Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.
I can do this if needed.

As for the gambling vouch, didn't he just say that it worked?
Did he check script for backdoors?
How do script have backdoors? Isn't this just for websites?

I'd be concerned why aTriz rushed to team up with a fraudster like alia that tried to pull the wool over theymos' eyes ( as well as a documented extortionist like Lauda ( who has been fired for his behavior, and seemingly has been taking out small loans to establish trust ratings (  Not actions you'd expect to see from an aspiring signature manager.
Are we going to revivie the eXtORtiNiST thread now?

"Small loans for trust"

 Open Loan with aTriz  ( (0.5 BTC loaned)
 Need 0.35 BTC Loan, payback 14 days max  ( (0.35 BTC loaned)
 Need Loan of 0.4 for trading. Payback 1.5 months MAX  ( (0.4 BTC loaned)
 Need Loan of 0.25 for trading. Payback 3 weeks MAX (3 day re-payment possible)  ( (0.25 BTC loaned)

All of these loans where done with no collateral and resolved. They aren't small either. Most of these range from 5,000 - 10,000 USD.

If you did a quick search in the lending subforum, you would do this. But once again you rush to conclusions.

I am very sorry aTriz. I acted too fast and thoughtless.
No need to apologize. You raised a great thread for discussion - now it's for me to clear my name.

The three year contract that aTriz entered into gave both parties who are very new to the signature campaign market an undeserved appearance of trustworthiness. If aTriz is entering into three year signature campaign contracts then surely he is sufficiently experienced to manage my campaign (yet of course this ignores the fact that aTriz has virtually no experience in this field, a couple of months worth maybe).

In regards to the gambling script, it is clear that aTriz knows there is no way to beat the house in a provably fair casino with a house edge based on his posting history, someone quoted several of his old posts that demonstrate this. He was vouching for something he very well knew was being misrepresented.
No. Those posts are relating to roulette, dice, sport/esport betting, which I have done before, but that doesn't make me a someone knowledgable of scripts.

The contract states 30 to 100 posts per month. Alia has already posted more than 100.

Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.

The contract also states that all payments will be refunded to aTriz should she fail to reach Legendary member status by the third year. Assuming people wake up and stop handing her free merit (21% of her merit comes from just one user, nullius), I doubt she will be able to meet this requirement.

So nearly 40% of his/her merit comes from TMAN and nullius?  Seems legit.  ::)
Wow 25% of your merit was earnt in 5 mins and from one guy! Seems legit ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 12:14:17 AM
This thread was the biggest waste of time. Glad it's cleared up that aTriz is innocent.

On another note, what he is paying me for is publicity. Provided I don't meet the criteria listed in the contract, he is to continue payments as stipulated in the contract. If I make 29 or less posts in any given months or if I am not Legendary by the end of the term, he is entitled to a full and complete refund. If I may add, this whole fiasco has given ALU Services more publicity than I think even I could have brought it in the whole 3 year period. Hopefully I'll be tipped for that ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: DarkStar_ on March 01, 2018, 01:10:52 AM
Thanks, I did not realize the private deal was publicly posted ::)  I'm not quite sure what aTriz meant with his post then?
I mean't is there any way I can escape? Or am stuck to lose 1.1 BTC?

Theoretically, kinda like what marlboroza said, you could send her a signature that exceeds 4000 characters. This would render her unable to wear a signature of your choice, hence applying this clause:
- - For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space

Maybe something like:

[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
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[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: suchmoon on March 01, 2018, 01:18:44 AM
Thanks, I did not realize the private deal was publicly posted ::)  I'm not quite sure what aTriz meant with his post then?
I mean't is there any way I can escape? Or am stuck to lose 1.1 BTC?

Theoretically, kinda like what marlboroza said, you could send her a signature that exceeds 4000 characters. This would render her unable to wear a signature of your choice, hence applying this clause:
- - For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space

Does it really matter though?

The intent is to get out of the contract due to red trust. There is no such clause in the contract. If aTriz imposes an obviously unfulfillable requirement to circumvent that then it's still the same as saying "I don't want to pay you because you have red trust".

To put it another way - if someone did that for another reason (e.g. don't want to) would that still be ok? Why or why not?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 01:28:54 AM
Thanks, I did not realize the private deal was publicly posted ::)  I'm not quite sure what aTriz meant with his post then?
I mean't is there any way I can escape? Or am stuck to lose 1.1 BTC?

Theoretically, kinda like what marlboroza said, you could send her a signature that exceeds 4000 characters. This would render her unable to wear a signature of your choice, hence applying this clause:
- - For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space

Maybe something like:

[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer. Please do not trade with me.[/b][/color][/size]

An impossible clause to fulfill is not a fulfillable clause and thus it is void. Naturally, every clause has to be within the realms of possibility.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: DarkStar_ on March 01, 2018, 01:34:05 AM
Thanks, I did not realize the private deal was publicly posted ::)  I'm not quite sure what aTriz meant with his post then?
I mean't is there any way I can escape? Or am stuck to lose 1.1 BTC?

Theoretically, kinda like what marlboroza said, you could send her a signature that exceeds 4000 characters. This would render her unable to wear a signature of your choice, hence applying this clause:
- - For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space

Does it really matter though?

The intent is to get out of the contract due to red trust. There is no such clause in the contract. If aTriz imposes an obviously unfulfillable requirement to circumvent that then it's still the same as saying "I don't want to pay you because you have red trust".

To put it another way - if someone did that for another reason (e.g. don't want to) would that still be ok? Why or why not?

I agree. I would certainly consider it shady if someone were to do that, but it may be a valid way to get out of it depending on contract law.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: FFrankie on March 01, 2018, 01:46:57 AM
How can you trust allie to pay you back 1.1 BTC or the USD equivlant in 3 years if they do not reach legendary? Are you paying her to an escrow address that she does not have access too?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 01:52:56 AM
How can you trust allie to pay you back 1.1 BTC or the USD equivlant in 3 years if they do not reach legendary? Are you paying her to an escrow address that she does not have access too?

I got all my merit in a month. At the same rate, it would take 9 months to reach 1000 merit.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: suchmoon on March 01, 2018, 01:59:52 AM
How can you trust allie to pay you back 1.1 BTC or the USD equivlant in 3 years if they do not reach legendary? Are you paying her to an escrow address that she does not have access too?

I got all my merit in a month. At the same rate, it would take 9 months to reach 1000 merit.

You will not have anywhere near the same rate due to the dwindling sMerit airdrop and due to your red trust.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Toughit on March 01, 2018, 02:05:32 AM
aTriz is a very astute individual.

Look at his contract:

"aTriz and I are going into a 3-year contract for my signature space. The terms are as follows:

- - I will post anywhere from 30 to 100 posts monthly on bitcointalk
- - By the end of the three year term, I will be a Legendary member
- - For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space

If any of these terms are not met, aTriz has no obligation to continue payments, and I will refund him the total paid amount."

He obviously placed an upper limit of 100 posts per month, NO MORE than 100, to avoid her spamming and watering down his signature campaign.

If alia posts more than 100 per month, she is in violation of her contract, and has to pay back all funds.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 02:11:27 AM
How can you trust allie to pay you back 1.1 BTC or the USD equivlant in 3 years if they do not reach legendary? Are you paying her to an escrow address that she does not have access too?

I got all my merit in a month. At the same rate, it would take 9 months to reach 1000 merit.

You will not have anywhere near the same rate due to the dwindling sMerit airdrop and due to your red trust.

People who state the future in absolute terms are usually wrong.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 02:12:49 AM
aTrix is a very astute individual.

Look at his contract:

"aTriz and I are going into a 3-year contract for my signature space. The terms are as follows:

- - I will post anywhere from 30 to 100 posts monthly on bitcointalk
- - By the end of the three year term, I will be a Legendary member
- - For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space

If any of these terms are not met, aTriz has no obligation to continue payments, and I will refund him the total paid amount."

He obviously placed an upper limit of 100 posts per month, NO MORE than 100, to avoid her spamming and watering down his signature campaign.

If alia posts more than 100 per month, she is in violation of her contract, and has to pay back all funds.

Incorrect. The contract does not state that posting over 100 times is a violation. In fact, it would be beneficial for aTriz. If 29 posts have been done by me in any given month, then the "30-100" clause is unfulfilled. If 200 are done, then the "30-100" clause is fulfilled because I will have indeed have posted 30-100 posts, regardless of the excess amount.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Toughit on March 01, 2018, 02:15:04 AM
aTrix is a very astute individual.

Look at his contract:

"aTriz and I are going into a 3-year contract for my signature space. The terms are as follows:

- - I will post anywhere from 30 to 100 posts monthly on bitcointalk
- - By the end of the three year term, I will be a Legendary member
- - For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space

If any of these terms are not met, aTriz has no obligation to continue payments, and I will refund him the total paid amount."

He obviously placed an upper limit of 100 posts per month, NO MORE than 100, to avoid her spamming and watering down his signature campaign.

If alia posts more than 100 per month, she is in violation of her contract, and has to pay back all funds.

Incorrect. The contract does not state that posting over 100 times is a violation. In fact, it would be beneficial for aTriz. If 29 posts have been done by me in any given month, then the "30-100" clause is unfulfilled. If 200 are done, then the "30-100" clause is fulfilled because I will have indeed have posted 30-100 posts, regardless of the excess amount.

Incorrect. it VERY specifically states 30-100.   The limit on the low end is implied as well as the upper end.  It does not state 30 or above, it states 30-100.

Pay him back (if that is what he wants)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: suchmoon on March 01, 2018, 02:17:46 AM
How can you trust allie to pay you back 1.1 BTC or the USD equivlant in 3 years if they do not reach legendary? Are you paying her to an escrow address that she does not have access too?

I got all my merit in a month. At the same rate, it would take 9 months to reach 1000 merit.

You will not have anywhere near the same rate due to the dwindling sMerit airdrop and due to your red trust.

People who state the future in absolute terms are usually wrong.

How many merits did you get since you went full scam?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 02:35:30 AM
aTrix is a very astute individual.

Look at his contract:

"aTriz and I are going into a 3-year contract for my signature space. The terms are as follows:

- - I will post anywhere from 30 to 100 posts monthly on bitcointalk
- - By the end of the three year term, I will be a Legendary member
- - For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space

If any of these terms are not met, aTriz has no obligation to continue payments, and I will refund him the total paid amount."

He obviously placed an upper limit of 100 posts per month, NO MORE than 100, to avoid her spamming and watering down his signature campaign.

If alia posts more than 100 per month, she is in violation of her contract, and has to pay back all funds.

Incorrect. The contract does not state that posting over 100 times is a violation. In fact, it would be beneficial for aTriz. If 29 posts have been done by me in any given month, then the "30-100" clause is unfulfilled. If 200 are done, then the "30-100" clause is fulfilled because I will have indeed have posted 30-100 posts, regardless of the excess amount.

Incorrect. it VERY specifically states 30-100.   The limit on the low end is implied as well as the upper end.  It does not state 30 or above, it states 30-100.

Pay him back (if that is what he wants)

There is no upper limit stated. If I had said "over 30 and less than 100" then it would make sense. However, I said 30-100. This means that my profile must have 30-100 posts - whether there are 30-100 + 400 or 30-100 + 5000 is irrelevant. The problem arises if I make less than 30 posts.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 02:36:02 AM
How can you trust allie to pay you back 1.1 BTC or the USD equivlant in 3 years if they do not reach legendary? Are you paying her to an escrow address that she does not have access too?

I got all my merit in a month. At the same rate, it would take 9 months to reach 1000 merit.

You will not have anywhere near the same rate due to the dwindling sMerit airdrop and due to your red trust.

People who state the future in absolute terms are usually wrong.

How many merits did you get since you went full scam?

I didn't go "full scam", not a single person has lost a single satoshi because of me. This is just a smear campaign.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: suchmoon on March 01, 2018, 02:44:09 AM
I didn't go "full scam", not a single person has lost a single satoshi because of me. This is just a smear campaign.

a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation

Doesn't say anything about satoshis. An unsuccessful scam (monetary or otherwise) is still a scam.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 02:45:17 AM
I didn't go "full scam", not a single person has lost a single satoshi because of me. This is just a smear campaign.

a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation

Doesn't say anything about satoshis. An unsuccessful scam (monetary or otherwise) is still a scam.

That's a good point, but what most people think of as a scam here is outright lying or taking money. I did not lie about my identity and I did not steal from anyone. The worst thing I did was leaving myself a positive feedback from someone else's account; that's it.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: suchmoon on March 01, 2018, 02:49:58 AM
That's a good point, but what most people think of as a scam here is outright lying or taking money. I did not lie about my identity and I did not steal from anyone. The worst thing I did was leaving myself a positive feedback from someone else's account; that's it.

You lied about your gambling script and you deleted posts from reputable members pointing out the problems with it. That's a scam in its own right. If there was no deception involved you wouldn't need to do that.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Toughit on March 01, 2018, 02:51:28 AM
Nice try alia.

At first I did not think you were 19, but I am leaning that way now.

In the US the highway speed limits are 45mph to 70mph.  45-70 means just that, you can't go 100mph, you violate the rule.

Technically, if you post more than 100 times in a month you have breached the terms. Your contract specifically states it, it does not state at least 30, it states 30-100, a clear, specific range outside of which you violate terms.

Pay him back.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 02:56:01 AM
Nice try alia.

At first I did not think you were 19, but I am leaning that way now.

In the US the highway speed limits are 45mph to 70mph.  45-70 means just that, you can't go 100mph, you violate the rule.

Technically, if you post more than 100 times in a month you have breached the terms. Your contract specifically states it, it does not state at least 30, it states 30-100, a clear, specific range outside of which you violate terms.

Pay him back.

Thanks for proving my point!

In your scenario, speeding is the danger. In my scenario, underposting is the danger. ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 02:57:15 AM
That's a good point, but what most people think of as a scam here is outright lying or taking money. I did not lie about my identity and I did not steal from anyone. The worst thing I did was leaving myself a positive feedback from someone else's account; that's it.

You lied about your gambling script and you deleted posts from reputable members pointing out the problems with it. That's a scam in its own right. If there was no deception involved you wouldn't need to do that.

No, I didn't lie about the script. Everything I said about the script was true. I deleted the comment because I specified that all questions should be directed via PM, but due to the negative trust I had to keep the comment on the thread. I responded to it appropriately. I still maintain that the script works and is not a scam in any way. It has been proven time and time again by myself, other investors, aTriz, nullius, SyGambler, so on and so forth

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: endlasuresh on March 01, 2018, 03:11:01 AM
How can you trust allie to pay you back 1.1 BTC or the USD equivlant in 3 years if they do not reach legendary? Are you paying her to an escrow address that she does not have access too?

I got all my merit in a month. At the same rate, it would take 9 months to reach 1000 merit.
I see your merit from the same people that are involved in past threads. I seen you are offering services to Indians, I mean BTC to INR in Delhi.
Also the Favors account posts shows you are from INDIA.

Can you let me know which part of India you are?

I already guessed long back a lot of INDIANS here in disguised method. Please show your GST no for Selling BTC.

lets for the topic starter I don't trust aTriz since he made a false statement, that would raise for buyers to fall in scam script.

Was given a vouch copy of the method by op and played around with in with funds from the faucet.

With the 10 minutes I used this script with, I profited and worked perfectly. Would recommend.

I made an extremely good ROI, and I’m sure that others who buy the method will experience similar results. Thanks, Alia!

IMO Too shady behavior, A trusted member review shouldn't be like this, Inexperienced membership level.

aTriz who given merit points to a plagiarized content

Both stories come for Indians, Why does aTriz like Indian Scammers, is their any business with Indians?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 03:14:20 AM
How can you trust allie to pay you back 1.1 BTC or the USD equivlant in 3 years if they do not reach legendary? Are you paying her to an escrow address that she does not have access too?

I got all my merit in a month. At the same rate, it would take 9 months to reach 1000 merit.
I see your merit from the same people that are involved in past threads. I seen you are offering services to Indians, I mean BTC to INR in Delhi.
Also the Favors account posts shows you are from INDIA.

Can you let me know which part of India you are?

I already guessed long back a lot of INDIANS here in disguised method. Please show your GST no for Selling BTC.

lets for the topic starter I don't trust aTriz since he made a false statement, that would raise for buyers to fall in scam script.

Was given a vouch copy of the method by op and played around with in with funds from the faucet.

With the 10 minutes I used this script with, I profited and worked perfectly. Would recommend.

I made an extremely good ROI, and I’m sure that others who buy the method will experience similar results. Thanks, Alia!

IMO Too shady behavior, A trusted member review shouldn't be like this, Inexperienced membership level.

aTriz who given merit points to a plagiarized content

Both stories come for Indians, Why does aTriz like Indian Scammers, is their any business with Indians?

The Indian scammer calls me an Indian scammer. How beautifully ironic.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: suchmoon on March 01, 2018, 03:21:06 AM
No, I didn't lie about the script. Everything I said about the script was true. I deleted the comment because I specified that all questions should be directed via PM, but due to the negative trust I had to keep the comment on the thread. I responded to it appropriately. I still maintain that the script works and is not a scam in any way. It has been proven time and time again by myself, other investors, aTriz, nullius, SyGambler, so on and so forth

It's your word against math. Your response to the criticism seems to be just a variation of the gambler's fallacy, AKA a lie.

So nice of you to bring this back on topic by mentioning aTriz but I believe he's learned the lesson to not vouch for something he admittedly didn't quite understand. nullius seems to have quit your fanclub too. Using their names makes you even more dishonest.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: endlasuresh on March 01, 2018, 03:23:29 AM
How can you trust allie to pay you back 1.1 BTC or the USD equivlant in 3 years if they do not reach legendary? Are you paying her to an escrow address that she does not have access too?

I got all my merit in a month. At the same rate, it would take 9 months to reach 1000 merit.
I see your merit from the same people that are involved in past threads. I seen you are offering services to Indians, I mean BTC to INR in Delhi.
Also the Favors account posts shows you are from INDIA.

Can you let me know which part of India you are?

I already guessed long back a lot of INDIANS here in disguised method. Please show your GST no for Selling BTC.

lets for the topic starter I don't trust aTriz since he made a false statement, that would raise for buyers to fall in scam script.

Was given a vouch copy of the method by op and played around with in with funds from the faucet.

With the 10 minutes I used this script with, I profited and worked perfectly. Would recommend.

I made an extremely good ROI, and I’m sure that others who buy the method will experience similar results. Thanks, Alia!

IMO Too shady behavior, A trusted member review shouldn't be like this, Inexperienced membership level.

aTriz who given merit points to a plagiarized content

Both stories come for Indians, Why does aTriz like Indian Scammers, is their any business with Indians?

The Indian scammer calls me an Indian scammer. How beautifully ironic.
So am I scammer and scammed anyone? We have real life real name, but not to scam someone here or anyone.

A scammer always use different names like we do. It's not Ironic you all are spreading fake news here that was coming from ARUN Jaitley.

P.s Please tell the truth which part you belong in India.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 03:24:27 AM
No, I didn't lie about the script. Everything I said about the script was true. I deleted the comment because I specified that all questions should be directed via PM, but due to the negative trust I had to keep the comment on the thread. I responded to it appropriately. I still maintain that the script works and is not a scam in any way. It has been proven time and time again by myself, other investors, aTriz, nullius, SyGambler, so on and so forth

It's your word against math. Your response to the criticism seems to be just a variation of the gambler's fallacy, AKA a lie.

So nice of you to bring this back on topic by mentioning aTriz but I believe he's learned the lesson to not vouch for something he admittedly didn't quite understand. nullius seems to have quit your fanclub too. Using their names makes you even more dishonest.

My word against math? nullius used the figure "100%" many times in his post, but never ONCE in my thread did I guarantee success. I said that it is EV-, and its success is purely based on anecdotal and empirical evidence.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: suchmoon on March 01, 2018, 03:36:34 AM
My word against math? nullius used the figure "100%" many times in his post, but never ONCE in my thread did I guarantee success. I said that it is EV-, and its success is purely based on anecdotal and empirical evidence.

That's not what happened. You backpedaled a little bit after making demonstrably false claims such as this:

Based on preceding games, the script can indicate (to a mathematical extent) what kind of games are about to come consequently.

Your best bet (pun intended) now would be to shut your trap and try to salvage your deal with aTriz instead of trying to prove you're not a scammer. That train has sailed.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 03:38:15 AM
My word against math? nullius used the figure "100%" many times in his post, but never ONCE in my thread did I guarantee success. I said that it is EV-, and its success is purely based on anecdotal and empirical evidence.

That's not what happened. You backpedaled a little bit after making demonstrably false claims such as this:

Based on preceding games, the script can indicate (to a mathematical extent) what kind of games are about to come consequently.

Your best bet (pun intended) now would be to shut your trap and try to salvage your deal with aTriz instead of trying to prove you're not a scammer. That train has sailed.

I said it can indicate. I have explained this many, many, many times. Just go through my old posts. And I have no need to salvage a deal which is already intact.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Toughit on March 01, 2018, 03:40:57 AM
Nice try alia.

At first I did not think you were 19, but I am leaning that way now.

In the US the highway speed limits are 45mph to 70mph.  45-70 means just that, you can't go 100mph, you violate the rule.

Technically, if you post more than 100 times in a month you have breached the terms. Your contract specifically states it, it does not state at least 30, it states 30-100, a clear, specific range outside of which you violate terms.

Pay him back.

Thanks for proving my point!

In your scenario, speeding is the danger. In my scenario, underposting is the danger. ::)

This is the point that I take away my teenagers keyboard and send him to his room.

Not quite pertinent, but if you have a 15 year old brother, and you share wi-fi, I assume you live at home with mom and dad?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 03:42:13 AM
Nice try alia.

At first I did not think you were 19, but I am leaning that way now.

In the US the highway speed limits are 45mph to 70mph.  45-70 means just that, you can't go 100mph, you violate the rule.

Technically, if you post more than 100 times in a month you have breached the terms. Your contract specifically states it, it does not state at least 30, it states 30-100, a clear, specific range outside of which you violate terms.

Pay him back.

Thanks for proving my point!

In your scenario, speeding is the danger. In my scenario, underposting is the danger. ::)

This is the point that I take away my teenagers keyboard and send him to his room.

Not quite pertinent, but if you have a 15 year old brother, and you share wi-fi, I assume you live at home with mom and dad?

I live in my own HDB with my brother. My mother is abroad and my dad is out of the question.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Toughit on March 01, 2018, 03:43:04 AM

I said it can indicate. I have explained this many, many, many times. Just go through my old posts. And I have no need to salvage a deal which is already intact.

Nope, twist all you want, if you posted more than 100 times, you broke the deal.
Edit: and yes, go ahead and have the last word.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: JayJuanGee on March 01, 2018, 03:43:47 AM
Nice try alia.

At first I did not think you were 19, but I am leaning that way now.

In the US the highway speed limits are 45mph to 70mph.  45-70 means just that, you can't go 100mph, you violate the rule.

Technically, if you post more than 100 times in a month you have breached the terms. Your contract specifically states it, it does not state at least 30, it states 30-100, a clear, specific range outside of which you violate terms.

Pay him back.

Thanks for proving my point!

In your scenario, speeding is the danger. In my scenario, underposting is the danger. ::)

There do seem to be several reasonable justifications for aTriz to currently get out of the signature contract, and one of them is the post quantity question.  Another is the degree of red trust that you have received.  Another is the covenant of good faith and fair dealings and possible fraud in terms of whether there is any way that he could get what he thought he was getting out of the contract when there is a decent chance that you are misrepresenting on your end to such a high level that aTriz was mislead in terms of your ability to contract or to carry out the terms of the contract on your end so that he could get the benefits of the bargain.

So one thing is aTriz getting out of making further payments to you, and another thing is if he currently is entitled to a refund for the amount that he had already paid. 

Even in a scenario favorable to you if aTriz were to conclude that you were not clearly enough in breach on your end or that the contract is not otherwise invalid, in good faith, aTriz could decide to make any future payments into an escrow, because, in spite of your oral assertions, the odds of you reaching Legendary status within three years seem like a stretch into the implausible.  Furthermore, there could be some chance that your account becomes banned or suspended for extended periods of time, too, which seems to be an administrative discretionary matter, too under circumstances like this.

So perhaps a decent compromise would be for you to enter into some kind of voluntary bilateral dissolution of the contract with aTriz, in case aTriz would be interested in such a dissolution, and perhaps there would be some friendly terms that could involve your ability to keep some or all of the payment that aTriz already made to you?  Some kind of agreement or arrangement by you might at least save you from receiving some additional not yet administered red trust.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 03:44:13 AM

I said it can indicate. I have explained this many, many, many times. Just go through my old posts. And I have no need to salvage a deal which is already intact.

Nope, twist all you want, if you posted more than 100 times, you broke the deal.

That's really not how it works. You are incorrect. aTriz can come on and clarify what we both understood of the deal.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 03:46:38 AM
Nice try alia.

At first I did not think you were 19, but I am leaning that way now.

In the US the highway speed limits are 45mph to 70mph.  45-70 means just that, you can't go 100mph, you violate the rule.

Technically, if you post more than 100 times in a month you have breached the terms. Your contract specifically states it, it does not state at least 30, it states 30-100, a clear, specific range outside of which you violate terms.

Pay him back.

Thanks for proving my point!

In your scenario, speeding is the danger. In my scenario, underposting is the danger. ::)

There do seem to be several reasonable justifications for aTriz to currently get out of the signature contract, and one of them is the post quantity question.  Another is the degree of red trust that you have received.  Another is the covenant of good faith and fair dealings and possible fraud in terms of whether there is any way that he could get what he thought he was getting out of the contract when there is a decent chance that you are misrepresenting on your end to such a high level that aTriz was mislead in terms of your ability to contract or to carry out the terms of the contract on your end so that he could get the benefits of the bargain.

So one thing is aTriz getting out of making further payments to you, and another thing is if he currently is entitled to a refund for the amount that he had already paid. 

Even in a scenario favorable to you if aTriz were to conclude that you were not clearly enough in breach on your end or that the contract is not otherwise invalid, in good faith, aTriz could decide to make any future payments into an escrow, because, in spite of your oral assertions, the odds of you reaching Legendary status within three years seem like a stretch into the implausible.  Furthermore, there could be some chance that your account becomes banned or suspended for extended periods of time, too, which seems to be an administrative discretionary matter, too under circumstances like this.

So perhaps a decent compromise would be for you to enter into some kind of voluntary bilateral dissolution of the contract with aTriz, in case aTriz would be interested in such a dissolution, and perhaps there would be some friendly terms that could involve your ability to keep some or all of the payment that aTriz already made to you?  Some kind of agreement or arrangement by you might at least save you from receiving some additional not yet administered red trust.

I do not think it is justifiable for the contract to be broken because no terms have been breached. aTriz can clarify this. The payments are supposed to be made to me, and not an escrow - aTriz can clarify this. But - due to the new circumstances, I will allow one concession. I will allow payments to be made to a Copay wallet (with one key controlled by me and one with aTriz). It will be setup such that coins can only be moved with the consent of me and aTriz. If, at the end of the 3 year term, I have made enough posts and am Legendary, then aTriz will transfer the coins into my wallet. If it has not been done, I'll refund the 5 months' payment along with everything in the Copay wallet.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: JayJuanGee on March 01, 2018, 03:47:52 AM
[edited out]

Your best bet (pun intended) now would be to shut your trap and try to salvage your deal with aTriz instead of trying to prove you're not a scammer. That train has sailed.


Better said than me.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: suchmoon on March 01, 2018, 03:56:23 AM
My word against math? nullius used the figure "100%" many times in his post, but never ONCE in my thread did I guarantee success. I said that it is EV-, and its success is purely based on anecdotal and empirical evidence.

That's not what happened. You backpedaled a little bit after making demonstrably false claims such as this:

Based on preceding games, the script can indicate (to a mathematical extent) what kind of games are about to come consequently.

Your best bet (pun intended) now would be to shut your trap and try to salvage your deal with aTriz instead of trying to prove you're not a scammer. That train has sailed.

I said it can indicate. I have explained this many, many, many times. Just go through my old posts. And I have no need to salvage a deal which is already intact.

That's still false and I did read your posts - aside from variations of the gambler's fallacy there is nothing there.

aTriz does not seem to be happy with the deal anymore. He could choose to end it and risk the consequences, which might be negligible for him if you continue acting in bad faith.

I do not think it is justifiable for the contract to be broken because no terms have been breached. aTriz can clarify this. The payments are supposed to be made to me, and not an escrow - aTriz can clarify this. But - due to the new circumstances, I will allow one concession. I will allow payments to be made to a Copay wallet (with one key controlled by me and one with aTriz). It will be setup such that coins can only be moved with the consent of me and aTriz. If, at the end of the 3 year term, I have made enough posts and am Legendary, then aTriz will transfer the coins into my wallet. If it has not been done, I'll refund the 5 months' payment along with everything in the Copay wallet.

This doesn't make it any less risky for aTriz.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Toughit on March 01, 2018, 03:56:55 AM

I said it can indicate. I have explained this many, many, many times. Just go through my old posts. And I have no need to salvage a deal which is already intact.

Nope, twist all you want, if you posted more than 100 times, you broke the deal.

That's really not how it works. You are incorrect. aTriz can come on and clarify what we both understood of the deal.

OK, last post from me.

I'm assuming aTriz would want out of the deal, if not, then sorry for speaking up.

I would hope aTriz would heed the advice of his internet lawyer (I'm not) and let the written word speak for him: technically, clearly, the WRITTEN terms are violated.

OP, sorry for the derailed thread.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 04:00:42 AM
As per a discussion with aTriz, he will continue payments, and is allowing me to put my Lending service in the signature space. I'm taking a 1 hour break from the forum.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: aTriz on March 01, 2018, 04:01:54 AM
Since I'm trapped in this deal, and I have a feeling that certain members will neg me if I back out of this contract, I've told alia to take of the alu signature and she can do whatever with it.

I'll still be making payments though, monthly.

1.1 down the drain...

Edit - I don't think certain members will care about the small details like going over 100 posts. I'll get negged no matter how I leave the contract and my reputation is worth a lot more than 1.1 btc.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: suchmoon on March 01, 2018, 04:09:09 AM
Since I'm trapped in this deal, and I have a feeling that certain members will neg me if I back out of this contract, I've told alia to take of the alu signature and she can do whatever with it.

I'll still be making payments though, monthly.

1.1 down the drain...

Edit - I don't think certain members will care about the small details like going over 100 posts. I'll get negged no matter how I leave the contract and my reputation is worth a lot more than 1.1 btc.

That's mighty generous of you. What's your reason for removing the ad from the signature?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Joel_Jantsen on March 01, 2018, 04:10:08 AM
Since I'm trapped in this deal, and I have a feeling that certain members will neg me if I back out of this contract, I've told alia to take of the alu signature and she can do whatever with it.
Like I said before,being a scammer with -256 negative feedback wasn't surely a part of the contract.Paying a scammer on monthly basis for providing a worthless service is not the productive outcome for your money. I don't think you should be tagged because the other party doesn't hold the credibility to stand on the contract anymore.

Edit - I don't think certain members will care about the small details like going over 100 posts. I'll get negged no matter how I leave the contract and my reputation is worth a lot more than 1.1 btc.
You don't get the point here.It's not about 1.1 btc. Can't you see how you have been cornered to pay a scammer ? Mistakes were made but you shouldn't be the one paying for it.Please open a separate thread and see what other community members have to say about it.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: aTriz on March 01, 2018, 04:11:39 AM
Since I'm trapped in this deal, and I have a feeling that certain members will neg me if I back out of this contract, I've told alia to take of the alu signature and she can do whatever with it.

I'll still be making payments though, monthly.

1.1 down the drain...

Edit - I don't think certain members will care about the small details like going over 100 posts. I'll get negged no matter how I leave the contract and my reputation is worth a lot more than 1.1 btc.

That's mighty generous of you. What's your reason for removing the ad from the signature?
I don't want alu to be involved with that kind of shady behavior.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: aTriz on March 01, 2018, 04:13:37 AM
Since I'm trapped in this deal, and I have a feeling that certain members will neg me if I back out of this contract, I've told alia to take of the alu signature and she can do whatever with it.
Like I said before,being a scammer with -256 negative feedback wasn't surely a part of the contract.Paying a scammer on monthly basis for providing a worthless service is not the productive outcome for your money. I don't think you should be tagged because the other party doesn't hold the credibility to stand on the contract anymore.

Edit - I don't think certain members will care about the small details like going over 100 posts. I'll get negged no matter how I leave the contract and my reputation is worth a lot more than 1.1 btc.
You don't get the point here.It's not about 1.1 btc. Can't you see how you have been cornered to pay a scammer ? Mistakes were made but you shouldn't be the one paying for it.Please open a separate thread and see what other community members have to say about it.
I see.

I'm not pleased with paying a scammer 1.1 BTC but this seems like the only option, unless...

I'll open a thread, or if someone else wants to go ahead, to see the communities opinion on this. Maybe then I can wriggle out of the contract.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: MadZ on March 01, 2018, 04:40:36 AM
Since I'm trapped in this deal, and I have a feeling that certain members will neg me if I back out of this contract, I've told alia to take of the alu signature and she can do whatever with it.
Like I said before,being a scammer with -256 negative feedback wasn't surely a part of the contract.Paying a scammer on monthly basis for providing a worthless service is not the productive outcome for your money. I don't think you should be tagged because the other party doesn't hold the credibility to stand on the contract anymore.

Edit - I don't think certain members will care about the small details like going over 100 posts. I'll get negged no matter how I leave the contract and my reputation is worth a lot more than 1.1 btc.
You don't get the point here.It's not about 1.1 btc. Can't you see how you have been cornered to pay a scammer ? Mistakes were made but you shouldn't be the one paying for it.Please open a separate thread and see what other community members have to say about it.
I see.

I'm not pleased with paying a scammer 1.1 BTC but this seems like the only option, unless...

I'll open a thread, or if someone else wants to go ahead, to see the communities opinion on this. Maybe then I can wriggle out of the contract.

In my opinion, the contract could be voided because of frustration of purpose ( A little excerpt below clearly describes the situation at hand:

Frustration of purpose occurs when an unforeseen event undermines a party's principal purpose for entering into a contract such that the performance of the contract is radically different from performance of the contract that was originally contemplated by both parties, and both parties knew of the principal purpose at the time the contract was made.

When you first entered this contract, the principal purpose was to provide a long term advertising deal with a promising new member of the community. Her trustworthiness was a major consideration implied in the value of what you were purchasing, and it was unknown to you at the time that she was just another run-of-the-mill "gambling exploit" ( seller. While I would say you are within your legal rights to renege, I'm not sure if the court of public opinion will feel the same way. It is a shitty situation for you to be in.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: DarkStar_ on March 01, 2018, 04:43:18 AM
If you think about it, it's actually very likely Alia will meet her merit requirements for Legendary. She already has negative trust, so it would be quite trivial for her to buy a few Legendary accounts (they had 200 sMerits given when the system was launched IIRC), and gain the 1000 merits she needs. It would cost a fraction of the 1.1 BTC aTriz is paying to get 5 accounts.

This is of course assuming administration doesn't step in and give her and her alts a ban.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Quickseller on March 01, 2018, 05:00:51 AM
Since I'm trapped in this deal, and I have a feeling that certain members will neg me if I back out of this contract, I've told alia to take of the alu signature and she can do whatever with it.
Like I said before,being a scammer with -256 negative feedback wasn't surely a part of the contract.Paying a scammer on monthly basis for providing a worthless service is not the productive outcome for your money. I don't think you should be tagged because the other party doesn't hold the credibility to stand on the contract anymore.

Edit - I don't think certain members will care about the small details like going over 100 posts. I'll get negged no matter how I leave the contract and my reputation is worth a lot more than 1.1 btc.
You don't get the point here.It's not about 1.1 btc. Can't you see how you have been cornered to pay a scammer ? Mistakes were made but you shouldn't be the one paying for it.Please open a separate thread and see what other community members have to say about it.
I see.

I'm not pleased with paying a scammer 1.1 BTC but this seems like the only option, unless...

I'll open a thread, or if someone else wants to go ahead, to see the communities opinion on this. Maybe then I can wriggle out of the contract.

In my opinion, the contract could be voided because of frustration of purpose ( A little excerpt below clearly describes the situation at hand:

Frustration of purpose occurs when an unforeseen event undermines a party's principal purpose for entering into a contract such that the performance of the contract is radically different from performance of the contract that was originally contemplated by both parties, and both parties knew of the principal purpose at the time the contract was made.

When you first entered this contract, the principal purpose was to provide a long term advertising deal with a promising new member of the community. Her trustworthiness was a major consideration implied in the value of what you were purchasing, and it was unknown to you at the time that she was just another run-of-the-mill "gambling exploit" ( seller. While I would say you are within your legal rights to renege, I'm not sure if the court of public opinion will feel the same way. It is a shitty situation for you to be in.
I think it would be difficult to argue that aTriz did not know alia was a "gambling exploit" seller considering he was actively assisting this fraud.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 05:04:57 AM
The contract is not void, and there is no chance of it becoming void for a long, long time. It will likely become void if/when I am not Legendary after 3 years, but that remains to be seen. I would advise aTriz not to try and "wriggle out" of the contract, because it puts me in a position where I will be forced to reveal certain things that he has done. If he sticks to the terms of the contract, as stipulated, he is my friend, and he will not be my enemy. Being my enemy is not a very favourable position for anyone to be in. ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Vod on March 01, 2018, 05:07:56 AM
The contract is not void, and there is no chance of it becoming void for a long, long time. It will likely become void if/when I am not Legendary after 3 years, but that remains to be seen. I would advise aTriz not to try and "wriggle out" of the contract, because it puts me in a position where I will be forced to reveal certain things that he has done. If he sticks to the terms of the contract, as stipulated, he is my friend, and he will not be my enemy. Being my enemy is not a very favourable position for anyone to be in. ::)

Ugh - you are now rated lower than Quickseller.  :/

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 05:09:12 AM
The contract is not void, and there is no chance of it becoming void for a long, long time. It will likely become void if/when I am not Legendary after 3 years, but that remains to be seen. I would advise aTriz not to try and "wriggle out" of the contract, because it puts me in a position where I will be forced to reveal certain things that he has done. If he sticks to the terms of the contract, as stipulated, he is my friend, and he will not be my enemy. Being my enemy is not a very favourable position for anyone to be in. ::)

Ugh - you are now rated lower than Quickseller.  :/

I don't know whether to be ashamed, angry, or proud. Maybe a little bit of all three

Am I the most negged person in BCT history?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: MadZ on March 01, 2018, 05:15:38 AM
The contract is not void, and there is no chance of it becoming void for a long, long time. It will likely become void if/when I am not Legendary after 3 years, but that remains to be seen. I would advise aTriz not to try and "wriggle out" of the contract, because it puts me in a position where I will be forced to reveal certain things that he has done. If he sticks to the terms of the contract, as stipulated, he is my friend, and he will not be my enemy. Being my enemy is not a very favourable position for anyone to be in. ::)

"Pay me my money or I will do bad things to you."

Gotta love good old fashioned extortion  ::)

I think it would be difficult to argue that aTriz did not know alia was a "gambling exploit" seller considering he was actively assisting this fraud.

I believe aTriz entered the contract before she tried selling her gambling method for $10k USD. His vouch was in regards to her sexual-favor backed gambling services, which while suspect, at least had some loose form of collateral.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 05:16:36 AM
The contract is not void, and there is no chance of it becoming void for a long, long time. It will likely become void if/when I am not Legendary after 3 years, but that remains to be seen. I would advise aTriz not to try and "wriggle out" of the contract, because it puts me in a position where I will be forced to reveal certain things that he has done. If he sticks to the terms of the contract, as stipulated, he is my friend, and he will not be my enemy. Being my enemy is not a very favourable position for anyone to be in. ::)

"Pay me my money or I will do bad things to you."

Gotta love good old fashioned extortion  ::)

I think it would be difficult to argue that aTriz did not know alia was a "gambling exploit" seller considering he was actively assisting this fraud.

I believe aTriz entered the contract before she tried selling her gambling method for $10k USD. His vouch was in regards to her sexual-favor backed gambling services, which while suspect, at least had some loose form of collateral.

No extortion - I expect aTriz to remain in the contract. Thus I will do nothing yet.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: yahoo62278 on March 01, 2018, 05:25:51 AM
Seems to me like the contract would already be void here. You entered into an agreement where you would receive payment(not including the upfront payment) upon successfully completing 30-100 posts in a predetermined amount of time. At the time of making the deal your account was in good standing. Whether the deal was what most would consider "retarded" to involve himself in, Atriz agreed.

Now your account is shit. Massive negative trust(which I will be adding to shortly), signature not worth a dime anymore. When you accrued this negative trust, you broke the contract as your signature space is now rendered useless to Atriz. The deal is void due to a change in your status. Whether Atriz wants to pursue a refund on the 1.1btc prepayment is on him, but any further payments are null and void IMO.

Which brings me to the question, Atriz, what the hell were you thinking here? Do you know this person IRL? From the last few posts I would be led to believe that's possibly the case here and they have some sort of information on you that you may not want the community to know about. Most def attempting extortion on you at the least.

You guys do whatever you feel is best here but as stated above, the contract is voided IMO and alia should move on.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 05:27:49 AM
The contract is not void in any way since none of the terms are broken.

I wish to sever my relationship with aTriz. I will continue posting, he will continue paying me, until the time is up. I will not continue posting in this thread. If anyone has any questions for me, feel free to direct them to the other thread (about me) or send them to me in PM.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Red Painter on March 01, 2018, 05:33:15 AM
The contract is not void, and there is no chance of it becoming void for a long, long time. It will likely become void if/when I am not Legendary after 3 years, but that remains to be seen. I would advise aTriz not to try and "wriggle out" of the contract, because it puts me in a position where I will be forced to reveal certain things that he has done. If he sticks to the terms of the contract, as stipulated, he is my friend, and he will not be my enemy. Being my enemy is not a very favourable position for anyone to be in. ::)

Pretty interesting. I'm going to assume everyone who negatively repped you is also your "enemy". Good luck trying to fight Theymos on the forum he runs himself.

Overall though I feel it wouldn't be "unethical" on Atriz's part to back out of the entire affair since you getting negatively repped was completely out of the blue in the entire affair and the deal was from what it sounds "Purchase of the signature of a quality poster and what could be reputed person in the future".

But now you're one of the least trusted users on this forum AKA the deal's original purpose has gone to shit.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Joel_Jantsen on March 01, 2018, 05:42:55 AM
The contract is not void, and there is no chance of it becoming void for a long, long time. It will likely become void if/when I am not Legendary after 3 years, but that remains to be seen. I would advise aTriz not to try and "wriggle out" of the contract, because it puts me in a position where I will be forced to reveal certain things that he has done. If he sticks to the terms of the contract, as stipulated, he is my friend, and he will not be my enemy. Being my enemy is not a very favourable position for anyone to be in. ::)
That's an extortion attempt...

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: bbbcccddd on March 01, 2018, 05:59:12 AM
Easy solution - Ban the little shit.

Can't wear a banner, which means this claus is broken

"- - For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space"
If you cant wear a banner then thats broken.

Heres a rule she broke

17. Trading of goods that are illegal in the seller's or buyer's country is forbidden. [2]

1    Economy / Services / Taxation is Theft - Stop paying crypto taxes today!   on: February 26, 2018, 02:10:12 PM
I am of the ideological belief that taxation is theft, so I am providing this service which allows people to skip capital gains tax altogether.

If you live in a country where citizens are charged tax regardless of location (such as the US) then do not use this service, as it will be a FELONY and is known as TAX FRAUD. This service is only for citizens of countries that allow this to take place.

If you have crypto to liquidate, I will do it for you. This can be done safely (we can use an escrow) and it will be at any price point that you please. Afterwards, I will send your funds back to you (via PayPal, TransferWise, Western Union, etc.) and you can claim it as a gift, income, etc. on your records, if need be.

This works for me because I live in a country where there is no capital gains tax.

Fee: 25% of your tax savings

(aka if you save $10,000 altogether, I will charge $2,500 for this service)

Skype - live:aliaarmelle"

also this rule is broken

"30. Similar marketplace items must be listed together.[2][e]"

selling nudes and shit fucking whore

plus fooled theymos and generally spammed and caused mayham BAN

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 06:01:09 AM
Easy solution - Ban the little shit.

Can't wear a banner, which means this claus is broken

"- - For the whole term, a signature of his choice will be in my signature space"
If you cant wear a banner then thats broken.

Heres a rule she broke

17. Trading of goods that are illegal in the seller's or buyer's country is forbidden. [2]

1    Economy / Services / Taxation is Theft - Stop paying crypto taxes today!   on: February 26, 2018, 02:10:12 PM
I am of the ideological belief that taxation is theft, so I am providing this service which allows people to skip capital gains tax altogether.

If you live in a country where citizens are charged tax regardless of location (such as the US) then do not use this service, as it will be a FELONY and is known as TAX FRAUD. This service is only for citizens of countries that allow this to take place.

If you have crypto to liquidate, I will do it for you. This can be done safely (we can use an escrow) and it will be at any price point that you please. Afterwards, I will send your funds back to you (via PayPal, TransferWise, Western Union, etc.) and you can claim it as a gift, income, etc. on your records, if need be.

This works for me because I live in a country where there is no capital gains tax.

Fee: 25% of your tax savings

(aka if you save $10,000 altogether, I will charge $2,500 for this service)

Skype - live:aliaarmelle"

also this rule is broken

"30. Similar marketplace items must be listed together.[2][e]"

selling nudes and shit fucking whore

plus fooled theymos and generally spammed and caused mayham BAN

I didn't fool theymos, aTriz's alt. I agree, though - banning me would void the contract. There's nothing I can do about it. However, I did not trade anything illegal, since I shut down the service the second RHaver informed me about its legality or lack thereof

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Quickseller on March 01, 2018, 06:17:39 AM
The contract is not void, and there is no chance of it becoming void for a long, long time. It will likely become void if/when I am not Legendary after 3 years, but that remains to be seen. I would advise aTriz not to try and "wriggle out" of the contract, because it puts me in a position where I will be forced to reveal certain things that he has done. If he sticks to the terms of the contract, as stipulated, he is my friend, and he will not be my enemy. Being my enemy is not a very favourable position for anyone to be in. ::)
That's an extortion attempt...
It makes sense that Lauda was previously defending this girl ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: LoyceV on March 01, 2018, 06:44:50 AM
Since I'm trapped in this deal, and I have a feeling that certain members will neg me if I back out of this contract, I've told alia to take of the alu signature and she can do whatever with it.

I'll still be making payments though, monthly.

1.1 down the drain...
Why didn't you make her put the big red scammer tag as signature?

You've been offered several ways out of this: alia has broken the maximum number of posts per month, broke the implied "good behaviour", and you could have offered a signature that won't fit her his account.
The contract doesn't even state a payment address, next thing you'll know he'll claim you didn't pay after you paid.

Funding this scammer is bad, ignoring is the right thing. And alia, while you keep saying you expect to be cleared in a year, you're only digging a deeper hole trying to extort aTriz. I expected you to reach -512 in a year, I now expect it within 2 days. Where's Vod?

Edit - I don't think certain members will care about the small details like going over 100 posts. I'll get negged no matter how I leave the contract and my reputation is worth a lot more than 1.1 btc.
Do you have anyone specific in mind? The 100 post limit has clearly been broken. Yes, it's a loophole to get out of the contract, but by common standards on Bitcointalk, alia broke the spirit of the contract by being an alt of a known scammer!

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 06:59:54 AM
Since I'm trapped in this deal, and I have a feeling that certain members will neg me if I back out of this contract, I've told alia to take of the alu signature and she can do whatever with it.

I'll still be making payments though, monthly.

1.1 down the drain...
Why didn't you make her put the big red scammer tag as signature?

You've been offered several ways out of this: alia has broken the maximum number of posts per month, broke the implied "good behaviour", and you could have offered a signature that won't fit her his account.
The contract doesn't even state a payment address, next thing you'll know he'll claim you didn't pay after you paid.

Funding this scammer is bad, ignoring is the right thing. And alia, while you keep saying you expect to be cleared in a year, you're only digging a deeper hole trying to extort aTriz. I expected you to reach -512 in a year, I now expect it within 2 days. Where's Vod?

Edit - I don't think certain members will care about the small details like going over 100 posts. I'll get negged no matter how I leave the contract and my reputation is worth a lot more than 1.1 btc.
Do you have anyone specific in mind? The 100 post limit has clearly been broken. Yes, it's a loophole to get out of the contract, but by common standards on Bitcointalk, alia broke the spirit of the contract by being an alt of a known scammer!

1. Contracts don't have a spirit
2. >100 is okay, <30 is not
3. Good behaviour was not stated nor implied
4. I have not even hit 100 posts in March (the first month of the contract)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on March 01, 2018, 07:10:13 AM
The contract is not void, and there is no chance of it becoming void for a long, long time. It will likely become void if/when I am not Legendary after 3 years, but that remains to be seen. I would advise aTriz not to try and "wriggle out" of the contract, because it puts me in a position where I will be forced to reveal certain things that he has done. If he sticks to the terms of the contract, as stipulated, he is my friend, and he will not be my enemy. Being my enemy is not a very favourable position for anyone to be in. ::)
That's an extortion attempt...
It makes sense that Lauda was previously defending this girl ::)
After this, therefore because of this ( I didn't expect your education system to teach you any better.

Given the nature of the contract, and the vagueness of its definition, it is most definitely a non-binding agreement between two parties. Therefore, aTriz can safely exit it right now. Anyone who thinks otherwise, is either mentally-deranged (Quickscammer et. al.), heavily biased (*cough*), or just doesn't really understand the difference between a binding and non binding one. I've thought about this earlier (without considering the prefunded duration), and was certain that either party could announce an exit, and do so as soon as they fulfill their obligations for the current month.
If you took this to court after aTriz exited, it would be a laughing stock and not an actual case. Therefore, if it is legally correct and morally correct (pretty much everyone seems to say that he should exit), then just do it.

This case is a very nice way of distracting from the farmed accounts that need be tagging. I wonder.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 07:14:11 AM
The contract is not void, and there is no chance of it becoming void for a long, long time. It will likely become void if/when I am not Legendary after 3 years, but that remains to be seen. I would advise aTriz not to try and "wriggle out" of the contract, because it puts me in a position where I will be forced to reveal certain things that he has done. If he sticks to the terms of the contract, as stipulated, he is my friend, and he will not be my enemy. Being my enemy is not a very favourable position for anyone to be in. ::)
That's an extortion attempt...
It makes sense that Lauda was previously defending this girl ::)
After this, therefore because of this ( I didn't expect your education system to teach you any better.

Given the nature of the contract, and the vagueness of its definition, it is most definitely a non-binding agreement between two parties. Therefore, aTriz can safely exit it right now. Anyone who thinks otherwise, is either mentally-deranged (Quickscammer et. al.), heavily biased (*cough*), or just doesn't really understand the difference between a binding and non binding one. I've thought about this earlier (without considering the prefunded duration), and was certain that either party could announce an exit, and do so as soon as they fulfill their obligations for the current month.
If you took this to court after aTriz exited, it would be a laughing stock and not an actual case. Therefore, if it is legally correct and morally correct (pretty much everyone seems to say that he should exit), then just do it.

This case is a very nice way of distracting from the farmed accounts that need be tagging. I wonder.

Lauda... thought you were smart. It's not legally binding, but none of the terms have been broken

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on March 01, 2018, 07:15:36 AM
Lauda... thought you were smart. It's not legally binding, but none of the terms have been broken
Doesn't matter. If one can exit, and they want to exit, then they should not be forced to stay in said deal.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: LoyceV on March 01, 2018, 07:16:41 AM
1. Contracts don't have a spirit
3. Good behaviour was not stated nor implied
That's the mindset of a scammer.

2. >100 is okay, <30 is not
"From 30 to 100" can't be interpreted as anything else than a lower an upper limit. Otherwise there would be no reason to mention the "100".

4. I have not even hit 100 posts in March (the first month of the contract)
The contract ( doesn't state it starts in March.

It's interesting to see you moved that thread from Off-topic to Services. Let me report it for being on the wrong board.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 07:25:12 AM
1. Contracts don't have a spirit
3. Good behaviour was not stated nor implied
That's the mindset of a scammer.

2. >100 is okay, <30 is not
"From 30 to 100" can't be interpreted as anything else than a lower an upper limit. Otherwise there would be no reason to mention the "100".

4. I have not even hit 100 posts in March (the first month of the contract)
The contract ( doesn't state it starts in March.

It's interesting to see you moved that thread from Off-topic to Services. Let me report it for being on the wrong board.

I didn't move it... only a mod can do that. In addition, 30-100 means "30 to 100". It's like saying "I'll advertise to 30-100 people" and if I advertise to 200, the customer gets pissed lmao that's not how it works

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 01, 2018, 07:47:35 AM
The speed limit is 40-70. I was doing 90. Illegal.

A tradesman gives you a quote for $300-400. Ends up costing $600. Illegal.

This surgery carries a 5-10% risk of death. Actual risk is 30%. Illegal.

You are trying to argue that 30-100 means the same as >30. It categorically does not.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on March 01, 2018, 08:17:13 AM
The speed limit is 40-70. I was doing 90. Illegal.

A tradesman gives you a quote for $300-400. Ends up costing $600. Illegal.

This surgery carries a 5-10% risk of death. Actual risk is 30%. Illegal.

You are trying to argue that 30-100 means the same as >30. It categorically does not.


so aTriz has about 8 different get outs of the contract.. but the best is that Alia has accepted a multisig option. So I would suggest that aTriz goes down that route, if he is willing to pay up to avoid negs then he should go into a multisig agreement but with 2 of 3 not 2 of 2, This way with someone independent being the 3rd sig should Alia be banned or decide to Fuck him in the agreement then he still retrieves the funds.

I would suggest a site Admin as a 3rd party adjudicator in this

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Quickseller on March 01, 2018, 08:33:44 AM
Looking at the terms of the contract, I don’t see any reason why aTriz should be able to back out of paying alia.
Other than the amount that was paid upfront, I think the same. Although the input from others is welcome.

I have to assume aTriz is referring to something with his post... but I agree, it seems like the contract, as posted, should not hold aTriz accountable to continue payments. Still not sure why one would agree to a 5 month upfront payment in this situation. Seems like quite a risk for a user with no real prior history who has only been on the forum 1 month.

I am curious to know what in the written contact makes you come to this conclusion. The only way I see aTriz getting out of the contract is if alia doesn’t make at least 30 posts per month.

I don't think he's obligated to pay. He entered into the contract thinking someone was who they said they were and that person is clearly a liar who is misrepresenting themselves, so IMO the contract could be void just based on the fact it was created under false pretenses.
Have you seen the communications between alia and aTriz regarding this deal? If not, then I don't think it is fair to say alia was misrepresenting anything to aTriz because you don't know what was represented.

Broadly speaking, alia has represented she is a 19 year old girl, and based on the fact she appears to have a fair amount of generally happy camgirl customers, I would say there is a decent chance alia is in fact a young women/girl. Also, as per this ( reddit thread, I think there is a decent chance there is a 15 year old boy in alia's family (although this could be alia her(him)self.

Alia did misrepresent ( the gambling script he was selling, however aTriz facilicatd ( this fraud, so I don't think it would be fair to argue this to be a false pretense that duped aTriz. aTriz very clearly ( knew what he was talking about when he gave the vouch, as pointed out multiple times (

I want to point out that I very much think alia is a scammer, largely because of the gambling script. I think it is somewhat plausible that flavors is the brother of alia (despite the issue of bumping using the incorrect account -- one could argue they sometimes use a shared computer), however luckily this is a moot point because I can confirm both accounts are scammers because of separate actions.

I'd also add that standard public policies amongst the community has generally been that red trust == removal from signature campaigns which I believe adds further reasoning.
This is often a term that some signature campaigns impose, however not all signature campaigns impose this rule. I would point out that the issue of "red trust" is not mentioned in the contract, so I would argue that the question of if the terms have been broken should be blind to the trust rating (or color).

I think it would be difficult to argue that aTriz did not know alia was a "gambling exploit" seller considering he was actively assisting this fraud.

I believe aTriz entered the contract before she tried selling her gambling method for $10k USD.
Hmm, this is true, alia entered into the contract the day before trying to sell the script. I would still argue that since aTriz actively facilitated this fraud, that had he known this ahead of time would not have deterred him from entering into the contract.  
His vouch was in regards to her sexual-favor backed gambling services, which while suspect, at least had some loose form of collateral.
I don't think this is right. The thread ( aTriz posted his vouch in makes no mention of any kind of sexual favors. (a 'control+f search of the thread for both sex and [/i]favor[/i] yields no results).

Massive negative trust(which I will be adding to shortly), signature not worth a dime anymore.
The signature space of a newbie is not worth 'a dime' to start with. According to the overview of signature campaigns ( thread, there are exactly zero signature campaigns available for newbies and junior members.
When you accrued this negative trust, you broke the contract
You forgot to quote the term of the contract that alia broke. Also, the below quote contradicts this statement
Which brings me to the question, Atriz, what the hell were you thinking here?

That train has sailed.
Trains don't sail. They leave the station.

Since I'm trapped in this deal, and I have a feeling that certain members will neg me if I back out of this contract, I've told alia to take of the alu signature and she can do whatever with it.
Like I said before,being a scammer with -256 negative feedback wasn't surely a part of the contract.Paying a scammer on monthly basis for providing a worthless service is not the productive outcome for your money. I don't think you should be tagged because the other party doesn't hold the credibility to stand on the contract anymore.
The service was more or less worthless before alia received negative trust, and the negative trust does not change this.

Using this logic will set a very bad precedent, and will only make it easier for scammers to continue scamming once they receive negative trust and have scam accusations opened against them. If this logic is upheld, then scammers would start to say that they can't accept escrow and they must receive money up front for trades with the explanation that the community will not attempt to enforce contracts with those with negative trust, therefore anyone's existing reputation cannot be relied upon.

I am curious to know how you would feel if this was a loan instead of a deal to wear a signature. Would you feel the same way? If so, what is different?

The 100 post limit has clearly been broken. Yes, it's a loophole to get out of the contract,
I don't buy this. Making excess posts benefit the party trying to terminate the contract because of this alleged "breach", and is in no way harmed because of this. If aTriz were to try to enforce this as a 'limit' then alia could simply delete excessive posts, which would go against public policy as it would give an incentive for a scammer to delete posts, potentially removing evidence of scamming.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 08:53:02 AM
I don't buy this. Making excess posts benefit the party trying to terminate the contract because of this alleged "breach", and is in no way harmed because of this. If aTriz were to try to enforce this as a 'limit' then alia could simply delete excessive posts, which would go against public policy as it would give an incentive for a scammer to delete posts, potentially removing evidence of scamming.

Pretty much. Truth is, contract is valid. If a side admin decides to ban me, it is invalid. If I am not Legendary in 3 years, it is invalid. No other (feasible) way (other than my post count dropping below 29 a month which won't happen)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on March 01, 2018, 08:55:03 AM
No other (feasible) way (other than my post count dropping below 29 a month which won't happen)
Yeah, no. If you were sued for this very contract, not only would it be ruled invalid you'd also pay damages to the other party. Quicksy just wants aTriz to burn at a stake.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Quickseller on March 01, 2018, 08:58:10 AM
Although I do not have evidence of this, I would speculate that aTriz was essentially selling trust by way of entering into a long term signature deal, and giving what is basically a fake vouch, even though he knew ( the product was worthless.

The US$300/month payment is on the high range for even legendary members, especially for only 30 posts/month, and in terms of US dollars, the cost of signature space is a lot higher than it has been in the past (in large part because of the massive increase in the BTCUSD price).

My speculation is that alia paid aTriz to give the fake vouch, enter into the long term signature deal, and say that 5 months (~1,500) were paid up front (I have not seen where aTriz say this, however others have said this) to give alia false credibility. It is very well possible that no money has actually changed hands for the signature deal.

It is outright insane to trust a new user with $1500, especially when you have a fair amount of trust yourself, and when the other person is claiming ( to have well above that in crypto, so they can't say they need the money for x expenses.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Quickseller on March 01, 2018, 08:59:01 AM
No other (feasible) way (other than my post count dropping below 29 a month which won't happen)
Yeah, no. If you were sued for this very contract, not only would it be ruled invalid you'd also pay damages to the other party. Quicksy just wants aTriz to burn at a stake.
You clearly do not know what you are talking about...

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on March 01, 2018, 09:01:11 AM
Although I do not have evidence of this, I would speculate that aTriz was essentially selling trust by way of entering into a long term signature deal, and giving what is basically a fake vouch, even though he knew ( the product was worthless.

The US$300/month payment is on the high range for even legendary members, especially for only 30 posts/month, and in terms of US dollars, the cost of signature space is a lot higher than it has been in the past (in large part because of the massive increase in the BTCUSD price).

My speculation is that alia paid aTriz to give the fake vouch, enter into the long term signature deal, and say that 5 months (~1,500) were paid up front (I have not seen where aTriz say this, however others have said this) to give alia false credibility. It is very well possible that no money has actually changed hands for the signature deal.

It is outright insane to trust a new user with $1500, especially when you have a fair amount of trust yourself, and when the other person is claiming ( to have well above that in crypto, so they can't say they need the money for x expenses.

you know what is insane? you thinking that anyone other than OG nasty respects anything you say!

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Lauda on March 01, 2018, 09:01:34 AM
My speculation is that alia paid aTriz to give the fake vouch, enter into the long term signature deal, and say that 5 months (~1,500) were paid up front (I have not seen where aTriz say this, however others have said this) to give alia false credibility. It is very well possible that no money has actually changed hands for the signature deal.
Quicksy just wants aTriz to burn at a stake.

You clearly do not know what you are talking about...
Yeah, you should consult a lawyer about your escrow scams and you shall see who knows what they're talking about. Ambiguous contract snowflake.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Quickseller on March 01, 2018, 09:12:06 AM
Although I do not have evidence of this, I would speculate that aTriz was essentially selling trust by way of entering into a long term signature deal, and giving what is basically a fake vouch, even though he knew ( the product was worthless.

The US$300/month payment is on the high range for even legendary members, especially for only 30 posts/month, and in terms of US dollars, the cost of signature space is a lot higher than it has been in the past (in large part because of the massive increase in the BTCUSD price).

My speculation is that alia paid aTriz to give the fake vouch, enter into the long term signature deal, and say that 5 months (~1,500) were paid up front (I have not seen where aTriz say this, however others have said this) to give alia false credibility. It is very well possible that no money has actually changed hands for the signature deal.

It is outright insane to trust a new user with $1500, especially when you have a fair amount of trust yourself, and when the other person is claiming ( to have well above that in crypto, so they can't say they need the money for x expenses.

you know what is insane? you thinking that anyone other than OG nasty respects anything you say!

My theory makes more sense than what was been presented as fact regarding the signature campaign deal.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 09:15:50 AM
Since I'm trapped in this deal, and I have a feeling that certain members will neg me if I back out of this contract, I've told alia to take of the alu signature and she can do whatever with it.

I'll still be making payments though, monthly.

1.1 down the drain...

Edit - I don't think certain members will care about the small details like going over 100 posts. I'll get negged no matter how I leave the contract and my reputation is worth a lot more than 1.1 btc.

If you really plan on paying her, do not let her decide which signature she wears. Now you have the responsibility to protect other members from her (a scammer)! That's why I ask you to
think carefully and not let her win. An example of which signature she should wear:

[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer and will steal your money. Do not act with me! Reference: [/b][/color][/size]

Quote from: signature of alia
Attention. I am a scammer and will steal your money. Do not act with me! Reference:

I also believe that you should not pay for reasons mentioned by other members.

Being my enemy is not a very favourable position for anyone to be in. ::)

Since I am responsible for the fact that your account is worth nothing, I would like to know if I am an enemy for you.  ::)

Thank you, scam_detector.  I think that when aTriz arrives, all this can be settled amicably some way which reasonably assures that the thing you complain of will not happen again.  I think that’s what you’re seeking; am I right?

Aside, it was from your behaviour in the other thread that I concluded that your intentions are what you claim:  Fighting scams—while not risking flamewar blowback to your main account, but also not taking credit as “the one who outed Alia”.  I see that I was correct in this assessment.


If you still want (or forced to do so) to pay her, I ask you to use an escrow. Alia has often mentioned in her other trades that she welcomes an escrow in her dealings.  ;)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on March 01, 2018, 09:16:51 AM
My theory makes more sense than what was been presented as fact regarding the signature campaign deal.

My theory that you are a cunt is a fact.. I am sure lots of members agree with me.

your constant attacking of Lauda and anyone associated with them is even more pathetic than the tit for tat I have with your buddy OG!

seriously dude you need to get out your mums basement, maybe get a hobby or just pay for a prostitute - anything other than the way you conduct yourself now will have a positive affect on your life

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: aTriz on March 01, 2018, 10:09:18 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:11:20 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 10:15:53 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Then please force her to have this (or a similar one) signature for at least five months. So you would do the community a huge favor!

[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer and will steal your money. Do not act with me! Reference: [/b][/color][/size]

Quote from: signature of alia
Attention. I am a scammer and will steal your money. Do not act with me! Reference:

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:16:27 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Then please force her to have this (or a similar one) signature for at least five months. So you would do the community a huge favor!

[size=12pt][color=red][b]Attention. I am a scammer and will steal your money. Do not act with me! Reference: [/b][/color][/size]

Quote from: signature of alia
Attention. I am a scammer and will steal your money. Do not act with me! Reference:

Honestly, I'll keep that for 3 years. No problemo. But this dude still has to continue payments.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on March 01, 2018, 10:16:53 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:17:49 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Astargath on March 01, 2018, 10:19:43 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.

Was any of this a legal contract or why do you keep saying ''contract''

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:20:58 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.

Was any of this a legal contract or why do you keep saying ''contract''

It's a public agreement that I had with aTriz, not legally notarized and thus not legally binding, but a contract nonetheless. If aTriz breaks this then you can never really trust him.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on March 01, 2018, 10:21:55 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.

it was an agreement, your current trust ratings make that agreement void..

try and clear your name in a separate thread and then you may have a leg to stand on - until then just move on...

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: aTriz on March 01, 2018, 10:22:13 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.
You did more then 100 posts. Technically that means it's broken.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:22:29 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.

it was an agreement, your current trust ratings make that agreement void..

try and clear your name in a separate thread and then you may have a leg to stand on - until then just move on...

Wrong. Trust was not involved.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:23:26 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.
You did more then 100 posts. Technically that means it's broken.

Yeah, I actually thought you were reasonable and would stick to the terms (30-100 obviously implies any figure over 30, since above 100 is still beneficial to you) but I guess not. Don't be a retard, just pay me back. Please. 

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Astargath on March 01, 2018, 10:24:08 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.

Was any of this a legal contract or why do you keep saying ''contract''

It's a public agreement that I had with aTriz, not legally notarized and thus not legally binding, but a contract nonetheless. If aTriz breaks this then you can never really trust him.

Actually to be fair, if it's not legally binding he is legally able to break the agreement any time really. Should I not trust him because he is operating within the law? Not to mention the obvious problems you are facing and as I said before you wont ever get to legendary anyways.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: aTriz on March 01, 2018, 10:27:20 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.
You did more then 100 posts. Technically that means it's broken.

Yeah, I actually thought you were reasonable and would stick to the terms (30-100 obviously implies any figure over 30, since above 100 is still beneficial to you) but I guess not. Don't be a retard, just pay me back. Please. 
The community supports me on the fact that your new negative trust makes the contract worthless. Well except quickseller.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:27:35 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.

Was any of this a legal contract or why do you keep saying ''contract''

It's a public agreement that I had with aTriz, not legally notarized and thus not legally binding, but a contract nonetheless. If aTriz breaks this then you can never really trust him.

Actually to be fair, if it's not legally binding he is legally able to break the agreement any time really. Should I not trust him because he is operating within the law? Not to mention the obvious problems you are facing and as I said before you wont ever get to legendary anyways.

If aTriz doesn't break his word, I will reach Legendary. I guarantee it.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on March 01, 2018, 10:28:09 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.
You did more then 100 posts. Technically that means it's broken.

Yeah, I actually thought you were reasonable and would stick to the terms (30-100 obviously implies any figure over 30, since above 100 is still beneficial to you) but I guess not. Don't be a retard, just pay me back. Please. 

30-100 was clear - outside that range and agreement is broken..

pay him back!

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:28:21 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.
You did more then 100 posts. Technically that means it's broken.

Yeah, I actually thought you were reasonable and would stick to the terms (30-100 obviously implies any figure over 30, since above 100 is still beneficial to you) but I guess not. Don't be a retard, just pay me back. Please. 
The community supports me on the fact that your new negative trust makes the contract worthless. Well except quickseller.

I should have known I can never trust you... warning to everyone, aTriz cannot be trusted with anything. This forum is horrible anyways, I'm leaving.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 01, 2018, 10:29:07 AM
Even ignoring the fact that you were selling a scam script and also an illegal tax evasion service, the contract is null and void for a variety of reasons.

International Law and Treaties are bound by the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. It is implied in every contract that parties are expected to deal with each other honestly, openly, fairly and in good faith. Breaching the covenant of good faith terminates the contract. This obviously not a black and white issue, but I would argue (and I'm sure the majority would agree) that the following are breaches of being "honest, open, fair and acting in good faith":

- aTriz believing he was dealing with an account solely operated by a 19 year old female, when in fact, as far as we know, it may be operated by a 15 year old male, both, or neither of these parties.
- Now proven links to a number of other scam accounts.
- Using an alt account to leave yourself positive feedback, twice.
- Attempting to blackmail and/or extort the other party.

Frustration of purpose is a doctrine that states when an unforeseen event undermines a party's principal purpose for entering into a contract such that the performance of the contract is radically different from performance of the contract that was originally contemplated by both parties, then the contract is terminated. You achieving a red trust of -256 unequivocally renders the value of your signature space "radically different".

Contra proferentem is a doctrine that states where a promise, agreement or term is ambiguous, the preferred meaning should be the one that works against the interests of the party who provided the wording. As you provided the wording of "30 - 100 posts", the preferred meaning is in aTriz's favour, and you breached the contract.

In addition to this, you are guilty of tort - that is, a wrongdoing that causes someone else to suffer loss or harm. aTriz's is now being questioned on his intentions and his trust is at risk because of your actions. In a court, not only would the contract be invalidated, but you would have to pay aTriz for damages.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 10:30:03 AM
just pay me back. Please. 

No, you have to pay him back the money for the remaining four months.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:32:57 AM
Clearly, aTriz is acting in bad faith. He may be a scammer, but I am not. I no longer intend to become Legendary, so I'll pay him back. aTriz, post an address and the amount I should repay you. And fuck you.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: LoyceV on March 01, 2018, 10:33:17 AM
The community supports me on the fact that your new negative trust makes the contract worthless. Well except quickseller.
Not only that, I would trust you less if you would continue paying a known scammer who pulled a long con! Payment only encourages scammers to continue doing that, and favours would no doubt create the next account.

This forum is horrible anyways, I'm leaving.
And there it is: on to the next account.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: aTriz on March 01, 2018, 10:34:37 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.
You did more then 100 posts. Technically that means it's broken.

Yeah, I actually thought you were reasonable and would stick to the terms (30-100 obviously implies any figure over 30, since above 100 is still beneficial to you) but I guess not. Don't be a retard, just pay me back. Please. 
The community supports me on the fact that your new negative trust makes the contract worthless. Well except quickseller.

I should have known I can never trust you... warning to everyone, aTriz cannot be trusted with anything. This forum is horrible anyways, I'm leaving.
Send here



Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 01, 2018, 10:34:58 AM
Question since I'm a newbie:

Are IP bans a thing, beyond the "evil payment"? Can we stop him/her/they coming back?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on March 01, 2018, 10:35:22 AM
I should have known I can never trust you... warning to everyone, aTriz cannot be trusted with anything. This forum is horrible anyways, I'm leaving.

He can be trusted..


Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 10:37:14 AM
Clearly, aTriz is acting in bad faith. He may be a scammer, but I am not. I no longer intend to become Legendary, so I'll pay him back. aTriz, post an address and the amount I should repay you. And fuck you.

Quote from: alia, aTriz contract
If any of these terms are not met, aTriz has no obligation to continue payments, and I will refund him the total paid amount.

This means that you owe him the full sum he paid you in advance.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: aTriz on March 01, 2018, 10:38:18 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.
You did more then 100 posts. Technically that means it's broken.

Yeah, I actually thought you were reasonable and would stick to the terms (30-100 obviously implies any figure over 30, since above 100 is still beneficial to you) but I guess not. Don't be a retard, just pay me back. Please. 
The community supports me on the fact that your new negative trust makes the contract worthless. Well except quickseller.

I should have known I can never trust you... warning to everyone, aTriz cannot be trusted with anything. This forum is horrible anyways, I'm leaving.
Send here


389.33*5 = 1946.55

You owe me 0.182392!

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:38:21 AM
Clearly, aTriz is acting in bad faith. He may be a scammer, but I am not. I no longer intend to become Legendary, so I'll pay him back. aTriz, post an address and the amount I should repay you. And fuck you.

Quote from: alia, aTriz contract
If any of these terms are not met, aTriz has no obligation to continue payments, and I will refund him the total paid amount.

This means that you owe him the full sum he paid you in advance.

Look, you retarded fucking asshole. Try convincing people otherwise, but I am not a fucking scammer. I will pay him back in full since I intend to break the contract by not making Legendary. I was here to do legit business but everyone screwed me over. Fuck you all.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: BitRent-Alt on March 01, 2018, 10:38:54 AM
Question since I'm a newbie:

Are IP bans a thing, beyond the "evil payment"? Can we stop him/her/they coming back?

As far as I know, alia didn't break any forum's rules. So it's not an option.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 10:39:34 AM
Clearly, aTriz is acting in bad faith. He may be a scammer, but I am not. I no longer intend to become Legendary, so I'll pay him back. aTriz, post an address and the amount I should repay you. And fuck you.

Quote from: alia, aTriz contract
If any of these terms are not met, aTriz has no obligation to continue payments, and I will refund him the total paid amount.

This means that you owe him the full sum he paid you in advance.

Look, you retarded fucking asshole. Try convincing people otherwise, but I am not a fucking scammer. I will pay him back in full since I intend to break the contract by not making Legendary. I was here to do legit business but everyone screwed me over. Fuck you all.


Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:43:08 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sig deal i have made became very troublesome. With the guidance of others in this thread, I've decided to not pay alia after the 5 months have ended.
I'm not going waste my time trying to get back the funds that I've already sent her. If alia wants she can return the funds for 4 months and do her posts for March.

Yeah, no. That's not how it works. I haven't broken any contract terms and thus the contract is entirely valid. You still owe me the 1.1 BTC.

I would leave this alone If I were you alia.. you are fighting against the community on this one..

If I were you I would take a week or two out and think about this objectively.

Explain to me - which term of the contract did I break? I fail to see it.
You did more then 100 posts. Technically that means it's broken.

Yeah, I actually thought you were reasonable and would stick to the terms (30-100 obviously implies any figure over 30, since above 100 is still beneficial to you) but I guess not. Don't be a retard, just pay me back. Please. 
The community supports me on the fact that your new negative trust makes the contract worthless. Well except quickseller.

I should have known I can never trust you... warning to everyone, aTriz cannot be trusted with anything. This forum is horrible anyways, I'm leaving.
Send here


389.33*5 = 1946.55

You owe me 0.182392!


Call me a scammer one more time, lmao. You guys are just horrible. I was here to help you, to do business, you guys red tagged me for ALLEGED reasons, and made me unable to do proper deals. The next time you want to fuck up an innocent person's account, AT LEAST GET PROOF FIRST. I did not expect theymos to accuse me of things like this, nor Lauda, nor everyone who red tagged me. And aTriz, you lying scumbag, fuck you most of all.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 10:45:33 AM
That feeling... (

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 01, 2018, 10:46:50 AM
That feeling... (

I knew what picture that was going to be before I clicked.

PM me your real account so I can send you some merit  ;D

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:46:59 AM
That feeling... (

You didn't expose a scammer, fucktard. You caused a genuine forum member to get tagged to death in red. I have not scammed anyone and I do not intend to. Fuck, I bet the next thread you'll make will be on theymos. Improve your detection skills

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 10:50:59 AM
PM me your real account so I can send you some merit  ;D

Thanks, even if you mean it nice, I do not want sMerits for that nor do I want someone to know what my main account is called. My satisfaction is that this scammer (alia) can no longer harm others.

That feeling... (

You didn't expose a scammer, fucktard. You caused a genuine forum member to get tagged to death in red. I have not scammed anyone and I do not intend to. Fuck, I bet the next thread you'll make will be on theymos. Improve your detection skills


Let me know if you need some cold water, kid.

A fitting quote from you. Funny, how everything has turned out.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:52:09 AM
PM me your real account so I can send you some merit  ;D

Thanks, even if you mean it nice, I do not want sMerits for that nor do I want someone to know what my main account is called. My satisfaction is that this scammer (alia) can no longer harm others.

Yes. Me, someone with -128 red trust, would repay a lying asshole 0.18. 100% SCAMMER!!!!1! Fuck you, mdayonliner.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on March 01, 2018, 10:54:11 AM
Call me a scammer one more time

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 10:55:27 AM

Sooooo close to getting my last sMerit.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 11:00:16 AM
If it's ok, then I will lock this thread this evening. Anyone who still wants to post his opinion can do it until this evening.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 11:02:27 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on March 01, 2018, 11:04:10 AM

just take a week out - look at this objectively..

you did yourself a massive favor by paying him back... so go take a chill pill, smoke a J.. have a few wanks on cam  - then come back with a smile on your face..

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 11:05:43 AM

just take a week out - look at this objectively..

you did yourself a massive favor by paying him back... so go take a chill pill, smoke a J.. have a few wanks on cam  - then come back with a smile on your face..

I didn't do anyone a favour. I owed him money. The contract said if I don't reach Legendary in 3 years, he is entitled to a full refund. I no longer wish to be a Legendary member ever, and thus, by my own words, I was bound to refund him. I couldn't live with myself if I scammed $2,000 USD from someone and broke my own contract. I don't need a week out... I've seen enough of how brutal, ruthless and frankly stupid this forum can be.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 11:06:48 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 11:13:05 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

It's going to be hard to recover from so much red trust. Most users have made up their mind that I am a scammer... even though I have scammed nobody, and have in fact done the opposite. Maybe if people see reason, my red trust will go away. I'll still attempt to do deals and whatnot, with escrow, maybe it will be enough.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on March 01, 2018, 11:18:13 AM
I didn't do anyone a favour. I owed him money. The contract said if I don't reach Legendary in 3 years, he is entitled to a full refund. I no longer wish to be a Legendary member ever, and thus, by my own words, I was bound to refund him. I couldn't live with myself if I scammed $2,000 USD from someone and broke my own contract. I don't need a week out... I've seen enough of how brutal, ruthless and frankly stupid this forum can be.

you did yourself a favor, IE - making yourself look better to the community by paying him back and not fighting it.

my advise is now stop replying and take some time out..

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 11:19:15 AM
I didn't do anyone a favour. I owed him money. The contract said if I don't reach Legendary in 3 years, he is entitled to a full refund. I no longer wish to be a Legendary member ever, and thus, by my own words, I was bound to refund him. I couldn't live with myself if I scammed $2,000 USD from someone and broke my own contract. I don't need a week out... I've seen enough of how brutal, ruthless and frankly stupid this forum can be.

you did yourself a favor, IE - making yourself look better to the community by paying him back and not fighting it.

my advise is now stop replying and take some time out..

I don't care about what I look like to the community. My rep is clearly irrepairable. Say what you will about me, but I am not someone who will break an agreement (unlike aTriz). If I make a promise, I will stick by it.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 11:20:02 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

It's going to be hard to recover from so much red trust. Most users have made up their mind that I am a scammer... even though I have scammed nobody, and have in fact done the opposite. Maybe if people see reason, my red trust will go away. I'll still attempt to do deals and whatnot, with escrow, maybe it will be enough.

Oh, the old "fishing for sympathy" of a scammer because his plan did not work out.  ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 11:21:27 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

It's going to be hard to recover from so much red trust. Most users have made up their mind that I am a scammer... even though I have scammed nobody, and have in fact done the opposite. Maybe if people see reason, my red trust will go away. I'll still attempt to do deals and whatnot, with escrow, maybe it will be enough.

Oh, the old "fishing for sympathy" of a scammer because his plan did not work out.  ::)

Are you fucking retarded? My "plan" was to scam $0? And my "fishing for sympathy" is repaying 2 fucking thousand dollars? If at this point you can't see that I'm not a scammer, then you deserve to be in a special needs hospital. Or pre school

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 11:23:26 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

It's going to be hard to recover from so much red trust. Most users have made up their mind that I am a scammer... even though I have scammed nobody, and have in fact done the opposite. Maybe if people see reason, my red trust will go away. I'll still attempt to do deals and whatnot, with escrow, maybe it will be enough.

Oh, the old "fishing for sympathy" of a scammer because his plan did not work out.  ::)

Are you fucking retarded? My "plan" was to scam $0? And my "fishing for sympathy" is repaying 2 fucking thousand dollars? If at this point you can't see that I'm not a scammer, then you deserve to be in a special needs hospital. Or pre school

Two words: long con  ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 11:24:39 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

It's going to be hard to recover from so much red trust. Most users have made up their mind that I am a scammer... even though I have scammed nobody, and have in fact done the opposite. Maybe if people see reason, my red trust will go away. I'll still attempt to do deals and whatnot, with escrow, maybe it will be enough.

Oh, the old "fishing for sympathy" of a scammer because his plan did not work out.  ::)

Are you fucking retarded? My "plan" was to scam $0? And my "fishing for sympathy" is repaying 2 fucking thousand dollars? If at this point you can't see that I'm not a scammer, then you deserve to be in a special needs hospital. Or pre school

Two words: long con  ::)

Do you think after this whole fiasco anyone will trust me with $20 much less $20,000? I have no chance of redeeming myself from this. Any non-braindead scammer would've taken the $2k as a blessing and run, I actually have an ounce of morality, unlike you. Use your brain.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 01, 2018, 11:29:12 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

It's going to be hard to recover from so much red trust. Most users have made up their mind that I am a scammer... even though I have scammed nobody, and have in fact done the opposite. Maybe if people see reason, my red trust will go away. I'll still attempt to do deals and whatnot, with escrow, maybe it will be enough.

Oh, the old "fishing for sympathy" of a scammer because his plan did not work out.  ::)

Are you fucking retarded? My "plan" was to scam $0? And my "fishing for sympathy" is repaying 2 fucking thousand dollars? If at this point you can't see that I'm not a scammer, then you deserve to be in a special needs hospital. Or pre school

If you are going to be angry at anyone, it should be your "brother" (if he even exists) for using your IP address and wallets to conduct multiple scams with multiple accounts over multiple forums.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 11:30:30 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

It's going to be hard to recover from so much red trust. Most users have made up their mind that I am a scammer... even though I have scammed nobody, and have in fact done the opposite. Maybe if people see reason, my red trust will go away. I'll still attempt to do deals and whatnot, with escrow, maybe it will be enough.

Oh, the old "fishing for sympathy" of a scammer because his plan did not work out.  ::)

Are you fucking retarded? My "plan" was to scam $0? And my "fishing for sympathy" is repaying 2 fucking thousand dollars? If at this point you can't see that I'm not a scammer, then you deserve to be in a special needs hospital. Or pre school

If you are going to be angry at anyone, it should be your "brother" (if he even exists) for using your IP address and wallets to conduct multiple scams with multiple accounts over multiple forums.

Yeah... he's a fucktard. The only thing that I did wrong was use his account to give myself a positive rating, one time. That's it. I would never even dream of stealing a single dollar, no matter what the reason. If I was a scammer, I wouldn't give back the scammer aTriz a single penny.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 11:32:26 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

It's going to be hard to recover from so much red trust. Most users have made up their mind that I am a scammer... even though I have scammed nobody, and have in fact done the opposite. Maybe if people see reason, my red trust will go away. I'll still attempt to do deals and whatnot, with escrow, maybe it will be enough.

Oh, the old "fishing for sympathy" of a scammer because his plan did not work out.  ::)

Are you fucking retarded? My "plan" was to scam $0? And my "fishing for sympathy" is repaying 2 fucking thousand dollars? If at this point you can't see that I'm not a scammer, then you deserve to be in a special needs hospital. Or pre school

Two words: long con  ::)

Do you think after this whole fiasco anyone will trust me with $20 much less $20,000? I have no chance of redeeming myself from this. Any non-braindead scammer would've taken the $2k as a blessing and run, I actually have an ounce of morality, unlike you. Use your brain.

One explanation for your pay back is that we've come to find out a lot about you and your "brother". When you planned to do this long con, you did not expect us to find out so much about you and your "brother".

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 11:34:03 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

It's going to be hard to recover from so much red trust. Most users have made up their mind that I am a scammer... even though I have scammed nobody, and have in fact done the opposite. Maybe if people see reason, my red trust will go away. I'll still attempt to do deals and whatnot, with escrow, maybe it will be enough.

Oh, the old "fishing for sympathy" of a scammer because his plan did not work out.  ::)

Are you fucking retarded? My "plan" was to scam $0? And my "fishing for sympathy" is repaying 2 fucking thousand dollars? If at this point you can't see that I'm not a scammer, then you deserve to be in a special needs hospital. Or pre school

Two words: long con  ::)

Do you think after this whole fiasco anyone will trust me with $20 much less $20,000? I have no chance of redeeming myself from this. Any non-braindead scammer would've taken the $2k as a blessing and run, I actually have an ounce of morality, unlike you. Use your brain.

One explanation for your pay back is that we've come to find out a lot about you and your "brother". When you planned to do this long con, you did not expect us to find out so much about you and your "brother".

Dude... you are crazy. Keep on grasping straws. Truth of the matter is I had no reason whatsoever to refund aTriz (if I was a scammer) and I did refund him... because I'm not one. As for my identity, the offer to Skype me still stands. Just yesterday, the Legendary member ObscureBean Skyped me and verified me once again. I'm up for that interview with theymos. Up for anything. Seriously, go rag on someone else, you've been proven wrong 2 out of 2 times. RIP

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 01, 2018, 11:37:34 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

It's going to be hard to recover from so much red trust. Most users have made up their mind that I am a scammer... even though I have scammed nobody, and have in fact done the opposite. Maybe if people see reason, my red trust will go away. I'll still attempt to do deals and whatnot, with escrow, maybe it will be enough.

Oh, the old "fishing for sympathy" of a scammer because his plan did not work out.  ::)

Are you fucking retarded? My "plan" was to scam $0? And my "fishing for sympathy" is repaying 2 fucking thousand dollars? If at this point you can't see that I'm not a scammer, then you deserve to be in a special needs hospital. Or pre school

If you are going to be angry at anyone, it should be your "brother" (if he even exists) for using your IP address and wallets to conduct multiple scams with multiple accounts over multiple forums.

Yeah... he's a fucktard. The only thing that I did wrong was use his account to give myself a positive rating, one time. That's it. I would never even dream of stealing a single dollar, no matter what the reason. If I was a scammer, I wouldn't give back the scammer aTriz a single penny.

Two times. And try to make 35 BTC from a scam script. And offer an illegal tax evasion service. And admit that a known scammer has access to your wallets and accounts (if your "brother" exists, and if not, then you are a scammer yourself).

We are now going in circles. I would consider locking the thread.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 11:39:40 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

It's going to be hard to recover from so much red trust. Most users have made up their mind that I am a scammer... even though I have scammed nobody, and have in fact done the opposite. Maybe if people see reason, my red trust will go away. I'll still attempt to do deals and whatnot, with escrow, maybe it will be enough.

Oh, the old "fishing for sympathy" of a scammer because his plan did not work out.  ::)

Are you fucking retarded? My "plan" was to scam $0? And my "fishing for sympathy" is repaying 2 fucking thousand dollars? If at this point you can't see that I'm not a scammer, then you deserve to be in a special needs hospital. Or pre school

If you are going to be angry at anyone, it should be your "brother" (if he even exists) for using your IP address and wallets to conduct multiple scams with multiple accounts over multiple forums.

Yeah... he's a fucktard. The only thing that I did wrong was use his account to give myself a positive rating, one time. That's it. I would never even dream of stealing a single dollar, no matter what the reason. If I was a scammer, I wouldn't give back the scammer aTriz a single penny.

Two times. And try to make 35 BTC from a scam script. And offer an illegal tax evasion service. And admit that a known scammer has access to your wallets and accounts (if your "brother" exists, and if not, then you are a scammer yourself).

We are now going in circles. I would consider locking the thread.

Holy shit... for fuck's sake. MY SCRIPT WAS NOT A SCAM, IT PAYS ME AND PAID INVESTORS OUT MONEY. Just because all the haters don't know what bankroll management and smart plays are, doesn't mean that I don't. And the moment I found out my service was illegal, I shut it down. Come to think of it, I never offered an illegal service, because it clearly stated "if this service is illegal in your jurisdiction then DO NOT USE IT" and that is the most unambiguous I can be.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: endlasuresh on March 01, 2018, 11:50:57 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

It's going to be hard to recover from so much red trust. Most users have made up their mind that I am a scammer... even though I have scammed nobody, and have in fact done the opposite. Maybe if people see reason, my red trust will go away. I'll still attempt to do deals and whatnot, with escrow, maybe it will be enough.

Oh, the old "fishing for sympathy" of a scammer because his plan did not work out.  ::)

Are you fucking retarded? My "plan" was to scam $0? And my "fishing for sympathy" is repaying 2 fucking thousand dollars? If at this point you can't see that I'm not a scammer, then you deserve to be in a special needs hospital. Or pre school

If you are going to be angry at anyone, it should be your "brother" (if he even exists) for using your IP address and wallets to conduct multiple scams with multiple accounts over multiple forums.

Yeah... he's a fucktard. The only thing that I did wrong was use his account to give myself a positive rating, one time. That's it. I would never even dream of stealing a single dollar, no matter what the reason. If I was a scammer, I wouldn't give back the scammer aTriz a single penny.

Two times. And try to make 35 BTC from a scam script. And offer an illegal tax evasion service. And admit that a known scammer has access to your wallets and accounts (if your "brother" exists, and if not, then you are a scammer yourself).

We are now going in circles. I would consider locking the thread.
You should lock this thread since the scammer wont get a ban and may be use another ID to promote again scams. The person language shows from native english speaker.

The topic was about Can you still believe aTriz words?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 11:51:52 AM
Before I leave the forum, I'd love to see an explanation from @Lauda @theymos @hilariousandco etc etc who negged me without proof. Where are they now, now that I repaid? I had no incentive whatsoever to pay that fucking cunt back - if I wanted to, I could have logged off and forgotten this account. Truth is, I'm not a scammer and I never will be. Let this beautiful thread stand as proof of how innocents are lynched and how terrible the judgement of DT users can be. RIP BCT

But what about your trades and services? You said you'd be in the green again in a year. Can you explain why you do not continue your trades and services?  ::)

It's going to be hard to recover from so much red trust. Most users have made up their mind that I am a scammer... even though I have scammed nobody, and have in fact done the opposite. Maybe if people see reason, my red trust will go away. I'll still attempt to do deals and whatnot, with escrow, maybe it will be enough.

Oh, the old "fishing for sympathy" of a scammer because his plan did not work out.  ::)

Are you fucking retarded? My "plan" was to scam $0? And my "fishing for sympathy" is repaying 2 fucking thousand dollars? If at this point you can't see that I'm not a scammer, then you deserve to be in a special needs hospital. Or pre school

If you are going to be angry at anyone, it should be your "brother" (if he even exists) for using your IP address and wallets to conduct multiple scams with multiple accounts over multiple forums.

Yeah... he's a fucktard. The only thing that I did wrong was use his account to give myself a positive rating, one time. That's it. I would never even dream of stealing a single dollar, no matter what the reason. If I was a scammer, I wouldn't give back the scammer aTriz a single penny.

Two times. And try to make 35 BTC from a scam script. And offer an illegal tax evasion service. And admit that a known scammer has access to your wallets and accounts (if your "brother" exists, and if not, then you are a scammer yourself).

We are now going in circles. I would consider locking the thread.
You should lock this thread since the scammer wont get a ban and may be use another ID to promote again scams. The person language shows from native english speaker.

The topic was about Can you still believe aTriz words?

"The scammer"
"promote again scams"

Scammer, scammer, scammer, yet no scam occurred. I'm lovin' it

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: tmfp on March 01, 2018, 11:52:39 AM
Just yesterday, the Legendary member ObscureBean Skyped me and verified me once again.

Would that be the ObscureBean account that has been inactive for six months?
How much did it cost you?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 11:54:37 AM
Just yesterday, the Legendary member ObscureBean Skyped me and verified me once again.

Would that be the ObscureBean account that has been inactive for six months?
How much did it cost you?

Me talkin to ObscureBean via Skype (

Although, that is news to me. I did not know that. Guess the dude was fake since he keeps promising to pay me but has paid me zero so far.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: arallmuus on March 01, 2018, 11:56:06 AM

Enough said, promising return for a EV- games is a scam to begin with. You may win now but in the end it remains as EV- games

Also this is out of topic already

I don't care about what I look like to the community.

FYI, the community rules in here also your red trusted account will now be much more attractive :) . Sad truth huh but if you stick to the so called 'guidance' then everything should be fine

Here is the guidance, red tag = scammers, no matter what it is ( happened to me once  ::) )

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 11:58:01 AM

Enough said, promising return for a EV- games is a scam to begin with. You may win now but in the end it remains as EV- games

Also this is out of topic already

I don't care about what I look like to the community.

FYI, the community rules in here also your red trusted account will now be much more attractive :) . Sad truth huh but if you stick to the so called 'guidance' then everything should be fine

Here is the guidance, red tag = scammers, no matter what it is ( happened to me once  ::) )

All casinos are EV- in the long run and thus all strategies. In the short run, many strategies can be profitable.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Astargath on March 01, 2018, 12:02:16 PM

Enough said, promising return for a EV- games is a scam to begin with. You may win now but in the end it remains as EV- games

Also this is out of topic already

I don't care about what I look like to the community.

FYI, the community rules in here also your red trusted account will now be much more attractive :) . Sad truth huh but if you stick to the so called 'guidance' then everything should be fine

Here is the guidance, red tag = scammers, no matter what it is ( happened to me once  ::) )

All casinos are EV- in the long run and thus all strategies. In the short run, many strategies can be profitable.

Not really, if something is profitable in the short run it should be profitable in the long run too. The only ''strategies'' that exist only give you a slightly better chance of winning although still in EV-. Basically there is a ''strategy'' that gives you slightly better odds than, for example, betting on a single number or using martingale but as I said it is not giving you a EV+. Never, not in the short run not in the long run.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 12:08:30 PM

Enough said, promising return for a EV- games is a scam to begin with. You may win now but in the end it remains as EV- games

Also this is out of topic already

I don't care about what I look like to the community.

FYI, the community rules in here also your red trusted account will now be much more attractive :) . Sad truth huh but if you stick to the so called 'guidance' then everything should be fine

Here is the guidance, red tag = scammers, no matter what it is ( happened to me once  ::) )

All casinos are EV- in the long run and thus all strategies. In the short run, many strategies can be profitable.

Not really, if something is profitable in the short run it should be profitable in the long run too. The only ''strategies'' that exist only give you a slightly better chance of winning although still in EV-. Basically there is a ''strategy'' that gives you slightly better odds than, for example, betting on a single number or using martingale but as I said it is not giving you a EV+. Never, not in the short run not in the long run.

Sigh... I said many times. It worked for me, time and time again. I'm sure it is EV-, but in my personal experience, it makes me profit. Whatever, I'm not selling it any more, so discussion over on that front

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: endlasuresh on March 01, 2018, 12:14:34 PM

"The scammer"
"promote again scams"

Scammer, scammer, scammer, yet no scam occurred. I'm lovin' it
Ok, you are a good person, and p.s do good business, anyway we meet different people with different attitudes daily.

Life is to make a good reputation and best name in the world, but here at this forum I learnt a lot of things from  Legendary members.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 12:16:10 PM

"The scammer"
"promote again scams"

Scammer, scammer, scammer, yet no scam occurred. I'm lovin' it
Ok, you are a good person, and p.s do good business, anyway we meet different people with different attitudes daily.

Life is to make a good reputation and best name in the world, but here at this forum I learnt a lot of things from  Legendary members.

Thank you for seeing the light. I appreciate it.

I would like to formally apologize to everyone I insulted in this thread, because I was just pissed. The truth is, I am not a scammer, I repaid aTriz, and it was never my intention to scam anyone. To anyone I hurt - I'm sorry. Future advice for DT members, there is a lot of responsibility placed on your shoulders, please do not frivolously give out red to innocents because it is a shitty thing to do. Thank you all

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: tmfp on March 01, 2018, 12:35:38 PM
Just yesterday, the Legendary member ObscureBean Skyped me and verified me once again.

Would that be the ObscureBean account that has been inactive for six months?
How much did it cost you?

Me talkin to ObscureBean via Skype (

How is that "verified" in any way?

Although, that is news to me. I did not know that. Guess the dude was fake since he keeps promising to pay me but has paid me zero so far.

But the account sent you positive trust

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 12:36:29 PM
Just yesterday, the Legendary member ObscureBean Skyped me and verified me once again.

Would that be the ObscureBean account that has been inactive for six months?
How much did it cost you?

Me talkin to ObscureBean via Skype (

How is that "verified" in any way?

Although, that is news to me. I did not know that. Guess the dude was fake since he keeps promising to pay me but has paid me zero so far.

But the account sent you positive trust

Because I asked him to. Because I cammed him, and he verified me. lol

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: digaran on March 01, 2018, 12:44:00 PM
You little cunt, who paid you to discredit theymos? are you seeing this as a fight for 1.1BTC and discrediting aTriz? somebody paid her to do this, they are after theymos.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 12:45:24 PM
You little cunt, who paid you to discredit theymos? are you seeing this as a fight for 1.1BTC and discrediting aTriz? somebody paid her to do this, they are after theymos.

Yes... it is my master plan to go after the admin of this forum. Me, someone with -128 red trust, will bring down theymos himself!


Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: tmfp on March 01, 2018, 12:51:03 PM
Quote from: alia
ObscureBean Skyped me and verified me once again. 

Quote from: alia
he verified me.

Quote from: me
How is that "verified" in any way?

This what "verify" means on this planet.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 12:52:22 PM
Quote from: alia
ObscureBean Skyped me and verified me once again. 

Quote from: alia
he verified me.

Quote from: me
How is that "verified" in any way?

This what "verify" means on this planet.

He verified that I am who I say I am on Skype. Now please don't say I am him, because I wouldn't waste 0.1 BTC on a fake review (a bad one, at that) and 0.18 BTC refunding just to repair the rep of this shitty -128 red account.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: Quickseller on March 01, 2018, 01:23:27 PM
Even ignoring the fact that you were selling a scam script and also an illegal tax evasion service, the contract is null and void for a variety of reasons.

International Law and Treaties are bound by the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. It is implied in every contract that parties are expected to deal with each other honestly, openly, fairly and in good faith. Breaching the covenant of good faith terminates the contract. This obviously not a black and white issue, but I would argue (and I'm sure the majority would agree) that the following are breaches of being "honest, open, fair and acting in good faith":

- aTriz believing he was dealing with an account solely operated by a 19 year old female, when in fact, as far as we know, it may be operated by a 15 year old male, both, or neither of these parties.
- Now proven links to a number of other scam accounts.
- Using an alt account to leave yourself positive feedback, twice.
- Attempting to blackmail and/or extort the other party.

Frustration of purpose is a doctrine that states when an unforeseen event undermines a party's principal purpose for entering into a contract such that the performance of the contract is radically different from performance of the contract that was originally contemplated by both parties, then the contract is terminated. You achieving a red trust of -256 unequivocally renders the value of your signature space "radically different".

Contra proferentem is a doctrine that states where a promise, agreement or term is ambiguous, the preferred meaning should be the one that works against the interests of the party who provided the wording. As you provided the wording of "30 - 100 posts", the preferred meaning is in aTriz's favour, and you breached the contract.

In addition to this, you are guilty of tort - that is, a wrongdoing that causes someone else to suffer loss or harm. aTriz's is now being questioned on his intentions and his trust is at risk because of your actions. In a court, not only would the contract be invalidated, but you would have to pay aTriz for damages.
It would probably not be a good idea for anyone to trade with you when you are making those kinds of arguments.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 01:25:08 PM
Even ignoring the fact that you were selling a scam script and also an illegal tax evasion service, the contract is null and void for a variety of reasons.

International Law and Treaties are bound by the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. It is implied in every contract that parties are expected to deal with each other honestly, openly, fairly and in good faith. Breaching the covenant of good faith terminates the contract. This obviously not a black and white issue, but I would argue (and I'm sure the majority would agree) that the following are breaches of being "honest, open, fair and acting in good faith":

- aTriz believing he was dealing with an account solely operated by a 19 year old female, when in fact, as far as we know, it may be operated by a 15 year old male, both, or neither of these parties.
- Now proven links to a number of other scam accounts.
- Using an alt account to leave yourself positive feedback, twice.
- Attempting to blackmail and/or extort the other party.

Frustration of purpose is a doctrine that states when an unforeseen event undermines a party's principal purpose for entering into a contract such that the performance of the contract is radically different from performance of the contract that was originally contemplated by both parties, then the contract is terminated. You achieving a red trust of -256 unequivocally renders the value of your signature space "radically different".

Contra proferentem is a doctrine that states where a promise, agreement or term is ambiguous, the preferred meaning should be the one that works against the interests of the party who provided the wording. As you provided the wording of "30 - 100 posts", the preferred meaning is in aTriz's favour, and you breached the contract.

In addition to this, you are guilty of tort - that is, a wrongdoing that causes someone else to suffer loss or harm. aTriz's is now being questioned on his intentions and his trust is at risk because of your actions. In a court, not only would the contract be invalidated, but you would have to pay aTriz for damages.
It would probably not be a good idea for anyone to trade with you when you are making those kinds of arguments.

I know right. Good faith my ass, a contract is a contract. Well, at least I honoured it... and aTriz didn't. Decide who the real scammer is now

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 01, 2018, 01:34:09 PM
Even ignoring the fact that you were selling a scam script and also an illegal tax evasion service, the contract is null and void for a variety of reasons.

International Law and Treaties are bound by the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. It is implied in every contract that parties are expected to deal with each other honestly, openly, fairly and in good faith. Breaching the covenant of good faith terminates the contract. This obviously not a black and white issue, but I would argue (and I'm sure the majority would agree) that the following are breaches of being "honest, open, fair and acting in good faith":

- aTriz believing he was dealing with an account solely operated by a 19 year old female, when in fact, as far as we know, it may be operated by a 15 year old male, both, or neither of these parties.
- Now proven links to a number of other scam accounts.
- Using an alt account to leave yourself positive feedback, twice.
- Attempting to blackmail and/or extort the other party.

Frustration of purpose is a doctrine that states when an unforeseen event undermines a party's principal purpose for entering into a contract such that the performance of the contract is radically different from performance of the contract that was originally contemplated by both parties, then the contract is terminated. You achieving a red trust of -256 unequivocally renders the value of your signature space "radically different".

Contra proferentem is a doctrine that states where a promise, agreement or term is ambiguous, the preferred meaning should be the one that works against the interests of the party who provided the wording. As you provided the wording of "30 - 100 posts", the preferred meaning is in aTriz's favour, and you breached the contract.

In addition to this, you are guilty of tort - that is, a wrongdoing that causes someone else to suffer loss or harm. aTriz's is now being questioned on his intentions and his trust is at risk because of your actions. In a court, not only would the contract be invalidated, but you would have to pay aTriz for damages.
It would probably not be a good idea for anyone to trade with you when you are making those kinds of arguments.

I know right. Good faith my ass, a contract is a contract. Well, at least I honoured it... and aTriz didn't. Decide who the real scammer is now

You mean the same arguments that govern international law?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 01:36:20 PM
Even ignoring the fact that you were selling a scam script and also an illegal tax evasion service, the contract is null and void for a variety of reasons.

International Law and Treaties are bound by the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. It is implied in every contract that parties are expected to deal with each other honestly, openly, fairly and in good faith. Breaching the covenant of good faith terminates the contract. This obviously not a black and white issue, but I would argue (and I'm sure the majority would agree) that the following are breaches of being "honest, open, fair and acting in good faith":

- aTriz believing he was dealing with an account solely operated by a 19 year old female, when in fact, as far as we know, it may be operated by a 15 year old male, both, or neither of these parties.
- Now proven links to a number of other scam accounts.
- Using an alt account to leave yourself positive feedback, twice.
- Attempting to blackmail and/or extort the other party.

Frustration of purpose is a doctrine that states when an unforeseen event undermines a party's principal purpose for entering into a contract such that the performance of the contract is radically different from performance of the contract that was originally contemplated by both parties, then the contract is terminated. You achieving a red trust of -256 unequivocally renders the value of your signature space "radically different".

Contra proferentem is a doctrine that states where a promise, agreement or term is ambiguous, the preferred meaning should be the one that works against the interests of the party who provided the wording. As you provided the wording of "30 - 100 posts", the preferred meaning is in aTriz's favour, and you breached the contract.

In addition to this, you are guilty of tort - that is, a wrongdoing that causes someone else to suffer loss or harm. aTriz's is now being questioned on his intentions and his trust is at risk because of your actions. In a court, not only would the contract be invalidated, but you would have to pay aTriz for damages.
It would probably not be a good idea for anyone to trade with you when you are making those kinds of arguments.

I know right. Good faith my ass, a contract is a contract. Well, at least I honoured it... and aTriz didn't. Decide who the real scammer is now

You mean the same arguments that govern international law?

In PayPal, whatever story the buyer makes up is law. In bitcoin, whoever receives the payment has the final word, since the blockchain is law.

Trying to apply international law to an unambigous contract on bitcointalk is like saying BTC payments should be made reversable, and decisions on BTC transactions should be governed by the PayPal team ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 01, 2018, 01:48:42 PM
Even ignoring the fact that you were selling a scam script and also an illegal tax evasion service, the contract is null and void for a variety of reasons.

International Law and Treaties are bound by the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. It is implied in every contract that parties are expected to deal with each other honestly, openly, fairly and in good faith. Breaching the covenant of good faith terminates the contract. This obviously not a black and white issue, but I would argue (and I'm sure the majority would agree) that the following are breaches of being "honest, open, fair and acting in good faith":

- aTriz believing he was dealing with an account solely operated by a 19 year old female, when in fact, as far as we know, it may be operated by a 15 year old male, both, or neither of these parties.
- Now proven links to a number of other scam accounts.
- Using an alt account to leave yourself positive feedback, twice.
- Attempting to blackmail and/or extort the other party.

Frustration of purpose is a doctrine that states when an unforeseen event undermines a party's principal purpose for entering into a contract such that the performance of the contract is radically different from performance of the contract that was originally contemplated by both parties, then the contract is terminated. You achieving a red trust of -256 unequivocally renders the value of your signature space "radically different".

Contra proferentem is a doctrine that states where a promise, agreement or term is ambiguous, the preferred meaning should be the one that works against the interests of the party who provided the wording. As you provided the wording of "30 - 100 posts", the preferred meaning is in aTriz's favour, and you breached the contract.

In addition to this, you are guilty of tort - that is, a wrongdoing that causes someone else to suffer loss or harm. aTriz's is now being questioned on his intentions and his trust is at risk because of your actions. In a court, not only would the contract be invalidated, but you would have to pay aTriz for damages.
It would probably not be a good idea for anyone to trade with you when you are making those kinds of arguments.

I know right. Good faith my ass, a contract is a contract. Well, at least I honoured it... and aTriz didn't. Decide who the real scammer is now

You mean the same arguments that govern international law?

In PayPal, whatever story the buyer makes up is law. In bitcoin, whoever receives the payment has the final word, since the blockchain is law.

Trying to apply international law to an unambigous contract on bitcointalk is like saying BTC payments should be made reversable, and decisions on BTC transactions should be governed by the PayPal team ::)

In PayPal, you sign up to their terms and agreements when you open an account or agree to accept them as payment. That has nothing to do with contract law.

I would draw your attention to Brassil v. Maryland Casualty Co., 104 N.E. 622; 210 N.Y. 235; 1914 NY:
But there is a contractual obligation of universal force which underlies all written agreements. It is the obligation of good faith.

And also to Kirke La Shelle Company v. The Paul Armstrong Company et al., 263 N.Y. 79; 188 N.E. 163; 1933 NY
In every contract there exists an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.

And to The International Chamber of Commerce Constitution (June 2017)
The International Chamber of Commerce is also convinced of the paramount need of enhancing the respect of high standards, equity and good faith in international professional and business relationships.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: suchmoon on March 01, 2018, 01:50:25 PM
All casinos are EV- in the long run and thus all strategies. In the short run, many strategies can be profitable.


That train has sailed.
Trains don't sail. They leave the station.

Can you be more of a fucking moron, please?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: Toughit on March 01, 2018, 02:02:49 PM
If aTriz had not backed out, I would not have any trust as I would have suspected a hidden link, so good.

Alia, you have a great mind, learn from this, mature a little, finish college, and put it to better use.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: alia on March 01, 2018, 02:04:07 PM
If aTriz had not backed out, I would not have any trust as I would have suspected a hidden link, so good.

Alia, you have a great mind, learn from this, finish college, and put it to better use.

Thank you. No, I'm not hiding any links... I have paid aTriz back and would like to make it clear. My intention was never, ever to scam anyone. Everyone here has got it wrong.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: alisafidel58 on March 01, 2018, 03:50:08 PM
My intention was never, ever to scam anyone. Everyone here has got it wrong.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: actmyname on March 01, 2018, 04:00:53 PM
All casinos are EV- in the long run and thus all strategies. In the short run, many strategies can be profitable.
Fuck haikus for now
I'll educate you on maths
Strategies don't work
If you are advocating that strategies can be profitable then you must show non-anecdotal proof (as it is obviously invalid and can use specific sample sizes) that the expected value of each bet is positive.

However, in gambling, short-term/long-term expected value of a given strategy is the same. There is no statistical difference between them. Any claim that there IS a difference is either wrong or relies on the gambler's fallacy for a game with fixed terms. You even stated yourself in the feedback against RGBKey: "Naturally - [the script] is a mathematical fallacy, because the odds of the ten games are calculated in an isolated fashion and are not involved with each other."

How can you continue to disregard immutable proof?

Suppose we take bustabit's case: 1% house edge.

1% house edge?! So even if you cash out instantly at 1.00x, there's a 1% chance of loss? That's an overall negative trend.

For any given strategy, there's a 51:49 loss-to-win ratio. Doesn't matter what you do. That's an overall loss.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: suchmoon on March 01, 2018, 04:11:02 PM
If you are advocating that strategies can be profitable then you must show non-anecdotal proof (as it is obviously invalid and can use specific sample sizes)

Nope, alia is doubling down on anecdotal proof with a tiny sample size:

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? [will lock on evening]
Post by: Quickseller on March 01, 2018, 04:49:00 PM
If aTriz had not backed out, I would not have any trust as I would have suspected a hidden link, so good.
You would be suspicious of a hidden link if aTriz....honored his obligation...I don’t think that makes very much sense.

If there was a hidden link....couldn’t aTtiz simply pay alia in secret?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Outcome= Yes [will lock on evening]
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 04:56:02 PM
I will lock this thread on 06:00 PM forum time!

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Outcome= Yes [will lock on evening]
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 05:21:38 PM
Another lie from alia.

Quote from: alias trust feedback to aTriz

That's not true! She herself has said that she wants to back out from the contract because she can not meet the terms.

Clearly, aTriz is acting in bad faith. He may be a scammer, but I am not. I no longer intend to become Legendary, so I'll pay him back. aTriz, post an address and the amount I should repay you. And fuck you.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Outcome= Yes [will lock on evening]
Post by: actmyname on March 01, 2018, 05:25:18 PM
Another lie from alia.

Quote from: alias trust feedback to aTriz

That's not true! She herself has said that she wants to back out from the contract because she can not meet the terms.

Clearly, aTriz is acting in bad faith. He may be a scammer, but I am not. I no longer intend to become Legendary, so I'll pay him back. aTriz, post an address and the amount I should repay you. And fuck you.
One correction here
Regardless of the person
Truth is absolute

Not saying that this was the correct course of action but the way you organized the two quotes are in chronological order, not the other way around.

i.e. the post was created after the feedback was sent.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: LoyceV on March 01, 2018, 05:33:29 PM
Credit where credit is due: I didn't expect this, and with the low fee I still wasn't entirely convinced, until it confirmed after 5+ hours.
I'm not saying my faith is restored, but it's something. Well done.

I would like to formally apologize to everyone I insulted in this thread, because I was just pissed. The truth is, I am not a scammer, I repaid aTriz, and it was never my intention to scam anyone. To anyone I hurt - I'm sorry.
I won't get hurt by an anonymous person online saying anything, but it is a pattern I've seen with many people: they're very nice, until they don't get their way. Then all of a sudden they lose their decency, and with that also their dignity.
Life hack: No matter how you feel, stay polite, it's a great way to show you're in control (or not!).

you guys red tagged me for ALLEGED reasons
Using the account of a known red-tagged user is a perfectly valid reason to tag you too. That's common practice all over the forum.

If you honestly believe you're not here to scam anyone, you have an amazing talent of getting yourself into trouble, ranging from self-trust to tax evasion and denying math. If you happen to live with a known scammer and even share accounts, that would have been a good thing to mention. Honesty isn't the easy way, but it's valued (at least by me).
All of this combined is more than reasonable doubt.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Outcome= Yes [will lock on evening]
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 05:54:23 PM
Another lie from alia.

Quote from: alias trust feedback to aTriz

That's not true! She herself has said that she wants to back out from the contract because she can not meet the terms.

Clearly, aTriz is acting in bad faith. He may be a scammer, but I am not. I no longer intend to become Legendary, so I'll pay him back. aTriz, post an address and the amount I should repay you. And fuck you.
One correction here
Regardless of the person
Truth is absolute

Not saying that this was the correct course of action but the way you organized the two quotes are in chronological order, not the other way around.

i.e. the post was created after the feedback was sent.

Pardon, I was not aware of that. I take back my statement.

I would like to formally apologize to everyone I insulted in this thread, because I was just pissed. The truth is, I am not a scammer, I repaid aTriz, and it was never my intention to scam anyone. To anyone I hurt - I'm sorry.
I won't get hurt by an anonymous person online saying anything, but it is a pattern I've seen with many people: they're very nice, until they don't get their way. Then all of a sudden they lose their decency, and with that also their dignity.
Life hack: No matter how you feel, stay polite, it's a great way to show you're in control (or not!).

And with this post I now lock the thread.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: marlboroza on March 01, 2018, 05:57:38 PM
All casinos are EV- in the long run and thus all strategies. In the short run, many strategies can be profitable.
This has been discussed million times in gambling section  ::)

Btw, sometimes is better to place one big bet than 100000 small bets.
It is simple math, lets say you have 1BTC bankroll:

1) place 1 BTC on payout 2X and you will either lose 1BTC or you will make 1BTC.
2) Divide 1BTC in 100,000,000 small bets and bet all on multiplier 2X and lets say house edge is 1%. In perfect conditions, you will win 45,000,000 bets and you will lose 55,000,000 bets, which means you will lose 0.1BTC in long run. If you continue to bet you will eventually lose all bankroll, because casino has 1% advantage over you.

Now, regarding strategies:

1) There is no such thing as short run or long run if you use strategies(martingale, fibonacci etc), because eventually bad streak will occur. Unless you have crystal ball there is no possible way to say when it will occur.
You can run martingale(or any other method) for days and eventually you will hit that bad streak and you will lose your bankroll.
You can run martingale(or any other method) for 10 seconds and very bad streak could happen and you will lose your bankroll.

In any case, no matter what method you use, you will lose your bankroll, unless you are in circle of 0.01% super lucky people who managed to beat casino and house edge.

So please, would you stop repeating that there is winning method because such method doesn't exist!

Stop writing nonsense, I am sick tired of ignorant people who are repeating nonsense in gambling section, THERE IS NO METHOD/STRATEGY/SCRIPT/BOT WHICH WILL HELP YOU TO BEAT CASINO.
Whoever is selling such script knows that, because if there is winning method seller would use it.

Besides, you said you were testing strategy for 2 years which is big red sign in first place because if you tested winning strategy it means that you made lots of money and you don't need to sell script to earn more!

OP please lock topic, we are all tired of reading shits posted by scammer.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: scam_detector on March 01, 2018, 05:58:14 PM
OP please lock topic, we are all tired of reading shits posted by scammer.


Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Outcome= Yes [will lock on evening]
Post by: scam_detector on March 06, 2018, 11:15:58 AM
I've spent a lot of time wondering if I should open this thread again and came to the conclusion that there are still too many questions that need to be answered. The impetus of my consideration, if I should reopen this thread was this post.

It is obvious that this alia person or group attempted a failed ponzi like scam. Which begs the question, what was user aTriz's role in this scam?

Points to consider:

1 Aside from the alia group, aTriz is the only other person to see, use and test this magical script. Only aTriz!

2 aTriz left a vouch for the non existent script, claiming to have made a very good ROI. He actively encouraged other members to invest in it, but luckily no one did. In his own words:

Was given a vouch copy of the method by op and played around with in with funds from the faucet.

With the 10 minutes I used this script with, I profited and worked perfectly. Would recommend.

I made an extremely good ROI, and I’m sure that others who buy the method will experience similar results. Thanks, Alia!

Update: This seems to be a shady user: Do not trade with him/her!

3 By renting the alia account's signature space, did aTriz (a highly respected user) give it some legitimacy?

4 Why was aTriz still willing to pay this alia person/group after they were exposed? Claiming his hands were tied and he couldn't break their contract publicly.

5 I find it strange that the alia group refunded $2000 to aTriz. This, after threatening to "expose" him, like they had some dirt on him. But instead of an expose, they refunded him and left him negative feedback in a very public divorce.

I speculate that there is more to the alia - aTriz relationship than meets the eye, and the only reason the alia group still posts here is to keep the heat off the aTriz account.

The alia account is dead and buried, nobody will trust it with a single satoshi. There is no "lady in distress" here, if there is one, she is complicit. This is not a genuine attempt to clear their name, frankly they don't care, its all obfuscation to hide aTriz's role in this scam. aTriz is safe, as long as all the attention is focused on the dead alia account.

The public divorce, negative feedback rating, refund of signature payments is all a charade in an attempt to distance the alia account from the alTriz account. Yes, this is all speculation, but you know it makes sense. If there is no script, then aTriz lied, why is the alia account bearing all the brunt, afterall aTriz profited and made an extremely good ROI using it?

@ aTriz I have nothing against you, but you have a lot to answer for here and should. I'd rather post here than in the kangaroo court like thread started by quickseller.

@ nullius, on skype video recordings can be manipulated with software to make like its live. This trick is used by romance scam artist, dig a little, you will find the answer to your question.

I ask aTriz to answer these questions. The easiest way would be to publish the script here so it can be verified by experienced users. So I ask aTriz to publish the script here.

Yeah, that's the way the Razor cuts for me too; there was no script.
If that is the case, it begs the questions:

1) The nearly half a BTC he/she/etc. paid out below was seed money. What for?
2) What did aTriz do or see, in order for him to vouch it?

Quote from: alia

Not that it's inconsistent with alia's inconsistency, but I'd have thought that the best way of continuing to bluff this out would have been to push the following story, rather than attempt to argue that math isn't math. The claimed unspecified alteration in house edge would make redundant calcs based on 1%.

Quote from: alia

Although his/her/etc. later claims that
made the "script" work on more than just one site are yet another inconsistency.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: TMAN on March 06, 2018, 11:48:54 AM
FFS go have a wank or something QS

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Outcome= Yes [will lock on evening]
Post by: nullius on March 06, 2018, 12:01:11 PM
I've spent a lot of time wondering if I should open this thread again

scam_detector, I thank you for reopening this thread.  After I saw cruso’s post, I was considering making that suggestion.  I think it’s important for any such questions to be examined in a fair and impartial manner.

To that end, I wish to reserve comment about aTriz until aTriz himself has a reasonable chance to have his say.  However, I also deem it wise to gather into the record here several interesting observations I made about this alleged gambling script.  I will edit this post with quotes and links to recent threads, or make a new post if more appropriate.  (In a nutshell:  Events which transpired after RGBKey offered to audit the script.)

Edit 1:

On the offer of a confidential audit:

While I was preparing a post suggesting an independent audit of Alia’s purported script, RGBKey stepped up of his own initiative and offered to perform one:
I'll offer to audit this script. If alia wants to send it to me then I will go through it and analyze how it works and post my analysis about it here without revealing its inner workings. I don't plan to bet money with it, instead to analyze the code.

I emphasize that independently and unprompted by anyone, RGBKey stated that he offered to analyze the script “without revealing its inner workings”.  I myself thought as such that if acting in good faith, Alia had no rational reason not to jump for the opportunity of such an audit.  Private auditors are usually well-paid.

I promptly gave my endorsement to RGBKey’s technical abilities for performing such an audit.  Given my general reputation, and also that Alia has repeatedly called me a “genius”, I hoped that this would encourage her to agree to an audit by RGBKey:
I myself will vouch for RGBKey’s technical competence for performing such an audit.  I don’t know gambling; but I have interacted with RGBKey in the Development & Technology forum, and he knows his stuff.  I would trust the results of any gambling script audit performed by RGBKey.

What say you, Alia?

suchmoon was less optimistic than I was.  Quite prescient:
I fully expect alia to weasel out of this for some random reason.

Jeez... you don't get it do you? Auditing means giving the script for free. Not interested.

(Aside:  In the same post, Alia also asked me to return money which she purported to have won for me by gambling.  When I said I had offered to give the money away to someone who needed it, she challenged me to donate 0.00673625 BTC to the Pirate Bay.  I did so.  I don’t want ill-gotten gains; and TPB deserves the money, not least because they hate Btrash.  Post with my txid, which can be traced through previous tx I have posted as to this affair:

Whereupon I explained:
Keeping focus on the top-line and bottom-line issue:  No, an audit does not mean “giving the script for free”.

Multi-billion-dollar software companies entrust their proprietary source code to independent auditors.  Do you really think your precious script is more valuable than that?

Now, I repeat:  Alia, you yourself made this an issue:

Like I said, many, many times... not everything has to be 100% math based. My aim is to make profit for people, and I am doing it. That is my end goal. Not to fit your stupid equations (which are not even relevant since you don't know the intricacies of how my script works)

If your ultimate answer is that your critics lack sufficient knowledge to judge your script because they haven’t seen it, then it is incumbent on you to grant such knowledge.

You can’t have your cake and eat it, too, by claiming that secret knowledge overrides the known laws of mathematics, refusing to let anybody else examine it, and then claiming to “prove” that your script works based on statistically, scientifically invalid experimentation performed in an unverifiable manner.

Really, this secret knowledge is beginning to take on a quasi-mystical edge.

...and I continued persisting in pressing Alia to agree to an audit:
Now, again:  How about that audit?

There is more pertinent discussion in that thread.  In the foregoing, I have given only a concise summary with very brief excerpts.  I encourage those interested to read the pertinent portions of the thread.  Also, my principal objective in the foregoing is to relate facts I believe may be probative—not to analyze or interpret those facts (beyond the obvious).

This thread is self-moderated by Alia.  Therefore, I here present a complete archive as it stands:

Complete archive of thread, single page (large):;all

Individual pages:










There are at least two other posts by Alia which I think may be relevant.  One, I can’t seem to find right now amidst the voluminous posts of the past few days.  That and the other, I intend to address later either by editing this post again, or making a separate post.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 06, 2018, 02:06:59 PM

Would love to hear your opinion on my new proposition. Genuinely interested in good criticism.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: TMAN on March 06, 2018, 02:09:59 PM

Would love to hear your opinion on my new proposition. Genuinely interested in good criticism.

Fuck off and leave the forum like you promised before?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 06, 2018, 02:20:16 PM

Would love to hear your opinion on my new proposition. Genuinely interested in good criticism.

Fuck off and leave the forum like you promised before?

I said I'd leave that account... -.-

If you don't have anything relevant or intelligent to say, then what is your purpose on this thread? Or on this planet?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: TMAN on March 06, 2018, 02:23:21 PM
I said I'd leave that account... -.-

If you don't have anything relevant or intelligent to say, then what is your purpose on this thread? Or on this planet?

What I am saying is very relevant, you should just fuck off..  would make this reputation board more readable for starters.

as for my presence on this planet? well there are many things you would not understand as you are a stupid child, but one of the great things Is I can basque in my bitcoin riches and point out what a stupid cunt you are..

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 06, 2018, 02:30:16 PM
I said I'd leave that account... -.-

If you don't have anything relevant or intelligent to say, then what is your purpose on this thread? Or on this planet?

What I am saying is very relevant, you should just fuck off..  would make this reputation board more readable for starters.

as for my presence on this planet? well there are many things you would not understand as you are a stupid child, but one of the great things Is I can basque in my bitcoin riches and point out what a stupid cunt you are..

Money shouts, wealth whispers. Might I add, bragging about your "bitcoin riches" on an online forum is a great way to get killed

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: TMAN on March 06, 2018, 03:00:16 PM
I said I'd leave that account... -.-

If you don't have anything relevant or intelligent to say, then what is your purpose on this thread? Or on this planet?

What I am saying is very relevant, you should just fuck off..  would make this reputation board more readable for starters.

as for my presence on this planet? well there are many things you would not understand as you are a stupid child, but one of the great things Is I can basque in my bitcoin riches and point out what a stupid cunt you are..

Money shouts, wealth whispers. Might I add, bragging about your "bitcoin riches" on an online forum is a great way to get killed

Check my join date, its pretty obvious I am not a Pajeet like you. As for getting killed - my security is tight my little hermaphrodite friend

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: cruso on March 06, 2018, 03:02:30 PM
Which begs the question, what was user aTriz's role in this scam?
Collateral damage. Stop being butthurt and then going on vengeance runs via shills.

Dear Lauda,

I admire you standing up for aTriz (your business partner), but you do him no favors by speaking on his behalf. Allow him to speak for himself please. You did not see the script, he did.

I am ready to give aTriz the benefit of the doubt, and I think that a large part of the community will do the same.The questions here are straightforward: A simple yes or no will do.

1 Did aTriz see the script?
2 Did he test the said script?
3 If he did, did he profit from the script.
4 Can he say with certainty, that the profit accrued was due to the fantastic machinations of the script.
5 Is he still using the script? and what are the results? I see no reason why he should stop using it, according to him, the results are fantastic.

If he answers no to these questions, could he have been coerced somehow to make the vouch?

I rest until whenever aTriz answers these questions. Bear in mind that only aTriz aside from the proven liar alia has seen and used this script. Only atriz can tell us if or not the said script is real or a scam.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: nullius on March 06, 2018, 03:21:03 PM
The easiest way would be to publish the script here so it can be verified by experienced users. So I ask aTriz to publish the script here.

@scam_detector, would it be satisfactory to you as a first step if aTriz were to commit a SHA-256 hash of any pertinent script in his possession?  I think that would then allow any further discussions to proceed more smoothly.

@aTriz, I suggest committing a SHA-256 hash of the script.  That is what I would do at this point, if I were in your position—to fix the bit-for-bit identity of the script for evidentiary purposes, as well as to immediately show that I am acting in good faith in the face of many accusations.

Note:  I have previously (somewhere in the “prove my script works” thread) suggested that Alia commit such a hash.  Of course, it did not happen.

@cruso, besides my foregoing suggestion as to the gambling script, I will at this point speak only to one fact of which you may not be aware:

3 By renting the alia account's signature space, did aTriz (a highly respected user) give it some legitimacy?

Please see earlier in this thread:

It was an unpleasant surprise to see someone who appeared to be level headed like aTriz, making the errors of judgement he has made in vouching for a gambling script and pre paying a large signature deal with a newbie, based on a 'contract' apparently scribbled on the back of an envelope.

My best guess:  Star power.  Movie studio exec rushes to lock in a hot rising starlet, who is supposed to be the Next Big Thing—and it turns out, there is some nasty surprise about her...

Again, my guess.

I note that aTriz also hinted at making an offer for my signature.  From Alia’s signature-selling thread:

Do we get the sig space of your alt nullius as well? :P

(Disclosure:  Some discussions were had.  The only reason why I’m not wearing a paid signature now is that I really don’t want one—although I do not wholly exclude the possibility; remember, I’m the guy who couldn’t get scammed out of 1.2 BTC because I don’t have it.  Nevertheless, my PGP key fingerprints need the space.  PGP fingerprints are important to me.)

Now, as you realize, my signature would be substantially more valuable than Alia’s.  Think about that in business terms.

I have no first-hand knowledge of aTriz’s signature deal with Alia.  I was not a party to that deal, and not privy to negotiations between them.  However, I have drawn different inferences than you do, based on where I was involved (my own discussion with aTriz—and my likely being the one who inadvertently attracted his attention to Alia).

Knowing the foregoing, would you draw the same conclusions as you did in your post?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: cruso on March 06, 2018, 04:25:22 PM
Knowing the foregoing, would you draw the same conclusions as you did in your post?

Maybe not, I am not be a fan of aTriz, but fair is fair. I see how he could have been attracted to the the user alia's signature space as a marketing tool for making sales.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: JayJuanGee on March 06, 2018, 08:50:58 PM
I said I'd leave that account... -.-

If you don't have anything relevant or intelligent to say, then what is your purpose on this thread? Or on this planet?

What I am saying is very relevant, you should just fuck off..  would make this reputation board more readable for starters.

as for my presence on this planet? well there are many things you would not understand as you are a stupid child, but one of the great things Is I can basque in my bitcoin riches and point out what a stupid cunt you are..

I know that you are just referring to alia as a "child" as a kind of communicative effect, but many of us likely realize that there is a slim chance that alia is a child (whether 15, or 19 or even in her lower 20s), and whether she is a man or a woman  (a boy or a girl) does not matter too much, except for the statistical likelihood that she is probably a man rather than a woman, and likely someone who has a decent amount of time (whether a team or an individual) in the scheming and scamming scene.. so at least in her upper 20s, unless she started scheming as a teenager, and even teenagers should take a considerable number of years before there is any necessity to become so freakin ass jaded.  

So, I do not necessarily conclude that alia is stupid, but likely does have various mental issues regarding the degree to which s/he/it pursues certain distracting, trolling, scheming, shilling agendas and has gotten into a life in which these activities are "normal" and a way to make money off of gullible others - and surely, there is some teaming up going on, and we cannot always know those various relationships when we do not have access to some of the background login information - ip addresses, etc.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 06, 2018, 09:26:41 PM
QS is completely nucking futs with his self-moderated bullshit so I'd rather re-post here where it's unlikely to get deleted:

This man is a fucking scammer, he broke a 3-year contract with me when he had no right to do so. Me getting negged was not involved as a clause in the contract whatsoever. Do not trust a word he says

Your contract was prepaid for 5 months and he had no way of breaking it until that time elapsed. He even allowed you to not wear the signature so you basically got the money without even doing what you originally agreed to. You decided to end the contract once you figured out that you won't be able to become Legendary.

Now regarding the script - I would like to see it. I don't think aTriz could be bound by any NDA with a known scammer but there was a threat or an attempt of extortion (, something QS claims to be an expert of. If nothing else I'd like to see how he twists himself into a pretzel trying to downplay it here. But mainly I would like to see aTriz post the script or explain why he can't do it.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 06, 2018, 10:37:01 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: JayJuanGee on March 06, 2018, 10:42:41 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.

Oh my!!!!!

We knew this was coming sooner or later. 

A confirmed liar to be proclaiming to have evidence of a scam.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 06, 2018, 10:45:11 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.

You sound like Quicksy. Do you hear the same voices in your head?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 06, 2018, 11:10:53 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
I find this unlikely. The scope of your relationship is unlikely to uncover this kind of information.

It is statements like this that make it appear as if you are in fact closely associated with aTriz and are trying to create distractions from his shady behavior.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 06, 2018, 11:18:38 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
I find this unlikely. The scope of your relationship is unlikely to uncover this kind of information.

It is statements like this that make it appear as if you are in fact closely associated with aTriz and are trying to create distractions from his shady behavior.

Yes. I am aTriz's alt account, and I am making scam accusations against myself. 100%%%%

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 06, 2018, 11:29:55 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 06, 2018, 11:35:21 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 06, 2018, 11:36:03 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
let me see if I can dig it up

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 06, 2018, 11:37:25 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
let me see if I can dig it up

The script is mine and you are not allowed to leak it. If you do so, you owe me 50 BTC. If you don't pay up, I'll have to take action myself - and you know what that action is.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Lauda on March 06, 2018, 11:39:46 PM
...If you don't pay up, I'll have to take action myself - and you know what that action is.
Welcome to blackmail land.

This is why, assuming he still has the script, it is not possible to post it. @nullius, suchmoon, ibminer.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 06, 2018, 11:44:40 PM
...If you don't pay up, I'll have to take action myself - and you know what that action is.
Welcome to blackmail land.

This is why, assuming he still has the script, it is not possible to post it. @nullius, suchmoon, ibminer.

No blackmail, it's just that if he chooses to leak what I own, then it is a violation of ethics and probably many laws, which in turn warrants me taking drastic measures. He would be unwise to post material that he does not own.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: ibminer on March 06, 2018, 11:45:24 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.

And where is your proof?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 06, 2018, 11:51:40 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.

And where is your proof?

aTriz will admit it himself.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: nullius on March 06, 2018, 11:53:12 PM
I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

Thank you, aTriz.  I will have a few...  But I see the situation is sensitive not for reason of any alleged wrongdoing on your part, but rather, for reasons of threatened wrongdoing against you.  I will keep that in mind.

...If you don't pay up, I'll have to take action myself - and you know what that action is.
Welcome to blackmail land.

This is why, assuming he still has the script, it is not possible to post it. @nullius, suchmoon, ibminer.

The potential for retaliation by some means is one of several reasons why I suggested publicly committing a SHA-256 hash.  (Will explain more; posts are flying thick and fast now.)

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

Am I understanding correctly that you willingly provided your personal information to alia???

He entered into an unprecedented signature contact with a Jr. Member; that demonstrates at the baseline how much he believed in Alia.  He showed himself naïve at best with that vouch for the script—I do believe he was swindled there, too.  Upon that evidence, I would not be surprised if this “rising starlet” quickly worked his/her/their way into aTriz’s confidence sufficiently to extract some dox.  This whole sordid situation just gets worse by the day...

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 06, 2018, 11:53:48 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.
In other words, you are unable or unwilling to answer tough questions, the answers to which may make you look bad.

This is especially interesting considering that some have accused you of either being an alt of, or being closely associated with shady people in the recent past. Who is to say you won’t answer a few questions from actual third parties, many from close (undisclosed in some instances) associates and claim that anyone asking difficult questions is my alt?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 06, 2018, 11:58:30 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.
In other words, you are unable or unwilling to answer tough questions, the answers to which may make you look bad.

This is especially interesting considering that some have accused you of either being an alt of, or being closely associated with shady people in the recent past. Who is to say you won’t answer a few questions from actual third parties, many from close (undisclosed in some instances) associates and claim that anyone asking difficult questions is my alt?

Pretty sure it's because you're a self-obsessed moron, and nobody likes you. Just my best guess

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 07, 2018, 12:05:32 AM
I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

Am I understanding correctly that you willingly provided your personal information to alia???
I don't see this quote in this thread, however it was quoted by nullius.

I would like to know the reasons why and under what circumstances this personal information was given to alia.

To me, this seems rather convenient for all this to be coming out at so near the same time.

edit: I would like to know why aTriz thinks that alia is using his personal information to extort him into preventing the release of the script that has been throughly proven as not working as described, rather than ask for money in return for not releasing his personal information.

If the script actually exists, alia is not going to make any money either by selling it, nor by getting people to pay to use it, regardless of it is publicly disclosed or not.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 12:08:08 AM
I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

Am I understanding correctly that you willingly provided your personal information to alia???
I don't see this quote in this thread, however it was quoted by nullius.

I would like to know the reasons why and under what circumstances this personal information was given to alia.

To me, this seems rather convenient for all this to be coming out at so near the same time.

How I got it, why I got it are not of your concern. Stop interfering with matters that don't involve you and go make some friends. The adults are talking, scammer.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: ibminer on March 07, 2018, 12:09:38 AM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.

And where is your proof?

aTriz will admit it himself.

Will aTriz show proof?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 07, 2018, 12:12:35 AM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.

And where is your proof?

aTriz will admit it himself.
Fuck you I'm not a scammer and I won't admit it.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: nullius on March 07, 2018, 12:19:28 AM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.

And where is your proof?

aTriz will admit it himself.
Fuck you I'm not a scammer and I won't admit it.

I don’t think any intelligent person gives credence to scam accusations by person(s) whose main account took less than 48 hours to become one of the most distrusted accounts in Bitcoin Forum history.

There are more important questions to address, most urgent of which is Alia’s threat.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: JayJuanGee on March 07, 2018, 12:21:49 AM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.
In other words, you are unable or unwilling to answer tough questions, the answers to which may make you look bad.

This is especially interesting considering that some have accused you of either being an alt of, or being closely associated with shady people in the recent past. Who is to say you won’t answer a few questions from actual third parties, many from close (undisclosed in some instances) associates and claim that anyone asking difficult questions is my alt?

Actually, if aTriz says that he is willing to answer any questions from members besides you, then that is not really obstructing any kind of meaningful inquiry.  There are a lot of inquisitive persons here, and not all of them are your sock puppets, right?  And does it matter, at this point?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 12:23:06 AM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.

And where is your proof?

aTriz will admit it himself.
Fuck you I'm not a scammer and I won't admit it.

I don’t think any intelligent person gives credence to scam accusations by person(s) whose main account took less than 48 hours to become one of the most distrusted accounts in Bitcoin Forum history.

There are more important questions to address, most urgent of which is Alia’s threat.

Ironic. You have a lot of bitcoin knowledge yet you have never had a btctalk account before? Bullshit. You're probably some neg-trusted scammer as well. Until you start talking with your main account, I'll just presume that your main account also has -9999 trust. Not that it makes a difference to me, but you're being hypocritical

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 07, 2018, 12:24:53 AM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.
In other words, you are unable or unwilling to answer tough questions, the answers to which may make you look bad.

This is especially interesting considering that some have accused you of either being an alt of, or being closely associated with shady people in the recent past. Who is to say you won’t answer a few questions from actual third parties, many from close (undisclosed in some instances) associates and claim that anyone asking difficult questions is my alt?

Actually, if aTriz says that he is willing to answer any questions from members besides you, then that is not really obstructing any kind of meaningful inquiry.  There are a lot of inquisitive persons here, and not all of them are your sock puppets, right? 
No, none of them are. This fact will not prevent aTriz from answering questions from others under the guise of declining to answer questions from what he claims to be my sockpuppets.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: JayJuanGee on March 07, 2018, 12:32:28 AM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.
In other words, you are unable or unwilling to answer tough questions, the answers to which may make you look bad.

This is especially interesting considering that some have accused you of either being an alt of, or being closely associated with shady people in the recent past. Who is to say you won’t answer a few questions from actual third parties, many from close (undisclosed in some instances) associates and claim that anyone asking difficult questions is my alt?

Actually, if aTriz says that he is willing to answer any questions from members besides you, then that is not really obstructing any kind of meaningful inquiry.  There are a lot of inquisitive persons here, and not all of them are your sock puppets, right? 
No, none of them are. This fact will not prevent aTriz from answering questions from others under the guise of declining to answer questions from what he claims to be my sockpuppets.

I guess part of my implied point was that your further assertion regarding potential squirreliness of aTriz is premature because there is no real evidence yet that he is being squirrelly in any kind of meaningful way, at least not so far. 

Furthermore, even though a lot of participants in these aTriz/alia relational threads seem to despise you in various ways, if you raise some arguably valid points, it seems that those points are not really ignored by others.. even if it might turn out an indirect way of the others not admitting that you may have raised the point(s) first...   

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 07, 2018, 12:50:28 AM
I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

Am I understanding correctly that you willingly provided your personal information to alia???
I don't see this quote in this thread, however it was quoted by nullius.

I would like to know the reasons why and under what circumstances this personal information was given to alia.

To me, this seems rather convenient for all this to be coming out at so near the same time.

How I got it, why I got it are not of your concern. Stop interfering with matters that don't involve you and go make some friends. The adults are talking, scammer.

A failed escrow scammer and professional smear campaign manager


An aspiring gambling addict as sharp as a marble

Title: Great^H^H^H^H^H like minds think alike!
Post by: nullius on March 07, 2018, 12:51:23 AM
Great like minds think alike:

Quote from: Quickseller
He is not. However he does have a vested interest in seeing that lauda maintains a positive reputation.

Instead of seeing that lauda acts with integrity, he tries to get others to overlook laudas unethical actions.

nullius is lauda. That is very clear. Anyone who does not see this is simply closing their eyes.

Or at least, thanks for closing your eyes so you no longer see that I am very clearly Lauda.
I don't think you are lauda anymore, which should be clear by the post you quoted. I do still think you are a very dishonest person who has a long history of dishonesty. This is not something new to you, considering how long people have been calling you dishonest around here....I am pretty sure there are threads from 2011 in which people were calling you dishonest.
If you compare what words he uses to other users around here to the words that are used by other members around here, and on reddit on r/bitcoin you will eventually figure out who he is. (note: you will have to analyze more than just vocabulary, but also words used before and after words, and analyze this on a large scale).
Only a ‘Member’ ? Got to be somebodies ALT, I think QS might be right. An alt of who though?
Look at when he started posting, what he advocates for, news related to major bitcoin companies and of course overall dishonesty and you will figure out who he is.
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.

And where is your proof?

aTriz will admit it himself.
Fuck you I'm not a scammer and I won't admit it.

I don’t think any intelligent person gives credence to scam accusations by person(s) whose main account took less than 48 hours to become one of the most distrusted accounts in Bitcoin Forum history.

There are more important questions to address, most urgent of which is Alia’s threat.

Ironic. You have a lot of bitcoin knowledge yet you have never had a btctalk account before? Bullshit. You're probably some neg-trusted scammer as well. Until you start talking with your main account, I'll just presume that your main account also has -9999 trust. Not that it makes a difference to me, but you're being hypocritical

Alia, I suggest that you and Quickseller team up to start a new Reputation thread for the purpose of uncovering my alleged secret main account.  From 2011, according to Quickseller.  Hey, you even have some blockchain txids to trace now (hahahah!).

I dare you to dox me.

Title: Re: Great^H^H^H^H^H like minds think alike!
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 12:57:47 AM
Great like minds think alike:

Quote from: Quickseller
He is not. However he does have a vested interest in seeing that lauda maintains a positive reputation.

Instead of seeing that lauda acts with integrity, he tries to get others to overlook laudas unethical actions.

nullius is lauda. That is very clear. Anyone who does not see this is simply closing their eyes.

Or at least, thanks for closing your eyes so you no longer see that I am very clearly Lauda.
I don't think you are lauda anymore, which should be clear by the post you quoted. I do still think you are a very dishonest person who has a long history of dishonesty. This is not something new to you, considering how long people have been calling you dishonest around here....I am pretty sure there are threads from 2011 in which people were calling you dishonest.
If you compare what words he uses to other users around here to the words that are used by other members around here, and on reddit on r/bitcoin you will eventually figure out who he is. (note: you will have to analyze more than just vocabulary, but also words used before and after words, and analyze this on a large scale).
Only a ‘Member’ ? Got to be somebodies ALT, I think QS might be right. An alt of who though?
Look at when he started posting, what he advocates for, news related to major bitcoin companies and of course overall dishonesty and you will figure out who he is.
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.

And where is your proof?

aTriz will admit it himself.
Fuck you I'm not a scammer and I won't admit it.

I don’t think any intelligent person gives credence to scam accusations by person(s) whose main account took less than 48 hours to become one of the most distrusted accounts in Bitcoin Forum history.

There are more important questions to address, most urgent of which is Alia’s threat.

Ironic. You have a lot of bitcoin knowledge yet you have never had a btctalk account before? Bullshit. You're probably some neg-trusted scammer as well. Until you start talking with your main account, I'll just presume that your main account also has -9999 trust. Not that it makes a difference to me, but you're being hypocritical

Alia, I suggest that you and Quickseller team up to start a new Reputation thread for the purpose of uncovering my alleged secret main account.  From 2011, according to Quickseller.  Hey, you even have some blockchain txids to trace now (hahahah!).

I dare you to dox me.

I have no interest in doxing you. I don't really care who you are, since you're a good guy and haven't hurt anyone. It's just a little sus that you hide under an alt account when I'm sure you have your own Legendary account. The only reason you're not using it, that I can think of, is that it has links to your personal info, or that it's been heavily negged. And you're not the kind to reveal personal info.

@suchmoon I would merit you if I had sMerit, that's a good post right there

Title: Re: Great^H^H^H^H^H like minds think alike!
Post by: JayJuanGee on March 07, 2018, 02:00:31 AM
Alia, I suggest that you and Quickseller team up to start a new Reputation thread for the purpose of uncovering my alleged secret main account.  From 2011, according to Quickseller.  Hey, you even have some blockchain txids to trace now (hahahah!).

I suspect that your deceptive postings in this forum (or alternatively on the blockchain or alternatively some other random and irrelevant place) go back to 2010 or even early 2009.. and likely traceable on the blockchain in one way or another. 

At this time, I have absolutely no evidence nor logic to support my suspicions or my feelings..   I know that should not matter and my current conception of this would be a good fit within the newly forming team alliances of Quickseller and alia... at least on "dream nullius" project.

Title: Re: Great^H^H^H^H^H like minds think alike!
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 02:08:08 AM
Alia, I suggest that you and Quickseller team up to start a new Reputation thread for the purpose of uncovering my alleged secret main account.  From 2011, according to Quickseller.  Hey, you even have some blockchain txids to trace now (hahahah!).

I suspect that your deceptive postings in this forum (or alternatively on the blockchain or alternatively some other random and irrelevant place) go back to 2010 or even early 2009.. and likely traceable on the blockchain in one way or another. 

At this time, I have absolutely no evidence nor logic to support my suspicions or my feelings..   I know that should not matter and my current conception of this would be a good fit within the newly forming team alliances of Quickseller and alia... at least on "dream nullius" project.

Please don't associate me with QS... and yeah, it's hard to imagine that nully hasn't been here for many years

Title: Re: Great^H^H^H^H^H like minds think alike!
Post by: JayJuanGee on March 07, 2018, 02:19:59 AM
Alia, I suggest that you and Quickseller team up to start a new Reputation thread for the purpose of uncovering my alleged secret main account.  From 2011, according to Quickseller.  Hey, you even have some blockchain txids to trace now (hahahah!).

I suspect that your deceptive postings in this forum (or alternatively on the blockchain or alternatively some other random and irrelevant place) go back to 2010 or even early 2009.. and likely traceable on the blockchain in one way or another.  

At this time, I have absolutely no evidence nor logic to support my suspicions or my feelings..   I know that should not matter and my current conception of this would be a good fit within the newly forming team alliances of Quickseller and alia... at least on "dream nullius" project.

Please don't associate me with QS... and yeah, it's hard to imagine that nully hasn't been here for many years

I'm thinking that you are on the right track:

Title: Re: Great^H^H^H^H^H like minds think alike!
Post by: nullius on March 07, 2018, 02:36:21 AM
I don't see this quote in this thread, however it was quoted by nullius.

I would like to know the reasons why and under what circumstances this personal information was given to alia.

To me, this seems rather convenient for all this to be coming out at so near the same time.

How I got it, why I got it are not of your concern. Stop interfering with matters that don't involve you and go make some friends. The adults are talking, scammer.

A failed escrow scammer and professional smear campaign manager


An aspiring gambling addict as sharp as a marble

[image of popcorn:]

I know that Quickseller was jealous of the halo of forum glamour which previously surrounded my relationship with Alia.  Now I see that after the revelations of the past eight days, he is seriously in love with her/him/them.  Apparent animosity is only the mating call of Quicklove.  And “sharp as a marble” is so coy!  Playing hard to get.

Oh, imagine the babies they’d have:  Born with red tags, prodigies at selling scripts which gamble with bets of DT account logins.

A new forum romance is in the making...


Ironic. You have a lot of bitcoin knowledge yet you have never had a btctalk account before? Bullshit. You're probably some neg-trusted scammer as well. Until you start talking with your main account, I'll just presume that your main account also has -9999 trust. Not that it makes a difference to me, but you're being hypocritical

Alia, I suggest that you and Quickseller team up to start a new Reputation thread for the purpose of uncovering my alleged secret main account.  From 2011, according to Quickseller.  Hey, you even have some blockchain txids to trace now (hahahah!).

I dare you to dox me.

I have no interest in doxing you. I don't really care who you are, since you're a good guy and haven't hurt anyone. It's just a little sus that you hide under an alt account when I'm sure you have your own Legendary account. The only reason you're not using it, that I can think of, is that it has links to your personal info, or that it's been heavily negged. And you're not the kind to reveal personal info.

@suchmoon I would merit you if I had sMerit, that's a good post right there

I wouldn’t have -9999 trust if I’m a good guy who hasn’t hurt anyone.

And no, I am not the type to reveal personal info—except to the various women whom I subsequently “verified” from the inside.  But that will not happen with nullius, nobody’s no-body.

Alia, I suggest that you and Quickseller team up to start a new Reputation thread for the purpose of uncovering my alleged secret main account.  From 2011, according to Quickseller.  Hey, you even have some blockchain txids to trace now (hahahah!).

I suspect that your deceptive postings in this forum (or alternatively on the blockchain or alternatively some other random and irrelevant place) go back to 2010 or even early 2009.. and likely traceable on the blockchain in one way or another.  

At this time, I have absolutely no evidence nor logic to support my suspicions or my feelings..   I know that should not matter and my current conception of this would be a good fit within the newly forming team alliances of Quickseller and alia... at least on "dream nullius" project.

Aye (, theories ( abound (

I neither confirm nor deny what you say. (

Please don't associate me with QS... and yeah, it's hard to imagine that nully hasn't been here for many years

Oops.  I am collecting replies whilst I wait to see if anything substantive turns up apropos the topic—and here I am, setting you up on Quicklove dates.

You must admit, Alia, your main account is a perfect match for his—even for a threesome with master-P’s.

Title: Re: Great^H^H^H^H^H like minds think alike!
Post by: suchmoon on March 07, 2018, 03:04:40 AM

Careful, this could be sticky, we don't know if QS has reached the age of consent. Alia - probably, even at 15yo there are countries allowing that.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: cruso on March 07, 2018, 05:03:58 AM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

1 Did aTriz see the script?
2 Did he test the said script?
3 If he did, did he profit from the script.
4 Can he say with certainty, that the profit accrued was due to the fantastic machinations of the script.
5 Is he still using the script? and what are the results? I see no reason why he should stop using it, according to him, the results are fantastic.

If he answers no to these questions, could he have been coerced somehow to make the vouch?

I rest until whenever aTriz answers these questions. Bear in mind that only aTriz aside from the proven liar alia has seen and used this script. Only atriz can tell us if or not the said script is real or a scam.

Thank you...

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 07, 2018, 05:06:08 AM
1 Did aTriz see the script?
2 Did he test the said script?
3 If he did, did he profit from the script.
4 Can he say with certainty, that the profit accrued was due to the fantastic machinations of the script.
5 Is he still using the script? and what are the results? I see no reason why he should stop using it, according to him, the results are fantastic.

If he answers no to these questions, could he have been coerced somehow to make the vouch?

I rest until whenever aTriz answers these questions. Bear in mind that only aTriz aside from the proven liar alia has seen and used this script. Only atriz can tell us if or not the said script is real or a scam.
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Not now, I agree I was being a bit naive when testing. I probably profited due to a bit of luck I had.
5. No

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 07, 2018, 05:15:42 AM
5 Is he still using the script? and what are the results? I see no reason why he should stop using it, according to him, the results are fantastic.


5. No
What made you stop?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 07, 2018, 05:17:10 AM
5 Is he still using the script? and what are the results? I see no reason why he should stop using it, according to him, the results are fantastic.


5. No
What made you stop?
I don't like gambling, and had some sort of an addiction a couple years back.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: nullius on March 07, 2018, 05:21:36 AM
What is the SHA-256 hash of the script?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: cruso on March 07, 2018, 05:38:37 AM
1 Did aTriz see the script?
2 Did he test the said script?
3 If he did, did he profit from the script.
4 Can he say with certainty, that the profit accrued was due to the fantastic machinations of the script.
5 Is he still using the script? and what are the results? I see no reason why he should stop using it, according to him, the results are fantastic.

If he answers no to these questions, could he have been coerced somehow to make the vouch?

I rest until whenever aTriz answers these questions. Bear in mind that only aTriz aside from the proven liar alia has seen and used this script. Only atriz can tell us if or not the said script is real or a scam.
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Not now, I agree I was being a bit naive when testing. I probably profited due to a bit of luck I had.
5. No

Thank you for candid response. I will address them in a few hours when I am less busy.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 07, 2018, 05:54:19 AM
5 Is he still using the script? and what are the results? I see no reason why he should stop using it, according to him, the results are fantastic.


5. No
What made you stop?
I don't like gambling, and had some sort of an addiction a couple years back.
Is 1NUQjfkynX6rS96p7kQRw2TzNa5wQYs1ii not your deposit address to cloubet?

Why do you talk about gambling so much....
I was asked to give a rating on her method that she was selling, and since it was a vouch copy I didn't want to deposit real money, since it would feel like cheating.
She was selling her "method" and you were fine with this statement(something which 15 year old kid can recognize as scam):
This script is designed for crash sites, and has been backtested against around 2 years worth of data.

Historically, this script is able to give me upwards of 10% on each round of playing

I am only selling 15 copies of this script, and the price per script will be 0.99 BTC.
And you tested 10000$ worth script using...faucet...and recommend it. ::)

My knowledge with gambling / scripts is very limited, as you can see from my previous history and I was just speaking from personal experience. I profited so I said that.
I doubt it.

Your chance of winning does not increase at all when you hit a red streak of something. Instead it stays the same.

So based on that your method is already not working.

This is the famous gambler's fallacy. Gamblers tend to think that they are able to beat the house because after each loss their chance of winning rises. But that is mathematically not true because each event is independent of what happened before that.

But prerolls i think might be helpful because even though it does not change the rolls after it, you'll still save some satoshis that you may have bet on that particular losing bet because it is the exact same seeds.
That is why I prefer bonus which basically erases house edge for few hours. That is more interesting, and gives me more opportunities, than having 100% or 150% deposit bonus.
Yeah, i have used played on pd plenty of times as well and like xypos i've lost a lot of my coins :(
PD has revolutionised bitcoin dicing if you asked me :)

Thanks PD for these 4 years, i'll always play on your site :D
 I did lose a lot using directbet because their betting service was instantaneous but I can't blame them for my stupid actions in the past - it's just illogical. They have paid every time I won something from them with no issues.

Hopefully they can reopen in the future, right now I'd say that the most trustworthy one in the community is nitrogensports, others all have some sort of problem with KYC, one way or another. Hopefully they can reopen.

Title: Scammer seeks unchecked buffer
Post by: nullius on March 07, 2018, 06:34:42 AM
I don't like gambling, and had some sort of an addiction a couple years back.

A sudden realization:  Addicts and “degens” tend to have a nose for sniffing out those who have or previously had any similar habit.  Moreover and more importantly, successful scammers have a canny aptitude for finding human weaknesses, just as hackers search for an unchecked buffer.

I think it is very likely that “alia” already knew of aTriz’s gambling history as shown by the quotes which marlboroza dug up.  Indeed, those quotes are from the time period during which “favours” was already actively running what would become the “alia” scam.

Compare such dates on posts showing a gambling weakness (quotes range from April–May 2017 in marlboroza’s post):


Yeah, i have used played on pd plenty of times as well and like xypos i've lost a lot of my coins :(
 I did lose a lot using directbet [...]

...with the date of this post reconstructed from evidence found by ibminer (, which shows “favours” already pulling the “alia” scam:
I am a hot girl ("18" y/o Indian)
This is me (

I will send you a pic of me holding your sign: 0.01 BTC
I will send you a video of me saying your message up to 50 words: 0.02 BTC
I will Skype with you for 15 mins ;): 0.1 BTC

To prove that it is indeed me I will Skype with TWO trusted members. They will post vouches below. Early bird discounts available.

Skype is live:sammon9
Trusted members/mods, please contact me for the vouch copy
Others, add me!

At this point, I would be astonished if “alia” had not already had full awareness of aTriz’s past gambling posts—and thus directly aimed to cozen him with gambler’s excitement.  That is now my working hypothesis.

aTriz, would you please briefly describe what happened from your perspective?

(I am still also asking the SHA-256 hash of the script.)

Title: Re: Scammer seeks unchecked buffer
Post by: aTriz on March 07, 2018, 06:48:30 AM
aTriz, would you please briefly describe what happened from your perspective?
One or 2 days after the sig deal, she pmed me about a script, then she sent it to me and I tested it out for 10 mins and then posted review

(I am still also asking the SHA-256 hash of the script.)
What's this and how do I do it?

Title: Re: Scammer seeks unchecked buffer
Post by: Joel_Jantsen on March 07, 2018, 06:58:28 AM
(I am still also asking the SHA-256 hash of the script.)
What's this and how do I do it?
You could have googled to get instant answers but anyway nullius is asking you to encrypt the script file using SHA-256 encryption algo which you can effectively do it online using if you're not very familiar with a command line tool.After conversion,you can send the HEX/base65 encoded generated hash to nullius.

Title: Re: Scammer seeks unchecked buffer
Post by: tspacepilot on March 07, 2018, 07:00:17 AM
Hi everyone!  What intrigue!

(I am still also asking the SHA-256 hash of the script.)
What's this and how do I do it?

$ sha256sum path/to/your/gamblin/script


Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 07:11:57 AM
Oh, nullius and his hashes. I would never send a script in a file, that's begging to get a virus.

Title: Re: Scammer seeks unchecked buffer
Post by: nullius on March 07, 2018, 07:12:36 AM
aTriz, would you please briefly describe what happened from your perspective?
One or 2 days after the sig deal, she pmed me about a script, then she sent it to me and I tested it out for 10 mins and then posted review

So, to be clear:  She solicited your involvement—you did not just happen to see the thread, and jump in.  Is that correct?

(I am still also asking the SHA-256 hash of the script.)
What's this and how do I do it?

The SHA-256 hash (same as used in Bitcoin) will positively identify the file, without revealing its contents.  If the script then were to be later revealed by any means, either publicly or to a private auditor, it could be affirmatively verified whether or not it is the same script as you now have in your possession.  Changing even one byte—even one bit of the file would change the hash value.

An example of what a SHA-256 hash may look like (here represented in hex):


By posting a hash, you would be making a cryptographic commitment.  As long as you can produce a file exactly matching whatever hash you post, nobody could later accuse you of changing the script, or substituting a different script.  —  And yet, you would not be revealing the script.

Thus, my suggestion that you post a hash.  scam_detector has called on you to reveal the script itself.  I have suggested that it would be wiser to have your commitment to the identity of the script, and then discuss what should be done about the actual script.

Assuming that the file is named “alia_script” (substitute the appropriate name), on Linux:

sha256sum alia_script

On Windows (not sure which versions):

certUtil -hashfile alia_script SHA256

On Mac:  Don’t know.  On FreeBSD, it would be “sha256 alia_script”; but I seriously doubt you be on FreeBSD.

After conversion,you can send the HEX/base65 encoded generated hash to nullius.

To be clear, I was suggesting that the hash should be posted here in this thread.  Do you suggest otherwise?  Depending on what it be and why, I may not mind taking custody of evidence in this matter (hash or otherwise).

Title: Re: Scammer seeks unchecked buffer
Post by: nullius on March 07, 2018, 07:17:20 AM
Oh, nullius and his hashes. I would never send a script in a file, that's begging to get a virus.

Then how, exactly, do you send it?  (And how would aTriz run it?)

(I here leave aside other questions, such as how sending a file causes you to get a virus.)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Wendigo on March 07, 2018, 07:19:26 AM
How did Alia come into possession of Atriz personal info?

You can not answer that if you wish but still just out of curiosity. Did he offer you sexual favours or what? Were you compromised?

And another minor question. You seem to maintain the stance that you are not technically adept. How were you able to work with the script then? Did you receive specific instructions? Can you explain briefly the procedure of running the script?

Title: Re: Scammer seeks unchecked buffer
Post by: nullius on March 07, 2018, 07:23:38 AM
(I am still also asking the SHA-256 hash of the script.)
What's this and how do I do it?
You could have googled to get instant answers but anyway nullius is asking you to encrypt the script file using SHA-256 encryption algo which you can effectively do it online using if you're not very familiar with a command line tool.After conversion,you can send the HEX/base65 encoded generated hash to nullius.

I recommend against using the linked tool.  If text is pasted into a textarea widget, even one change in line breaks, etc. would change the output hash and make it irreproduceable.  The only other option on that form appears to be a URL for a file hosted somewhere online.  It appears that this form (?) sends the data to the server to be hashed (not sure).

I posted command-line invocations for both Linux and Windows.

(Nit:  SHA-256 is not an encryption algorithm.  It is a cryptographic hash.  The objective is not to “encrypt” the script, but to put it through a one-way compression.  There is no way to “decrypt” SHA-256.  The process is only one-way.)

Title: Re: Scammer seeks unchecked buffer
Post by: tspacepilot on March 07, 2018, 07:24:49 AM
Then how, exactly, do you send it?  (And how would aTriz run it?)

But I suppose that may put one at risk for another sort of virus. Hehe.

Regarding generation of a sha256 hash on macOS, the world wide web suggests to me that

$ shasum -a 256 path/to/yer/gamblin/script

is the recipe (but I haven't tested it, I use GNU/Linux).

Title: Re: Scammer seeks unchecked buffer
Post by: nullius on March 07, 2018, 07:34:46 AM
How did Alia come into possession of Atriz personal info?

You can not answer that if you wish but still just out of curiosity. Did he offer you sexual favours or what? Were you compromised?

I would strongly suggest that such a thing should not be asked or answered out of mere curiosity, insofar as the answer itself may potentially leak personal information, or information which could somehow lead to personal information.

(I am trying not to interfere with anybody else’s questions; but I do feel that I must point out the danger there.  Curiosity is not probative to the investigation, anyway.)

Then how, exactly, do you send it?  (And how would aTriz run it?)

But I suppose that may put one at risk for another sort of virus.

Too bad that Alia’s posts are not RFC 3514 ( conformant.  I suggest she should upgrade to a system which deploys standards for Internet security which also seem to represent industry best practices.

@theymos, please add RFC 3514 support to this forum.  Then you can remove the trust system, all anti-spam controls, all DDoS protection, and the Reputation forum; and the mods can step down from their jobs.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Scammer seeks unchecked buffer
Post by: Joel_Jantsen on March 07, 2018, 07:52:12 AM
I recommend against using the linked tool.  If text is pasted into a textarea widget, even one change in line breaks, etc. would change the output hash and make it irreproduceable.  The only other option on that form appears to be a URL for a file hosted somewhere online.  It appears that this form (?) sends the data to the server to be hashed (not sure).
You are right.However,they also have an option to upload the file manually which I believe can prevent the space errors but comes with a vulnerability of file being manipulated/stored on their servers.I can't think of anything else which does the compression effectively without opening a CLI.

(Nit:  SHA-256 is not an encryption algorithm.  It is a cryptographic hash.  The objective is not to “encrypt” the script, but to put it through a one-way compression.  There is no way to “decrypt” SHA-256.  The process is only one-way.)
Thanks,I do need to revise my basics.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 07, 2018, 07:57:03 AM
aTriz, would you please briefly describe what happened from your perspective?
One or 2 days after the sig deal, she pmed me about a script, then she sent it to me and I tested it out for 10 mins and then posted review
Are you able to document this PM, and provide the PM number/ID?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: LoyceV on March 07, 2018, 08:18:43 AM
The script is mine and you are not allowed to leak it. If you do so, you owe me 50 BTC.
What makes you think a non-working script is worth anything, let alone 50 BTC?

If you don't pay up, I'll have to take action myself - and you know what that action is.
When all else fails: blackmail!

This question got ignored in the other topic, so I try again here:
What happened to alia (;u=1764044) that made alia_alt take over? Alia was last online 32 hours ago, modlog ( doesn't show anything, which leaves a temporary ban as a possibility. Or you don't want to join the select group of -9999 users and switched to be less negative?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: TMAN on March 07, 2018, 08:19:30 AM
aTriz, would you please briefly describe what happened from your perspective?
One or 2 days after the sig deal, she pmed me about a script, then she sent it to me and I tested it out for 10 mins and then posted review
Are you able to document this PM, and provide the PM number/ID?

aTriz ignore this punk - why on earth would you dignify this toilet licking, pubic hair flossing fuck with an answer is beyond me

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 07, 2018, 08:25:34 AM
The script is mine and you are not allowed to leak it. If you do so, you owe me 50 BTC.
What makes you think a non-working script is worth anything, let alone 50 BTC?

If you don't pay up, I'll have to take action myself - and you know what that action is.
When all else fails: blackmail!
If you ask me, the extortion attempt is fake (and a poor fake at that).

According to her sales ( thread, she was willing to sell up to 15 copies of the script at 0.99BTC/each. Ignoring the fact that no one will ever buy the script, she would have earned a maximum of 14.85BTC.

It would make logical sense for alia to be asking for less than the total she would earn from selling the script via an extortion attempt, not more.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 08:46:00 AM
The script is mine and you are not allowed to leak it. If you do so, you owe me 50 BTC.
What makes you think a non-working script is worth anything, let alone 50 BTC?

If you don't pay up, I'll have to take action myself - and you know what that action is.
When all else fails: blackmail!

This question got ignored in the other topic, so I try again here:
What happened to alia (;u=1764044) that made alia_alt take over? Alia was last online 32 hours ago, modlog ( doesn't show anything, which leaves a temporary ban as a possibility. Or you don't want to join the select group of -9999 users and switched to be less negative?

The script works. And I didn't get banned... I just chose to leave that account

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Astargath on March 07, 2018, 10:33:55 AM
The script is mine and you are not allowed to leak it. If you do so, you owe me 50 BTC.
What makes you think a non-working script is worth anything, let alone 50 BTC?

If you don't pay up, I'll have to take action myself - and you know what that action is.
When all else fails: blackmail!

This question got ignored in the other topic, so I try again here:
What happened to alia (;u=1764044) that made alia_alt take over? Alia was last online 32 hours ago, modlog ( doesn't show anything, which leaves a temporary ban as a possibility. Or you don't want to join the select group of -9999 users and switched to be less negative?

The script works. And I didn't get banned... I just chose to leave that account

Seriously, you are coming back to say this shit? Didn't you already accept that it doesn't work? You told me that my point was ''irrefutable'' but in your empirical evidence you were always winning and that it was a good thing that you stopped selling it.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 07, 2018, 11:32:29 AM
The script works.

Prove it.

Quote from: Christopher Hitchens
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

Although, if you really want evidence that it doesn't work, just go here: (

Also, spotted this, made me chuckle:

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: nullius on March 07, 2018, 11:43:14 AM
@Astargath, I transplanted my reply to you to the “alia” scam thread (  @o_e_l_e_o, I will edit in a reply to you there.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 11:56:48 AM
The script works.

Prove it.

Quote from: Christopher Hitchens
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

Although, if you really want evidence that it doesn't work, just go here: (

Also, spotted this, made me chuckle:

Which is why I want my script to be audited...

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: tmfp on March 07, 2018, 12:07:42 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

*Ignoring an extortionist accusing someone else of extortion*

aTriz, is there any linkage between alia possessing your personal data and the unprecedented 'signature' deal you did?
I mean, in light of what has transpired, it's not unreasonable to see both the "script" vouch and the large upfront payment being hush money/favor made under threat of doxxing/whatever.
That or not, you appear to have got yourself in a right fucking mess, to be honest.
How on earth does a loose cannon newbie end up with your "personal information"??
Was it freely given?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 12:08:53 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

*Ignoring an extortionist accusing someone else of extortion*

aTriz, is there any linkage between alia possessing your personal data and the unprecedented 'signature' deal you did?
I mean, in light of what has transpired, it's not unreasonable to see both the "script" vouch and the large upfront payment being hush money/favor made under threat of doxxing/whatever.
That or not, you appear to have got yourself in a right fucking mess, to be honest.
How on earth does a loose cannon newbie end up with your "personal information"??
Was it freely given?

The sig campaign was entirely independent. He saw my talent and high quality, and was willing to reserve it for the long run.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: tmfp on March 07, 2018, 12:11:55 PM
aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

*Ignoring an extortionist accusing someone else of extortion*

aTriz, is there any linkage between alia possessing your personal data and the unprecedented 'signature' deal you did?
I mean, in light of what has transpired, it's not unreasonable to see both the "script" vouch and the large upfront payment being hush money/favor made under threat of doxxing/whatever.
That or not, you appear to have got yourself in a right fucking mess, to be honest.
How on earth does a loose cannon newbie end up with your "personal information"??
Was it freely given?

The sig campaign was entirely independent. He saw my talent and high quality, and was willing to reserve it for the long run.


Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: cruso on March 07, 2018, 12:18:02 PM
The purpose of this thread is to determine if the individual behind the aTriz account should be considered "trustworthy". Is he "trustworthy" after leaving a glowing vouch for the alia groups phony betting script?

Was given a vouch copy of the method by op and played around with in with funds from the faucet.

With the 10 minutes I used this script with, I profited and worked perfectly. Would recommend.

I made an extremely good ROI, and I’m sure that others who buy the method will experience similar results. Thanks, Alia!

Update: This seems to be a shady user: Do not trade with him/her!

The facts of the matter are as follows:

1. alia is a proven scammer and liar
2. The alia group attempted to scam with a phony script (general forum consensus)
3. The alia group contacted aTriz, an upstanding and respected member of the forum to test and review their phony script.
4. The review (vouch) was to assist the scammers sell 15 copies of this phony script @ .99 btc a piece.
5. They had hoped to scam approximately 15 Btc from unsuspecting members of the community with aTriz's help(vouch).
6. aTriz by his own admission has:
        a: Seen the script
        b: Tested the script
        c: Profited from the script
        d: Is no longer certain if the profit he made whilst testing is from the script. He now attributes that to his own dumb luck.
        e: aTriz no longer uses the script.

Forgive me, but the rest of what I have to add to this post concerning aTriz's behavior is pure conjecture. I have no way of verifying whether what I am saying is true or false, make of it what you want.

I may not have any cryptography knowledge, I cannot tell you the difference between bitcoin and bitcoin cash. I have no idea how bots work, for example, I have no idea what SHA-256 hash is (forgive me nullius). However, one thing I understand more than many, thanks to my training, is human nature/behavior.

I’ve been using this forum on and off for a few years and have come across many scammers, but the most dangerous of these lot is the “trusted” scammer.

My apologies, I digress….

I put it to aTriz that he is lying about his involvement in script gate. Not because I am privy to the full details, far from it. But because some things don’t add up.

I will present my different concerns over time (some of us have work to do outside this forum), but let us focus on this for now…

Ask yourselves why aTriz vouched for a phony script? Put yourselves in aTriz’s shoes for a minute.

As far as we know, aTriz is a very busy individual. He has bounties to distribute, posts to count/read, future deals to negotiate, cheaters to catch, SMAS lists to update, icos to promote plus many very important things outside this forum.

So why would aTriz take time out of his very busy schedule to test alia’s phony betting script? Was the bogus vouch paid for? Did he do it as a favor? Is he being blackmailed?

We all know for a fact that the alia group can be very convincing. If they could fool theymos, albeit, for a short period, they could have deceived aTriz or anyone else, no shame there.

Nonetheless aTriz cannot fool aTriz.

I’ll get to the point….

aTriz a known gambler, a self-confessed problem gambler, chanced upon a betting script that delivered as promised the holy grail, the golden goose, something which many a gambler would kill or die for. Something 99.99% of us would pay millions of dollars for, never mind a paltry .99 btc if they could afford it.

aTriz, received this script for free, tested it for 10 minutes, profited (as far as he could tell then, the script worked, he had no idea he was being fooled), reviewed it then binned it!!!

According to aTriz, he never deposited into any casino to make proper profits. What would you have done folks if you were in possession of such a script, with its potential to make you tons of btc? I know what I would have done...

Regarding the deals and other stuff I was mentioned in.

I was only involved with this user around 1 weeks ago, which was when I bought her sig for a reasonable amount. This was when I was unaware of her other behaviors

The deal, IMO would be more profitable as time passes.

Look at this as buying the pharmacist's sig when he was only a member.
I don't see how the deal with aTriz is related to the other stuff. Why are you writing using the 'he' pronoun here "he shows no evidence.."?
Wait a minute Lauda. Something is very fishy here.

alia all of sudden decided to close this thread because "she has found big investors"(on Feb. 25.) and after that she opened new(self-moderated) thread(on Feb. 26) offering winning script and aTriz confirmed that it is winning script:

Was given a vouch copy of the method by op and played around with in with funds from the faucet.

In my limited experience if it, I profited and worked perfectly. Would recommend.

I made an extremely good ROI, and I’m sure that others who buy the method will experience similar results. Thanks, Alia!

How someone with 7+ trust rate can say such stupid thing in such thread? It is EV- game, such script DOESN'T exist. Also he is recommending something which he has tried from faucet? He said he made extremely good ROI? From faucet?  
That is just fucked up.

Besides, Selling winning scripts is equal to scamming people, and whoever offered such script in past was bashed by everyone  ::)

Also, it would be OK if users mentioned in this locked thread confirm that they watched her gambling and winning money and not only striping:
   nullius         0.01            0.02              200%
 slaman29     0.1              0.107             107%
  v4d1mm    0.0475           0.052           109%
TelevisionLover  0.1            0.109           109%
SyGambler    0.01            0.012           120%
live:tonyl6         2.5              2.8           112%
    favours         0.8              0.88           110%

I don't even want to comment her illegal money laundry tax evade service.  ::)
I was asked to give a rating on her method that she was selling, and since it was a vouch copy I didn't want to deposit real money, since it would feel like cheating. I also think the reason why I was asked to test was because I would probably be trusted enough to not leak it.

So I farmed the faucet and then used the coins there to gamble. I made like 1.3x of the farmed amount. That seems like a very good ROI if I was to actually deposit.

My knowledge with gambling / scripts is very limited, as you can see from my previous history and I was just speaking from personal experience. I profited so I said that.

aTriz being an honest guy says didn't deposit to use the script because he felt he would be cheating alia, but after discovering the many wonders of the script,  and not wanting to cheat, shouldn't aTriz be alia's first customer/victim?

To be continued...

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 12:32:22 PM
I didn't "fool" theymos in any way... he knows who I am.

And the deal with aTriz was, I give him the script, and in return he was to vouch for whether it worked or not. Plain and simple.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Joel_Jantsen on March 07, 2018, 12:42:30 PM
I don't know why there is so much fuss about the topic. Atriz being a naive kid fell for her 'charm' without giving it a logical thought for a second,just like every other boy who blindly establishes trust in a girl who he has just met and finds her attractive.Truth is,we all have been there.Why make him a scapegoat ?

He trusted her with personal information which she is using against him and I'm sure he has learnt a valuable lesson from it.Let's not take this moment to corner him as he already has too many negatives to worry about.

Moreover,what is the point of this thread ? Where are we taking it ? Are we too blind to realise that the entire script thing is a scam and alia is too dumb to make anyone rich ? Let's assume for a second  atriz leaks the script and it turns out to be a waste of money.Should atriz be negative tagged because he fake vouched as he had too much confidence in their just-met friend ali who he assumed will never do something like this ?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 12:44:01 PM
I don't know why there is so much fuss about the topic. Atriz being a naive kid fell for her 'charm' without giving it a logical thought for a second,just like every other boy who blindly establishes trust in a girl who he has just met and finds her attractive.Truth is,we all have been there.Why make him a scapegoat ?

He trusted her with personal information which she is using against him and I'm sure he has learnt a valuable lesson from it.Let's not take this moment to corner him as he already has too many negatives to worry about.

Moreover,what is the point of this thread ? Where are we taking it ? Are we too blind to realise that the entire script thing is a scam and alia is too dumb to make anyone rich ? Let's assume for a second  atriz leaks the script and it turns out to be a waste of money.Should atriz be negative tagged because he fake vouched as he had too much confidence in their just-met friend ali who he assumed will never do something like this ?

I'm still waiting on RGBKey and ibminer to audit my new script. If they check the numbers and follow along with my bets, I don't think can ever call me a scammer again.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: hilariousetc on March 07, 2018, 01:07:27 PM
So why would aTriz take time out of his very busy schedule to test alia’s phony betting script?

Pussy probably. This whole alia shenanigans is proof positive that if you can convince someone you're a female people will let their guard down.

We all know for a fact that the alia group can be very convincing. If they could fool theymos, albeit, for a short period, they could have deceived aTriz or anyone else, no shame there.

Hardly fooled. Theymos was just confirming that she had been verified on girlsgonebitcoin or whatever it is. There is a woman involved in some capacity in the shenanigans - she's just obviously not in control of the accounts here and I think we've established it's just some scammer dude taking advantage of a bit of female flesh.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 01:09:04 PM
So why would aTriz take time out of his very busy schedule to test alia’s phony betting script?

Pussy probably. This whole alia shenanigans is proof positive that if you can convince someone you're a female people will let their guard down.

We all know for a fact that the alia group can be very convincing. If they could fool theymos, albeit, for a short period, they could have deceived aTriz or anyone else, no shame there.

Hardly fooled. Theymos was just confirming that she had been verified on girlsgonebitcoin or whatever it is. There is a woman involved in some capacity in the shenanigans - she's just obviously not in control of the accounts here and I think we've established it's just some scammer dude taking advantage of a bit of female flesh.

Still waiting on a trusted member to Skype me and interview me. Nobody has taken me up on my offer yet. Please don't spout bullshit if you do not have proof.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: hilariousetc on March 07, 2018, 01:23:18 PM
So why would aTriz take time out of his very busy schedule to test alia’s phony betting script?

Pussy probably. This whole alia shenanigans is proof positive that if you can convince someone you're a female people will let their guard down.

We all know for a fact that the alia group can be very convincing. If they could fool theymos, albeit, for a short period, they could have deceived aTriz or anyone else, no shame there.

Hardly fooled. Theymos was just confirming that she had been verified on girlsgonebitcoin or whatever it is. There is a woman involved in some capacity in the shenanigans - she's just obviously not in control of the accounts here and I think we've established it's just some scammer dude taking advantage of a bit of female flesh.

Still waiting on a trusted member to Skype me and interview me. Nobody has taken me up on my offer yet. Please don't spout bullshit if you do not have proof.

I've already said there's obviously a female involved in some capacity and that's been established. If I get my girlfriend/sister/mother/grandmother/girlnextdoor to do a skype session with a trusted member does that make me a female? No. How many camgirls are there that just so happen to be into bitcoin (and lending it), tax evasion and trying to flog gambling scripts? It's beyond a joke that you're even keeping up this rouse. I honestly don't know whether to pity or congratulate you at this point, but you've got bigger balls than I have that's for sure.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 07, 2018, 01:32:17 PM
So why would aTriz take time out of his very busy schedule to test alia’s phony betting script?

Pussy probably.

If you believe this, what exactly do you think aTriz thought would happen as a result of this situation? Bear in mind that he agreed to pay her over $12,000 for something that could quite reasonably be purchased for a lot less, and the country they both claim to live in are quite far from eachother, along with the fact that aTriz previously claimed to have received no sexual related show.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 01:40:43 PM
So why would aTriz take time out of his very busy schedule to test alia’s phony betting script?

Pussy probably. This whole alia shenanigans is proof positive that if you can convince someone you're a female people will let their guard down.

We all know for a fact that the alia group can be very convincing. If they could fool theymos, albeit, for a short period, they could have deceived aTriz or anyone else, no shame there.

Hardly fooled. Theymos was just confirming that she had been verified on girlsgonebitcoin or whatever it is. There is a woman involved in some capacity in the shenanigans - she's just obviously not in control of the accounts here and I think we've established it's just some scammer dude taking advantage of a bit of female flesh.

Still waiting on a trusted member to Skype me and interview me. Nobody has taken me up on my offer yet. Please don't spout bullshit if you do not have proof.

I've already said there's obviously a female involved in some capacity and that's been established. If I get my girlfriend/sister/mother/grandmother/girlnextdoor to do a skype session with a trusted member does that make me a female? No. How many camgirls are there that just so happen to be into bitcoin (and lending it), tax evasion and trying to flog gambling scripts? It's beyond a joke that you're even keeping up this rouse. I honestly don't know whether to pity or congratulate you at this point, but you've got bigger balls than I have that's for sure.

I think you're just braindead. Do you know what an interview means? I will come on camera, and I will answer any questions about bitcoin, lending, tax evasion, gambling scripts, so on and so forth. And me answering these questions to a trusted member in a live video call will conclusively prove who I am. If I am unable to answer those questions, then I guess I'm a 15 year old boy who hired a hooker! Pretty cut and dry here.

So why would aTriz take time out of his very busy schedule to test alia’s phony betting script?

Pussy probably.

If you believe this, what exactly do you think aTriz thought would happen as a result of this situation? Bear in mind that he agreed to pay her over $12,000 for something that could quite reasonably be purchased for a lot less, and the country they both claim to live in are quite far from eachother, along with the fact that aTriz previously claimed to have received no sexual related show.

I made the offer non-negotiable. For reasons, I keep deals at minimums of 1.1 BTC, 1.2 BTC and 1.3 BTC. On top of this, you're very wrong. I looked at google maps, seems like Singapore to USA is at least 8-10 times more than Singapore to Australia. Rip logic, QS.

An interesting thing to note. aTriz told me he was 21. He then told me he had a 17 y/o cousin who may visit Singapore on a vacation. Later on, he revealed to me that he is actually 17. I think it's pretty obvious what his intentions are were.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: Deathspell-Omega on March 07, 2018, 02:20:42 PM
Guys, please do not answer on alias posts anymore. Thank you.

Yeah, because fuck reason and logic! To hell with all of that! ::)

Oh shut up already you cheap Thailand whore you!

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: TMAN on March 07, 2018, 02:24:49 PM
Guys, please do not answer on alias posts anymore. Thank you.

Yeah, because fuck reason and logic! To hell with all of that! ::)

Oh shut up already you cheap Thailand whore you!

I like you Deathspell-Omega

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words?
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 02:26:10 PM
Guys, please do not answer on alias posts anymore. Thank you.

Yeah, because fuck reason and logic! To hell with all of that! ::)

Oh shut up already you cheap Thailand whore you!

The kind of sound logic and rational thought I love about this thread! Case closed, I guess I lose.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 07, 2018, 02:27:16 PM
I think you're just braindead. Do you know what an interview means? I will come on camera, and I will answer any questions about bitcoin, lending, tax evasion, gambling scripts, so on and so forth. And me answering these questions to a trusted member in a live video call will conclusively prove who I am. If I am unable to answer those questions, then I guess I'm a 15 year old boy who hired a hooker! Pretty cut and dry here.

You also said you wouldn't show your face on skype. You might as well keep lying here on the forum, there is no point to involve skype.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 02:51:56 PM
I think you're just braindead. Do you know what an interview means? I will come on camera, and I will answer any questions about bitcoin, lending, tax evasion, gambling scripts, so on and so forth. And me answering these questions to a trusted member in a live video call will conclusively prove who I am. If I am unable to answer those questions, then I guess I'm a 15 year old boy who hired a hooker! Pretty cut and dry here.

You also said you wouldn't show your face on skype. You might as well keep lying here on the forum, there is no point to involve skype.

Not sure if you passed the second grade, but face != voice.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: TMAN on March 07, 2018, 03:06:15 PM
Not sure if you passed the second grade, but face != voice.

How do we know that the 15 year old scammer hasn't nailed a 17 year old girl and is using her to scam us all? IE his "older" GF is willing to go on skype and show her snatch for a few satoshi and as part of the game the little pimp is happy for her to pretend to be the mysterious Alia?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 07, 2018, 03:07:24 PM
I think you're just braindead. Do you know what an interview means? I will come on camera, and I will answer any questions about bitcoin, lending, tax evasion, gambling scripts, so on and so forth. And me answering these questions to a trusted member in a live video call will conclusively prove who I am. If I am unable to answer those questions, then I guess I'm a 15 year old boy who hired a hooker! Pretty cut and dry here.

You also said you wouldn't show your face on skype. You might as well keep lying here on the forum, there is no point to involve skype.

Not sure if you passed the second grade, but face != voice.

I don't think anybody needs to hear your voice but if you feel that way feel free to post a recording here.

Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
let me see if I can dig it up

Have you found it?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 03:16:45 PM
I think you're just braindead. Do you know what an interview means? I will come on camera, and I will answer any questions about bitcoin, lending, tax evasion, gambling scripts, so on and so forth. And me answering these questions to a trusted member in a live video call will conclusively prove who I am. If I am unable to answer those questions, then I guess I'm a 15 year old boy who hired a hooker! Pretty cut and dry here.

You also said you wouldn't show your face on skype. You might as well keep lying here on the forum, there is no point to involve skype.

Not sure if you passed the second grade, but face != voice.

I don't think anybody needs to hear your voice but if you feel that way feel free to post a recording here.

Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
let me see if I can dig it up

Have you found it?

I really cannot get over how stupid you are. I would never like you to hear my voice or communicate with me in any tangible form. I'd like a trusted member (hopefully theymos, nullius, ibminer, Lauda, etc etc) to Skype me. You can go get a life now.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 07, 2018, 03:24:07 PM

Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
let me see if I can dig it up

Have you found it?
I think it was pretty well established that he is not going to release any kind of gambling script when he offered to find it and nearly immediately thereafter made it clear Alia has his Dox that he will release of the script is released even though he doesn’t want actual money to prevent the releasing of the Dox, and even though alia is willing to let others see the script for free and even though there is zero chance the script will ever be sold.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 03:28:14 PM

Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
let me see if I can dig it up

Have you found it?
I think it was pretty well established that he is not going to release any kind of gambling script when he offered to find it and nearly immediately thereafter made it clear Alia has his Dox that he will release of the script is released even though he doesn’t want actual money to prevent thecreleasing of the Dox, and even though alia is willing to let others see the script for free and even though there is zero chance the script will ever be sold.

Nobody is seeing "the" script for free... and nobody is buying any script for me, ever. No scripts are for sale. I will allow my new script to be audited (check out my signature) by trusted members, and I will reopen my service with the supervision and blessing of said trusted members. If those criteria are not met, then no service will be reopened. Looks pretty straightforward to me.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 07, 2018, 03:28:54 PM
I think it was pretty well established that he is not going to release any kind of gambling script when he offered to find it and nearly immediately thereafter made it clear Alia has his Dox that he will release of the script is released even though he doesn’t want actual money to prevent thecreleasing of the Dox, and even though alia is willing to let others see the script for free and even though there is zero chance the script will ever be sold.

You sound like you're drunk or something. Punctuation - ever heard of it? What the fuck is thecreleasing?

I can't see aTriz posting that he didn't find it or decided to not release it, although I might have missed it due to you and alia polluting this thread with your nonsense. I did see him telling alia to fuck off, presumably meaning that he doesn't care about the dox. Thus my question.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: ibminer on March 07, 2018, 03:36:59 PM
I think you're just braindead. Do you know what an interview means? I will come on camera, and I will answer any questions about bitcoin, lending, tax evasion, gambling scripts, so on and so forth. And me answering these questions to a trusted member in a live video call will conclusively prove who I am. If I am unable to answer those questions, then I guess I'm a 15 year old boy who hired a hooker! Pretty cut and dry here.

You also said you wouldn't show your face on skype. You might as well keep lying here on the forum, there is no point to involve skype.

Not sure if you passed the second grade, but face != voice.

I don't think anybody needs to hear your voice but if you feel that way feel free to post a recording here.

Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
let me see if I can dig it up

Have you found it?

I really cannot get over how stupid you are. I would never like you to hear my voice or communicate with me in any tangible form. I'd like a trusted member (hopefully theymos, nullius, ibminer, Lauda, etc etc) to Skype me. You can go get a life now.

You can stop asking me because I don't Skype people on this forum, never have and likely never will unless I have a high amount of trust for that person. You have shown yourself to be untrustworthy multiple times.

As for your request for me to audit the script: how would you be intending to send the script for an audit and what exactly would you expect to get from such an audit?  

I don't think there is much interest in aTriz's dox so I'm not sure why you would see this as an effective way to try and push your agenda. You stated you had proof of bribery and extortion but essentially stated you would be forcing aTriz to just admit it, which offers no proof. This just makes you look like a liar, again... I thought you were trying to restore your reputation?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: actisstupidname on March 07, 2018, 04:14:40 PM
Defending aTriz is like Quickseller defending Ognasty's association with a scammer - as the world turns.  ;D

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 07, 2018, 04:31:18 PM
Defending aTriz is like Quickseller defending Ognasty's association with a scammer - as the world turns.  ;D

Now can you go back to spamming your shit elsewhere? Thanks.

Title: Keep focused, please.
Post by: nullius on March 07, 2018, 07:30:43 PM
Guys, please do not answer on alias posts anymore. Thank you.

Yeah, because fuck reason and logic! To hell with all of that! ::)

Oh shut up already you cheap Thailand whore you!

Though I have been involved in some of this back-and-forth myself, I do strongly urge that this thread should stay on the topic of examining the accusations against aTriz, and discussion about (or with) Alia should stay on the thread about Alia (  Thank you.

Sniping with/about Alia is clouding the issues, and making it difficult to follow the discussions with/about aTriz.

When time permits, I wish to address some of the things said here.  (Some of my replies will be transplanted to the Alia thread, as appropriate.)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 07, 2018, 11:41:20 PM
I think you're just braindead. Do you know what an interview means? I will come on camera, and I will answer any questions about bitcoin, lending, tax evasion, gambling scripts, so on and so forth. And me answering thaese questions to a trusted member in a live video call will conclusively prove who I am. If I am unable to answer those questions, then I guess I'm a 15 year old boy who hired a hooker! Pretty cut and dry here.

You also said you wouldn't show your face on skype. You might as well keep lying here on the forum, there is no point to involve skype.

Not sure if you passed the second grade, but face != voice.

I don't think anybody needs to hear your voice but if you feel that way feel free to post a recording here.

Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
let me see if I can dig it up

Have you found it?

I really cannot get over how stupid you are. I would never like you to hear my voice or communicate with me in any tangible form. I'd like a trusted member (hopefully theymos, nullius, ibminer, Lauda, etc etc) to Skype me. You can go get a life now.

You can stop asking me because I don't Skype people on this forum, never have and likely never will unless I have a high amount of trust for that person. You have shown yourself to be untrustworthy multiple times.

As for your request for me to audit the script: how would you be intending to send the script for an audit and what exactly would you expect to get from such an audit?  

I don't think there is much interest in aTriz's dox so I'm not sure why you would see this as an effective way to try and push your agenda. You stated you had proof of bribery and extortion but essentially stated you would be forcing aTriz to just admit it, which offers no proof. This just makes you look like a liar, again... I thought you were trying to restore your reputation?

Np. And, I'd like you to verify that the numbers I claim about the script are real. I can PM you the JS code and explain it to you with my calculations. I'll give you the account link for the site I use. I can do a demo run with my own money as well, in fact, as many demo runs as you want. Once that's been figured out, we can begin the service with the stipulations in the thread in my sig

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: OgNasty on March 08, 2018, 12:26:16 AM
Ognasty's association with a scammer

 ???  More info please.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: nullius on March 08, 2018, 01:09:01 AM
Ognasty's association with a scammer

 ???  More info please.

You well know that I’m not one to defend you, Mr. Nasty.  But when an alt with such a name as “actisstupidname” (who has been trolling me ridiculously ( posts vague accusations, my own inclination is to mutter, put up or shut up, and shrug the matter off.  I think any intelligent person would do likewise.

Now, if “actisstupidname” were to identify this scammer of whom he speaks, then that might be interesting.  But if he were so inclined, wouldn’t he have done that in the first instance?

/me shrugs, yawns.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 08, 2018, 05:32:50 AM
It has now been >24 hours since aTriz agreed to answer questions, but many remain unanswered...

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?

Am I understanding correctly that you willingly provided your personal information to alia???

5 Is he still using the script? and what are the results? I see no reason why he should stop using it, according to him, the results are fantastic.


5. No
What made you stop?
I don't like gambling, and had some sort of an addiction a couple years back.
Is 1NUQjfkynX6rS96p7kQRw2TzNa5wQYs1ii not your deposit address to cloubet?

How did Alia come into possession of Atriz personal info?
 Did he offer you sexual favours or what? Were you compromised?

[...] You seem to maintain the stance that you are not technically adept. How were you able to work with the script then? Did you receive specific instructions? Can you explain briefly the procedure of running the script?

aTriz, would you please briefly describe what happened from your perspective?
One or 2 days after the sig deal, she pmed me about a script, then she sent it to me and I tested it out for 10 mins and then posted review
Are you able to document this PM, and provide the PM number/ID?

aTriz, is there any linkage between alia possessing your personal data and the unprecedented 'signature' deal you did?
I mean, in light of what has transpired, it's not unreasonable to see both the "script" vouch and the large upfront payment being hush money/favor made under threat of doxxing/whatever.
That or not, you appear to have got yourself in a right fucking mess, to be honest.
How on earth does a loose cannon newbie end up with your "personal information"??
Was it freely given?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 08, 2018, 05:47:31 AM
Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
No, I'm not allowed due to the threat of my dox being released, you can try ask alia for it.

Am I understanding correctly that you willingly provided your personal information to alia???
No. Of course not...

5 Is he still using the script? and what are the results? I see no reason why he should stop using it, according to him, the results are fantastic.


5. No
What made you stop?
I don't like gambling, and had some sort of an addiction a couple years back.
Is 1NUQjfkynX6rS96p7kQRw2TzNa5wQYs1ii not your deposit address to cloubet?
No it isn't, I haven't used cloudbet in a long time. Check my old lending thread and you'll see it's when I funded a loan from pinkman12345

How did Alia come into possession of Atriz personal info?
 Did he offer you sexual favours or what? Were you compromised?

[...] You seem to maintain the stance that you are not technically adept. How were you able to work with the script then? Did you receive specific instructions? Can you explain briefly the procedure of running the script?
I was not offered any sexual favours. I did a btc to pp trade after we finished the contract since she had a lending thread and then she got my full name from that.

I copy pasted it in and left it running and watched it for a bit before returning to work, then aprox 10 mind after I returned and say my balance went up. It was some code stuff I didn't really understand, sorry.

aTriz, would you please briefly describe what happened from your perspective?
One or 2 days after the sig deal, she pmed me about a script, then she sent it to me and I tested it out for 10 mins and then posted review
Are you able to document this PM, and provide the PM number/ID?
It was made via Skype.

aTriz, is there any linkage between alia possessing your personal data and the unprecedented 'signature' deal you did?
I mean, in light of what has transpired, it's not unreasonable to see both the "script" vouch and the large upfront payment being hush money/favor made under threat of doxxing/whatever.
That or not, you appear to have got yourself in a right fucking mess, to be honest.
How on earth does a loose cannon newbie end up with your "personal information"??
Was it freely given?

Read above please. Btc - pp trade and she got my full name from that. I would never a newbie my personal details.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Wendigo on March 08, 2018, 07:08:54 AM
To hell with Skype man. Anyone up for a quick little vacation in Singapore? I have heard it's pretty nice over there. Any volunteers for checking out that Alia dude in person?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: JayJuanGee on March 08, 2018, 07:13:32 AM
To hell with Skype man. Anyone up for a quick little vacation in Singapore? I have heard it's pretty nice over there. Any volunteers for checking out that Alia dude in person?

Minimally, would need a wig, raincoat and sunglasses for that kind of a project.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Wendigo on March 08, 2018, 07:19:26 AM
To hell with Skype man. Anyone up for a quick little vacation in Singapore? I have heard it's pretty nice over there. Any volunteers for checking out that Alia dude in person?

Minimally, would need a wig, raincoat and sunglasses for that kind of a project.

Like this one?  ;D

Title: Alia Is a shitcunt - lets all move on
Post by: TMAN on March 08, 2018, 07:21:59 AM
How can anyone prove that Alia is a female? other than seeing a passport with her name on it we have nothing solid enough to "prove" she is who she says she is and even if we could - so fucking what?

dirty shitcunt scam whore just needs to fuck off - or get banned for attempted doxing

Title: Alia’s actual malice. This person is evil.
Post by: nullius on March 08, 2018, 07:26:50 AM
That's right, Mr. [—]! Too fucking bad. Thanks for being smart - if I find out that you have leaked something that is my property, measures will be taken.

This is actual malice.  (Unless o_e_l_e_o beats me to the punch, I may write up a post explaining what that means...)

This person is evil.

For reference, the post is quoted below in full.  Both above and below, I have elided the surname Alia stated.  (I have no idea whether or not it be the correct name.)

Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
No, I'm not allowed due to the threat of my dox being released, you can try ask alia for it.

Am I understanding correctly that you willingly provided your personal information to alia???
No. Of course not...

5 Is he still using the script? and what are the results? I see no reason why he should stop using it, according to him, the results are fantastic.


5. No
What made you stop?
I don't like gambling, and had some sort of an addiction a couple years back.
Is 1NUQjfkynX6rS96p7kQRw2TzNa5wQYs1ii not your deposit address to cloubet?
No it isn't, I haven't used cloudbet in a long time. Check my old lending thread and you'll see it's when I funded a loan from pinkman12345

How did Alia come into possession of Atriz personal info?
 Did he offer you sexual favours or what? Were you compromised?

[...] You seem to maintain the stance that you are not technically adept. How were you able to work with the script then? Did you receive specific instructions? Can you explain briefly the procedure of running the script?
I was not offered any sexual favours. I did a btc to pp trade after we finished the contract since she had a lending thread and then she got my full name from that.

I copy pasted it in and left it running and watched it for a bit before returning to work, then aprox 10 mind after I returned and say my balance went up. It was some code stuff I didn't really understand, sorry.

aTriz, would you please briefly describe what happened from your perspective?
One or 2 days after the sig deal, she pmed me about a script, then she sent it to me and I tested it out for 10 mins and then posted review
Are you able to document this PM, and provide the PM number/ID?
It was made via Skype.

aTriz, is there any linkage between alia possessing your personal data and the unprecedented 'signature' deal you did?
I mean, in light of what has transpired, it's not unreasonable to see both the "script" vouch and the large upfront payment being hush money/favor made under threat of doxxing/whatever.
That or not, you appear to have got yourself in a right fucking mess, to be honest.
How on earth does a loose cannon newbie end up with your "personal information"??
Was it freely given?

Read above please. Btc - pp trade and she got my full name from that. I would never a newbie my personal details.

That's right, Mr. [—]! Too fucking bad. Thanks for being smart - if I find out that you have leaked something that is my property, measures will be taken.

To hell with Skype man. Anyone up for a quick little vacation in Singapore? I have heard it's pretty nice over there. Any volunteers for checking out that Alia dude in person?

Now I despise Alia even more, because I had to give Wendigo merit for this.

Title: Re: Alia Is a shitcunt - lets all move on
Post by: JayJuanGee on March 08, 2018, 07:28:00 AM
How can anyone prove that Alia is a female? other than seeing a passport with her name on it we have nothing solid enough to "prove" she is who she says she is and even if we could - so fucking what?

dirty shitcunt scam whore just needs to fuck off - or get banned for attempted doxing

At this point it seems like an attempted doxing and an implied threat of doxing.

Title: Re: Alia Is a shitcunt - lets all move on
Post by: TMAN on March 08, 2018, 07:45:07 AM
How can anyone prove that Alia is a female? other than seeing a passport with her name on it we have nothing solid enough to "prove" she is who she says she is and even if we could - so fucking what?

dirty shitcunt scam whore just needs to fuck off - or get banned for attempted doxing

At this point it seems like an attempted doxing and an implied threat of doxing.

Banhammer?? I do hope so as anything connected with this shitcunt has turned into a clusterfuck.

Title: Re: Alia Is a shitcunt - lets all move on
Post by: tmfp on March 08, 2018, 08:50:25 AM
At this point it seems like an attempted doxing and an implied threat of doxing.

With a touch of bunny boiling (

Title: nullius ≟ Hitler
Post by: nullius on March 08, 2018, 08:54:10 AM
nullius = Hitler. [...] #dox'd

This theory warrants investigation:

Title: Re: Alia Is a shitcunt - lets all move on
Post by: Astargath on March 08, 2018, 08:59:44 AM
How can anyone prove that Alia is a female? other than seeing a passport with her name on it we have nothing solid enough to "prove" she is who she says she is and even if we could - so fucking what?

dirty shitcunt scam whore just needs to fuck off - or get banned for attempted doxing

At this point it seems like an attempted doxing and an implied threat of doxing.

Banhammer?? I do hope so as anything connected with this shitcunt has turned into a clusterfuck.

Q: What about deleting DOXes?
A: Nope, we don't delete them either as long as they comply with the following rules:

Quote from: theymos on August 05, 2016, 04:23:54 AM
1. Personal information must be confined to the new "investigations" board (under Scam Accusations), which is only visible to Members and above. Personal information is defined as anything which links a user's online identity (username, email, etc.) to their meatspace identity, excluding links that the person himself has posted. It is not allowed to post somebody's personal information in any other public place, including in signatures.
2. It is not allowed to post someone's dox if it is especially obvious that you're just using the dox as a weapon. For example, if there are no remotely-plausible trade complaints, then the person can't be a scammer, and their dox should not be posted.

It seems to me that alia should be indeed banned.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: actisstupidname on March 08, 2018, 09:09:36 AM
Ognasty's association with a scammer

 ???  More info please.

When tables were turned, hypocrisy at its best. Accusations flying left and right at but when one of their own is accused with damning evidence, they make lots of excuses.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: TMAN on March 08, 2018, 09:17:18 AM
Ognasty's association with a scammer

 ???  More info please.

I would assume your mate quickspazzer.. he does come running to your aide whenever needed! he is invested in PonziFans..

Title: Re: Alia Is a shitcunt - lets all move on
Post by: alia_alt on March 08, 2018, 09:40:42 AM
How can anyone prove that Alia is a female? other than seeing a passport with her name on it we have nothing solid enough to "prove" she is who she says she is and even if we could - so fucking what?

dirty shitcunt scam whore just needs to fuck off - or get banned for attempted doxing

At this point it seems like an attempted doxing and an implied threat of doxing.

Banhammer?? I do hope so as anything connected with this shitcunt has turned into a clusterfuck.

Q: What about deleting DOXes?
A: Nope, we don't delete them either as long as they comply with the following rules:

Quote from: theymos on August 05, 2016, 04:23:54 AM
1. Personal information must be confined to the new "investigations" board (under Scam Accusations), which is only visible to Members and above. Personal information is defined as anything which links a user's online identity (username, email, etc.) to their meatspace identity, excluding links that the person himself has posted. It is not allowed to post somebody's personal information in any other public place, including in signatures.
2. It is not allowed to post someone's dox if it is especially obvious that you're just using the dox as a weapon. For example, if there are no remotely-plausible trade complaints, then the person can't be a scammer, and their dox should not be posted.

It seems to me that alia should be indeed banned.

Weapon? No. I have no intention of posting anything related to aTriz's identity as of now.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: cruso on March 08, 2018, 09:42:54 AM
This thread has lost its way a bit, so ill quote a few relevant posts and add commentary or bold some quotes where necessary.

I speculate that there is more to the alia - aTriz relationship than meets the eye, and the only reason the alia group still posts here is to keep the heat off the aTriz account.

The alia account is dead and buried, nobody will trust it with a single satoshi. There is no "lady in distress" here, if there is one, she is complicit. This is not a genuine attempt to clear their name, frankly they don't care, its all obfuscation to hide aTriz's role in this scam. aTriz is safe, as long as all the attention is focused on the dead alia account.

The public divorce, negative feedback rating, refund of signature payments is all a charade in an attempt to distance the alia account from the alTriz account. Yes, this is all speculation, but you know it makes sense. If there is no script, then aTriz lied, why is the alia account bearing all the brunt, afterall aTriz profited and made an extremely good ROI using it?

I think Atriz has been bought and his 'review' is bogus. I also think that Television loving dude is shady as fuck too. What if the big 'investments' so to speak are his seed money reciprocating between alts? Try to reel in some easy suckers with the initial BTC0.01 then greed kicks in and they throw more cash at him for '1337 profit' and here he goes with 'teh l00t!!!1111!!!' 'These mofos are getting rekt yo' RIP

Get your head out of your ass and take a look at the big picture  ;D

I rest until whenever aTriz answers these questions. Bear in mind that only aTriz aside from the proven liar alia has seen and used this script. Only atriz can tell us if or not the said script is real or a scam.

scam_detector’s aTriz thread is over here:

Enormous confusion has resulted from mixing issues in these two cases.  Although the cases share the same factual background, precision and fairness to all parties can only be had by keeping the topics separate (as if separate “trials”).

Thank you very much, I will move my ramblings there. I have no interest in the alia group's shenanigans beyond how they relate to aTriz's behavior. Engaging with them is a waste of time and energy.
As i previously mentioned, alia has done a very good job of distracting from the conversation.

Fast forward:

I ask aTriz to answer these questions. The easiest way would be to publish the script here so it can be verified by experienced users. So I ask aTriz to publish the script here.

@scam_detector, would it be satisfactory to you as a first step if aTriz were to commit a SHA-256 hash of any pertinent script in his possession?  I think that would then allow any further discussions to proceed more smoothly.

@aTriz, I suggest committing a SHA-256 hash of the script.  That is what I would do at this point, if I were in your position—to fix the bit-for-bit identity of the script for evidentiary purposes, as well as to immediately show that I am acting in good faith in the face of many accusations.

Now regarding the script - I would like to see it. I don't think aTriz could be bound by any NDA with a known scammer but there was a threat or an attempt of extortion (, something QS claims to be an expert of. If nothing else I'd like to see how he twists himself into a pretzel trying to downplay it here. But mainly I would like to see aTriz post the script or explain why he can't do it.

aTriz is a scammer. I have proof of him doing some very shady things, including extortion and bribery. Do not trust him.
Fuck you

I have done nothing of this scammy behavior that alia has said I have. She is trying to get me to admit to these things, simply because she has my personal information. My trust is everything and worth more than my privacy. Fuck you, do your worst.

I will answer any questions about this from anyone except quickseller, please re ask your questions since I can't find any right now.

let me see if I can dig it up

^^^^ This fully aware that alia has his dox. @ this point dearest Lauda chimes in:

...If you don't pay up, I'll have to take action myself - and you know what that action is.
Welcome to blackmail land.

This is why, assuming he still has the script, it is not possible to post it. @nullius, suchmoon, ibminer.

The potential for retaliation by some means is one of several reasons why I suggested publicly committing a SHA-256 hash. (Will explain more; posts are flying thick and fast now.)

I would like to know the reasons why and under what circumstances this personal information was given to alia.

To me, this seems rather convenient for all this to be coming out at so near the same time.

edit: I would like to know why aTriz thinks that alia is using his personal information to extort him into preventing the release of the script that has been throughly proven as not working as described, rather than ask for money in return for not releasing his personal information.

If the script actually exists, alia is not going to make any money either by selling it, nor by getting people to pay to use it, regardless of it is publicly disclosed or not.

What is the SHA-256 hash of the script?

What's this and how do I do it?

Hi everyone!  What intrigue!

(I am still also asking the SHA-256 hash of the script.)
What's this and how do I do it?

$ sha256sum path/to/your/gamblin/script


The SHA-256 hash (same as used in Bitcoin) will positively identify the file, without revealing its contents.  If the script then were to be later revealed by any means, either publicly or to a private auditor, it could be affirmatively verified whether or not it is the same script as you now have in your possession.  Changing even one byte—even one bit of the file would change the hash value.

An example of what a SHA-256 hash may look like (here represented in hex):


By posting a hash, you would be making a cryptographic commitment.  As long as you can produce a file exactly matching whatever hash you post, nobody could later accuse you of changing the script, or substituting a different script.  —  And yet, you would not be revealing the script.

Thus, my suggestion that you post a hash.  scam_detector has called on you to reveal the script itself.  I have suggested that it would be wiser to have your commitment to the identity of the script, and then discuss what should be done about the actual script.

Assuming that the file is named “alia_script” (substitute the appropriate name), on Linux:

sha256sum alia_script

On Windows (not sure which versions):

certUtil -hashfile alia_script SHA256

On Mac:  Don’t know.  On FreeBSD, it would be “sha256 alia_script”; but I seriously doubt you be on FreeBSD.

After conversion,you can send the HEX/base65 encoded generated hash to nullius.

To be clear, I was suggesting that the hash should be posted here in this thread.  Do you suggest otherwise?  Depending on what it be and why, I may not mind taking custody of evidence in this matter (hash or otherwise).

How did Alia come into possession of Atriz personal info?

You can not answer that if you wish but still just out of curiosity. Did he offer you sexual favours or what? Were you compromised?

And another minor question. You seem to maintain the stance that you are not technically adept. How were you able to work with the script then? Did you receive specific instructions? Can you explain briefly the procedure of running the script?

I would strongly suggest that such a thing should not be asked or answered out of mere curiosity, insofar as the answer itself may potentially leak personal information, or information which could somehow lead to personal information.

(I am trying not to interfere with anybody else’s questions; but I do feel that I must point out the danger there.  Curiosity is not probative to the investigation, anyway.)

The script is mine and you are not allowed to leak it. If you do so, you owe me 50 BTC.
What makes you think a non-working script is worth anything, let alone 50 BTC?

If you don't pay up, I'll have to take action myself - and you know what that action is.
When all else fails: blackmail!
If you ask me, the extortion attempt is fake (and a poor fake at that).

According to her sales ( thread, she was willing to sell up to 15 copies of the script at 0.99BTC/each. Ignoring the fact that no one will ever buy the script, she would have earned a maximum of 14.85BTC.

It would make logical sense for alia to be asking for less than the total she would earn from selling the script via an extortion attempt, not more.

*Ignoring an extortionist accusing someone else of extortion*

aTriz, is there any linkage between alia possessing your personal data and the unprecedented 'signature' deal you did?
I mean, in light of what has transpired, it's not unreasonable to see both the "script" vouch and the large upfront payment being hush money/favor made under threat of doxxing/whatever.
That or not, you appear to have got yourself in a right fucking mess, to be honest.
How on earth does a loose cannon newbie end up with your "personal information"??
Was it freely given?

Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
let me see if I can dig it up

Have you found it?

I think it was pretty well established that he is not going to release any kind of gambling script when he offered to find it and nearly immediately thereafter made it clear Alia has his Dox that he will release of the script is released even though he doesn’t want actual money to prevent the releasing of the Dox, and even though alia is willing to let others see the script for free and even though there is zero chance the script will ever be sold.

Guys, please do not answer on alias posts anymore. Thank you.

Yeah, because fuck reason and logic! To hell with all of that! ::)

Oh shut up already you cheap Thailand whore you!

Though I have been involved in some of this back-and-forth myself, I do strongly urge that this thread should stay on the topic of examining the accusations against aTriz, and discussion about (or with) Alia should stay on the thread about Alia (  Thank you.

Sniping with/about Alia is clouding the issues, and making it difficult to follow the discussions with/about aTriz.

When time permits, I wish to address some of the things said here.  (Some of my replies will be transplanted to the Alia thread, as appropriate.)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 08, 2018, 05:24:39 PM
Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
No, I'm not allowed due to the threat of my dox being released, you can try ask alia for it.

And you trust the unstable lying shitcunt (thanks TMAN) to keep her word and NOT dox you... and NOT blackmail you further... good luck with that.

You're really making it harder to trust you. You said you'll find it. You told alia to do her worst. You're now backpedaling. I think the answer to the OP's question is "probably not".

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: tmfp on March 08, 2018, 05:40:08 PM
Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
No, I'm not allowed due to the threat of my dox being released, you can try ask alia for it.

And you trust the unstable lying shitcunt (thanks TMAN) to keep her word and NOT dox you... and NOT blackmail you further... good luck with that.

You're really making it harder to trust you. You said you'll find it. You told alia to do her worst. You're now backpedaling. I think the answer to the OP's question is "probably not".

Yeah, this ^^^^
Now that you've shown that your actions are under the influence of an unstable entity because blackmail, it would be difficult to see how to trust that any of your future actions will also not be vulnerable to his/her/its demands, especially in the marginal world of shit tokens where you do business.

Title: Culpable for being compromised? Also: A further question; and about that hash...
Post by: nullius on March 08, 2018, 07:15:12 PM
Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
No, I'm not allowed due to the threat of my dox being released, you can try ask alia for it.

And you trust the unstable lying shitcunt (thanks TMAN) to keep her word and NOT dox you... and NOT blackmail you further... good luck with that.

You're really making it harder to trust you. You said you'll find it. You told alia to do her worst. You're now backpedaling. I think the answer to the OP's question is "probably not".

Yeah, this ^^^^
Now that you've shown that your actions are under the influence of an unstable entity because blackmail, it would be difficult to see how to trust that any of your future actions will also not be vulnerable to his/her/its demands, especially in the marginal world of shit tokens where you do business.

@suchmoon, @tmfp, you make a reasonable point—but thereupon, I have a reasonable question for you:  When a good-faith party makes naïve mistakes which cause him to get backed into a corner by a criminal extortionist who obtains personally identifiable information, what is the best strategy to recover?

Having reviewed the matter carefully, I think that the best possible assumptions about aTriz are the most probable assumptions:  A naïve individual with some admitted flaws (including past gambling addiction) was acting in good faith, and got fooled worst by a “confidence artist”—one who also fooled many other people to various degrees.  And I think it’s clear that the principal question about aTriz (the vouch for the script) was in a different category than assigning blame for a leak of PII.  Really, could you hold aTriz culpable for the unforeseen consequences of having made a Paypal transaction!?

(N.b. that my assessment hereby is the polar opposite of that with Alia:  I still have some scintilla of reasonable doubt on certain points about Alia, whereas the preponderance of the evidence is against Alia.  Here, I find that the preponderance of the evidence is that aTriz acted in good faith, and did not commit any knowing wrong (here speaking to culpability, mens rea).  I am ultraconservative in matters of trust; and I am not yet more than barely acquainted with aTriz, beyond his hereto sound public reputation.  Therefore, I have been proceeding in this matter cautiously—and I mean that statement both ways.  I observe that in general principle, it would be outright horrific to see an innocent scam victim get his reputation ruined through being sucked in and dragged down by a scammer.  For my part, I would not be the unwitting executioner in such an injustice!)

Add to this certain allegations upthread as to aTriz’s age.  I do not know (and do not wish to ask) whether or not those statements be true.  But if they so be:  A relatively youthful (under-30) age is never an excuse for dishonest dealings, but is certainly an excuse for naïveté, trusting too fast, plus some awful opsec when dealing with an apparently bona fide new business counterparty.  I myself was “guilty” of all these things, at that age.  And nowadays, people who grew up with Skype and Gmail do not have the benefit some of us had of learning this Internet thing anew.  (I say this as one of Google search’s earliest addicts; that was terribly naïve of me in retrospect, but dang, it worked so much better than Altavista.)  aTriz’s mistakes in getting himself into a position to be blackmailed seem to be simply a sign of the times.

In sum:  Based on the current record, I am most inclined to help aTriz recover from this scam, and improve his operational security going forward.  If this thread concludes as I expect, then I will offer aTriz that if he desires, I will provide him some free consulting in basic, best-practice measures to prevent this type of doxing/extortion situation in the future.  Meanwhile, I should like to continue examining the substantive questions which have been raised—in a fair manner, with appropriate sensitivity to the fact that I am asking questions of someone who is backed into a corner by a malicious threat.

@aTriz, a further question:

Did you have any non-public communications with Alia on the date of 1 March 2018 (UTC)?  —If so, please briefly describe the nature and content of the communication.

As to my request for commitment of the SHA-256 hash of the script:

I have considered the matter carefully.  I doubt that committing a SHA-256 hash would cause you to get doxed in retaliation, for the simple reason that Alia would then lose leverage to prevent you from releasing the script itself.  Though I can’t vouch for Alia’s rationality (!), it would be ridiculously stupid for Alia to shoot her bolt at you over a hash which reveals no information about the script itself.  That would be incompetently evil.  I state this on the very reasonable presumption that the only leverage Alia has is your dox.

Wherefore, I reiterate my request that you publicly commit a SHA-256 hash of the script.

If Alia were to dox you in retaliation for that—well, then, you would have no remaining reason not to release the script itself.  Alia knows this.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: actmyname on March 08, 2018, 07:19:24 PM
Considering facts
aTriz should release the script
He's screwed otherwise
With the dox threat on the line, aTriz has essentially zero leverage. Instead of being controlled and then be doxxed anyway (something that is going to inevitably happen) he should just release the script and at least partially absolve himself of suspicion.

Title: Ban request!
Post by: marlboroza on March 08, 2018, 07:26:36 PM
The script is mine and you are not allowed to leak it. If you do so, you owe me 50 BTC. If you don't pay up, I'll have to take action myself - and you know what that action is.

The contract is not void, and there is no chance of it becoming void for a long, long time. It will likely become void if/when I am not Legendary after 3 years, but that remains to be seen. I would advise aTriz not to try and "wriggle out" of the contract, because it puts me in a position where I will be forced to reveal certain things that he has done. If he sticks to the terms of the contract, as stipulated, he is my friend, and he will not be my enemy. Being my enemy is not a very favourable position for anyone to be in. ::)

Forum rules:
8. No threats to inflict bodily harm, death threats.

Bodily harm ( can be physical or psychological, as atriz said he is addict ( used IS because no one can truly be cured from any kind of addiction) I would say this threat could cause psychological bodily harm which can lead to depression which is main addiction trigger and which can lead to deeper problems for aTriz.

Ban for both accounts alia and alia_alt is right thing to do.

I don't understand why moderators are banning users for plagiarism and are ignoring serious threats like this one.

No one will miss (s)cam girl here, do your job!

Considering facts
aTriz should release the script
He's screwed otherwise
With the dox threat on the line, aTriz has essentially zero leverage. Instead of being controlled and then be doxxed anyway (something that is going to inevitably happen) he should just release the script and at least partially absolve himself of suspicion.
If he used crash site such as bustabit he can show us his profile without showing the script. We will see everything from it and he won't break any agreement he made with (s)cam girl.

Title: Re: Culpable for being compromised? Also: A further question; and about that hash...
Post by: tmfp on March 08, 2018, 07:37:03 PM
Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
No, I'm not allowed due to the threat of my dox being released, you can try ask alia for it.

And you trust the unstable lying shitcunt (thanks TMAN) to keep her word and NOT dox you... and NOT blackmail you further... good luck with that.

You're really making it harder to trust you. You said you'll find it. You told alia to do her worst. You're now backpedaling. I think the answer to the OP's question is "probably not".

Yeah, this ^^^^
Now that you've shown that your actions are under the influence of an unstable entity because blackmail, it would be difficult to see how to trust that any of your future actions will also not be vulnerable to his/her/its demands, especially in the marginal world of shit tokens where you do business.

@suchmoon, @tmfp, you make a reasonable point—but thereupon, I have a reasonable question for you:  When a good-faith party makes naïve mistakes which cause him to get backed into a corner by a criminal extortionist who obtains personally identifiable information, what is the best strategy to recover?

Having reviewed the matter carefully, I think that the best possible assumptions about aTriz are the most probable assumptions:  A naïve individual with some admitted flaws (including past gambling addiction) was acting in good faith, and got fooled worst by a “confidence artist”—one who also fooled many other people to various degrees.  And I think it’s clear that the principal question about aTriz (the vouch for the script) was in a different category than assigning blame for a leak of PII.  Really, could you hold aTriz culpable for the unforeseen consequences of having made a Paypal transaction!?

Excuse the quote edit, but culpability is irrelevant, as is speculation about aTrix's story of naive brainfade in getting himself into this situation.
The best strategy to recover?
In the movies? A big mea culpa scene with loved ones and strings and tears is an option.
In organized crime? Run for the hills, before your erstwhile buddies rub you out because you're a compromised weakness that threatens them.
In crypto? Dump the account and start again.

The "script" is incidental now.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: JayJuanGee on March 08, 2018, 07:37:11 PM
Considering facts
aTriz should release the script
He's screwed otherwise
With the dox threat on the line, aTriz has essentially zero leverage. Instead of being controlled and then be doxxed anyway (something that is going to inevitably happen) he should just release the script and at least partially absolve himself of suspicion.

I agree that aTriz should just release the script, but he need not release it publicly.

The script can be released to some mutually agreed to party such as Ibminer or RGBKey, or someone else with technical knowledge... both ibminer and RGBKey have already been agreed to by alia at one point in time or another, but in the end, it is likely that you cannot trust alia to stick with her word, anyhow, so fuck alia.. .

In other words,  if either Ibminer nor RGBKey wants to review the script, then someone else with technical knowledge and trustworthiness can be agreed to whether alia agrees or not... this is not about alia, and the script is a seeming central evidentiary issue in the aTriz actions matter (alia seems to have already sunk herself beyond redemption, even if the script seems to be all things that she claims it to be) - and whether alia choses to dox aTriz or not, that does not seem like something that aTriz or anyone else here can really control from a seemingly untrustworthy turd-like behavior already happening from alia who has already made such irrational, amorphous, seemingly exaggerated and ridiculous doxing threats on a few occasions.

Title: Re: Culpable for being compromised? Also: A further question; and about that hash...
Post by: suchmoon on March 08, 2018, 08:18:06 PM
Really, could you hold aTriz culpable for the unforeseen consequences of having made a Paypal transaction!?

Unfortunately - yes. This is a Bitcoin forum, no a let-me-dox-myself-via-PayPal forum.

While I agree with the overall sentiment of your defense of aTriz, and I would like to believe him, it's his owns actions that created this mess. Weird-ass sig contract, vouching for something he admittedly doesn't understand, doxing himself to a noob...

I don't yet see evidence of ill intent on his part but he's shown poor judgement on more than one occasion and is now dependent on the benevolence of a known scammer.

Title: Re: Culpable for being compromised? Also: A further question; and about that hash...
Post by: nullius on March 08, 2018, 09:38:18 PM
Considering facts
aTriz should release the script
He's screwed otherwise
With the dox threat on the line, aTriz has essentially zero leverage. Instead of being controlled and then be doxxed anyway (something that is going to inevitably happen) he should just release the script and at least partially absolve himself of suspicion.

Excellent point.  That’s what I would do, if I were in aTriz’s position.  Of course, it is unlikely that I would ever get into aTriz’s position in the first place.  I say this as the person here who was apparently the second most entangled with Alia—and did not incur any similar state of vulnerability; not even close!

Forum rules:
8. No threats to inflict bodily harm, death threats.

Bodily harm ( can be physical or psychological, as atriz said he is addict ( used IS because no one can truly be cured from any kind of addiction) I would say this threat could cause psychological bodily harm which can lead to depression which is main addiction trigger and which can lead to deeper problems for aTriz.

I think it’s unnecessary to creatively interpret forum rules, when this is an especially “especially obvious” case of “just using the dox as a weapon”:

Q: What about deleting DOXes?
A: Nope, we don't delete them either as long as they comply with the following rules:

Quote from: theymos on August 05, 2016, 04:23:54 AM
1. Personal information must be confined to the new "investigations" board (under Scam Accusations), which is only visible to Members and above. Personal information is defined as anything which links a user's online identity (username, email, etc.) to their meatspace identity, excluding links that the person himself has posted. It is not allowed to post somebody's personal information in any other public place, including in signatures.
2. It is not allowed to post someone's dox if it is especially obvious that you're just using the dox as a weapon. For example, if there are no remotely-plausible trade complaints, then the person can't be a scammer, and their dox should not be posted.

It seems to me that alia should be indeed banned.

Being new here, I am not fully familiar with the intricacies of forum rules on doxing.  I am not quite sure what would get banned, and what would simply be deleted.  But Alia’s threats are clearly over any reasonable line, on that particular point.

I don't understand why moderators are banning users for plagiarism and are ignoring serious threats like this one.

Aside:  Plagiarism is a serious offense.  Please do not argue as if it were the lesser.

(Further aside:  Moderators have no ban power; administrators have that.)

If he used crash site such as bustabit he can show us his profile without showing the script. We will see everything from it and he won't break any agreement he made with (s)cam girl.

There are two severable issues here, thus two different threads:  The questioning of aTriz about his own actions, and the probative value of the script for investigating Alia.  Note that aTriz’s good-faith assistance with the latter would answer much of the former.  Your suggestion would neither establish that aTriz used a betting script (much less the betting script being sold), nor provide significant evidence on Alia.

@suchmoon, @tmfp, you make a reasonable point—but thereupon, I have a reasonable question for you:  When a good-faith party makes naïve mistakes which cause him to get backed into a corner by a criminal extortionist who obtains personally identifiable information, what is the best strategy to recover?

Having reviewed the matter carefully, I think that the best possible assumptions about aTriz are the most probable assumptions:  A naïve individual with some admitted flaws (including past gambling addiction) was acting in good faith, and got fooled worst by a “confidence artist”—one who also fooled many other people to various degrees.  And I think it’s clear that the principal question about aTriz (the vouch for the script) was in a different category than assigning blame for a leak of PII.  Really, could you hold aTriz culpable for the unforeseen consequences of having made a Paypal transaction!?

Excuse the quote edit, but culpability is irrelevant, as is speculation about aTrix's story of naive brainfade in getting himself into this situation.
The best strategy to recover?
In the movies? A big mea culpa scene with loved ones and strings and tears is an option.
In organized crime? Run for the hills, before your erstwhile buddies rub you out because you're a compromised weakness that threatens them.
In crypto? Dump the account and start again.

The "script" is incidental now.

Well, I think Alia would be thrilled to wreck aTriz’s business and force him to hit the NEWNYM button.

That’s not really much of an argument.  Abstract justice is; and so is this:

I think it depends on the actual threat level to aTriz—something which only aTriz can assess.  There are plenty of people on this forum who are pseudonymous, and continue with their well-established nyms after having been doxed.  (The most notable example, as you know, is someone at a very high level here.)  If aTriz uses Paypal, Skype, and Gmail (presumably without strong countermeasures), then it is clear that his pseodonymity requirements are quite low in the first instance.  Either that, or he is much more foolish than anybody imagines.

So—it is up to aTriz to understand his own threat model, assess what real-life risks he could incur by being totally doxed in public, and balance that against the cost of NEWNYM.  Given that he’s a founding partner in a growing business, NEWNYM cost would be very high for him—a fact which Alia well knows...

(I offer to consult on that threat model; if aTriz so desires, he may contact me privately for that purpose.)

I agree that aTriz should just release the script, but he need not release it publicly.

The script can be released to some mutually agreed to party such as Ibminer or RGBKey, or someone else with technical knowledge... both ibminer and RGBKey have already been agreed to by alia at one point in time or another, but in the end, it is likely that you cannot trust alia to stick with her word, anyhow, so fuck alia.. .

In other words,  if either Ibminer nor RGBKey wants to review the script, then someone else with technical knowledge and trustworthiness can be agreed to whether alia agrees or not... this is not about alia, and the script is a seeming central evidentiary issue in the aTriz actions matter (alia seems to have already sunk herself beyond redemption, even if the script seems to be all things that she claims it to be) - and whether alia choses to dox aTriz or not, that does not seem like something that aTriz or anyone else here can really control from a seemingly untrustworthy turd-like behavior already happening from alia who has already made such irrational, amorphous, seemingly exaggerated and ridiculous doxing threats on a few occasions.

Caution, please:  RGBKey offered an audit in a circumstance different from what has now developed.  I would not hold him to that offer here, in a different context.  I think that only RGBKey can say if he wants to step into a now much escalated mess involving extortion and doxing against other users.  (N.b. that I was careful not to suggest him as an auditor when I had that idea independently.  I was glad when he offered an audit of his own initiative.)

When has ibminer ever offered to audit this script?  To the best of my knowledge, Alia “offered” that on his behalf; I’ve asked why she named ibminer for that, and Alia ignored me.  I don’t even know if ibminer claims the requisite specialist competency—I know he’s smart, but so am I, and I myself am not competent to perform a professional audit of this script.  (RGBKey is.)

Note also:  Such a private audit is usally paid, and paid well.  It was magnanimous of RGBKey to offer an audit for free.  I infer that he was acting in the public interest, just as do many skeptical investigators who perform competent scientific investigations of extraordinary claims.

Really, could you hold aTriz culpable for the unforeseen consequences of having made a Paypal transaction!?

Unfortunately - yes. This is a Bitcoin forum, no a let-me-dox-myself-via-PayPal forum.

Damn it, suchmoon, you are beginning to sound like me:

Can we pay with ETH instead? BTC is too slow and fees are 2 high.

This is the Bitcoin Forum.  It is not the Altcoin Forum, and most particularly not the Bolt A Turing Complete VM Onto A Blockchain Security Nightmare With Centrally Controlled Promise ( Via “Irregular State Change (” Exploding Clown Car Cryptokitties Toy Coin Forum.

Expect for the official coin of the realm to be Bitcoin.

While I agree with the overall sentiment of your defense of aTriz, and I would like to believe him, it's his owns actions that created this mess.

True—the excuse of having been a scam victim does have limits; and aTriz is ultimately responsible for his own actions, just as is the rule for everybody.

Weird-ass sig contract,

This, I much understand due to Alia having ridden in on my coattails:

Do we get the sig space of your alt nullius as well? :P

I think most people would agree that locking up my signature for three years at 1.1 BTC would be cheap at thrice the price.  No, that is not an offer.  I am simply (again!) pointing to the context of the signature deal with Alia.

This does not explain why the contract was so poorly written; but it does much to explain the unprecedented deal with a Jr. Member (plus why I feel at least some level of moral responsibility toward aTriz in the matter).

vouching for something he admittedly doesn't understand,

That was bad.  But given the totality of the circumstance, I myself would be willing to give him a pass on that—albeit unavoidably, with incrementally decreased trust in the soundness of his judgment.  (Here distinguishing trustworthiness of wise judgment from trustworthiness of honest intentions.)  I think this seems consistent with the earlier results of this thread, when it was locked before.

doxing himself to a noob...

Ironically, whilst penning a short essay ( which included these words:

Moreover, teenagers and young adults need to be protected against exploitation which can come from unexpected directions—sometimes in the sense of a computer software exploit.  (I am here thinking of the notorious erstwhile darkweb site which collected private nude selfies for the express purpose of deliberately humiliating young women; much of their material was obtained by hacks.)

...I was also thinking of college girls (plus bored housewives) who become “camgirls” whilst trying to conceal their faces.  I see plenty of that.  That is what I believed Alia to have been.  Most of them are probably doxable, easily.

This is why I mentioned aTriz’s (unreliably I think) alleged age, which would make him at oldest a tot when Paypal was founded.  The younger generation grew up immersed in—no, tangled in the Interwebs.  Slinging off a Paypal transaction is something they do without a second thought.

There are many people innocently, naïvely wrecking their own privacy nowadays.  As a privacy activist, I am motivated to help them, not to hurt or condemn them.  I do condemn those who are apathetic about privacy (and most of all, those who take the “if you have nothing to hide” active anti-privacy line; but I don’t think that’s at all relevant here).  If aTriz were to show substantial interest in learning to better protect his privacy in the future, I think this would be an opportunity to help fix a widespread problem—one case at a time.

(I say the foregoing as someone who has volunteered much time and effort trying to help people including Alia learn security and privacy.  I’ve been doing that for decades.  Most of my such efforts have been futile.  P.S., use PGP!)

I don't yet see evidence of ill intent on his part but he's shown poor judgement on more than one occasion and is now dependent on the benevolence of a known scammer.

Agreed, yes, and yes.

Wherefore I suggest the following constructive approach for aTriz:

  • Immediately commit a SHA-256 hash of the script.
  • Assess threat model.  Per what actmyname said, consider depriving Alia of all future leverage by immediately releasing the script.
  • Address remaining reasonable questions, such as my above questions about non-public communications with Alia on the date of 1 March 2018 (as measured in UTC time).

I do think that aTriz started with a sufficiently good reputation that he could weather this and recover, if he handles the matter appropriately.

I suggest the long-term perspective:  One year hence, when I make Hero rank in Activity Period 1283, the Alia affair will be only a moderately embarrassing footnote in my forum history.  Ten years hence, I’ll need to think hard to even remember it—“what’s ‘alia’?”  So as for my part.  Such a view can aid in clear decision-making.

Disclosure:  I have no past, present, or immediately prospective business dealings with aTriz as an individual—also not with ALU as a quasi-entity.  I have no proximate financial interest in the outcome of this investigation.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 08, 2018, 09:55:57 PM
Surely scammers receive PayPal from other people fairly frequently. I wonder why there are not more instances of scammers blackmailing those that have sent them PayPal or else a Dox will be released....

Maybe because a name is usually not very much to go on, especially considering the fairly common last name alia posted that one would infer belongs to aTriz.

From what I can tell alia is a master scammer who was able to trick aTriz into a 3 year, $10k signature deal worth next to nothing, into aTriz giving a vouch for what now appears to be a non-existent gambling script (I have seen zero evidence of the existence of said script beyond the word of two untrustworthy people), and into aTriz giving up sufficient information to dox him. Only to have her master plan foiled by a small amount of casual research by a few forum members in their spare time.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 08, 2018, 10:16:54 PM

Don't you have your own aTriz-themed thread to attend to? Shall we request the duplicate threads to be merged?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 08, 2018, 10:33:15 PM

Don't you have your own aTriz-themed thread to attend to? Shall we request the duplicate threads to be merged?
I mean pointing out that aTriz’s story is clearly not the truth.

Title: Re: Culpable for being compromised? Also: A further question; and about that hash...
Post by: nullius on March 08, 2018, 10:46:00 PM
For the record:  I find aTriz to be highly credible when he states that he has a script, and does not reveal it due to extortionate threat of doxing.

If he publicly commits a SHA-256 hash, that would also much bolster the credibility of this statement insofar as he would instantly destroy his whole reputation in one blow, if future circumstance proved him unable to produce a matching script.  No intelligent person in aTriz’s position would potentially seal his own future doom by posting a fake hash.  Key word:  Commitment.  This implication of a hash commitment is well-known to everybody who knows anything about cryptography—and aTriz should be guided accordingly.

I urge everybody to be level-headed, and remember that we are potentially playing with somebody’s life here.  Not knowing aTriz’s private circumstance, it is impossible to guess what his life is like, or what unjust negative consequences he could suffer from having his dox released by a criminal.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: DarkStar_ on March 08, 2018, 10:57:21 PM
I would just like to say that if the script is as "advanced" as alia claims it is, simply showing the bets live shouldn't reveal anything. EDGE_NXTAE ( was a publicly known +EV bustabit bot, and while you could watch it live, I don't think anyone managed to recreate it based on it's bets.

Title: Re: Culpable for being compromised? Also: A further question; and about that hash...
Post by: marlboroza on March 08, 2018, 11:09:05 PM
I think it’s unnecessary to creatively interpret forum rules, when this is an especially “especially obvious” case of “just using the dox as a weapon”
I didn't creatively interpreted forum rules.
Plagiarism is a serious offense.
Threat isn't?
Moderators have no ban power; administrators have that
I thought hilarious and mprep are moderators with ban power. Irrelevant.
There are two severable issues here, thus two different threads:  The questioning of aTriz about his own actions, and the probative value of the script for investigating Alia.  Note that aTriz’s good-faith assistance with the latter would answer much of the former.  Your suggestion would neither establish that aTriz used a betting script (much less the betting script being sold), nor provide significant evidence on Alia.
With alia's gambling knowledge, or at least what she showed in gambling section I don't think script is very complicated, it is probably simple martingale. As I said, atriz could show us that 10 minutes of gambling without showing us the script and in my honest opinion this should be more than enough.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 08, 2018, 11:31:41 PM
For the record:  I find aTriz to be highly credible when he states that he has a script, and does not reveal it due to extortionate threat of doxing.
Based on what?

Can you post the script alia gave you? If not - why?
let me see if I can dig it up
aTriz knew about the dox when he posted this. Would you agree? He certainly knew that alia didn't want the script when he posted this.

Considering that aTriz makes his income in bitcoin (and crypto) means that it is not even credible that aTriz would have excess PayPal and would need bitcoin, it would be more likely to be the other way around, as it was in January of this year.

The lack of responses from aTriz is also certainly not helping his case either. This thread has been open for over a week, but the existence of a dox only came out in the past few days, and it took a day for the claim that alia has the dox via a PayPal trade thereafter.

I don't think you have even seen any credible evidence the script even exists as all claims of proof the script works were betting histories of gambling accounts that clearly were not using any kind of script/bot.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: actmyname on March 08, 2018, 11:53:15 PM
Considering that aTriz makes his income in bitcoin (and crypto)
What is your source for the implication that all of aTriz's income comes from Bitcoin?
Furthermore, is it not possible that Bitcoin can be sold and rebought?

The lack of responses from aTriz is also certainly not helping his case either.
he's special

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 09, 2018, 12:03:11 AM
Considering that aTriz makes his income in bitcoin (and crypto)
What is your source for the implication that all of aTriz's income comes from Bitcoin?
Furthermore, is it not possible that Bitcoin can be sold and rebought?

The lack of responses from aTriz is also certainly not helping his case either.
he's special
From what I can tell, most of his income is in bitcoin, and has enough BTC income and low enough fiat based income so that he has had to convert bitcoin to fiat in the past. Sure, he can sell bitcoin and buy it back later, however this is unusual when you have income in bitcoin, and would need to pay a large premium to buy back as alia was asking for.

The long delays in responses and lack of responses on the part of aTriz does not look good. He has responded, so he cannot argue the accusations are so outrageous that they do not merit a response because he has responded.

The lack of responses about him running the advertising campaigns (assuming he was not personally behind these) for not one (, but two ( what are almost certainly ponzi scams isn't helping his case either.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 12:13:56 AM
aTriz knew about the dox when he posted this. Would you agree? He certainly knew that alia didn't want the script when he posted this.
has = hex: e9474064aaeb4d07689d80952adb4d785d318fcd43947b90ec25c12450876f50. I'm not sure if I got it correct or not, I used just found one on the web.

Considering that aTriz makes his income in bitcoin (and crypto) means that it is not even credible that aTriz would have excess PayPal and would need bitcoin, it would be more likely to be the other way around, as it was in January of this year.
I sold btc for paypal to her. I sent her my email address for paypal which contains my name? What makes this not credible? I've done multiple btc to pp trades.

The lack of responses from aTriz is also certainly not helping his case either. This thread has been open for over a week, but the existence of a dox only came out in the past few days, and it took a day for the claim that alia has the dox via a PayPal trade thereafter.

I don't think you have even seen any credible evidence the script even exists as all claims of proof the script works were betting histories of gambling accounts that clearly were not using any kind of script/bot.
Here is the hash (hex: e9474064aaeb4d07689d80952adb4d785d318fcd43947b90ec25c12450876f50) Do you think I want the whole forum to know my dox is out there? Fuck off and take this seriously. You are playing with someone's life here. This isn't one of those retard threads you make against lauda where you try to convice idiots with your alts that lauda is taking pills or some shit.

Maybe because a name is usually not very much to go on, especially considering the fairly common last name alia posted that one would infer belongs to aTriz.
Wow quickshit it would be a shame then for you if my first name was leaked as well as the general location I live in aye?

@qs. Ice rock isn't a ponzi. They've shown proof of their caves, machines, everything on their telegram channel.

The 2nd one, I found out was a scam so removed it 3 days later and made an announcement in my bounty channel.

The long delays in responses and lack of responses on the part of aTriz does not look good. He has responded, so he cannot argue the accusations are so outrageous that they do not merit a response because he has responded.
I have a stomach bug. I've been slow with my work as well. Am I not allowed to get sick?

Title: Re: Culpable for being compromised? Also: A further question; and about that hash...
Post by: nullius on March 09, 2018, 12:21:38 AM
(Cutting short a long reply I was about to post.)

has = hex: e9474064aaeb4d07689d80952adb4d785d318fcd43947b90ec25c12450876f50. I'm not sure if I got it correct or not, I used just found one on the web.

Thank you, aTriz.

I suggest at this juncture to move discussion of the script and its disposition over to the Alia scam thread (  Insofar as I am concerned, aTriz has committed himself to a hash—and that adequately settles the aTriz part of this question, for the reasons I already stated:

For the record:  I find aTriz to be highly credible when he states that he has a script, and does not reveal it due to extortionate threat of doxing.

If he publicly commits a SHA-256 hash, that would also much bolster the credibility of this statement insofar as he would instantly destroy his whole reputation in one blow, if future circumstance proved him unable to produce a matching script.  No intelligent person in aTriz’s position would potentially seal his own future doom by posting a fake hash.  Key word:  Commitment.  This implication of a hash commitment is well-known to everybody who knows anything about cryptography—and aTriz should be guided accordingly.

I urge everybody to be level-headed, and remember that we are potentially playing with somebody’s life here.  Not knowing aTriz’s private circumstance, it is impossible to guess what his life is like, or what unjust negative consequences he could suffer from having his dox released by a criminal.

Edit:  To be clear:  Above, I speak only of the question of aTriz possessing a gambling script as alleged.  He’d be a terrible fool to make such a commitment if he had no such script.  A few other questions remain here, including one I stated above; however, I believe the script existence/possession was the biggest one.

The easiest way would be to publish the script here so it can be verified by experienced users. So I ask aTriz to publish the script here.

@scam_detector, would it be satisfactory to you as a first step if aTriz were to commit a SHA-256 hash of any pertinent script in his possession?  I think that would then allow any further discussions to proceed more smoothly.

@aTriz, I suggest committing a SHA-256 hash of the script.  That is what I would do at this point, if I were in your position—to fix the bit-for-bit identity of the script for evidentiary purposes, as well as to immediately show that I am acting in good faith in the face of many accusations.

Note:  I have previously (somewhere in the “prove my script works” thread) suggested that Alia commit such a hash.  Of course, it did not happen.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: tspacepilot on March 09, 2018, 12:27:21 AM
I sorta think I know the sha256 of this script.



Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 12:29:13 AM
I sorta think I know the sha256 of this script.


Wait so I screwed up?

edit - grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: nullius on March 09, 2018, 12:30:40 AM
I sorta think I know the sha256 of this script.



Not funny, when I already posted that hash (the hash of stuff I downloaded from

An example of what a SHA-256 hash may look like (here represented in hex):


By posting a hash, you would be making a cryptographic commitment.  As long as you can produce a file exactly matching whatever hash you post, nobody could later accuse you of changing the script, or substituting a different script.  —  And yet, you would not be revealing the script.

I sorta think I know the sha256 of this script.


Wait so I screwed up?

@aTriz, that is the SHA-256 hash of the empty string.  tspacepilot is joking that the script does not exist.  Whereas you committed:

has = hex: e9474064aaeb4d07689d80952adb4d785d318fcd43947b90ec25c12450876f50. I'm not sure if I got it correct or not, I used just found one on the web.


Nothing can be discerned about the script from its SHA-256 hash.  (Nothing, including whether you “got it correct or not”.  I sincerely hope you did.)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: tspacepilot on March 09, 2018, 12:38:16 AM
Not funny, when I already posted that hash:

ah, indeed.  oh well.

Wait so I screwed up?

sorry, yah, just teasing.  poor timing.  I'll try again next year.  gl!

Quote from: nullius
Nothing can be discerned about the script from its SHA-256 hash.  (Nothing, including whether you “got it correct or not”.  I sincerely hope you did.)

Well, strictly speaking, that isn't true, since the hash allows you to determine identity (to a very high degree of probability) with an object that you already know the hash of.  That's how you knew that what I posted was the hash of null input.  But anyway, I fixate on irrelevant technicalities too often.  I return this thread to its regularly scheduled programming of intrigue and insult.

Title: Re: Culpable for being compromised? Also: A further question; and about that hash...
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2018, 12:53:54 AM
He’d be a terrible fool to make such a commitment if he had no such script.

Or he was blackmailed into posting the hash...

Or alia will post some garbage script that doesn't match the hash just to fuck with us...

Or... any number of other possibilities that aren't going to get us anywhere, sadly.

Title: Re: Culpable for being compromised? Also: A further question; and about that hash...
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2018, 01:16:31 AM
He’d be a terrible fool to make such a commitment if he had no such script.

Or he was blackmailed into posting the hash...

Or alia will post some garbage script that doesn't match the hash just to fuck with us...

Or... any number of other possibilities that aren't going to get us anywhere, sadly.

I really don't care whether posts the hash or not. He's not revealing the script. If he does, that's a different matter altogether

Told ya aTriz.

Although to be fair that name and e-mail was already posted on the forum so it's either fake or you're feigning fear of doxing.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: nullius on March 09, 2018, 01:17:15 AM
how you knew that what I posted was the hash of null input.

I knew you were simply being friendly to me, seeing as how I belong to null.

But seriously...

Nothing can be discerned about the script from its SHA-256 hash.  (Nothing, including whether you “got it correct or not”.  I sincerely hope you did.)

Well, strictly speaking, that isn't true, since the hash allows you to determine identity (to a very high degree of probability) with an object that you already know the hash of.  That's how you knew that what I posted was the hash of null input.  But anyway, I fixate on irrelevant technicalities too often.  I return this thread to its regularly scheduled programming of intrigue and insult.

I wish to clarify:  I am informing aTriz (and also Alia) that no part of the script can be recovered from the hash.  Not even with a team of cryptographers and a supercomputer.  Adding to the general irreversibility of SHA-256, on presumption that the script is >32 bytes, the pigeonhole principle makes it mathematically impossible to recover the script!

The whole purpose for which I suggested a cryptographic commitment is to “determine identity”.  As for “a very high degree of probability”, well—a 1/2256 probability of hitting a preimage is negligible, so yes.  (And if aTriz is an evil genius who wishes to fool us with a collision attack, then he “only” needed to do 2128 work between the moment I asked for a hash, and the moment he committed one.)

I remind everybody that SHA-256 is used many places in Bitcoin.  The mining POW rests squarely on the security guarantees of SHA-256.  The Merkle trees which assure the internal integrity of blocks, and the Merkle chain which assures the immutable history of the blockchain, are all based on SHA-256.  Bitcoin addresses also involve SHA-256 hashes (also RIPEMD-160).

If any SHA-256 security guarantees fail, then all Bitcoins are worthless.  I think that SHA-256 will provide a sufficient security level for committing the identity of this script!

He’d be a terrible fool to make such a commitment if he had no such script.

Or he was blackmailed into posting the hash...

I believe he was blackmailed into not posting the script itself—so yes, in a roundabout way.  I don’t see why a blackmailer would positively require that a hash be posted.

Or alia will post some garbage script that doesn't match the hash just to fuck with us...

Then, aTriz can produce the script which matches the commitment; and we can decide which party is more credible.  Right.

I note from the other thread that:

g to
The original script is mine and will remain private. It is worth a lot of money. The new script, however - I am willing to let it be audited by two people on the forum. They can PM me, I have already reached out

So there are two scripts now  ::)

As I have also observed, I did ask Alia to commit a hash.  To my knowledge, she has never done so.  All other things being equal (which they here are most certainly not), I would later trust a party who committed a hash, then later revealed the preimage, over a party who avoided committing to a hash.

Or... any number of other possibilities that aren't going to get us anywhere, sadly.

An investigation is being stymied by extortionate threats.  To move it forward incrementally, I first seek to preserve the integrity of evidence by fixing the identity of the exact script which was the subject of aTriz’s vouch—while also simultaneously assessing aTriz’s faith in the matter; he hashed something, and would be stupidly self-defeating to cryptographically commit to a lie.

I think my goals in asking for a hash have been accomplished (as long as aTriz did the hash correctly).  Now, on to the next step...

Title: Alia = seduction fail
Post by: nullius on March 09, 2018, 01:59:14 AM
I have much more than a name. I have address, pictures, family info, and proof that he is an extorter and a briber. I have no intention of publishing any of this as of right now. Let's hope he doesn't share what is a private script.

Though you’re turning out to be a sly criminal, you fail as a seductress.  How is it that you managed to get absolutely zero leverage on someone with whom you had a very public sexual relationship—namely, me?


Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 01:59:33 AM
var config = {
  baseBet: { value: 100, type: 'balance', label: 'base bet' },
  payout: { value: 1.08, type: 'multiplier' },
  stop: { value: 1e2, type: 'balance', label: 'stop if bet >' },
  loss: {
    value: 'increase', type: 'radio', label: 'On Loss',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Back to base bet, noob' },
      increase: { value: 2, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },
  win: {
    value: 'base', type: 'radio', label: 'On Win',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Return to base bet' },
      increase: { value: 1.02, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },

log('Script is running..');

var currentBet = config.baseBet.value;

// Always try to bet when script is started, config.payout.value);

engine.on('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
engine.on('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

function onGameStarted() {, config.payout.value);

function onGameEnded() {
  var lastGame = engine.history.first()

  // If we wagered, it means we played
  if (!lastGame.wager) {

  // we won..
  if (lastGame.cashedAt) {
    if ( === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert( === 'increase');
      currentBet *=;
    log('We won, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')
  } else {
    // damn, looks like we lost :(

    if (config.loss.value === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert(config.loss.value === 'increase');
      currentBet *= config.loss.options.increase.value;
    log('We lost, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')

  if (currentBet > config.stop.value) {
    log('Was about to bet', currentBet, 'which triggers the stop');
    engine.removeListener('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
    engine.removeListener('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

hash stuff
hex: e9474064aaeb4d07689d80952adb4d785d318fcd43947b90ec25c12450876f50
HEX: E9474064AAEB4D07689D80952ADB4D785D318FCD43947B90EC25C12450876F50
h:e:x: e9:47:40:64:aa:eb:4d:07:68:9d:80:95:2a:db:4d:78:5d:31:8f:cd:43:94:7b:90:ec:25:c1:24:50:87:6f:50
base64: 6UdAZKrrTQdonYCVKttNeF0xj81DlHuQ7CXBJFCHb1A=

Do your worst.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: nullius on March 09, 2018, 02:06:36 AM
var config = {
  baseBet: { value: 100, type: 'balance', label: 'base bet' },
  payout: { value: 1.08, type: 'multiplier' },
  stop: { value: 1e2, type: 'balance', label: 'stop if bet >' },
  loss: {
    value: 'increase', type: 'radio', label: 'On Loss',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Back to base bet, noob' },
      increase: { value: 2, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },
  win: {
    value: 'base', type: 'radio', label: 'On Win',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Return to base bet' },
      increase: { value: 1.02, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },

log('Script is running..');

var currentBet = config.baseBet.value;

// Always try to bet when script is started, config.payout.value);

engine.on('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
engine.on('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

function onGameStarted() {, config.payout.value);

function onGameEnded() {
  var lastGame = engine.history.first()

  // If we wagered, it means we played
  if (!lastGame.wager) {

  // we won..
  if (lastGame.cashedAt) {
    if ( === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert( === 'increase');
      currentBet *=;
    log('We won, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')
  } else {
    // damn, looks like we lost :(

    if (config.loss.value === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert(config.loss.value === 'increase');
      currentBet *= config.loss.options.increase.value;
    log('We lost, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')

  if (currentBet > config.stop.value) {
    log('Was about to bet', currentBet, 'which triggers the stop');
    engine.removeListener('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
    engine.removeListener('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

hash stuff
hex: e9474064aaeb4d07689d80952adb4d785d318fcd43947b90ec25c12450876f50
HEX: E9474064AAEB4D07689D80952ADB4D785D318FCD43947B90EC25C12450876F50
h:e:x: e9:47:40:64:aa:eb:4d:07:68:9d:80:95:2a:db:4d:78:5d:31:8f:cd:43:94:7b:90:ec:25:c1:24:50:87:6f:50
base64: 6UdAZKrrTQdonYCVKttNeF0xj81DlHuQ7CXBJFCHb1A=

Do your worst.

I gave +10 for dropping a script, but I don’t get a matching hash.  Now trying different variations with final newline, etc...

(Wait—that is the script?  LOL)

With a single '\n' on the last line, and '\n' as newline, I get sha256sum:


(I doubt it’s significant as to evidence, since aTriz posted the script right on the heels of the hash; but I seek to be correct, and figure out what happened here.)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 02:08:19 AM
also - this was the result thing i got when i converted it

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2018, 02:09:22 AM
LOL, well at first glance there is NOTHING in the script that alia was claiming it did, and given how small it is I doubt that the second glance would reveal more. Just a couple of multipliers to adjust bets on win or loss. Also it looks like alia was still running the script after she said she won't do it with her own funds - the 1.08 bets really stood out in her bet history.

Alright, I see how you want to play it.

Everybody: aTriz is a scammer. As you can see, he first backs out of a signature contract and is now posting my confidential property. Luckily for him, the old script is not of much use to me as I have a new, better, more private script. I don't want to get banned, so there'll be no dox yet. If RGBkey audits the new script and my service runs smooth, all good. If not, then my last hurrah will be spectacular. Wait and watch, Mr. ;)

We need TMAN to give you a new nickname. "shitcunt" doesn't quite cut it anymore.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Aventhe on March 09, 2018, 02:11:07 AM

(Wait—that is the script?  LOL)

Ikr...." The great script unveiled before our eyes"

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Hatcher on March 09, 2018, 02:13:58 AM
Well... what did you expect?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 09, 2018, 02:17:25 AM
LOL, well at first glance there is NOTHING in the script that alia was claiming it did, and given how small it is I doubt that the second glance would reveal more. Just a couple of multipliers to adjust bets on win or loss. Also it looks like alia was still running the script after she said she won't do it with her own funds - the 1.08 bets really stood out in her bet history.

Alright, I see how you want to play it.

Everybody: aTriz is a scammer. As you can see, he first backs out of a signature contract and is now posting my confidential property. Luckily for him, the old script is not of much use to me as I have a new, better, more private script. I don't want to get banned, so there'll be no dox yet. If RGBkey audits the new script and my service runs smooth, all good. If not, then my last hurrah will be spectacular. Wait and watch, Mr. ;)

We need TMAN to give you a new nickname. "shitcunt" doesn't quite cut it anymore.

New script is totally different although the multiplier of 1.08x is involved.

Current profit is 0.095 BTC (as a starting reference point)

I'd like someone to quote and check this. I guarantee that buy tomorrow the profit will be at least 0.01 higher. Not that this is proof, but it's a start.

Title: LOL
Post by: nullius on March 09, 2018, 02:19:46 AM
(Wait—that is the script?  LOL)



(The storied nullius is here at a loss for words.  Too busy LOLling at the script which caused all this trouble.)

Well... what did you expect?

I at least expect for the Wizard of Oz to have some frighteningly impressive-looking deceptive contraption behind the curtain.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2018, 02:29:55 AM
New script is totally different although the multiplier of 1.08x is involved.

Current profit is 0.095 BTC (as a starting reference point)

I'd like someone to quote and check this. I guarantee that buy tomorrow the profit will be at least 0.01 higher. Not that this is proof, but it's a start.

Yep, totally different. Let me guess, multiplier on loss is 4x? You're not the first to think that a fix for martingale is more martingale.

I at least expect for the Wizard of Oz to have some frighteningly impressive-looking deceptive contraption behind the curtain.

I expected there to be some... you know... CODE. For auditing and shit.

currentBet *= config.loss.options.increase.value


Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 09, 2018, 02:31:20 AM
New script is totally different although the multiplier of 1.08x is involved.

Current profit is 0.095 BTC (as a starting reference point)

I'd like someone to quote and check this. I guarantee that buy tomorrow the profit will be at least 0.01 higher. Not that this is proof, but it's a start.

Yep, totally different. Let me guess, multiplier on loss is 4x? You're not the first to think that a fix for martingale is more martingale.

I at least expect for the Wizard of Oz to have some frighteningly impressive-looking deceptive contraption behind the curtain.

I expected there to be some... you know... CODE. For auditing and shit.

currentBet *= config.loss.options.increase.value


Incorrect, nice guess though. Wait for tomorrow

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2018, 02:38:45 AM
Incorrect, nice guess though. Wait for tomorrow

On win you keep betting 1 bit at 1.08x.

On loss you're beting 4, 20, 100 bits at 1.25x - trying to get the lost bit back. There is no magic there. Same fallacy.

How big is your bankroll?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt on March 09, 2018, 02:40:11 AM
Incorrect, nice guess though. Wait for tomorrow

On win you keep betting 1 bit at 1.08x.

On loss you're beting 4, 20, 100 bits at 1.25x - trying to get the lost bit back. There is no magic there. Same fallacy.

How big is your bankroll?

Not very. And yes, no magic - just calculated risk. It is almost guaranteed that by tomorrow my profit will be 0.01-0.02 BTC higher than it is today. I am saying this openly and in public, and the proof is in the link I gave. Just see for yourself.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: nullius on March 09, 2018, 02:41:53 AM
also - this was the result thing i got when i converted it

I obtained the exact same results from the same tool, copypasting in the script with no trailing newline:

Quote from:
Your hash has been successfully generated.

hex: e9474064aaeb4d07689d80952adb4d785d318fcd43947b90ec25c12450876f50

HEX: E9474064AAEB4D07689D80952ADB4D785D318FCD43947B90EC25C12450876F50

h:e:x: e9:47:40:64:aa:eb:4d:07:68:9d:80:95:2a:db:4d:78:5d:31:8f:cd:43:94:7b:90:ec:25:c1:24:50:87:6f:50

base64: 6UdAZKrrTQdonYCVKttNeF0xj81DlHuQ7CXBJFCHb1A=

Whereas feeding (what should be) the identical preimage to Linux (GNU) sha256sum gives:


The only difference with this is the final newline—I told you, a 1-character difference will change the whole hash:

With a single '\n' on the last line, and '\n' as newline, I get sha256sum:


(I doubt it’s significant as to evidence, since aTriz posted the script right on the heels of the hash; but I seek to be correct, and figure out what happened here.)

I at least expect for the Wizard of Oz to have some frighteningly impressive-looking deceptive contraption behind the curtain.

I expected there to be some... you know... CODE. For auditing and shit.

I expected there to be some... you know... MAGIC.  Better than “mathematical mumbo jumbo”.

currentBet *= config.loss.options.increase.value



How big is your bankroll?

How many investors does Alia have?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Aventhe on March 09, 2018, 02:42:46 AM
Incorrect, nice guess though. Wait for tomorrow

On win you keep betting 1 bit at 1.08x.

On loss you're beting 4, 20, 100 bits at 1.25x - trying to get the lost bit back. There is no magic there. Same fallacy.

How big is your bankroll?

Not very. And yes, no magic - just calculated risk. It is almost guaranteed that by tomorrow my profit will be 0.01-0.02 BTC higher than it is today. I am saying this openly and in public, and the proof is in the link I gave. Just see for yourself.

Though the thing I don't understand is why does the script warrant a dox if it's so simple?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: nullius on March 09, 2018, 02:45:11 AM
Though the thing I don't understand is why does the script warrant a dox if it's so simple?

New theory:  Alia is irrational.  Possibly psychotic.  Also, she should really decease from lecturing others about “delusions of grandeur”.  Others have the grandeur, she has the delusions.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2018, 02:47:21 AM
Though the thing I don't understand is why does the script warrant a dox if it's so simple?

She was gonna dox aTriz regardless. Hell hath no fury like a scammer scorned. She didn't even wait for the script to be posted.

she should really decease

bit harsh innit? :)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: DrakeDG on March 09, 2018, 02:50:11 AM
var config = {
  baseBet: { value: 100, type: 'balance', label: 'base bet' },
  payout: { value: 1.08, type: 'multiplier' },
  stop: { value: 1e2, type: 'balance', label: 'stop if bet >' },
  loss: {
    value: 'increase', type: 'radio', label: 'On Loss',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Back to base bet, noob' },
      increase: { value: 2, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },
  win: {
    value: 'base', type: 'radio', label: 'On Win',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Return to base bet' },
      increase: { value: 1.02, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },

log('Script is running..');

var currentBet = config.baseBet.value;

// Always try to bet when script is started, config.payout.value);

engine.on('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
engine.on('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

function onGameStarted() {, config.payout.value);

function onGameEnded() {
  var lastGame = engine.history.first()

  // If we wagered, it means we played
  if (!lastGame.wager) {

  // we won..
  if (lastGame.cashedAt) {
    if ( === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert( === 'increase');
      currentBet *=;
    log('We won, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')
  } else {
    // damn, looks like we lost :(

    if (config.loss.value === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert(config.loss.value === 'increase');
      currentBet *= config.loss.options.increase.value;
    log('We lost, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')

  if (currentBet > config.stop.value) {
    log('Was about to bet', currentBet, 'which triggers the stop');
    engine.removeListener('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
    engine.removeListener('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

hash stuff
hex: e9474064aaeb4d07689d80952adb4d785d318fcd43947b90ec25c12450876f50
HEX: E9474064AAEB4D07689D80952ADB4D785D318FCD43947B90EC25C12450876F50
h:e:x: e9:47:40:64:aa:eb:4d:07:68:9d:80:95:2a:db:4d:78:5d:31:8f:cd:43:94:7b:90:ec:25:c1:24:50:87:6f:50
base64: 6UdAZKrrTQdonYCVKttNeF0xj81DlHuQ7CXBJFCHb1A=

Do your worst.

Is this the script worth 50 BTC?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2018, 02:52:51 AM
Is this the script worth 50 BTC?

Yes, that was the claim.

Although I would imagine there's probably a good discount available now. 100% off sounds about right.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: DrakeDG on March 09, 2018, 03:00:13 AM
Is this the script worth 50 BTC?

Yes, that was the claim.

Although I would imagine there's probably a good discount available now. 100% off sounds about right.

There's nothing fancy about this script. Not worth the price, I think. LOL

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2018, 03:08:07 AM
Incorrect, nice guess though. Wait for tomorrow

On win you keep betting 1 bit at 1.08x.

On loss you're beting 4, 20, 100 bits at 1.25x - trying to get the lost bit back. There is no magic there. Same fallacy.

How big is your bankroll?

Not very. And yes, no magic - just calculated risk. It is almost guaranteed that by tomorrow my profit will be 0.01-0.02 BTC higher than it is today. I am saying this openly and in public, and the proof is in the link I gave. Just see for yourself.

To make 0.02 BTC at 0.08 bits per bet you're gonna need > 200k winning bets.

And if your bankroll is 1 BTC you have about a 1/100k chance to go bust.

Is that your "calculated risk"?

Title: LOL, LOL, etc.
Post by: nullius on March 09, 2018, 03:21:40 AM
Is this the script worth 50 BTC?

Yes, that was the claim.

Although I would imagine there's probably a good discount available now. 100% off sounds about right.

Well, 50 BTC what she effectually claimed her damages would be if aTriz released the script.  She was actually running a thread selling it for—what was the per-copy price, 0.99 BTC?  (IIRC, off the top of my head.)

So, anybody want to buy?  I am now selling pirate copies.  Instead of a discount, I am pricing in Btrash—which is LOL because I don’t have a Btrash wallet.  Send 0.99 BCH to 1111111111111111111114oLvT2, and I will give you a secret pirate link ( to where you can download the wonder-script!

Though the thing I don't understand is why does the script warrant a dox if it's so simple?

She was gonna dox aTriz regardless. Hell hath no fury like a scammer scorned. She didn't even wait for the script to be posted.

She was vengeful against aTriz, for some (un)reason.  I wonder why not so much against me.  —Oh yes, she has no leverage against me.

she should really decease

bit harsh innit? :)

I will reply by referring to the etymology of “draconian”.  Anyway, I insist she desist.  And decease.  LOL.

I suggest that from the recent events transpiring in this thread, we can conclude:

  • Alia is even worse than a scamgirl:  Alia is evil, actively malicious and sadistic.
  • The script is even stupider than “stupid equations”.
  • aTriz has no programming knowledge whatsoever.  (Sorry, but—LOL.)
  • Most questions on this thread have been answered, the primary one for which it was reopened being the existence, identity, and content of the script.  What’s left to wrap up?
  • I can probably resume (cough) normal posting habits.  Sorry, folks who watch me.  Time to put the drama of the Alia affair on the back burner—again.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 09, 2018, 04:18:36 AM
var config = {
  baseBet: { value: 100, type: 'balance', label: 'base bet' },
  payout: { value: 1.08, type: 'multiplier' },
  stop: { value: 1e2, type: 'balance', label: 'stop if bet >' },
  loss: {
    value: 'increase', type: 'radio', label: 'On Loss',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Back to base bet, noob' },
      increase: { value: 2, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },
  win: {
    value: 'base', type: 'radio', label: 'On Win',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Return to base bet' },
      increase: { value: 1.02, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },

log('Script is running..');

var currentBet = config.baseBet.value;

// Always try to bet when script is started, config.payout.value);

engine.on('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
engine.on('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

function onGameStarted() {, config.payout.value);

function onGameEnded() {
  var lastGame = engine.history.first()

  // If we wagered, it means we played
  if (!lastGame.wager) {

  // we won..
  if (lastGame.cashedAt) {
    if ( === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert( === 'increase');
      currentBet *=;
    log('We won, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')
  } else {
    // damn, looks like we lost :(

    if (config.loss.value === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert(config.loss.value === 'increase');
      currentBet *= config.loss.options.increase.value;
    log('We lost, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')

  if (currentBet > config.stop.value) {
    log('Was about to bet', currentBet, 'which triggers the stop');
    engine.removeListener('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
    engine.removeListener('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

hash stuff
hex: e9474064aaeb4d07689d80952adb4d785d318fcd43947b90ec25c12450876f50
HEX: E9474064AAEB4D07689D80952ADB4D785D318FCD43947B90EC25C12450876F50
h:e:x: e9:47:40:64:aa:eb:4d:07:68:9d:80:95:2a:db:4d:78:5d:31:8f:cd:43:94:7b:90:ec:25:c1:24:50:87:6f:50
base64: 6UdAZKrrTQdonYCVKttNeF0xj81DlHuQ7CXBJFCHb1A=

Do your worst.
If this is what aTriz was vouching for, then he very clearly did not do any kind of due diligence prior to vouching for the script, and was negligent in giving his vouch.

I have serious doubts that aTriz is able to provide evidence that he can produce evidence that he actually ran this script between when alia started selling the script and when he provided the vouch, that is in line with his other statements. I might be wrong about this, and being proven wrong about this would not change my opinion about aTriz. 

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: HCP on March 09, 2018, 06:39:09 AM
For those who aren't so great at deciphering javascript gambling scripts... I've coded a script for a "well known dicebot"...

basebet = 0.00000001
basechance = 91.851
firstLossMultiplier = 4
lossMultiplier = 5
lossChance = 79.360

nextbet = basebet
chance = basechance

function dobet()

  if (win) then
    nextbet = basebet
    chance = basechance
    if currentstreak == -1 then
      -- first loss
      nextbet = previousbet * firstLossMultiplier
      nextbet = previousbet * lossMultiplier
    chance = lossChance
It seems to have a SHA256 "similar" to: e9474064aaeb4d07689d80952adb4d785d318fcd43947b90ec25c12450876f50 *wink wink*

So, I estimate it's worth about 50 BTC! *cough* #makeMartingaleGreatAgain

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: TMAN on March 09, 2018, 06:55:08 AM
This is brilliant. Call that a gambling script shitcunt? Really I mean really? You are more stupid than a meth head on a 10 day binge who is being offered free bags of meth.

Shitcunt isn't good enough, I have tried to think up a new nickname and even dedicated 4 minutes of my life to the task.. Alas I was laughing to hard to think clearly, so we will have to stick to shitcunt for now. You really are a stupid shitcunt thinking you can come to a form where there are some seriously clever guys and try to pull this shit.

Does this mean You will finally stop gracing us with your presence now shitcunt ?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Joel_Jantsen on March 09, 2018, 08:11:33 AM
For those who aren't so great at deciphering javascript gambling scripts... I've coded a script for a "well known dicebot"...

It seems to have a SHA256 "similar" to: e9474064aaeb4d07689d80952adb4d785d318fcd43947b90ec25c12450876f50 *wink wink*

So, I estimate it's worth about 50 BTC! *cough* #makeMartingaleGreatAgain
And here is a prettier version of the script,

let initialBettingValues = {
  baseBet : 0.0000001,
  baseChance : 91.851,
  firstLossMultiplier : 4,
  lossMultiplier : 5,
  lossChance : 79.360
let nextBet = initialBettingValues ? initialBettingValues : "0"
let chance = baseChance ? baseChance : "0"

doBet =(win,currentStreak,previousbet)=> {
  nextBet = initialBettingValues.baseBet
  chance = baseBet
  } else if (currentStreak === -1){
  //First Loss
  nextBet = previousbet * firstLossMultiplier
  } else {
  nextbet = previousbet * lossMultiplier
  chance = lossChance
Does this makes it any valuable ? lol

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: LoyceV on March 09, 2018, 08:15:20 AM
Not very. And yes, no magic - just calculated risk. It is almost guaranteed that by tomorrow my profit will be 0.01-0.02 BTC higher than it is today. I am saying this openly and in public, and the proof is in the link I gave. Just see for yourself.
They key word here is "almost".
And the big question is: what's your bankroll? It's very likely to go up a small percentage of your bankroll. Until you bust, as all Martingale will eventually do.

I obtained the exact same results from the same tool, copypasting in the script with no trailing newline:
I've had similar problems with online hashes when I tried to do that for md5sum (

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 09, 2018, 09:26:04 AM
var config = {
  baseBet: { value: 100, type: 'balance', label: 'base bet' },
  payout: { value: 1.08, type: 'multiplier' },
  stop: { value: 1e2, type: 'balance', label: 'stop if bet >' },
  loss: {
    value: 'increase', type: 'radio', label: 'On Loss',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Back to base bet, noob' },
      increase: { value: 2, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },
  win: {
    value: 'base', type: 'radio', label: 'On Win',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Return to base bet' },
      increase: { value: 1.02, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },

log('Script is running..');

var currentBet = config.baseBet.value;

// Always try to bet when script is started, config.payout.value);

engine.on('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
engine.on('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

function onGameStarted() {, config.payout.value);

function onGameEnded() {
  var lastGame = engine.history.first()

  // If we wagered, it means we played
  if (!lastGame.wager) {

  // we won..
  if (lastGame.cashedAt) {
    if ( === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert( === 'increase');
      currentBet *=;
    log('We won, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')
  } else {
    // damn, looks like we lost :(

    if (config.loss.value === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert(config.loss.value === 'increase');
      currentBet *= config.loss.options.increase.value;
    log('We lost, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')

  if (currentBet > config.stop.value) {
    log('Was about to bet', currentBet, 'which triggers the stop');
    engine.removeListener('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
    engine.removeListener('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

For anyone not familiar with the code, what this script does is the following:

Bets 1 bit at x1.08.
If you lose, doubles the bet, still at x1.08.
If you win, returns to the base bet of 1 bit.

There are additional options to change the max bet and tweak the multipliers, but the script will run as above unless changed.

It is laughably simple. It is just Martingale, but even worse since you don't even recover your losses after a run of reds (x1.08 multiplier rather than the usual x2). At a 1.08 multiplier, with a success rate of 91.67%, you are making an average profit of (0.9167*0.08)-([1-0.9167]*1)=-1%. Over the long term, you will then run in to the problem of any Martingale with exponentially increasing losses.

In my personal opinion, to claim that this is worth 50BTC is nothing short of delusional. The most impressive thing is the amount of forum activity she has created surrounding a script that could be written by a middle-schooler, and equally proved to be worthless by a middle-schooler.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 09, 2018, 09:40:27 AM
And here is a prettier version of the script,

let initialBettingValues = {
  baseBet : 0.0000001,
  baseChance : 91.851,
  firstLossMultiplier : 4,
  lossMultiplier : 5,
  lossChance : 79.360
let nextBet = initialBettingValues ? initialBettingValues : "0"
let chance = baseChance ? baseChance : "0"

doBet =(win,currentStreak,previousbet)=> {
  nextBet = initialBettingValues.baseBet
  chance = baseBet
  } else if (currentStreak === -1){
  //First Loss
  nextBet = previousbet * firstLossMultiplier
  } else {
  nextbet = previousbet * lossMultiplier
  chance = lossChance

I've also been watching her betting history and can confirm this is exactly the new script she is using. The only differences are you calculated the base chance and loss chance incorrectly. Accurate values are base chance = 0.99/1.08 = 0.9167 and loss chance = 0.99/1.25 = 0.792.

This, as previously, is just another modified Martingale. This one at least recovers your losses after a run of reds, but has the same problems as any Martingale, in that bets grow exponentially on a run of losses, leading to rapid bankruptcy.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: actmyname on March 09, 2018, 09:43:45 AM
At a 1.08 multiplier, with a success rate of 91.67%, you have a 50/50 chance to hit a red every 8 bets, making an average profit of (7*0.08)-1=-44%
0.9167 * 0.08 + 0.0833 * -1 ≈ -0.01 average profit, as is the house edge

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: LoyceV on March 09, 2018, 10:04:47 AM
For anyone not familiar with the code, what this script does is the following:

Bets 1 bit at x1.08.
If you lose, doubles the bet, still at x1.08.
If you win, returns to the base bet of 1 bit.
Many sites even have build in bots that do this for you. All designed to make you wager more, because your total wagered amount is the only thing the site cares about. The more you wager, the more the house earns.

Running it at a low multiplier is a terrible strategy when it comes to house edge: you wager high amounts for small profits! Doing the same with much higher multiplier gives you a much smaller house edge. I call this the Landen strategy, named after the guy who successfully used this for months at Rollin. See this spreadsheet ( The win chance on each run is very high, that's why it can last for months if your bankroll is high enough.

It is laughably simple.
It's exactly what was to be expected. Some kid thinks he can beat the house with Martingale (
Isn't that the first thing any starting gambler does? Start small, double when you lose, think you're really smart, and profit a bit?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 09, 2018, 10:10:29 AM
At a 1.08 multiplier, with a success rate of 91.67%, you have a 50/50 chance to hit a red every 8 bets, making an average profit of (7*0.08)-1=-44%
0.9167 * 0.08 + 0.0833 * -1 ≈ -0.01 average profit, as is the house edge

Just spotted your post - had already made the corrections, but thank you nonetheless. Coming off a double shift with no sleep evidently impacts my mathematical abilities.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt2 on March 09, 2018, 10:18:17 AM
var config = {
  baseBet: { value: 100, type: 'balance', label: 'base bet' },
  payout: { value: 1.08, type: 'multiplier' },
  stop: { value: 1e2, type: 'balance', label: 'stop if bet >' },
  loss: {
    value: 'increase', type: 'radio', label: 'On Loss',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Back to base bet, noob' },
      increase: { value: 2, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },
  win: {
    value: 'base', type: 'radio', label: 'On Win',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Return to base bet' },
      increase: { value: 1.02, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },

log('Script is running..');

var currentBet = config.baseBet.value;

// Always try to bet when script is started, config.payout.value);

engine.on('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
engine.on('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

function onGameStarted() {, config.payout.value);

function onGameEnded() {
  var lastGame = engine.history.first()

  // If we wagered, it means we played
  if (!lastGame.wager) {

  // we won..
  if (lastGame.cashedAt) {
    if ( === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert( === 'increase');
      currentBet *=;
    log('We won, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')
  } else {
    // damn, looks like we lost :(

    if (config.loss.value === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert(config.loss.value === 'increase');
      currentBet *= config.loss.options.increase.value;
    log('We lost, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')

  if (currentBet > config.stop.value) {
    log('Was about to bet', currentBet, 'which triggers the stop');
    engine.removeListener('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
    engine.removeListener('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

For anyone not familiar with the code, what this script does is the following:

Bets 1 bit at x1.08.
If you lose, doubles the bet, still at x1.08.
If you win, returns to the base bet of 1 bit.

There are additional options to change the max bet and tweak the multipliers, but the script will run as above unless changed.

It is laughably simple. It is just Martingale, but even worse since you don't even recover your losses after a run of reds (x1.08 multiplier rather than the usual x2). At a 1.08 multiplier, with a success rate of 91.67%, you are making an average profit of (0.9167*0.08)-([1-0.9167]*1)=-1%. Over the long term, you will then run in to the problem of any Martingale with exponentially increasing losses.

In my personal opinion, to claim that this is worth 50BTC is nothing short of delusional. The most impressive thing is the amount of forum activity she has created surrounding a script that could be written by a middle-schooler, and equally proved to be worthless by a middle-schooler.

This is incorrect. I gave specific values to aTriz to plug into the script (1.08x is correct but some other values are supposed to be changed, the 2x is supposed to be much lower and every 1 hour you are supposed to change some values). Luckily he didn't leak all of that.

And here is a prettier version of the script,

let initialBettingValues = {
  baseBet : 0.0000001,
  baseChance : 91.851,
  firstLossMultiplier : 4,
  lossMultiplier : 5,
  lossChance : 79.360
let nextBet = initialBettingValues ? initialBettingValues : "0"
let chance = baseChance ? baseChance : "0"

doBet =(win,currentStreak,previousbet)=> {
  nextBet = initialBettingValues.baseBet
  chance = baseBet
  } else if (currentStreak === -1){
  //First Loss
  nextBet = previousbet * firstLossMultiplier
  } else {
  nextbet = previousbet * lossMultiplier
  chance = lossChance

I've also been watching her betting history and can confirm this is exactly the new script she is using. The only differences are you calculated the base chance and loss chance incorrectly. Accurate values are base chance = 0.99/1.08 = 0.9167 and loss chance = 0.99/1.25 = 0.792.

This, as previously, is just another modified Martingale. This one at least recovers your losses after a run of reds, but has the same problems as any Martingale, in that bets grow exponentially on a run of losses, leading to rapid bankruptcy.

You are right. However, it completely depends on your bank roll. If you have a BR of 1000 BTC and you run the script with 1 bit at a time, the chances of you ever going bust are nearly zero. You cannot possibly know the odds of me going bust without knowing my BR.

Side note: @theymos you banned me for doxing, but all I did was post the name of aTriz, which was already plastered all over the forum by him. It's not a dox if it's public info made available by him. Please clear this up

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 09, 2018, 10:31:32 AM
var config = {
  baseBet: { value: 100, type: 'balance', label: 'base bet' },
  payout: { value: 1.08, type: 'multiplier' },
  stop: { value: 1e2, type: 'balance', label: 'stop if bet >' },
  loss: {
    value: 'increase', type: 'radio', label: 'On Loss',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Back to base bet, noob' },
      increase: { value: 2, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },
  win: {
    value: 'base', type: 'radio', label: 'On Win',
    options: {
      base: { type: 'noop', label: 'Return to base bet' },
      increase: { value: 1.02, type: 'multiplier', label: 'Increase bet by' },

log('Script is running..');

var currentBet = config.baseBet.value;

// Always try to bet when script is started, config.payout.value);

engine.on('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
engine.on('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

function onGameStarted() {, config.payout.value);

function onGameEnded() {
  var lastGame = engine.history.first()

  // If we wagered, it means we played
  if (!lastGame.wager) {

  // we won..
  if (lastGame.cashedAt) {
    if ( === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert( === 'increase');
      currentBet *=;
    log('We won, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')
  } else {
    // damn, looks like we lost :(

    if (config.loss.value === 'base') {
      currentBet = config.baseBet.value;
    } else {
      console.assert(config.loss.value === 'increase');
      currentBet *= config.loss.options.increase.value;
    log('We lost, so next bet will be', currentBet/100, 'bits')

  if (currentBet > config.stop.value) {
    log('Was about to bet', currentBet, 'which triggers the stop');
    engine.removeListener('GAME_STARTING', onGameStarted);
    engine.removeListener('GAME_ENDED', onGameEnded);

For anyone not familiar with the code, what this script does is the following:

Bets 1 bit at x1.08.
If you lose, doubles the bet, still at x1.08.
If you win, returns to the base bet of 1 bit.

There are additional options to change the max bet and tweak the multipliers, but the script will run as above unless changed.

It is laughably simple. It is just Martingale, but even worse since you don't even recover your losses after a run of reds (x1.08 multiplier rather than the usual x2). At a 1.08 multiplier, with a success rate of 91.67%, you are making an average profit of (0.9167*0.08)-([1-0.9167]*1)=-1%. Over the long term, you will then run in to the problem of any Martingale with exponentially increasing losses.

In my personal opinion, to claim that this is worth 50BTC is nothing short of delusional. The most impressive thing is the amount of forum activity she has created surrounding a script that could be written by a middle-schooler, and equally proved to be worthless by a middle-schooler.

This is incorrect. I gave specific values to aTriz to plug into the script (1.08x is correct but some other values are supposed to be changed, the 2x is supposed to be much lower and every 1 hour you are supposed to change some values). Luckily he didn't leak all of that.

And here is a prettier version of the script,

let initialBettingValues = {
  baseBet : 0.0000001,
  baseChance : 91.851,
  firstLossMultiplier : 4,
  lossMultiplier : 5,
  lossChance : 79.360
let nextBet = initialBettingValues ? initialBettingValues : "0"
let chance = baseChance ? baseChance : "0"

doBet =(win,currentStreak,previousbet)=> {
  nextBet = initialBettingValues.baseBet
  chance = baseBet
  } else if (currentStreak === -1){
  //First Loss
  nextBet = previousbet * firstLossMultiplier
  } else {
  nextbet = previousbet * lossMultiplier
  chance = lossChance

I've also been watching her betting history and can confirm this is exactly the new script she is using. The only differences are you calculated the base chance and loss chance incorrectly. Accurate values are base chance = 0.99/1.08 = 0.9167 and loss chance = 0.99/1.25 = 0.792.

This, as previously, is just another modified Martingale. This one at least recovers your losses after a run of reds, but has the same problems as any Martingale, in that bets grow exponentially on a run of losses, leading to rapid bankruptcy.

You are right. However, it completely depends on your bank roll. If you have a BR of 1000 BTC and you run the script with 1 bit at a time, the chances of you ever going bust are nearly zero. You cannot possibly know the odds of me going bust without knowing my BR.

Side note: @theymos you banned me for doxing, but all I did was post the name of aTriz, which was already plastered all over the forum by him. It's not a dox if it's public info made available by him. Please clear this up

The numbers do not matter. Any variable of Martingale will lose money. Anyone with a middle school understanding of maths can see this.

25. Ban evasion (using or creating accounts while one of your accounts is banned) is not allowed.

Good riddance to you, scammer.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: LoyceV on March 09, 2018, 10:33:52 AM
You are right. However, it completely depends on your bank roll. If you have a BR of 1000 BTC and you run the script with 1 bit at a time, the chances of you ever going bust are nearly zero. You cannot possibly know the odds of me going bust without knowing my BR.
Risking 1000 Bitcoin to win 100 Satoshi can work for a long time indeed. Until it doesn't work, at which point you'll realize you risked millions for cents.

Side note: @theymos you banned me for doxing, but all I did was post the name of aTriz, which was already plastered all over the forum by him. It's not a dox if it's public info made available by him. Please clear this up
Let me archive ( this ban evasion (

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 09, 2018, 10:45:58 AM
It's not ban evasion, it's a ban appeal. I think I have been wrongfully banned and I'm appealing theymos's decision.

25. If you get banned (temporary or permanently) and create a new account to continue posting / sending PMs, it's considered ban evasion. The only exception is creating a thread in Meta about your ban.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt2 on March 09, 2018, 10:49:11 AM
It's not ban evasion, it's a ban appeal. I think I have been wrongfully banned and I'm appealing theymos's decision.

25. If you get banned (temporary or permanently) and create a new account to continue posting / sending PMs, it's considered ban evasion. The only exception is creating a thread in Meta about your ban.

Oh, sorry. I didn't read that. Apologies, people were acting very misinformed and I was itching to correct them... I'll go make a thread in Meta

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: LoyceV on March 09, 2018, 10:50:25 AM
Side note: @theymos you banned me for doxing, but all I did was post the name of aTriz, which was already plastered all over the forum by him. It's not a dox if it's public info made available by him. Please clear this up
Let me archive ( this ban evasion (
It's not ban evasion, it's a ban appeal.
You broke the rules:
25. If you get banned (temporary or permanently) and create a new account to continue posting / sending PMs, it's considered ban evasion. The only exception is creating a thread in Meta about your ban.

It's amazing how you went from "verified by theymos" to "red trust from theymos" to "banned by theymos"!

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: alia_alt2 on March 09, 2018, 11:05:09 AM
Incorrect, nice guess though. Wait for tomorrow

On win you keep betting 1 bit at 1.08x.

On loss you're beting 4, 20, 100 bits at 1.25x - trying to get the lost bit back. There is no magic there. Same fallacy.

How big is your bankroll?

Not very. And yes, no magic - just calculated risk. It is almost guaranteed that by tomorrow my profit will be 0.01-0.02 BTC higher than it is today. I am saying this openly and in public, and the proof is in the link I gave. Just see for yourself.

To make 0.02 BTC at 0.08 bits per bet you're gonna need > 200k winning bets.

And if your bankroll is 1 BTC you have about a 1/100k chance to go bust.

Is that your "calculated risk"?

I have already made more than 0.02 BTC, and my bankroll is much, much lower than 1 BTC. Yet I have not gone bust... hmm... hmmmmmmmmm

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on March 09, 2018, 11:37:20 AM
I have already made more than 0.02 BTC, and my bankroll is much, much lower than 1 BTC. Yet I have not gone bust... hmm... hmmmmmmmmm

Same as every Martingale variation - it works great until you go bankrupt.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: TMAN on March 09, 2018, 01:05:47 PM
I have already made more than 0.02 BTC, and my bankroll is much, much lower than 1 BTC. Yet I have not gone bust... hmm... hmmmmmmmmm

Same as every Martingale variation - it works great until you go bankrupt.

So she is insisting she has cracked the great mystery of martingale that millions of gamblers and hundreds of mathematicians have tried and failed to create the perfect system.. err someone thinks they are clever when they are dumb

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 09, 2018, 01:26:05 PM

For anyone not familiar with the code, what this script does is the following:

Bets 1 bit at x1.08.
If you lose, doubles the bet, still at x1.08.
If you win, returns to the base bet of 1 bit.

There are additional options to change the max bet and tweak the multipliers, but the script will run as above unless changed.

It doesn't take a coding expert or a math genius to figure this out.

If the code is that simple, 1) aTriz could easily taken 30 seconds to look at this and known not to give his vouch, and 2) this could easily have been created after the fact in order to create the appearance there was a script when there was not. Also, this is basically the same as the autobet feature available at many (most?) gambling sites.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Astargath on March 09, 2018, 01:58:10 PM

For anyone not familiar with the code, what this script does is the following:

Bets 1 bit at x1.08.
If you lose, doubles the bet, still at x1.08.
If you win, returns to the base bet of 1 bit.

There are additional options to change the max bet and tweak the multipliers, but the script will run as above unless changed.

It doesn't take a coding expert or a math genius to figure this out.

If the code is that simple, 1) aTriz could easily taken 30 seconds to look at this and known not to give his vouch, and 2) this could easily have been created after the fact in order to create the appearance there was a script when there was not. Also, this is basically the same as the autobet feature available at many (most?) gambling sites.

Don't bother, they won't neg trust atriz.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 09, 2018, 02:53:55 PM

For anyone not familiar with the code, what this script does is the following:

Bets 1 bit at x1.08.
If you lose, doubles the bet, still at x1.08.
If you win, returns to the base bet of 1 bit.

There are additional options to change the max bet and tweak the multipliers, but the script will run as above unless changed.

It doesn't take a coding expert or a math genius to figure this out.

If the code is that simple, 1) aTriz could easily taken 30 seconds to look at this and known not to give his vouch, and 2) this could easily have been created after the fact in order to create the appearance there was a script when there was not. Also, this is basically the same as the autobet feature available at many (most?) gambling sites.

Don't bother, they won't neg trust atriz.
Why do you say that?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Astargath on March 09, 2018, 03:11:27 PM

For anyone not familiar with the code, what this script does is the following:

Bets 1 bit at x1.08.
If you lose, doubles the bet, still at x1.08.
If you win, returns to the base bet of 1 bit.

There are additional options to change the max bet and tweak the multipliers, but the script will run as above unless changed.

It doesn't take a coding expert or a math genius to figure this out.

If the code is that simple, 1) aTriz could easily taken 30 seconds to look at this and known not to give his vouch, and 2) this could easily have been created after the fact in order to create the appearance there was a script when there was not. Also, this is basically the same as the autobet feature available at many (most?) gambling sites.

Don't bother, they won't neg trust atriz.
Why do you say that?

There is obviously some bias towards atriz. I don't usually involve myself in drama or reputation fights but it's quite clear that people don't seem to care. I mean the whole thread is supposed to be about atriz and it's 99% filled with attacks towards the other dude or girl, alia.

I'm not saying I would give atriz a negative rating but surely I wont trust him with vouchers from now on lol.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: LoyceV on March 09, 2018, 03:23:58 PM
There is obviously some bias towards atriz. I don't usually involve myself in drama or reputation fights but it's quite clear that people don't seem to care. I mean the whole thread is supposed to be about atriz and it's 99% filled with attacks towards the other dude or girl, alia.
That could of course also have an obvious reason: there's much more dirt to find on alia than on aTriz.

I'm not saying I would give atriz a negative rating but surely I wont trust him with vouchers from now on lol.
I think we can all agree the vouch was a dumb thing, just like the 3 year contract. But isn't the lack of evidence after 23 pages proof that there's no more dirt to find on aTriz?

In case someone wonders what happened to alia_alt2, see modlog (
Autoban user: N/A in topic #0 by member #1924085

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2018, 03:42:36 PM
If this is what aTriz was vouching for, then he very clearly did not do any kind of due diligence prior to vouching for the script, and was negligent in giving his vouch.

I have serious doubts that aTriz is able to provide evidence that he can produce evidence that he actually ran this script between when alia started selling the script and when he provided the vouch, that is in line with his other statements. I might be wrong about this, and being proven wrong about this would not change my opinion about aTriz.  

You have been proven wrong. You claimed numerous times that the script doesn't exist.

Your word salad is word salad.

I have already made more than 0.02 BTC, and my bankroll is much, much lower than 1 BTC. Yet I have not gone bust... hmm... hmmmmmmmmm

... says every degen. Some just need to learn the hard way I guess.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 09, 2018, 04:05:08 PM
I'm not saying I would give atriz a negative rating but surely I wont trust him with vouchers from now on lol.
I think we can all agree the vouch was a dumb thing, just like the 3 year contract. But isn't the lack of evidence after 23 pages proof that there's no more dirt to find on aTriz?


He created both the ANN thread and ran the advertising campaign of what is pretty clearly a ponzi and I don’t see evidence of another forum member being behind that project (not that it would matter).

Posting a script that is the same that autobet features on gambling sites use is not proof that he actually ran a script he was vouching for. In fact it is evidence aTriz was colluding to sell something worthless. If would have to be closing your eyes to receive that script and think it does anything of value.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: TMAN on March 09, 2018, 04:36:04 PM
I'm not saying I would give atriz a negative rating but surely I wont trust him with vouchers from now on lol.
I think we can all agree the vouch was a dumb thing, just like the 3 year contract. But isn't the lack of evidence after 23 pages proof that there's no more dirt to find on aTriz?


He created both the ANN thread and ran the advertising campaign of what is pretty clearly a ponzi and I don’t see evidence of another forum member being behind that project (not that it would matter).

Posting a script that is the same that autobet features on gambling sites use is not proof that he actually ran a script he was vouching for. In fact it is evidence aTriz was colluding to sell something worthless. If would have to be closing your eyes to receive that script and think it does anything of value.

does anyone take any notice of anything you post any more? go back to mummy - I am sure she needs to let the gang bang in soon.. it is a Friday after all.. Choo choo the train is coming

Title: Open questions Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open...
Post by: nullius on March 09, 2018, 05:04:42 PM
Questioning why a guy who doesn’t even know how to make a SHA-256 hash also couldn’t instantly see the LOLness of the script—that is diverting from the investigation, not helping it.

Probative questions remain, such as:

@aTriz, a further question:

Did you have any non-public communications with Alia on the date of 1 March 2018 (UTC)?  —If so, please briefly describe the nature and content of the communication.

I am still asking that.

@cruso, @scam_detector, were your questions satified?  I think that since unlocking the thread, scam_detector has only asked release of the script—which has occurred.  I ask now what past questions remain unanswered, and if there be any new questions (possibly based on newly accrued evidence).

(I suggest that discussion of what suchmoon and tmfp said about leverage should be treated with appropriate discretion, insofar as that leverage still apparently exists.)

Title: Re: Open questions Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open...
Post by: tmfp on March 09, 2018, 05:41:28 PM
(I suggest that discussion of what suchmoon and tmfp said about leverage should be treated with appropriate discretion, insofar as that leverage still apparently exists.)

I have much more than a name. I have address, pictures, family info, and proof that he is an extorter and a briber. I have no intention of publishing any of this as of right now. Let's hope he doesn't share what is a private script.

Well, shared it was, so now what?

aTriz has taken the "publish and be damned" decision, presumably (dangerous word) on the basis he is pretty much personally doxxed anyway with what's already out there, thus nullifying that aspect of the alia leverage.
Which presumably (!) makes this
proof that he is an extorter and a briber

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: ibminer on March 09, 2018, 07:41:57 PM
I'm trying to give aTriz the benefit of doubt here, and maybe I'm being overly critical, but I'm still having a hard time accepting that aTriz could show naivety this many times with one user.

Correct me if I am wrong but, relating to alia, I believe we have:
-2/25/18 ( A 3 year signature agreement, 5 months paid upfront to an account 1 month old (stupid investment?).
-2/27/18 ( Vouching for a script he admittedly has no knowledge or understanding of to apparently help out a new user, risking his own reputation. (stupid idea?)
-(sometime after the contract ( A BTC/Paypal transaction with a new user. (exposing personal info?)

I'm supposed to just accept these circumstances as naiveness and slip ups?  It appears like he trusted alia - a new account - for some reason I cannot grasp, and just because nullius was including her in some of his recent posts at the time, for me, is not a sufficient answer as to why someone like aTriz would openly trust someone enough to pay 5 months upfront for signature space, put his reputation on the line with a vouch, and expose his identity to someone he doesn't even know via PayPal.

Anyhow, question for aTriz:
-PP/BTC trade: has a transaction for the BTC piece of this trade been posted somewhere showing this actually happened?  
  I'm having troubles locating the tx between addresses I've seen posted for you & alia.

You don't really have to answer though, I am only "light green trust" so who am I to blow against the wind? (
ibpminer is light green trust tho  ::)

MIB  8) (

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 08:31:46 PM
I'm not saying I would give atriz a negative rating but surely I wont trust him with vouchers from now on lol.
I think we can all agree the vouch was a dumb thing, just like the 3 year contract. But isn't the lack of evidence after 23 pages proof that there's no more dirt to find on aTriz?


He created both the ANN thread and ran the advertising campaign of what is pretty clearly a ponzi and I don’t see evidence of another forum member being behind that project (not that it would matter).

Posting a script that is the same that autobet features on gambling sites use is not proof that he actually ran a script he was vouching for. In fact it is evidence aTriz was colluding to sell something worthless. If would have to be closing your eyes to receive that script and think it does anything of value.
Oi dickhead ever look at my last post and edits there. I closed it after 3 days after taking further research. I was busy that period so I didn't have time to look at the project.

I'll answer rest later.

Title: Re: Open questions Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open...
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 08:49:47 PM
@aTriz, a further question:

Did you have any non-public communications with Alia on the date of 1 March 2018 (UTC)?  —If so, please briefly describe the nature and content of the communication.
After the sig deal was cut, I deleted her of Skype.

Anyhow, question for aTriz:
-PP/BTC trade: has a transaction for the BTC piece of this trade been posted somewhere showing this actually happened? 
  I'm having troubles locating the tx between addresses I've seen posted for you & alia.
Sorry, I don't have it public, I've done a lot of PayPal deals in private though, which more trusted members if that heaps.

I use a different wallet that's not on here to receive payments and send them. The atriz address is no longer in use since everyone would be able to see my transactions.

Title: Re: Open questions Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open...
Post by: ibminer on March 09, 2018, 09:02:27 PM
@aTriz, a further question:

Did you have any non-public communications with Alia on the date of 1 March 2018 (UTC)?  —If so, please briefly describe the nature and content of the communication.
After the sig deal was cut, I deleted her of Skype.

I believe you stated you received the script through Skype, which would have been 2 days after the signature deal?
Can you clarify? 

aTriz, would you please briefly describe what happened from your perspective?
One or 2 days after the sig deal, she pmed me about a script, then she sent it to me and I tested it out for 10 mins and then posted review
Are you able to document this PM, and provide the PM number/ID?
It was made via Skype.

Anyhow, question for aTriz:
-PP/BTC trade: has a transaction for the BTC piece of this trade been posted somewhere showing this actually happened?  
  I'm having troubles locating the tx between addresses I've seen posted for you & alia.
Sorry, I don't have it public, I've done a lot of PayPal deals in private though, which more trusted members if that heaps.

I use a different wallet that's not on here to receive payments and send them. The atriz address is no longer in use since everyone would be able to see my transactions.

Understood, would you be willing to PM me the address for alia that you sent BTC to?

Title: Re: Open questions Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open...
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 09:05:36 PM
@aTriz, a further question:

Did you have any non-public communications with Alia on the date of 1 March 2018 (UTC)?  —If so, please briefly describe the nature and content of the communication.
After the sig deal was cut, I deleted her of Skype.

I believe you stated you received the script through Skype, which would have been 2 days after the signature deal?
Can you clarify? 

aTriz, would you please briefly describe what happened from your perspective?
One or 2 days after the sig deal, she pmed me about a script, then she sent it to me and I tested it out for 10 mins and then posted review
Are you able to document this PM, and provide the PM number/ID?
It was made via Skype.

Anyhow, question for aTriz:
-PP/BTC trade: has a transaction for the BTC piece of this trade been posted somewhere showing this actually happened?  
  I'm having troubles locating the tx between addresses I've seen posted for you & alia.
Sorry, I don't have it public, I've done a lot of PayPal deals in private though, which more trusted members if that heaps.

I use a different wallet that's not on here to receive payments and send them. The atriz address is no longer in use since everyone would be able to see my transactions.

Understood, would you be willing to PM me the address for alia that you sent BTC to?
No, the script was sent like the day after the sig deal was finished. I had no further contact with her (except here) when the signature deal was broken and I was refunded.

I'm trying to find the address, but I can't scroll down below March 2 on my samouri Wallet for some reason - I'll pm you a screenshot for proof. Let me try figure it out.

Title: Re: Open questions Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open...
Post by: nullius on March 09, 2018, 09:10:43 PM
@aTriz, a further question:

Did you have any non-public communications with Alia on the date of 1 March 2018 (UTC)?  —If so, please briefly describe the nature and content of the communication.
After the sig deal was cut, I deleted her of Skype.

By “cut”, I presume you mean “terminated”.  That occurred on 1 March 2018, according to public statements by both parties (you and Alia) earlier in this thread; and of course, Skype is not the only means of “non-public communications”, which include PMs, e-mail, and anything else other than published material.

To be absolutely clear, I here include (but do not limit the question to) communications before the public statements by both parties to the effect that the contract was terminated and prepayment had been refunded.

thus nullifying that aspect of the alia leverage.

I hope so.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: marlboroza on March 09, 2018, 09:16:18 PM
Something makes no sense.

I was reading this topic 💰 💰 💰 aTriz's Loan Service💰 💰 💰 [Collateral Not Required] (

If I didn't messed with timezones, his first deal(loan) was made in exactly 51 seconds:

October 16, 2017, 11:34:53 AM
Quote from: pinkman12345
Collateral offered: 32k TGT
If the price of TGT dips below 110% of the loaned amount (0.1), will you agree to add more TGT until it becomes 120% again?
If so, we can do this.

Please send TGT here- 0xb7f15b1b792120b44e47f41c35830771e70a6769.
Collateral txID:
TimeStamp: 144 days 8 hrs ago (Oct-16-2017 11:35:44 AM +UTC)

Loan was taken for 1 day, but pinkman12345 also made another transaction, only 2 hours after taking the loan:
80000 TGT tokens were sent to

It is strange to see someone taking loan and than sending double amount of the same tokens to exchange.

Also I don't know how it works for you guys, but for me it is impossible to wait someone to reply, read post, open wallet, c/p address, double check address and send tokens in such short time period. (Maybe it really was, as condoras said, world record)

Now, this is where it gets interesting:
Avirunes connected few accounts with well known scammer engg.chakks here rakeshdobar1 is alt of Engg. Chakks (
And one of the accounts mentioned in that topic is pinkman12345. Someone who has been connected with known scammer took a loan without using escrow and sent tokens after less then 1 minute, sorry guys but all this is very strange.  :-\

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 09:18:51 PM
Something makes no sense.

I was reading this topic 💰 💰 💰 aTriz's Loan Service💰 💰 💰 [Collateral Not Required] (

If I didn't messed with timezones, his first deal(loan) was made in exactly 51 seconds:

October 16, 2017, 11:34:53 AM
Quote from: pinkman12345
Collateral offered: 32k TGT
If the price of TGT dips below 110% of the loaned amount (0.1), will you agree to add more TGT until it becomes 120% again?
If so, we can do this.

Please send TGT here- 0xb7f15b1b792120b44e47f41c35830771e70a6769.
Collateral txID:
TimeStamp: 144 days 8 hrs ago (Oct-16-2017 11:35:44 AM +UTC)

Loan was taken for 1 day, but pinkman12345 also made another transaction, only 2 hours after taking the loan:
80000 TGT tokens were sent to

It is strange to see someone taking loan and than sending double amount of the same tokens to exchange.

Also I don't know how it works for you guys, but for me it is impossible to wait someone to reply, read post, open wallet, c/p address, double check address and send tokens in such short time period. (Maybe it really was, as condoras said, world record)

Now, this is where it gets interesting:
Avirunes connected few accounts with well known scammer engg.chakks here rakeshdobar1 is alt of Engg. Chakks (
And one of the accounts mentioned in that topic is pinkman12345. Someone who has been connected with known scammer took a loan without using escrow and sent tokens after less then 1 minute, sorry guys but all this is very strange.  :-\
I have all the chats with him on Telegram from that date - would that help? Pinkman is a friend of my and he helps with smart contract work sometimes if I need something made.

Title: Re: Open questions Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open...
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2018, 09:26:23 PM
No, the script was sent like the day after the sig deal was finished. I had no further contact with her (except here) when the signature deal was broken and I was refunded.

I'm trying to find the address, but I can't scroll down below March 2 on my samouri Wallet for some reason - I'll pm you a screenshot for proof. Let me try figure it out.

You're being too evasive for your own good and making this whole story seem unnecessarily murky. Just post your sending address - it's gonna come out anyway.

Title: Re: Open questions Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open...
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 09:28:17 PM
No, the script was sent like the day after the sig deal was finished. I had no further contact with her (except here) when the signature deal was broken and I was refunded.

I'm trying to find the address, but I can't scroll down below March 2 on my samouri Wallet for some reason - I'll pm you a screenshot for proof. Let me try figure it out.

You're being too evasive for your own good and making this whole story seem unnecessarily murky. Just post your sending address - it's gonna come out anyway.
I use samouri which means I get a new address per transaction

Here is the screenshot I sent ibminer

Edit to add - the grey slider on the side shows that it's reached the end.

Title: Re: Open questions Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open...
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2018, 09:29:45 PM
No, the script was sent like the day after the sig deal was finished. I had no further contact with her (except here) when the signature deal was broken and I was refunded.

I'm trying to find the address, but I can't scroll down below March 2 on my samouri Wallet for some reason - I'll pm you a screenshot for proof. Let me try figure it out.

You're being too evasive for your own good and making this whole story seem unnecessarily murky. Just post your sending address - it's gonna come out anyway.
I use samouri which means I get a new address per transaction

Here is the screenshot I sent ibminer

What's the exact BTC amount you sent to alia?

Edit: and the date?

Title: Re: Open questions Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open...
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 09:37:10 PM
No, the script was sent like the day after the sig deal was finished. I had no further contact with her (except here) when the signature deal was broken and I was refunded.

I'm trying to find the address, but I can't scroll down below March 2 on my samouri Wallet for some reason - I'll pm you a screenshot for proof. Let me try figure it out.

You're being too evasive for your own good and making this whole story seem unnecessarily murky. Just post your sending address - it's gonna come out anyway.
I use samouri which means I get a new address per transaction

Here is the screenshot I sent ibminer

What's the exact BTC amount you sent to alia?

Edit: and the date?
Lemme check... Not having access to past transactions isn't good. I also got to run in 40 minutes.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: marlboroza on March 09, 2018, 09:39:09 PM
I have all the chats with him on Telegram from that date - would that help? Pinkman is a friend of my and he helps with smart contract work sometimes if I need something made.
Is this also your friend;u=1008125:

Who sent you collateral before you posted address:

TimeStamp: 142 days 13 hrs ago (Oct-18-2017 08:29:04 AM +UTC)

How is that even possible? How can someone send you collateral before you post your address?  :D

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 09:46:27 PM
I have all the chats with him on Telegram from that date - would that help? Pinkman is a friend of my and he helps with smart contract work sometimes if I need something made.
Is this also your friend;u=1008125:

Who sent you collateral before you posted address:

TimeStamp: 142 days 13 hrs ago (Oct-18-2017 08:29:04 AM +UTC)

How is that even possible? How can someone send you collateral before you post your address?  :D
He contacted me on Whatsapp - and I sent him my address then. I was scammed by him and opened a report, so if you are implying thats me, it's not possible.

Here pinkman messaging me on tg

Here is he helping me with the prospector's pr scam

Check timestamps - they match up

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: nullius on March 09, 2018, 09:58:10 PM
Still asking about non-public communications with Alia on the date of 1 March 2018 (UTC).

You're being too evasive for your own good and making this whole story seem unnecessarily murky.

I use samouri which means I get a new address per transaction

Every reasonable modern wallet gives a new address for each transaction.

What's the exact BTC amount you sent to alia?

Edit: and the date?
Lemme check... Not having access to past transactions isn't good. I also got to run in 40 minutes.

No, it’s not good—especially if you have a business to run!

What if someone denied receiving payment from you and accused you of scamming, and you needed to prove the tx?  Would it be so difficult to produce a txid?  What if one of your less-honest customers from various threads sees this, realizes you can’t see tx history before 2 March, and makes a false scam claim against you for a transaction before that?  (Rhetorical questions.)

(Quoted out of order to not break up text flow with image.)

Here is the screenshot I sent ibminer

Edit to add - the grey slider on the side shows that it's reached the end.

For ease of reference:

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 09, 2018, 10:22:17 PM
Lemme check... Not having access to past transactions isn't good. I also got to run in 40 minutes.

So... you don't have even the date or the amount? I'm kinda puzzled now as to how you could dig up chats with random people from months ago within minutes, but not have the amount of a trade from ~ a week ago, which was presumably negotiated via some form of digital communication... or was it a skype voice call? ... or did alia just say "send me any amount, doesn't matter because I'm a scammer and will reverse the PP payment anyway"?

I'm not convinced you're taking taking this seriously but you probably should.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 10:29:25 PM
Lemme check... Not having access to past transactions isn't good. I also got to run in 40 minutes.

So... you don't have even the date or the amount? I'm kinda puzzled now as to how you could dig up chats with random people from months ago within minutes, but not have the amount of a trade from ~ a week ago, which was presumably negotiated via some form of digital communication... or was it a skype voice call? ... or did alia just say "send me any amount, doesn't matter because I'm a scammer and will reverse the PP payment anyway"?

I'm not convinced you're taking taking this seriously but you probably should.
Im trying to find it.

I'm able to dig up chat logs quite easy since I have telegram on my phone and all I need to do is a quick search for a keyword such as 'loan'.

I am taking this seriously.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: marlboroza on March 09, 2018, 10:52:16 PM
First you said pinkman12345 is your friend and than you showed screenshot where you asked him "who is that" and from conversation it is obvious that he wasn't your friend.

Actually this screenshot doesn't explain your post, his reply and sending tokens in less than 1 minute and it doesn't explain why he sent tokens to exchange(2 times bigger amount) 2 hours after he asked for loan.

Also as I said avirunes connected his account with known scammer which is known for:
Engg. Chakks usually loves to create a confusion from what I have seen and learned. He usually creates fake accusations from new accounts/bought accounts on someone random to be Engg. Chakks like he does here in this thread from his alt: Rakeshdobar1 :

He also leaves fake trust feedbacks to his alts by making deals with himself and farms trust between his alts. I have some few names which I am suspicious of to be Engg. Chakks alts right.

He contacted me on Whatsapp - and I sent him my address then. I was scammed by him and opened a report, so if you are implying thats me, it's not possible.
Could you show whats-up conversation between you and scammer ProspectorsPR where you gave him your ethereum deposit address?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 10:55:53 PM
First you said pinkman12345 is your friend and than you showed screenshot where you asked him "who is that" and from conversation it is obvious that he wasn't your friend.

Actually this screenshot doesn't explain your post, his reply and sending tokens in less than 1 minute and it doesn't explain why he sent tokens to exchange(2 times bigger amount) 2 hours after he asked for loan.

Also as I said avirunes connected his account with known scammer which is known for:
Engg. Chakks usually loves to create a confusion from what I have seen and learned. He usually creates fake accusations from new accounts/bought accounts on someone random to be Engg. Chakks like he does here in this thread from his alt: Rakeshdobar1 :

He also leaves fake trust feedbacks to his alts by making deals with himself and farms trust between his alts. I have some few names which I am suspicious of to be Engg. Chakks alts right.

He contacted me on Whatsapp - and I sent him my address then. I was scammed by him and opened a report, so if you are implying thats me, it's not possible.
Could you show whats-up conversation between you and scammer ProspectorsPR where you gave him your ethereum deposit address?
I don't get it? Pinkman became my friend after he took the loan with me.

I don't have the WhatsApp logs since I don't have the old phone. Is there anyway to retrieve the logs via a phone number? I have no idea who engg is. Avirunes was investigating me also but he said I was clear? I'll see if I can get him to respond here.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: marlboroza on March 09, 2018, 11:23:53 PM
I don't get it? Pinkman became my friend after he took the loan with me.
I asked you about a loan and you said pinkman is your friend. Now you are saying he become your friend after he took loan  :-\

I don't have the WhatsApp logs since I don't have the old phone. Is there anyway to retrieve the logs via a phone number?
I have no idea who engg is.
You've made many deals since 2013. and you don't know who well known scammer is.  :-\

How many hours until he gets tagged? Is there a delay in the tagging system? (sorry, I'm new here like nullius)
Who the f are you now?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 09, 2018, 11:28:16 PM
I don't get it? Pinkman became my friend after he took the loan with me.
I asked you about a loan and you said pinkman is your friend. Now you are saying he become your friend after he took loan  :-\

I don't have the WhatsApp logs since I don't have the old phone. Is there anyway to retrieve the logs via a phone number?
I have no idea who engg is.
You've made many deals since 2013. and you don't know who well known scammer is.  :-\

How many hours until he gets tagged? Is there a delay in the tagging system? (sorry, I'm new here like nullius)
Who the f are you now?
I said pinkman's my friend, I didn't say when he became mine. I think it's fair to say that I can become friends with someone that helped bust a scammer and took a loan from me.

I'll get avirunes to comment on this about the engg stuff, hes pmed me with some info about it a week back.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 10, 2018, 01:00:03 AM
Im trying to find it.

I'm able to dig up chat logs quite easy since I have telegram on my phone and all I need to do is a quick search for a keyword such as 'loan'.

I am taking this seriously.

Not sure about that. All forms of communication that have been mentioned here (PM, skype, telegram) have a search function so you could just as easily find that PP trade. You had to negotiate the amount and you probably sent the TX ID too. So I'm still not seeing you being serious about it. Either you produce the conversation or at least a very detailed account of what happened and why there is no record of that conversation. Same with the communication that nullius keeps asking about - March 1st, leading to the contract cancellation/refund. This feels like pulling teeth.

Who the f are you now?


Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: aTriz on March 10, 2018, 01:03:03 AM

Here is me thinking prospector's defaulted

Then me explaining how I ended up with the TGT.

Then he's a bit confused himself... Trying to understand what happened

Then me releasing I got scammed

Then us trying to get revenge and justice

I hope this is enough proof that prospector's isn't me.

Let me know if I can provide any more evidence. Unluckily I don't have the whatsapp logs.

More about the pinkman deal. I got my first loan request in 15 mins, but it was shorter than that. I was contacted at 703 Sydney time, which meant he pmed me 10 mins after my thread was out, I'm not sure why, but I guess I was just lucky then. I've shown proof of communication, and I think this matter should just be put forth as a lucky day for me.

@nullis, I really don't know what else I can do.

I can admit I made a very retarded decision to review something that I have no knowledge in, and I'd like to formally apologize for that. I personally have 0 idea of any code, the most advanced thing I know regarding code is "!" means no in code. If anyone has personally bought the script or lost money via's alia's gambling thing, send me a PM and I will personally compensate you for it. If you bought the script, I'd need evidence of purchase though. In the future, I'll stay away from vouching for these shady sorts of stuff.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 10, 2018, 07:23:48 AM
Oi dickhead
I don't know why you are upset at me.

You are the one associating yourself with and being business partners with, and actively supporting extortionists, you are the one facilitating multiple ICO promising what are very clearly ponzi-level returns, you are the one giving credibility to and vouching for what is for all intents and purposes non-existant products being sold by very new users who have no realistic reason to be trusted and who turned out to be a scammer.

I don't know why you are surprised your business dealings are coming under scrutiny, any one of these things should cause others to be suspicious of you, and to be frank, I am surprised you have not come under more scrutiny months ago. 

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Lauda on March 10, 2018, 09:22:54 AM
...sorry guys but all this is very strange.  :-\
No. You are turning into Quicksy and developing an unhealthy paranoia. Next up: Why is that specific color aTriz's favorite? Don't let mentally degenerates subtly place certain things into your mind.

..the most advanced thing I know regarding code is "!" means no in code.

This is a nice way of distracting everyone for the last +-7 days. The mission was a success I guess.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: marlboroza on March 10, 2018, 12:56:48 PM
^^ I posted before avirunes posted this:
Pinkman has provided me the proofs regarding blog site transfer and is out of scanner.

You are turning into Quicksy and developing an unhealthy paranoia.
Asking loan and two hours after this sending tokens to exchange isn't strange? Who ask loan and then send tokens to exchange?  :-\
Someone made deal available to public and sent collateral before eth address was posted, sorry if this is me. :-\
Don't you think unhealthy paranoia and turning into quickseller would look like this: He has tried to sell fake tokens ::) ?
Did I do that?
I don't think so.
My questions(about loans and script) were backed up with forum posts and transaction time stamps and it certainly isn't unhealthy paranoia and I am not turning into quickseller ::)
There is really no need for insults like this one and saying that I am turning into delusional scammer.
Don't let mentally degenerates subtly place certain things into your mind.
It would be stupid to let such people place anything into anyone's mind.


Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Quickseller on March 10, 2018, 04:33:02 PM

You are turning into Quicksy and developing an unhealthy paranoia.
Asking loan and two hours after this sending tokens to exchange isn't strange? Who ask loan and then send tokens to exchange?  :-\
Someone made deal available to public and sent collateral before eth address was posted, sorry if this is me. :-\
Don't you think unhealthy paranoia and turning into quickseller would look like this: He has tried to sell fake tokens ::) ?
Did I do that?
I don't think so.
My questions(about loans and script) were backed up with forum posts and transaction time stamps and it certainly isn't unhealthy paranoia and I am not turning into quickseller ::)
There is really no need for insults like this one and saying that I am turning into delusional scammer.
Don't let mentally degenerates subtly place certain things into your mind.
It would be stupid to let such people place anything into anyone's mind.

Lauda does not want anyone questioning his business partner, and wants it to stop regardless of the amount of shadiness he is involved in.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: suchmoon on March 10, 2018, 05:47:25 PM
Lauda does not want anyone questioning his business partner, and wants it to stop regardless of the amount of shadiness he is involved in.

You seem to be lost. This is not one of your years-long Lauda threads. Could you please kindly fuck off and go organize your sock drawer or smth. Thanks.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Flying Hellfish on March 11, 2018, 10:12:05 PM
If you bought the script, I'd need evidence of purchase though.

Damn I bought 11532648 copies of the script but my wallet doesn't keep the tx history so I can't get it for ya.  But you believe me right??  ;)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: allahabadi on March 12, 2018, 05:36:19 AM
If you bought the script, I'd need evidence of purchase though.

Damn I bought 11532648 copies of the script but my wallet doesn't keep the tx history so I can't get it for ya.  But you believe me right??  ;)

Ofc I do believe such people, after all, they've been running hundreds of campaigns without verifying the legitimacy (or even existence) of the people who are running the ICO. Also not to mention that they are running their business from purportedly bought accounts.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Wendigo on March 12, 2018, 07:31:41 AM
When a person with dark green trust tells you to jump you ask how high  ;D

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Bazinga442 on April 05, 2018, 04:19:31 PM
This Atriz fella seems to be the Teflon don of - nothing seems to stick to him despite it being glaringly obvious that he is a scammer. These are among the latest scams he is been linked to recently:

How can one person be connected with so many irregularities and yet gets a free pass and their account is trusted? What gets to me is that a supposed trusted and upstanding member of the community, LoyceV joined forces with HAKU or whatever they are called.

LoyceV, dude, I had so much respect for you until you joined that mob. Is your good name worth the btc you will earn? I hope you sleep well at night.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Lauda on April 05, 2018, 04:21:49 PM
This Atriz fella seems to be the Teflon don of - nothing seems to stick to him despite it being glaringly obvious that he is a scammer. These are among the latest scams he is been linked to recently:
Traditional bullshit. Someone who solely manages (i.e. externally, not internally) the campaigns of a project, is in no way linked to the project, nor are they responsible for the outcome of the particular project.

How can one person be connected with so many irregularities and yet gets a free pass and their account is trusted?
Simple: He isn't connected to any of them, as is no manager (see above).

I wonder why a farmed account would take such keen interest in aTriz. ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Bazinga442 on April 05, 2018, 04:33:51 PM
I wonder why a farmed account would take such keen interest in aTriz. ::)

Farmed account so what? 90% of the accounts on this forum have been farmed one way or the other. Weren't you an account seller not so long ago? What could be worse? I wonder what changed? To answer your question, your boyfriend Atriz has a lot to answer for.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Lauda on April 05, 2018, 04:36:20 PM
Farmed account so what?
Admission, got it.

Weren't you an account seller not so long ago?
No. "Not so long ago".

To answer your question, your boyfriend Atriz has a lot to answer for.
He does not, although he could definitely work on his judgement (then again, the same can be said for about 99% of this forum). "Boyfriend".

Someone needs to call pest control.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Bazinga442 on April 05, 2018, 04:39:08 PM
Someone needs to call pest control.
Get over yourself, you lot are scum. Hopefully, whenever the SEC or the authorities jail the people behind these scams you promote, your ass gets hauled to jail too. That's where you belong.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Lauda on April 05, 2018, 04:40:59 PM
Someone needs to call pest control.
Get over yourself, you lot are scum.
Take a look in the mirror or a picture of quickscammer.

Hopefully, whenever the SEC or the authorities jail the people behind these scams you promote, your ass gets hauled to jail too. That's where you belong.
We are not promoting anything; managers do not promote anything. Desperate statements and actions. ::)

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Bazinga442 on April 05, 2018, 04:44:28 PM
We are not promoting anything; managers do not promote anything. Desperate statements and actions. ::)

Tell that to the investors that your actions helped lose millions. Your day will come. Everyday they say for the thief.......

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Lauda on April 05, 2018, 04:45:50 PM
We are not promoting anything; managers do not promote anything. Desperate statements and actions. ::)
Tell that to the investors that your actions helped lose millions. Your day will come. Everyday they say for the thief.......
Caveat emptor.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Bazinga442 on April 05, 2018, 04:47:48 PM
We are not promoting anything; managers do not promote anything. Desperate statements and actions. ::)
Tell that to the investors that your actions helped lose millions. Your day will come. Everyday they say for the thief.......
Caveat emptor.

lo!, you think that willl save you when the feds kick in the door? SMH, your foolishness know no bounds.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 05, 2018, 05:09:05 PM
We are not promoting anything; managers do not promote anything. Desperate statements and actions. ::)
Tell that to the investors that your actions helped lose millions. Your day will come. Everyday they say for the thief.......
Caveat emptor.

lo!, you think that willl save you when the feds kick in the door? SMH, your foolishness know no bounds.
Fools making foolish claims. How Ironic that is.
A shitposter who is farming the account suddenly thinks of posting in a topic which in general would be way beyond their scope of logic or judgement.

Sorry to barge into this "romantic" chitchat going on. Just couldnt control myself. ;D

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Bazinga442 on April 05, 2018, 05:12:26 PM
Fools making foolish claims. How Ironic that is.
A shitposter who is farming the account suddenly thinks of posting in a topic which in general would be way beyond their scope of logic or judgement.

Sorry to barge into this "romantic" chitchat going on. Just couldnt control myself. ;D

Lol! the cavalry has arrived. Idiots abound. Scrutinize my posts some more, your post should earn you some merit points and extra income. Unlike you, I don't have to watch how I post to eat.

Who are you by the way? Lauda lite? Or just another pajeet? - term used a lot on here by your boss Lauda

And oh yeah HAKU and company aka suchmoon.. lol thanks for the negative trust lol Is that all you have? Lets see how that stops me from getting laid tonight or getting paid.

Hakuna Matata!

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on April 05, 2018, 07:08:12 PM
Lol! the cavalry has arrived. Idiots abound. Scrutinize my posts some more, your post should earn you some merit points and extra income. Unlike you, I don't have to watch how I post to eat.

Who are you by the way? Lauda lite? ot just another pajeet? - term used a lot on here by your boss Lauda

And oh yeah HAKU and company aka suchmoon.. lol thanks for the negative trust lol Is that all you have? Lets see how that stops me from getting laid tonight or getting paid.

Hakuna Matata!

You should check out ( or ( You would fit in well.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Bazinga442 on April 05, 2018, 07:11:43 PM
You should check out ( or ( You would fit in well.

Thank you  ::)


It was a marketing strategy and they tried to say they raised so much in just a day or 2.

I doubt they raised anymore then 1 BTC.

You are ok with ICOs stating false information about how much they have raised to other potential investors... and you would call this a marketing strategy?

No, but when I'm 2 weeks into a bounty program I'm basically forced to go along with it.

See how atriz is never responsible for his actions? It is always someone's fault. He is always forced into acting in a shady manner through no fault of his...

"oh no, Alia made me do it...."

next it is

"Damn! the scam ico forced me to play along. They are my paymasters after all"

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Bazinga442 on April 06, 2018, 07:49:47 AM

It was a marketing strategy and they tried to say they raised so much in just a day or 2.

I doubt they raised anymore then 1 BTC.


It was a marketing strategy and they tried to say they raised so much in just a day or 2.

I doubt they raised anymore then 1 BTC.

You are ok with ICOs stating false information about how much they have raised to other potential investors... and you would call this a marketing strategy?

No, but when I'm 2 weeks into a bounty program I'm basically forced to go along with it.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: cunicula on April 06, 2018, 01:22:31 PM
If You missed this??

Read below

Scammed by project endorsed by ALU [ATRIZ]  (Read 170 times) (

Upon Reading i found the Legendary member crying like a hell, as from his accent he seems African or at-least a nigger. ( Clearly he is mentioning the name of lauda )

Upon even more digging up i found 3 videos in one of videos of telegram chat with Chrysos  ( ( scam ) Dev , The dev was saying that he has paid heavily to ALU for promotion and there is no way that one should think that it is a scam.

See video here:

Basically what i observe from the video chat.

the investor( snakey ) asked the scam dev that how they can assure him that his 7k usd will not be wasted and how they will ensure his roi?
The developer replied some bullshit on investment strategy and later added that they have paid more than enough to the Promotion team of bitcointalk ( ALU and ATRIZ ) so there should be no room of questioning that they will run away with his 7 k usd.

Full video playlist:


In my belief that anyone who is associated with atriz and ALU or at-least the part of core team should be neg rated and excluded from DT.

Would like to hear more from other Trusted member.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: Wendigo on April 06, 2018, 03:35:32 PM
Didn't snakey receive a partial refund for his investment with more to come from atriz? I think the TX was posted in other thread like yesterday or something right? BTW the chat log shown on the video was riddled with awful mistakes; very unprofessional conversation from the main dev if it was really him.

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: allahabadi on April 11, 2018, 07:04:59 PM
@snakey Did you receive the compensation promised?

Title: Re: Can you still believe aTriz words? Reopened, too many open questions
Post by: allahabadi on August 21, 2018, 06:46:14 AM
@snakey Did you receive the compensation promised?