Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: GazetaBitcoin on September 28, 2023, 04:58:28 PM

Title: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on September 28, 2023, 04:58:28 PM
A "Tl; dr version" can be found in post #2 (

I am writing this topic as I strongly believe that Ratimov has no place in DT1 group. I made this opinion during years and, as time went by, his actions only strengthened my thoughts. I will present below my arguments for this statement and I will try to be as objective as possible. Please bear with me, as this will be a long reading.

I know that multiple threads were created in the past attacking him (stating the truth about him?), but due to the fact that the authors were trolls, alts or various users expressing their rant, the materials were ignored. However, I hope that if this topic will be thoroughly read by DT (and also non-DT) users, they will observe that I presented everything objectively and that I presented evidence / proof / arguments for all my statements.

This topic will not be one about Ratimov's plagiarism, although this subject will be touched, as it is conclusive for the topic content as a whole (I will also explain below why I slightly touched this part as well).

So first of all, let's remember how Ratimov reached his actual position, which is a position of intangibility: it seems that he obtained so much power that he intimidates everybody to dare to say anything contrary to his opinions. When such things happen, the respective users get distrusted by him or receive baseless negative feedbacks, in some cases also with no reference links and usually consisting only in insults, which is against the correct use of Trust system ( I spoke to many users about Ratimov's behavior and, although they agreed that his behavior is not normal, nor according to a fair DT user, they felt intimidated by him to stand against him.

For example, take these 3 feedbacks left by him, full of insults, with no reference link, 2 being negative and 1 neutral:

Now you may understand why he intimidates so many people.

But how did he get in this position of power.?

All was possible by creating a false impression about him and using sophisticated methods to lie and cheat the system until he impressed more people than necessary. If I remember well, his first unmerited prize was the title of Newbie of the year, in 2019. How did he cheat the system? He created multiple topics, all containing the work of other authors but he presented the materials in a manner looking like he wrote them. This was done using Ratimov's notorious introduction "In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...] (".

airfinex was the first (or the first who found the courage to speak up) who noticed this sophisticated method of plagiarism and exposed Ratimov ( There were many debates whether he plagiarized or not, considering that he mentioned though a source of his articles, somewhere well hidden in the body of his topics. I remain at the opinion that this was a very well hidden plagiarism. The fact that mods did not ban him back then is irrelevant, as almost nobody gets banned for plagiarism for a while. MinoRaiola admitted himself that he plagiarized ( and he was not banned! Even Lauda was caught plagiarizing ( and she was not banned. But do you remember what she did? Unlike Ratimov, she never attacked, she never insulted bitcoinchan (the one which caught her); she actually replied with Thank you for reporting these. ( and later she left the forum for good (also unlike Ratimov).

So the fact that Ratimov was not banned for plagiarism does not mean he did not plagiarize. He did plagiarize and this brought him tons of merits until he was caught (about 3000 merits or so). And with 3000 merits you build a solid image about yourself inside the forum.

Furthermore, he also broke another forum rule in his plagiarist era, as he used automatic translators for his texts. He admitted this by himself:

I cannot create completely English texts myself, without auxiliary tools.

This is forbidden by forum rule 27 (

For the situation to be even more ridiculous, he even admitted the fact that he stole other authors' materials:

Here, really original content, maybe 10%, the rest is all a copy-paste of finished materials or partial use of someone else's material.

Now picture this: let's suppose this is a SF forum. And I come here and write topics with all sorts of stories or novelettes of various well known SF authors, such as Isaac Asimov, Orson Scott Card or Jules Verne. I introduce all my texts with "In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...] (". I hide a minuscule source somewhere in my articles, but the SF stories I present in my topics are presented as being written by me. Forum users believe I wrote all these and shower me in merits. In a few months I become one of most popular forum user. End of story. Does this make sense?

This is what Ratimov did for obtaining thousands of merits. Even furthermore, as some argued back then that he did not plagiarize, I will ask this question: if what he did was not plagiarism (thus he was not risking being banned) then why did he stop using that introduction ("In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...] (")? Why? Ever asked that yourself? (Here I don't mean that he stopped the disgusting copy-paste in his topics -- he kept doing it! He just stopped using that introduction!) And I will ask one more question: even if we suppose he did not plagiarize, does a copy-paste deserve thousands of merits? What would happen if we were on a SF Forum and I would post all the 19 nooks of Orson Scott Card's Ender's saga? Or what would happen if I start posting all Satoshi's posts, introducing them with Ratimov's introduction, thus meaning I wrote them? Will I be showered in merits? /s I hope that now many others see how ridiculous was the situation when Ratimov managed to determine so many people to believe he actually wrote all that stuff.

Perhaps eddie13 said best remark about all these:

3000+ merits for using Google translate eh?

Now let's move forward. Ratimov already created a very good impression about him, he earned already tons of merits, mods did not ban him so he got away. At that time he also became part of DT1. This gave him even more power.

He continued working on his (false) reputation using various lies and schemes, and many were naive enough to believe him. For example, let's remember his bunch of topics where he was bragging himself:

My 100 days on Bitcointalk (
First Newbie of 2019 who received 1000 merits !!! (
Reaching 2000 Merits + Merit Giveaway (
Ratimov - 2 Years on Bitcointalk + Giveaway !!! (
1000-Day Legendary (
7k Merit Club. When is Legendary ? (

Seriously? How pathetic can be someone to brag himself with 6 (SIX) topics?! (Needless to say, the forum even has a topic for achievements (, but why use it, when you gain even more visibility and popularity by bragging yourself?) I also remember that someone else noticed this too, but I can't find that post anymore.

Together with plagiarism / copy-paste / bragging himself, Ratimov also became a merit source. As a merit source he managed to organize an army of minions supporting him in many ways, because he was meriting them.

So all these helped him obtain his actual position, the position from which he manages to intimidate almost everybody. Most people look at users with tons of merits with respect, although in Ratimov's case they have no idea that they actually respect various authors which wrote the texts from Ratimov's texts. Those addicted to his sMerits always talk nice about him, in order to receive merits. Those which disagree with him don't dare to speak, in most of times, as they know that if they do it he can add them to his distrust list, leave them negative feedbacks or they risk to lose the precious merits they may earn from him.

So far I explained how Ratimov obtained his position of intangibility. I hope you all understand why I also talked about his plagiarism -- it was a relevant part regarding the way he obtained his position. And it was an important part, as with a few thousand merits you make yourself a very good image on the forum. So the plagiarism (call it copy-paste if you want) era was an important factor in Ratimov's ascension.

Now let's move forward to see the reason for which I believe this user should not be part of DT.

After he entered in DT1, by luring various users to add him to their Trust lists, Ratimov started showing his disgusting character in other ways. He started abusing Trust system the way he wanted: leaving feedbacks consisting only in insults; leaving negative feedbacks with no reference links (while all sane and fair DT users know that reference links are a must for positive and negative feedbacks, in order to be relevant); using retaliatory feedbacksl using retaliatory inclusions and exclusions (if someone distrusted him he also started distrusting that person); and so on.

One of his first such miserable attack was against airfinex, the user which exposed him for plagiarism. On September 8th, 2021, Ratimov created a topic, hunting airfinex and attacking him as being someone's alt or a bounty cheater. DireWolf and The pharmacist were very vocal against him and scared him enough thus he deleted all his posts inside that thread and hid the thread in Archival board, hoping that nobody can see it anymore and people will forget about it. However, everything is still accessible with (

That topic was still accessible until 2-3 weeks ago. I tried to open it now again and it seems it was deleted. Perhaps Ratimov remembered that what was inside that topic was incriminating him and he begged some mod to delete the topic. By pure chance I had the topic opened in a tab so I could make some screenshots. DireWolf's and Pharmacist's posts are most relevant.

This is how Ratimov's topic appeared after he deleted his topic text, like a coward (in the image you can see that the topic was in Archival board):

Here are the relevant posts I mentioned above:
^DireWolf spoke very well here, as indeed, Ratimov when he is unable to state something to defend himsef (I mean something true) he usually attacks the accuser. This will be proven a few more times within this topic and it's a disgusting manner and a futile attempt of trying to get the attention of the public off you and direct it to someone else. Ratimov always does these, as I will show below.
^Probably, this statement of The Pharmacist -- a very important member of the forum -- was what determined Ratimov to try to hide his disgusting attacks toward airfinex, attacks which were only meant to distract public's attention from his plagiarism and redirect this attention toward airfinex.
^Last 2 images are words of wisdom from LoyceV. First of all he also notices the way Ratimov leaves retaliatory feedbacks. Ratimov wrote on airfinex's Trust page the following: "Stupid troll &shitposter. An errand dog [...]".. Again, a feedback consisting in insults, with no reference link.. But after LoyceV's post he deleted it. Why? Because he is also intimidated by a very few users, such as The Pharmacist or LoyceV.
Then LoyceV highlights another negative feedback left by Ratimov for revenge, this one being on wool_loow's profile. In fact, he left also a neutral feedback. What happened? Ratimov deleted these feedbacks as well.

And now he also managed to get rid of this incriminating topic, which shows his very low character. So after The Pharmacist informed him that he will distrust Ratimov; after DireWolf dotted the I a few times; after LoyceV exposed him for his miserable character of attacking someone who said something about him, after all these he deleted all his posts from the thread and the thread content too and his the topic in Archival board. Surprise: 2-3 weeks later the topic fully vanished!

From this episode everybody can see how Ratimov acts: he always attacks if someone dares to say something about him and, if there is reputable audience seeing his miserable behavior he tries to hide it. And everybody could also notice what kind of feedbacks Ratimov leaves: the kind of feedbacks that have nothing in common with the correct use of Trust system. What he did (and still does) is Trust abuse.

Moving forward, let's see some more feedbacks left by Ratimov in the past, which are all evidence of Trust abuse:

Stupid troll & shitposter. An errand dog that runs after its owner, if only he drew attention to it.
Moя личнaя coбaчкa, кoтopaя тeпepь бeгaeт зa мнoй, чтoбы oбpaтить нa ceбя внимaниe.
My personal dog, who now runs after me to attract attention.
Stupid lying idiot and whiner.
Бecпoлeзнaя тyпaя иcтepичкa, кoтopaя зacиpaeт paздeлы Tpeйдepы и Пoлитикa cвoими идиoтcкими пocтaми.
Useless dumb hysterical bitch, littering the Traders and Politics sections with her idiotic posts.
Диaгнoз: Дoлбaёб c пpoбитoй гoлoвoй. Пocлe тoгo кaк eгo изнacилoвaли вce coтpyдники WEX, зaбpaв вce eгo мaмкины кoпeйки, oнo cлeтeлo c кaтyшeк и cтaлo cpaть. Чeм гpoмчe opёт, тeм бoльшe нa нeгo нe oбpaщaют внимaниe. Oднaжды eмy пpoбили гoлoвy и вce дpyжнo тyдa нaccaли и пoтoм пpитyшили пaпиpocкoй, чтoбы нe pacплecкaлocь, пoэтoмy ecли читaeтe eгo выcep, тo тeпepь знaeтe, чeм oнo дyмaeт. Tpoлль, aльт кopнepa, флaг и тpacт aбyзep и мoя личнaя coбaчкa нa пoбeгyшкax, пocвящaeт мнe вce cвoи пocты, лишь бы yгoдить cвoeмy xoзяинy.
Diagnosis: A fuckhead with a broken head. After being raped by all the WEX employees, taking all his mother's money, it went off the rails and started shitting. The louder he yells, the more he's ignored. Once he got his head bashed in and everyone pissed in it and then smothered it with a cigarette so it wouldn't spill, so if you read his shit, you know what he's thinking now. Troll, alt-corner, flag and trust abuser and my personal doggie on an errand, dedicates all his posts to me just to please his master.

Question to DT and non-DT users: is this the way Trust system should be used? Are these the kind of feedbacks which should be left by a DT user?

Obviously, he deleted also all those feedbacks once he realized that users with high reputation are all watching him. Among others, DireWolf dotted the I again:

Yeah, the wording of some of the posts made it sound like he wrote the articles, which is deceitful, in my opinion.  

Is that deceit intentional?  I don't know, but I don't like plagiarism.  It's theft, plain and simple.  It takes little to no effort to make it abundantly clear that you're quoting the work of others, yet it seems like Ratimov doesn't overly concern himself with giving others credit for their work.  I suspect that the amount of merit he's earned indicates that most people aren't aware the work he posts is not originally his.  I can't recall another member who's earned so much merit by quoting the work of others, and certainly not when it was clearly the work of others. [...]

I don't see how he's made himself trusted enough to be on DT1.  Most of his recent left-feedback is retaliating against those who've called him plagiarist, which is not how I believe the trust system should be used.

The discussion goes on in this topic as well. But the most important aspect (besides DireWolf's wise remarks) consists in the feedbacks left by Ratimov and given as example.

Moving forward. Some may say that all these happened in the past. It's true, they happened in the past, but Ratimov's disgusting behavior and abuse of Trust system continued all this time. He kept leaving inappropriate feedback to punish users which dared to speak in fornt of him and then, realizing he is incriminating himself, in most occasions, he reached to some understanding to those users -- thus if they delete the feedbacks left on Ratimov's Trust page he will also delete the feedbacks he left on their Trust pages. Those naive users which fell for this did it without understanding that, in fact, he was protecting his image by doing so thos his inappropriate feedbacks, full of insults and with no reference links go unnoticed by DT users which could exclude him for Trust abuse. But those which received such feedbacks from him were happy to have those feedbacks removed as negative feedbacks coming from DT users impact them very bad (they lose credibility, they can't enter in signature campaigns, they have Trust issues when trying to make deals and so on). So what Ratimov did all this time was to hide his misery by deleting evidence. Fortunately, some evidence still exists and I can present in in this topic.

Let's go forward to recent past.

Let's remember also one more recent case where he abused his DT powers once more, in a very similar manner:

I am talking about the recent incident ( he had with BitcoinGirl.Club. Because BitcoinGirl.Club dared to leave him a neutral feedback where he stated

Reference (  
An absolute merit whore. His famous, "In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme"
Please double check before meriting him.

-- practically he wrote exactly Ratimov's used words.

So for that feedback  Ratimov left him another retaliatory feedback, accusing BitcoinGirl.Club of being a trust abuser, writing false feedbacks, a two faced person with double standards and, aaaaand (the best part comes here!) a plagiarist! LOL! So as you see, once more, he accuses the one stating something about him for the same thing. The same ridiculous way of trying to distract the attention from him towards the one he is talking to, as I explained above. And, of course, presenting no evidence.

Reference (
Trust abuser. Writes false tags because of his grievances and thirst for revenge. Once I told him not to spread his flood in my topic, and after that he harbored a grudge against me and began to look for any reason to hook me somehow. In essence, a two-faced person who has double standards. What he condemns in others, he gladly does himself. On the forum, he showed himself as someone who does not know how to protect his digital property, so his account was hacked. He is also a plagiarist who managed to escape punishment because no one noticed him.

Eventually, BitcoinGirl.Club deleted his feedback then Ratimov also deleted the feedback he left to BitcoinGirl.Club so once again he got away, without more evidence incriminating him of Trust abuse.

Moving forward.

About 2-3 weeks ago, out of nowhere, Ratimov popped inside AOBT thread, which is a group of translators and started accusing them of incompetence, because they don't update their translations. Porfirii (OP) kindly asked him ( to bring some evidence for his accusation but, Ratimov did not present any. He had no evidence at all; he was there just for blood.

Seeing his baseless accusations I reminded him ( that he also made a translation for a topic of mine which he never updated. After the issue with Imgur images I contacted personally all the translators of that topic and I told them that I updated the image links inside my thread and that I kindly ask them all to update also the image links from their translations by using the new links I provided. From all these translators only Ratimov never replied, nor updated those links.

So when I reminded him this aspect he became irritated, asking if he was supposed to reply to me (LOL! it's common sense to do that!) and I told him ( that while he came there to call others being incompetent for not updating their translations (and without bringing any evidence to that) he falls in this category, in fact, as I just gave him an example where he made a translation and did not update that topic; not even I personally contacted the translator for this purpose. Among others, he even said that he is not a translator, thus he had no reason to update his translations, whiule he build a few thousand merits career through translating and copy-pasting texts!

He became more and more irritated and now his focus was all turned to me. When, among others, he stated that he writes only original content ( I warned him that he is on a thin ice, and I linked a post of him where he admitted, in the past, that maximum 10% of what he writes is original content. Obviously, this only infuriated him even more, so he went directly to ad hominem attacks towards me.

Among others, he used these expressions (some of them are archived here (

You have big problems with the perception of reality, GazetaBitcoin, so just go fuck yourself
You stupid motherfucker, you still won’t calm down. Not only are you an offended idiot, but you are also a fucking whore
Dumbass [...] you are a clueless idiot [...] Provocations, creating dramas out of nowhere, littering topics, eternal copy-paste of other people's works, spam translations without experience interacting with services - this is your ceiling for your worthless forum life.
(As you noticed, here he started also accusing me of what he did / does -- the copy-pasting.)
Degenerate, I understand that you are stupid from birth
You see, whore [...] you will not stop being a useless crypto idiot who is only capable of collecting rumors and copying other people’s thoughts. Deal with it GazetaCopyPasteWhoreBitShitcoin.

This is what distinguishes annoying whores like GazetaBitcoin from ordinary people [...]

I already told you to fuck off [...]
you fucking degenerate [...]

By the way, interesting fact: GazetaCopyPasteWhoreBitShitcoin was copied at conception
(I have no idea what he meant here but, as you can see, he continues accusing me of what he did, in fact: the copy-paste which brought him tons of merits. This is a dumb way of trying to distract readers attention from him towards someone else -- me, in this case. This is the same behavior used also by TimeLord.)
Ha ha, stupid motherfucker [...] son of a Romanian whore who was gang-raped.
Son of a Romanian whore
TranslatedWhore [...] you fucking idiot
TranslatedWhore, you're still here, fuck you again.

Eventually, after I got also very irritated by his words (and everybody can observe that in all this while I never swore at him, although he insulted me, my mother, my family), I did what I should have done a long time ago: I left him a negative feedback for being a plagiarist. I am the only DT user which ever dared to leave him such a feedback! I know mods did not ban him back then, but, as I stated above, this is irrelevant since even the plagiarists which admit they plagiarized don't get banned anymore.

Anyway, at this moment he became even more aggressive and, as he usually does, he left me not 1, but 2 negative retaliatory feedbacks of zero value (plus a neutral one), having also no ref link but still, 2 negative feedbacks from a DT. He wrote all those 3 feedbacks one after the other.

After he made all this shit, the next day he deleted almost all his posts from AOBT thread (at least those where he was insulting me badly) but all his posts are accessible with (

Later on he returned, offering me a deal: to delete the feedback I left him and he will delete the feedbacks he left me. Meaning his usual behavior.

In this moment I realized, once again, what a disgusting person this guy is. I will explain: he did not delete his posts because of his good heart, nor from good heart offered the deal. He just realized that he exposed himself in front of a big audience for a miserable character he has; he realized that all the posts where he badly insulted me and my family could affect his reputation; and, more important, he realized that those baseless feedbacks which left me, which are only insults and have no ref link, can only incriminate him in the eyes of any DT user, which could exclude him because he just abused Trust system again. Negative feedbacks must not be issued for insulting someone or someone's family and they should always have ref link.

So after he calmed down and he realized what a mess he did inside that topic and to himself as well he tried to repair the mess.

And about the expression "two faced person", used for BitcoinGirl.Club, let's see also what feedback he left me:

"A two-faced trust abuser, who believes that he is allowed to write various offensive nonsense in trust, and then is surprised that the same techniques are applied to him, which he considers correct. He considers himself a forum king here who does everything right. Avoid any relationship with this user."

His other feedbacks to me were the following:

"Stupid degenerate, liar and shitposter. He creates conflicts out of nowhere and writes various nonsense that initially has nothing to do with the topic itself. Shitposter and collector of various rumors, which he then broadcasts in the trust, thereby using it as a weapon due to his personal grievances."

"This annoying cretin who will write all sorts of nonsense to you until the very end, even if you make it clear to him that you no longer want to talk to him. An absolutely incompetent moron who knows nothing about crypto except translating other people's texts. Avoid this idiot and don't engage in dialogue with him because if your point of view is different from his."

Later, on Sept 29th, he deleted the above feedbacks and posted me another one, also with no ref link:

"Liar and provocateur, PM spammer. He creates conflicts out of nowhere and writes various nonsense that initially has nothing to do with the topic itself. Shitposter and collector of various rumors, which he then broadcasts in the trust, thereby using it as a weapon due to his personal grievances."

Probably he believed that this feedback, with less insults, is less incriminating him.

Question to DT and non-DT users: is this the way Trust system should be used? Are these the kind of feedbacks which should be left by a DT user?

Last, but not least.

I know that LoyceV may argue ( that bad and rude language is allowed, together with retaliatory feedback, since it breaks no rules. (I also noticed ( his second post, where he explained that he is not in favor of such language though :)) I do not contest that. If such language is allowed then so be it.

Ratimov's unpunished plagiarism is also not the problem here. I repeat that again, although I stated it at the beginning of this topic.

The problem is the abuse of Trust system made by Ratimov, for years. For years in a row he leaves incorrect feedbacks -- negative ones consisting only in insults and in many cases with no reference link. He uses Trust system as a weapon against anyone which would ever dare to say something about him.

Question to DT and non-DT users: is this the way Trust system should be used? Are these the kind of feedbacks which should be left by a DT user?

I will end with a quote from a post made by suchmoon and one from a post made by lovesmayfamilis.

This has not really about the Russian language. Ratimov was copy-pasting texts that just barely technically didn't qualify as "plagiarism" according to forum rules and/or moderator interpretation but it would have been plagiarism for a reasonable observer. Whether he has done anything like that since then (this was 2-3 years ago IIRC) - I don't know, probably not, he's one of those adaptive sleazeballs except when he flies off the handle and starts attacking people who dare to call him out.

Definitely not DT material
but it has little to do with DT members being afraid of him as the useless shitpuppet OP is alleging. If you look at Ratimov's DT1 "sponsors", there is quite a bit of backscratching going on, Russian members supporting him for whatever tribalism they have going on there, and a few others who probably can't be arsed to research whom they have in their trust lists (and arguably shouldn't be in DT1 themselves, I mean Best_Change LOL).

So suchmoon also observed, excepting the disgusting plagiarism, the fact that Ratimov managed to build an army of minions by using Trust and Merit systems as his weapons.

It is generally accepted that people switch to obscene language when they run out of other arguments. In ordinary life, fists follow. A person who swears shows not strength but weakness. Anyone who knows that he is right is always calm. The freedom to express yourself the way you want speaks volumes about your personality. Intelligent and well-mannered people know the limits of what is permitted, which cannot be said about those who, in any situation, begin to get irritated and let slop out of their mouths.
On the other hand, if a person uses obscene words, it indicates that his psychological state is not at a normal level, and one should not condemn such people but rather feel sorry for them.

After all these, I believe that I presented enough objective evidence of misuse and abuse of Trust (and also Merit) system(s) by Ratimov. If anyone considers this evidence good enough, feel free to add him to your distrust list.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 22, 2023, 08:22:00 PM
This is a short sum-up of events which followed after the launch of this topic:

- This topic exposes all Ratimov / Symmetrick's shenanigans from past years. This includes his copy-pastes and plagiarism, which brought him thousands of merits; his merit showers after he became a Merit Source, which helped him build an army of minions which supported him during time; his Trust abuses (false negative feedbacks, full only of insults and with no reference link; Trust extortion; retaliatory false feedbacks; retaliatory Trust exclusions).

- Many DT and non-DT users distrusted him or stop trusting him and, eventually, he is kicked out of DT ( and his DT strength goes from +13 to -11. The following DT users distrued or stopped trusting Ratimov aka Symmetrick: LoyceV, Foxpup, fillippone, The Pharmacist, 1miau, icopress, NeuroticFish, vapourminer, Poker Player, philipma1957, BitcoinGirl.Club, lovesmayfamilis, klarki, jokers10, zasad@, wwzsoki, JollyGood, holydarkness, Rikafip, Brainboss, bullrun2020bro, Stalker22, examplens, Bitcoin_Arena, witcher_sense, Charles-Tim, sheenshane, tvplus006, Coin-1, YOSHIE, yahoo62278, witcher_sense, DaveF, imhoneer, madnessteat, KTChampions, DireWolfM14 and myself. The following non-DT users distrued or stopped trusting Ratimov aka Symmetrick: suchmoon, mikeywith, DYING_S0UL, Nestade, iwantmysecond1000yardsbackyardpaidwithbtctoo, owlcatz, Learn Bitcoin, nakamura12, Despairo, SmartGold01, light_warrior, PowerGlove, execijutiere, Synchronice, Plaguedeath, giammangiato, SatoPrincess, Husires, sokani, Smartprofit, _BlackStar, Shamm, KingsDen, Silence Scream, Wapfika, Jossque, nimogsm, sky999, my luck, Snork1979, digaran, FatFork, dimonstration, EFS, Synchronice, bubbalex amd Grumlin.

- He started a mass purge of his old posts and topics ( (and the list from the link is not full), possibly some with plagiarism evidence, involving also in his actions the 2 Russian mods which he fools into becoming his personal garbage men (, until theymos puts a stop to this ( (it was too late anyway). He even deleted his Merit Source application thread (, which shows how much he appreciates the thread which helped him obtain a substantial part of the powers he had during years. For all these actions he received an official warning ( that he will be banned in case he will continue.

- He deletes all his left feedbacks, retracts all his support for flags (;u=2627711) and wipes his Trust list ( As a consequence, he presents now no need to be trusted by anyone (, since there is nothing to trust ( about his judgement / feedbacks left.

- After all these, he stops posting in international sections and resumes only to Russian local board.

- He stops earning merits with lightning speed; stops sending merits with lightning speed (if you check his merit activity you can see that lately he sent some merits at intervals of ~one week).

- Changes ( his name.

- Changes ( his email and password.

- After announcing almost 1 year ago that he'll sponsor a contest with ~1650$ (0.0435 BTC) only for trying to earn even more merits / popularity / reputation, seeing that he lost all his reputation he cancels his sponsorship with ~1 month before the contest ends ( This may lead to some flags raised against him, in case the contest winners will decide to do so.

- Soon after, he decides to leave the signature campaign ( where he was enrolled.

- He is no longer a merit source ( This was common sense, since he had no respect even for his Merit Source application thread, which he trashed ( as well. In fact, I actually stated this is what should happen, due to such lack of common sense..

- After my alusion ( from November 23rd about the possibility that Ratimov sold his account, new rumors ( about this matter appeared in a standalone thread, on December 7th.

- After the apparition of above mentioned thread, he received a 2 red tags (;u=2627711) from DT users for selling his account.

- On Dec 30th, 2023 he was banned (

(To be edited, in case other notable events will appear.)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: icopress on October 22, 2023, 08:49:58 PM
So the fact that Ratimov was not banned for plagiarism does not mean he did not plagiarize. He did plagiarize and this brought him tons of merits until he was caught (about 3000 merits or so). And with 3000 merits you build a solid image about yourself inside the forum.
To be honest, I haven’t read such a large wall of text in a long time and I think that the essence could have been presented more briefly.

Nevertheless, I can say that what you said is true, but I have long noticed that after two years on the forum, Ratimov improved his publishing habits, which is why I accepted him into one of the campaigns I manage. Despite this good improvement, I do not approve of such aggressive behavior, so I decided to include him in my exclusion list, at least until some of his tags are revised.

As for the odious figure, I think you forgot to mention that TimeLord built a career by attacking various users of lower ranks, which could not oppose him, since he was also a DT1 user. He became notorious for inappropriate feedbacks (, ad hominem attacks (, eventually accusing a user for being a scammer because he repaid his loan 10 days earlier ( than he should. These were also the last attacks of TimeLord, as after HedgeFx complained more DT users excluded him from their Trust lists:

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: paid2 on October 22, 2023, 09:17:27 PM
It would be extremely difficult to disagree (in good faith) about the bad usage of the trust system, the examples shared are objectively borderline cases.

I don't agree at 100% with LoyceV's view on insults and offensive expressions on the forum, even if I understand his point of view well. Yes, indeed, it is allowed here, and that as adults, we can all manage to get past potential insults on a internet forum. It's a fact, we're not made of sugar and fragile.
But this community, this forum, is not a comment page for a random press article on the internet. This is just my personal point of view (I know rules are rules), but members who are DT, in the list of most recognized (and most monetizable indirectly) profiles of the forum, should be exemplary.

Ha ha, stupid motherfucker [...] son of a Romanian whore who was gang-raped.
Son of a Romanian whore

What would a Romanian Mixtum user have thought when he saw these messages randomly on the forum?
I don't want to add fuel to the fire, but from my point of view, that's the kind of thing that could dramatically damage his credibility.

Similarly, is someone who seems to have trouble managing his emotions/anger really in a position to judge users and try to bring trust to the community? That's why I decided to distrust Ratimov when the issue in the AOBT topic happened.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: yahoo62278 on October 22, 2023, 09:24:23 PM
I could care less if ratimov is or isn't in DT, but I do have a question for you. Would you care if he didn't - you? There are so many that have made DT due to the new system that do not really belong there, but you are not complaining about them, only the 1 who tagged you.

I'm not trying to discredit anything you wrote and i'll be honest, I didn't read it all as it's just too much. Did you try to solve your issue before making this topic?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on October 22, 2023, 10:37:19 PM
I could care less if ratimov is or isn't in DT, but I do have a question for you. Would you care if he didn't - you? There are so many that have made DT due to the new system that do not really belong there, but you are not complaining about them, only the 1 who tagged you.

I'm not trying to discredit anything you wrote and i'll be honest, I didn't read it all as it's just too much. Did you try to solve your issue before making this topic?
Would you care yourself, I mean have you ever cared? Here nobody actually own a pair of balls to speak up.

Why? Because men shapeshift into PUSSY when money and their neck is on the line, in another words, a bunch of scum parasites with no good use other than sucking blood out of any community they join.

HAVE any of you seen a DT opening a thread to talk/argue/ discuss/debate with someone they have a problem with?
Yes? Then they are the real men, others are as described above, PUSSY. Just look at reputation board, all they do is either attacking each other or regular members,  if you see someone speaking up without the fear of retaliation, that's a man.  Others? PUSSY.

Now tell me, who is the big GUN around these woods, someone who everyone would respect and follow his examples and listen to his advices?  Someone when says: this is not right, then everyone respect his judgement and listen? You can't find one because such a person doesn't exist.

What a comedy, should someone write a wall of text to convince you of injustice? That means you are incapable of determining a blatant abuse by yourself, you are either waiting for someone with a pair to speak up, in order to muster the courage and join him, or you must be drunk not fully knowing what you are doing.   OTHERWISE, this mentality always kicks in : "why should I cause trouble and make enemies for no reason?"  Yeah the survival instinct.

Guess what? This is why none of you will ever succeed and find true happiness in life, you will continue to live like this for the rest of your life.

What can be done? Get rid of bullies, trust abusers, you will see better people will replace them, and by doing so, nobody would dare to misuse the system.   This applies to any system especially all the governments which are the sources of all the nation's misery and despair.

This mentality kicks in : ( how would I pay my rent, my debts, how can I survive if I lose my job, my position?) That's because nobody believes and trust in God anymore. The source of humanity's disgusting fate of living like animals, until you trust God, this is your life.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on October 22, 2023, 11:06:28 PM
I could care less if ratimov is or isn't in DT, but I do have a question for you. Would you care if he didn't - you? There are so many that have made DT due to the new system that do not really belong there, but you are not complaining about them, only the 1 who tagged you.

I'm not trying to discredit anything you wrote and i'll be honest, I didn't read it all as it's just too much. Did you try to solve your issue before making this topic?

This sounds backwards. As a DT1 member yourself you should care whether a trust abuser such as Ratimov (whose rating on GazetaBitcoin is not appropriate for DT IMO, as well as some others) should be excluded, instead of "what about all those other abusers". Most of the time trust abuse allegations are brought up by those who are on the receiving end of said abuse. There is nothing wrong with that and this doesn't obligate them to bring up every other abuse as well.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on October 23, 2023, 04:00:23 AM
To be honest, I haven’t read such a large wall of text in a long time and I think that the essence could have been presented more briefly.

I too haven't read a post this long in a while, since I put franky1 on ignore, and because I don't see JJG much on the forum lately, but I think the OP it's fine as it is.

It sounded to me that I have neither Ratimov nor GazetaBitcoin on my trust list and just in case I checked. I see enough evidence as presented to exclude Ratimov, but I will wait for him to defend himself as I do lately with trust issues, I am taking it patiently.

Anyway, I wanted to point out an incorrect thing Gazeta says in the text:

I cannot create completely English texts myself, without auxiliary tools.

This is forbidden by forum rule 27 (

Not really. What it prohibits is the use of automatic translators to publish locals, not the other way around. It is not forbidden to use them translating from your native language to post in the global forum in English, which nowadays half of the forum does and it would be ridiculous if it was forbidden. I already gave an example once of a member with a great reputation who wrote rather poorly and went on to write very well overnight. That can only be explained by google translator, and the like.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: nutildah on October 23, 2023, 04:29:29 AM
I don't really want to take sides and get involved with the drama, but there's a couple observations I have about the situation:

- Ratimov works hard at doing... whatever it is he does, which I think is an overall net positive to the forum. Not many "outwork" him. I appreciate the bulk of his ratings, they are backed by references and for the most part make sense.

- As far as his last two ratings on GazetaBitcoin are concerned, they are wholly unnecessary and should be removed. I get that tensions run high around here sometimes but maintaining this sort of grudge helps no one in the long run.

Hope you guys can come to some sort of amicable agreement and as is famously said around here, manage to de-escalate the situation.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Plaguedeath on October 23, 2023, 04:31:10 AM
In short you left a negative feedback on Ratimov profile because he commit plagiarism and aggressive? that's not correct. Despite Ratimov did such thing, I believe many users still trust him since he earn 10K+ merits and joining in a top campaign. Trust isn't about the opinion, but I refer to trade/exchange where trust feedback is used to. But, do you think I will say Ratimov was right to leave negative feedback in your profile? nope.

It's right for you to distrust him, not leaving negative feedback.

Two wrongs don't make a right (, it's simple to clear up this case, both of you need to withdraw the negative feedback and click ignore if you don't want to read his post.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on October 23, 2023, 08:03:20 AM
I don't agree at 100% with LoyceV's view on insults and offensive expressions on the forum, even if I understand his point of view well. Yes, indeed, it is allowed here, and that as adults, we can all manage to get past potential insults on a internet forum. It's a fact, we're not made of sugar and fragile.
But this community, this forum, is not a comment page for a random press article on the internet. This is just my personal point of view (I know rules are rules), but members who are DT, in the list of most recognized (and most monetizable indirectly) profiles of the forum, should be exemplary.
It took me quite a while too to truely appreciate the freedoms Bitcointalk offers. You'll get there ;)
The problem with "offensive" expressions is that it's highly subjective. Some friends call each other the worst things and are still be best friends. To some people, it's just how they talk. Some people (hello Tony from Gold Rush) add "fuck" to every BEEP sentence they BEEPING make. Most people here have different backgrounds and for sure different interpretations.
Don't get me wrong: I try not to use rude language, but I also try not to hold it against someone who does. On the other hand, it often says a lot about their character.

What would a Romanian Mixtum user have thought when he saw these messages randomly on the forum?
Hopefully, he'll realize the guy who posts this has issues.

is someone who seems to have trouble managing his emotions/anger really in a position to judge users and try to bring trust to the community?
Probably not. But I've seen more users who tag first and think later.

Would you care if he didn't - you?
Speaking for myself: yes (! I've spoken out against several cases that I consider abuse of the Trust system. I can imagine I'd try even harder if the abuse was against my own account.

For what it's worth: I haven't excluded Ratimov, but I don't see his feedback by default. The other users on my Trust list take care of it already.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on October 23, 2023, 09:17:42 AM
Ratimov contributed to the forum a lot, and he improved himself. But what I have seen in the AOBT thread, I never expected that. The whole conflict started there, and I was one of the spectators. The conflict did not start from post no. 214, It started from post number 224 where Gazeta said

Pardon me, but I remember that some weeks (months?) ago I sent a PM to all translators which translated this topic of mine, just after the issue with Imgur images. I added new image links inside my topic, which were working, and I asked the translators to update the image links from their translations.

From all the translators I contacted, all excepting you replied to me and also updated the links of the images from that thread.

So it does not seems fair to come here and throw accusations to the left and right (although you were not a client of this alliance and, therefore, you were also not prejudiced in any way), while you did exactly what you pointed in the above quote.

No hard feelings, but it just not seems right to act like this.

Then, the argument started with whether Ratimov was supposed to reply to GazetaBitcoin or not. The argument continued till post number 233 and in post number 234, Ratimov started to insult GazetaBitcoin, where he claimed GazetaBitcoin was Shit poster king.

I did not see any F words or insults from Gazeta in that thread, while Ratimov continued using foul language to insult Gazeta.
Moreover, Ratimov was the first to leave negative feedback without any reference. I do not weight this forum, but after reading all those, it was enough for me to distrust Ratimov.

Here is another blind defender of GazetaBitcoin who is trying to turn everything inside out. The conflict began not with the nonsense that you brought here, but with a completely different post. The conversation was normal until your friend, whom you came here to defend, wrote me this post:

You had no rational reason to come here and start this drama unless you actually wanted to create some more drama or you wanted to make a few more posts for earning 15$ or whatever amount you receive for such garbage posts.

So, you had nothing constructive to defend? Then you started to defend by using foul language and being aggressive? Look, I know you have contributed a lot, and I have respect for you. But what I noticed is you cannot handle criticism. If someone criticizes you, you should reply with constructive answers and valid points. Instead, you start calling them out and using foul language (Which I do not like; you have nothing to do whether I like it or not because I am no one).

Moreover, Ratimov was the first to leave negative feedback without any reference. I do not weight this forum, but after reading all those, it was enough for me to distrust Ratimov.

1. I didn't leave reviews to anyone first, your friend, whom you are defending here, was the first to write a review to me.
2. Reviews without a reference have the same force as a review with a reference, which does not contain a single proof.

I beg pardon If I was wrong regarding who left the feedback first. Yes, I know references are not mandatory.

So from this I can state that you are a two-faced subjective character with double standards.

...I also confirm the fact that you are a two-faced character with double standards...
A friendly suggestion. Use your words wisely. Your word choice is not very great.

but you added me to distrust because I....left a review without a reference.
Wrong. I didn't distrust you because you left the feedback without reference. I distrust you because your feedback is incorrect, and I cannot trust someone with anger management issues. Who left feedback first based on their emotion and then changed it later. I cannot trust someone who tries to dig out others' mistakes and attack them, whoever talks against them. I cannot trust someone who uses foul language to defend and divert the conversation to another path, just like you are trying to create a drama with me, so everyone focuses on this drama instead of the original thread.

If you think that when I was called a shitposter, writing for money and a plagiarist, criticism that I cannot stand, then you agree with the fact that I can freely call you a spammer and a cheater, hiding behind the word CRITICISM.

Everything needs valid proof before you call someone something. Well, it is not only Gazeta who called you these things; you made some mistakes at the beginning of your forum journey, and it was talked about in many threads before. So, it's not like Gazeta created it first and was accused of being a plagiarist. Of course, it was an insult calling you a spammer and writing for money, but I believe that was because AOBT people believed there was no reason to go in that thread and call them incompetent. After all, they don't update their translations. When OP asked for proof of your claim, you could not provide it. So, that was the reason behind the insult. If someone insults me for a valid reason, I don't have to attack them.

I'm calling you two-faced because you listed a bunch of crap that you can't prove, but at the same time, you trust this review:

Do you think it was written in sanity or under the influence of anger? That is, you trust this review, which says that a plagiarist and merit whore, but in this review there is no evidence that I wrote plagiarism and that I am merit whore. It's just someone's value judgments that you call criticism.

Look Ratimov, Gazeta is on my trust list, but that does not mean I support all his judgment. I believe this feedback is controversial. Now, if you ask, then why is he on your Trust list? Well, If I am not wrong, I have seen somewhere either LoyceV or someone else suggests that if you see most of their feedback is correct, add them to your trust list. Even though I distrust you for various reasons, you still have some feedback you left to others, which is valid, and I agree with them. So, I cannot agree with 100% of Gazeta's feedback, nor can I disagree with all the feedback you left. One has to consider many things when adding/removing someone to one's trust/distrust list.

And you are constantly trying to write to me about words starting with the letter f..., which I wrote, but my opponent did not write. For me, accusations of shitposting and plagiarism are equivalent to the f-word..., don’t try to instill in me your gradation of insults.

That's the main thing I cared about when I read those posts. When I think about any DT1 member, I imagine they will be constructive with their answer; they won't attack others because they pointed out a DT member's mistake. When someone insults me, I have to check the reason behind the insult. Attacking them back won't bring me a reputation or won't make me good in front of others.

By the way, here’s another fact that you are a two-faced hypocrite with double standards. You write that you cannot trust those who use obscene language to defend themselves. I see you trust the user BitcoinGirl.Club, who recently wrote the following to me:

Once again, adding someone to my trust list does not mean I agree with all the words they write. Please read the above again.  
I have a brain inside my head and let me use mine. Once again, I request you to use your words wisely. I am trying to remain constructive here and expect a healthy discussion. But you insult me with foul language just because I do not agree with you. If you continue use these words, It surely proves that that is your usual behavior and you do this to everyone else whoever do not agree with your point of view.

Learn Bitcoin, you are entirely made up of contradictions, so I don’t see any point in communicating with you at all, since you support the idea that some people can do it, but others can’t. First understand yourself and what is fundamental to you, then tell me why you don’t trust me.

I have to judge the background as well. The same sentences could mean different things in different situations.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Etranger on October 23, 2023, 11:15:19 AM
I am very far from being a Trust system expert, and I definitely don't find myself in a place to assert or deny what has been said about Ratimov, since I do not monitor his forum activities with such close attention, but what caught my attention is the part about him abusing the merit system in order to create some sort of an army of minions, who would defend him. I get that after what I am going to write, someone will consider me as such an example, but I definitely don't see myself that way, because, firstly, I don't have such close connections with him, and secondly, I don't really try to defend him, I am just sharing some of my observations.

A couple of days ago we had a brief discussion with Ratimov in one of the Russian  topics (, where we touched the topic about his thread for helping newbies and those who have little merits left to rank up. And from that discussion I can conclude, that Ratimov checks those application precisely and don't give merits away on the right and left, he searches for valuable, interesting and constructive content, which really deserves to be merited. I believe, if he would want to create an army of grateful followers, he would merit everyone indiscriminately, because it would increase his chances to being worshiped by others. However, in my opinion, he doesn't make gifts and doesn't merit those users nobody else merits, he just helping those who deserve to rank up obtain this higher rank a little bit faster.

Another thought which came into my mind doesn't even have the direct connection to Ratimov`s actions. It is about merit system in general. There were a situation in OP`s post about Ratimov having so much merit for plagiarised content and absence of original thoughts. However, my question is following: why did he even get so much merit and continues getting even more? Is not this problem not with what he writes but with the fact that a lot, I mean, really a lot of forum members find his posts somehow useful and send him merits?

I keep seeing many users trying to justify the objectivity of the merit system. I disagree with that, because I believe, that merit system is subjective in its roots. People send merits for something they like or agree with, but as much often they send merits to those post which have already been merited, especially by high rank users, not even trying to involve in the written themselves. That is why, I would formulate my main question like this: is Ratimov the only one here guilty for abusing merit system or has he "being helped" to do this by everyone who has ever sent him at least one merit?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on October 23, 2023, 11:17:14 AM
2. Reviews without a reference have the same force as a review with a reference, which does not contain a single proof.

This is still not an argument for the validity of feedback without a reference. Honestly, I am surprised that such an attitude comes from you.

btw. You are one of the users who opened perhaps the largest number of new topics, why was it a problem for you to open another one where you will present all the evidence and point feedback to them?

I always communicate with people without insults until they start trying to insult me.

Looking from a neutral point of view, I am not convinced that this statement of yours is correct.
Also, this is not a valid argument for insulting anyone either, and here I am quite surprised to what level you have raised the severity of the insults. I am referring to some of your feedback and statements quoted in the first post.
Tending to be a renowned member of this forum, you should be much more moderate in the discussion.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: jokers10 on October 23, 2023, 12:48:37 PM
Yeap, tribalism, what a wonderful reason to diminish the weight of words of some potential discussion parties in advance. But you know, the idea of tribalism have a negative side as well. Guess, who was the first one I ever distrusted?

Yeap, Ratimov. And it was meaningful decision to add him to my Trust list with a ~. There was a discussion of how is it correct to work with a Trust system and how is not. And Ratimov stayed with a ~ for several weeks until he showed that he understood what was the problem. It took more than a year before I added him without a ~.

I saw the discussion which lead to this situation before it was deleted from the topic on the forum. And as I see it, it was over before GazetaBitcoin came, no one was offended, everyone saw the point in the other's words but saw no reason to change an own position. Then there was a short discussion full of mutual misunderstanding between GazetaBitcoin and Ratimov with a result of mutual tags. And I'd say that both sides were too involved and too emotional then, so I'm not going to say that any part was right, misunderstanding was from both sides. And tags from both sides were mistakes. I didn't want to add fuel to that, so I didn't want to take part in that, LoyceV said it better than I could:

At last, my name is listed here as well! I feel honored to be part of this select group! /s
WTF are you guys doing over there? :o

Ratimov's plagiarism loophole has been discussed before, in several topics. He didn't get banned for it, which means Mods think it's okay. If Mods think it's okay, who am I to disagree?
Bad and rude language is allowed, and shouldn't be a reason for negative feedback either. The same for retaliation feedback.

My take: both of you should remove the negative feedback. If I would loan either one of you $100, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't scam me. That's what the Trust system is for, and that means negative feedback is unwarranted.
You guys don't like each other: that's okay! Agree to disagree. Ignore each other. Or get a beer together. Find common ground instead of drama.

To quote upper management:
The system is for handling trade risk, not for flagging people for good/bad posts/personalities/ideas.
All that being said, I still discourage retaliatory ratings, and with these changes I encourage people to try to "bury the hatchet" and de-escalate rather than trying to use any increased retaliatory power you now have.

I hoped that it will end in some way like that.

And I still think that everything in this case is personal and emotional from both sides. And I still think that the best idea is to do like LoyceV said.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: holydarkness on October 23, 2023, 04:24:52 PM
Ratimov contributed to the forum a lot, and he improved himself. But what I have seen in the AOBT thread, I never expected that. The whole conflict started there, and I was one of the spectators. The conflict did not start from post no. 214, It started from post number 224 where Gazeta said


I gave the thread [AOBT] and this thread a thorough read best I can, I think the problem actually began from 213 (, where Ratimov appeared [out of the blue, if I may add my personal opinion] and shared his opinion about the pseudo-usefulness of the translations made by the group, which mostly done pro-bono.

I have to say his opinion is not without merit, I can see where this opinion came from, a concern that a service being translated could not help cater the needs and questions made by the readers. However, two things that worth mentioning here are: (1) the translation made by AOBT [pro bono, if I may add, though it's a bit irrelevant] are mostly about educating articles, not a service, and (2) they do follow ups with the member of the local boards, so I think the concern, though appreciated, was not really... necessary.

Even if a translated topic got neglected [let's assume, not sure if it really happens], one the purpose of the translation itself serve is as a bridge that gives, "opportunity to deal with the topic or to draw attention to the topic through these translations and to be a kind of starting point for further discussions in the native language." The AOBT are there to facilitate. I am sure if a platform or a service that got their article translated for free by them feel the need to hire someone to translate and manage the local communities, the AOBT are more than willing to step down.

Things got escalated [rather quickly] when Ratimov argued that a translated topic "needs to be supported, sometimes publishing some updates regarding the service or the operation of its individual components", which Gazeta pointed out that one of Ratimov's own translation did not meet this "standard".

Can things be dealt better? I believe, yes. As Learn Bitcoin said, the conflict start from post 224, when Gazeta pointed out and hand-fed Ratimov his own statement, and things snowballed ever since. I personally think [thus, naturally, it's my very own opinion] things can ended there and wouldn't come to this point if #225 were worded better... or #232.

Moving to the topic being asked in title, if Ratimov should [or should not] be in DT... due to... many reasons said on that impressive essay. I think one that's eligible to be weighted is the feedback he left. The plagiarism? I am not familiar with that case, and I am currently not in mood to dig that deep, but I think it's a common agreement and knowledge that the article was plagiarized, based on several people's words. Loophole aside, let's suppose it's true, then at best it warrant a red tag, not a tilde.

The feedback he left though, is retaliatory and false, baseless at best. Now that arguably warrant a tilde. Should it be given, though? By the time I began drafting my post, I can see that he still had that feedback, but I realized he removed it in between the time needed to finish this draft [I made this in between activities in real world, so... it took me hours]. If he still had it, I'll say yes, it's a trust abuse, but the fact that he's willing to retract them and apologize means he's willing to learn [of course, we can assume there are other possible reason behind that decision, but let's not dwell on that] and admit he made mistakes. I'll ignore his past sent feedback too, because [as I said previously] I am not that interested in digging dirt or chasing ghost of the past.

So, for now, I am refraining from the Tilde. However if future shows that the same situation happen again, then I think there's not much we can do.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 23, 2023, 05:29:24 PM
To be honest, I haven’t read such a large wall of text in a long time and I think that the essence could have been presented more briefly.

I agree that the topic is somehow long, but at tried to shorten it as much as possible. But I could not shorten it much more, as I had to present the 3 pillars on which Ratimov managed to get his "position of authority" from which he acts like a bully on the forum and intimidates everybody here: 1) win thousands of merits through plagiarism / copy-paste; 2) earn enough appreciation from 1) thus he enters in DT; 3) build an army as a MS. Ultimately, after he consolidated these 3 pillars he transformed them into a weapon and started acting like a street thug with anyone which dares to confront him. And proving my allegation with evidence needed a long text, indeed...

Nevertheless, I can say that what you said is true, but I have long noticed that after two years on the forum, Ratimov improved his publishing habits

Indeed, he changed -- he did not plagiarize anymore after he was caught doing this. Then again: if it was no plagiarism, thus he would risk no ban for presenting others' work as being his, why did he stop using the remarkable infamous introduction "In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...] ("?

As for the odious figure, I think you forgot to mention that TimeLord built a career by attacking various users of lower ranks, which could not oppose him, since he was also a DT1 user.

Good point! In fact, in the topic which Ratimov hid in the Archival board, hoping nobody finds it there and which he managed to have deleted afterwords (for hiding evidence against him) -- from which I presented some screenshots -- suchmoon made a very good observation there:

So suchmoon also observed the similarity of TL's and Ratimov's actions of bullying and pretending to be a thug in front of others.

TimeLord was eliminated from DT1 and the damage he made was smaller than Ratimov's. TimeLord abused his DT powers but he did not plagiarize. He did not steal anybody's work. Ratimov built his career through this theft. So why is Ratimov kept in DT1, since TL was eliminated for such "flexing of muscles" in front of others?

I could care less if ratimov is or isn't in DT, but I do have a question for you. Would you care if he didn't - you? There are so many that have made DT due to the new system that do not really belong there, but you are not complaining about them, only the 1 who tagged you.
This sounds backwards. As a DT1 member yourself you should care whether a trust abuser such as Ratimov (whose rating on GazetaBitcoin is not appropriate for DT IMO, as well as some others) should be excluded, instead of "what about all those other abusers".

Thank you for pointing this out, suchmoon.

I'm not trying to discredit anything you wrote and i'll be honest, I didn't read it all as it's just too much. Did you try to solve your issue before making this topic?

yahoo, I respect you, but I believe that you should read whole OP first.

Anyway, I wanted to point out an incorrect thing Gazeta says in the text

I asked mprep ( about this, in order to see if it is allowed or not. If it is allowed, my bad. It would mean that Ratimov did not break rule 27, he only stole others' work without breaking rule 27.

In short you left a negative feedback on Ratimov profile because he commit plagiarism and aggressive? that's not correct.

I highly doubt it's incorrect.

Despite Ratimov did such thing, I believe many users still trust him since he earn 10K+ merits and joining in a top campaign.

Of course he is trusted, after he built his whole career on lies and theft.

It's right for you to distrust him, not leaving negative feedback.

Theft deserves negative feedback.

Would you care if he didn't - you?
Speaking for myself: yes (! I've spoken out against several cases that I consider abuse of the Trust system.

I also take this opportunity to reply to yahoo that yes, I also cared in other situations. Let's take, for example, TL's case, where I encouraged all his supporters to distrust him ( for acting like a bully in front of other users.

For what it's worth: I haven't excluded Ratimov, but I don't see his feedback by default. The other users on my Trust list take care of it already.

For consistency purposes, to say the least, perhaps you could act now like in TL's case? It's same matter here. But worst.

why did he even get so much merit and continues getting even more?

Why he earned so much merits? Because he managed to lure many people that his writings belong to him while, in fact, they were others' work. Why he is still getting merits? There are many answers here. 1) Some don't know what he did in the past; 2) some sided with him no matter what; 3) Some actually do find his posts useful; 4) More merits attract more merits. The lattest is, somehow a curiosity, similar to more money attract more money. Like the poor which become only more poor and the rich which get richer.

is Ratimov the only one here guilty for abusing merit system or has he "being helped" to do this by everyone who has ever sent him at least one merit?

Doing a mistake is in human nature; not correcting a mistake once it was found is bad. Those willing to correct this mistake can do it.

I gave the thread [AOBT] and this thread a thorough read best I can, I think the problem actually began from 213 (, where Ratimov appeared [...]

I kindly ask you and all the others as well to not let yourselves lured once more by this Ratimov. Aren't you seeing how he tries, once, again, to distract you from the main topic and forward the attention to anything else excepting the OP's main subject? I already warned everybody about his slippery way of getting the attention off from him.

^DireWolf spoke very well here, as indeed, Ratimov when he is unable to state something to defend himsef (I mean something true) he usually attacks the accuser. This will be proven a few more times within this topic and it's a disgusting manner and a futile attempt of trying to get the attention of the public off you and direct it to someone else. Ratimov always does these, as I will show below. [...]

^Probably, this statement of The Pharmacist -- a very important member of the forum -- was what determined Ratimov to try to hide his disgusting attacks toward airfinex, attacks which were only meant to distract public's attention from his plagiarism and redirect this attention toward airfinex. [...]

So as you see, once more, he accuses the one stating something about him for the same thing. The same ridiculous way of trying to distract the attention from him towards the one he is talking to, as I explained above. And, of course, presenting no evidence. [...]

This is a dumb way of trying to distract readers attention from him towards someone else -- me, in this case. This is the same behavior used also by TimeLord.

Now he joined this thread and started some back and forth with Learn Bitcoin, in order to distract everybody from the main problem here: his constant abuse of Trust system, which he does for years in a row! Since he got there! It is really not relevant where his attacks from AOBT thread started. What happened there is just one more proof that he weaponized Trust system and uses it whenever he pleases.

The feedback he left though, is retaliatory and false, baseless at best. Now that arguably warrant a tilde. Should it be given, though? By the time I began drafting my post, I can see that he still had that feedback, but I realized he removed it in between the time needed to finish this draft [...]. If he still had it, I'll say yes, it's a trust abuse, but the fact that he's willing to retract them and apologize means he's willing to learn [of course, we can assume there are other possible reason behind that decision, but let's not dwell on that] and admit he made mistakes.

Actually, let's dwell on that. And we should dwell on that because right now he is doing precisely what he did all these years:
- act like a caveman in front of his pray when he wants to bully someone
- damage the dignity / trustworthiness of that person by insulting him in all possible ways, combined with Trust exclusion and / or negative feedback consisting only in insults and with no reference link (obviously, no ref link can be provided when you call someone "degenerate", right? -- unless he would have a medical statement saying the respective one is, in fact, a degenerate -- I hope my sarcasm is not subtle at all)
- realize that what he did only prejudices his own image, in case DT users (and not just them) see him acting again in such disgusting way
- retract his abusive feedbacks and offer "peace", which also involves that the counterparty should retract all he said about Ratimov, although such allegations were true (!!!)

I already detailed all these in OP and here he is doing the same:

- he left me not 1, but 2 negative feedbacks; he added one more neutral -- "just to be there"; all are buch of shitwords with no reference link and consisting only in insults toward me
- he realizes that some will see his abusive feedbacks so he deletes one of the negative ones and edits the remaining one, in order to contain less insults but he keeps it full of lies
- offers a "generous peace", in order to have me remove my feedback where I state that he is a thief (and I also present evidence for my statements).

I can't believe I am still explaining all these, but what he does is like this:
- beat someone on the street
- apologize
- walk 10 blocks forward
- beat someone else
- apologize again.

The some come up and say: "but the poor man apologized, did he apologize?".

This is a mistake. Beating one or another should not be tolerated. And apologies in such cases are merely nothing. Similar here: he throws negative fedbacks to his left and his right, consisting in nothing but insults then he deletes them once users' attention (especially DT users' attention) is on him. Then someone comes up and says: "but he retracted his feedback, did he?". Or "but he apologized, didn't he?". You see the irony here, holydarkness? Such thing should not be tolerated in DT.

I'll ignore his past sent feedback too, because [as I said previously] I am not that interested in digging dirt or chasing ghost of the past.

His past is very important here. Because it shows that he always acted like this. So what you see now is not a rare incident, but his usual behavior.

My offer still stands.

This will be the only occasion when I am addressing to you here. This topic is addressed by me to other users, so I don't have anything to discuss with you anymore.
My answer to your "peaceful" proposal is the following one: my feedback will stay at your profile until I die or until this forum won't exist anymore. You may shower me in negative feedbacks, you may insult me and my family as much as you can, leave a thousand of negative feedbacks and one more thousand neutral ones, all with no ref link for your insults (obviously, how else?), yet my feedback on your profile will remain there forever. You built a career here on lies, shenanigans, deception, abuses and theft.

I already apologized to the community in that topic for that drama and deleted all my posts.

Good for you! It were even better if you did this with open heart, not only to cover your tracks and your miserable character.

If GazetaBitcoin needs my apology and he was offended by my words, then I also apologize to him for all the dirty words. Nothing personal

Nothing personal?

Nothing personal?

You stupid motherfucker, you still won’t calm down. Not only are you an offended idiot, but you are also a fucking whore
you fucking degenerate
Ha ha, stupid motherfucker [...] son of a Romanian whore who was gang-raped.

True, sounds like nothing personal indeed.

I do not approve of such aggressive behavior, so I decided to include him in my exclusion list
I decided to distrust Ratimov when the issue in the AOBT topic happened.

I can only salute your decision to distrust him. Similar, I salute the decision of NeuroticFish for doing the same and the decisions of sheenshane and 1miau and Nestade for deleting him from their Trust lists.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on October 23, 2023, 05:57:21 PM
You built a career here on lies, shenanigans, deception, abuses and theft.

Why are you acting as the judge in a case where you are the accused, I mean can you see the problem here? DT members are "supposedly trusted" members of this forum, not only trusted for trade related deals but also for their judgements, have you ever seen a judge in court to act as the judge of his own case if he was the accused?

IMO, people like you could be trusted with millions when doing a business deal, but you are not fit for a "judge" position if you see no problem in your last post I quoted.

Let me check your trust feedbacks.😉

Edit, anyways, I think everybody knows neg, pos, neutral feedback is no longer considered to hold any value for business, since business related trust is now based on flags, trust feedback really means nothing, yet you have to remove any one who misuses DT power.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on October 23, 2023, 06:02:18 PM
I can't be arsed to dig through archives, but Ratimov had a post here in this thread that I was replying to and he removed it. Something about reconciliation. Anyway, it sounded like an extortion attempt, like remove negative things you said about me and I'll remove my red trust. Also he removed and reposted his red trust on GazetaBitcoin, which I think shows that any such "deal offers" don't mean shit.

FWIW I suggested that GazetaBitcoin should remove their red rating on Ratimov and not engage in tit-for-tat. I do believe however that weaponizing the trust system the way Ratimov does is not acceptable but because of the spineless nature of DT1 there is basically no recourse.

"Oh but his other ratings are ok"... well tough shit, Lauda had a bunch of good ratings and was 100x more valuable to the forum than Ratimov ever will be, and got excluded. One can be a valuable forum member outside of DT.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: holydarkness on October 23, 2023, 06:53:38 PM
I can't be arsed to dig through archives, but Ratimov had a post here in this thread that I was replying to and he removed it. Something about reconciliation. Anyway, it sounded like an extortion attempt, like remove negative things you said about me and I'll remove my red trust. Also he removed and reposted his red trust on GazetaBitcoin, which I think shows that any such "deal offers" don't mean shit.


Sadly, I noticed one post was missing from this thread too, simply because mine used to be #21 when I left this thread, and returned with it being #20. And the negative feedback also returned.

If I may summon it back from the depth of the darkness...

Ratimov, may I ask why the new feedback while on the previous [removed] post you said you tried to do everything you could to resolve this conflict by removing the tag? Was it because the deal is off the table, because Gazeta refuses to remove his tag? Thus, what Gazeta said somewhat contain some degree of truth in it, that what you tried to do was to deal yourself out of a stuation?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 23, 2023, 07:02:08 PM
I can't be arsed to dig through archives, but Ratimov had a post here in this thread that I was replying to and he removed it. Something about reconciliation. Anyway, it sounded like an extortion attempt, like remove negative things you said about me and I'll remove my red trust.

Yes, this is exactly what he does all the time. But he calls these extortion attempts as being "generous offers for peace".

Actually, his joke-of-an-attempt-for-peace still exists in the AOBT thread:

As for resolving the conflict, there is only one solution, this is to roll back the system to September 24, 2023, 05:39:45 PM, that is, how everything was at that time. Clean up after yourself in the exact order in which you littered. No discussions, discussions in separate reputation topics, no substitutions for neutral colors and other nonsense. This is the only way this conflict can be resolved; otherwise it can only be resolved in the wet fantasies of various dreamers. Thanks to all.

You see these? LMAO! So there is the extortion attempt but, besides, there is also his fear of having users' eyes on him, if the situation would escalate to Reputation board (which is precisely what happened). He is scared when others see his abuses, for not losing his powers, so he tries to keep all these abuses at lowest possible profile.

Also he removed and reposted his red trust on GazetaBitcoin, which I think shows that any such "deal offers" don't mean shit.

This only shows that he deleted his feedbacks not because they were inappropriate (although this should have been the main and only reason), but only for having me removing the proof from his Trust page that he is a plagiarist, a "copy-pastist", an impersonator of other authors and a Trust abuser. And seeing his attempt to extort me did not work, he posted again some feedbacks full of lies. Guess what? This time with reference links. LOL! So he learned that an abusive feedback is even baseless if it has no ref link, thus time time he wrote same abusive feedbacks, but with ref link -- which, in his oppinion, would make them legitimate. Those ref links he provided as as useful as if he posted there links from Know Your Meme or another site.

FWIW I suggested that GazetaBitcoin should remove their red rating on Ratimov and not engage in tit-for-tat. I do believe however that weaponizing the trust system the way Ratimov does is not acceptable but because of the spineless nature of DT1 there is basically no recourse.

Indeed you told me that. Yet I did not follow your advice. I did it being very well aware of the consequences -- meaning being red painted by this Trust abuser. I just could not stand anymore and watch how he abuses people for 5 years and nobody dares to confront him (or those who do it they do it under alternative accounts). I did it from my only account. And I hoped (and still hope) I can serve as example for others which believe that this abuser does not belong to DT.

"Oh but his other ratings are ok"... well tough shit, Lauda had a bunch of good ratings and was 100x more valuable to the forum than Ratimov ever will be, and got excluded.

This is so true. Sad but true. And yet we have this clown, threatening people with his toy-gun and people get scared enough by him enough for allowing him do all his abuses and act like a street thug. I really wish Lauda (and TMAN too!) were here, to see how they would react in front of this imposter.

Let me check your trust feedbacks.😉

You won't find much there, because Ratimov managed in time to arrange various deals (only from his "generosity", of course), in order to have others remove their feedbacks where they stated that he plagiarized, abused Trust, impersonated authors etc. The deal was always the same: he tagged those people with various negative feedbacks (consisting, usually, only in terms like "degenerate", "two faced", "hypocrite" etc.) -- so feedbacks which had nothing to do with any financial deal, yet they were negative ones, creating severe prejudices to those which dared to state the trust about him; then he retracted his abusive tags if those users retracted their statements as well. Similar to the "peace" he offered to me as well. But I don't kiss where I spit. (Romanian saying)

So if you want to see some evidence regarding abusive feedbacks you won't find them in his feedbacks list. You can find it in the links I mentioned in OP. So only in old topics, written by others, which he could not hide or beg mods to delete them, like he did with the topic from which I posted screenshots in OP.

Anyway, I wanted to point out an incorrect thing Gazeta says in the text
I asked mprep ( about this, in order to see if it is allowed or not. If it is allowed, my bad. It would mean that Ratimov did not break rule 27, he only stole others' work without breaking rule 27.

Apparently, this case was already answered by theymos:

EDIT: In regards to automated translations from non-English to English, I've PMed theymos about it, specifically with the following questions:

  • What is the exact policy on automated translations (both English -> local, as well as local -> English)?
  • When is it [read: automated translations] prohibited?
  • When is it allowed (e.g. possible scenarios or situations)?
  • When is it arguable and up to the moderator's discretion?

Here's what he had to say (publishing this with his permission, of course):

In the English sections, the policy should generally be to ignore whether or not it's autotranslated, and evaluate the post on its merit. Bad grammar is obviously not disallowed, but if it's so bad (due to autotranslation or otherwise) that the post is basically incomprehensible, then it's a useless post and should be deleted. If it's translated from elsewhere, then you should generally act the same as if the source was originally in English, asking questions like:
 - Is the quote useful/on-topic in the post's context (especially after being mangled a bit through translation)?
 - Is the user just finding stuff to copy in order to bulk up his posts?
- Is the user passing this off as his own when it's actually not?

Based on Ratimov's obvious intentions of passing other authors' work as being his, it is now clear that he also broke rule 27.

Ratimov, may I ask why the new feedback while on the previous [removed] post you said you tried to do everything you could to resolve this conflict by removing the tag? Was it because the deal is off the table, because Gazeta refuses to remove his tag? Thus, what Gazeta said somewhat contain some degree of truth in it, that what you tried to do was to deal yourself out of a stuation?

I hope you already know the answers to your questions, right? :)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on October 23, 2023, 07:30:16 PM
This is normal when 2 people negotiate about a compromise, each one offers a solution and both agree on a final decision, but if you tagged him for plagiarizing, this should be up to staff whether they interact with such cases or not, maybe they have decided to let this slide, now why would you want to execute the prisoner when the king has forgiven him?  What he is doing is not extortion, this is typical where international politics are at work.😉

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 23, 2023, 07:36:07 PM
if you tagged him for plagiarizing, this should be up to staff whether they interact with such cases or not

As I explained in OP,

This topic will not be one about Ratimov's plagiarism, although this subject will be touched, as it is conclusive for the topic content as a whole

This topic is only about his constant abuses of Trust system which, similar to TimeLord's case, should eliminate him from DT, as he uses Trust system only as a weapon.

I am writing this topic as I strongly believe that Ratimov has no place in DT1 group. I made this opinion during years and, as time went by, his actions only strengthened my thoughts. I will present below my arguments for this statement and I will try to be as objective as possible. [...]

I hope that if this topic will be thoroughly read by DT (and also non-DT) users, they will observe that I presented everything objectively and that I presented evidence / proof / arguments for all my statements.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on October 23, 2023, 08:45:01 PM
I know this is not just about the plagiarizing part, but your feedback is about that, which resulted in retaliation, so as I said before, since both of you are on DT, negotiation is the way to go, According to screenshots, he seems to be mature enough to apologize and move past this situation while you are not. You know the only way you can become a great person is by accepting your mistakes and correcting them, it could happen many times until you learn not to make the same mistakes, that's when you move to the next level of maturity which is to become a great person.

Talking about abuse, don't stick to one abuser, call them all out.

Btw, was there an issue about your email address? I say this because you have changed it recently. Just curious, maybe it was due to security concerns.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: PytagoraZ on October 24, 2023, 03:56:18 AM
I am writing this topic as I strongly believe that Ratimov has no place in DT1 group. I made this opinion during years and, as time went by, his actions only strengthened my thoughts. I will present below my arguments for this statement and I will try to be as objective as possible. Please bear with me, as this will be a long reading.

Ah, the post is too long. I'm too lazy to read it. But perhaps from the title and tags I read from the OP and Ratimov, it is most likely that this thread was created to question someone's reputation. But I don't care about that, because neg tags don't affect famous members.

If it's a matter of plagiarism, just report it, let the moderator assess whether the plagiarism is a violation or is excusable. I want to ask, what does the plagiarism ban actually mean here? Is it to avoid copyright claims or because plagiarism is prohibited for any purpose?

Every idea or article has a meaning and purpose behind it, so OP definitely has a goal by creating this thread. in the end this is just drama and nonsense not much different from shitposting.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: nutildah on October 24, 2023, 06:10:58 AM
I can only salute your decision to distrust him. Similar, I salute the decision of NeuroticFish for doing the same and the decisions of sheenshane and 1miau and Nestade for deleting him from their Trust lists.

And this is as far as it should go -- the behavior(s) described shouldn't warrant negative trust.

@Ratimov you were on the right path with deleting your feedback for GazetaBitcoin... It seems like your buttons were pushed and you left new ones, which is unfortunate.

The both of you are firmly entrenched in your DT positions. You should consider sucking it up and deleting each others feedbacks unconditionally; try not to let the incident forever mar your Bitcointalk experience.

"Oh but his other ratings are ok"... well tough shit, Lauda had a bunch of good ratings and was 100x more valuable to the forum than Ratimov ever will be, and got excluded. One can be a valuable forum member outside of DT.

Lauda had a bunch of bad ratings as well, was extremely vindictive and used (his/her/their) power to basically bully people into submission... its almost like they got off on it. I haven't witnessed Ratimov do that but perhaps I just haven't been in those threads.

Waiting for someone like Cøbra to say something like this about Ratimov:

Lauda needs to be permanently banned just to improve the community. Never seen a more horrible person on a forum before.

Also, a lot of non-scammers breathed a sigh of relief when Lauda finally left.

because of the spineless nature of DT1 there is basically no recourse.

Hey I resemble that remark

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 24, 2023, 06:51:20 AM
Ratimov, may I ask why the new feedback while on the previous [removed] post you said you tried to do everything you could to resolve this conflict by removing the tag? Was it because the deal is off the table, because Gazeta refuses to remove his tag? Thus, what Gazeta said somewhat contain some degree of truth in it, that what you tried to do was to deal yourself out of a stuation?
I hope you already know the answers to your questions, right? :)

In case you did not notice, Ratimov deleted also all his posts where he insulted Learn Bitcoin, during his futile attempt to derail the thread and distract readers' attention from him, as he usually does. After I exposed him for doing that (once again), he deleted all those posts. Not just for being caught again while trying to distract readers' attention, but also for covering again the evidence incriminating him of insulting people on the forum on for the reason of confronting him. So once again, those which have no idea about ( will not see how he calls Learn Bitcoin as "two-faced", "two-faced hypocrite with double standards" and so on. So the insults are deleted, Ratimov is once again a user which talks very politely, all good.

@holydarkness (this is also addressed to all other users interested about this topic), here's a list of other rhetorical questions you can ask (and be sure that Ratimov will never answer to them):

1. Why did he delete all his posts ( (together with OP's content) from the topic where he was hunting airfinex (after airfinex exposed his plagiarism)? Furthermore, why did he do it only after (1) The Pharmacist threatened him that he will distrust him ( and others will do the same; (2) DireWolf called him out ( for his miserable attacks toward anyone daring to state the truth ( about him; (3) LoyceV dotted the I ( once again, stating that if someone says a truth about Ratimov, then Ratimov gives him a negative feedback (

2. Why did he try to hide this topic in Archival board for years?

3. Why, after hiding this thread in Archival board for years, last week he managed to convince a mod to delete he thread? (For those unaware, I created a topic in Archival board containing all Ratimov's insults just after the mess he did inside AOBT thread. The date of that topic was September 28th. Is it only a coincidence the fact that Ratimov managed to have his tracks deleted just after I created that topic in Archival board? Lol! Or did he anticipate that I'll create this topic and I'll be thorough enough to find also all his hidden evidence incriminating him, thus he started begging mods to delete that thread from Archival board?)

4. Why do you think that he never justified how, in his opinion, the feedbacks he leaves while he is in rage / dementia state respect the correct use of Trust system ( Example of such feedbacks (most are negative - attention! - not neutral and without ref link):

Stupid degenerate, liar and shitposter.
annoying cretin who will write all sorts of nonsense [...] absolutely incompetent moron [...]
Liar and provocateur [...] creates conflicts out of nowhere  [...] Shitposter and collector of various rumors [...]
^Does the above feedback remind you of TimeLord's feedbacks (

Let's go on with the examples:
My personal dog
Useless dumb hysterical bitch
A fuckhead with a broken head. After being raped by all the WEX employees, taking all his mother's money [...]

So yeah, I wonder what is the connection between such feedbacks and financial deals (the purpose of Marketplace Trust system). Don't you? Especially the rape part.

5. Why did he delete all those feedbacks and / or replaced them (with some which contain less insults but are still insulting) after DT's eyes were on him?

6. Why, based on his "rational" mind, was it needed to give me not just 1 negative feedback, but 2 (!!!), just one after the other, plus a neutral one immediately after, all without ref link and all stating words like "degenerate", "cretin" etc.?

7. Why did he delete all his posts from AOBT thread + the ones from this thread (+ probably hundreds of other similar posts) where he insulted all those people? (Could it be only for looking like a hypocrite nice guy, which always talks politely? -- wink wink).

8. Why did he stop using his miserable introduction ("In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...] (") after he was exposed for plagiarism? If he was not banned then it meant he did not plagiarize anything, right? So why did he stop using that sentence through which he stole other authors' work and presented it like it was his? Again, wink wink.

9. Why does he always accuse someone of same things that are exposed from his miserable character? Example: BitcoinGirl.Club leaves him a feedback reminding of his plagiarism ( and immediately after Ratimov leaves a retaliatory feedback to BircoinGirl.Club stating that BitcoinGirl.Club is a plagiarist (LOL!) -- again, without presenting any evidence for this claim. Example 2: inside AOBT thread I remind him of his ol' good plagiarism & copy-pasting era, which brought him zillions of merits for stealing someone else's work and then he immediately calls me "GazetaCopyPasteWhoreBitShitcoin", accusing me of "eternal copy-paste of other people's works". Excepting that such reactions look like the ones of a 3 years old child, the question still stands.

Should I continue?

So, in case you want to ask some more questions while you already know the answers, feel free to ask the above ones. If needed, I can come up with more questions like these.

as I said before, since both of you are on DT, negotiation is the way to go

I have nothing to negotiate with a thief. He, instead, had something to negotiate (in a manner which can be easily seen as extortion attempt (

According to screenshots, he seems to be mature enough to apologize and move past this situation while you are not.

Of course he can move past his theft. Any thief can do it. But I can't go past his theft.

Talking about abuse, don't stick to one abuser, call them all out.

I did it with various occasions (see my earlier post ( -- the part where I replied to yahoo by quoting LV).

Btw, was there an issue about your email address? I say this because you have changed it recently. Just curious, maybe it was due to security concerns.

It was no issue, just a personal decision.

Ah, the post is too long. I'm too lazy to read it. But perhaps from the title and tags I read from the OP and Ratimov, it is most likely that this thread was created to question someone's reputation

Actually, it's not about reputation. And, if you'd read the OP, you'd understand.

If it's a matter of plagiarism, just report it

It's not a matter of plagiarism either.

Every idea or article has a meaning and purpose behind it, so OP definitely has a goal by creating this thread

Yes, the goal is preserving DT at a fair and decent level + protecting users from Ratimov's constant abuses.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: PytagoraZ on October 24, 2023, 07:11:06 AM
Every idea or article has a meaning and purpose behind it, so OP definitely has a goal by creating this thread

Yes, the goal is preserving DT at a fair and decent level + protecting users from Ratimov's constant abuses.

If that's the case, just give theymos a suggestion to remove the DT system. So there will be no more abuse of the trust system. The problem will be resolved. In the end, you will most likely reconcile with ratimov and remove the negative tags you placed on each other's profiles.

I'm disappointed that as a non-DT member, DT is increasingly losing credibility with their respective bullshit and reputation fights. If you are the custodian of a trust system, then please create a reputation that you have wisdom, I hate drama and bullshit. In the end, neither of you is right, you both are just abusing the trust system by sticking negative tags on each other's profiles. Nonsense

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 24, 2023, 07:33:59 AM
If that's the case, just give theymos a suggestion to remove the DT system. So there will be no more abuse of the trust system.

If you have a wound at a leg which hurts you, do you cut off your leg, to not feel any leg pain anymore? Or do you take some painkillers?

The problem will be resolved. In the end, you will most likely reconcile with ratimov and remove the negative tags you placed on each other's profiles.

This will not happen. Not from my side. I can not reconcile with a thief.

In the end, neither of you is right, you both are just abusing the trust system by sticking negative tags on each other's profiles.

...says the one which did not even bother to read the OP, in order to understand the purpose of this discussion.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: PytagoraZ on October 24, 2023, 07:54:54 AM
If that's the case, just give theymos a suggestion to remove the DT system. So there will be no more abuse of the trust system.

If you have a wound at a leg which hurts you, do you cut off your leg, to not feel any leg pain anymore? Or do you take some painkillers?

Good answer. Of course that's not necessary

The problem will be resolved. In the end, you will most likely reconcile with ratimov and remove the negative tags you placed on each other's profiles.

This will not happen. Not from my side. I can not reconcile with a thief.

I will take your word for it. I like it when you have strong self-confidence. There is no reason for me to shake your confidence

In the end, neither of you is right, you both are just abusing the trust system by sticking negative tags on each other's profiles.

...says the one which did not even bother to read the OP, in order to understand the purpose of this discussion.

LOL  ;D... ok, ok,... maybe next time I'll spend more time for reading your posts. However, at this time I am not interested in getting involved further... Continue your struggle mate  ;)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on October 24, 2023, 08:39:30 AM
For what it's worth: I haven't excluded Ratimov, but I don't see his feedback by default. The other users on my Trust list take care of it already.
For consistency purposes, to say the least, perhaps you could act now like in TL's case?
I try to be very conservative with negative feedback and trust exclusions ( I think this is part of what got my my "Switzerland" nickname.
Timelord's feedback had been off for years.
In this case, I still hope both of you will see you're doing it wrong. That includes your latest negative feedback: I think that one should also be neutral.

My reviews will soon be added to your profile and will hang there until you provide evidence that I deceived someone, stole something and what my frauds were. Without providing this evidence, you are 100% a trust abuser who is using negative trust to make false accusations that are not supported by evidence.
Again: I think this should still be neutral. Ignore each other and move on with your life.

Both of you are still doing the exact opposite of what you should be doing:
I encourage people to try to "bury the hatchet" and de-escalate rather than trying to use any increased retaliatory power you now have.

because of the spineless nature of DT1 there is basically no recourse.
Suggestion: ask theymos to undo your own DT1-exclusion and make your Trust list mean something for voting again :)

it is now clear that he also broke rule 27.
Great. Report it. Let the Mods decide. Move on.

I'm disappointed that as a non-DT member, DT is increasingly losing credibility with their respective bullshit and reputation fights.
That's easy to solve: remove DefaultTrust from your Trust list (, and only rely on your personal selection.

If I'd be into playing games, I could come up with something like: "The first one who makes the negative neutral gets on my Trust inclusions list, and the other gets excluded. But, that by itself would be Trust abuse, so I'm not doing that. Either way, this whole thing is still getting out of hand.

Which one of you is going to be the bigger man?
Be the bigger man!
With great power comes great responsibility (source unknown ( Especially when you're on DefaultTrust (or if you want to be on DefaultTrust in the future), you shouldn't (ab)use that power by leaving (negative) feedback when someone does something you don't like. Your Sent feedback is what others use to judge your judgement.
If someone on the internet is mean to you: boo fucking hoo (! Use the Ignore button, and forget about them.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: mindrust on October 24, 2023, 08:53:46 AM
I don’t think Lauda left the forum because she got caught. She made lots of enemies during her time in the forum and before she left the forum she was trying to make peace with everybody. She sent me a PM too because somehow she was angry with me for some stupid reason. I think she left the forum because she was threatened. She was waging war with almost everybody and while I think she was right most of the time, sometimes she wasn’t. Even if she was right all the time, it is impossible to take every cheater fuckface head on.

Some of us made some mistakes during our first days/years in this forum but nobody noticed or cared about it till these accounts became big shots. Once this happens, the enemies of these accounts start doing the detective work. They search every old post of yours and look for an opening and sometimes they find it.


Some people also think this forum is a game. They simply game it till they win and we all know some gamers cheat.

If you can create long ass topics full information you’ll get merit points, the more merits you get the more friends you’ll have. If you consistently post in a topic where people make jokes and post memes, it will create a similar effect. Then you will become a regular. You are the boss of that thread. Nobody can fuck with you there.

A wise man once said:

“A man without friends is a man without power.”

Sometimes they don’t even put any effort to create good content or post memes. They create an army of sockpuppets and feed each other with merits. Even on this day I can see these people sometimes but I don’t care anymore because once you catch them doing something stupid, they won’t give up. They will become smarter and try the same cheat again but using a more complicated way this time.

Wait.. ratimov? Who is he? I don’t know anything about him. :/

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 24, 2023, 09:10:23 AM
I try to be very conservative with negative feedback and trust exclusions ( I think this is part of what got my my "Switzerland" nickname.

I know...

Timelord's feedback had been off for years.

Isn't this also the case of Ratimov? I precisely presented recent examples, but also ones from years ago, in order to provide evidence that he does it continuously, just like TL.

In this case, I still hope both of you will see you're doing it wrong. That includes your latest negative feedback: I think that one should also be neutral.

Due to my high respect to you, I will think about that. But it's hard to convince myself, at least at the moment, that theft -- intellectual theft, in this case -- does not fall under the cases when negative feedback can be used. As you probably noticed, I always emphasized about correct use of Trust system and the fact that positive and negative feedbacks should be used for successful deals or, respectively, for prejudices determined by bad deals. So I know the guidelines of the system. And, in this case, I tend to believe that Ratimov did intellectual theft in a continuous form, did it knowing precisely what he's doing and did it only for luring forum users of what a good contributor he is while, in fact, he only stole work of others and presented it as being his. Indeed, he did not sneak his hand in someone's pocket for stealing money; instead, he sneaked in someone's workshop and stole that person's work. At least this is how I see it...

However, the main question from this topic is if Ratimov's behavior is constant abuse of Trust or not -- therefore should he be part of DT or not?

because of the spineless nature of DT1 there is basically no recourse.
Suggestion: ask theymos to undo your own DT1-exclusion and make your Trust list mean something for voting again :)

I also vouch strongly for that. (Maybe since there are two of us suchmoon will let herself be convinced?  ::))

it is now clear that he also broke rule 27.
Great. Report it. Let the Mods decide. Move on.

Sadly, it would be no point in reporting those posts, because they are older than 6 months and reports will get (almost) automatically marked as Bad. there are 99% chances for this to happen. Otherwise I would report them.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on October 24, 2023, 09:19:17 AM
I can't read that many walls of text, but I'll repeat myself since my post was shown as an opinion.
Yes, strong people and people who consider themselves right will never spit slop. The words expressed in anger by Ratimov, concerning    GazetaBitcoin's mother, and the nation, look terrifying to me personally. Not being able to control yourself so much, not being able to understand that for someone this is tantamount to an insult, for which offline would be punished very severely. I think Ratimov would never say something like that to a Chechen or a person of Caucasian nationality. But on the Internet we are brave, and this is very sad. Most often this happens to people who have absolutely no value in the offline.
I would suggest taking down reviews from each other that was posted in anger and using all possible methods to avoid seeing posts and not communicating. Every person has people whom they call “friends” or “strangers”. Just remove yourself from each other's lives.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on October 24, 2023, 09:27:08 AM
it's hard to convince myself, at least at the moment, that theft -- intellectual theft, in this case -- does not fall under the cases when negative feedback can be used.
I'm more pragmatic: plagiarism is dealt with by forum rules, and if something is handled by forum rules, it shouldn't be handled by the Trust system.

Sadly, it would be no point in reporting those posts, because they are older than 6 months and reports will get (almost) automatically marked as Bad.
I've reported old posts, and as long as it's for the right reasons (so not "We generally do not moderate posts this old for on-topicness, substantiveness, multi-posting, and other "cleanliness" issues."), it gets handled.
Why care about Bad reports anyway? I think of Bad reports as "proof" I don't only report the obvious cases, but also report the edge cases where the Mod can decide.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: PytagoraZ on October 24, 2023, 09:33:42 AM
it's hard to convince myself, at least at the moment, that theft -- intellectual theft, in this case -- does not fall under the cases when negative feedback can be used.
I'm more pragmatic: plagiarism is dealt with by forum rules, and if something is handled by forum rules, it shouldn't be handled by the Trust system.

Strongly agree

Sadly, it would be no point in reporting those posts, because they are older than 6 months and reports will get (almost) automatically marked as Bad.
I've reported old posts, and as long as it's for the right reasons (so not "We generally do not moderate posts this old for on-topicness, substantiveness, multi-posting, and other "cleanliness" issues."), it gets handled.
Why care about Bad reports anyway? I think Bad reports as "proof" I don't only report the obvious cases, but also report the edge cases where the Mod can decide.

Maybe because he no longer believes in mods and feels better than him. Very selfish, huh? Luckily Thyemos is very wise, otherwise everything would be lost... LOL

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: holydarkness on October 24, 2023, 11:52:51 AM
Ratimov, may I ask why the new feedback while on the previous [removed] post you said you tried to do everything you could to resolve this conflict by removing the tag? Was it because the deal is off the table, because Gazeta refuses to remove his tag? Thus, what Gazeta said somewhat contain some degree of truth in it, that what you tried to do was to deal yourself out of a stuation?

I hope you already know the answers to your questions, right? :)

@holydarkness (this is also addressed to all other users interested about this topic), here's a list of other rhetorical questions you can ask (and be sure that Ratimov will never answer to them):

I'm actually giving him a room to air his laundry and/or to say something to explain the reason behind his decision, I believe you know that's how I operates. I can't help but wonder why he isn't yet, he posted on several other boards, but seemingly ignoring this thread.

Maybe because he no longer believes in mods and feels better than him. Very selfish, huh? Luckily Thyemos is very wise, otherwise everything would be lost... LOL

Umm... IIRC, Gazeta reported a lot, a lot of posts. And by a lot, I mean tens of thousands.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on October 24, 2023, 12:53:27 PM
it's hard to convince myself, at least at the moment, that theft -- intellectual theft, in this case -- does not fall under the cases when negative feedback can be used.
I'm more pragmatic: plagiarism is dealt with by forum rules, and if something is handled by forum rules, it shouldn't be handled by the Trust system.
Many things are handled by trust system that shouldn't be handled.

Someone is pissed, they will leave a neutral note with insults on the trust feedback
Someone thinks the other one is not writing up to the standard posts, they will write these or that guy is a spammer.

Problem in this community, when something do not affect you personally, members are silent and writing things that are politically correct and don't make others their target but when the same thing effect you directly then you feel it's not right.

The trust system would work much better if we were not selfish and had the genuine interest to speak when it's needed for the forum, not when it's needed for personal benefit.

What GazetaBitcoin is doing are inspired by his personal reasons.

I was always proactive against Ratimov and JollyGood. Ratimov was able to burn his wrongs in the grave yard, not sure if he is continuing the same but JollyGood is still actively using you all. However, after all these days I am done though. I said, I" was always ..."

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on October 24, 2023, 01:42:58 PM
Many things are handled by trust system that shouldn't be handled.
True. But that doesn't mean I can't advocate the correct use of the Trust system.

Someone is pissed, they will leave a neutral note with insults on the trust feedback
Someone thinks the other one is not writing up to the standard posts, they will write these or that guy is a spammer.
I don't mind the neutral tags much. But negative (and positive) lose their value if they're often used incorrectly.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on October 24, 2023, 01:57:07 PM
Many things are handled by trust system that shouldn't be handled.
True. But that doesn't mean I can't advocate the correct use of the Trust system.
Yeah keep advocating, good luck.

I don't mind the neutral tags much. But negative (and positive) lose their value if they're often used incorrectly.
Let's read some neutral feedback.

Liar and rumor monger. He believes that everything he does on the forum should not be criticized. He attacks anyone who criticizes him through distrust and negative trust.

   Misuses Trust system while being DT1 user. Liar, troll, making ridiculous fake accusations for which he presents no evidence. Very untrustworthy user, which deliberately spreads lies. Avoid.

Used to be, in my eyes, a respected and reputable member of Bitcointalk but in recent times they've turned incredibly vindictive while virtue signaling to the extreme. Sad to see.

BEWARE: BitcoinGirl.Club cannot be trusted. Made baseless accusations against me as part of a revenge ploy to post lies then keep repeating them. Do not trust a compulsive liar as BitcoinGirl.Club

BitcoinGirl.Club seems mentally unwell, suffers from serious anger problems and from delusions of grandeur because of an overinflated ego (revised to neutral)

"BenCodie" made remarkable statements he was trying to get selected on Whirlwind signature campaign when he was convinced it was a scam. He opted to not warn others who applied believing it was a genuine business.

Reluctantly I am leaving neutral feedback rather than red because he semi-retracted the claim later.

BEWARE: "unibitcoinist" cannot be trusted. With his 6 posts in the previous 3 years and 3 months, this alt-account is being used occasionally by the duplicitous operator.

As the previous feedback states, "unibitcoinist" is a general nuisance trying pass himself off as concerned member. The real forum account of the puppeteer is not known.

Looking on the color you call them neutral, but when you read the sentence do you feel it was neutral? If any of these were applied to your feedback page, I am sure you would not mind at all.

Neutral feeedback should be neutral, like literally it should be neutral.
Some examples:
Arsenal fails to win [which they will] the season title, Mouse gives me 1mbtc or I give 2.5mbtc. Side bet.
Open side bet in EPL Pool. I will finish the season ahead of this CLS63 f**ker LOL.
Negative revised to neutral. Account was maybe hacked and returned to owner.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on October 24, 2023, 05:37:17 PM
Let's read some neutral feedback.
I've said it before: when I read such feedback, filled with name calling, I don't take it seriously. And it tells me a lot about the user who left that feedback.

If any of these were applied to your feedback page, I am sure you would not mind at all.
It's not pretty indeed.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on October 24, 2023, 06:20:26 PM
Lauda had a bunch of bad ratings as well, was extremely vindictive and used (his/her/their) power to basically bully people into submission... its almost like they got off on it. I haven't witnessed Ratimov do that but perhaps I just haven't been in those threads.

Certainly not the first time he's flying off the handle, and he's never ever wrong. Not quite the qualities I'd expect from a DT member.

Also keep in mind that even when caught plagiarising he thought the best excuse is not admitting that was he was doing was unethical, but that Google Translate made him do it ( IMO on the scale of trustworthiness that's right up there with another plagiarist who got off by claiming they bought the plagiarist account.

because of the spineless nature of DT1 there is basically no recourse.
Suggestion: ask theymos to undo your own DT1-exclusion and make your Trust list mean something for voting again :)

But then I won't be able to bitch about spineless DT1...

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on October 24, 2023, 06:34:58 PM
Let's read some neutral feedback.
I've said it before: when I read such feedback, filled with name calling, I don't take it seriously. And it tells me a lot about the user who left that feedback.

The same feedback left by different users can have a completely different weight, regardless of the personal trust list. One of the reasons why more experienced forum members do not participate in large numbers in such discussions is whether someone should be a DT member or not.
Perhaps this makes it difficult for newcomers to understand the entire DT system.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: dkbit98 on October 24, 2023, 07:52:58 PM
DT drama theater came back in town again or what?
I am not supporting Ratimov in any way but throwing him out won't fix anything, and it won't make currently  broke DT system any better.
From the top of my mind I can think of few other members who deserve to be expelled from DT1 for abuse of trust system, but they are still there.

I am really glad I left DT1 on my own, and it will stay like that until I see some real changes, not just cosmetic trim.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on October 24, 2023, 10:38:52 PM
Have you noticed every single DT and non-DT always complains about trust system, ironically even those who'd abuse others say the same thing, like when you talk with poor and rich, they both complain about inflation, and whine like little kids, it makes you wonder, who is happy here if everyone is complaining? Lol I love this community, it's the weirdest of them all.🤥

I mean, go ask theymos to see what is his opinion, if he didn't complain about it, I will change my name, it makes you wonder once again, who is behind this trust system if even the one who designed it is not happy about it?🤣

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on October 25, 2023, 02:40:07 AM
Okay, I had no intention of returning to this thread, but it seems Moderators are also maintaining double standards. Last night, I was emailed that my three posts were removed from this thread. Here is the archive link of those posts;

All of those posts were On Topic and constructive. I did not use any foul language like others did even though I know using these words is allowed. So, why those posts were removed? Because some so-called heavy-weight reputed member reported them?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: nutildah on October 25, 2023, 03:27:37 AM
Also keep in mind that even when caught plagiarising he thought the best excuse is not admitting that was he was doing was unethical, but that Google Translate made him do it (

Somewhat coincidentally, I recall that Lauda was also busted on a plagiarism issue (from years back, like 2015 or 2016) and it caused a minor stir when there was no moderation action taken against them.

Have you noticed every single DT and non-DT always complains about trust system

I don't complain about it. I think it works fairly well, so long as we keep each other in check.

All of those posts were On Topic and constructive. I did not use any foul language like others did even though I know using these words is allowed. So, why those posts were removed? Because some so-called heavy-weight reputed member reported them?

Because Ratimov deleted his posts and thus your posts were rendered off-topic.

Edit: the posts in question weren't deleted, just merged

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on October 25, 2023, 03:42:43 AM
All of those posts were On Topic and constructive. I did not use any foul language like others did even though I know using these words is allowed. So, why those posts were removed? Because some so-called heavy-weight reputed member reported them?

Because Ratimov deleted his posts and thus your posts were rendered off-topic.

I think the most likely thing here is that after deleting his posts, Ratimov reported Learn Bitcoin's posts no? Or is it that the moderators are following the thread and deleting posts like that on their own initiative? Ok, so I've seen the explanation on another thread (

Also, it's not so clear to me that they are off-topic simply because he deleted them. If someone accidentally exposes a piece of evidence that reveals they have broken the rules and upon realizing it immediately deletes the post, referring to the deleted post is off-topic? Of course it isn't. And I'm not saying this is the case but it's an example that it shouldn't automatically be considered off-topic to refer to a post that someone has deleted.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on October 25, 2023, 07:34:42 AM
I've said it before: when I read such feedback, filled with name calling, I don't take it seriously. And it tells me a lot about the user who left that feedback.
The same feedback left by different users can have a completely different weight, regardless of the personal trust list.
Good point. If one person calls someone an idiot, I assume it's just name calling. But if many people call someone an idiot, he may just be an idiot :D

From the top of my mind I can think of few other members who deserve to be expelled from DT1 for abuse of trust system, but they are still there.

I am really glad I left DT1 on my own, and it will stay like that until I see some real changes, not just cosmetic trim.
DT1 is a voting system. If good people leave, only the bad people are left. So leaving the system makes it worse.

Because Ratimov deleted his posts
I noticed this (
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What's up with that?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Helena Yu on October 25, 2023, 08:18:54 AM
What's up with that?
He deleted his own topic, my assumption is he want to get rid from users who say he's a plagiarist or he use google translate to write that? not really sure, but something like that. Since there's nothing wrong for someone to delete their post, so it's what it's.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on October 25, 2023, 08:23:03 AM
Also, it's not so clear to me that they are off-topic simply because he deleted them. If someone accidentally exposes a piece of evidence that reveals they have broken the rules and upon realizing it immediately deletes the post, referring to the deleted post is off-topic? Of course it isn't. And I'm not saying this is the case but it's an example that it shouldn't automatically be considered off-topic to refer to a post that someone has deleted.

At first, I did not notice that before moderators deleted those three posts, they edited my first post and merged all four into one. All I saw is I got three PMs and three emails that my posts were deleted from this thread, which is why I was kinda confused about the forum rules. Under which rules did those posts become off-topic or violate any other forum rules?

But since those posts were merged before they deleted the original ones, I know the reason why they merged. All those posts were replies to Ratimov. Once Ratimov deleted all his posts, my posts became all in a row. According to the forum rules, I cannot write multiple posts in a row.

The argument could be I did not post them in a row. But it becomes all in a row because someone decided to delete their post. I do not control others. I never know if they will delete all their posts or not.

Imagine you were writing to me in a thread back and forth, and I deleted all my posts, and now all your posts are in a row. LOL. That's how I can manipulate the system.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: dkbit98 on October 25, 2023, 10:58:48 AM
DT1 is a voting system. If good people leave, only the bad people are left. So leaving the system makes it worse.
If system is bad it doesn't really matter how many people in the system are ''good'' or ''bad''.
I wouldn't participate in any voting or elections if I know that results won't significantly change anything.
First improve DT system, than ask people to join or leave.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on October 25, 2023, 11:20:41 AM
If system is bad it doesn't really matter how many people in the system are ''good'' or ''bad''.
This comes to mind: “Democ­ra­cy is the worst form of gov­ern­ment, except for all the oth­ers.” (

First improve DT system, than ask people to join or leave.
I've seen several suggestions, and my favourite is still to require more than one DT1-vote to reach DT2, but I doubt there's a perfect solution.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on October 25, 2023, 11:25:33 AM
I wouldn't participate in any voting or elections if I know that results won't significantly change anything.
First improve DT system, than ask people to join or leave.

LoyceV is right, what you claim is completely contradictory. If we're talking about improving the forum, it's completely wrong to say, do something, and if I think it's good, I'll be a part of it. If all those who have the capacity to improve something are excluded, who can be expected to do it?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: nutildah on October 25, 2023, 11:48:21 AM
I wouldn't participate in any voting or elections if I know that results won't significantly change anything.

This is the crux of all politics... getting people to believe that their vote matters. Somewhat ironically, the fewer people that vote, the more their vote matters.

First improve DT system, than ask people to join or leave.

I'm curious as to how you would change it. I think its set up reasonably well, but perhaps what's more important is its a vast improvement over the old system.

I've seen several suggestions, and my favourite is still to require more than one DT1-vote to reach DT2, but I doubt there's a perfect solution.

I like that.. maybe 2 or 3. Would make trust padding more difficult to achieve. According to your lists in Meta, there's well over 600 DT1 + DT2 members in any given month. Perhaps that's too many.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: dkbit98 on October 25, 2023, 11:57:25 AM
I've seen several suggestions, and my favourite is still to require more than one DT1-vote to reach DT2, but I doubt there's a perfect solution.
Any change is better than what we have right now, but I don't see any real initiative for a change.

LoyceV is right, what you claim is completely contradictory. If we're talking about improving the forum, it's completely wrong to say, do something, and if I think it's good, I'll be a part of it. If all those who have the capacity to improve something are excluded, who can be expected to do it?
My opinion is not important, but if we do a vote I bet most of the members (including DT) would say that DT system is currently broken, but hey if you like it like it is now, enjoy.
Can it be improved? - Yes.

I'm curious as to how you would change it. I think its set up reasonably well, but perhaps what's more important is its a vast improvement over the old system.
Reducing number of DT2 members is first thing that came to my mind, but someone give me a good proposal and I will support it.

This is the crux of all politics... getting people to believe that their vote matters. Somewhat ironically, the fewer people that vote, the more their vote matters.
I learned that voting is not really that important, it's more important who counts the votes, and I think one well known communist said something like that.  :P

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 25, 2023, 12:14:29 PM
He deleted his own topic, my assumption is he want to get rid from users who say he's a plagiarist or he use google translate to write that? not really sure, but something like that.

This is common practice of Ratimov. He always tries to bury any evidence incriminating him. He deleted all the posts from the topic where he was hunting airfinex, after airfinex exposed his plagiarism; he deleted all his posts from AOBT thread where he was insulting all translators for incompetence and me, in particular, swearing about my family; he deleted also all his posts from this topic, where he was derailing the thread, hoping to distract users' attention from OP's content; he usually deletes also all his negative feedbacks which are baseless and contain only insults, after DT eyes are on him and so on. And, probably, he deleted dozens of other posts which contained evidence incriminating his Trust abuses or his plagiarism, in his futile attempts to cover his misery.

I already explained ( all these here.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on October 25, 2023, 12:46:24 PM
So the fact that Ratimov was not banned for plagiarism does not mean he did not plagiarize. He did plagiarize and this brought him tons of merits until he was caught (about 3000 merits or so). And with 3000 merits you build a solid image about yourself inside the forum.
To be honest, I haven’t read such a large wall of text in a long time and I think that the essence could have been presented more briefly.
I think everyone who is responding on this topic should read the main thread first before writing anything else. My mistake was, I too was like you and ignored the wall of text but last night I was on my phone and had the time to read the whole topic. It took me a full half an hour but I am glad that my time was not wasted.

Later on he returned, offering me a deal: to delete the feedback I left him and he will delete the feedbacks he left me. Meaning his usual behavior.
The same deal was offered to me and unfortunately there were some other uses too who were supporting it. I now realize those some other users who supported it and me were not aware that it was just a tactic. We simply thought it was a way to deescalate the situation. Ratimov was successful in his evil spell.

You have done a great job @GazetaBitcoin, I am sorry all those days I was ignoring it. Sometimes you feel alone and then you give up. I was having such time.

Ratimov should not be in entire DT. ~Ratimov has done.

My original feedback for him is going back again.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 25, 2023, 01:27:22 PM
I think everyone who is responding on this topic should read the main thread first before writing anything else. My mistake was, I too was like you and ignored the wall of text but last night I was on my phone and had the time to read the whole topic. It took me a full half an hour but I am glad that my time was not wasted.

Thank you, BitcoinGirl.Club! I had confidence when I wrote this long topic that, once users will read everything they will all see the undeniable proof that (1) Ratimov is a plagiarist which fooled the entire forum for years, to merits him for stealing others' work (intellectual theft); (2) Ratimov is a Trust abuser, threatening anyone confronting him with negative tags, containing only insults, with no ref links, which he later deletes when DT eyes are on him; (3) Ratimov deletes all the evidence exposing him for being a plagiarist and Trust abuser (the tactic here being to move threads to Archival, deleting his own posts then begging mods to delete his topics incriminating him).

Later on he returned, offering me a deal: to delete the feedback I left him and he will delete the feedbacks he left me. Meaning his usual behavior.
The same deal was offered to me and unfortunately there were some other uses too who were supporting it. I now realize those some other users who supported it and me were not aware that it was just a tactic. We simply thought it was a way to deescalate the situation. Ratimov was successful in his evil spell.

It's true. And I already highlighted this in OP:

So for that feedback  Ratimov left him another retaliatory feedback, accusing BitcoinGirl.Club of being a trust abuser, writing false feedbacks, a two faced person with double standards and, aaaaand (the best part comes here!) a plagiarist! LOL! So as you see, once more, he accuses the one stating something about him for the same thing. The same ridiculous way of trying to distract the attention from him towards the one he is talking to, as I explained above. And, of course, presenting no evidence. [...]

Eventually, BitcoinGirl.Club deleted his feedback then Ratimov also deleted the feedback he left to BitcoinGirl.Club so once again he got away, without more evidence incriminating him of Trust abuse.

You have done a great job @GazetaBitcoin, I am sorry all those days I was ignoring it. Sometimes you feel alone and then you give up. I was having such time.

I thank you! I hope that your post will be incentive for others as well, to read all OP's material.
P.S.: you should also take a look at my list of questions to which Ratimov will never answer (

Ratimov should not be in entire DT. ~Ratimov has done.

My original feedback for him is going back again.

Great decision! And also thumbs up for adding him to your distrust list!

Further evidence: Ratimov also deleted one of the threads where he used his infamous introduction "In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...] ("

The above link is a quote from a post made by nullius, which quoted a post made by Ratimov where he used that expression. Now Ratimov's post is moved to Russian board and the topic is empty:

Even further evidence for the methods used by the rat for covering his plagiarism: Ratimov is deleting self-moderated topics. He now goes onto my Ignore list. (

Great job, LoyceV!

I also thank to Foxpup for involving in this and I encourage all other users to do the same.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Foxpup on October 25, 2023, 04:56:14 PM
I also thank to Foxpup for involving in this and I encourage all other users to do the same.
I didn't actually want to be involved in this, but it's been a while since I've been unnecessarily involved in one of these Default Trust dramas and this one looks like it has good potential.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 25, 2023, 05:05:49 PM
I didn't actually want to be involved in this, but it's been a while since I've been unnecessarily involved in one of these Default Trust dramas and this one looks like it has good potential.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: airfinex on October 25, 2023, 06:36:47 PM
It's quite surprising to see those who usually avoid drama. What’s even more surprising is that several authoritative users have stuck their tongues up their ass. Some either say that they will watch the situation, while others don’t even write anything here so as not to take sides. The funny thing is that this kind of neutral status is a sure sign of cowardice.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: P2PECS on October 25, 2023, 07:23:01 PM
The funny thing is that this kind of neutral status is a sure sign of cowardice.

These things usually happen. The coward who writes from an alt account speaks of cowardice.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 25, 2023, 07:40:34 PM
What’s even more surprising is that several authoritative users have stuck their tongues up their ass. Some either say that they will watch the situation, while others don’t even write anything here so as not to take sides. The funny thing is that this kind of neutral status is a sure sign of cowardice.

In part, I understand them. And I explained that in OP:

it seems that he obtained so much power that he intimidates everybody to dare to say anything contrary to his opinions. When such things happen, the respective users get distrusted by him or receive baseless negative feedbacks, in some cases also with no reference links and usually consisting only in insults, which is against the correct use of Trust system ( I spoke to many users about Ratimov's behavior and, although they agreed that his behavior is not normal, nor according to a fair DT user, they felt intimidated by him to stand against him.

For example, take these 3 feedbacks left by him, full of insults, with no reference link, 2 being negative and 1 neutral:

Now you may understand why he intimidates so many people. [...]

So all these helped him obtain his actual position, the position from which he manages to intimidate almost everybody. Most people look at users with tons of merits with respect, although in Ratimov's case they have no idea that they actually respect various authors which wrote the texts from Ratimov's texts. Those addicted to his sMerits always talk nice about him, in order to receive merits. Those which disagree with him don't dare to speak, in most of times, as they know that if they do it he can add them to his distrust list, leave them negative feedbacks or they risk to lose the precious merits they may earn from him.

However, in part, I hope though that those which acted correctly, without letting themselves intimidated by him, will also influence those still hesitating because of being intimidated by Ratimov's abuses of Trust. Maybe one after one more and more will not let themselves be intimidated anymore, will open their eyes towards all his abuses of DT power and will distrust him, just like it happened in TimeLord's case. TimeLord has been eliminated from DT and now he can leave tons of negative feedback -- nobody cares anymore.

The funny thing is that this kind of neutral status is a sure sign of cowardice.
These things usually happen. The coward who writes from an alt account speaks of cowardice.

airfinex, be it an alt or not, was the first user which ever dared to expose Ratimov for plagiarism ( What happened immediately after?

One of his first such miserable attack was against airfinex, the user which exposed him for plagiarism. On September 8th, 2021, Ratimov created a topic, hunting airfinex and attacking him as being someone's alt or a bounty cheater. DireWolf and The pharmacist were very vocal against him and scared him enough thus he deleted all his posts inside that thread and hid the thread in Archival board, hoping that nobody can see it anymore and people will forget about it.

So stuff like that happen when you confront this imposter.

Is airfinex to be blamed for using an alt account? I guess not. LoyceV believes the same:
^Last 2 images are words of wisdom from LoyceV. First of all he also notices the way Ratimov leaves retaliatory feedbacks. Ratimov wrote on airfinex's Trust page the following: "Stupid troll &shitposter. An errand dog [...]".. Again, a feedback consisting in insults, with no reference link.. But after LoyceV's post he deleted it. Why? Because he is also intimidated by a very few users, such as The Pharmacist or LoyceV.
Then LoyceV highlights another negative feedback left by Ratimov for revenge, this one being on wool_loow's profile. In fact, he left also a neutral feedback. What happened? Ratimov deleted these feedbacks as well.

You want to know what happens when you confront him from your main / single account? Look at my Trust page (;u=1285797).

Or look at BitcoinGirl.Club's Trust page (;u=662330).

@BitcoinGirl.Club: it seems that he accused you again of plagiarism, again with no evidence, LOL! Just the usual. At least he did not use a negative tag this time. His feedbacks actually become more and more hilarious as time passes.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on October 25, 2023, 09:00:43 PM
@BitcoinGirl.Club: it seems that he accused you again of plagiarism, again with no evidence, LOL! Just the usual. At least he did not use a negative tag this time. His feedbacks actually become more and more hilarious as time passes.
It proves the point again that you were making in your first post of this topic.

In this topic post I would like to touch upon the people who trust Ratimov 😂

Ratimov's judgement is Trusted by:
1. Balthazar (;u=23324) (Trust: (;u=23324)  +3 / =1 / -1) (358 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
2. silversurfer1958 (;u=64669) (Trust: (;u=64669) neutral) (11 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
3. peloso (;u=81995) (Trust: (;u=81995)  +1 / =3 / -5) (187 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
4. wwzsocki (;u=131333) (Trust: (;u=131333)  +7 / =1 / -0) (1402 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
5. Gianluca95 (;u=206159) (Trust: (;u=206159)  +7 / =2 / -1) (196 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
6. rby (;u=239997) (Trust: (;u=239997)  +0 / =4 / -1) (360 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
7. SiNeReiNZzz (;u=251328) (Trust: (;u=251328) !!!:  +4 / =2 / -11) (793 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
8. owlcatz (;u=313016) (Trust: (;u=313016)  +45 / =0 / -0) (904 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
9. thandie (;u=334684) (Trust: (;u=334684) neutral) (360 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
10. tmfp (;u=351569) (Trust: (;u=351569)  +7 / =0 / -0) (737 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
11. klarki (;u=407174) (Trust: (;u=407174)  +3 / =2 / -0) (DT1! (1) 2073 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
12. s0nix (;u=432863) (Trust: (;u=432863) neutral) (11 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
13. WhiteManWhite (;u=485285) (Trust: (;u=485285)  +1 / =0 / -1) (118 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
14. nimogsm (;u=532686) (Trust: (;u=532686) neutral) (148 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
15. SPQRCoin (;u=551559) (Trust: (;u=551559)  +1 / =0 / -0) (132 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
16. my luck (;u=567446) (Trust: (;u=567446)  +1 / =0 / -0) (645 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP ( luck))
17. FutureBitcoin (;u=592311) (Trust: (;u=592311)  +1 / =0 / -0) (126 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
18. Wapfika (;u=667946) (Trust: (;u=667946) neutral) (271 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
19. dimonstration (;u=810879) (Trust: (;u=810879)  +1 / =0 / -0) (146 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
20. whyrqa (;u=864993) (Trust: (;u=864993)  +0 / =1 / -1) (3 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
21. giammangiato (;u=889300) (Trust: (;u=889300)  +2 / =0 / -0) (1135 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
22. BtcMan2009 (;u=958510) (Trust: (;u=958510)  +0 / =0 / -2) (90 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
23. CarnagexD (;u=967589) (Trust: (;u=967589) neutral) (110 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
24. imhoneer (;u=986781) (Trust: (;u=986781)  +1 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (4) 1226 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
25. JollyGood (;u=1016855) (Trust: (;u=1016855)  +15 / =3 / -2) (1355 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
26. CryptopreneurBrainboss (;u=1052091) (Trust: (;u=1052091)  +20 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (10) 3713 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
27. Chrystora123 (;u=1061824) (Trust: (;u=1061824)  +0 / =0 / -3) (128 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
28. Best_Change (;u=1073450) (Trust: (;u=1073450)  +27 / =8 / -1) (DT1! (2) 1770 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
29. KTChampions (;u=1097370) (Trust: (;u=1097370)  +6 / =0 / -0) (1626 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
30. Smartprofit (;u=1117066) (Trust: (;u=1117066) neutral) (1347 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
31. Coin-1 (;u=1133335) (Trust: (;u=1133335)  +1 / =0 / -0) (1959 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
32. Julien_Olynpic (;u=1166480) (Trust: (;u=1166480)  +2 / =0 / -0) (2264 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
33. Removed sheenshane (;u=1179651) (Trust: (;u=1179651)  +5 / =1 / -0) (1095 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
33. Bitcoin_Arena (;u=1269497) (Trust: (;u=1269497)  +1 / =1 / -0) (DT1! (7) 1645 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
34. tvplus006 (;u=1311641) (Trust: (;u=1311641)  +14 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (12) 1622 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
35. witcher_sense (;u=1433865) (Trust: (;u=1433865)  +16 / =0 / -0) (4075 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
36. sky999 (;u=1541583) (Trust: (;u=1541583) neutral) (673 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
37. Ridcan (;u=1640111) (Trust: (;u=1640111) neutral) (31 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
38. nakamura12 (;u=1726595) (Trust: (;u=1726595) neutral) (646 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
39. bubbalex (;u=1775670) (Trust: (;u=1775670)  +2 / =0 / -0) (339 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
40. XEOP$ (;u=1808526) (Trust: (;u=1808526) neutral) (171 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP ($))
41. taikuri13 (;u=1855828) (Trust: (;u=1855828)  +3 / =0 / -0) (1585 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
42. madnessteat (;u=1894120) (Trust: (;u=1894120)  +5 / =1 / -0) (DT1! (4) 1739 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
43. Snork1979 (;u=2118956) (Trust: (;u=2118956)  +0 / =0 / -3) (1331 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
44. DabLjat (;u=2197723) (Trust: (;u=2197723)  +1 / =0 / -0) (70 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
45. FontSeli (;u=2221613) (Trust: (;u=2221613)  +3 / =0 / -0) (858 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
46. YOSHIE (;u=2363935) (Trust: (;u=2363935)  +10 / =1 / -0) (DT1! (16) 1735 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
47. jokers10 (;u=2497429) (Trust: (;u=2497429)  +2 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (5) 2315 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
48. elmanchez (;u=2553198) (Trust: (;u=2553198) !!!:  +2 / =4 / -16) (143 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
49. zasad@ (;u=2654005) (Trust: (;u=2654005)  +3 / =3 / -0) (DT1! (6) 4042 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
50. KOPHEP (;u=2708940) Banned! (Trust: (;u=2708940)  +0 / =0 / -3) (24 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
51. WEX-SCAM (;u=2710137) (Trust: (;u=2710137)  +0 / =0 / -2) (0 Merit earned) (Trust list ( (BPIP (
52. Stalker22 (;u=2739454) (Trust: (;u=2739454)  +1 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (6) 1238 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
53. bullrun2020bro (;u=2744352) (Trust: (;u=2744352)  +5 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (3) 4048 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
54. ajanwalker (;u=2775937) (Trust: (;u=2775937) neutral) (362 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
55. Charles-Tim (;u=2776678) (Trust: (;u=2776678)  +3 / =1 / -0) (4310 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
56. Despairo (;u=2793306) (Trust: (;u=2793306)  +1 / =0 / -0) (736 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
57. execijutiere (;u=2830659) (Trust: (;u=2830659) neutral) (1093 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
58. Zilon (;u=2862749) (Trust: (;u=2862749)  +0 / =0 / -3) (421 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
59. _BlackStar (;u=2867307) (Trust: (;u=2867307) neutral) (1192 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
60. Shamm (;u=3325792) (Trust: (;u=3325792) neutral) (332 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
61. KingsDen (;u=3333894) (Trust: (;u=3333894)  +1 / =0 / -0) (931 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
62. Nathrixxx (;u=3357576) Banned! (Trust: (;u=3357576) neutral) (128 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
63. Synchronice (;u=3371484) (Trust: (;u=3371484) neutral) (582 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
64. SatoPrincess (;u=3380863) (Trust: (;u=3380863) neutral) (605 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
65. Silence Scream (;u=3421100) (Trust: (;u=3421100) neutral) (789 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP ( Scream))
66. SmartGold01 (;u=3423588) (Trust: (;u=3423588) neutral) (546 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
67. Jossque (;u=3449242) (Trust: (;u=3449242) neutral) (1152 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
68. light_warrior (;u=3462000) (Trust: (;u=3462000) neutral) (830 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (

Would you all be more responsible? Please read the OP. You are directly supporting an evil knowingly or unknowingly. You now have a chance to understand the whole situation better, don't keep yourself blind anymore.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Despairo on October 26, 2023, 04:26:27 AM
56. Despairo (;u=2793306) (Trust: (;u=2793306)  +1 / =0 / -0) (736 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (

Would you all be more responsible? Please read the OP. You are directly supporting an evil knowingly or unknowingly. You now have a chance to understand the whole situation better, don't keep yourself blind anymore.
Since I'm being mentioned here and after I read the topics that related to Ratimov, I have to remove Ratimov in my trust list, but not necessary to exclude him.

I was trust Ratimov because I see how he contributed in this forum and almost all of his feedback are appropriate. But since his recent activity deleting other people posts without any explanation and he leave few inappropriate feedback, that's why I remove him.

I hope I would see something good in the future, I believe Ratimov will learn from this.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 26, 2023, 10:11:24 AM
In this topic post I would like to touch upon the people who trust Ratimov 😂

You just wrote what I had on the tip of my tongue! :)

Ok, let's try this again:

In this article I would like to touch upon [...] (" DT users which still trust Ratimov: YOSHIE, zasad@, bullrun2020bro, Stalker22, jokers10, madnesssteal, Bitcoin_Arena, Best_Change, imhoneer, tvplus006 and klarki.

At same time, I also want to touch upon remaining DT users.

Ratimov just made one more Trust abuse, by accusing BitcoinGirl.Club of plagiarism (;u=662330), in another feedback full of insults and presenting no proof!

Question to DT and non-DT users: is this the way Trust system should be used? Are these the kind of feedbacks which should be left by a DT user?

How long are you still going to protect this imposter, by not excluding him from your Trust lists?

Those not taking action contribute as much as those trusting him to preserve Ratimov in DT and allow him make more and more such abuses.

In all this time, Ratimov is proactive and, besides abusing Trust system, he also works hard in deleting plagiarism evidence (, together with Russian mod, which states he has no authority to ban him and became his personal garbage man instead.

How long DT users will still tolerate this?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Lucius on October 26, 2023, 01:00:33 PM
I have expressed my opinion about @Ratimov several times in the past and I have received nothing but ad hominem attacks and insults, which is why I put the same member on ignore a long time ago. As if it was yesterday, I remember that one day I saw the already famous topic about the first newbie who became Legendary and I was surprised that I had never seen it on the forum before, only to realize that it was actually a product of a Russian local board.

I can say that he was a completely different person then (in a positive sense), and that he completely changed after many accused him of plagiarism, which of course he never wanted to accept as a fact and be grateful to all those who overlooked it (intentionally or by chance) and also rewarded him with a bunch of merits and make him merit source.

What I would conclude is that @Ratimov is actually a product of the Russian board, a good part of the members who generously rewarded his "In this topic post I would like to touch upon" and, of course, the forum's administration, which, despite everything, promoted him to merit source.

The fact that the majority has been silent for years and considered that there is nothing controversial anymore speaks volumes about how we either don't care or maybe we are afraid that every reaction will be retaliated against.

Although I welcome the fact that some things are finally cleared up, I will also say that I would prefer that it had been resolved a long time ago and that this whole case had not come to the surface as a result of personal differences between two members.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on October 26, 2023, 04:01:00 PM
I have expressed my opinion about @Ratimov several times in the past and I have received nothing but ad hominem attacks and insults, which is why I put the same member on ignore a long time ago.
Guess what?
How many thousands of active members we have on the forum? 100K? More or less but it's obviously a large number. From all these users only one person who is Ratimov in my ignore list. No one else! Not even JollyGood [Not saying he is any better, I am sure some day someone will get everything together about JollyGood too and they will clearly show how harmful this user is too for the community. I just have no enthusiasm for any of it].

As far as I remember, Ratimov and some other members were is my ignore list from long ago and then in the new year, as the new year resolution, I cleared it all and wanted to have all to be good. After some day or week or I guess it could be month too, in one posts Retimov was criticizing it [it was like your removed me from ignore but your feedback is still on my feedback page] and he was expecting his neutral tag to be removed too. I am not sure if that was at that time or later, there was an escalate situation, things were not looking even good personally to me. I was feeling like I was the reason for this escalation so I thought to remove the feedback. [Oh] In the mean time he was also offering the solution of removing my feedback and he will remove his too. Anyway, feedback removed and I think at that time or later, I put him in my ignore list again. I feel ashamed that I failed to understand his evil technique at that time and I am sure many others too. We all had only one thing in mind which was to deescalate the situation. We were wrong.

One thing always crossed my mind is since when Ratimov started to dare old reputed members of the community and was using his slags. I do use slags [I don't think the people who had conversation with me have missed my F** words.] but I don't do it to hurt a person [except for a selective group of people who are threat to the forum].

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on October 28, 2023, 03:51:13 PM
This topic really needs to continue hence this bump.

I would like to hear opinion from the following members. mprep, wwzsocki, LFC_Bitcoin, klarki, The Sceptical Chymist, DarkStar_, Hhampuz, imhoneer, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Xal0lex, Best_Change, andy_pelevin , KTChampions, Coin-1, Bitcoin_Arena, tranthidung, tvplus006, dkbit98, witcher_sense, DdmrDdmr, madnessteat, 1miau, FontSeli, YOSHIE, jokers10, zasad@, bullrun2020bro, light_warrior.

These are the people who Ratimov trust in his trust list. I will yet to see which of these already had their opinion in this topic [will mark it later] but most of these members either are not aware of this topic or ignoring the topic because one of their vote may reduce if they give an opinion and if goes against Ratimov. I really hope that's not the case. If it is not, then I would like your opinion [Please read the first topic carefully and make a response. Let's hope Ratimov was not using you all too as he was using the local moderators to achieve his evil goal].

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 28, 2023, 04:02:22 PM
Thank you for bumping this thread, BitcoinGirl.Club!

While I am also eager to see if any of the above mentioned ones will reply, I also want to add that Cryptopreneurbrainboss, at least, deleted Ratimov from his Trust list.
Besides, one more DT1 user -- holydarkness -- distrusted him. The changes are also visible on bpip.

At same time, let's not forget that, since he was just caught by LV deleting his evidence of plagiarism with the help of his personal garbage men ( (the Russian mods -- which were bribed with hundreds of merits by him), Ratimov did not have the guts anymore to say something in this thread or in LV's thread. He simply defied everybody and any limit of common sense by doing what he just did in plain sight, without caring anymore about DT users' opinions. And, guess what? Even so, DT users are not yet convinced to act! This is shocking!

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Rikafip on October 28, 2023, 04:26:53 PM
Those not taking action contribute as much as those trusting him to preserve Ratimov in DT and allow him make more and more such abuses.
That's simply not true and I don't think that this guilt tripping technique is the right approach and might even create the opposite effect of the one you want.

One more thing, this "Ratimov" thing that you keep doing is neither funny or smart but instead childish as that's what kids do (make fun of name of the person they dislike or when in argument) and should be beneath you, despite his insults towards you.

With that being said, I do agree with many things that you presented in this thread (not with everything though) therefore I added him to my distrust list.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 28, 2023, 05:08:43 PM
One more thing, this "Ratimov" thing that you keep doing is neither funny or smart but instead childish as that's what kids do

Pardon me for outlining his main characteristic, after he spoiled me and my family, like a true gentleman ( (plus dozens of other forum users).

I do agree with many things that you presented in this thread (not with everything though) therefore I added him to my distrust list.

Thank you for doing that, Rikafip! He has +4 strength now so I hope that other DT users will do the same.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on October 28, 2023, 10:04:49 PM
Well, if he decides to remove his unjust tags from several? Forum members and then decides to put aside childish grudges, forgives any insults and just continues his life, I don't see any reason to remove him from DT.

But you know, we humans just can't think beyond our personal feelings, meaning we are incapable of forgiving insults,(to achieve the capability one has to be so great of a person with so much practicing, we can achieve that).

I don't know if you ever experienced this or not, when someone is insulting you, if you ignore by forgiving him, and if you do not seek revenge, the other person would feel ashamed and most importantly they learn from you.

But again, you know? Ego is hard to put a leash on.

From experience, when I see such people, I start respecting them, they become someone I'd like to look up to, that's how one can build a strong character in a community.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: holydarkness on October 29, 2023, 09:34:03 AM
Well, if he decides to remove his unjust tags from several? Forum members and then decides to put aside childish grudges, forgives any insults and just continues his life, I don't see any reason to remove him from DT.

But you know, we humans just can't think beyond our personal feelings, meaning we are incapable of forgiving insults,(to achieve the capability one has to be so great of a person with so much practicing, we can achieve that).

I don't know if you ever experienced this or not, when someone is insulting you, if you ignore by forgiving him, and if you do not seek revenge, the other person would feel ashamed and most importantly they learn from you.

But again, you know? Ego is hard to put a leash on.

From experience, when I see such people, I start respecting them, they become someone I'd like to look up to, that's how one can build a strong character in a community.

This is what I did the first time ( I came into this thread, I shied away from distrusting him because he removed his "unjust" tags, and I perceived it as his way to deescalate the situation. But he's giving the feedback again when the "deal" "blown off", both on Gazeta and BGC's case, indicating that the feedbacks he left are indeed retaliatory, and an abuse of DT power. After this, I still tried to understand ( his reasoning behind those feedbacks, to see if it's justifiable, which he didn't reply, and which I then can only assume is because the answer is simply that: retaliatory.

So, will he be removed from Tilde if he removes his tag from several members for this "childish grudges"? If I may ask back, what's the reason he remove them? Was it simply to get him off the distrust list of many users? The problem is not the childish grudges, Gazeta pointed them on the err... enormous essay he wrote on the first post, it's the Trust abuse, using feedback as bargaining chip, and I think the Tilde should only be removed when he understood that feedback system are there to cater forum's need to help its members in deals and the risk involved in dealing with that user, not... whatever he currently perceive them.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on October 29, 2023, 10:00:06 AM
Ratimov should take a hint:
Trust list for: Ratimov (;u=2627711) (Trust: (;u=2627711)  +23 / =2 / -1) (11809 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP ( (created 2023-10-28_Sat_05.07h)

Ratimov's judgement is Trusted by:
8. Removed owlcatz (;u=313016) (Trust: (;u=313016)  +45 / =0 / -0) (904 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
25. Removed CryptopreneurBrainboss (;u=1052091) (Trust: (;u=1052091)  +20 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (10) 3738 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
36. Removed nakamura12 (;u=1726595) (Trust: (;u=1726595) neutral) (651 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
53. Removed Despairo (;u=2793306) (Trust: (;u=2793306)  +1 / =0 / -0) (736 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
62. Removed SmartGold01 (;u=3423588) (Trust: (;u=3423588) neutral) (556 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (

~Ratimov's judgement is Distrusted by:
1. NEW Foxpup (;u=55384) (Trust: (;u=55384)  +6 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (16) 1862 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
7. NEW BitcoinGirl.Club (;u=662330) (Trust: (;u=662330)  +1 / =5 / -0) (DT1! (9) 1531 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
15. NEW icopress (;u=1137579) (Trust: (;u=1137579)  +40 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (20) 5828 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
22. NEW DireWolfM14 (;u=2003859) (Trust: (;u=2003859)  +20 / =1 / -0) (4156 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
32. NEW SmartGold01 (;u=3423588) (Trust: (;u=3423588) neutral) (556 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
This was just in the last week (until Saturday morning's Trust data dump).

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on October 29, 2023, 01:19:04 PM
This was just in the last week (until Saturday morning's Trust data dump).

What a backfiring. I see his silence at this point. I didn't see any of his posts in these threads in the last two or three days. Did he post a word regarding his actions? If it continues, he will lose his DT strenth, and his feedback on others' profiles won't show as default trust anymore. I guess he is frustrated with his own action at this moment. He should have think twice before his actions towards others because he should understand that he has some weight in the forum and people cares about his actions.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: SmartGold01 on October 29, 2023, 04:09:05 PM
This was just in the last week (until Saturday morning's Trust data dump).

Do you think he cares about his reputation on how people distrust him or not, after my judgement I have to put him off from my trust and I know more people are to remove him anytime soon as well.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on October 30, 2023, 02:15:19 AM
I had time to remove some users from mentioning in this post. ( Some user seems not active in the forum and some do not seem to have interest in discussion but the following users I found don't mind taking part in discussions and I will expect some feedback from them about the whole things.

wwzsocki, LFC_Bitcoin, klarki, The Sceptical Chymist, imhoneer, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Best_Change, andy_pelevin , KTChampions, Coin-1, Bitcoin_Arena, tranthidung, tvplus006, witcher_sense, DdmrDdmr, madnessteat, 1miau, FontSeli, YOSHIE, bullrun2020bro, light_warrior.

Using half an hour of your time will help you to make an informative decision that you will not regret later. Have you read the main topic ( yet?

Do you think he cares about his reputation on how people distrust him or not
He cares but he has ran out of stories. He knows he has caught red handed.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on October 30, 2023, 02:21:39 AM
Using half an hour of your time will help you to make an informative decision that you will not regret later. Have you read the main topic ( yet?
Gaaaaahhhh!!!  I know I'm just one of many members on that list in your post, but I was PMed about this matter twice and just haven't been as attentive to it as I feel I should be--and apologies to OP for that, because it was never my intention to blow you off.

This discussion of Ratimov has not been on my radar lately, but that has less to do with interest and more to do with real life stuff taking precedence.  I've already posted here, but when my mind clears up I'm going to do my best to read through everything thoroughly so I can understand the issues and then give an informed opinion.

Thank you BitcoinGirl.Club for lighting a fire under my ass.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 30, 2023, 11:06:21 AM
Everybody please be aware that an account named GazetaBitcoinSV (;u=3587149) has been registered yesterday. In the light of recent events (Ratimov being exposed for Trust abuse done for years in a row, Ratimov exposed for deleting his old topics for covering his plagiarism), I tend to believe that this account was registered either by Ratimov or by one of his minions.

What a backfiring. I see his silence at this point. I didn't see any of his posts in these threads in the last two or three days. Did he post a word regarding his actions?

No, he just defied any form of common sense and decided to delete his plagiarized topics in plain sight. And he tries to stay hidden, just like TimeLord when all DT eyes are on him.

If it continues, he will lose his DT strenth

He still has a +4 DT strength now, but I hope that other DT users will add him to their distrust list and solve once and for all all the disgusting abuses made by Ratimov.

I guess he is frustrated with his own action at this moment.

You can bet on that. Poor plagiarist and Trust abuser hoped for years that he can get away with all these. But truth always prevails, even after years.

He should have think twice before his actions towards others

He should have thought about the consequences of his action years ago, when he started to plagiarize the work of other authors and present it as it was his work. This is where it all started. Fourth most merited forum user? What a joke...

Do you think he cares about his reputation on how people distrust him or not

Of course he cares. But he reached a point from where he can't get away with all his shenanigans anymore.

after my judgement I have to put him off from my trust and I know more people are to remove him anytime soon as well.

Distrusting him was a very good decision. Let's hope that others will do the same.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Xal0lex on October 30, 2023, 12:23:40 PM
Everybody please be aware that an account named GazetaBitcoinSV (;u=3587149) has been registered yesterday. In the light of recent events (Ratimov being exposed for Trust abuse done for years in a row, Ratimov exposed for deleting his old topics for covering his plagiarism), I tend to believe that this account was registered either by Ratimov or by one of his minions.

User is proxybanned, so you don't have to worry.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on October 30, 2023, 12:27:54 PM
User is proxybanned, so you don't have to worry.
That just means he's one deposit away from activating. I've tagged the imposter.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Xal0lex on October 30, 2023, 12:31:59 PM
User is proxybanned, so you don't have to worry.
That just means he's one deposit away from activating. I've tagged the imposter.

There's a rather large sum of evil out there. I don't think anyone would pay that much. Anyway, I can let you know if anything changes.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on October 30, 2023, 09:31:14 PM
Sorry but did you guys just tagged a user based only on the similarities of usernames, without them doing anything? Or they did something we can't find? Why proxy ban though if they haven't done anything wrong?
Talking about trust abuse etc, hence the need to say this.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: holydarkness on October 31, 2023, 08:16:21 AM
Sorry but did you guys just tagged a user based only on the similarities of usernames, without them doing anything? Or they did something we can't find? Why proxy ban though if they haven't done anything wrong?
Talking about trust abuse etc, hence the need to say this.

Proxy ban is not set by an individual, not mods and certainly not DTs, rather by the system which reads and records the history of your IP. That account probably haven't done anything wrong, but the previous account made under that IP did. And if they didn't, let's say the owner of that username is simply a "collateral damage" of someone else's "sins", and they [understandably] feel it burdening to pay the evil fee, they can always ask LV to whitelist them.

Read more here (

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on October 31, 2023, 08:44:36 AM
they can always ask LV to whitelist them.
Yeah, they can try :P

Anyone who thinks tagging (;u=3587149) imposters (;u=3530446) is trust (;u=3443751) abuse (;u=2625435) is free (;u=2751624) to (;u=2583427) exclude (;u=2384907) me (;u=2435243) from their Trust list. Or maybe you should think about who you're rooting for here. Imposters are up to no good.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on October 31, 2023, 08:59:17 AM
You know what?  Fuck it; I did about 12 minutes of reading through some of the links here and I'm of the opinion that he shouldn't be on DT.  In the old days, there's no fucking way he'd be on DT2 much less DT1.  I've got some questions about a few of the accusations I've read, but there's enough evidence for me to exclude him.

However, my trust list looks like this:


So let me ask: even though I've been here for years, I still haven't learned all of the little details, like if I added ~Ratimov would that do any good or is he just lumped in with my DT exclusion?  If it's the latter, end of discussion.  If not, I'll exclude him specifically ASAP with happy Halloween wishes and some advice to not let the door hit him on the way out.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 31, 2023, 09:27:42 AM
I did about 12 minutes of reading through some of the links here and I'm of the opinion that he shouldn't be on DT.

Lol! That shows wisdom!

In the old days, there's no fucking way he'd be on DT2 much less DT1.

In the old days Ratimov would have been ridiculed to the Moon by Lauda or TMAN for his plagiarism and, for sure, he would not manage to get away with all his shenanigans which, eventually, pushed him into DT and in a position from which he abuses this forum and the users for years and now (almost) everybody seems afraid of him.

if I added ~Ratimov would that do any good or is he just lumped in with my DT exclusion?  If it's the latter, end of discussion.  If not, I'll exclude him specifically ASAP with happy Halloween wishes and some advice to not let the door hit him on the way out.

Before the existence of this topic and LV's topic (, he had a stunning +13 DT strength. After people started reading these topics thoroughly and understood how they were all fooled by this thief, some found courage and started deleting him from their Trust lists or distrusting him directly. As of now, his DT strength lowered from +13 to +4 so there is still needed to have some more DT users to exclude him, in order to eliminate him from DT.

Therefore, your exclusion would certainly help in resolving the problems created by this imposter for years in a row.

So, yes, if you distrust him this would help a lot in resolving this situation.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on October 31, 2023, 09:32:52 AM
So let me ask: even though I've been here for years, I still haven't learned all of the little details, like if I added ~Ratimov would that do any good or is he just lumped in with my DT exclusion?  If it's the latter, end of discussion.  If not, I'll exclude him specifically ASAP with happy Halloween wishes and some advice to not let the door hit him on the way out.

You are currently DT2 and adding ~Ratimov will not change much in his DT1 status. Given that your trust list is empty, you cannot be DT1, so even in the next DT selection, your vote will have no influence.
However, many have added you to their trust list, you are among the first few on the forum in terms of strength, so I believe that whatever you decide will have an impact, perhaps at least on someone else's decisions.

However, my trust list looks like this:


Did you know that there is a troll who registered the username ~DefaultTrust (;u=2526482)  :D

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on October 31, 2023, 09:43:09 AM
You are currently DT2 and adding ~Ratimov will not change much in his DT1 status. Given that your trust list is empty, you cannot be DT1, so even in the next DT selection, your vote will have no influence.
However, many have added you to their trust list, you are among the first few on the forum in terms of strength, so I believe that whatever you decide will have an impact, perhaps at least on someone else's decisions.

I've distrusted him as well. I don't know how much of an impact it will have but it just seemed the right thing to do.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on October 31, 2023, 10:15:50 AM
So let me ask: even though I've been here for years, I still haven't learned all of the little details
Shame on you :P
Go read my Beginners guide to correct use of the Trust system (
I still see users, including high ranking accounts, who use the Trust system incorrectly. For the Trust system to be properly functioning while being decentralized, it's crucial that as many users as possible understand the difference between "feedback" and "Trust lists". Confusingly, the forum uses the word "Trust" for both.

my trust list looks like this:

Don't worry, I have a backup ( Restore your Trust list (with at least 10 users), and you can be selected for DT1 and mean something for DT2 again.

like if I added ~Ratimov would that do any good or is he just lumped in with my DT exclusion?  If it's the latter, end of discussion.
Did you ask theymos to be excluded from DT1? If so, your exclusions only matter for the users who have you on their Trust list (and the users who included them ( If not, all you have to do is "reactive" your Trust list. If "the good people" don't want to be part of DT1, the Trust system fails.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 31, 2023, 10:38:18 AM
You are currently DT2 and adding ~Ratimov will not change much in his DT1 status. Given that your trust list is empty, you cannot be DT1 [...]
However, many have added you to their trust list, you are among the first few on the forum in terms of strength, so I believe that whatever you decide will have an impact, perhaps at least on someone else's decisions.

Uh-huh... I did not see that The Pharmacist emptied his Trust list. In any case, what you stated is very true: such a move made by The Pharmacist would certainly influence many others, giving them courage to do the same.

I've distrusted him as well. I don't know how much of an impact it will have but it just seemed the right thing to do.

Thank you for involving in this, PokerPlayer!

Did you ask theymos to be excluded from DT1? If so, your exclusions only matter for the users who have you on their Trust list (and the users who included them ( If not, all you have to do is "reactive" your Trust list. If "the good people" don't want to be part of DT1, the Trust system fails.

I hope this vouch can convince suchmoon too :)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Timelord2o67 on October 31, 2023, 10:44:01 AM
*cough* *cough*

.the good people..

*Sly wink*.

The Pharmacist (or whatever he's calling himself these days) needs to cull the majority of his trust feedbacks which are incorrect.

Anyone DT trusting that user does so contrary to the requirements of DT selection.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: nutildah on October 31, 2023, 10:59:31 AM
Anyone DT trusting that user does so contrary to the requirements of DT selection.

Please do share these requirements with us, for our enlightenment. I always thought anyone could include or exclude anyone on their trust list that they see fit. "Anyone" meaning DT members as well.

And I have another question for you: what does the "D" stand for in "DT" when you write it, according to you?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BabyBandit on October 31, 2023, 11:30:36 AM
Everybody please be aware that an account named GazetaBitcoinSV (;u=3587149) has been registered yesterday. In the light of recent events (Ratimov being exposed for Trust abuse done for years in a row, Ratimov exposed for deleting his old topics for covering his plagiarism), I tend to believe that this account was registered either by Ratimov or by one of his minions.

Since nobody had the courage to answer me last time and only had the courage to report my post so I ask again.
How can you get a notification when a new user create an account on this forum? and why you don't tag the account yourself, why was your minions friends needed to do it?
This was... very strange.

I have no idea about the past, but this seems more like a try to get a user out of the nerdy DT-world and to help it just make up as much stuff as possible about the user, this is some hardcore sick stuff.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 31, 2023, 12:03:17 PM
Since nobody had the courage to answer me last time

Probably you are very mighty -- disregard that. I meant this: probably you were off-topic.

and only had the courage to report my post so I ask again.

No idea what your question was. But this usually happens when you are off-topic.

How can you get a notification when a new user create an account on this forum?

One of my "minions" drew my attention about that account.

and why you don't tag the account yourself, why was your minions friends needed to do it?

Because my "minions" already did the job.

I have no idea about the past [...] this is some hardcore sick stuff.

Your statement was already self-explanatory.

But let me try explain you even better: you have no idea what Ratimov did here in the past (nor about what he kept doing up to present day); you did not even care to read OP (which has plenty of links depicting his shenanigans from the past); then you go off-topic again. Perhaps now you understand why your previous post was deleted.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BabyBandit on October 31, 2023, 12:11:36 PM
Since nobody had the courage to answer me last time

Probably you are very mighty -- disregard that. I meant this: probably you were off-topic.

and only had the courage to report my post so I ask again.

No idea what your question was. But this usually happens when you are off-topic.

How can you get a notification when a new user create an account on this forum?

One of my "minions" drew my attention about that account.

and why you don't tag the account yourself, why was your minions friends needed to do it?

Because my "minions" already did the job.

I have no idea about the past [...] this is some hardcore sick stuff.

Your statement was already self-explanatory.

But let me try explain you even better: you have no idea what Ratimov did here in the past (nor about what he kept doing up to present day); you did not even care to read OP (which has plenty of links depicting his shenanigans from the past); then you go off-topic again. Perhaps now you understand why your previous post was deleted.

How can you get a notification when a new user create an account on this forum?

One of my "minions" drew my attention about that account.

Yeah he sure did... 👏 Then your minion maybe can answer my question instead? Hey minion.
How can you get a notification when a new user create an account on this forum? Thanks in advance.

Only 5 replies? So cute, can you do more next time please? I don't care what Ratimov or anyone else done in their past.
I read the topic and its only nonsense-nerd-drama.
It's true I don't know what he have done or you have done and as I said.. I don't care, but saying that he should create an account in your name just to annoy you, how old are you? for real? 11?
Ayway! Enjoy your drama with your cool club! I see you guys are quite busy here so I won't take up more of your precious time.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 31, 2023, 12:18:11 PM
Only 5 replies? So cute, can you do more next time please?

I can try. Meanwhile, can you try reading this topic? [TIPS] to avoid pyramid quotes (for Newbies) ( It was addressed to Newbies but I think you also fall in this category, since you quote a full post in order to say a few words.

I don't care what Ratimov or anyone else done in their past.

If you don't care then what are you doing inside this topic?

as I said.. I don't care

Then once again: why are you posting here?

but saying that he should create an account in your name just to annoy you

Can you please pinpoint me where I ever said that he should create such account?

how old are you? for real? 11?

6. I barely learned to write.

Ayway! Enjoy your drama with your cool club! I see you guys are quite busy here so I won't take up more of your precious time.

Gee, thanks!

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Foxpup on October 31, 2023, 05:02:33 PM
Then your minion maybe can answer my question instead? Hey minion.
I'll field this one, since it was actually one of my minions, technically speaking. At least, I think it was. There are so many minions on this forum it's hard to keep track of them all. :-\

How can you get a notification when a new user create an account on this forum? Thanks in advance.
They didn't, nor would they want to. There's something like a thousand new accounts being created every day. Getting a notification for every single one wouldn't be useful to anyone. The imposter's account was identified by another method. Think harder.

saying that he should create an account in your name just to annoy you,
Literally nobody said that, as that makes no sense. Can you really think of no possible ulterior motives for creating an account with a similar name as another user than to merely annoy people?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on October 31, 2023, 07:55:35 PM
I'll field this one, since it was actually one of my minions, technically speaking. At least, I think it was.

I could never dispute with Foxpup the custody over LV's "minionship" since, after all, I am also her "minion". At least, I think I am O0

There are so many minions on this forum it's hard to keep track of them all. :-\

Yes, so sad...

Other than that, it seems that Ratimov did not stop purging evidence of his plagiarism after the apparition of LV's topic and he also did not shy away anymore, as he usually did in the past when DT eyes were on him. This time his only reason to stop was a warning that he'll be banned.

He received a warning from me. I wrote to him about his behavior and that in case he continues such actions, he will get a ban. I did not receive a reply, but his trash topics did no longer appear after my warning. I hope for his discretion.

Ironic, the warning came from a mod which has no power to ban him, yet since the issue was escalated to theymos the warning was very serious and he understood that now he is not only fooling forum users around, as he did for 5 years in a row and this time he is actually risking to be banned. That being said I am very curious about what other frauds and ways to fool regular users & mods he will find. What's certain is that he is very ingenious at that.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: 1miau on November 01, 2023, 01:42:01 AM
how old are you? for real? 11?

6. I barely learned to write.
Almost 6 years to be accurate, your birthday is only 5 days away.  :)

how old are you? for real? 11?
You can look that up on GazetaBitcoin's profile page:;u=1285797
GazetaBitcoin is almost 6 years old (November 6 is GazetaBitcoin's birthday, don't forget it!)
Now you know!

I'm not that old, I'm almost 1 year younger (;u=2143453) than GazetaBitcoin...

But you are still a Baby (;u=3572235) (and obviously you are a Bandit already, to be accurate (that's quite a shame, isn't it?)...

Are you always that bad when doing some basic research or is the issue above and your strange accusation against GazetaBitcoin your only incident?

Edit because I just saw it right now:
I will expect some feedback from them about the whole things.
wwzsocki, LFC_Bitcoin, klarki, The Sceptical Chymist, imhoneer, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Best_Change, andy_pelevin , KTChampions, Coin-1, Bitcoin_Arena, tranthidung, tvplus006, witcher_sense, DdmrDdmr, madnessteat, 1miau, FontSeli, YOSHIE, bullrun2020bro, light_warrior.
I don't need to comment on anything as trust is solely a personal decision.
In addition, I've removed Ratimov from my trust list already (2?) weeks ago, so your list is an old one.

Of course I reserve any further steps as more time will pass.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 01, 2023, 10:06:41 PM
I will expect some feedback from them about the whole things.

wwzsocki, LFC_Bitcoin, klarki, The Sceptical Chymist, imhoneer, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Best_Change, andy_pelevin , KTChampions, Coin-1, Bitcoin_Arena, tranthidung, tvplus006, witcher_sense, DdmrDdmr, madnessteat, 1miau, FontSeli, YOSHIE, bullrun2020bro, light_warrior.

CryptopreneurBrainboss and 1miau deleted him from their Trust list.

I am also hoping the remaining users will see this post.

Ok, let's try this again:

In this article I would like to touch upon [...] (" DT users which still trust Ratimov: YOSHIE, zasad@, bullrun2020bro, Stalker22, jokers10, madnesssteal, Bitcoin_Arena, Best_Change, imhoneer, tvplus006 and klarki.

zasad@ is excluded from this list, since it's obvious he will keep Ratimov's side forever, after he received "only" 964 merits from Ratimov (, which means he almost became Legendary just from these merit showers.

jokers10's position is also not needed anymore, since he acts like the guy which never saw a giraffe before: after he sees it, while the giraffe is in front of his eyes, he says: "that thing does not exist". So he sees it, it's right there. But it does not exist. Similar, jokers10, although he saw all the possible evidence about Ratimov's Trust abuses / plagiarism / fooling forum users for years / intellectual theft / extortion in feedbacks and Trust exclusions / fooling mods / deleting old topics to cover his plagiarism etc., etc., etc., he still needs "some evidence" ( The evidence is right in front of his eyes, but he is unable to see it.

I am still expecting a position from the other users mentioned above.

Now let's talk also a bit about jokers10 and let's see why he is so vehement pro-Ratimov. BitcoinGirl.Club, are you ready?

Now what do we have here? So, first of all, Ratimov is main recipient of jokers10's sMerits. Then, not surprising at all, Ratimov is his no. 1 merit fan, with no less than 474 merits -- which means that he almost became Hero only with the merit showers from Ratimov.

After seeing these stats, it's understandable why jokers10 serves his Master with so much vehemence, right? I hope it's crystal clear now.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on November 01, 2023, 10:47:16 PM
I did about 12 minutes of reading through some of the links here and I'm of the opinion that he shouldn't be on DT.
Lol! That shows wisdom!
Don't know about all that, but I've had enough experience with members' behavior here to see the signs of shady shit in progress.

So let me ask: even though I've been here for years, I still haven't learned all of the little details
Shame on you :P
Go read my Beginners guide to correct use of the Trust system (<snip>
LoyceV, there's no way I'm going to read about the intricacies of the trust system at this point, though I appreciate the link.  And why?  Because Theymos broke the whole thing when he introduced the rotating DT thing (not that a default trust list was ever a perfect idea) and hence why I effectively boycotted the system.

If you're saying I'm no longer on any level of DT because of my trust settings, I'll admit I didn't know it worked that way--but honestly I don't care if I'm on it or not.  I used to.

Restore your Trust list (with at least 10 users), and you can be selected for DT1 and mean something for DT2 again.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about that I had a misunderstanding about.  Well, let me think about it.  I suppose if the DT system is going to exist, however shattered it is, I probably ought to attempt to help make sure bad things don't happen.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 02, 2023, 12:37:51 AM
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about that I had a misunderstanding about. Well, let me think about it. I suppose if the DT system is going to exist, however shattered it is, I probably ought to attempt to help make sure bad things don't happen.

That's the only way to fix these things. If you believe more people are misusing the system, your participation will help to improve it. Boycotting the DT feature will give abusers more power to continue doing their shit. You and a few more veteran forum members decided to boycott the DT feature for some reason. I didn't know if your trust list was empty or not. Among other veteran members, dkbit98 is another one, if I am not wrong.

All you can do is rebuild your trust list with at least ten people on your list. You guys have spent a couple of years already, and I guess you have more than ten people you may trust based on your experience.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: holydarkness on November 02, 2023, 02:18:08 AM
If you're saying I'm no longer on any level of DT because of my trust settings, I'll admit I didn't know it worked that way--but honestly I don't care if I'm on it or not.  I used to.


You're currently on DT2 level, the trust list made you eligible for DT1 position on the next monthly reshuffle, but with or without the custom list, you can still be on DT2 because DT2 were "chosen" by DT1. Being on DT1 allows you to not only "appoint" someone to be DT2, it also allows you to vote out another DT1 [like what's being discussed on this thread]. So yeah, I agree with LV and Learn Bitcoin, best way to fix the system is from within, by being in the system itself and try to ensure it works as what theymos intended it to be

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on November 02, 2023, 04:01:42 AM
As far as I can see Ratimov, who last month was in DT2, has returned to DT1 (, with less strenght, as already commented.

Now let's talk also a bit about jokers10 and let's see why he is so vehement pro-Ratimov. BitcoinGirl.Club, are you ready?

Now what do we have here? So, first of all, Ratimov is main recipient of jokers10's sMerits. Then, not surprising at all, Ratimov is his no. 1 merit fan, with no less than 474 merits -- which means that he almost became Hero only with the merit showers from Ratimov.

After seeing these stats, it's understandable why jokers10 serves his Master with so much vehemence, right? I hope it's crystal clear now.

I don't see much strength in this argument. You are almost Legendary only with the merits that fillippone has given you and something similar happens with 1miau, besides they are the two favorite profiles of yours to send sMerit to. At a lower level, the same happens to me with LoyceV, thanks to whom I ranked up to Sr member.

Update: I picked some of your posts that were Merited by others and Merited those. The lazy way, but well deserved for you to be Sr. Member.

Leaving aside the issue of merit, I have a high regard for LoyceV, as I assume you do for the other two. So, if there were a reputation thread against them, I suppose in principle we would be more skeptical and require more evidence to turn against them. It's a normal thing. You could also apply that ironic tone to these cases, saying that fillippone and 1miau are your masters, just as mine would be LoyceV.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: jokers10 on November 02, 2023, 05:02:42 AM
jokers10's position is also not needed anymore, since he acts like the guy which never saw a giraffe before: after he sees it, while the giraffe is in front of his eyes, he says: "that thing does not exist". So he sees it, it's right there. But it does not exist. Similar, jokers10, although he saw all the possible evidence about Ratimov's Trust abuses / plagiarism / fooling forum users for years / intellectual theft / extortion in feedbacks and Trust exclusions / fooling mods / deleting old topics to cover his plagiarism etc., etc., etc., he still needs "some evidence" ( The evidence is right in front of his eyes, but he is unable to see it.

I am still expecting a position from the other users mentioned above.

Now let's talk also a bit about jokers10 and let's see why he is so vehement pro-Ratimov. BitcoinGirl.Club, are you ready?

Now what do we have here? So, first of all, Ratimov is main recipient of jokers10's sMerits. Then, not surprising at all, Ratimov is his no. 1 merit fan, with no less than 474 merits -- which means that he almost became Hero only with the merit showers from Ratimov.

After seeing these stats, it's understandable why jokers10 serves his Master with so much vehemence, right? I hope it's crystal clear now.

If my position is not needed, then why are you trying to involve me? To show that your position is weak? I'm not the only one who sees that.

What evidence did you show? There is a discussion about plagiarism held several years ago and several cases of conflicts of different users with Ratimov with mutual inappropriate tags. Additionally we see that Ratimov deleted or crashed many dozens of topics, what is bad, but doesn't relate to Trust system. All other things are your assumptions.

If you would do everything for merits you get (your top fans are 1miau and fillippone, which conclusions should we make of that?), it doesn't mean that others see the things the same way. When you see someone from Russian board whose "Merit Fan" is Ratimov and assume that it means it says everything, everyone who knows that Ratimov is a merit source from Russian board with the biggest monthly sMerit amount (1000 sMerits a month, as far as I know) will see that you are manipulating facts to exclude everyone from Russian board from the discussion if they don't support your position. But if Ratimov is most active in Russian board (at least two-thirds of his posts are in Russian board according to then who is expected to know him better? He does many good things for forum and Russian board and deserves merits he gets. So you'll see that he got many merits from all or nearly all members of Russian board. Do you really want to assure each and every that nearly all members of Russian board are blind? Everyone can see from reports in different topics that if we see plagiarism in our board we don't tolerate it and report it, with all our "tribalism", because we like our board being clean and tidy.

But you decided to use that assumption with a number of merits to blame moderators of Russian board. We already know that it revealed that these accusations are false. You have some assumptions and you don't bother to prove them, but easily blame everyone who don't support your position in which you are emotionally involved (you even insult Ratimov nearly each time you mention him recently).

So let's go further. I didn't want to get to this topic. I suppose that you are not right, but Ratimov is not right in this case also. So it was between you and him until you decided to go further and to start blaming first mods of Russian board, then me, then who else?

But okay, what evidence do I expect? That the case has something more than a story held several years ago and several conflicts of different people with Ratimov where I don't see any parties which are right in their tags. You blame him that he deletes his posts to hide his crimes for years. But it is just an assumption, it was never proved. I walked through several of those deleted topics and didn't find anything compromising. If you can show that I just didn't watch correctly and there are multiple  cases of some wrong things which continued for years as you say, it can change my mind. I don't really think you have those proofs. As I said in this topic previously (, Ratimov was the first one I ever distrusted, so I know he made mistakes in the past. He did a lot positive things before I changed my position and added him to my trust list. I'm not inclined in fast decisions, I prefer to think and analyse the evidence.

I'm not interested in what happend several years ago. It is probably true, but it was years ago. The things are changed. I suppose that all those who use that old case to leave tags nowadays are wrong: leaving tags basing on what is a matter of forum rules (like plagiarism) is not a consensus decision in a Trust system and an idea of forgiveness for old cases is something that is recommended. Leaving a retaliatory tag is wrong also.

So if there are no really new cases, then I'm not interested in participating in this drama. And when you are blaming people in different things just to involve them into this drama it looks not as good as you expect.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 02, 2023, 09:05:55 AM
received "only" 964 merits from Ratimov
I don't think you're helping your case by looking at Merit amounts without looking at the posts. Theymos says to complain to him:
If they complain about amounts, tell them to complain to me.

Restore your Trust list (with at least 10 users), and you can be selected for DT1 and mean something for DT2 again.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about that I had a misunderstanding about.  Well, let me think about it.  I suppose if the DT system is going to exist, however shattered it is, I probably ought to attempt to help make sure bad things don't happen.
That's the idea :) The previous Trust system wasn't perfect, the current system isn't perfect either, but I get that theymos wants to keep his hands off as much as possible. So it's up to us.

I don't see much strength in this argument. You are almost Legendary only with the merits that fillippone has given you and something similar happens with 1miau, besides they are the two favorite profiles of yours to send sMerit to. At a lower level, the same happens to me with LoyceV
As a Merit source, this really doesn't matter much. The whole point of being a Merit source is sending them to decent posts, and if users post on boards I read frequently, they're more likely to receive them. I've seen "slacking" again, it keeps piling up so I need to send more!

happens to me with LoyceV, thanks to whom I ranked up to Sr member.
That's the thing with Merit: for the receiver, it (often) means a lot. I didn't even remember this (until I read back your quote). I've sent 45k (;stats=topsendat) sMerit, and as long as the user isn't a spammer, I'm happy with it.

You could also apply that ironic tone to these cases, saying that fillippone and 1miau are your masters, just as mine would be LoyceV.
So being the top most Merit sender makes me the largest slave owner on Bitcointalk? Allow me: go free!

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: elevates on November 02, 2023, 01:35:35 PM
While everyone was discussing wheather Ratimov should be removed as a DT1 member. It is now clear after the post from the admin of this forum that he will remain as a DT1 member. The gang that has been trying to defeat him got defeated. This topic should now be locked until the next time. As there is nothing that anyone here can do to question him or getting  recognised as a DT1 member.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 02, 2023, 01:49:06 PM
It is now clear after the post from the admin of this forum that he will remain as a DT1 member.
From DT1-strength ( (I added the current week to the data):
Ratimov's DT1-position took a hit, but he's been lower in the past.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 02, 2023, 01:52:11 PM
While everyone was discussing wheather Ratimov should be removed as a DT1 member. It is now clear after the post from the admin of this forum that he will remain as a DT1 member. The gang that has been trying to defeat him got defeated. This topic should now be locked until the next time. As there is nothing that anyone here can do to question him or his DT1

Obviously, you do not understand how the DT system works. The fact that he was selected in DT1 after the November reshuffle does not guarantee that he has to stay there until next month. And yes, that's only for November. Currently, his DT strength is (5), which means that 5 distrust by DT1 members, excludes him regardless of the selection made by the administrator.
With everything I've read here, even more pressure is to be expected.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: elevates on November 02, 2023, 02:04:52 PM
While everyone was discussing wheather Ratimov should be removed as a DT1 member. It is now clear after the post from the admin of this forum that he will remain as a DT1 member. The gang that has been trying to defeat him got defeated. This topic should now be locked until the next time. As there is nothing that anyone here can do to question him or his DT1

Obviously, you do not understand how the DT system works. The fact that he was selected in DT1 after the November reshuffle does not guarantee that he has to stay there until next month. And yes, that's only for November. Currently, his DT strength is (5), which means that 5 distrust by DT1 members, excludes him regardless of the selection made by the administrator.
With everything I've read here, even more pressure is to be expected.

Being here in the forum you still act like a naive. I got tagged from icopress without any reason while he gets ignored with his alts. You should understand that there are humans here who generally don't come as they fear him. Your analysis is good but who cares when Ratimov is still a DT1. I have respect for your analysis but that doesn't make any sense as you will not gain anything from this thread
I do feel that most of you are from the mixer campaign and you guys are doing such bad!

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 02, 2023, 02:30:23 PM
You should understand that there are humans here who generally don't come up but still help those in need.

I didn't say anything about people and who is here and why. I just tried to give you some basics of how the DT system works. Based on your previous post, it seemed to me that you don't understand very well.

Your analysis is good but who cares when Ratimov is still a DT1.

Obviously, GazetaBitcoin(OP) care about that. I believe this is one of the reasons why he started the discussion "Should Ratimov be in DT1?"

I have respect  your analysis but that doesn't make any sense asyou will not gain anything.from this thread

I'm not a thread opener, I don't expect anything from here.

I do feel that most of you are from mixer campaign and you guys are doing such shit in investigation for you campaign.

Campaigns have nothing to do with this. Here, for example, the OP GazetaBitcoin is currently not a participant in any campaign.

Please don't abuse anyone without justified explanation. Your overall justifit didn't end well.

Who am I abusing and what didn't end well?
It seems to me that you missed the point with the previous post and now you are trying to distract from it with other accusations. It's not a problem if you make a mistake because you don't know something, every day we learn something new.
But there is no reason to hold on to the wrong attitude because it is difficult to admit a wrong statement.

Close the topic and wait for an opportunity asI have to unearthed everything.

Again, I didn't open this thread and I can't close it.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on November 02, 2023, 02:41:43 PM
While everyone was discussing wheather Ratimov should be removed as a DT1 member. It is now clear after the post from the admin of this forum that he will remain as a DT1 member. The gang that has been trying to defeat him got defeated. This topic should now be locked until the next time. As there is nothing that anyone here can do to question him or his DT1

Obviously, you do not understand how the DT system works. The fact that he was selected in DT1 after the November reshuffle does not guarantee that he has to stay there until next month. And yes, that's only for November. Currently, his DT strength is (5), which means that 5 distrust by DT1 members, excludes him regardless of the selection made by the administrator.
With everything I've read here, even more pressure is to be expected.

Being here in the forum you still act like a naive. I got tagged from icopress without any reason while he gets ignored with his alts. You should understand that there are humans here who generally don't come as they fear him. Your analysis is good but who cares when Ratimov is still a DT1. I have respect for your analysis but that doesn't make any sense as you will not gain anything from this thread
I do feel that most of you are from the mixer campaign and you guys are doing such bad!


examplens act like naive? Can you please tell me what you understand from this thread? Do you even know how DT1 members get selected by the admin? What icopress have to do with the thread? What examplens has to do with icopress? What do you consider an analysis when it's clearly not any analysis but it's the system?

GazetaBitcoin created this thread because he believes Ratimov should not be in DT1 and wrote why he thinks so. The community members joined the discussion and even some of the DT1 members excluded him from their trust list. So, GazetaBitcoin is kind of a success with his thread.

DT1 members get selected once a month. Even if Ratimov is selected for November 2023 does not mean he will be there forever. His DT strength is 5 at this moment which was 12 a few days ago. If six more DT1 exclude him, he won't be there anymore because he will lose his strength.

Do not engage in something that you do not understand at all. Icopress's neutral tag is fair enough. At least you proved that once again.


You should ignore him as it's obvious he does not understand what is he talking about. He proved that Icopress's tag is justified.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Solosanz on November 02, 2023, 03:09:37 PM
Currently, his DT strength is (5), which means that 5 distrust by DT1 members, excludes him regardless of the selection made by the administrator.
Isn't it need 6 DT1 members to distrust him since DT with 0 strength is still a DT?

The gang that has been trying to defeat him got defeated.
I don't think it's a gang, but it's an open discussion especially for DT1 members. Even you're not a DT, you can trust or distrust any user too.

Reported few posts because it's off topic, not sure if the moderators will delete it or not. ;D

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on November 03, 2023, 08:24:28 AM

Being here in the forum you still act like a naive. I got tagged from icopress without any reason while he gets ignored with his alts. You should understand that there are humans here who generally don't come as they fear him. Your analysis is good but who cares when Ratimov is still a DT1. I have respect for your analysis but that doesn't make any sense as you will not gain anything from this thread
I do feel that most of you are from the mixer campaign and you guys are doing such bad!

It is unlikely that there are cases when you are tagged for no reason, especially by those people who you would like to participate in the signature. Therefore, start to really look at things and read more carefully the topics in which you are going to participate.
Among other things, this topic is relevant as long as it is read; all recent events may change the opinion of other DTs.
And you need to stop growing alternative accounts. (

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 03, 2023, 04:51:42 PM
bullrun2020bro DT1 no longer trusts Ratimov. His strength dropped to +4 now.

I don't see much strength in this argument. You are almost Legendary only with the merits that fillippone has given you and something similar happens with 1miau, besides they are the two favorite profiles of yours to send sMerit to. At a lower level, the same happens to me with LoyceV, thanks to whom I ranked up to Sr member.

This is true, but do you see me worshiping any of them? Nope. Similar, I also don't see you worshiping LV. Respect is something, worshiping is different.

So, if there were a reputation thread against them, I suppose in principle we would be more skeptical and require more evidence to turn against them.

This is also true. But if evidence would be presented I would, at least, properly read it before acting like a blind fanatic and saying it does not exist.
Besides, lets' think about this: why true reputable users of this forum are not involved / associated / accused of such miserable things like plagiarism / extortion through Trust feedbacks / Trust abuses / leaving retaliatory false feedbacks?

Why LV never left a feedback like this: "Stupid degenerate, liar and shitposter."?
Why fillippone never left a feedback like this: ""Stupid degenerate, liar and shitposter."?
Why 1miau never wrote a feedback like this: "A fuckhead with a broken head. After being raped by all the WEX employees, taking all his mother's money [...]"?

Have you ever seen these users, which are exemplary for the forum (not just the ones mentioned above) use Trust system like that?

Have anyone accused p_e_l_e_o of plagiarism?

Have anyone accused The Pharmacist of feddback extortion?

The answer to all these questions is "No".

This is because these users are examples, indeed. They are also Merit Sources and (with few exceptions) DT1 users. And they act fair and decent.

Ratimov, instead, is a joke. A bad joke. A fraudster, a liar and a thief. No exemplary user has been ever associated with all the disgusting things he did / does.

You could also apply that ironic tone to these cases, saying that fillippone and 1miau are your masters, just as mine would be LoyceV.

I could, but I have another Master :) In fact, I said that multiple times (, haven't I? :)

If my position is not needed, then why are you trying to involve me?

Where have I tried to involve you? In case you misread my previous post, then re-read it:

jokers10's position is also not needed anymore, since he acts like the guy which never saw a giraffe before: after he sees it, while the giraffe is in front of his eyes, he says: "that thing does not exist".

To show that your position is weak? I'm not the only one who sees that.

I have no idea what position I'm in and how it is weak.

What evidence did you show?

All the possible evidence for all my statements. The only requirements to see it are: (1) to have eyes; (2) to be able to read; (3) to be willing to read.

your top fans are 1miau and fillippone, which conclusions should we make of that?

No idea. Which conclusions can you make of that?

So let's go further. I didn't want to get to this topic.

Then why did you get here?

I'm not interested in what happend several years ago.

Too bad for you. Some are interested.

It is probably true, but it was years ago.

So you admit that he plagiarized LMAO!

And when you are blaming people in different things just to involve them into this drama it looks not as good as you expect.

Where did I blame people and in what "different things"? What are these "different things"? Can you be more precise, please?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: mindrust on November 03, 2023, 05:08:12 PM
I sense a fearsome gang here. Like the Corléone family gang. There was nothing Ratimov could do. LaGazetta was a made man and Ratimov wasn’t.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 03, 2023, 10:01:44 PM
It is unlikely that there are cases when you are tagged for no reason,
Totally untrue, or at least you are unaware of the truth.
Recently 3 people left me 3 red tags for absolutely no "good" reason, and nobody said anything, and even if anyone said something, nobody else cared, but if I was a DT member, they wouldn't have dared to tag me.

This is unfortunately the case here, if OP wasn't a DT member, they wouldn't care to participate in this discussion, but guess what? Someone's reputation is important at least for themselves, DT or not, but everyone here only thinks about their benefit.

They might consider trust abusers feedbacks unfair, unjust, but they won't do anything about it, because they can't get anything from me in return. If OP wasn't DT, this would have happened to him as well.

Reputation here means power and money, nothing else.
When they start to feel their own power/money making opportunity is at risk, they will exclude Ratimov in a blink of an eye, otherwise forget it, because for how long people like him plus jellygood etc have been doing such blatant abuse? You don't see them excluded do you?

This is because these users are examples, indeed. They are also Merit Sources and (with few exceptions) DT1 users. And they act fair and decent.
Thanks for the joke OP.

Edit: @examplens, how familiar are you about my problem from 5 years ago? If you are not in the loop, don't judge.

Second edit: , responding to meow1 posted below, @meow1, keep laughing, just in case you haven't noticed, I need more unjust tags, to justify my motives when the time comes, dig faster.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 03, 2023, 10:25:43 PM
Recently 3 people left me 3 red tags for absolutely no "good" reason, and nobody said anything, and even if anyone said something, nobody else cared, but if I was a DT member, they wouldn't have dared to tag me.

You're acting a little naive here, aren't you?
You have a negative tag from 6 different members, also, the neutral tag has bad epithets for you, this is not accidental. There is no good reason for negative feedback, they always come because of bad things and reasons.

Think a little better about the second part of your statement, isn't it logical that if you have a proven red tag on your account, you shouldn't be a DT? Although there are exceptions here as well DT1 and DT2 members who have negative feedback (or are banned) (

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: 1miau on November 04, 2023, 01:40:02 AM
your top fans are 1miau and fillippone, which conclusions should we make of that?
My conclusions:
GazetaBitcoin has translated many of our topics and GazetaBitcoin has co-sponsored several innovative campaigns like this one: Campaign to improve posting quality for local boards (

It is probably true, but it was years ago.

So you admit that he plagiarized LMAO!
Probably, he forgot about it as well and as we know from recent cases that's enough to get away with plagiarism nowadays...  :-X

And, we need to have a consideration, too: which message is being sent here, if someone can plagiarize multiple times, even gets caught, provides a very weak excuse ( (which is basically a justification because "posts are 2 years old" and he "forgot about it") and for all of this, he get's away and NOTHING happens, not even a temporary signature ban. What message is sending this to abusers? You can plagiarize, you can do it multiple times, you can be a participant in a paid signature campaign, while doing it, you can get caught - but you won't get ANY consequences...  ::)

This is because these users are examples, indeed. They are also Merit Sources and (with few exceptions) DT1 users. And they act fair and decent.
Thanks for the joke OP.
Wow, seems like you are still butthurt for the 2 negative trusts you received recently.  :D :D
So, it's 6 negative trusts for you and still counting.  :)

After watching all the past days (weeks?), I've really tried to give Ratimov the benefit of doubt here that the whole issue will be settled in a nice way. But after these past actions, it's pretty clear that the outcome is not satisfying and as a logical conclusion, I've no different choice from distrusting ~Ratimov. There are just too many incidents.
I would really like to avoid that step but for now, I don't see any valid arguments left to continue to give him the benefit of doubt.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on November 04, 2023, 04:08:48 AM

If you are loaded with reasons the best thing you can do is to stop being ironic and insulting, as I think you have already stopped doing in some cases, for example by stopping writing Ratimov, you will be much better off. It is a mistake I made in the past and looking at it from the fence the best thing you can do is to provide rational arguments, emotionally neutral, and let things fall under their own weight.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 04, 2023, 04:47:38 PM
Week after week more and more people open their eyes and react to Ratimov's disgusting abuses / shenanigans and intellectual theft:

Thank you all for taking action against this fraudster!

After watching all the past days (weeks?), I've really tried to give Ratimov the benefit of doubt here that the whole issue will be settled in a nice way. But after these past actions, it's pretty clear that the outcome is not satisfying and as a logical conclusion, I've no different choice from distrusting ~Ratimov. There are just too many incidents.

Thank you for involving in this, 1miau!

If you are loaded with reasons the best thing you can do is to stop being ironic and insulting

Insulting? Pardon me, but if I am insulting, then what do you call this:

Ha ha, stupid motherfucker [...] son of a Romanian whore who was gang-raped.
Son of a Romanian whore


About being ironic -- this is part of me. I had it before Ratimov started "spoiling" me; I have it now too; and I'll have it for the rest of my life. Perhaps if you'd be "spoiled" with such nice words too, you'd take him in your arms and thank him for his kind words?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 04, 2023, 05:40:27 PM
Insulting? Pardon me, but if I am insulting
You are insulting.

then what do you call this:
I call it: "Irrelevant"! You seem to be missing the point. Nobody is trying to stop Ratimov from insulting people anymore, which means others have given up on that. In your case, there's still hope of improvement. That's a good thing!

If someone can get to your nerves on the internet, you are giving them way too much power. Who cares what someone who's opinion you don't value thinks about you? Unless you want to lower yourself to their level, of course.


Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on November 05, 2023, 03:44:22 AM
I would add that I think Ratimov, after the fuck-up he made with the thread deletion, is playing his cards right atm, not getting into the fray. I guess he'll wait for things to cool down over time.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on November 05, 2023, 05:21:33 AM
Why LV never left a feedback like this: "Stupid degenerate, liar and shitposter."?
Why fillippone never left a feedback like this: ""Stupid degenerate, liar and shitposter."?
Why 1miau never wrote a feedback like this: "A fuckhead with a broken head. After being raped by all the WEX employees, taking all his mother's money [...]"?
Have anyone accused The Pharmacist of feddback extortion?
The answer to all these questions is "No".
I feel like I must chime in to say that I have left negative feedbacks like the ones above about shitposting, but that was before the merit system and the trust system was the only powerful tool DT members had to combat the plague that was going on at the time.  I had to delete a ton of feedback after January 2018 because after that it was a strict no-no to neg someone for being a shitposter.  In addition, nobody ever accused me of feedback extortion but there was certainly a lot of controversy about the trust I was leaving (and actmyname, too).  But as in so many other things, it was worked out by the community communicating just as we are here.

I'm no angel, and I'm not even sure I'm worthy of that praise you shot my way, but I try to be a somewhat steadying influence nowadays.  I did not start out that way, and that's something I thought I should clarify.  

Recently 3 people left me 3 red tags for absolutely no "good" reason, and nobody said anything, and even if anyone said something, nobody else cared, but if I was a DT member, they wouldn't have dared to tag me.
OK, but to be fair I took a look at the first page of your sent feedback, and you've left negs on people for promoting closed-source HW wallets, which I find to be inappropriate.  A neutral might be fair, but why in the world would you give a red trust to somebody for that reason?  Account selling, fine.  You and I both agree that can seriously affect the forum in a negative way, but I'd suggest reevaluating some of the red trust you've left before complaining about the red trust you've got.

I recently added DaveF to my trust list and I see that he was one of the members who negged you.  I might have to take a look into that.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: nutildah on November 05, 2023, 05:38:45 AM
I had to delete a ton of feedback after January 2018 because after that it was a strict no-no to neg someone for being a shitposter.  In addition, nobody ever accused me of feedback extortion but there was certainly a lot of controversy about the trust I was leaving (and actmyname, too).  But as in so many other things, it was worked out by the community communicating just as we are here.

I think leaving a neutral for it is fine. It is interesting to me that actmyname's neutral ratings are some of the only neutrals that matter as far as campaign managers are concerned. But they are well-reasoned: a shitload of spam reports against the user were marked as "Good", according to him, and why would he lie about that (I don't think that he would).

I'm no angel, and I'm not even sure I'm worthy of that praise you shot my way, but I try to be a somewhat steadying influence nowadays.  I did not start out that way, and that's something I thought I should clarify.

"Lawd have mercy." - Sizable African-American Lady

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 05, 2023, 06:14:59 AM
OK, but to be fair I took a look at the first page of your sent feedback, and you've left negs on people for promoting closed-source HW wallets, which I find to be inappropriate.  A neutral might be fair, but why in the world would you give a red trust to somebody for that reason?  Account selling, fine.  You and I both agree that can seriously affect the forum in a negative way, but I'd suggest reevaluating some of the red trust you've left before complaining about the red trust you've got.

I recently added DaveF to my trust list and I see that he was one of the members who negged you.  I might have to take a look into that.
My ratings won't show, so it doesn't matter, but since you mentioned it, they were promoting a phishing/fake wallet/link, that's why the topic was removed by mods. About DaveF, you can read his  original reason here (, but recently he did it again, to defend "forum members", just a typical bully, you have to deal with bullies with brute force, just like what happened here, but even though I don't think OP's main concern is to punish a "cheater" or trust abuser, this is deeper and you have to find the root.

Otherwise why nobody else tagged Ratimov for trust abuse and plagiarizing on top? Why are most of the DT members refrain from tagging other DTs for reasons as trust abuse, "trolling" "harassing"? Because of the possibility of retaliation.

No worries though, I have no official complaints, God willing sooner or later their wealth will hang on my reputation, how they say it? If you spit upwards, it lands back on your face, or something like that.😉

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on November 05, 2023, 06:53:13 AM
I think leaving a neutral for it is fine. It is interesting to me that actmyname's neutral ratings are some of the only neutrals that matter as far as campaign managers are concerned. But they are well-reasoned: a shitload of spam reports against the user were marked as "Good", according to him, and why would he lie about that (I don't think that he would).
Yep, and actmyname did the right thing as far as changing his negs to neutrals.  In my case, I didn't think changing all of the negatives I left to neutrals would have any effect, so I did the easiest thing and just deleted them.  Now that you mentioned that actmyname's neutrals did make a difference in the eyes of campaign, I regret not taking the time to do what he did. 

On the other hand, there was probably a lot of overlap between the two of us.  We were both on a rampage back then.

"Lawd have mercy." - Sizable African-American Lady
I have no idea what you're referring to; please don't clarify the above; and let's just move forward and not return to wherever it is that quote came from.  LOL.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: icopress on November 05, 2023, 08:59:41 AM
I think leaving a neutral for it is fine. It is interesting to me that actmyname's neutral ratings are some of the only neutrals that matter as far as campaign managers are concerned. But they are well-reasoned: a shitload of spam reports against the user were marked as "Good", according to him, and why would he lie about that (I don't think that he would).
In fact, I listen to neutral feedback from many users, it's just that actmyname's tags are the most common, which is why I mentioned them.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 05, 2023, 09:25:19 AM
My ratings won't show, so it doesn't matter, but since you mentioned it, they were promoting a phishing/fake wallet/link, that's why the topic was removed by mods.

Of course, it matters digaran!
No matter what people did with you. You should not do what they did with you. If you believe they used the system incorrectly (which I doubt), you should not do the same. If you do the same, what is the difference between you and them? I am not in the DT network, and I am very far from that because several DT members already added me to their exclusion list. That does not really mean I have to use the system however I want. The only way to get rid of it (get rid of their exclusion) is by contributing positively and showing them that I am improving.

I believe I don't have to ask them to remove the exclusion once they notice I have improved myself. If I continue using the system incorrectly, it won't fix things. Let's say ten people distrust you at this moment. If they see you are using the system incorrectly, more people will distrust you. But If they see you have removed your old posts/feedback that are controversial and using the system correctly, they are likely to remove you from their exclusion list. That's what I feel.

I have no idea what you're referring to; please don't clarify the above; and let's just move forward and not return to wherever it is that quote came from.  LOL.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 05, 2023, 11:31:16 AM
Insulting? Pardon me, but if I am insulting
You are insulting.

If it means something, I have this impression too. I would agree with Poker Player's statement (, that it is bad to criticize the insult by insulting.

I would add that I think Ratimov, after the fuck-up he made with the thread deletion, is playing his cards right atm, not getting into the fray. I guess he'll wait for things to cool down over time.

Well, he doesn't play cards well. He may not be active in this discussion, but he again resorted to revenge moves and everyone who excluded or distrusted him on the trust list, retaliated in kind.
So, for example, he moved The Sceptical Chymist directly from trust to distrust on his list.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Little Mouse on November 05, 2023, 01:25:42 PM
So, for example, he moved The Sceptical Chymist directly from trust to distrust on his list.
That's retaliation possibly.
The problem is that most of the users use the custom trust list to get themselves into DT and get more strength in terms of inclusion while the custom trust list should be used for personal benefits like- utilizing when we trade here, when it comes to trust someone with fund.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on November 05, 2023, 02:26:58 PM
So, for example, he moved The Sceptical Chymist directly from trust to distrust on his list.

Now he is speaking without saying a word  ;)
It's like don't dare to talk against me, else you will be fucked by me. I assume this isn't a smart move from Ratimov. He could have handled this situation in a better way than how it's going now. The mass thread deleting had a bad impact on Ratimov and this mass modification of his trust list shows he does not really care about using the system accordingly. This is natural human behavior, to be honest. But I believe smart people learn from their mistakes.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 05, 2023, 05:02:07 PM
You are insulting.

Seeing that not just one person thinks the same, I'll take count about that and I'll try to refrain myself even more. Thank you for opening my eyes!

Well, he doesn't play cards well. He may not be active in this discussion, but he again resorted to revenge moves and everyone who excluded or distrusted him on the trust list, retaliated in kind.

This is exactly Ratimov at his best. For those which did not pay attention this is exactly what he did for all the years since he got his position of power. Perhaps more DT users will see this and will take action about these constant abuses.

So, for example, he moved The Sceptical Chymist directly from trust to distrust on his list.

Furthermore, he acted precisely the same way the other DT users acted. For example, bullrun2020bro and CryptopreneurBrainboss only stopped trusting him and he did the same -- he deleted them from his Trust list. The other ones added him to their distrust list and he proceeded the same with The Pharmacist, 1miau, iwantmyhomepaidwithbtc2, suchmoon, Learn Bitcoin and holydarkness.

There are 2 inconsistencies though: he added light_warrior to his distrust list, although this user did not distrust him, only stopped trusting him. And he did not distrust Foxpup too. Perhaps he was in frenzy and could not act very thoroughly. /s

It's like don't dare to talk against me, else you will be fucked by me.

Yes, this is Ratimov's style. I tried to explain this in OP with various words:

The problem is the abuse of Trust system made by Ratimov, for years. For years in a row he leaves incorrect feedbacks -- negative ones consisting only in insults and in many cases with no reference link. He uses Trust system as a weapon against anyone which would ever dare to say something about him.

At same time, for those which missed this, be aware that, among the dozens of topics he deleted he included also his Merit Source application.

5197199: Ratimov merit source application !!! (

This is how much this user appreciates the topic which helped him, in part, to obtain all the power he managed to achieve.

While it's not forbidden to delete a topic containing a Merit Source application, I consider it a sign of disrespect for the forum and for the user himself. Based on that topic Ratimov earned a ton of sMerit, which he used to feed his army of minions. Then he deletes his application, making a mockery from his Merit Source statute. There is no other Merit Source which did that.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on November 06, 2023, 01:33:09 AM
While it's not forbidden to delete a topic containing a Merit Source application, I consider it a sign of disrespect for the forum and for the user himself. Based on that topic Ratimov earned a ton of sMerit, which he used to feed his army of minions. Then he deletes his application, making a mockery from his Merit Source statute. There is no other Merit Source which did that.

I think it would be ok to remove the thread if he requested theymos to un-merit-source him... which I don't think he did, given that we've had 109 sources with 33940 smerits for a while now and I doubt that he was replaced with an equivalent merit source. Anyway, this is neither here nor there. Sending or receiving merits is not evidence of anything, particularly when a merit source needs to dump 500+ merits every month... trust me, I know :)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: 1miau on November 06, 2023, 02:24:10 AM
Well, instead of apologizing for what happened and trying to improve instead, the result is quite clear that there's no intention to admit / improve anything.  ::)
Sad to see but it really looks like everyone did the right thing by going for the distrust here.
How could someone show better, that he didn't learn anything or even didn't want to learn anything?
Sometimes hope for betterment is wasted.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on November 06, 2023, 04:34:57 AM
Well, he doesn't play cards well. He may not be active in this discussion, but he again resorted to revenge moves and everyone who excluded or distrusted him on the trust list, retaliated in kind.

You're right, I hadn't realized that and it doesn't seem like a good move. It could still be worse, though, if he was active in this discussion with insults and such.

Anyway, unless something else happens I see it unlikely that he will fall out of the DT1 lottery, as I think most of those who still trust him will continue to do so if everything stays the same.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 06, 2023, 10:02:29 AM
Let me start with this: Users on DT should be level-headed.

he again resorted to revenge moves and everyone who excluded or distrusted him on the trust list
@Ratimov: this is not how the Trust system is supposed to be used. See:
Quote from: Trust settings
List the users who you trust to have good trust ratings and good trust lists
The fact that they excluded you doesn't mean their sent feedback and Trust list are suddenly bad. The fact that more and more (veteran) users excluded you, should make you reconsider some of your own actions. Instead, you're excluding users from the Trust system based on retaliation. That's bad, it now looks like you can't handle your hurt ego. Combined with the fact that some of the feedback you left isn't objective, but filled with rage, and that this has been going on for years (, I've now excluded you from my Trust list. I recommend anyone to consider doing the same.

I want to ask the users who still trust Ratimov's judgement to have a good look at Ratimov's Trust list ( (do you still agree with his inclusions and exclusions?) and Ratimov's sent feedback (;u=2627711;page=sent;offset=0) (is this objective and aimed at making the forum a better place?). Those users currently trust Ratimov's judgement:
Trust list for: Ratimov (;u=2627711) (Trust: (;u=2627711)  +23 / =2 / -1) (DT1! (5) 11866 Merit earned ( (Trust list (

Ratimov's judgement is Trusted by:
1. Balthazar (;u=23324) (Trust: (;u=23324)  +3 / =1 / -1) (358 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
2. silversurfer1958 (;u=64669) (Trust: (;u=64669) neutral) (11 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
3. peloso (;u=81995) (Trust: (;u=81995)  +1 / =3 / -5) (187 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
4. wwzsocki (;u=131333) (Trust: (;u=131333)  +11 / =1 / -0) (DT1! (1) 1402 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
5. Gianluca95 (;u=206159) (Trust: (;u=206159)  +8 / =2 / -1) (196 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
6. rby (;u=239997) (Trust: (;u=239997)  +0 / =4 / -1) (360 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
7. SiNeReiNZzz (;u=251328) (Trust: (;u=251328) !!!:  +4 / =2 / -11) (793 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
8. thandie (;u=334684) (Trust: (;u=334684) neutral) (360 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
9. tmfp (;u=351569) (Trust: (;u=351569)  +7 / =0 / -0) (737 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
10. klarki (;u=407174) (Trust: (;u=407174)  +4 / =2 / -0) (DT1! (2) 2118 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
11. s0nix (;u=432863) (Trust: (;u=432863) neutral) (11 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
12. WhiteManWhite (;u=485285) (Trust: (;u=485285)  +0 / =0 / -1) (118 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
13. nimogsm (;u=532686) (Trust: (;u=532686) neutral) (148 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
14. SPQRCoin (;u=551559) (Trust: (;u=551559) neutral) (132 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
15. my luck (;u=567446) (Trust: (;u=567446)  +1 / =0 / -0) (645 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP ( luck))
16. FutureBitcoin (;u=592311) (Trust: (;u=592311) neutral) (138 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
17. Wapfika (;u=667946) (Trust: (;u=667946) neutral) (272 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
18. dimonstration (;u=810879) (Trust: (;u=810879)  +1 / =0 / -0) (148 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
19. whyrqa (;u=864993) (Trust: (;u=864993)  +0 / =1 / -1) (3 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
20. giammangiato (;u=889300) (Trust: (;u=889300)  +2 / =0 / -0) (1143 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
21. BtcMan2009 (;u=958510) (Trust: (;u=958510)  +0 / =0 / -2) (90 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
22. CarnagexD (;u=967589) (Trust: (;u=967589) neutral) (112 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
23. imhoneer (;u=986781) (Trust: (;u=986781)  +1 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (6) 1227 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
24. JollyGood (;u=1016855) (Trust: (;u=1016855)  +16 / =3 / -1) (DT1! (11) 1363 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
25. Chrystora123 (;u=1061824) (Trust: (;u=1061824)  +0 / =0 / -3) (128 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
26. Best_Change (;u=1073450) (Trust: (;u=1073450)  +27 / =8 / -1) (1790 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
27. KTChampions (;u=1097370) (Trust: (;u=1097370)  +7 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (6) 1638 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
28. Smartprofit (;u=1117066) (Trust: (;u=1117066) neutral) (1379 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
29. Coin-1 (;u=1133335) (Trust: (;u=1133335)  +1 / =0 / -0) (1965 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
30. Julien_Olynpic (;u=1166480) (Trust: (;u=1166480)  +2 / =0 / -0) (2338 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
31. Bitcoin_Arena (;u=1269497) (Trust: (;u=1269497)  +1 / =1 / -0) (DT1! (6) 1660 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
32. tvplus006 (;u=1311641) (Trust: (;u=1311641)  +14 / =0 / -0) (1624 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
33. witcher_sense (;u=1433865) (Trust: (;u=1433865)  +15 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (17) 4096 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
34. sky999 (;u=1541583) (Trust: (;u=1541583) neutral) (678 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
35. Ridcan (;u=1640111) (Trust: (;u=1640111) neutral) (31 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
36. bubbalex (;u=1775670) (Trust: (;u=1775670)  +3 / =0 / -0) (339 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
37. XEOP$ (;u=1808526) (Trust: (;u=1808526) neutral) (171 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP ($))
38. taikuri13 (;u=1855828) (Trust: (;u=1855828)  +3 / =0 / -0) (1585 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
39. madnessteat (;u=1894120) (Trust: (;u=1894120)  +5 / =1 / -0) (DT1! (3) 1755 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
40. Snork1979 (;u=2118956) (Trust: (;u=2118956)  +0 / =0 / -3) (1335 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
41. DabLjat (;u=2197723) (Trust: (;u=2197723) neutral) (70 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
42. FontSeli (;u=2221613) (Trust: (;u=2221613)  +3 / =0 / -0) (858 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
43. YOSHIE (;u=2363935) (Trust: (;u=2363935)  +10 / =1 / -0) (1738 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
44. jokers10 (;u=2497429) (Trust: (;u=2497429)  +2 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (8) 2387 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
45. elmanchez (;u=2553198) (Trust: (;u=2553198) !!!:  +3 / =4 / -15) (143 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
46. zasad@ (;u=2654005) (Trust: (;u=2654005)  +3 / =2 / -0) (DT1! (7) 4058 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
47. KOPHEP (;u=2708940) Banned! (Trust: (;u=2708940)  +0 / =0 / -3) (24 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
48. WEX-SCAM (;u=2710137) (Trust: (;u=2710137)  +0 / =0 / -2) (0 Merit earned) (Trust list ( (BPIP (
49. Stalker22 (;u=2739454) (Trust: (;u=2739454)  +1 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (6) 1247 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
50. ajanwalker (;u=2775937) (Trust: (;u=2775937) neutral) (367 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
51. Charles-Tim (;u=2776678) (Trust: (;u=2776678)  +3 / =1 / -0) (DT1! (6) 4350 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
52. execijutiere (;u=2830659) (Trust: (;u=2830659) neutral) (1101 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
53. Zilon (;u=2862749) (Trust: (;u=2862749)  +0 / =0 / -3) (421 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
54. _BlackStar (;u=2867307) (Trust: (;u=2867307) neutral) (1193 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
55. Shamm (;u=3325792) (Trust: (;u=3325792) neutral) (333 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
56. KingsDen (;u=3333894) (Trust: (;u=3333894)  +1 / =0 / -0) (950 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
57. Nathrixxx (;u=3357576) Banned! (Trust: (;u=3357576) neutral) (128 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
58. Synchronice (;u=3371484) (Trust: (;u=3371484) neutral) (614 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
59. SatoPrincess (;u=3380863) (Trust: (;u=3380863) neutral) (605 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
60. Silence Scream (;u=3421100) (Trust: (;u=3421100) neutral) (798 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP ( Scream))
61. Jossque (;u=3449242) (Trust: (;u=3449242) neutral) (1206 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (

@Ratimov: feel free to retaliate, that seems to be your thing. Just know that the users who excluded me are not exactly the most upstanding citizens of Bitcointalk. You'll be in terrible company:
Trust list for: LoyceV (;u=459836) (Trust: (;u=459836)  +32 / =0 / -0) (DT1! (59) 14375 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP ( (created 2023-11-04_Sat_05.07h)

~LoyceV's judgement is Distrusted by:
1. OgNasty (;u=18321) (Trust: (;u=18321)  +90 / =3 / -6) (DT1! (7) 2769 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
2. Gyrsur (;u=62358) (Trust: (;u=62358)  +1 / =3 / -0) (513 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
3. peloso (;u=81995) (Trust: (;u=81995)  +1 / =3 / -5) (187 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
4. cryptohunter (;u=92110) (Trust: (;u=92110)  +1 / =2 / -2) (167 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
5. funchiestz (;u=208151) (Trust: (;u=208151) #  +0 / =0 / -9) (92 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
6. bamb (;u=339386) (Trust: (;u=339386)  +0 / =0 / -1) (1 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
7. Thule (;u=355462) (Trust: (;u=355462)  +0 / =2 / -9) (26 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
8. Vadi2323 (;u=399366) (Trust: (;u=399366)  +1 / =2 / -0) (231 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
9. ekiller (;u=667791) (Trust: (;u=667791)  +2 / =0 / -0) (612 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
10. endlasuresh (;u=906005) (Trust: (;u=906005)  +0 / =0 / -2) (3 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
11. Bazinga442 (;u=1246188) (Trust: (;u=1246188)  +0 / =0 / -5) (24 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
12. tokneneng (;u=1926668) (Trust: (;u=1926668) neutral) (0 Merit earned) (Trust list ( (BPIP (
13. argio (;u=2148256) (Trust: (;u=2148256)  +0 / =2 / -3) (0 Merit earned) (Trust list ( (BPIP (
14. Trade Runner (;u=2312200) (Trust: (;u=2312200)  +0 / =1 / -2) (66 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP ( Runner))
15. H8bussesNbicycles (;u=2472107) (Trust: (;u=2472107)  +0 / =1 / -8) (10 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
16. ito-marketing (;u=2535994) (Trust: (;u=2535994)  +0 / =0 / -2) (0 Merit earned) (Trust list ( (BPIP (
17. gwsukabokepjepang (;u=2536607) (Trust: (;u=2536607)  +0 / =0 / -9) (0 Merit earned) (Trust list ( (BPIP (
18. humanrights (;u=2667835) Banned! (Trust: (;u=2667835)  +0 / =0 / -2) (0 Merit earned) (Trust list ( (BPIP (
19. villain_Mr.Burns (;u=2752168) (Trust: (;u=2752168)  +0 / =1 / -2) (25 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
20. smartcontracts100 (;u=2779504) (Trust: (;u=2779504) #  +0 / =1 / -6) (19 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (

Trust list: backscratchers: users agree, they trust or distrust each other.
Trust list: backstabbers: users disagree, one user trust the other, while the other distrust him.
So, the question is: do you want to add your name to this list? :-\

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on November 06, 2023, 11:17:43 AM
In principle I had seen that in this retaliation Ratimov had not excluded me but I think he did it indirectly, including in his trust list Igebotz, who is currently the only DT1 that distrusts me.

So, the question is: do you want to add your name to this list? :-\

I think that if he excludes you in retaliation he will quite likely trigger more distrusts from DT, so I am sure he will think about it a lot.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on November 06, 2023, 02:33:08 PM
He adds tildes to those who simply removed him from the list and did not give him tildes. It seems that the rage is already boiling without limit. I can also say that I removed him from my list over a year ago, and his response was immediate. Maybe this is normal, but the fact that he puts tildes simply out of a sense of revenge on users shows once again how unrestrained his nature is.
I'll follow LoyceV's example and do the same~

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on November 06, 2023, 02:58:32 PM
Yes, this is Ratimov's style. I tried to explain this in OP with various words:

Now it's going to backfire on him as well. Today LoyceV and lovesmayfamilis distrusted Ratimov. Now I am interested to see if Ratimov distrusts them as well or not. Probably he will remain silent because lovesmayfamilis is from his local board and we know LoyceV's weight. There is no reason to distrust them unless he does it solely for his own purposes.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: holydarkness on November 06, 2023, 03:52:16 PM
Furthermore, he acted precisely the same way the other DT users acted. For example, [...] and holydarkness.


Somehow, I am not surprised it happened, or having a hard feeling about it, I even half "expecting" it'll happen at one point, because it justifies the tilde put upon him. It matched his MO of retaliatory feedback, IMO, if any, I didn't misjudged when I decided to put him on my distrust list.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 06, 2023, 05:58:26 PM
I salute the decision of LV and lovesmayfamilies to ~ Ratimov. Once again, Ratimov is proving that he weaponized Trust system and uses it only as he pleases, for years in a row, without remorse. This is happening since he got into DT1, but he managed to get there by using his skills to hide his plagiarism.

Speaking of which, it seems that he did not delete only the 78 topics found by LV (, but many other posts, in his futile attempt to hide his plagiarism.

For instance, this post:

Quoting for historical reference and take a look at messages at numbers 33, 101, 108, 115.
Here, really original content, maybe 10%, the rest is all a copy-paste of finished materials or partial use of someone else's material.

quoted by me in OP and quoted also years ago by airfinex in the topic where he exposed Ratimov's plagiarism ( -- is now gone.

The post was there before but he deleted it too, thus those not knowing about will never see this statement where he admitted clearly that he plagiarizes 90% of what he wrote. Most likely, he deleted other incriminatory posts as well.

In fact, he deleted all his posts from the topic started by airfinex.

For those not aware, the topic is full of examples of plagiarism made by Ratimov and also of examples given by wooI_Ioow, exposing how Ratimov was breaking rule 27 (Using automated translation tools to post translated content in Local boards is not allowed) by copy-pasting articles and translating them with Google Translate in Russian board ([1] (, [2] (, [3] (, [4] (

I am almost sure he deleted all his posts starting with "In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...] (".

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Rikafip on November 06, 2023, 07:28:39 PM
The post was there before but he deleted it too, thus those not knowing about will never see this statement where he admitted clearly that he plagiarizes 90% of what he wrote. Most likely, he deleted other incriminatory posts as well.
The way I understood that (now deleted) post is that he claims that only 10% of the overall bitcointalk content is original and rest is copy/paste of someone else's material and not him admitting that only 10% of his posts are original, in a way to justify his extensive copypasting as according to him, everyone is doing it.

Unfortunately, many did not realize that they got to the Bitcoin forum, and not to the forum with completely original content. Here, really original content, maybe 10%, the rest is all a copy-paste of finished materials or partial use of someone else's material.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 06, 2023, 07:51:27 PM
The way I understood that (now deleted) post is that he claims that only 10% of the overall bitcointalk content is original and rest is copy/paste of someone else's material and not him admitting that only 10% of his posts are original, in a way to justify his extensive copypasting as according to him, everyone is doing it.

This is subjective way of looking at the post. However, either way of understanding it still incriminates Ratimov of plagiarism:

1. He self admits directly that he copy-pastes / plagiarizes in 90% of his content => self admitted plagiarism.

2. "He claims that only 10% of the overall bitcointalk content is original and rest is copy/paste of someone else's material and not him admitting that only 10% of his posts are original, in a way to justify his extensive copypasting as according to him, everyone is doing it." -- since everyone is doing it, then he does it too, since "everyone" includes him as well => self admitted plagiarism.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: mikeywith on November 06, 2023, 08:06:26 PM
I have been steering clear of everything DT, I am glad I asked Theymos to blacklist me from DT1 so that I don't have to keep track of all the people I include in my trust list, you just never know when one of them will unleash the beast inside of them. :-\.

I did not dig deep into this topic, but looking at LoyceV's comment above made me curious to see Ratimov recent trust changes, he started to adjust his trust list in a tit-for-tat fashion which is a terrible way of using the trust system, the trust system was designed in a way that the collective reflection of all users will consolidate in a single (wide) point of view, using it to strengthen your position or to weaken someone else's position is pretty catastrophic.

Palagrimis aside since that is a different topic and should be handled by the mods, if Ratimov did not start this relation trust list altering, and instead, he deleted/modified the unjust feedback he left on all those profiles -- his chance of staying in DT would have been a lot higher, but as it stands right now, the way I see it is that Ratimov doesn't use his trust list to vote for those whom he thinks their feedback should be visible but rather a tool to maintain his "power".

I excluded him from my trust list, I am not DT1 anymore but I hope my opinion on this matter will help others who trust my judgment in making their own decision to exclude him.

With that said, I hope that the other DT members don't see this as a chance to "end Ratimov forum career", I also hope he doesn't take this too personally, I don't think you are a bad person, in fact, I think your contribution to the forum is a net positive, I just don't think you are fit for DT.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Plaguedeath on November 07, 2023, 03:55:04 AM
Anyway, unless something else happens I see it unlikely that he will fall out of the DT1 lottery, as I think most of those who still trust him will continue to do so if everything stays the same.
Currently his DT strength is 1 (, which I think sooner or later he will fall out.

With that said, I hope that the other DT members don't see this as a chance to "end Ratimov forum career", I also hope he doesn't take this too personally, I don't think you are a bad person, in fact, I think your contribution to the forum is a net positive, I just don't think you are fit for DT.
And to be fair he could get back to become DT member as long as he hear what people opinions against him and take it as professional.

I also exclude Ratimov from my trust list even though I don't have any power.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on November 07, 2023, 04:09:44 AM
So, for example, he moved The Sceptical Chymist directly from trust to distrust on his list.
That's retaliation possibly.
The problem is that most of the users use the custom trust list to get themselves into DT and get more strength in terms of inclusion while the custom trust list should be used for personal benefits like- utilizing when we trade here, when it comes to trust someone with fund.
Um, yeah it's retaliation.  That's obvious by the timing and the fact that I've done nothing else to Ratimov aside from ~'ing him from my trust list and have had no contact with him, probably ever.  

That's OK, though.  I think the trust system has become a total joke anyway, which is why I opted out of the game completely for the past I-don't-know-how-many months.  The only reason I created a new trust list was to participate in this situation we're discussing here.  And Little Mouse, I did not create a custom trust list in order to get onto DT; I just want that known.  As I've said, being on that list used to mean something and the members on it were expected to use the "power" it gave them very, very responsibly.  These days it's a complete free for all.

It's like don't dare to talk against me, else you will be fucked by me.
He's not fucking me.  He doesn't realize it yet, perhaps, but he's eventually going to dig his own grave when the majority of the community goes against him, which it looks like is going to be what happens.  

I don't think his deletion of threads/posts should count against him, though.  If you open up a self-moderated thread, you've got the right to do what you will with anything therein.  Sure, it'll lower the post count of members who'd posted in the thread but that's the risk you take, and it's clearly stated at the top of the page when a thread is self-moderated.

With that said, I hope that the other DT members don't see this as a chance to "end Ratimov forum career", I also hope he doesn't take this too personally, I don't think you are a bad person, in fact, I think your contribution to the forum is a net positive, I just don't think you are fit for DT.
Yeah, I never had anything against him either (though I knew about the plagiarism accusations, I never did a deep dive into their validity and assumed the mods would do their job if he was truly guilty).  I still don't aside from the fact that he appears to be acting in an extremely emotional way and also seems to be sort of power-hungry. 

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Little Mouse on November 07, 2023, 04:23:23 AM
And Little Mouse, I did not create a custom trust list in order to get onto DT; I just want that known.
That's known. We know The Sceptical Chymist. But majority is doing this for getting into DT despite using the system for the purpose it has been created.
I have got one exclusion from an user who is in my trust list. I don't bother about that either because for me, his feedbacks are useful. I want to see the feedbacks he sent by default. That's what matters to me. That's why I'm not going to exclude him unless he turns into someone like Ratimov. That's how I use the system. Well, if everyone used the system for the same purpose, I believe we wouldn't have heard someone saying it's a joke. By the way, as pointed out above, if someone like you who understand the purpose of the system and understand how it works, opts out them from the system, the system will look more of jokes. That's why it's important to use the system for people like you and others who understand pretty much.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 07, 2023, 04:58:26 AM
@Ratimov: feel free to retaliate, that seems to be your thing. Just know that the users who excluded me are not exactly the most upstanding citizens of Bitcointalk. You'll be in terrible company:
It's true and this part made me laugh when I was reading it. But it sounds like you are threatening him not to do that.

I think that if he excludes you in retaliation he will quite likely trigger more distrusts from DT,
Those who have not removed him from their trust list, not even felt to write a few words in this topic, just ignoring everything about this topic and the other topics created in the last few weeks, I think someone should investigate the feedback they left, the people they trust and distrust, the merits they sends and receives. I doubt we will not find unnecessary positive feedback with no trade reference, trust list with backscratching and merit fans to each others.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on November 07, 2023, 05:35:27 AM
Anyway, unless something else happens I see it unlikely that he will fall out of the DT1 lottery, as I think most of those who still trust him will continue to do so if everything stays the same.
Currently his DT strength is 1 (, which I think sooner or later he will fall out.

I wrote that I thought things were not going to change much just before LoyceV made his move, and the moment he did I changed my mind. Now I think it is quite likely.

How do you see the DT strenght in his profile on Looking at the latest update of his trust list on and the latest DT1 changes on I see the latest changes in this regard have been JG and Stalker22 who have removed him from their trust list.

Those who have not removed him from their trust list, not even felt to write a few words in this topic, just ignoring everything about this topic and the other topics created in the last few weeks, I think someone should investigate the feedback they left, the people they trust and distrust, the merits they sends and receives. I doubt we will not find unnecessary positive feedback with no trade reference, trust list with backscratching and merit fans to each others.

I don't see much sense in this, as I explained in a previous post ( There will be people who will continue to trust Ratimov in the same way that there were people who continued to trust Royse777 when things got ugly, and it will not be rare that among them there will be merits sent back and forth, trust list inclusions or positive feedback without having broken the rules.

Although if someone wants to investigate it, go ahead, and if they get results, present them to the community.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Plaguedeath on November 07, 2023, 05:45:18 AM
How do you see the DT strenght in his profile on
Hovering your cursor (if you're use PC) or tap it (if you're use cell phone) on the "DT1".

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: nutildah on November 07, 2023, 05:56:02 AM
@Ratimov: feel free to retaliate, that seems to be your thing. Just know that the users who excluded me are not exactly the most upstanding citizens of Bitcointalk. You'll be in terrible company:

tHAts BEcaUsE yOu'RE tHe LeADeR oF ThE dT mAFiA!!!

Where is c-unter when we need him to explain how the DT Mafia punishes those that dare to go against their agenda?

If its necessary to explain, I'm joking.

I'm just wondering if there's some kind of correlation between an uptick in the price of BTC and an uptick in forum drama. Quite possibly.

1. He self admits directly that he copy-pastes / plagiarizes in 90% of his content => self admitted plagiarism.

As far as I'm concerned, this was a million years ago and its been discussed, analyzed and dissected to death; there's no real reason to keep rehashing it, unless he's still doing it.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 07, 2023, 05:57:01 AM
@Ratimov: feel free to retaliate, that seems to be your thing. Just know that the users who excluded me are not exactly the most upstanding citizens of Bitcointalk. You'll be in terrible company:
It's true and this part made me laugh when I was reading it. But it sounds like you are threatening him not to do that.
LOL. I got the same vibe but I don't think LoyceV threatening him.

Those who have not removed him from their trust list, not even felt to write a few words in this topic, just ignoring everything about this topic and the other topics created in the last few weeks, I think someone should investigate the feedback they left, the people they trust and distrust, the merits they sends and receives. I doubt we will not find unnecessary positive feedback with no trade reference, trust list with backscratching and merit fans to each others.

Do you eliminate the possibility that the majority of them do not use any kind of Notification bots and ignore the reputation board? I have seen the stats from TryNinja that only 500 users use his Telegram bot and I don't know about LoyceV's notification website users yet. But I highly doubt all of them are aware of this thread. Even if they know about it, I doubt they have read the OP and the discussion happened in the last couple of days. Someone need a couple of cups of coffee to finish reading the whole thing to understand what happened.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 07, 2023, 06:24:08 AM
Those who have not removed him from their trust list, not even felt to write a few words in this topic, just ignoring everything about this topic and the other topics created in the last few weeks, I think someone should investigate the feedback they left, the people they trust and distrust, the merits they sends and receives. I doubt we will not find unnecessary positive feedback with no trade reference, trust list with backscratching and merit fans to each others.

I don't see much sense in this, as I explained in a previous post ( There will be people who will continue to trust Ratimov in the same way that there were people who continued to trust Royse777 when things got ugly, and it will not be rare that among them there will be merits sent back and forth, trust list inclusions or positive feedback without having broken the rules.
I don't think Royce's case was too shady like Ratimov, it was not complected at all. He is playing with the whole system while Royce had a failed project, then he paid for his mistakes with all unpaid payments. He shared the entire incident with some selected members he trusted with information, my best guess is he did not want some personal conversations to be public. But some users did not like that and felt insulted that why he didn't share the same with them. Especially JollyGood felt he should have received all attention.

On the other hand so far we have learned about Ratimov is he is cunning like a fox, using the hole of the system and took all the unethical advantages which are not appreciated by many members so far. It's sad that many were not aware of all of it before the OP brought everything together, but personally I was very concerned about it. If you noticed then I think I was the person who spoke many things against Ratmov from long ago, and I do the same for JollyGood too. Ratimov now got caught in public and I believe some day JollyGood will have the same fate. You are still using 1st generation intel [brain] while I have the fasted processor inside LOL

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 07, 2023, 08:44:26 AM
I finally added ~Ratimov to my list and It seems that he is no longer DT1.

Maybe I should have done it earlier, but I'm not a supporter of crucifying and expelling someone from the forum. I expected a different epilogue.
Although he has pretty much excluded himself from discussions on the rest of the forum, as far as I can see, he is mostly on the local board. I hope that in the end, all this will not demotivate him to continue his life on the forum.

@Ratimov: feel free to retaliate, that seems to be your thing. Just know that the users who excluded me are not exactly the most upstanding citizens of Bitcointalk. You'll be in terrible company:

Now there are a few more exclusions. We will see the reaction after you publish an update on the complete overview of users on DT1 and DT2 and their ratings on Saturday.

How do you see the DT strenght in his profile on
Hovering your cursor (if you're use PC) or tap it (if you're use cell phone) on the "DT1".

It is easier to open the page at
DT1 strength:
DT2 strength:

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: holydarkness on November 07, 2023, 08:48:04 AM
Currently his DT strength is 1 (, which I think sooner or later he will fall out.


It happened, just a few minutes ago.

I think he "played his card wrong", majority of the DTs were ready to refrain from taking action, understand [probably hoping] that he'll learn from his past mistakes. His recent retaliatory backfired.

Edit: sorry, late for a few minutes and already announced above. I was making this post from the tiny screen of my phone while having my morning coffee.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 07, 2023, 09:12:51 AM
I finally added ~Ratimov to my list and It seems that he is no longer DT1.

Thank you for involving as well, examplens!
I also take this opportunity to thank to fillippone as well, since he also involved in all this.

I think he "played his card wrong", majority of the DTs were ready to refrain from taking action, understand [probably hoping] that he'll learn from his past mistakes. His recent retaliatory backfired.

I believe that majority of DT users were intimidated by the possibility they'll be excluded by him as well, in revenge; or, even worst -- that they'll receive another monster negative feedback from him, full (as usual) of baseless accusation and insults. After so many years, many (if not all) DT users know what Ratimov does when anyone dares to confront him: abusive Trust exclusion + fake negative feedback (all these combined also with the possibility of receiving also some spoiling ( from Ratimov). His thug-like approach determined many to not intervene, yet some did it (and were excluded by him, accordingly) and I congratulate them. And those which intervened helped others find their courage / motivation to intervene as well and do something to correct this shocking situation where one individual scares so many others by abusing his DT powers the way he pleases.

He was probably certain that he scared enough people for not having to worry that so many will come to distrust him.

Do you eliminate the possibility that the majority of them do not use any kind of Notification bots and ignore the reputation board?

I believe that this possibility is very unlikely. This topics gathered already 3222 views and it had almost 200 before having any post. LV's thread ( exposing Ratimov's pathetic attempts to colver his plagiarism by deleting his old threads has 1200+ views. Most likely, a big part of DT users noticed these threads but are still intimidated by this individual.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 07, 2023, 10:14:35 AM
I believe that this possibility is very unlikely. This topics gathered already 3222 views and it had almost 200 before having any post. LV's thread ( exposing Ratimov's pathetic attempts to colver his plagiarism by deleting his old threads has 1200+ views. Most likely, a big part of DT users noticed these threads but are still intimidated by this individual.
jokers10 did not find anything wrong with Ratimov, he is convinced that everything is good with him. zasad@ seems cool too. At least these two were involved in the discussions. I will need to check their feedback leaving history and their DT list to check the ratio of backscratching before I make a decision of including or excluding them in or from my trust list. If it looks like that they have same opinion with controversial cases like this then there will be no doubt they are supporting members who supports them in return.

I don't think I have anything new to say about JollyGood who thinks Ratimov is someone who is 1000 times better than me and have contributed in the forum 1000 times better than me. According to JollyGood it seems he is one of the top respected forum member and rest of us are just garbage of the forum. (

The current DT status of him not in DT1 anymore is temporary, in the next shuffle there is a good chance for him to comeback unless some of the key members who have good DT strength will not exclude him or distrust him. Such members are: wwzsocki, Gianluca95, thandie, tmfp, klarki, nimogsm, my luck, Wapfika, FutureBitcoin, dimonstration, giammangiato, imhoneer, KTChampions, Smartprofit, Coin-1, Julien_Olynpic, Bitcoin_Arena, tvplus006 , witcher_sense, sky999, bubbalex, taikuri13, madnessteat, FontSeli, YOSHIE, Stalker22, ajanwalker, Charles-Tim, execijutiere, _BlackStar, Shamm, KingsDen, Synchronice, SatoPrincess, Silence Scream, Jossque.

I will be shuffling my trust list in the coming few weeks and there will be a major changes in it. I do think anyone who does not see anything wrong and so much blind about everything even after they are unfolded so nicely, do not deserve to be in DT and support the mess created by Ratimov. Also I will need to observe how many of these member starts to distrust me knowing that they might be distrusted by one vote sooner or later.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Synchronice on November 07, 2023, 10:37:44 AM
I want to ask the users who still trust Ratimov's judgement to have a good look at Ratimov's Trust list ( (do you still agree with his inclusions and exclusions?) and Ratimov's sent feedback (;u=2627711;page=sent;offset=0) (is this objective and aimed at making the forum a better place?). Those users currently trust Ratimov's judgement:
Seems, I am into the game where I don't know the rules well. I added him into my trust list because he helped me two or three times to rank up and not only me, he helped other users too without asking. Then, I noticed that he is trusted by many and he also has some good threads, like this1 ( and also this2 (

It's not like I trust him with everything but I think (or thought, I need time to figure out everything) he is a better member than others, that's probably how my trust list works. Seems, I don't know the rules well.

By the way, I will be glad if someone enlightens me about the importance of trust system on this forum. I don't understand how can someone abuse it and play with it like it's a real power. Does anyone really care about the left feedback without reading proofs? If there is a negative feedback left on me without proofs, does it matter if it's left by LoyceV (don't get it wrong) or by any random newbie?

Give me some time, probably days or 1-2 weeks, I can't just sit and focus entirely on it. I'll read more about trust system on this forum and I'll also check Ratimov's story and activity in details, then I'll make a decision. I'll also check every user that I have added in my trust list.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 07, 2023, 10:54:29 AM
Seems, I am into the game where I don't know the rules well. I added him into my trust list because he helped me two or three times to rank up and not only me, he helped other users too without asking. Then, I noticed that he is trusted by many and he also has some good threads, like this1 ( and also this2 (
When someone is creating good posts you appreciate them with merit, when someone helps you to rank up, you can make a post to appreciate them in public. But none of these have anything to do with adding or excluding anyone from Trust list unless it is a concept about how they see the system. Fact is Ratimov was using your ignorance and all those helps were just to take the advantage of your unknown territory. Many like you are victim of it and giving him the power to abuse the system without knowing the result or your inclusion.

If you are not sure about how the Default trust system works then it better not to add/remove anymore from your trust list. Keep it empty. Study the general concept of trust list, ask questions about it in a separate topic to clear your understanding. I am glad finally you evolved in the discussion and I hope you will learn many things about trust system from the discussion.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: mindrust on November 07, 2023, 10:54:38 AM
Interesting that ratimov did everything to get to where he is today (or should I said yesterday), made his account a dt1 member, gained lots of trust and even though he cheated, he could have gotten through this without taking that much damage. All he had to do was apologize. He could have said “Yes I was a cheater before but I have seen the light and from now on I am going to church every week.” and many people wouldn’t have distrusted him. It is because people are stup… no no that’s not the word i was looking for… it is because people are forgiving. But no, he had to fight the Corleone family. Train vs human. Train wins again. Rip all them dt1 efforts

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 07, 2023, 10:57:36 AM
I added him into my trust list because he helped me two or three times to rank up and not only me, he helped other users too without asking. Then, I noticed that he is trusted by many and he also has some good threads, like this1 ( and also this2 (

If this is how people use Trust system, this is bad. Very bad. And it only proves my statement from OP:

Together with plagiarism / copy-paste / bragging himself, Ratimov also became a merit source. As a merit source he managed to organize an army of minions supporting him in many ways, because he was meriting them.

If there was any doubt about that now here's proof in plain sight: a Hero user (Hero!!!), having no idea how Trust should be used, although he is on the forum for more than 2 years already, which admits that he added Ratimov on his Trust list because of merit showers and for reading 2 topics.

Makes sense, right?

I hope that, at least, DT users don't add people on their Trust lists because they helpd them to rank up or for reading 1-2 topics.

By the way, I will be glad if someone enlightens me about the importance of trust system on this forum.

You can find here LoyceV's Beginners guide to correct use of the Trust system (

I don't understand how can someone abuse it and play with it like it's a real power.

Then read OP thoroughly. You'll understand.

jokers10 did not find anything wrong with Ratimov, he is convinced that everything is good with him.

jokers10 will not find anything wrong with Ratimov even if he would be banned. Even in such case, for jokers10 Ratimov would be just a victim of the system.

zasad@ seems cool too.

Of course zasad@ is cool, after he received 964 merits from Ratimov ( How could not be cool after 964 merits? /s

I don't think I have anything new to say about JollyGood who thinks Ratimov is someone who is 1000 times better than me and have contributed in the forum 1000 times better than me. According to JollyGood it seems he is one of the top respected forum member and rest of us are just garbage of the forum. (

Please be aware that JG just stopped trusting Ratimov.

in the next shuffle there is a good chance for him to comeback unless some of the key members who have good DT strength will not exclude him or distrust him. Such members are: wwzsocki, Gianluca95, thandie, tmfp, klarki, nimogsm, my luck, Wapfika, FutureBitcoin, dimonstration, giammangiato, imhoneer, KTChampions, Smartprofit, Coin-1, Julien_Olynpic, Bitcoin_Arena, tvplus006 , witcher_sense, sky999, bubbalex, taikuri13, madnessteat, FontSeli, YOSHIE, Stalker22, ajanwalker, Charles-Tim, execijutiere, _BlackStar, Shamm, KingsDen, Synchronice, SatoPrincess, Silence Scream, Jossque.

Stalker22 also stopped trusting Ratimov. He did not distrust him, similar to almost all other users which trusted him then deleted him from their Trust lists but, at least, he stopped trusting him. 1miau is the only one which trusted Ratimov then distrusted him.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Plaguedeath on November 07, 2023, 10:57:50 AM
It's not like I trust him with everything but I think (or thought, I need time to figure out everything) he is a better member than others, that's probably how my trust list works. Seems, I don't know the rules well.
Of course helping someone to rank up is a good deeds as long as the user is deserved, you can call Ratimov is a good guy, but it has no correlation with feedback he left and his trust list, this two parts are used to judge whenever someone should be included or excluded from your trust list.

By the way, I will be glad if someone enlightens me about the importance of trust system on this forum.
Read LoyceV's Beginners guide to correct use of the Trust system  (

I don't understand how can someone abuse it and play with it like it's a real power. Does anyone really care about the left feedback without reading proofs? If there is a negative feedback left on me without proofs, does it matter if it's left by LoyceV (don't get it wrong) or by any random newbie?
It's because you not learn about that, this case is nothing new since many people use feedback and trust list for retaliation purpose.

Feedback isn't always need to have a reference check here (

It is easier to open the page at
DT1 strength:
DT2 strength:
Didn't know something like this, thanks.

Ratimov removed all of his feedbacks (;u=2627711), my speculation is he start to ignore the global board and only participate in his local board[/url].

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 07, 2023, 11:09:36 AM
@Ratimov: feel free to retaliate, that seems to be your thing. Just know that the users who excluded me are not exactly the most upstanding citizens of Bitcointalk. You'll be in terrible company:
It's true and this part made me laugh when I was reading it. But it sounds like you are threatening him not to do that.
For the record: it wasn't meant to be a threat. More like a warning of how it makes him look.

This still applies (both for GazetaBitcoin as well as for Ratimov):
My take: both of you should remove the negative feedback. If I would loan either one of you $100, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't scam me. That's what the Trust system is for, and that means negative feedback is unwarranted.
You guys don't like each other: that's okay! Agree to disagree. Ignore each other. Or get a beer together. Find common ground instead of drama.
@GazetaBitcoin: go for neutral! Ratimov is off DT1, isn't it time to de-escalate further?

we know LoyceV's weight.

Maybe I should have done it earlier, but I'm not a supporter of crucifying and expelling someone from the forum. I expected a different epilogue.
I feel the same. I like to be sure enough so I don't have to change feedback or Trust list entries any time soon again.

I think he "played his card wrong", majority of the DTs were ready to refrain from taking action, understand [probably hoping] that he'll learn from his past mistakes. His recent retaliatory backfired.
When it comes to Trust inclusions, I've accepted that I can't and don't have to agree with everything. But if the number of actions I don't agree with keeps increasing, eventually the scale tips to the other side. I think it's a good thing more DT-members are like that. There's no need to rush decisions based on incidents.

I believe that majority of DT users were intimidated by the possibility they'll be excluded by him as well
There are others reasons not to rush to exclude anyone.

Seems, I am into the game where I don't know the rules well. I added him into my trust list because he helped me two or three times to rank up
That sounds a lot like buying your vote. Luckily, since nobody trusts your judgement (, it doesn't matter much. You should probably read my Beginners guide to correct use of the Trust system ( (I know I'm the third person mentioning that now) though, so you include users for the right reasons.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 07, 2023, 11:19:29 AM
jokers10 did not find anything wrong with Ratimov, he is convinced that everything is good with him.
jokers10 will not find anything wrong with Ratimov even if he would be banned. Even in such case, for jokers10 Ratimov would be just a victim of the system.

Oh, wait! What is this? Sacré bleu! Could it be?

By what miracle? But how? I am shocked!

BitcoinGirl.Club, aren't you shocked too? jokers10 just stopped trusting Ratimov! Of course,he did not distrust him, as his spirit of defending his master is still alive inside him but still, he stopped trusting him! At least for the appearance in front of others, of course.

In this case, I still hope both of you will see you're doing it wrong. That includes your latest negative feedback: I think that one should also be neutral.
Due to my high respect to you, I will think about that.


Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Synchronice on November 07, 2023, 11:19:42 AM
Together with plagiarism / copy-paste / bragging himself, Ratimov also became a merit source. As a merit source he managed to organize an army of minions supporting him in many ways, because he was meriting them.

If there was any doubt about that now here's proof in plain sight: a Hero user (Hero!!!), having no idea how Trust should be used, although he is on the forum for more than 2 years already, which admits that he added Ratimov on his Trust list because of merit showers and for reading 2 topics.

Makes sense, right?

I hope that, at least, DT users don't add people on their Trust lists because they helpd them to rank up or for reading 1-2 topics.
First of all, you are very wrong about me, chill.
I am not his minion and and his support has nothing to do with helping me to rank up, I have never asked for anyone to merit me, never ever. My point was that this user helps high quality posters to rank up (exclude me if you want) and when I saw his list of users whom he helped, I understood that he reads their posts and doesn't randomly choose them, I think this is not his negative side. Then I see that this user also creates some good topics, like the ones I included above and his merits probably prove that he is not a low quality poster.

Also, there are the following guys in my trust list: davef, oeleo, notatether. Did they buy me? C'mon. I like them, like what they do, appreciate them and that's why I added them.

Yes, I am a hero member but I have never put much importance on trust system. When I have a technical question, trust doesn't matter for me. When I want to answer someone whether Ledger is a good choice or not, trust doesn't matter for me. I don't trade with anyone on this forum, at least yet.

Also, I apologized if I used it wrongly and said I'll be more careful.

That sounds a lot like buying your vote.
C'mon, read my response above this quote. I just thought he was a good guy like DaveF and others that are in my list. No one has ever bought me and I have never asked for anything on this forum. I think I don't deserve this title.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 07, 2023, 11:21:21 AM
jokers10 did not find anything wrong with Ratimov, he is convinced that everything is good with him. zasad@ seems cool too.

I suggest that they give you the passwords of their accounts so that you can edit their trust lists the way you think is right.
Do not pressure or impose your opinion on anyone. Maybe someone doesn't want to give in to your pressure because they don't have enough trust in your judgement. Everyone should make their own decision based on personal assessment.

The current DT status of him not in DT1 anymore is temporary, in the next shuffle there is a good chance for him to comeback unless some of the key members who have good DT strength will not exclude him or distrust him.

I think that it will be very difficult to happen. He started this week with 6 DT strengths, having 12 DT1 inclusions and 5 exclusions. He is now out of DT selection, which means that he has gotten at least 7 new ~ from DT1. A good part of those members will be selected again in DT1, and some new ones from their distrusted by list will be added.
At the same time, he lost the ability to choose DT2, so users for whom he is a crucial vote also lose DT1 potential. For example, check wwzsocki. His only DT1 inclusion is from Ratimov, who is no longer that, which will almost certainly exclude him in the next reshuffle.

By the way, I will be glad if someone enlightens me about the importance of trust system on this forum.

You can find here LoyceV's Beginners guide to correct use of the Trust system (

Also one of the reasons why I hesitated for a long time and finally made the decision I did. It's okay if you don't know or don't understand something but Ratimov has repeatedly emphasized in his threads that he is an experienced forum member. It's simple, if you are experienced here, don't make beginner mistakes ignore them even later. I expected better from him regarding this drama.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: jokers10 on November 07, 2023, 11:24:15 AM
jokers10 will not find anything wrong with Ratimov even if he would be banned. Even in such case, for jokers10 Ratimov would be just a victim of the system.
Oh, wait! What is this? Sacré bleu! Could it be?

By what miracle? But how? I am shocked!

BitcoinGirl.Club, aren't you shocked too? jokers10 just stopped trusting Ratimov! Of course,he did not distrust him, as his spirit of defending his master is still alive inside him but still, he stopped trusting him! At least for the appearance in front of others, of course.

Stop inviting me to this topic! It is impolite.

Most things you did in this topic say more about you than about Ratimov. The way you interpret other people's actions among them.

You are again wrong in your interpretation. I've just excluded Ratimov from my trust list, but not basing on your words or the words of BitcoinGirl.Club (BitcoinGirl.Club, you are welcome to make a research, all data is public, right for that everyone can make his own research) who both have personal conflicts with Ratimov, but basing on what Ratimov does himself. Deleting all feedback leaves no sense in it.

You're still not convincing in this case.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 07, 2023, 11:29:56 AM
This is getting more and more ridiculous.

First of all, you are very wrong about me, chill.

I am wrong? With what?

I am not his minion and and his support has nothing to do with helping me to rank up

Lol, no? I thought this is precisely what you wrote above:

I added him into my trust list because he helped me two or three times to rank up

Now it's not that anymore?

Then I see that this user also creates some good topics, like the ones I included above and his merits probably prove that he is not a low quality poster.

Lol! Have you ever read OP? Have you seen that this individual earned a few thousands of merits by plagiarizing the work of other authors?

Also, there are the following guys in my trust list: davef, oeleo, notatether. Did they buy me? C'mon. I like them, like what they do, appreciate them and that's why I added them.

You like them? LMAO! You added them because you like them? Where do you think you are? In high school? Trying to get around you cool boys and girls?

That sounds a lot like buying your vote.
C'mon, read my response above this quote. I just thought he was a good guy like DaveF and others

You added someone to your Trust list because he is a good guy??

Stop inviting me to this topic! It is impolite.

Who invited you? Oo

I've just excluded Ratimov from my trust list, but not basing on your words or the words of BitcoinGirl.Club [...], but basing on what Ratimov does himself. Deleting all feedback leaves no sense in it.

Now I'm confused... A few days ago Ratimov was a god among men ( at least, in your view. How could this happen? The god fell from the sky?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Synchronice on November 07, 2023, 11:50:13 AM
I am not his minion and and his support has nothing to do with helping me to rank up

Lol, no? I thought this is precisely what you wrote above:
That quote didn't end there:
he helped other users too without asking. Then, I noticed that he is trusted by many and he also has some good threads, like this1 ( and also this2 (

Lol! Have you ever read OP? Have you seen that this individual earned a few thousands of merits by plagiarizing the work of other authors?
Yes, I read that. Plagiarism is not a good thing to do, we should appreciate the time and energy that others put in their own work. I have to admit that I didn't know about that because his profile was full of positive feedbacks and tons of merits. I thought high number of merits was an indicator of high post quality and not plagiarism.

You like them? LMAO! You added them because you like them? Where do you think you are? In high school? Trying to get around you cool boys and girls?
Yes, I learn a lot from these guys and they help others with bitcoin related problems. How can I not them?
By the way, I have never tried to get around so called cool boys and girls in high school. I was cool enough to attract others and be on top.

That sounds a lot like buying your vote.
C'mon, read my response above this quote. I just thought he was a good guy like DaveF and others

You added someone to your Trust list because he is a good guy??
It is what it is and I said I'll read more about trust system to understand its importance here. I didn't know if it was deciding someone's life.
By the way, I suggest you to read your posts and then ask yourself, if theymos or satoshi were posting instead of you, would they post like you? I think you should be more chill, act like an adult. I have only read some part of your post, I'll probably read whole story later but I don't think I would spend hours to post about someone and please don't put me into this game. I said I'll read more about trust system and renew my trust list or will delete everyone, period.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 07, 2023, 11:52:45 AM
Cool! So in one day, there are 2 less users (who-aren't-scammers) with negative feedback from DT.

C'mon, read my response above this quote. I just thought he was a good guy like DaveF and others that are in my list. No one has ever bought me and I have never asked for anything on this forum. I think I don't deserve this title.
I read it, and I quoted you selectively to make a point. Being a good guy doesn't necessarily mean their judgement on others is good too.

At the same time, he lost the ability to choose DT2, so users for whom he is a crucial vote also lose DT1 potential. For example, check wwzsocki. His only DT1 inclusion is from Ratimov, who is no longer that, which will almost certainly exclude him in the next reshuffle.
Correction: wwzsocki has enough inclusions ( to be eligible for theymos' DT1 random selection. That means he's likely to be on DT1 again, but if he's not, he's less likely to still be on DT2. That's not a big deal, he'll be back on later.

Reading the title again: Case closed. I'll click unwatch (http://) now.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 07, 2023, 12:05:38 PM
I've just excluded Ratimov from my trust list, but not basing on your words or the words of BitcoinGirl.Club [...], but basing on what Ratimov does himself. Deleting all feedback leaves no sense in it.

Now I'm confused... A few days ago Ratimov was a god among men ( at least, in your view. How could this happen? The god fell from the sky?

He said the reason, he did it was because Ratimov deleted all his previous feedback. Only the flags he created are left.
Another very bad reaction to all this happening. I don't want to explain this further, probably everything has already been said in this thread.

Reading the title again: Case closed. I'll click unwatch (http://) now.

Probably the most correct decision

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 07, 2023, 12:32:16 PM
He said the reason, he did it was because Ratimov deleted all his previous feedback. Only the flags he created are left.
I only saw this now. Ratimov indeed wiped his sent feedback (;u=2627711), and withdrew his Flags. I only checked a few of the Flags created by other users, but it looks like ( Ratimov deleted his vote on (all of?) those too.
Ratimov seems to have a flair for the dramatic.

Wild guess: did he wipe his Trust list too? That leaves no reason to include him.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on November 07, 2023, 12:52:40 PM

Ignore all the comments and read from here.
There is no point in arguing since you didn't know how to use the system properly. So arguing with them will make you look bad only.
You need to know one thing to understand whom to add and whom to exclude.

- If you see someone's judgment is good, they have a good trust list, and they leave accurate feedback. = Add them to your trust list.
- If you see someone create good content = Merit their content.
- If you had done any deal with anyone where you had risk to lose, but the deal went smoothly and you also think he is unlikely to scam = Leave a positive feedback.
- If you see someone scammed others or scammed you, or see the attempt of scams = Leave a negative feedback.

You're welcome  ;)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: holydarkness on November 07, 2023, 02:53:01 PM
He said the reason, he did it was because Ratimov deleted all his previous feedback. Only the flags he created are left.
I only saw this now. Ratimov indeed wiped his sent feedback (;u=2627711), and withdrew his Flags. I only checked a few of the Flags created by other users, but it looks like ( Ratimov deleted his vote on (all of?) those too.
Ratimov seems to have a flair for the dramatic.

Wild guess: did he wipe his Trust list too? That leaves no reason to include him.

Oh? I noticed that he wiped out all of his feedback because I visited his trust page after he's off DT and it looked like this,

but it didn't come to my awareness that he also retracted all of his flags, mainly because the list still shows "created flag" and I didn't dig further. It seems... excessive. I am not sure if it's a good idea or a step forward toward betterment.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 07, 2023, 04:51:23 PM
I am not sure if it's a good idea or a step forward toward betterment.

There is no betterment for Ratimov. Everything he does is only to fool people somehow (managing to fool even mods!!!), to trick them or to act in frenzy until all eyes are on him then he start to covers his misery. At this point he does not even care about that anymore, so he shows everyday that he does not care about anything, about any forum rule, about any common sense, about any guideline for using his (ex-) DT powers and so on.

You saw what he did inside AOBT thread, right?
You saw also what he did in the past, right?
You saw how he never answered your question (, right?
You saw how he never answere my questions (, right?
You saw how he stopped using that introduction after he was exposed for plagiarism, right?
You saw how he deleted all those topics and posts which possibly contained evidence for plagiarism, right? -- Including the post where he self admitted that only 10% of his content is original (, LOL!
You saw how he distrusted all those users, in revenge, right?
You saw how he hid all this time, just like TimeLord did in similar situation, right?
You saw that he deleted all his feedbacks precisely after he was excluded fr4om DT1, right?

And you still think about the possibility of... betterment? Really? With all due respect holydarkness, that's naivete!

It seems... excessive.

Everything this individual did was excessive. Since he joined this forum. He only acted in a manner to show everybody what a best-at-everything he is. Now he showed them all. Now everybody can see Ratimov's finest.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: NeuroticFish on November 07, 2023, 05:56:44 PM
Who invited you? Oo

Well, posts like this one ( sound the bells on the smart bands set up for this forum. Some take it as invite. Some others don't see why. It's funny.

I only saw this now. Ratimov indeed wiped his sent feedback (;u=2627711), and withdrew his Flags.

I tend to believe that he wants to show us that the world will stop spinning around without his contribution, plus this has the potential of hiding the traces of the real motifs behind some of the other deletions.

However, quite sad how this story goes on. Not unfair imho, still, sad..

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: shahzadafzal on November 07, 2023, 06:02:34 PM
My 100 days on Bitcointalk (
First Newbie of 2019 who received 1000 merits !!! (
Reaching 2000 Merits + Merit Giveaway (
Ratimov - 2 Years on Bitcointalk + Giveaway !!! (
1000-Day Legendary (
7k Merit Club. When is Legendary ? (

I thought you can't delete topics??? ... unless you know the trick :D

Could someone please create a topic in the Beginners & Help section for us on the "Step by Step process of deleting a Topic?"

Well, I have been following this since BitcoinGirl.Club started an Unusual forum moderation ( topic. I think it's been a long time since Lauda left, and we haven't seen any such entertainment full discussions.

I would love to hear the other side too, but I guess we won't be hearing anything soon. One thing I would say after 10 pages here and a few more on another topic, but not a single word from the gentleman. Wow, bravo!!! 👏

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: mindrust on November 07, 2023, 06:14:57 PM
Yep. It has been boring af since lauda left the forum. She never gave a flying fuck. She was firing off red trust ratings left and right. Like every amazing thing, it came to an end. This last conflict was alright but not as fun as the older ones. First of all, ratimov isn’t even fighting back directly. Smart but Where is the fun in that? Come here and throw some curse words mate

Tman too. And techshare… old friends leaving the table one by one

Where teh fuck is marlboroman?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 07, 2023, 07:06:10 PM
Well, posts like this one ( sound the bells on the smart bands set up for this forum. Some take it as invite. Some others don't see why. It's funny.

I already told him that nobody invited him here. Twice.

I thought you can't delete topics??? ... unless you know the trick :D

Could someone please create a topic in the Beginners & Help section for us on the "Step by Step process of deleting a Topic?"

Yes, the trick is the following: delete all your posts from your topic; delete the OP content as well; move your garbage to Russian local board, where Russian mods act as garbage men ( At least they act like Ratimov's personal garbage men. Dunno if someone else can have this honor.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: madnessteat on November 07, 2023, 07:45:53 PM
This topic really needs to continue hence this bump.

I would like to hear opinion from the following members. mprep, wwzsocki, LFC_Bitcoin, klarki, The Sceptical Chymist, DarkStar_, Hhampuz, imhoneer, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Xal0lex, Best_Change, andy_pelevin , KTChampions, Coin-1, Bitcoin_Arena, tranthidung, tvplus006, dkbit98, witcher_sense, DdmrDdmr, madnessteat, 1miau, FontSeli, YOSHIE, jokers10, zasad@, bullrun2020bro, light_warrior.

These are the people who Ratimov trust in his trust list. I will yet to see which of these already had their opinion in this topic [will mark it later] but most of these members either are not aware of this topic or ignoring the topic because one of their vote may reduce if they give an opinion and if goes against Ratimov. I really hope that's not the case. If it is not, then I would like your opinion [Please read the first topic carefully and make a response. Let's hope Ratimov was not using you all too as he was using the local moderators to achieve his evil goal].

My telegram notifications stopped working, so I only learned about this discussion today, probably like many other members of the Russian-speaking locale (next time, if someone needs my help, don’t hesitate to write me a private message).

Personally, I know Ratimov only as a positive forum member. As long as I remember him, he always left reviews only with links proving the abuse of other users. Maybe this changed over time, but at some point I stopped following his activities, because... I saw that he devotes much more time to the forum than anyone else, and to be honest, I got used to his responsibility and couldn’t even think anything bad about him. He became the first forum member who, without fear of anyone in the Russian-speaking locale, began to leave negative reviews for sellers and buyers of accounts, and conducted a lot of investigations regarding both plagiarism and other abuses on the forum. I, too, have always strived to comply with the rules of the forum and the unspoken agreements on the system of trust, so I supported this kind of activity.

I missed everything about the plagiarism story, so I can’t say anything about it, but as far as I know, some useful forum members avoided punishment for plagiarism.

If we talk about the curse words that GazetaBitcoin talks about, then I do not welcome this kind of communication, although I admit that once one of the forum members with his false statements infuriated me to such an extent that I could not restrain myself and expressed everything that I think about him in all colors Russian swear language.

Of course, it would be interesting to get acquainted with Ratimov’s point of view on this matter.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Zuzma on November 07, 2023, 10:00:44 PM

    I just read the topic you raised today. I would like to add  a little about Mr. Ratimov and his atrocities on the forum.
You are really right and it’s great that you decided to expose the worst violator of the forum rules and use of the forum for personal gain.
    I can briefly remind you of the path of this gentleman on this forum. He appeared at the moment when the merit system was just introduced on this forum and immediately began to look for violators, for which he received encouragement from some users of the locale. Not many people actually encouraged him. Many Russian-speaking users did not know and were never interested in the reputation and trust section. People came here as a kind of common place where they can discuss Bitcoin, trading and technical issues. Before Ratimov came to the forum, there were a lot of smart and technically literate people in the Russian locale. I will not list anyone now, but the few other users who have remained since 2013/2017 can confirm that because of his aggressive actions, many left this forum. And the information and help of these people to the community were incomparable with Ratimov’s “imaginary” help.
In general, Ratimov’s entire journey on the forum is pure sabotage.

When it was still possible to stop the irreparable damage from his actions, I tried to expose Mr. Ratimov. But unfortunately for me, I acted emotionally and I have no supporters in the reputation society, except for people who also never participated in the reputation section.

I have no animosity towards this man. But his methods of gaining reputation for me personally are petty, dirty and damaging to society. I'm sad that truly thoughtful and interesting people have left the forum. If you pay attention to the Russian local network, you will see that only the reputation department and some other topics are alive there, in which it is difficult to get up to 30 people.

lease excuse me for my language with errors, I used Google translator, which is still far from perfect.

P.S.  from my point of view, plagiarism is what this gentleman was doing and not where the user accidentally did not insert a link to the original source of information. I myself was once such a fool who, without knowing the rules of the forum, risked speaking out in the reputation department of the Russian community against people like Ratimov. for which I was subjected to a meticulous study of my posts on this forum. And in the end, one of these petty people managed to find among my many posts the only one in which I forgot to provide a link to the author and the original text. I was first expelled from this community and then rehabilitated after the trial. but I was lucky that users who had not previously been involved in reputational disputes supported me and defended me in the Russian community.

P.S.S. :)

If we talk about the curse words that GazetaBitcoin talks about, then I do not welcome this kind of communication, although I admit that once one of the forum members with his false statements infuriated me to such an extent that I could not restrain myself and expressed everything that I think about him in all colors Russian swear language.

Of course, it would be interesting to get acquainted with Ratimov’s point of view on this matter.

In my opinion, you are exposing yourself when you try to protect this gentleman. at a minimum, you are not being honest with English-speaking people, since, due to the language barrier, they cannot fully enjoy Monsieur Ratimov’s style of communication.
He was always rude and got personal during communication. This person has absolutely no manners and no understanding of how civilized, cultured people communicate.
As far as I remember, you are a completely different person in terms of communication and you couldn’t help but notice the difference between your polite manner of communication and his offensive one.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 08, 2023, 12:33:50 AM
I would love to hear the other side too, but I guess we won't be hearing anything soon. One thing I would say after 10 pages here and a few more on another topic, but not a single word from the gentleman. Wow, bravo!!! 👏

Actually, you are too late here bro!
There were a couple of replies by Ratimov, but he deleted them all. So, this thread was kind of censored. A couple of my posts were merged and then deleted because he deleted his replies. If you want to read all uncensored replies of this thread, it will be a good idea to start from here:

Of course, it would be interesting to get acquainted with Ratimov’s point of view on this matter.
Do you think he was silent here? He tried his best and then he left this thread by deleting all the responses. So better start reading from ninjastic

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on November 08, 2023, 01:55:01 AM
I only saw this now. Ratimov indeed wiped his sent feedback (;u=2627711), and withdrew his Flags. I only checked a few of the Flags created by other users, but it looks like ( Ratimov deleted his vote on (all of?) those too.
Ratimov seems to have a flair for the dramatic.

Damn, the bar is being set quite high. It won't be easy for the next petulant 5 year old DT1 member to beat Ratimov at the throwing toys out of the pram world championship.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: madnessteat on November 08, 2023, 05:11:22 AM
~ Before Ratimov came to the forum, there were a lot of smart and technically literate people in the Russian locale. I will not list anyone now, but the few other users who have remained since 2013/2017 can confirm that because of his aggressive actions, many left this forum. And the information and help of these people to the community were incomparable with Ratimov’s “imaginary” help.
In general, Ratimov’s entire journey on the forum is pure sabotage. ~

By the way, I recently read in one of the Russian-language telegram chats how people shared information about abuse on the bitcointalk forum and how much they earned from it. They also complained that at some point the informers came and they were forced to leave the forum because of the bans. Are you talking about these forum members? It would be nice if you listed at least a few useful forum members who left because of Ratimov. (


Of course, it would be interesting to get acquainted with Ratimov’s point of view on this matter.
Do you think he was silent here? He tried his best and then he left this thread by deleting all the responses. So better start reading from ninjastic

Thanks for the information. Now I fully understand Ratimov's point of view. I cannot say with certainty that he violated any rules of the forum or community agreements on the work of the trust system, so I will not take sides in this conflict. Personally, I have not found information anywhere that a DT member should set an example by his behavior or communication style. Gazeta Bitcoin's accusations do not have irrefutable evidence, so I cannot draw conclusions based on them. As I have said more than once, Ratimov is a thunderstorm for users who like to abuse on the forum. He crossed the path of many, so there are so many enemies in his forum life.

I also had a situation when I found myself in a difficult situation on this forum and also tried to exclude myself from the trust system by deleting trust lists, but after a while I realized that it would be better for me to be in this system, having only one account, an honest and straightforward person (which I am 100% sure of), than an unknown person to me is unclear with what goals.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: nutildah on November 08, 2023, 06:10:40 AM
By the way, I recently read in one of the Russian-language telegram chats how people shared information about abuse on the bitcointalk forum and how much they earned from it. They also complained that at some point the informers came and they were forced to leave the forum because of the bans. Are you talking about these forum members? It would be nice if you listed at least a few useful forum members who left because of Ratimov.

The ones in your screenshot are definitely not "useful." They appear to be run-of-the-mill bounty cheaters.

A bit off-topic but one of the smartest scammers ever was amaclin (;u=197593). He actually managed to get about $3.27 worth of BTC from me one time.  :D  I think that was the last time I got scammed. Stolfi wrote him of the best trust feedbacks I've ever seen written about anyone:

JorgeStolfi (;u=183158)    2016-02-07        The user is a red-with-yellow-spots-hat hacker who enjoys finding bugs in the network and demonstrating them in the most irritating way possible. He is a great asset to the community. Just keep your hands firmly in your pockets, grabbing your wallet and phone, when interacting with him.

I see that he is still around, recently logged in with his second account (;u=1072601).

Once I had a conversation with a known Counterparty/Dogeparty scammer about him, was trying to find out if they were the same person (they are not):

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 08, 2023, 10:06:24 AM
The current DT status of him not in DT1 anymore is temporary, in the next shuffle there is a good chance for him to comeback unless some of the key members who have good DT strength will not exclude him or distrust him. Such members are: wwzsocki, Gianluca95, thandie, tmfp, klarki, nimogsm, my luck, Wapfika, FutureBitcoin, dimonstration, giammangiato, imhoneer, KTChampions, Smartprofit, Coin-1, Julien_Olynpic, Bitcoin_Arena, tvplus006 , witcher_sense, sky999, bubbalex, taikuri13, madnessteat, FontSeli, YOSHIE, Stalker22, ajanwalker, Charles-Tim, execijutiere, _BlackStar, Shamm, KingsDen, Synchronice, SatoPrincess, Silence Scream, Jossque.
Synchronice, madnessteat nice to see some words from you. It does not matter what action you are taking but reading the main topic ( is important for the people who are trusting Ratimov and thinking he is doing great for the Default trust network. You have him in your list and you deserve to know right information. I would love to see more responses from the above users who still are waiting to write their words.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Zuzma on November 08, 2023, 10:10:06 AM


Nuclear energy in itself is not good or evil. Only in the hands of a person does it become one thing or another. We can all use a knife as a tool in the kitchen, but at any time it can become a weapon.
If Nick Szabo or Hal Finney acted here as speakers in the reputation section, they would never be able to code and participate in the development of the military-technical cooperation because they would leave all their energy and benefit here. I'm trying to convey just one point to you. The overwhelming minority of people who actually do something useful for the community take part in reputation wars. These are fanatics, they are interested in completely different things and they are certainly very useful for the community. In the end, it was thanks to such cypherpunk fanatics that BTC was born. Thanks to them for this.

In any system there are parasites and scammers who try to take advantage of the system created by other people only for their own benefit while deceiving other members of the community. They definitely need to be identified and expelled from the community.

You are obviously trying to protect this gentleman and not find the truth. First, you are trying to say that the offensive manner of behavior is not commonplace for this subject. Now you are trying to say that he should not be a model on the forum. Well, I agree with your second statement. But you have already shown your bias. There is no point in further explaining or proving anything to you.

I am one of the few who remain on this forum from a Russian-speaking locale. This is my personal opinion and I expressed it in relation to this gentleman. I came to this forum in 2017 to communicate about the exchange of ideas and not to sort things out.

Only the community can decide whether a given subject is useful for the community or not. But since he attracted so much attention to the search for justice, his actions and benefits should be fairly considered in this forum. "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." Matthew 7:1-3

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 08, 2023, 10:16:38 AM
I tend to believe that he wants to show us that the world will stop spinning around without his contribution

Must be either that or what suchmoon said:

Damn, the bar is being set quite high. It won't be easy for the next petulant 5 year old DT1 member to beat Ratimov at the throwing toys out of the pram world championship.

This last conflict was alright but not as fun as the older ones. First of all, ratimov isn’t even fighting back directly. Smart but Where is the fun in that? Come here and throw some curse words mate

Yes, Ratimov was determined to ruin all the fun. I was expecting this time to not limit his insults only to my mother ( but go forward to my father too, perhaps reach also some aunts and uncles of mine.

I just read the topic you raised today. I would like to add  a little about Mr. Ratimov and his atrocities on the forum. [...]

In general, Ratimov’s entire journey on the forum is pure sabotage.

Indeed. Ratimov turned the forum into his personal weapon, for attacking all possible users, especially those which ever dared to speak the truth about him.

I will not list anyone now, but the few other users who have remained since 2013/2017 can confirm that because of his aggressive actions, many left this forum.

I have 2 Russian sources which told me same thing -- that many left the forum because of his aggressivity. You are the third one which says this.

He was always rude and got personal during communication. This person has absolutely no manners and no understanding of how civilized, cultured people communicate.

I recommend you to present this topic in Russian local board, thus more people will know that Ratimov was exposed for all miserable things he did and to know as well that he was excluded from DT.

Once I had a conversation with a known Counterparty/Dogeparty scammer about him, was trying to find out if they were the same person (they are not):

LMAO, that was the scammer complaining that another scammer is more agile than him!

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 08, 2023, 10:36:51 AM
Has anyone noticed the only response that Ratimov made on this thread was also deleted?
Archive link:

His start was nice though, the card of playing a victim. It's a long post but here was the start.

Now there will be a big wall of text, sorry:

I have always been amused by this feature of offended people: after they start writing me some absurd accusations, and after that they receive an answer from me, they immediately begin to pretend to be a victim who is attacked.

- Merit abuse by merit source in the Russian local ( - Here I apparently attacked Zuzma.
- Merit Source - Plagiarist ( - Here I apparently attacked airfinex.
- - Here I apparently attacked nullius.
- CPM right now, right here. ( - Here I apparently attacked wooI_Ioow.
- Ratimov plagiarizer and now trust abuser ( - Here I apparently attacked ScumBuster.
- Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great! ( - Here I apparently attacked BitcoinGirl.Club.

I constantly attack someone, I just have nothing to do on the forum, I go and attack. It’s funny that in all these cases I was always in the position of responding to the claims, but I am certainly the attacker, and the one who is trying to accuse me is simply a victim of Ratimov’s latest attacks and persecution. Horrible.

@TryNinja, we need the next version of where we can copy the BBcode of an archive. Is it doable?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: madnessteat on November 08, 2023, 10:49:56 AM


Nuclear energy in itself is not good or evil. Only in the hands of a person does it become one thing or another. We can all use a knife as a tool in the kitchen, but at any time it can become a weapon.
If Nick Szabo or Hal Finney acted here as speakers in the reputation section, they would never be able to code and participate in the development of the military-technical cooperation because they would leave all their energy and benefit here. I'm trying to convey just one point to you. The overwhelming minority of people who actually do something useful for the community take part in reputation wars. These are fanatics, they are interested in completely different things and they are certainly very useful for the community. In the end, it was thanks to such cypherpunk fanatics that BTC was born. Thanks to them for this.

In any system there are parasites and scammers who try to take advantage of the system created by other people only for their own benefit while deceiving other members of the community. They definitely need to be identified and expelled from the community.

You are obviously trying to protect this gentleman and not find the truth. First, you are trying to say that the offensive manner of behavior is not commonplace for this subject. Now you are trying to say that he should not be a model on the forum. Well, I agree with your second statement. But you have already shown your bias. There is no point in further explaining or proving anything to you.

I am one of the few who remain on this forum from a Russian-speaking locale. This is my personal opinion and I expressed it in relation to this gentleman. I came to this forum in 2017 to communicate about the exchange of ideas and not to sort things out.

Only the community can decide whether a given subject is useful for the community or not. But since he attracted so much attention to the search for justice, his actions and benefits should be fairly considered in this forum. "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." Matthew 7:1-3

I'm not going to argue with you or prove anything to you. I have my own independent opinion about everything that is happening.

If it weren’t for people like Ratimov with his endless zeal to clear the forum from all sorts of abusers, the forum would have long ago turned into a kind of dump where people with 10-20 accounts communicate, who communicate with each other only for the sake of profit. At least in the Russian-speaking locale such farms have been identified.

You still haven’t answered my question - which of the useful members of the forum left because of him, and I’m sure you’ll never answer, because... in fact, most of the useful members of the forum left before he registered on the forum, and the reason is not his fault, but the signature campaigns, which led to the cluttering of the forum with meaningless posts.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Synchronice on November 08, 2023, 11:12:18 AM
Of course, it would be interesting to get acquainted with Ratimov’s point of view on this matter.
Do you think he was silent here? He tried his best and then he left this thread by deleting all the responses. So better start reading from ninjastic
What a terrible language is used in those quotes. Not something that adult should do, nor even a kid should do that, not even a sane person should ever do that! I read the topic and GazetaBitcoin is right, this man needs to mature and control his emotions before being included in trust list.

Synchronice, madnessteat nice to see some words from you. It does not matter what action you are taking but reading the main topic ( is important for the people who are trusting Ratimov and thinking he is doing great for the Default trust network. You have him in your list and you deserve to know right information. I would love to see more responses from the above users who still are waiting to write their words.

Thank you.
No, it matters what actions we are taking. I am understanding the importance of trust system on this forum, it was a mistake from me to include others without thinking twice about it, that will be fixed. There is no one in my trust list at the moment, so, I removed him too.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Zuzma on November 08, 2023, 11:28:04 AM

I'm not going to argue with you or prove anything to you. I have my own independent opinion about everything that is happening.

If it weren’t for people like Ratimov with his endless zeal to clear the forum from all sorts of abusers, the forum would have long ago turned into a kind of dump where people with 10-20 accounts communicate, who communicate with each other only for the sake of profit. At least in the Russian-speaking locale such farms have been identified.

You still haven’t answered my question - which of the useful members of the forum left because of him, and I’m sure you’ll never answer, because... in fact, most of the useful members of the forum left before he registered on the forum, and the reason is not his fault, but the signature campaigns, which led to the cluttering of the forum with meaningless posts.

the forum existed perfectly well before Ratimov came here ;)

I will leave the opportunity for people who, like me, have not yet forgotten about the existence of this forum, to speak out for themselves regarding its actions. If you undertake to cover for this person, then act more carefully.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on November 08, 2023, 12:19:09 PM
Has anyone noticed the only response that Ratimov made on this thread was also deleted?
Archive link:

His start was nice though, the card of playing a victim. It's a long post but here was the start.

Not entirely correct. If you check the archived version, he made a couple of responses but then he started to delete those responses once others started posting. He deleted his replies from this thread even before he started deleting his self-moderated threads.

@TryNinja, we need the next version of where we can copy the BBcode of an archive. Is it doable?

I need this too. If someone deletes their post, we cannot quote them anymore. Even we cannot get the BBCode version of our own post once it's get deleted. Nice suggestion BitcoinGirl.Club

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 08, 2023, 12:21:19 PM
No, it matters what actions we are taking. I am understanding the importance of trust system on this forum, it was a mistake from me to include others without thinking twice about it, that will be fixed. There is no one in my trust list at the moment, so, I removed him too.
What I mean is I can not force anyone to add or remove someone in their trust list. A trust list is a personal belonging to a forum member. As a community member we can pass the correct information. My suggestion to you still remains, learn the system before using it and this way you will be using it correctly.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 08, 2023, 01:07:38 PM
Has anyone noticed the only response that Ratimov made on this thread was also deleted?

Has anyone noticed that he started removing content from his many LIST/Collection threads? This time it does not delete them or anything like that, but only removes the content. Looks like another revenge against the forum bastards.  ::)

few examples
[HUGE LIST] Useful Crypto Links !!! (
No-KYC Exchange Encyclopedia ( Still exist on his local board (
[BIG LIST] DeFi Projects & Tokens (

I'm not sure how the campaign managers will look at this behaviour, I believe that the opening of a large number of "useful" topics is one of the reasons why he is accepted in higher-quality paid campaigns.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: madnessteat on November 08, 2023, 03:24:16 PM

I'm not going to argue with you or prove anything to you. I have my own independent opinion about everything that is happening.

If it weren’t for people like Ratimov with his endless zeal to clear the forum from all sorts of abusers, the forum would have long ago turned into a kind of dump where people with 10-20 accounts communicate, who communicate with each other only for the sake of profit. At least in the Russian-speaking locale such farms have been identified.

You still haven’t answered my question - which of the useful members of the forum left because of him, and I’m sure you’ll never answer, because... in fact, most of the useful members of the forum left before he registered on the forum, and the reason is not his fault, but the signature campaigns, which led to the cluttering of the forum with meaningless posts.

the forum existed perfectly well before Ratimov came here ;)

I will leave the opportunity for people who, like me, have not yet forgotten about the existence of this forum, to speak out for themselves regarding its actions. If you undertake to cover for this person, then act more carefully.

I'm not going to cover for anyone. Your words initially sound offensive to me because in order to accuse someone you need to have solid evidence of it. So far I haven't seen anything more than insults and conjecture in this thread. If someone doesn't like the way he posts he can just add him to ignore.

1. Don't you think that saying that I am covering for Ratimov is slander?

2. Does anyone have hard evidence that Ratimov was plagiarizing?

3. Don't you think that saying that Russian-speaking moderators cover for Ratimov without any evidence is slander?

For all these actions you can quite realistically get a negative feedback, with proof in the form of attached archive on this topic and it will be on all recommendations of the administrator of this forum.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on November 08, 2023, 03:27:57 PM
Has anyone noticed the only response that Ratimov made on this thread was also deleted?

Has anyone noticed that he started removing content from his many LIST/Collection threads? This time it does not delete them or anything like that, but only removes the content. Looks like another revenge against the forum bastards.  ::)

few examples
[HUGE LIST] Useful Crypto Links !!! (
No-KYC Exchange Encyclopedia ( Still exist on his local board (
[BIG LIST] DeFi Projects & Tokens (

I hesitate whether to report those threads because there is no point in keeping them without the OP. If the moderation understands that they are useful the OPs could be restored and the threads locked.

What is clear to me is that having a big ego does not help in general in life and in the forum we have seen other cases that usually do not end well. Some quite intelligent people with big ego we could cite nullius for example although there are several more similar cases that did not end well.

I'm not sure how the campaign managers will look at this behaviour, I believe that the opening of a large number of "useful" topics is one of the reasons why he is accepted in higher-quality paid campaigns.

Well, if it's just a few it's not the same as the tantrum being such that it leads to a mass deletion of OPs.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 08, 2023, 03:50:38 PM
If the moderation understands that they are useful the OPs could be restored
Some forums would indeed do that, but I don't think that's going to happen here:
Quote from: theymos
he can't delete the topics, so he's editing them to be "blank". This is common and allowed.

Someone could quote an old archived version, and post it into a new post ;)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Zuzma on November 08, 2023, 04:30:24 PM

3. Don't you think that saying that Russian-speaking moderators cover for Ratimov without any evidence is slander?

"You're just thinking wishfully" ;)

Любитeль xpycтeть нocoм:)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: madnessteat on November 08, 2023, 05:06:33 PM

Well, again you can’t answer my questions. This perfectly demonstrates that you have no evidence for your words. You only have old grievances against Ratimov. By the way, if I'm not mistaken, you made peace with him))))

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 08, 2023, 05:09:02 PM
Someone could quote an old archived version, and post it into a new post ;)

Someone could repost all Ratimov's topic but start them all with this introduction: "In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...] (".

How would that be? O0

Has anyone noticed that he started removing content from his many LIST/Collection threads? This time it does not delete them or anything like that, but only removes the content. Looks like another revenge against the forum bastards.  ::)

I noticed that he keeps deleting posts and I also made a mention earlier:

it seems that he did not delete only the 78 topics found by LV (, but many other posts, in his futile attempt to hide his plagiarism.

For instance, this post:

Quoting for historical reference and take a look at messages at numbers 33, 101, 108, 115.
Here, really original content, maybe 10%, the rest is all a copy-paste of finished materials or partial use of someone else's material.

quoted by me in OP and quoted also years ago by airfinex in the topic where he exposed Ratimov's plagiarism ( -- is now gone.

The post was there before but he deleted it too, thus those not knowing about will never see this statement where he admitted clearly that he plagiarizes 90% of what he wrote. Most likely, he deleted other incriminatory posts as well.

In fact, he deleted all his posts from the topic started by airfinex.

For those not aware, the topic is full of examples of plagiarism made by Ratimov and also of examples given by wooI_Ioow, exposing how Ratimov was breaking rule 27 (Using automated translation tools to post translated content in Local boards is not allowed) by copy-pasting articles and translating them with Google Translate in Russian board ([1] (, [2] (, [3] (, [4] (

I am almost sure he deleted all his posts starting with "In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...] (".

I also want to salute philipma1957's decision to distrust Ratimov. Surprisingly, zasad@ did the same. Synchronice took a similar decision (

Day after day more and more people open their eyes about this imposter and day after day, those which were afraid of him now react towards the years of abuses Ratimov made.


Zuzma, have you considered presenting this topic in Russian local board?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: klarki on November 09, 2023, 12:25:40 AM
I have taken note of all the information provided.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 09, 2023, 06:23:27 AM
Has anyone noticed that he started removing content from his many LIST/Collection threads? This time it does not delete them or anything like that, but only removes the content. Looks like another revenge against the forum bastards.  ::)

few examples
[HUGE LIST] Useful Crypto Links !!! (
No-KYC Exchange Encyclopedia ( Still exist on his local board (
[BIG LIST] DeFi Projects & Tokens (

It seems he is digging it further. I am curious if he is doing these odd things, knowing that it will make him worse in front of the community; it shows he did nothing for the benefit of the community. He did all these things to lure merits he already earned, and those threads have no purpose now. I do not see any reason for removing them except what I have said.

He is acting like, okay, you guys ruined my reputation? I won't let you guys benefit from my articles. Newbies did nothing against him. Newbies do not even dare to speak against him. Or he could be frustrated with them because he helped many of them but not a single newbie speaks for him, so he is deleting newbie guides.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on November 09, 2023, 06:49:53 AM

He is acting like, okay, you guys ruined my reputation? I won't let you guys benefit from my articles. Newbies did nothing against him. Newbies do not even dare to speak against him. Or he could be frustrated with them because he helped many of them but not a single newbie speaks for him, so he is deleting newbie guides.

Guess where newbies got the habit of discovering new topics everywhere? This habit continues to this day, only creating an understanding that all newcomers are not who they say they are. The reason is that the user who is deleting topics today also noted newbies and gave them the first merits. There was information somewhere that Ratimov competed with someone to help newcomers and was the first. This is not bad in theory, but there have been cases when posts with plagiarism were awarded merit.
That is why today you can write about beginners something absolutely true.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 10, 2023, 01:45:45 PM
This topic will not be one about Ratimov's plagiarism, although this subject will be touched
This is too ironic to not touch this subject: here (, Ratimov is complaining about incorrect quotes of his "original data":
If I deleted this topic, this does not mean that anyone can now freely copy it and pass it off as their own work. You didn’t even ask me about running my own topic with my original data instead of me, you thought that you could freely dispose of this format and pass it off as your own, hiding behind some fucking link.

If I had done this and opened a similar topic, then the assholes would have been squealing on the forum, saying what a copy-pastor and thief Ratimov is, but when others do this, then there is nothing wrong with it, if he wanted to, he did it.

You present this information as if you are the author of this design and you collected this information and presented it in this way. Although in fact you didn’t do anything here, you just copied it without asking.

Here you are all playing inspectors and teaching people how to correctly format someone else’s text, although you yourself still need to be taught. If you took someone else’s finished material without permission, then it must be formatted like this:

Quote from: Ratimov's deleted thread

Or another option, if you wrote in the topic that all the previously collected material belongs to Ratimov, as well as the design style and presentation form, and you just decided to revive the deleted topic and continued to lead it, then I would pass by and not say anything as a reproach to you.

To verify Ratimov's plagiarism claim, I checked the unedited post (, and unlike someone who would post a small link at the end of his long copied topic, NotATether started his topic by giving credit.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 10, 2023, 02:23:00 PM
This is too ironic to not touch this subject: here (, Ratimov is complaining about incorrect quotes of his "original data":

It's even more ironic that he published his original post with all the data, I guess he couldn't bear for someone else to take credit for publishing some kind of link collection.

I have a proposal for NotATether. As I already have a certain collection of these and similar services prepared for one website, I can start a new thread with a structure and design not related to Ratimov's previous work. I need two or three days to put it together and check its relevance, and in a longer period I will deal with such topics, so there should not be any complications regarding the update.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on November 10, 2023, 03:18:37 PM
To verify Ratimov's plagiarism claim, I checked the unedited post (, and unlike someone who would post a small link at the end of his long copied topic, NotATether started his topic by giving credit.

According to Ratimov's own "if it doesn't break the rules then it's fine even if it's unethical" approach, it'd be perfectly fine to not have a reference at all. Since the original thread doesn't exist, NotATether probably wouldn't get banned for plagiarism. Except sane users like NotATether aren't hell bent on bending the rules.

I know I shouldn't be surprised at the depths of petulance Ratimov can sink to... but I'm still surprised. I mean, he deleted the thread, why does he care if someone doesn't praise his "design" or whatever he's complaining about there.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: holydarkness on November 10, 2023, 03:56:14 PM
To verify Ratimov's plagiarism claim, I checked the unedited post (, and unlike someone who would post a small link at the end of his long copied topic, NotATether started his topic by giving credit.

Not sure where he got that idea, the credit given by NotATether was more than sufficient and clear to anyone reading the thread, or... why he choose to take that thread into his own hand and make a fuss about it, where some other --one might argue-- more demanding topics are in danger needs of his attention.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 10, 2023, 04:24:29 PM
This is too ironic to not touch this subject: here (, Ratimov is complaining about incorrect quotes of his "original data":
It's even more ironic that he published his original post with all the data, I guess he couldn't bear for someone else to take credit for publishing some kind of link collection.

I almost spilled my coffee because of laugh while reading this. I believe Ratimov saw this post and got scared:

Someone could quote an old archived version, and post it into a new post ;)
Someone could repost all Ratimov's topic but start them all with this introduction: "In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...] (".

How would that be? O0

I also made a post ( inside NotATether's thread (and I really hope that he'll use my suggestion) O0

According to Ratimov's own "if it doesn't break the rules then it's fine even if it's unethical" approach, it'd be perfectly fine to not have a reference at all.

We can expect anything from this Ratimov. Including to write again all his topics, for earning some more thousands of merits.

I, for one, am still waiting for someone to reinstate one of his topics and start it with "In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...] (".

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on November 10, 2023, 05:24:52 PM
I also made a post ( inside NotATether's thread (and I really hope that he'll use my suggestion) O0

Is that really necessary? That thread is about cards, not about Ratimov. This one here though... yeah here we can "touch upon" the hypocrisy and other happenings of the former DT1 member.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: NotATether on November 10, 2023, 07:34:18 PM
Replying here to keep the other topic clean.

For the original (now deleted) topic created by Ratimov, see this topic: This is a continuation of it based on his design.

Instead of that line you should have used this one: "In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...] (".

Why? I shouldn't have to treat Bitcointalk like a court system where wording is important.

Quite frankly, I am patently uninterested in the Ratimov plagiarism claims, but here this is like burning the Library of Alexandria.

I have a proposal for NotATether. As I already have a certain collection of these and similar services prepared for one website, I can start a new thread with a structure and design not related to Ratimov's previous work. I need two or three days to put it together and check its relevance, and in a longer period I will deal with such topics, so there should not be any complications regarding the update.

Then what would be the difference between that and just chucking it on my website on the Wordpress page builder?

There is only so much variation you can make from a header, image, and list arranged like so. You cannot even copyright page design anyway, that's why plagiarism only applies to content. [Also it's worth nothing that the images are from 3rd party sites and I even had to re-upload them since he apparently deleted them too]

The way I see things is, this is a topic with a high Google Search result. People looking for cards shouldn't have to be inconvenienced from deleted information because of situations like this.

So as you can see, I was quite upset when he deleted that topic, and I'm pretty sure there are other erased threads of his of similar importance to others. I however will not be touching on those as they are not particularly interesting to me, although anyone with Ninjastic & an online HTML to BBcode tool can easily restore it (with attribution, to avoid poking the bees' nest).

Edit: Although now that I think about it, the non-KYC thing is also sufficiently important, but that's going to go in the Wiki after suitable modification.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 10, 2023, 08:06:32 PM
Instead of that line you should have used this one: "In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...] (".
Why? I shouldn't have to treat Bitcointalk like a court system where wording is important.

I was being sarcastic :) In case you are not aware (or you forgot), that was Ratimov's infamous introduction to his plagiarized topics. He presented them using those words, like it was his material while, in fact, he was copy-pasting tons of essays written by different authors.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: alani123 on November 11, 2023, 12:47:45 AM
What I really don't understand is why would Ratimov go ahead and try to delete an quality post that he made. I haven't seen anyone doubting that his debit card list thread was useful and also original. It really doesn't help his case to go ahead and say that he was pissed when someone went ahead and "forked" his now erased thread to bring out the information and keep updating.

The accusation of merit farming holds more ground if he stands against people releasing information freely just because he had formatted a thread about a certain topic earlier than others...

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on November 11, 2023, 02:20:43 AM
What I really don't understand is why would Ratimov go ahead and try to delete an quality post that he made. I haven't seen anyone doubting that his debit card list thread was useful and also original. It really doesn't help his case to go ahead and say that he was pissed when someone went ahead and "forked" his now erased thread to bring out the information and keep updating.

The accusation of merit farming holds more ground if he stands against people releasing information freely just because he had formatted a thread about a certain topic earlier than others...

I wouldn't look for too much reason here. Most likely it's just spitefulness and over-inflated ego. In NotATether's thread he said something along the lines "you all did [something or other] against me", not sure who "all" is - the whole forum? So he holds a big grudge against everyone. You all wronged me so I'll remove all my threads, that'll teach you. Didn't think it through however.

I don't think it's about merit farming... I mean if he created a thread and got merit for it, he earned it, nothing wrong there.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 11, 2023, 07:41:18 AM
I don't think it's about merit farming... I mean if he created a thread and got merit for it, he earned it, nothing wrong there.
I consider Merit to be for "a post worth reading", so if the post is gone, the Merit lost it's purpose.

I'm tempted to create a "users with most Merit earned on deleted posts" list. It only requires scraping 130513 posts. It may be a good list to find Merit traders too.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 11, 2023, 08:36:33 AM
This is too ironic to not touch this subject: here (, Ratimov is complaining about incorrect quotes of his "original data":

He wants to dig it further. Now he wants to create more drama with users who use his deleted threads, was that the main reason for erasing those threads? I saw how he reacted to NotATether while NotATether was completely calm. His rudeness is the only reason why he is here today. His current DT1 Strength is -5 but I feel like he wants to make it -10 or more.

I do not see any problem because NotATether posted that by writing that it's a deleted thread of Ratimov. However, according to Ratimov, he cannot do that by hiding behind a link. LOL.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Plaguedeath on November 11, 2023, 08:59:02 AM
Wild guess: did he wipe his Trust list too? That leaves no reason to include him.
You, are correct. He delete all of the his feedback and trust list, although few users already explain about their reason to include him, it seems this time we need to hear their opinions (again).

Trust list for: Ratimov (;u=2627711) (Trust: (;u=2627711)  +21 / =2 / -0) (DT1 (-4) 11905 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP ( (created 2023-11-11_Sat_05.07h)
Back to index (

Ratimov Trusts these users' judgement:
1. Removed satoshi (;u=3) (Trust: (;u=3)  +35 / =0 / -0) (5823 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
1. Removed theymos (;u=35) (Trust: (;u=35)  +27 / =0 / -0) (10651 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
1. Removed Balthazar (;u=23324) (Trust: (;u=23324)  +2 / =1 / -1) (358 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (

Ratimov Distrusts these users' judgement:
1. Removed ~Gyrsur (;u=62358) (Trust: (;u=62358)  +1 / =3 / -0) (513 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
1. Removed ~delfastTions (;u=234281) (Trust: (;u=234281) neutral) (873 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (
1. Removed ~xandry (;u=382413) (Trust: (;u=382413)  +7 / =0 / -0) (2498 Merit earned ( (Trust list ( (BPIP (

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 11, 2023, 10:31:20 AM
What Satoshi did to deserve being removed from a trust list? All of this could have been avoided if he had just deleted the incorrect tags, and then he would have had the upper hands against Gazeta, since it would be Gazeta on the wrong side by tagging him for something "moderation" related. But he ignored that fact because of anger. While he could still be on DT, having his threads untouched, no drama, no hurt feelings etc.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 11, 2023, 11:18:00 AM
I consider Merit to be for "a post worth reading", so if the post is gone, the Merit lost it's purpose.

Look only at how ridiculous this looks like:
291 merits for a blank topic.

Or this:

23 merits (10 being from theymos!) for this very interesting "34a3". The content "34a3" must be very useful.

Also, as a side note, by taking a look at the 78 topics you listed here (, I noticed that within the ones not deleted his name appears now as "R20231030" and the rank is guest. So this guest got 10 merits from theymos for writing "34a3".

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: nutildah on November 11, 2023, 11:30:47 AM
All of this could have been avoided if he had just deleted the incorrect tags, and then he would have had the upper hands against Gazeta, since it would be Gazeta on the wrong side by tagging him for something "moderation" related. But he ignored that fact because of anger. While he could still be on DT, having his threads untouched, no drama, no hurt feelings etc.

To his credit, he did delete his negs against Gazeta, but then re-added them only a couple days later... He couldn't stop himself after his buttons were re-pushed, which is unfortunate. Now he has deleted all ratings. And I should add it was good of Gazeta to downgrade their tag to neutral.

Well, that about wraps er up... Not sure there's much left to be said or done at this point. A cautionary tale of forum drama.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 11, 2023, 02:49:28 PM
Also, as a side note, by taking a look at the 78 topics you listed here (, I noticed that within the ones not deleted his name appears now as "R20231030" and the rank is guest. So this guest got 10 merits from theymos for writing "34a3".
The "Guest" was added after theymos restored the deleted topics. I assume the Merits are still counted on Ratimov's account.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: holydarkness on November 11, 2023, 03:45:12 PM
Wild guess: did he wipe his Trust list too? That leaves no reason to include him.
You, are correct. He delete all of the his feedback and trust list, although few users already explain about their reason to include him, it seems this time we need to hear their opinions (again).


Ahh well, at least now someone can say that he's no longer in DT1 because he wiped his entire trust list and thus he made himself ineligible for DT selection.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: mindrust on November 11, 2023, 03:57:13 PM
He still has a perfectly fine account other not than being dt1 which is not the end of the world. I don’t know why he is acting like a kid. In the past people got their accounts tarred and feathered for much less. It seems to me nowadays people send negatives only if the account in question scammed somebody. Back in my time things were rough. Today's kids don’t know those times and they are not grateful for what they have today. In 1998, I was using an MMX CPU with a 2gb hdd, 1mb onboard gpu. Now people have 1tb cell phones playing 3d GTA games. I was dialing up internet with a 56k modem and a goddamn mp3 file was taking 10 minutes to be downloaded . What do you call that? Progress.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: JeromeTash on November 11, 2023, 07:15:24 PM
Is it a case of one having a large bruised ego or just some unapologetic immature spoilt kid behind the keyboard? Because, what the fuck have i just seen develop over the past few day?  :o

This Universe continues to surprise me just when i think i have seen it all.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 11, 2023, 08:24:22 PM
Is it a case of one having a large bruised ego or just some unapologetic immature spoilt kid behind the keyboard?


Because, what the fuck have i just seen develop over the past few day?  :o

What you saw (and what everyone else saw) is just Ratimov's true character. This is the character he tried hard to disguise all these years, in order to fool everybody about what-a-great-forum-contributor-he-is. Until this topic, only those which dared to confront him "had the honor of being blessed" to meet his true face. He was carefully though to hide everything when users' eyes (and, especially, DT users' eyes) were on him. But now he could not refrain his dementia anymore and allowed everybody his real face.

If you feel like this individual should never get back to DT1 again please don't forget to add him to your distrust list.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: wwzsocki on November 12, 2023, 09:43:32 AM
...If you feel like this individual should never get back to DT1 again please don't forget to add him to your distrust list.

updated my Trust setting, excluded this member but not distrusted

he haven't broken forum rules (at least from what I understand?), he used tricks to hide links when copy pasting/quoting content from others (but it was still valuable content), misused his DT1 power to defend himself (or even attacked others but removed it after he was corrected by respected forum members), behaves very questionable

this is true, I never questioned the author and thought this is all original content at least the once I have read. Links are something many members care about (not whiteout a reason) and one can be accused for plagiarism even if add them not correctly (have seen it in the past). I myself try to add links always just after copy pasted content, also in many cases at the end, all is of course clearly visible, especially if copied something from forum, just to be safe from accusations, learned my lesson because happened to me to copy paste sentence from other member instead of quoting him (in my early days) and i was almost banned.

again big surprise that somebody was able to do it for so long, received many merits and gained DT power when doing so.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 13, 2023, 12:18:53 PM
The "Guest" was added after theymos restored the deleted topics. I assume the Merits are still counted on Ratimov's account.
They are and I consider it unfair, perhaps another hole for Ratimov to get more merits [LOL].

Just a thought, wouldn't it be fair if we had a feature where we could report such topics or posts to administrator [not mod] to reverse the merits. The goal for merit system is to appreciate good posts, not the empty posts. If it was one or two which happened accidentally then it seemed fine but when a user constantly is trying to remove his contents but keeping the merits earned by these contents then it become weird. 

The current DT status of him not in DT1 anymore is temporary, in the next shuffle there is a good chance for him to comeback unless some of the key members who have good DT strength will not exclude him or distrust him. Such members are: Gianluca95, thandie, tmfp, nimogsm, my luck, Wapfika, FutureBitcoin, dimonstration, giammangiato, imhoneer, KTChampions, Smartprofit, Coin-1, Julien_Olynpic, tvplus006 , witcher_sense, sky999, bubbalex, taikuri13, FontSeli, YOSHIE, ajanwalker, Charles-Tim, execijutiere, _BlackStar, Shamm, KingsDen, SatoPrincess, Silence Scream, Jossque.
Removed the members from the quote who gave their opinion and or showed their response by updating their trust list. I wonder the rest of them are still unaware of the situation especially those who are active and posting regularly in different boards?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 13, 2023, 02:16:03 PM
Just a thought, wouldn't it be fair if we had a feature where we could report such topics or posts to administrator [not mod] to reverse the merits. The goal for merit system is to appreciate good posts, not the empty posts. If it was one or two which happened accidentally then it seemed fine but when a user constantly is trying to remove his contents but keeping the merits earned by these contents then it become weird. 

I think there was a similar discussion, it was about merit farmers and resellers, where posts were deleted to reduce the possibility of recognition of giving credit for meaningless posts between alt accounts.
Although I am sure that Ratimov did not plan such an epilogue.

I'm interested in why the threads that Ratimov cleaned of their content are not deleted. As far as I can see, they are all still there, although they are now useless. I was reported to the moderator by one of those, but I see that the ad is still unhandled.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Plaguedeath on November 13, 2023, 02:21:48 PM
I'm interested in why the threads that Ratimov cleaned of their content are not deleted. As far as I can see, they are all still there, although they are now useless. I was reported to the moderator by one of those, but I see that the ad is still unhandled.
Actually his threads were deleted, but theymos restore it and he think it's incorrect for the moderator to delete his threads.

Though the thread has no content, but the discussion has a weight that shouldn't be deleted.

I see no evidence of misconduct, though it was incorrect to delete topics with substantial replies. All of the deleted topics with replies have been restored to Archival.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 13, 2023, 06:40:53 PM
Day after day, more and more (DT1) users distrust Ratimov or stop trusting him:

Thank you klarki, wwzsocki, witcher_sense, vaporminer and Bitcoin_Arena for your involvement!

Somehow, all these remind me of The-Devil's decay ( How many remember "The-Devil incident"? Perhaps Ratimov can now say the same words The-Devil said back then:

Today my account has been converted to hell.

At the moment, Ratimov is still trusted by 50 users, from which 8 are DT1: Charles-Tim, YOSHIE, madnessteat, Coin-1, KTChampions, imhoneer, tmfp and Balthazar. I hope that soon more of them will involve as well on this matter.

I assume the Merits are still counted on Ratimov's account.

Is there any way we can check that precisely?

perhaps another hole for Ratimov to get more merits [LOL].

As I said above (,

We can expect anything from this Ratimov. Including to write again all his topics, for earning some more thousands of merits.

Just a thought, wouldn't it be fair if we had a feature where we could report such topics or posts to administrator [not mod] to reverse the merits. The goal for merit system is to appreciate good posts, not the empty posts. If it was one or two which happened accidentally then it seemed fine but when a user constantly is trying to remove his contents but keeping the merits earned by these contents then it become weird.

I believe we can do this in Meta. I had a similar thought regarding Ratimov's Merit source status which, at the moment, is a mockery. He deleted his Merit Source application and this shows that he does not give a damn for the topic which helped him achieve a substantial part of his power.

So I think there should be a topic started in Meta addressing the issue regarding merits for his garbage posts and also the fact that a Merit Source does not have an adequate behavior regarding his position. BitcoinGirl.Club, if you find all these feasible, would you start such topic in Meta? I am asking you since you already started one more topic regarding the way Ratimov turned Russian mods into his personal garbage men.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 13, 2023, 06:55:00 PM
I assume the Merits are still counted on Ratimov's account.
Is there any way we can check that precisely?
No. Theymos' Merit data dump only covers the last 120 days. I assume the Merit wasn't deleted though: that just doesn't happen when a post gets deleted. And restoring as Guest probably didn't change anything either.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: wwzsocki on November 14, 2023, 07:20:28 PM
...if we had a feature where we could report such topics or posts to administrator [not mod] to reverse the merits. The goal for merit system is to appreciate good posts, not the empty posts...
I think there was a similar discussion, it was about merit farmers and resellers, where posts were deleted to reduce the possibility of recognition of giving credit for meaningless posts between alt accounts...

This could be good and simple solution to reverse or remove all merits if topic or merited post was deleted

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 15, 2023, 08:52:53 AM
I'm interested in why the threads that Ratimov cleaned of their content are not deleted. As far as I can see, they are all still there, although they are now useless. I was reported to the moderator by one of those, but I see that the ad is still unhandled.
The whole point was Ratimov using this same whole to clean up his mess, reporting the empty topics and allowing mods to delete the entire topic. Theymos later restored the topics.

Ratimov is doing such things means he is spamming the forum. When someone spam the forum the reward for them is a ban. We have 7 days, 2 weeks and then permanent ban I think. If he continues the same then he should be warned about it and if he still keeps doing that then he should be banned permanently.

Right now all these topics looks spam threads with so many merits wasted.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov remain the subject after being off the DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 15, 2023, 11:54:28 AM
Man, you are relentless and when you are fixated on something, you won't let go till you get what you want. I LIKE THAT!
I think the reason as to why everybody dislike Ratimov is because of mr. Smith in his avatar, we all hated him with those sun glasses. I'm not kidding, this is a science of it's own.

You can try it by making a mask of the one person you hate the most and put it on your spouse's face, you will see how can that change love into hatred. Just don't do it during bed time. You'd get mixed feelings and might fall in love with your enemy.😅

Cases like this tend to happen over and over again, this is because we give some people so much credit and when they act in a way unexpected for us, we'd feel disappointed and even resent ourselves for being so gullible believing someone like that,  it's called idolization. So pick your heroes more wisely. 😉😘

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on November 16, 2023, 12:22:52 PM
This topic really needs to continue hence this bump.

I would like to hear opinion from the following members. mprep, wwzsocki, LFC_Bitcoin, klarki, The Sceptical Chymist, DarkStar_, Hhampuz, imhoneer, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Xal0lex, Best_Change, andy_pelevin , KTChampions, Coin-1, Bitcoin_Arena, tranthidung, tvplus006, dkbit98, witcher_sense, DdmrDdmr, madnessteat, 1miau, FontSeli, YOSHIE, jokers10, zasad@, bullrun2020bro, light_warrior.

These are the people who Ratimov trust in his trust list. I will yet to see which of these already had their opinion in this topic [will mark it later] but most of these members either are not aware of this topic or ignoring the topic because one of their vote may reduce if they give an opinion and if goes against Ratimov. I really hope that's not the case. If it is not, then I would like your opinion [Please read the first topic carefully and make a response. Let's hope Ratimov was not using you all too as he was using the local moderators to achieve his evil goal].

I have been aware of this topic for some time but chose not to get involved as I very rarely venture into these type of things these days. It’s just not something that I want to spend my time doing these days.

However, I will clarify my position on the topic here:

I have had a good relationship with Ratimov over the years, we have exchanged PM’s many times and he was indeed on my trust list for a long time.

The plagiarism accusations didn’t bother me too much. I think it’s far too heavily enforced on the forum. What he was doing was perhaps a little under-hand but he took pride in getting a lot of Merit and being liked on the forum so whatever.

After seeing the threats, his incorrect use of leaving trust comments, abusive private messages to others and drama he was getting involved in I decided to remove him from my trust list. I saw that a week or so after he retaliated by returning the favour.

I have nothing against Ratimov, I don’t want to get involved in any drama but perhaps he’s not the man I thought he was sadly so I stand by my removing of him from my trust list.

This is the only post I will make on this topic.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Kingf1sher on November 16, 2023, 06:46:02 PM
For all these actions you can quite realistically get a negative feedback, with proof in the form of attached archive on this topic and it will be on all recommendations of the administrator of this forum.
What is it? Why can't we do without intimidation again)

3. Don't you think that saying that Russian-speaking moderators cover for Ratimov without any evidence is slander?

"You're just thinking wishfully" ;)

Любитeль xpycтeть нocoм:)
and yes, maybe it’s worth reminding the person who likes to crunch their nose how the moderators covered for him when he threatened me with physical harm?
he once told me that he wanted to break my nose when we met, but instead of being banned, he now continues to intimidate us with negative feedback)
if he says that this is not so, I will try to find these threats in my archives) There will be many questions about whether Russian moderators were covering for him.. and if I’m not mistaken, he also tried to defend Ratimov then..

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 16, 2023, 06:49:46 PM
maybe it’s worth reminding the person who likes to crunch their nose how the moderators covered for him when he threatened me with physical harm?
he once told me that he wanted to break my nose when we met, but instead of being banned, he now continues to intimidate us with negative feedback)
if he says that this is not so, I will try to find these threats in my archives) There will be many questions about whether Russian moderators were covering for him.. and if I’m not mistaken, he also tried to defend Ratimov then

Kingf1sher if this is true, I insist on finding those archives. Can you search them, please?

At same time, if you can, please share this topic in Russian local board as well. And, of course, add Ratimov to your distrust list.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 16, 2023, 07:08:50 PM
I have nothing against Ratimov, I don’t want to get involved in any drama but perhaps he’s not the man I thought he was sadly so I stand by my removing of him from my trust list.
It's not your fault brother, you were manipulated like many of the forum members. I was active against his wrongs from long time but never felt the urge to bring everything together like the OP did. I am not such type of person too who can bring every piece of the puzzle together. OP did very well in this case.

Kingf1sher if this is true, I insist on finding those archives. Can you search them, please?

At same time, if you can, please share this topic in Russian local board as well. And, of course, add Ratimov to your distrust list.
I think let's not continue to this case anymore. Ratimov has been exposed very well. Moderator, any members who were trusting him or backing him to allow his evil things were simply manipulated. They never thought they were being used. It's not their fault anymore. Let's leave them.

I am retiring from the thread and anything related to Ratimov for sometimes. Thanks for having me.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: 1miau on November 17, 2023, 12:14:54 AM
Kingf1sher if this is true, I insist on finding those archives. Can you search them, please?

At same time, if you can, please share this topic in Russian local board as well. And, of course, add Ratimov to your distrust list.
I think let's not continue to this case anymore. Ratimov has been exposed very well.
I would say that this new evidence is of extraordinary importance to find out, if there are archives about it. As always, we should investigate all the details to get the full picture here. I believe it's very important for the community to investigate these cases in full detail that the community can have the full picture and decide according to that. The best decision can be made, when all the details are on the table. 

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Vod on November 17, 2023, 06:22:57 AM
I would say that this new evidence is of extraordinary importance to find out, if there are archives about it. As always, we should investigate all the details to get the full picture here. I believe it's very important for the community to investigate these cases in full detail that the community can have the full picture and decide according to that. The best decision can be made, when all the details are on the table. 

Is this an edited AI text?   It sounds very familiar.   :-\

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 17, 2023, 09:02:28 AM
I am not such type of person too who can bring every piece of the puzzle together. OP did very well in this case.

Thank you, BitcoinGirl.Club!

I think let's not continue to this case anymore. Ratimov has been exposed very well.
I would say that this new evidence is of extraordinary importance to find out, if there are archives about it. As always, we should investigate all the details to get the full picture here.

I also share 1miau's opinion here... I suspected Ratimov for a long time for doing in Russian board some things even worst than the ones already known about him (plagiarism, copy-paste dozens of essays, feedback extortion, Trust abuse, merit abuse, building an army of minions, talking like a street thug etc.). But I would not think that he can make death threats. If this is the case, probably this will end his activity on this forum. It is crucial to find out if there exist such archives, proving Kingf1sher's allegation.

However, by reading again this feedback he left a while ago, the surprise would not be too big anymore...

A fuckhead with a broken head. After being raped by all the WEX employees, taking all his mother's money [...]

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 17, 2023, 10:43:26 AM
I am retiring from the thread and anything related to Ratimov for sometimes. Thanks for having me.

This is the right choice. At this moment, after everything, it seems almost impossible for Ratimov to return to DT. So, this thread has achieved its purpose, everything else is just repeating what has already been said.

I would say that this new evidence is of extraordinary importance to find out, if there are archives about it. As always, we should investigate all the details to get the full picture here. I believe it's very important for the community to investigate these cases in full detail that the community can have the full picture and decide according to that. The best decision can be made, when all the details are on the table. 

Is this an edited AI text?   It sounds very familiar.   :-\

It seems that human wrote the text after all  ;)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: 1miau on November 18, 2023, 12:15:38 AM
I would say that this new evidence is of extraordinary importance to find out, if there are archives about it. As always, we should investigate all the details to get the full picture here. I believe it's very important for the community to investigate these cases in full detail that the community can have the full picture and decide according to that. The best decision can be made, when all the details are on the table. 
Is this an edited AI text?   It sounds very familiar.   :-\
??? ???

And I thought my English is bad.  :D

talking like a street thug etc.
Wouldn't surprise me because as usual, everyone needs to practice somewhere.  :D

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Vod on November 18, 2023, 01:31:31 AM
It seems that human wrote the text after all  ;)

I did mention editing... ;)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: 1miau on November 18, 2023, 02:02:30 AM
It seems that human wrote the text after all  ;)

I did mention editing... ;)
Does it make any sense for me
- to ask Chat GPT a simple question to create the text by AI
- to edit it a little bit
- finally post it here
Doesn't make sense at all.  ???
How much time would be saved? Little to nothing...

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 18, 2023, 02:47:47 AM
@Vod, are you trolling this trust abuser nazi? I have first hand experience, if he fails to continue an argument he will immediately resort to finding something on you just to tag you, be careful.

The same could be said for most of the trust abusers, since we are talking about people on DT1, and their problem is that they are not capable of discussing or win a discussion, hence they resort to the one thing that is in their advantage, the only thing that gives them any sort of power, DT tag.  Otherwise we can see so many legit people argue over many things and sometimes they fail to prove their points, if they all wanted to get back at the other person by either bullying, attacking etc, no one could stay alive. That's why it's better to isolate such abusers from the community to prevent spreading the virus.😉

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Vod on November 18, 2023, 03:48:41 AM
1miau, a lot of non-english speakers want to be on this forum and pretend to be english speakers.    :-X   They can generate intelligent text in their language, edit and translate.   

I'm not saying in any way that is what happened here - I'm just pointing out it is a possibility that shouldn't be dismissed as easily as you did.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 18, 2023, 10:21:43 AM
@Vod, are you trolling this trust abuser nazi? I have first hand experience, if he fails to continue an argument he will immediately resort to finding something on you just to tag you, be careful.

Forum rule no. 3, No trolling.
So you suggesting Vod to be careful of 1miau? I don't know why, but I had a feeling that do not deserve that many tags, but why do you want to prove me (or whoever thinks) wrong? You are writing off-topic things here. Surely, Vod is not trolling him. He just had a feeling that the text seemed so accurate which AI does and he just decided to post it. 1miau responded as well, and I do not see any conflict between them. But you are the one who is poking 1miau and want to fuel it. LOL

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: 1miau on November 18, 2023, 02:24:51 PM
1miau, a lot of non-english speakers want to be on this forum and pretend to be english speakers.    :-X   They can generate intelligent text in their language, edit and translate.   
I know and I totally agree to you that it's important to combat this.  :)
It's a lot of work for campaign managers, so community reviews are always welcome.

I'm not saying in any way that is what happened here - I'm just pointing out it is a possibility that shouldn't be dismissed as easily as you did.
My replies weren't meant to "dismiss" it or to downplay this sort of issue, sorry if my joke with "You know, I'm something of AI myself" wasn't that funny as I've expected.  :D
Sometimes, bad jokes can cause confusion.

@Vod, are you trolling this trust abuser nazi? I have first hand experience, if he fails to continue an argument he will immediately resort to finding something on you just to tag you, be careful.

But you are the one who is poking 1miau and want to fuel it. LOL
Exactly this and this hasn't been the first time, digaran engaged in excessive trolling:

This is because these users are examples, indeed. They are also Merit Sources and (with few exceptions) DT1 users. And they act fair and decent.
Thanks for the joke OP.

Don't tell me, you and your nazi friend will give them neutral or even negative, right? Because who really cares if 2 nazis run around the forum and individually harass forum members with threats, trust feedbacks, am I right or am I right?

The way I see some of you weasel nazis operate, soon it will be you and your alts all alone left here with nothing to do but circle fingering each other.😅

(And that's only what I've detected in the threads I've read.)

Looks like I'm living in his mind rent-free.  ::)
And if there was any doubt if these feedbacks on digaran's account were justified, at least now we know that they are 100% deserved.  :D

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on November 18, 2023, 02:56:09 PM

Kingf1sher if this is true, I insist on finding those archives. Can you search them, please?

At same time, if you can, please share this topic in Russian local board as well. And, of course, add Ratimov to your distrust list.

I won’t take anyone’s side here since you already know my position, but Kingf1sher’s post was not about Ratimov. This was probably misunderstood. I can't find the threat post, but confirmation that Kingf1sher was talking about madnessteat remains in the archives. I also remember that story where Madnessteat somehow "threatened" Kingf1sher. The latter was painted with a negative trust for purchasing the account, and his communication with Madnessteat went beyond the bounds of decency. From here, you can see that this drama between them continues on any topic.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 18, 2023, 04:20:09 PM
I won’t take anyone’s side here since you already know my position, but Kingf1sher’s post was not about Ratimov. This was probably misunderstood. I can't find the threat post, but confirmation that Kingf1sher was talking about madnessteat remains in the archives. I also remember that story where Madnessteat somehow "threatened" Kingf1sher.

Thank you for clarifying this, lovesmayfamilis.

So let me see if I understood this right: it was madnessteat the one threatening Kingf1sher, right? If so, are you so kind, please, to find the post containing those threats? I would like to report them, as this deserves a ban.

As a coincidence, this only proves a Romanian saying: tell me who your friends are, so I'll know who you are. madnessteat is one of Ratimov's minions and this says a lot about Ratimov's character as well.

As for the recent discussion about 1miau, I believe that his reputation precedes him and everybody knows what an exemplary forum contributor he is.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 19, 2023, 07:58:45 AM
Right now all these topics looks spam threads with so many merits wasted.
I've been curious for a while, so I checked: Ratimov (2627711) received 1110/11924=9.30% Merit for deleted posts and 1522/11924=12.76% Merit for short posts. Note that posts on hidden (Mod) boards are counted as "deleted" because I don't see them.
This includes all Merit data up to theymos' last Merit data dump (last Friday).

I consider posts with less than 16 characters to be short posts. In most cases, this means the user wiped the content of his post, but this can have false positives, or false negatives (it's tricky to check the real post length with BBCode and Russian characters, and short posts can be worth Merit). That's why I list all short posts here, labeled as the number of Merit they received:
8 (, 33 (, 21 (, 14 (, 23 (, 6 (, 8 (, 4 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 3 (, 10 (, 10 (, 1 (, 12 (, 32 (, 3 (, 2 (, 2 (, 6 (, 14 (, 3 (, 10 (, 28 (, 2 (, 14 (, 2 (, 7 (, 60 (, 4 (, 2 (, 1 (, 5 (, 1 (, 19 (, 5 (, 10 (, 7 (, 13 (, 9 (, 1 (, 4 (, 2 (, 8 (, 1 (, 1 (, 4 (, 22 (, 2 (, 2 (, 1 (, 5 (, 24 (, 52 (, 2 (, 25 (, 4 (, 14 (, 10 (, 2 (, 8 (, 9 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 3 (, 42 (, 5 (, 23 (, 17 (, 5 (, 18 (, 1 (, 1 (, 291 (, 7 (, 9 (, 3 (, 17 (, 10 (, 2 (, 10 (, 8 (, 1 (, 2 (, 1 (, 2 (, 1 (, 35 (, 60 (, 3 (, 4 (, 1 (, 35 (, 18 (, 2 (, 94 (, 5 (, 2 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 3 (, 3 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 3 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 4 (, 2 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 4 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 3 (, 1 (, 1 (, 34 (, 40 (
I didn't check for posts that had a username change after theymos restored them, but if the post was replaced by something short, they're included in this list.
I'll create full data on all users, but that takes a while to scrape.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 19, 2023, 08:45:00 AM
I've been curious for a while, so I checked: Ratimov (2627711) received 1110/11924=9.30% Merit for deleted posts and 1522/11924=12.76% Merit for short posts.

So Ratimov received 1522 merits (which is more than necessary for becoming Legendary!!!) for writing a few letters. Those must have been amazing letters!

And, as great minds think the same, I also thought about a short analysis today: it's the first time ( in the past 214 weeks ( since Ratimov's supporters (n.b. -- users trusting him) are not more than the ones distrusting him. On latest update provided by LV, there are 49 users trusting him and 49 distrusting him.

There are still a lot trusting him but the balance goes in the right direction, to say so. For example, at the end of week 45 (, so just before he made the circus inside AOBT thread (which generated everything that followed), he was trusted by 71 users and distrusted by only 24. During same week, his DT strength was +13, while now it is -9.

And I am sure that the numbers of those distrusting him and of those which will stop trusting him will keep growing.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Synchronice on November 20, 2023, 08:43:45 AM
However, by reading again this feedback he left a while ago, the surprise would not be too big anymore...

A fuckhead with a broken head. After being raped by all the WEX employees, taking all his mother's money [...]
Maybe he is a voice actor and so many offensive sentences are the result of him dubbing this movie? Кpoвь и бeтoн (

Is this an edited AI text?   It sounds very familiar.   :-\
??? ???

And I thought my English is bad.  :D
Your English is bad? You are a typical German who when asked Sprichst du Englisch? answers with Ich spreche ein bisschen Englisch but speaks and writes in English better than any random British or American. Okay, I'm kidding but your English is not bad, it's gut!

@Vod, are you trolling this trust abuser nazi? I have first hand experience, if he fails to continue an argument he will immediately resort to finding something on you just to tag you, be careful.
This quote of yours makes me think that he is not a trust abuser. Why do you call him nazi? Because he is a German?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 20, 2023, 08:47:19 AM
Maybe he is a voice actor and so many offensive sentences are the result of him dubbing this movie?

I don't think he is a voice actor but, for sure, he is an actor. He played his role well all these years when he succeeded in fooling all the forum about what-a-great-contributor the imposter is.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: 1miau on November 20, 2023, 09:54:41 AM
And I thought my English is bad.  :D
Your English is bad? You are a typical German who when asked Sprichst du Englisch? answers with Ich spreche ein bisschen Englisch but speaks and writes in English better than any random British or American. Okay, I'm kidding but your English is not bad, it's gut!
Many thanks for your positive feedback. I appreciate it very much, especially because I didn't expect it.  :D

@Vod, are you trolling this trust abuser nazi? I have first hand experience, if he fails to continue an argument he will immediately resort to finding something on you just to tag you, be careful.
Why do you call him nazi? Because he is a German?
Because he doesn't have any arguments left. Like Ratimov did against GazetaBitcoin, there's just name calling left. And "Nazi" is one of the most common insults. On the forum, 99% of the cases where someone is called "Nazi", the accused person doesn't share Nazi ideology.
So, instead of presenting some arguments, it's a Nazi.
Just few days ago, stompix made a very good comparison:

Don't tell me, you and your nazi

Yawn, everyone used this nazi thing on everything that it lost all meaning, nazi this nazi that, nobody reacts to that anymore, replace nazi with pomegranate ice cream and you get the same reaction, nothing!

Maybe he is a voice actor and so many offensive sentences are the result of him dubbing this movie?

I don't think he is a voice actor but, for sure, he is an actor. He played his role well all these years when he succeeded in fooling all the forum about what-a-great-contributor the imposter is.
It's even more impressive how he messed it up. Even the most level headed and calm DT1 members took action. That's really unprecedeted and probably Ratimov still thinks he's right.  ::)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 20, 2023, 10:35:53 AM
This quote of yours makes me think that he is not a trust abuser. Why do you call him nazi? Because he is a German?
I will not respond here anymore, I have a topic on him, you can ask me there, but for clarification, he is a racist EXTREME. hence he is a nazi. Why don't I go around the forum and call random people nazi?

Whether you were born in Russia, in Romania, in China etc, if you are a racist, you are a nazi.
Edit: today's lesson is : a dictator who is also a racist is called "nazi".

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: 1miau on November 20, 2023, 10:47:26 AM

Whether you were born in Russia, in Romania, in China etc, if you are a racist, you are a nazi.
Luckily, I'm neither a racist nor a nazi. And I believe the same applies to Don Pedro Dinero, who was accused to be a "Nazi" as well in your excessive trolling rant.
Do you have some more aggressive name calling nonsense? Maybe Ratimov can learn something from you.  ::)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: holydarkness on November 20, 2023, 11:09:17 AM
Whether you were born in Russia, in Romania, in China etc, if you are a racist, you are a nazi.

Umm... how? Racism is one of the view incorporated by nazism, but it's not interchangable. Someone in China can be a racist that'll shame the demon prince of racism and he's not necessarily a nazi simply because he did not having the nazism ideology.

Gazeta, pardon the small derailment.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: madnessteat on November 20, 2023, 06:28:04 PM
maybe it’s worth reminding the person who likes to crunch their nose how the moderators covered for him when he threatened me with physical harm?
he once told me that he wanted to break my nose when we met, but instead of being banned, he now continues to intimidate us with negative feedback)
if he says that this is not so, I will try to find these threats in my archives) There will be many questions about whether Russian moderators were covering for him.. and if I’m not mistaken, he also tried to defend Ratimov then

Kingf1sher if this is true, I insist on finding those archives. Can you search them, please?

At same time, if you can, please share this topic in Russian local board as well. And, of course, add Ratimov to your distrust list.

I am not intimidating anyone, I am expressing my point of view and I have every right to do so. If you had any proof of Ratimov's abuses, I would have a completely different opinion of him. But you still have no solid evidence, so all your accusations are just assumptions. One must not forget the presumption of innocence.

As for Kingf1sher, I told him that where I live, words he said to me would get his nose broken. I did not threaten him. A threat implies that a person promises to do something bad to an opponent. I can't even imagine threatening someone on an anonymous forum. It's a load of crap.

As far as I remember our conflict was closed by mutual consent, as stated in the guidelines of the administrator of this forum.

I have never been covered by moderators, as any swearing on the forum is considered off-topic and is deleted by them according to the forum rules.

I am not a friend of Ratimov as you stated above. I tried to contact him via private messages regarding this thread, but he never replied to me.

If you have any claims against me then create a separate thread. I am ready to answer for my every word unlike you. As I have already said more than once on this forum I am ready to bear any punishment with my head up if I really deserve it, up to the blocking of the account, because I am an honest person and I have absolutely nothing to hide. Just take into account that I will request the support of DT members, as I clearly see that your actions are contrary to the recommendations of the administrator of this forum.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 21, 2023, 07:57:35 AM
As for the recent discussion about 1miau, I believe that his reputation precedes him and everybody knows what an exemplary forum contributor he is.
This topic is about keeping certain people on DT, there has been so many verdicts, people have passed their judgements, I'm starting to think if OP is truly fit to be on DT or not, of course I have nothing against him, I don't find him untrustworthy. I'm just concerned about his poor judgement, after all we need vigilant people with good eyes to be able to spot exemplary members and introduce them to the community via DT inclusion.

New evidence resurfaced,

Introducing an exemplary member according to Gazeta's opinion, which makes you wonder, how many of such great members are included on his trust list and the trust list of other DT members?

Gazeta posted that on 18 November, 1miau corruption has been confirmed on 21 November.
Poor judgement skills. Btw, I'm not here to defend Ratimov, but as I said before, if he corrects the past unjust feedbacks, no need to remove him from DT, but unfortunately he made a mistake by deleting a lot of his topics, which I don't think many people would forgive.

Bottom line, please don't use trust system for retaliation, things will work out in time if you were wronged by someone, instead open a thread and explain/defend yourself. Sorry for posting here again, it seemed important.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 21, 2023, 09:13:34 AM
If you had any proof of Ratimov's abuses, I would have a completely different opinion of him.

All proof is in OP.

One must not forget the presumption of innocence.

Ratimov benefited from the presumption of innocence for 4 years. Until people finally started to open their eyes.

I am not a friend of Ratimov as you stated above.

I stated that you are his minion, not friend.

As I have already said more than once on this forum I am ready to bear any punishment with my head up if I really deserve it, up to the blocking of the account

This will happen if it'll be the case.

Meanwhile, Ratimov's no. 1 fan (after jokers10 decided to abandon the sinking ship (, LOL!) decided that judgement of LoyceV, suchmoon and lovesmayfamilis is not up to his standards.

As a curiosity, he also distrusted me but 1h33'03" later he decided that I am not that untrustworthy so he deleted me from his distrust list.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 21, 2023, 09:59:51 AM
decided that judgement of LoyceV, suchmoon and lovesmayfamilis is not up to his standards.
That's okay :) I'm much more curious why he still includes someone without Trust list ( and without sent feedback (;u=2627711).

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: jokers10 on November 21, 2023, 10:25:35 AM
after jokers10 decided to abandon the sinking ship (, LOL!

Is this topic about Ratimov or about me? If you are interpreting my actions the way you like despite that I said everything I wanted about the case myself, I have a lot of doubts that you are unbiased enough to judge any other's behavior. The more you interpret others' actions now, the more this topic starts to be about you and the way you behave than about Ratimov.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 21, 2023, 10:28:42 AM
That's okay :)

My dear Marcel, I think you should, instead, work harder for elevating your judgement to madnessteat's standards O0

I'm much more curious why he still includes someone without Trust list ( and without sent feedback (;u=2627711).

That's a good question and it applies also to the remaining 47 users which still trust Ratimov (they were 49 in the last update, but meanwhile Charles-Tim also deleted him from his Trust list) -- Balthazar, silversurfer1958, peloso, Gianluca95, rby, SiNeReiNZzz, thandie, tmfp, s0nix, WhiteManWhite, nimogsm, SPQRCoin, my luck, FutureBitcoin, Wapfika, dimonstration, whyrqa, BtcMan2009, CarnagexD, imhoneer, Chrystora123, Best_Change, KTChampions, Smartprofit, Coin-1, Julien_Olynpic, sky999, Ridcan, bubbalex, XEOP$, taikuri13, Snork1979, DabLjat, FontSeli, YOSHIE, elmanchez, KOPHEP, WEX-SCAM, ajanwalker, Zilon, _BlackStar, Shamm, KingsDen, Nathrixxx, SatoPrincess, Silence Scream and Jossque.

KOPHEP and Nathrixxx are banned so they can't answer this question, while others are inactive. Yet the question is still valid for many of the names mentioned above.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: KaosanRoad on November 21, 2023, 11:14:39 AM
after jokers10 decided to abandon the sinking ship (, LOL!

Is this topic about Ratimov or about me? If you are interpreting my actions the way you like despite that I said everything I wanted about the case myself, I have a lot of doubts that you are unbiased enough to judge any other's behavior. The more you interpret others' actions now, the more this topic starts to be about you and the way you behave than about Ratimov.

I think this topic is about user Ratimov.... if you dont like people that typing your nick you should disable notifications  8)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: jokers10 on November 21, 2023, 11:42:34 AM
after jokers10 decided to abandon the sinking ship (, LOL!

Is this topic about Ratimov or about me? If you are interpreting my actions the way you like despite that I said everything I wanted about the case myself, I have a lot of doubts that you are unbiased enough to judge any other's behavior. The more you interpret others' actions now, the more this topic starts to be about you and the way you behave than about Ratimov.

I think this topic is about user Ratimov.... if you dont like people that typing your nick you should disable notifications  8)

It will probably be comfortable for some, but is it what I really should do? Why? Just because it will be easier for some to tease an absent opponent? One-man show could be an interesting idea for theater, but it is not as good for forums. :)

Of course some can ignore teasing... but some prefer not to. If it is a topic about "user Ratimov" then it should be not so hard to not to discuss me here. ;)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: KaosanRoad on November 21, 2023, 11:59:17 AM
after jokers10 decided to abandon the sinking ship (, LOL!

Is this topic about Ratimov or about me? If you are interpreting my actions the way you like despite that I said everything I wanted about the case myself, I have a lot of doubts that you are unbiased enough to judge any other's behavior. The more you interpret others' actions now, the more this topic starts to be about you and the way you behave than about Ratimov.

I think this topic is about user Ratimov.... if you dont like people that typing your nick you should disable notifications  8)

It will probably be comfortable for some, but is it what I really should do? Why? Just because it will be easier for some to tease an absent opponent? One-man show could be an interesting idea for theater, but it is not as good for forums. :)

Of course some can ignore teasing... but some prefer not to. If it is a topic about "user Ratimov" then it should be not so hard to not to discuss me here. ;)

Up to you what you should do or not do, you can choose to ignore and not be bothered. Or you can choose to not ignore and be bothered.. but if you can choose option one, is strange to choose option two and also complain.. jus relax bro, they are just talking about you nothing more.. relax enjoy life

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: madnessteat on November 21, 2023, 05:26:11 PM
If you had any proof of Ratimov's abuses, I would have a completely different opinion of him.

All proof is in OP.

One must not forget the presumption of innocence.

Ratimov benefited from the presumption of innocence for 4 years. Until people finally started to open their eyes.

I am not a friend of Ratimov as you stated above.

I stated that you are his minion, not friend.

As I have already said more than once on this forum I am ready to bear any punishment with my head up if I really deserve it, up to the blocking of the account

This will happen if it'll be the case.

Meanwhile, Ratimov's no. 1 fan (after jokers10 decided to abandon the sinking ship (, LOL!) decided that judgement of LoyceV, suchmoon and lovesmayfamilis is not up to his standards.

As a curiosity, he also distrusted me but 1h33'03" later he decided that I am not that untrustworthy so he deleted me from his distrust list.

As I have said many times in this thread this is not evidence but conjecture. If you presented such evidence in court, it would be immediately dismissed for lack of arguments.

I am neither a friend nor a minion of Ratimov. I know him as a useful user of this forum and that is enough for me to express my position when you try to suppress it.

I'm still thinking of adding you to my trust list with a tilde. I will keep an eye on your future behavior. So far it only indicates that you are unworthy of being in DT because you are jumping to conclusions based only on your hunches. That's not good enough. And rest assured that many people think so, but for some reason fear you.

Who I trust is my personal opinion and none of your business. No need to make a tragedy out of it or try to push me head-on with these forumers.

There was a time when I trusted LoyceV, suchmoon and lovesmayfamilis more.

LoyceV is a helpful forum member whose work I respect, but it's not entirely clear to me how he was able to take your side in this conflict. I guess he trusted you and therefore didn't take enough time to analyze the situation on his own.

suchmoon has surprised me for the second time. He was explained the whole situation with this conflict in Russian-language locale in detail almost minute by minute, but he still supports you. Even though he can't refute anything.

I was a staunch defender of lovesmayfamilis when she was banned. In part, I had a hand in mitigating her punishment. At least I think I did. I've long noticed that she has an opposing opinion to me on certain disputes regarding reputation on the forum, so I removed her from my trust list. I've been wanting to do this for a while, but I've been hesitant to do so.

It's quite possible that I'll put some of them back on my trust list.


Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceMobile on November 21, 2023, 07:01:01 PM
LoyceV is a helpful forum member whose work I respect, but it's not entirely clear to me how he was able to take your side in this conflict. I guess he trusted you and therefore didn't take enough time to analyze the situation on his own.
I didn't take OP's side, I said that in my opinion both users shouldn't have left negative feedback for this. I don't easily exclude users, I think of it as a scale. Once it tips too far, I'll have to exclude someone. Let's say OP gave me only one reason to exclude him, Ratimov gave multiple reasons over the years.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 21, 2023, 10:38:36 PM
Ratimov gave multiple reasons over the years.

Ratimov?? Who is Ratimov?  :D You mean Symmetrick?
This drama will never end. Ratimov changed his username, now he is Symmetrick (;u=2627711)  ::)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: alani123 on November 21, 2023, 11:15:37 PM
So Symmetric (ex. Ratimov) went to the full length of lodging a request with a site administrator just to change his username? AFAIK this is the only way it's possible to be done outside of being a VIP (50 BTC donation).
And it was granted just like that? Uhhh... Weird but ok.  ???

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on November 21, 2023, 11:25:52 PM
So Symmetric (ex. Ratimov) went to the full length of lodging a request with a site administrator just to change his username? AFAIK this is the only way it's possible to be done outside of being a VIP (50 BTC donation).
And it was granted just like that? Uhhh... Weird but ok.  ???
I know a handful of members who were able to change their usernames upon making a request to the Administrator. It's not something automatic, but it's possible if someone making the request has valid reasons even if they were not VIP. From the administrative point of view, I don't see anything odd. From a user point of view… Well well well...

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: paid2 on November 21, 2023, 11:33:15 PM
So Symmetric (ex. Ratimov) went to the full length of lodging a request with a site administrator just to change his username? AFAIK this is the only way it's possible to be done outside of being a VIP (50 BTC donation).
And it was granted just like that? Uhhh... Weird but ok.  ???
I know a handful of members who were able to change their usernames upon making a request to the Administrator. It's not something automatic, but it's possible if someone making the request has valid reasons even if they were not VIP. From the administrative point of view, I don't see anything odd. From a user point of view… Well well well...

I'm jealous lol! It's been 6 months since I asked to change my username to the admins!  ;D

edit : wow thank you! @theymos

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on November 21, 2023, 11:45:48 PM
I'm jealous lol! It's been 6 months since I asked to change my username to the admins!  ;D
Sometimes it takes a very tong time, ( but just hang in there and don't give up ( Help me count. How many months were those, minus the time he waited after sending PMs?  :D

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Plaguedeath on November 22, 2023, 04:25:57 AM
If the @OP change the subject to "Should Ratimov/Symmetrick be in DT1?" does it kills the purpose of changing username? ???

edit : wow thank you! @theymos
I think every users who have/want to request to change their username need to post in this thread. :D

Anyway congratulations, now your username looks simpler.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 22, 2023, 10:37:40 AM
Ratimov changed his username, now he is Symmetrick (;u=2627711)  ::)
He keeps surprising me. I'm impressed :D

If the @OP change the subject to "Should Ratimov/Symmetrick be in DT1?" does it kills the purpose of changing username? ???
It depends:
Quote from: theymos in 2020
Why are you guys posting the old names of people who clearly needed their names changed for privacy reasons? Obviously any data posted online is going to be quickly archived somewhere, but that doesn't mean that your highlighting/reposting of it has no effect. In some cases you may literally be putting lives in danger. If you were investigating a scam or something, that'd be different, but you seem to just be indiscriminately & recklessly dredging up data that would best be forgotten.
Ratimov could argue he changed his username for privacy reasons. Lol.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 22, 2023, 12:37:35 PM
Ratimov could argue he changed his username for privacy reasons. Lol.

I think someone more familiar said here that Ratimov is his last name in real life. From that point of view, this change is completely understandable. He probably should have done it earlier, this way it looks like the drop in ratings initiated the change.

I'm jealous lol! It's been 6 months since I asked to change my username to the admins!  ;D
Sometimes it takes a very tong time, ( but just hang in there and don't give up ( Help me count. How many months were those, minus the time he waited after sending PMs?  :D

If I remember correctly, The Cryptovator changed his username twice in a short period. Still, theymos has proven that he follows events on the forum, although it does not participate in most of the discussions.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: tranthidung on November 22, 2023, 02:03:37 PM
If I remember correctly, The Cryptovator changed his username twice in a short period. Still, theymos has proven that he follows events on the forum, although it does not participate in most of the discussions.
Your memory is correct.

The user got permission and support to change display name three times. Coolcryptovator, COOLCRYPTOVATOR and The Cryptovator. theymos dislikes if we mentioned people change usernames for privacy reasons but the user did it because of impersonators, hence I think it's not wrong to mention this here (but still, it is offtopic so I will stop here).

Display Name changed from "COOLCRYPTOVATOR" to "The Cryptovator" | Tnx Theymos (

Title: Re: Should symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 22, 2023, 03:30:36 PM
Wow, did he really change a name to paid2 so fast? Looks like someone is trying to win the hearts of DT members after receiving an unwarranted tag. @mr. President, I have spare blanket in my tent on this board, if you felt cold let me know.🙃

If this crusade is going to continue, please change the title to avoid any more confusion.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 22, 2023, 07:05:51 PM
Ratimov could argue he changed his username for privacy reasons. Lol.

He could argue for that, of course. But I believe he did it for putting some more distance between him and his plagiarism / Trust abusing background.

If the @OP change the subject to "Should Ratimov/Symmetrick be in DT1?" does it kills the purpose of changing username? ???

I just changed it, in order to reflect the reality.

A new name, a new face, a new account (maybe?)

Sure, why not? From Symmetrick aka Ratimov you can expect anything.

Your Second Life on bitcointalk awaits.

Yes! Definitely! Symmetrick never plagiarized any content and he never abused any forum user through his DT powers! Symmetrick is a nice new guy here hooray!

Everybody needs a fresh start every now and then.

Yup! Especially after you were finally exposed for all the miserable stuff you did in the past.

First of all I recommend you to start learning using quotes. I see you are Legendary user but your posting etiquette is the one of a Newbie. Did you not know that you don't need to quote full huge posts or whole topics, but only the relevant parts? Here, let me help you out: [TIPS] to avoid pyramid quotes (for Newbies) (

If you presented such evidence in court, it would be immediately dismissed for lack of arguments.

Only that we are not in a Court of Law and the evidence I presented was good enough since so many users distrusted Ratimov.

I'm still thinking of adding you to my trust list with a tilde.

Oh how sweet of you for not doing it until now! /s
I mean go ahead, do it!

I will keep an eye on your future behavior.

I'll try so much to have my behavior up to your standards! (again, /s).

many people think so, but for some reason fear you.

Me vs. other people be like:
(Again, /s).

LoyceV is a helpful forum member whose work I respect, but it's not entirely clear to me how he was able to take your side in this conflict.

Perhaps you can say that... erm... I manipulated Switzerland? This would make me the only forum user which managed to manipulate LV's judgement. Oh but wait, then I also manipulated The Pharmacist. And suchmoon. and Foxpup. And fillippone. And 1miau. And icopress. And NeuroticFish. And vapourminer. And philipma1957. And BitcoinGirl.Club. And lovesmayfamilis. And klarki. And jokers10. And zasad@. And wwzsoki. And JollyGood. And holydarkness. And Rikafip. And Brainboss. And bullrun. and Stalker22. And examplens. And Bitcoin_Arena. And witcher_sense. And Charles-Tim. And sheenshane. And tvplus006.

Geez, I must be so good! I manipulated all those DT users O0

And also all the non-DT users which distrusted Ratimov! Meaning Learn Bitcoin, DYING_S0UL, Nestade, iwantmysecond1000yardsbackyardpaiswithbtctoo, owlcatz, nakamura12, Despairo, SmartGold01, DireWolfM14, light_warrior, Poker Player, PowerGlove, execijutiere, Synchronice, Plaguedeath, giammangiato...

Sacré bleu! How did I do it? I must be a magician!

It's quite possible that I'll put some of them back on my trust list.

I am sure that, in their privacy, lovesmayfamilis, suchmoon and LoyceV are praying every single day for you to add them to your Trust list again. sometimes they pray even 3 times in a day for this to happen.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: yahoo62278 on November 22, 2023, 07:20:45 PM
I would argue that anyone looking to "start over" with a name change should do exactly that. Start from the beginning, no rank, no merit, no post history. Don't try to hide who you were.

Am I missing something as to why 1 would need a name change? From what I read on his DT case he got caught plagiarizing, he deleted lots of old threads, not sure if caught in lies but the point is now with the name change it feels like he is trying to hide the past.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 22, 2023, 07:43:06 PM
I would argue that anyone looking to "start over" with a name change should do exactly that. Start from the beginning, no rank, no merit, no post history.

Ratimov aka Symmetrick wants to start over, but with no remaining evidence of his plagiarism, no evidence remaining of his Trust abuse and also with 11000 merits and +18 Trust score. Like a baws.

the point is now with the name change it feels like he is trying to hide the past.

You can bet on that. He wants to look innocent like a baby. Perhaps he also hopes that if anyone would make searches for "Ratimov plagiarist" or "Ratimov Trust abuser" that person would obtain fewer relevant links now, after he purged almost all his copy-pasted / plagiarized topics combined with the change of name.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on November 22, 2023, 10:29:18 PM
I would argue that anyone looking to "start over" with a name change should do exactly that. Start from the beginning, no rank, no merit, no post history. Don't try to hide who you were.

Yeah but what about those sweet sweet sig campaign satoshis... it would take MONTHS to get back to that level LOL

Am I missing something as to why 1 would need a name change? From what I read on his DT case he got caught plagiarizing, he deleted lots of old threads, not sure if caught in lies but the point is now with the name change it feels like he is trying to hide the past.

There might be legitimate privacy reasons for a username change and in this case the username was a Russian last name, may or may not have been his real name, but I guess plausible enough to make an appeal to theymos to change it.

The timing of it though... no issues with bearing that username for years, now a "privacy" issue ::)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 23, 2023, 11:16:09 AM
And BitcoinGirl.Club
Shut up and stop spreading lies. Some may fail to understand the sarcasm.

Ratimov came to your satellite long long after I was protesting against his abuse. I even told you once that where have you been at that time? Then you obviously explained your reasons which I understood. I don't expect everyone especially the less-powerful accounts to risk their forum feedback page and become someone's victim. But credit goes to you that you put the pieces of the puzzles together and helped everyone to change their mind. I would never give such time and effort to write such a post.

Shall we call him Symmetrick Ratimov? Somewhere I read Ratimov is his last name.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 23, 2023, 11:19:20 AM
Somewhere I read Ratimov is his last name.
Ironically, I only read that after his name change. That means the privacy argument for changing his name backfired.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 23, 2023, 11:32:03 AM
Somewhere I read Ratimov is his last name.
Ironically, I only read that after his name change. That means the privacy argument for changing his name backfired.
Right now nothing is going the way Symmetrick Ratimov wants but the cycle of life is a karma. Who knows after a few years some day a new Legendary will raise high and will introduce himself as the former Ratimov. We will then look at that account. 1000 merit, 977 activity, 7566 posts, registered date September 26, 2023, 07:23:05 PM. This new high raised legendary will never have a history of plagiarism, trust abuse, and everyone will love him. I can hope for such a comeback.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: dkbit98 on November 23, 2023, 01:56:30 PM
As far as I know it's impossible to change forum profile number, unless you are theymos or moderator, so his UID number remains the same - 2627711.
He can change his username as much as he wants, for whatever reason, but this is certainly not the first time that someone has done did.
I see he also changed his password and email today...

Yeah but what about those sweet sweet sig campaign satoshis... it would take MONTHS to get back to that level LOL
It's interesting that after all this circus he remained in the same campaign, but I think that manager added him on his Distrust list  ;)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 23, 2023, 02:32:43 PM
I see he also changed his password and email today...
It's interesting that after all this circus he remained in the same campaign
Now all that's left is changing the payment address for his signature campaign :P

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 23, 2023, 05:44:55 PM
I see he also changed his password and email today...
It's interesting that after all this circus he remained in the same campaign
Now all that's left is changing the payment address for his signature campaign :P

So let's make a sum-up of recent events:

- this topic exposes all Ratimov / Symmetrick's shenanigans from past years
- many DT and non-DT users distrust him or stop trusting him and, eventually, he is kicked out of DT and his DT strength goes from +13 to -9
- he starts a mass purge of his old posts and topics, possibly some with plagiarism evidence, involving also in his actions the 2 Russian mods which he fools into becoming his garbage men, until theymos puts a stop to this (it was too late anyway)
- he deletes all his left feedbacks, retracts all his support for flags and wipes his Trust list
- stops posting in international sections and resumes only to Russian local board
- stops earning merits with lightning speed; stops sending merits with lightning speed (if you check his merit activity you can see that lately he sent some merits at intervals of ~one week)
- changes his name
- changes his email and password.

What do all these seem like?

And BitcoinGirl.Club
Shut up and stop spreading lies. Some may fail to understand the sarcasm.


Shall we call him Symmetrick Ratimov? Somewhere I read Ratimov is his last name.

In this guy's case everything looks shady. Even the new name, because "Symmetrick" contains the part "Trick"... Like he is trying another trick. Maybe his final trick before exiting the stage? Oo

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: holydarkness on November 23, 2023, 05:51:55 PM
I would argue that anyone looking to "start over" with a name change should do exactly that. Start from the beginning, no rank, no merit, no post history.

Ratimov aka Symmetrick wants to start over, but with no remaining evidence of his plagiarism, no evidence remaining of his Trust abuse and also with 11000 merits and +18 Trust score. Like a baws.


What do all these seem like?

It called New Game+

edit : wow thank you! @theymos

Bear...! Bear...! Look who's here! Mansion got his name changed! Congratulation Paid2, I'm happy for you. And the name, I'm really happy you really go with that name!

[Ok, I've had enough derailing your thread this time, you can just ignore me, LOL]

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 24, 2023, 12:35:57 PM
Ratimov changed his username, now he is Symmetrick (;u=2627711)  ::)
He keeps surprising me. I'm impressed :D
In another surprising turn of events, he went from this:
Let me support your competition as a sponsor.
As a sponsor, I will add the following amounts to the prize money:

1st : 0.027 BTC
2nd : 0.0135 BTC
3rd : 0.007 BTC

To this:
I received a PM from Ratimov yesterday informing me that he no longer intends to honor his role as sponsor :
Nevertheless, Ratimov added that Icopress owes a small debt of 0.004 to Ratimov. And this sum would be paid to me for the winners.
Sorry for the disappointment, like you I'm suffering Ratimov's decision, but it's his decision.

Ratimov reduced the pledged amount by 0.0435 BTC, currently worth $1649, after 90% of the contest's running time passed. And although I'm nowhere near winning this contest, I find this extremely disappointing to do. At least it earned him another 22 Merits posting this ( He must have forgotton to delete that post. Let me archive ( it for him.

You don't just break promises in a community because you're having a tantrum!

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 24, 2023, 01:24:18 PM
Ratimov changed his username, now he is Symmetrick (;u=2627711)  ::)
He keeps surprising me. I'm impressed :D
In another surprising turn of events, he went from this:
Let me support your competition as a sponsor.
As a sponsor, I will add the following amounts to the prize money:

1st : 0.027 BTC
2nd : 0.0135 BTC
3rd : 0.007 BTC

To this:
I received a PM from Ratimov yesterday informing me that he no longer intends to honor his role as sponsor :
Nevertheless, Ratimov added that Icopress owes a small debt of 0.004 to Ratimov. And this sum would be paid to me for the winners.
Sorry for the disappointment, like you I'm suffering Ratimov's decision, but it's his decision.

Ratimov reduced the pledged amount by 0.0435 BTC, currently worth $1649, after 90% of the contest's running time passed. And although I'm nowhere near winning this contest, I find this extremely disappointing to do. At least it earned him another 22 Merits posting this ( He must have forgotton to delete that post. Let me archive ( it for him.

You don't just break promises in a community because you're having a tantrum!
This warrants a negative feedback. He can not be trusted with any financial trade anymore. It is risky to involve in any trade with him.

When someone is promising to send funds to a community event or mutual betting with individuals, automatically it becomes mandatory to honer the deal.

I personally engage with many members in side bets [in premier league], when the word is out it must be honored that's how it works. I am using this post as a reference of the negative feedback I am about to write in him feedback page.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 24, 2023, 01:33:07 PM
If you are going to do that, and believe it's the right thing to do, you should create a flag not trust feedback.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 24, 2023, 02:18:52 PM
This warrants a negative feedback. He can not be trusted with any financial trade anymore. It is risky to involve in any trade with him.

When someone is promising to send funds to a community event or mutual betting with individuals, automatically it becomes mandatory to honer the deal.

I personally engage with many members in side bets [in premier league], when the word is out it must be honored that's how it works. I am using this post as a reference of the negative feedback I am about to write in him feedback page.

Certainly, this is not correct negative feedback. He didn't harm anyone here, he didn't even send those coins. His promise was voluntary and a kind of donation and you cannot accuse someone for withdrawing his self-initiated donation.
He can always say that he urgently needs the money and that he cannot afford it at the moment.

You don't just break promises in a community because you're having a tantrum!

Although I am of the same opinion, we cannot say with certainty that anger is the reason for this decision. In a fit of rage and renunciation of all forum things, he would renounce his input and leave the signature campaign. If it means $200 a week to him, why would he give up $1649.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 24, 2023, 02:33:50 PM
Certainly, this is not correct negative feedback. He didn't harm anyone here, he didn't even send those coins. His promise was voluntary and a kind of donation and you cannot accuse someone for withdrawing his self-initiated donation.
He can always say that he urgently needs the money and that he cannot afford it at the moment.
Open side bet in EPL Pool. I will finish the season ahead of this CLS63 f**ker LOL.
Side bet of 15 mbtc with CLS63

flumpnuggets is going to pay me 1mbtc for sure LOL
Side bet of 1 mbtc with Igebotz.

Arsenal fails to win [which they will] the season title, Mouse gives me 1mbtc or I give 2.5mbtc. Side bet.
1 mbtc side bet with Little Mouse.

The losers will pay the winners. I don't think anyone will avoid a trade risk feedback if they do not honer the bets.

I do not see any difference in Symmetrick Ratimov's promise too. He can not deny a trade that was agreed between him and other parties.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Igebotz on November 24, 2023, 03:00:34 PM
I do not see any difference in Symmetrick Ratimov's promise too. He can not deny a trade that was agreed between him and other parties.

examplen is right! The side bet deal we had and what Symmetrick offered are two distinct scenarios that must be handled separately.

If I fail to keep our side bet as agreed, I may be considered a trade risk individual for breach of contract.

What Symmetrick had with Halab was nothing more than a volunteer donation, and he has every right to back out without repercussions; you can't tag him "trade risk" for failing to deliver on his donation. He may have backed out for a variety of reasons, and he owes no one an explanation. Your tag is crossedline Imo.

I'm not interested in drama, I'm only here cause you @Me.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 24, 2023, 03:04:15 PM
The losers will pay the winners. I don't think anyone will avoid a trade risk feedback if they do not honer the bets.

I do not see any difference in Symmetrick Ratimov's promise too. He can not deny a trade that was agreed between him and other parties.

There is definitely a difference. One is a donation and the second is a bet. As far as I can see, Ratimov is not a participant in this contest, so he certainly cannot receive any prize from it. There was no agreement between Ratimov and the participants here, except for a few thanks for his generosity.
So it is a donation, a bonus, there is no trade or bet on his part.

Maybe in his anger, he will try to deceive someone, but that is just biased speculation and not enough for a negative tag.

You can also look at it from the point of view that this sponsorship was an investment in his rating here on the forum. Now that that rating has been destroyed, it makes no sense for them to put money into it.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 24, 2023, 03:13:13 PM
I do not see any difference in Symmetrick Ratimov's promise too. He can not deny a trade that was agreed between him and other parties.

examplen is right! The side bet deal we had and what Symmetrick offered are two distinct scenarios that must be handled separately.

If I fail to keep our side bet as agreed, I may be considered a trade risk individual for breach of contract.

What Symmetrick had with Halab was nothing more than a volunteer donation, and he has every right to back out without repercussions;

The losers will pay the winners. I don't think anyone will avoid a trade risk feedback if they do not honer the bets.

I do not see any difference in Symmetrick Ratimov's promise too. He can not deny a trade that was agreed between him and other parties.

There is definitely a difference. One is a donation and the second is a bet. As far as I can see, Ratimov is not a participant in this contest, so he certainly cannot receive any prize from it. There was no agreement between Ratimov and the participants here, except for a few thanks for his generosity.
So it is a donation, a bonus, there is no trade or bet on his part.
You two are right there. I failed to understand the donation part. The feedback has been removed.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on November 24, 2023, 03:31:42 PM
There is definitely a difference. One is a donation and the second is a bet. As far as I can see, Ratimov is not a participant in this contest, so he certainly cannot receive any prize from it. There was no agreement between Ratimov and the participants here, except for a few thanks for his generosity.

If you say "I'm sponsoring this and here's how much I'll pay" is about as serious of a contract as it gets here on the forum. If I said something like this and then retracted it at the last minute, I'd expect to be flagged up the wazoo. Not sure where you see the difference between that and e.g. a signature campaign or some other promise to pay.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 24, 2023, 04:17:34 PM
There is definitely a difference. One is a donation and the second is a bet. As far as I can see, Ratimov is not a participant in this contest, so he certainly cannot receive any prize from it. There was no agreement between Ratimov and the participants here, except for a few thanks for his generosity.

If you say "I'm sponsoring this and here's how much I'll pay" is about as serious of a contract as it gets here on the forum. If I said something like this and then retracted it at the last minute, I'd expect to be flagged up the wazoo. Not sure where you see the difference between that and e.g. a signature campaign or some other promise to pay.
Did participants spend more of their time on that contest? Or just their spare time?
Did he send the donated amount to the host?
Technically if the host was holding the funds but returned them to him, the host violated the terms of contract.

Even if you wanted to blame the donor, he could file for bankruptcy and claim there were people in line to get paid with actual written contracts and that legally they were the priority, then your fantasy forum rules would make no sense to warrant a flag.😉 

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on November 24, 2023, 09:00:06 PM
Did participants spend more of their time on that contest? Or just their spare time?
Did he send the donated amount to the host?
Technically if the host was holding the funds but returned them to him, the host violated the terms of contract.

None of it matters. If you promise to pay me for doing nothing and then you don't, you would still be in breach of contract even if it's my "spare time". Sending or not sending the money in advance also has nothing to do with it.

Even if you wanted to blame the donor, he could file for bankruptcy and claim there were people in line to get paid with actual written contracts and that legally they were the priority, then your fantasy forum rules would make no sense to warrant a flag.😉 

Donor LOL

Sym-whatshisname said "sponsor". That's very different from "donor". Sponsorship is very likely to be a contract because it implies that the sponsor is receiving something in return. Words matter. No one forced him to call it that, his choice, his contract, his failure to execute.

I can see why participants wouldn't want to raise the flag here but that doesn't mean that you need to start making things up to justify that, like bankruptcy ::) ... there is no bankruptcy, there is just a disgruntled user trying to turn everything he touched into shit.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: mikeywith on November 24, 2023, 09:22:31 PM
I can see why participants wouldn't want to raise the flag here

You could even argue that a flag type 3 is warranted but only if raised by a participant, I mean, if I was told that if I participate and do a,b,c I could win some x prize, and after that you decide that you no longer want to give me my potential prize,  you have certainly violated a contract.

Such actions should be frowned upon, or else, someone can start a thread saying they will give away 10 btc for the winner, gets a ton of merit for being generous to the community, and then a few weeks before payment time, they pull the plug.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: dkbit98 on November 24, 2023, 09:31:31 PM
Ratimov reduced the pledged amount by 0.0435 BTC, currently worth $1649, after 90% of the contest's running time passed. And although I'm nowhere near winning this contest, I find this extremely disappointing to do. At least it earned him another 22 Merits posting this ( He must have forgotton to delete that post. Let me archive ( it for him.

You don't just break promises in a community because you're having a tantrum!
WTF is he doing!?   ::)
I am he is really digging his own hole deeper and deeper every new day.
Nobody forced him to sponsor any competition, so changing his mind like this is unacceptable, and I can see some members even giving him negative feedback because of this.
As if we didn't have enough drama so far...

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on November 24, 2023, 09:44:20 PM
You two are right there. I failed to understand the donation part. The feedback has been removed.
Props to you for acknowledging an error instead of doubling down for ego reasons like most people do.  That's to be respected IMO.

But Jesus, I'll have to go back and read everything again since it looks like there's been some drama added to the already-existing drama, or at least an attempt to escalate the pre-existing drama.  I might be wrong, but when I saw this thread a couple of days ago, Symmetrick's name was not present--and I'm not even sure I've seen that username before.

Is there an established correlation between the price of bitcoin and the level of forum drama?  I've not done the analysis myself, but if I had to guess...

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 24, 2023, 09:48:35 PM
Now after sleeping on it for a few minutes, you could argue that people mostly joined the contest because of that money, I initially looked at OP alone and saw "donated", but after seeing the merits and "sponsor" on his post, I realized this was the moment that he f'ed up.

Though the only benefit was the merits, however from a moral standpoint, this is the same as not delivering what was promised, but legally, I don't know if a post could be considered as a contract.

And now if anyone wants to have a sweet revenge, this is the time, because by community standards(bounty, signature campaigns not honoring the deal warrants for a flag as well) this is good to go.
Edit: I forgot to say, you have the option of forgiving as well.

Such a waste of so much merits.😶

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: yahoo62278 on November 24, 2023, 10:32:20 PM
Hey, Halab, good initiative. Let me support your competition as a sponsor.

So far the prizes are:

1st : 0.0030 BTC
2nd : 0.0015 BTC
3rd : 0.0005 BTC

As a sponsor, I will add the following amounts to the prize money:

1st : 0.027 BTC
2nd : 0.0135 BTC
3rd : 0.007 BTC

In total, taking into account the prize money from Halab+ Ratimov, the following prizes are obtained:

1st : 0.03 BTC
2nd : 0.015 BTC
3rd : 0.0075 BTC

Good luck to all!

Sponsor definition: N a person or organization that pays for or contributes to the costs involved in staging a sporting or artistic event in return for advertising:

V provide funds for (a project or activity or the person carrying it out):


Donation definition: something that is given to a charity, especially a sum of money

Sponsoring something means you are pledging the money. It is a contractual obligation IMO if you sponsor something with a prize or with money. If he had used the word donation and not give an amount at the time, then he could decide the donation whenever he pleased although I wouldn't advise anyone join a competition or contest with the prize up in the air like that. I think he is breaching a contract and deserves feedback honestly. Had he decided after a day or week to change the amount or not to sponsor, then he would prob be fine, but to wait til nearly over and stop the sponsorship because of his drama on the forum is ridiculous.

I am going to consider a tag but want to hear other opinions. Seems very wrong to me, but maybe i'm in the wrong?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Rikafip on November 24, 2023, 10:46:33 PM

You can also look at it from the point of view that this sponsorship was an investment in his rating here on the forum. Now that that rating has been destroyed, it makes no sense for them to put money into it.
Isn't this an extra argument for negative feedback, if he did that for the sole purpose of increasing his reputation?

I might be wrong, but when I saw this thread a couple of days ago, Symmetrick's name was not present--and I'm not even sure I've seen that username before.
You definitely didn't see that name before as Ratimov changed name 3 days ago.

Now after sleeping on it for a few minutes, you could argue that people mostly joined the contest because of that money
While I don't think that money he added drastically affected amount of participants, it is nevertheless a shitty thing that he just did.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: paid2 on November 24, 2023, 11:03:04 PM
Does his recent behavior means that it is risky to do business with him? I guess the answer is cristal clear, just yes.

If reds are left when an auction is not fulfilled by the vendor/buyer, we should probably leave a red for cancelling a "sponsorship".
IMO the main idea is the same in both cases: it is risky to make a deal with this them, they don't respect their promises.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Zuzma on November 25, 2023, 12:03:51 AM
Does his recent behavior means that it is risky to do business with him? I guess the answer is cristal clear, just yes.

If reds are left when an auction is not fulfilled by the vendor/buyer, we should probably leave a red for cancelling a "sponsorship".
IMO the main idea is the same in both cases: it is risky to make a deal with this them, they don't respect their promises.

I can only express my opinion. The man promised, the man did not fulfill the promise. It is customary among gentlemen to keep promises. The motives are no longer so interesting.

Certainly, this is not correct negative feedback. He didn't harm anyone here, he didn't even send those coins. His promise was voluntary and a kind of donation and you cannot accuse someone for withdrawing his self-initiated donation.
He can always say that he urgently needs the money and that he cannot afford it at the moment.

How then can you make deals if he can stop keeping his word at any moment?
What if you send him money as a loan, but he suddenly needs it urgently and he doesn’t return it to you? will you think the same way?

he was deanomized back in December 2019, or rather, it was his personal mistake, because he began his career on the forum under his real name.
he was so stupid that his personal photos from social networks, advertisements from dating sites, advertisements from the sale of car spare parts, his mobile phone number was seen by many people from the Russian locale. he kept it all in the public domain.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 25, 2023, 09:07:40 AM
He didn't harm anyone here
One could argue the 3 future winners of the contest will be harmed. I guess it'll be up to them to create an accusation, but in my opinion that will look greedy.

He can always say that he urgently needs the money and that he cannot afford it at the moment.
That's a good point, and I wouldn't want to discourage users from doing nice things because they fear reputation damage if they can't fulfill it. That's also the reason I didn't leave (neutral) feedback with my post ( about it.

I do not see any difference in Symmetrick Ratimov's promise too. He can not deny a trade that was agreed between him and other parties.
It wasn't really a trade. I've had a (back then reputable) online casino offer me a monthly sponsor deal for After the first month, they didn't keep their promises anymore. By now that account turned into an exit scam, but at the time it didn't seem like a good reason for a scam accusation. I lost nothing from breaking a promise to something I never had.

Sym-whatshisname said "sponsor". That's very different from "donor". Sponsorship is very likely to be a contract because it implies that the sponsor is receiving something in return. Words matter. No one forced him to call it that, his choice, his contract, his failure to execute.
He basically bought some temporary reputation without paying for it when he decided his reputation isn't worth the money anymore.

You could even argue that a flag type 3 is warranted but only if raised by a participant, I mean, if I was told that if I participate and do a,b,c I could win some x prize, and after that you decide that you no longer want to give me my potential prize,  you have certainly violated a contract.
That's a good point. Ratimov's post ( was only #11 in the thread, which means most participants posted after his pledge to increase the prize money by ~10 fold.

Such actions should be frowned upon, or else, someone can start a thread saying they will give away 10 btc for the winner, gets a ton of merit for being generous to the community, and then a few weeks before payment time, they pull the plug.
A few Newbies tried this with a (small) giveaway, then earned Merit, and didn't pay. That's why now most users stopped giving Merit to Newbie giveaway threads, but reputable members still get Merited when they do this. After all, those posts are worth reading.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 25, 2023, 09:48:17 AM
he did that for the sole purpose of increasing his reputation?

This is one more evidence for those which still prefer to keep their eyes "wide shut" regarding Ratimov Symmetrick: everything this individual did on this forum was for increasing (or protecting) his reputation. He never did anything from good Samaritan spirit.

- He plagiarized and copy-pasted tons of materials, to win merits and show what-a-good-contributor-he is; built his entire pedestal on fooling forum users to merit him.
- He showered in merit his entire army of minions, in order to have them worshipping him about what-a-good-contributor-he is.
- He extorted those stating the truth about him to retract their feedbacks / words, in order to keep looking like he has a immaculate reputation here.
- He sponsored some giveaways to show what-a-nice-guy-he is -- while all these were, in fact, more maneuvers for earning merits / trust.

And now, after being exposed with all his shenanigans, which I'll repeat here:

- this topic exposes all Ratimov / Symmetrick's shenanigans from past years
- many DT and non-DT users distrust him or stop trusting him and, eventually, he is kicked out of DT and his DT strength goes from +13 to -9
- he starts a mass purge of his old posts and topics, possibly some with plagiarism evidence, involving also in his actions the 2 Russian mods which he fools into becoming his garbage men, until theymos puts a stop to this (it was too late anyway)
- he deletes all his left feedbacks, retracts all his support for flags and wipes his Trust list
- stops posting in international sections and resumes only to Russian local board
- stops earning merits with lightning speed; stops sending merits with lightning speed (if you check his merit activity you can see that lately he sent some merits at intervals of ~one week)
- changes his name
- changes his email and password.

What do all these seem like?

-- after all these, he also cancel this sponsorship for Halab's contest (

I may be wrong, but it may look like he's trying to sell his account and leave it as clean as possible for the buyer and also debt-free. If a buywer would be interested in this account, he would not like the fact he'd had to pay 1600$ for a contest, right?

Or, in case he is not trying to sell the account the second thing that comes up is that he's acting like doing all he is able to do in order to receive some negative feedbacks.

Meanwhile, Ratimov Symmetrick's DT strength reached a new record, being now -11 (
Last week 2 more users added him to their distrust list (yahoo and Husires) and 3 more stopped trusting him (Charles-Tim, SatoPrincess and Smartprofit). Thank you for involving in this!

If last week the number of those trusting him was equal to the number of those distrusting him (, right now, the number of the lattest became bigger: 50 users distrust him and 46 trust him ( Ratimov Symmetrick's boat is sinking more and more as time passes.

From those 46 trusting him, only 27 are still active (or were active somehow recently), so there are still chances for these users to change their mind as well: Zilon, _BlackStar, Shamm, KingsDen, Silence Scream, Jossque, Coin-1, Julien_Olynpic, sky999, bubbalex, madnessteat, Snork1979, FontSeli, YOSHIE, ajanwalker, Gianluca95, rby, nimogsm, my luck, FutureBitcoin, Wapfika, dimonstration, whyrqa, CarnagexD, imhoneer, Best_Change, KTChampions.

All of the above should bear in mind (besides the already exposed shenanigans done by Ratimov Symmetrick) the fact that now they are trusting a user which has no feedback left, thus their Trust inclusion is for nothing.

As LV already emphasized twice, there is no reason to add someone in your Trust list since that user left no feedback. Practically you are supposed to trust someone's judgement from the left feedbacks, while this individual has no feedback left:

Wild guess: did he wipe his Trust list too? That leaves no reason to include him.
I'm much more curious why he still includes someone without Trust list ( and without sent feedback (;u=2627711).

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: mindrust on November 25, 2023, 10:03:54 AM
A lot of people see this forum as a place to make money or conduct business deals and I don’t really see anything wrong with it. Raising an account just for this purpose doesn’t seem wrong to me too. In the end he didn’t get them many merits for nothing, he actually added value to the community.

The main thing is symmetrick isn’t a professional businessman as we have seen lately. Deleting topics, posts, trust ratings, canceling rewards etc all of those are unprofessional actions.

I said that before, he had many chances to get out of this mess with little or no damage but well, being unprofessional does this to you. He has the smarts to get to the top but he failed to preserve his situation which happens to many people every day.

Sometimes staying in the game is better than being fast and furious.

Ask Jesse Livermore if you can.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Bitcoin SV on November 25, 2023, 10:22:55 AM
I don't know what's going on here. So I had to read the whole thread

I read the whole thread first. I realized that one user is being blamed here. I looked through all the forum logs. And I have a question.

Why did you decide to accuse him only now? I see from old posts that many people have complained about him before, but you didn’t pay attention to the complaints of small users. You yourself confirm this in this topic that many users complained about him. But I also see that during this period many of you, the accusers present here, praised and admired this guy. How is this possible? If he's a bad guy, how could you admire him while others was complained and suffered from about him?

I have nothing against the accused guy in this topic. I have a misunderstanding of your trust system. How can you praise and put on a pedestal someone who initially, according to your words here, had bad intentions? It turns out that you are all abusers too

So my second question arises. Can I open the same topic about nutildah? I don't want to wait until nutildah gets kicked out of the DT.

Otherwise I’m afraid that when the hunt for nutildah begins, someone will get ahead of me and open a topic about him first. I want to be the first accuser of nutildah, just like he was first accuser of BSV

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 25, 2023, 10:40:48 AM
I don't know what's going on here. So I had to read the whole thread

I read the whole thread first. I realized that one user is being blamed here. I looked through all the forum logs. And I have a question.

Why did you decide to accuse him only now? I see from old posts that many people have complained about it before, but you didn’t pay attention to the complaints of small users.

So my second question arises. Can I open the same topic about nutildah? I don't want to wait until nutildah gets kicked out of the DT.

Otherwise I’m afraid that when the hunt for nutildah begins, someone will get ahead of me and open a topic about him first. I want to be the first accuser of nutildah, just like he was first accuser of BSV
Well, if you weren't mentally problematic, you'd knew you can open a topic on anyone, stop asking stupid questions and get to work, after all this is supposedly your forum or your lover's forum, REAL bitcoin ring a bell?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 26, 2023, 01:44:56 AM

You can also look at it from the point of view that this sponsorship was an investment in his rating here on the forum. Now that that rating has been destroyed, it makes no sense for them to put money into it.
Isn't this an extra argument for negative feedback, if he did that for the sole purpose of increasing his reputation?

No, because the question is only an assumption about the motive why he did it.

Sym-whatshisname said "sponsor". That's very different from "donor". Sponsorship is very likely to be a contract because it implies that the sponsor is receiving something in return. Words matter. No one forced him to call it that, his choice, his contract, his failure to execute.
He basically bought some temporary reputation without paying for it when he decided his reputation isn't worth the money anymore.

Would we judge this case equally if there were no previous 15 pages about Ratimov's case? I believe not and am almost sure there would be no word about negative feedback.

If you say "I'm sponsoring this and here's how much I'll pay" is about as serious of a contract as it gets here on the forum. If I said something like this and then retracted it at the last minute, I'd expect to be flagged up the wazoo. Not sure where you see the difference between that and e.g. a signature campaign or some other promise to pay.

This can be interpreted in different ways, therefore I am of the opinion that it is not enough for red. Signature is payment for some kind of service, or promotion, and if you remove the ad from your sig space, you will not be paid.
In Ratimov's case, he wanted to pay for the improvement of his reputation, but he didn't get it, maybe that's why he doesn't want to pay.

If we are already dealing with assumptions, it seems that 1miau got into a similar situation after the drama against him. He previously started several competitions, but he decided to cancel them all. (He also left the signature campaign.)
However, perhaps a different interpretation of the withdrawal of sponsorship by Ratimov influenced him to change his decision once again.

Dieses Gewinnspiel wird leider abgesagt.
Vielen Dank für die Sponsorengelder an [banned mixer].
Die Rücktransferierung der 5 mBTC Sponsorengelder von [banned mixer] ist mit icopress abgeklärt.

Gewinnspiel wird ausgezahlt, inklusive Sponsorengeld von MixTum. 

Dieses Gewinnspiel wird leider abgesagt.
Ich würde zusätzlich noch 0,5 mBTC zu diesem Gewinnspiel hinzugeben.   :)
0,5 mBTC, welches mir damals bereits zugesendet wurden, wurde an Learn Bitcoin zurückgesendet. 

Gewinnspiel wird ausgezahlt, die bereits an Learn Bitcoin zurückgezahlten 1 mBTC übernehme ich.

Dieses Gewinnspiel wird leider abgesagt.
0,25 mBTC, welches ich damals bereits verwaltet hatte, wurde an die Adresse von Lakai01 zurückgesendet ( 
Bech32 address: bc1q2y9gutscwfk7damlzt60a6nm743mqmt0kr53qa
Gewinnspiel wird ausgezahlt, die bereits an Lakai01 zurückgezahlten 0,25 mBTC übernehme ich.

Dieses Gewinnspiel wird leider abgesagt.
Also da ich selbst aktuell das BTC von mir (1 mBTC) und das 1 mBTC von CryptKeeper verwalte, würde ich die Plätze 2 und 3 raussenden können und du könntest dein 1 mBTC zum Gewinner des ersten Platzes senden, der auch das 1 mBTC von seek3r bekommen würde.
1 mBTC, welches mir damals bereits zugesendet wurde, wurde an die Adresse von CryptKeeper zurückgesendet, von der es damals verschickt wurde.

Gewinnspiel wird ausgezahlt, die bereits an CryptKeeper zurückgezahlten 1 mBTC übernehme ich.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 26, 2023, 01:58:18 AM
If we are already dealing with assumptions, it seems that 1miau got into a similar situation after the drama against him. He previously started several competitions, but he decided to cancel them all. (He also left the signature campaign.)
However, perhaps a different interpretation of the withdrawal of sponsorship by Ratimov influenced him to change his decision once again.

1miau returned the funds he received from sponsors and the rest funds his own funds. I don't think he was motivated by Ratimov in any way. Ratimov was a sponsor there and promised to contribute to the prize pool. He could do it and leave it if he wanted. But in 1miau's case, he was the organizer and was planning to take a break. He already left the signature campaign. Moreover, 1miau decided to continue the giveaway, and he edited his posts already as he said in another thread;

Regarding the giveaway: topic is already edited and prizes will be paid out to the winners as promised.

I was one of the sponsors, and I received the funds. Since he decided to continue the giveaway, I will send the funds once again. This should prove that a person like 1miau cannot be motivated by "Trick".

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: 1miau on November 26, 2023, 02:09:51 AM
If we are already dealing with assumptions, it seems that 1miau got into a similar situation after the drama against him. He previously started several competitions, but he decided to cancel them all. (He also left the signature campaign.)
All of my giveaways will be paid out as planned. I'll publicly announce the winners when the giveaways will conclude.

I was one of the sponsors and I received the funds. Since he decided to continue the giveaway, I will send the funds once again. This should prove that a person like 1miau cannot be motivated by "Trick".
That's very nice from you but I'll cover these 0.5 mBTC for you to avoid tx fees.  :)
Many thanks for your contribution of course.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on November 26, 2023, 02:54:55 AM
This can be interpreted in different ways, therefore I am of the opinion that it is not enough for red. Signature is payment for some kind of service, or promotion, and if you remove the ad from your sig space, you will not be paid.
In Ratimov's case, he wanted to pay for the improvement of his reputation, but he didn't get it, maybe that's why he doesn't want to pay.

But the offer was not contingent on him getting a certain amount of reputation or something like that. The way the offer was made it looked like him calling himself a "sponsor" was all he wanted out of it. He gets that for about 11 months out of 12, and then withdraws the offer. Does not seem right no matter how I try to look at it.

And even IRL courts often don't consider "fairness" in contract disputes. In other words, if Sym engaged in a bad deal, that's kinda his own fault.

Anyway, I'm not advocating for red trust, but I also probably wouldn't oppose a flag if any of the participants of the contest can provide solid reasoning based on the facts of this "sponsor" deal alone (without detours to plagiarism and all the other drama).

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 26, 2023, 03:10:26 AM
Well if you want reasoning, since there is no written contracts on paper, typing the words and posting them should be enough of evidence.
How do the escrow providers operate if not by posting? Though they provide signed message as proof of holding the funds, not as proof who is posting, so the post alone is logically considered a written contract.

They have received their implicit benefit out of this sponsorship, the participants however did not receive the promised benefits.

On a side note, love how you guys are worried about leaving a tag and want to have solid reasoning. Wish we had that in our universe where I'm from.😅

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: yahoo62278 on November 26, 2023, 05:19:56 AM
This can be interpreted in different ways, therefore I am of the opinion that it is not enough for red. Signature is payment for some kind of service, or promotion, and if you remove the ad from your sig space, you will not be paid.
In Ratimov's case, he wanted to pay for the improvement of his reputation, but he didn't get it, maybe that's why he doesn't want to pay.

But the offer was not contingent on him getting a certain amount of reputation or something like that. The way the offer was made it looked like him calling himself a "sponsor" was all he wanted out of it. He gets that for about 11 months out of 12, and then withdraws the offer. Does not seem right no matter how I try to look at it.

And even IRL courts often don't consider "fairness" in contract disputes. In other words, if Sym engaged in a bad deal, that's kinda his own fault.

Anyway, I'm not advocating for red trust, but I also probably wouldn't oppose a flag if any of the participants of the contest can provide solid reasoning based on the facts of this "sponsor" deal alone (without detours to plagiarism and all the other drama).
When someone opens a thread and offers to sponsor a contest, they should just send those funds to someone to hold and consider them gone. There's no reason for them to be able to back out then. Look at all the merits folks gain by hosting contests and such. Building reputation and using it to their advantage, but when shit hits the fan they change their name and kill the contests then try to fade away.

Totally unacceptable IMO.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: shahzadafzal on November 26, 2023, 01:08:36 PM
Ratimov gave multiple reasons over the years.

Ratimov?? Who is Ratimov?  :D You mean Symmetrick?
This drama will never end. Ratimov changed his username, now he is Symmetrick (;u=2627711)  ::)

Hold on, what just happened? How did Ratimov manage to pull off a username change? You take a week off from a thread, and it's like stepping into an alternate universe – either the thread got wiped out, or we've got a brand-new OP. Absolutely mind-blowing! Hats off to Ratimov, seriously well played.

So Symmetric (ex. Ratimov) went to the full length of lodging a request with a site administrator just to change his username? AFAIK this is the only way it's possible to be done outside of being a VIP (50 BTC donation).
And it was granted just like that? Uhhh... Weird but ok.  ???

I'm speculating that all these discussions and topics might have played a role in convincing the higher-ups. Looks like the tide turned in his favor amidst all these allegations.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 26, 2023, 01:24:18 PM
Looks like the tide turned in his favor amidst all these allegations.

You may be confused, since you did not read most recent posts made within this thread. For Ratimov Symmetrick the situation is exactly the opposite ( from being in his favor.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 26, 2023, 01:28:17 PM
we've got a brand-new OP
The OPs may seem brand new but you can not do anything with the quotes and mentions, can you?

When someone opens a thread and offers to sponsor a contest, they should just send those funds to someone to hold and consider them gone.
That's what I thought too. But after reading a few members I interpreted it like this:
I promised to send donation to a charity but at some point my circumstance changed, I can apologize as a gentleman and seek a leave. A few members thought it as a donation and if that's the case then I think it's okay not to be harsh towards the account.

Although considering everything that happened and judging by all of it, I do not think Ratimov is worthy to trust with any kind of cash [corn] but if we start leaving negative feedback for it then I think his forum journey will over. I don't think he will have any motivation to continue since many campaign managers will not consider him valuable for their campaigns.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on November 26, 2023, 01:30:26 PM
All of my giveaways will be paid out as planned. I'll publicly announce the winners when the giveaways will conclude.

Unlike him, you have shown integrity by acting reasonably. I'm glad that's the case. You still need to try to ignore the trolls, who couldn't wait for the chance to crucify someone with authority.

When someone opens a thread and offers to sponsor a contest, they should just send those funds to someone to hold and consider them gone. There's no reason for them to be able to back out then. Look at all the merits folks gain by hosting contests and such. Building reputation and using it to their advantage, but when shit hits the fan they change their name and kill the contests then try to fade away.

Totally unacceptable IMO.

He did not open that thread, nor is he the initiator of the contest, but Halab. Ratimov later got involved with sponsorship, Even without his sponsorship, there was prize money.
Certainly, everything he has done lately shows a really bad character.

Hold on, what just happened? How did Ratimov manage to pull off a username change?

It is possible to change the username if there are valid reasons for it. It was discussed after the post you quoted.

Absolutely mind-blowing! Hats off to Ratimov, seriously well played.

Are you being sarcastic here?
If you pay a little more attention to all his steps and how it was seen by the other members of the forum, you will understand that it was not exactly played the best by Ratimov, on the contrary, it's almost disastrous.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: DYING_S0UL on November 27, 2023, 05:07:10 AM
All of my giveaways will be paid out as planned. I'll publicly announce the winners when the giveaways will conclude.
Had a small question, 1miau. What giveaway? :P

Apparently, I always miss important events, I wonder why I sleep so much!

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 27, 2023, 11:04:10 AM
I was one of the sponsors and I received the funds. Since he decided to continue the giveaway, I will send the funds once again. This should prove that a person like 1miau cannot be motivated by "Trick".
That's very nice from you but I'll cover these 0.5 mBTC for you to avoid tx fees.  :)
Many thanks for your contribution of course.

Thanks 1miau, but I believe there is enough time to announce the winner since we are not even close to the block number yet. So, I guess the mempool will have fewer unconfirmed transactions. I would love to contribute these tiny 0.5 mBTC, and I will send it whenever I see the mempool has cooled down a little bit. It feels good to see you come back, try to improve yourself, and take things positively. Please allow others to criticize if they can in a healthy way. I am sure you will find a lot of positive things in it. More importantly, avoid trolls. You won't be able to satisfy them.  :)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on November 27, 2023, 11:46:15 AM
Sym-whatshisname said "sponsor". That's very different from "donor". Sponsorship is very likely to be a contract because it implies that the sponsor is receiving something in return. Words matter. No one forced him to call it that, his choice, his contract, his failure to execute.
He basically bought some temporary reputation without paying for it when he decided his reputation isn't worth the money anymore.
Would we judge this case equally if there were no previous 15 pages about Ratimov's case?
I would have felt more sympathy for him if he had a good reason to cancel (90% of) his sponsorship, instead of doing it after something that looks like a tandrum. But I think the end result would have been the same: no tags handed out.

This new nickname fits nicely :P

How did Ratimov manage to pull off a username change?
In the past week, at least 4 users got a name change.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 27, 2023, 11:54:58 AM
This new nickname fits nicely :P
Do you think so?
I guess that was pointed out by someone already, and I thought it fit better.

In the past week, at least 4 users got a name change.

I haven't seen any application thread for a name change. Did they send a PM to theymos for that? Look at my username. I get unnecessary daily mentions of useless topics like Helping kids learn Bitcoin, teaching kids about Bitcoin is not in vain, etc. Whenever people use this word, I get notified via Telegram with TryNinja's bot.

What is the good reason for changing a username? Is my reason good enough to consider?

@GazetaBitcoin, Sorry for off-topic.

Title: Re: Should Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: 1miau on November 27, 2023, 11:22:02 PM
All of my giveaways will be paid out as planned. I'll publicly announce the winners when the giveaways will conclude.
Had a small question, 1miau. What giveaway? :P
I'm sometimes doing very small giveaways, like here (
It's not much but it's honest work.  ;)

So, I guess the mempool will have fewer unconfirmed transactions. I would love to contribute these tiny 0.5 mBTC, and I will send it whenever I see the mempool has cooled down a little bit.
Many thanks for your generous offer, LearnBitcoin. But I'll cover this one, it's fine for me.  :)

@GazetaBitcoin, Sorry for off-topic.
Sorry for off-topic here as well, back to Symmetrick.  :D

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on November 28, 2023, 02:09:58 AM
On a side note, love how you guys are worried about leaving a tag and want to have solid reasoning. Wish we had that in our universe where I'm from.😅
Well, where the rest of us are at, this method is the most prudent when there's a contentious issue.  Some red tags can be handed out with zero debate while others are way more complicated.

You take a week off from a thread, and it's like stepping into an alternate universe – either the thread got wiped out, or we've got a brand-new OP.
No shit.  I read most of this thread when it started, and right now I feel like I need to go back and figure out just what the hell is really going on.  Guess I haven't really been paying attention to this--or at least not enough.

So Symmetric (ex. Ratimov) went to the full length of lodging a request with a site administrator just to change his username? AFAIK this is the only way it's possible to be done outside of being a VIP (50 BTC donation).
And it was granted just like that? Uhhh... Weird but ok.  ???
Nah, lots of members (including yours truly) have gotten name changes granted via a simple request to Theymos.  Hell, cryptovatorcoolvator even got two of them.  And yeah, I know this has already been addressed.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 28, 2023, 07:39:36 AM
Ratimov reduced the pledged amount by 0.0435 BTC, currently worth $1649, after 90% of the contest's running time passed.

Now he has a good reason for that. In short, Ratimov Symmetrick made a new "trick":

Today I am leaving the [banned mixer] campaign, thank you for the opportunity to represent this service.

The good reason I mentioned above is, of course, the fact that he can not pay since he is not receiving any payment from a signature campaign (/s).

Now all that's left is changing the payment address for his signature campaign :P

You did not see that coming, LV! :) Instead of changing the address, he left the campaign.
And this only proves my earlier statement:

In this guy's case everything looks shady. Even the new name, because "Symmetrick" contains the part "Trick"... Like he is trying another trick. Maybe his final trick before exiting the stage?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Vispilio on November 28, 2023, 01:47:26 PM
The way the offer was made it looked like him calling himself a "sponsor" was all he wanted out of it. He gets that for about 11 months out of 12, and then withdraws the offer. Does not seem right no matter how I try to look at it.

Yes that's an accurate analysis, I just found out only a few days ago that the rewards were reduced...

For an event scheduled to last 12 months, if you get the prestige of being its "sponsor" for 11 months and back out of the deal in the last month, naturally this cannot be considered ethical.

Since that contest was mentioned only in this forum and mainly on that particular thread, this didn't get much attention, but if this were a larger scale event, there would be legal repercussions against a sponsor backing out like this, and also going forward all the funds should be secured by the organizer long before the event is concluded for the benefit of the participants...

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on November 28, 2023, 02:45:27 PM
Since that contest was mentioned only in this forum and mainly on that particular thread, this didn't get much attention, but if this were a larger scale event, there would be legal repercussions against a sponsor backing out like this, and also going forward all the funds should be secured by the organizer long before the event is concluded for the benefit of the participants...

It does not need to be a larger scale event. The problem here is that the forum is in limbo, the members are from very different countries and we are not identified, but in my country, and I'm sure it's not the only one, you could be sued for something like that, it's about 1.500€.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on November 28, 2023, 02:53:59 PM
Since that contest was mentioned only in this forum and mainly on that particular thread, this didn't get much attention, but if this were a larger scale event, there would be legal repercussions against a sponsor backing out like this, and also going forward all the funds should be secured by the organizer long before the event is concluded for the benefit of the participants...

If I am not wrong, I have seen some content in this forum where every time participant has to pay fees and they had to pay it before they join. The organizer make sure they receive the funds for the prize pool. Even the sponsors send the funds to the organizer most of the time. I did not check some contest if sponsors paid the amount already or not. But what if Rollbit or Sportsbet denies to pay the promised prize? Wouldn't you guys leave them a tag because they were suppose to pay the prize. Isn't it same like a person promised he will pay if I win, now I won, but he said he won't pay me. I guess it's same. The difference is, the corrent contest isn't ended yet.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on November 28, 2023, 02:59:57 PM
If I am not wrong, I have seen some content in this forum where every time participant has to pay fees and they had to pay it before they join. The organizer make sure they receive the funds for the prize pool. Even the sponsors send the funds to the organizer most of the time.

Well, now that you mention it, at my local board we did a price prediction contest ( and all 6 sponsors put up the money before it went ahead. It wasn't a bet between the 6 of us, it was open to other people, with some rules like having written at least 1 post in the local section that year.

But what if Rollbit or Sportsbet denies to pay the promised prize? Wouldn't you guys leave them a tag because they were suppose to pay the prize. Isn't it same like a person promised he will pay if I win, now I won, but he said he won't pay me. I guess it's same. The difference is, the corrent contest isn't ended yet.

Well I suppose there would be debate as now, because of the previous positive reputation of those houses, but I'm sure if it was a lesser known house or the forumer in question one with a lesser previous reputation he would already have some red in his profile.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 28, 2023, 03:23:07 PM
It does not need to be a larger scale event. The problem here is that the forum is in limbo, the members are from very different countries and we are not identified, but in my country, and I'm sure it's not the only one, you could be sued for something like that, it's about 1.500€.

It would be interesting to see if any of the winners (if not all) will create a flag against Ratimov's sudden decision to not do the promised payment. They would be entitled to accuse him, since they would be the ones prejuduced.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on November 28, 2023, 03:46:08 PM
But what if Rollbit or Sportsbet denies to pay the promised prize? Wouldn't you guys leave them a tag because they were suppose to pay the prize. Isn't it same like a person promised he will pay if I win, now I won, but he said he won't pay me. I guess it's same. The difference is, the corrent contest isn't ended yet.

Well I suppose there would be debate as now, because of the previous positive reputation of those houses, but I'm sure if it was a lesser known house or the forumer in question one with a lesser previous reputation he would already have some red in his profile.

We see debates because most of the cases against casinos are not clear enough. If a player accuses any casino of a scam, we know that most of the player does not tell the full story. They write it as if they are the victim. They always avoid the part where they abuse the platform. Which is the reason we cannot take any side without any proof. Now, If you talk about the prize of some contest, what would you do?

In most cases, people won't react even if they withdraw the prize from the pool in a couple of weeks. What if they ran a contest for eleven months saying they would give you the prize and suddenly withdraw it? The host should be more responsible regarding the prize and the funds too.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Bitcoin SV on November 28, 2023, 03:57:20 PM
Theymos, what kind of circus is going on here?

That guy Ratimov left DT a long ago on his own initiative.

Why are all these blaming clowns still hanging around here, in the topic: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?

Heloooooo? Anybody home? At you all? That guy Ratimov left DT a long ago on his own initiative.

I repeat for the stupid:

Fact: Ratimov left DT a long ago on his own initiative.
Topic name: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Should? How can he get out of DT if he is not a member there?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Wapfika on November 28, 2023, 04:06:01 PM

Fact: Ratimov left DT a long ago on his own initiative.
Topic name: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Should? How can he get out of DT if he is not a member there?

He is once a DT and just distrusted by many DT that’s why he got removed. His change of name recently makes it looks like that he is not a DT a long time ago or never become a DT since it’s fresh data for his new username.

This thread serves as discussion on his recent action on why he is not a DT anymore and other aftermath matters

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on November 28, 2023, 06:08:34 PM

Look, I'm not going to apply Occam's toothbrush here, but here it is, if it smells like a scam, if it feels like a scam, and if it looks like a scam, then it is %100 a scam. But you'll get used to it. I might even surpass your ratings before the end of my miserable forum life.

What I wonder, I'm a jobless clown, but you have so many idiots buying your centralized scam, why are you here? You need sig spam payment? No more idiots buying your garbage?
This topic is now about a decision whether it warrants to tag someone for cancelling a sponsorship or not and to discuss whether or not if it was someone else, the same tag would have be given out without hesitation or not?

In another words, people here are figuring out how to agree upon a reasonable double standard.

Since there are no guidelines to follow, everyone expresses their opinions, until someone or a gang leader likes it, then it will become one of the DT's standards.
I'm sure you must know these things since you have a tent in courts for a while now.🤣

And btw, why do you shout admin's name? Did you drop on your head when you were a child or something? This is a decentralized trust system, there are no authorities here. You decide what is good or bad, and then if gang members liked it, they will give you a thumbs up, otherwise ~

Now is time for me to ignore this board and hit the road.
Meep meep! Lol @Tl you taught me this one.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: BenCodie on November 29, 2023, 09:41:53 AM
I might even surpass your ratings before the end of my miserable forum life.

Hey, that was sad to read. While you are eccentric, and troll often, just know that there are onlookers who enjoy the better side of your posts, and hope that your forum life takes a turn for the better. I've always rooted for the underdog and I'm rooting for you! I hope that the forum isn't miserable for you one day. It shouldn't be for anyone that isn't a scammer or causing severe harm to anyone in the community.  I don't think you're either of those AFAIK.

On-topic - I've never interacted with Symmetrick/Ratimov, but I respect the contributions he made to forum in terms of the amount of knowledge he's contributed on the topic of Cyber security/Privacy (this is somewhat ironic considering I read he got dox'd, in a pretty slack fashion too)

From an outsider, it looks more like this thread is an ongoing witch hunt more than a legitimate removal from this DT system...I respect Gazeta and his contributions to the forum - but this feels more like Ratimov/Symmetrick is purposefully under the microscope even after Ratimov/Symmetrick left DT1. He's out, mission accomplished? Just lock the thread unless they get back in DT1/Somehow re-include themselves?...and if so, then reopen the thread? Or is the new goal to give them negative trust with the microscope, hence thread staying open?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on November 29, 2023, 12:51:44 PM

Look, digaran. I believe you do not deserve that many negative tags. But once someone leaves you a tag for a controversial reason, some others do not hesitate to leave another tag for the same reason because they believe the first person who left the tag was accurate and they just followed the previous user. For example, let's say I am a DT member, and I left you a tag saying Digaran is a plagiarist. Even if the proof is insufficient, another DT member will be influenced to leave you a tag. It does not happen all the time. But the 2nd tag has some influence, of course. You are still in the campaign because you are not a shit poster like many others who spam gambling boards and never explore the other side of the forum. So, they do not risk their reputation, but they are making money by writing shit posts. You need to cool down and refrain from doing stupid things you did in the past. Return to the reputation board after a year and ask DT members to review the feedback without calling them out. More importantly, stop responding to everyone.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: mrust_mobile on November 29, 2023, 01:05:26 PM
Leave digaran alone. Digaran did nothing wrong :,(

Also “symmetrick” should be “cheaptrick”

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on November 29, 2023, 01:33:13 PM
From an outsider, it looks more like this thread is an ongoing witch hunt more than a legitimate removal from this DT system...I respect Gazeta and his contributions to the forum - but this feels more like Ratimov/Symmetrick is purposefully under the microscope even after Ratimov/Symmetrick left DT1. He's out, mission accomplished? Just lock the thread unless they get back in DT1/Somehow re-include themselves?...and if so, then reopen the thread? Or is the new goal to give them negative trust with the microscope, hence thread staying open?

It's better to keep the thread open collecting all the drama in one place rather than having all sorts of digarans create a bunch of new ones if this is locked. It's not like Symmetrick would magically cease stomping his feet and lashing out upon locking the thread.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Bitcoin SV on November 29, 2023, 02:06:15 PM
This thread serves as discussion on his recent action on why he is not a DT anymore and other aftermath matters
Oh, really?
Maybe then rename the topic from "Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?" to "Discussion of former DT member Ratimov"?
To at least somehow correspond to common sense?

Ratimov was in DT. Symmetrick was never in DT. At the time he was in DT, he was not Symmetrick. How can you discuss something that didn't happen?

Topic should be renamed to "Discussion of former DT member Ratimov"? Otherwise it's all bullshit that not corresponding to common sense! And all blamers here are trust-abusers

shut up cunt

THEYMOS, WHERE IS A DECENTRALIZATION OF DT? Why these DT trolls acts centrally?
paid2 are you trust abuser? If you dont like BSV coin - why didn't you redtagged me earlier? Why did you tagged me after this message ( Are you a part of centralized DT pocket army of Lauda?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: alani123 on November 30, 2023, 12:00:22 AM
I like this logic.
pirateat40 was one of the first and biggest scammers with bitcoin at the time.
So If he comes back and changes his username now, does this absolve him of his crimes?
Are we supposed to form a gang with whatever criminal and scammer comes here with a changed name and never snitch on their wrongdoings?
inb4 bitcointalk becomes the biggest gang in the world.

I think you're confusing a username with witness protection programs @Bitcoin SV

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Bitcoin SV on November 30, 2023, 10:20:24 AM
Also “symmetrick” should be “cheaptrick”
I think your brain has completely dried out.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 30, 2023, 10:46:57 AM
Heads-up: after multiple users requested something like this, I created a "Tl; dr version" of OP (and of the events following OP) in post #2 ( I'll keep this post updated based on evolution of current events. I also mentioned in OP that a sum-up is available in post #2.

Anyway, I'm not advocating for red trust, but I also probably wouldn't oppose a flag if any of the participants of the contest can provide solid reasoning based on the facts of this "sponsor" deal alone (without detours to plagiarism and all the other drama).

While I am not 100% certain if he deserves negative feedback(s) or not for his sudden cancelling of the sponsorship, after earning merits / popularity / reputation for almost 1 year while he appeared as a generous sponsor of this contest, I believe it will be legit if contest winners will raise flag(s) against him -- and I'll also support them.

This new nickname fits nicely :P

I also share this thought :)

In this guy's case everything looks shady. Even the new name, because "Symmetrick" contains the part "Trick"... Like he is trying another trick. Maybe his final trick before exiting the stage? Oo

His change of name recently makes it looks like that he is not a DT a long time ago or never become a DT since it’s fresh data for his new username.

If you followed the discussion, you could notice that he was kicked out of DT ( on November 7th and not a long time ago. This happened as a result of the existence of this topic combined with Ratimov / Symmetrick's recent actions. You can find a sum-up of all this topic discussion in post #2 (

I've never interacted with Symmetrick/Ratimov, but I respect the contributions he made to forum in terms of the amount of knowledge he's contributed

You should bear in mind that 90% of all his contributions were plagiarized or copy-pasted (based on his own words):

Quoting for historical reference and take a look at messages at numbers 33, 101, 108, 115.
Here, really original content, maybe 10%, the rest is all a copy-paste of finished materials or partial use of someone else's material.

this feels more like Ratimov/Symmetrick is purposefully under the microscope even after Ratimov/Symmetrick left DT1. He's out, mission accomplished? Just lock the thread unless they get back in DT1/Somehow re-include themselves?...and if so, then reopen the thread? Or is the new goal to give them negative trust with the microscope, hence thread staying open?

I had in mind to lock the thread after the question from OP has been answered -- "Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?" -- (and the outcome was that he belongs nowhere near DT) but things escalated, as Ratimov / Symmetrick, after the apparition of this topic, proceeded to apparently an endless list of other shady actions (summarized in post #2 ( Since I thought it was not needed to have new topics for his new dementia I decided to leave this thread open -- and, as a consequence, his following actions were presented (and debated) here.

And, as you see, suchmoon said something similar:

It's better to keep the thread open collecting all the drama in one place rather than having all sorts of digarans create a bunch of new ones if this is locked. It's not like Symmetrick would magically cease stomping his feet and lashing out upon locking the thread.

Leave digaran alone. Digaran did nothing wrong :,(

Also “symmetrick” should be “cheaptrick”


Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Bitcoin SV on November 30, 2023, 11:16:58 AM
was one of the first and biggest scammers with bitcoin at the time.
So If he comes back and changes his username now, does this absolve him of his crimes?
Is this scammer pirateat40 has done a lot of useful things for the forum like Ratimov? I believe each issue should be resolved individually. Putting this scammer pirateat40 on the same level as Ratimov is completely absurd! BTW Thermos by default never changes nicknames for scammers. And this points that Thermos considers Ratimov a good person. Are you clowns here are daring to object to the Thermos? So soon you will all fly out of DT by yourself

Are we supposed to form a gang with whatever criminal and scammer comes here with a changed name and never snitch on their wrongdoings?
Then don’t shout anymore that your DT is decentralized. You are a feudal centralized corrupted parasites, that has been controlled by the one puppeteer

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on December 01, 2023, 09:31:08 AM
paid2 are you trust abuser? If you dont like BSV coin - why didn't you redtagged me earlier? Why did you tagged me after this message ( Are you a part of centralized DT pocket army of Lauda?

Another troll woke up after a long period of time. I have heard about you and saw your old posts, too. But this is the first time I've seen you trolling around us. Maybe he didn't see you earlier to tag you. But when he noticed you had just woken up again with a bull run ahead, you started advertising your scam coin.

I believe you have enough tags in your profile. So, I won't bother to tag you as it won't show as default. Do you claim it's the original Satoshi vision? LOL. I guess you are trolling. 

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: paid2 on December 01, 2023, 07:34:56 PM
paid2 are you trust abuser? If you dont like BSV coin - why didn't you redtagged me earlier? Why did you tagged me after this message ( Are you a part of centralized DT pocket army of Lauda?

Another troll woke up after a long period of time. I have heard about you and saw your old posts, too. But this is the first time I've seen you trolling around us. Maybe he didn't see you earlier to tag you. But when he noticed you had just woken up again with a bull run ahead, you started advertising your scam coin.

I believe you have enough tags in your profile. So, I won't bother to tag you as it won't show as default. Do you claim it's the original Satoshi vision? LOL. I guess you are trolling. 

100% !  :)

As I have BSV on my ignore list I missed that, but you already answered Learn Bitcoin, thanks !

Btw @Bitcoin SV, I think Lauda was already gone when I joined Bitcointalk. About the tag, it is well deserved. (Please stop derailing Gazeta's thread, we are here to talk about Symmetov!)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 03, 2023, 06:36:20 PM
Heads-up about Ratimov / Symmetrick's situation:

- He is no longer a merit source ( This was common sense, since he had no respect even for his Merit Source application thread, which he trashed ( as well. In fact, I actually stated this is what should happen, due to such lack of common sense..
- The number of those which trust him decreases week after week ( At same time, the number of those distrusting him grows week after week ( At the moment 45 users trust him, while 54 distrust him.
- During past week Coin-1 stopped trusting him while sokani added him to his distrust list. Thank you for your involvement!

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: _BlackStar on December 03, 2023, 10:08:23 PM
Heads-up about Ratimov / Symmetrick's situation:

- He is no longer a merit source ( This was common sense, since he had no respect even for his Merit Source application thread, which he trashed ( as well. In fact, I actually stated this is what should happen, due to such lack of common sense..
- The number of those which trust him decreases week after week ( At same time, the number of those distrusting him grows week after week ( At the moment 45 users trust him, while 54 distrust him.
- During past week Coin-1 stopped trusting him while sokani added him to his distrust list. Thank you for your involvement!
Based on my own interpretation - I have also considered remove Ratimov from my trust list. Of course - I don't like got him act like he did a few times ago by deleting many of user posts on his thread even though I really respect his knowledge and contributions. I didn't put Ratimov on my distrust list - that's because he's had valid tags in the past for cheating accounts or something.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 03, 2023, 11:02:42 PM
I didn't put Ratimov on my distrust list - that's because he's had valid tags in the past for cheating accounts or something.

He has 0 left tags now. Practically you are trusting someone for 0 feedbacks left.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on December 03, 2023, 11:17:42 PM
I didn't put Ratimov on my distrust list - that's because he's had valid tags in the past for cheating accounts or something.

He has 0 left tags now. Practically you are trusting someone for 0 feedbacks left.
So now what will happen to all those scammers and cheaters now that they can roam the forum freely and continue their business as usual? I guess there is no hope because we all are gonna get scammed now, right? 😂
Time for the forum police to rewrite all those tickets again.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 09, 2023, 12:35:33 PM
Heads-up about Ratimov / Symmetrick's situation:

- His account was recently red tagged (;u=2627711) for switching hands.
- The number of those which trust him decreases week after week ( At same time, the number of those distrusting him grows week after week ( At the moment 38 users trust him, while 55 distrust him.
- YOSHIE, _BlackStar, Shamm, KingsDen, Silence Scream, Wapfika and Jossque stopped trusting him and JollyGood distrusted him. Thank you for your involvement!
- He is still trusted by a substantial number of 38 users from which only 19 are recently active: Zilon, Julien_Olynpic, sky999, bubbalex, madnessteat, Snork1979, FontSeli, ajanwalker, Gianluca95, rby, nimogsm, my luck, FutureBitcoin, dimonstration, whyrqa, CarnagexD, imhoneer, Best_Change, KTChampions.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on December 09, 2023, 05:53:31 PM
Right now all these topics looks spam threads with so many merits wasted.
I've been curious for a while, so I checked: Ratimov (2627711) received 1110/11924=9.30% Merit for deleted posts and 1522/11924=12.76% Merit for short posts. Note that posts on hidden (Mod) boards are counted as "deleted" because I don't see them.
This includes all Merit data up to theymos' last Merit data dump (last Friday).

I consider posts with less than 16 characters to be short posts. In most cases, this means the user wiped the content of his post, but this can have false positives, or false negatives (it's tricky to check the real post length with BBCode and Russian characters, and short posts can be worth Merit). That's why I list all short posts here, labeled as the number of Merit they received:
8 (, 33 (, 21 (, 14 (, 23 (, 6 (, 8 (, 4 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 3 (, 10 (, 10 (, 1 (, 12 (, 32 (, 3 (, 2 (, 2 (, 6 (, 14 (, 3 (, 10 (, 28 (, 2 (, 14 (, 2 (, 7 (, 60 (, 4 (, 2 (, 1 (, 5 (, 1 (, 19 (, 5 (, 10 (, 7 (, 13 (, 9 (, 1 (, 4 (, 2 (, 8 (, 1 (, 1 (, 4 (, 22 (, 2 (, 2 (, 1 (, 5 (, 24 (, 52 (, 2 (, 25 (, 4 (, 14 (, 10 (, 2 (, 8 (, 9 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 3 (, 42 (, 5 (, 23 (, 17 (, 5 (, 18 (, 1 (, 1 (, 291 (, 7 (, 9 (, 3 (, 17 (, 10 (, 2 (, 10 (, 8 (, 1 (, 2 (, 1 (, 2 (, 1 (, 35 (, 60 (, 3 (, 4 (, 1 (, 35 (, 18 (, 2 (, 94 (, 5 (, 2 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 3 (, 3 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 3 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 4 (, 2 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 4 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 3 (, 1 (, 1 (, 34 (, 40 (
I didn't check for posts that had a username change after theymos restored them, but if the post was replaced by something short, they're included in this list.
I ran an update for this data. Ratimov has been busy deleting and editing more posts:
Ratimov (2627711) received 2023/11946=16.93% Merit for deleted posts and 4290/11946=35.91% Merit for short posts:
9 (, 4 (, 8 (, 17 (, 10 (, 5 (, 11 (, 6 (, 33 (, 21 (, 14 (, 23 (, 6 (, 5 (, 7 (, 9 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (, 11 (, 5 (, 2 (, 8 (, 4 (, 1 (, 6 (, 3 (, 2 (, 1 (, 9 (, 3 (, 4 (, 4 (, 1 (, 4 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 5 (, 3 (, 1 (, 1 (, 5 (, 16 (, 3 (, 32 (, 3 (, 10 (, 10 (, 5 (, 1 (, 30 (, 12 (, 32 (, 9 (, 3 (, 16 (, 2 (, 2 (, 2 (, 6 (, 14 (, 14 (, 8 (, 19 (, 3 (, 10 (, 13 (, 9 (, 28 (, 2 (, 3 (, 14 (, 14 (, 11 (, 27 (, 14 (, 2 (, 4 (, 20 (, 5 (, 5 (, 7 (, 2 (, 9 (, 61 (, 4 (, 2 (, 13 (, 5 (, 2 (, 10 (, 1 (, 4 (, 4 (, 5 (, 1 (, 5 (, 19 (, 2 (, 56 (, 9 (, 5 (, 5 (, 1 (, 10 (, 7 (, 13 (, 5 (, 14 (, 9 (, 1 (, 3 (, 4 (, 4 (, 8 (, 2 (, 2 (, 5 (, 4 (, 9 (, 5 (, 2 (, 3 (, 2 (, 8 (, 76 (, 5 (, 6 (, 2 (, 1 (, 15 (, 4 (, 1 (, 2 (, 6 (, 2 (, 38 (, 6 (, 4 (, 9 (, 4 (, 19 (, 22 (, 11 (, 3 (, 8 (, 16 (, 2 (, 1 (, 6 (, 3 (, 6 (, 7 (, 2 (, 34 (, 2 (, 3 (, 16 (, 12 (, 1 (, 5 (, 7 (, 4 (, 24 (, 5 (, 52 (, 4 (, 11 (, 2 (, 7 (, 1 (, 25 (, 21 (, 1 (, 6 (, 15 (, 9 (, 6 (, 2 (, 14 (, 4 (, 15 (, 19 (, 2 (, 3 (, 14 (, 8 (, 2 (, 10 (, 11 (, 2 (, 5 (, 2 (, 16 (, 12 (, 1 (, 3 (, 5 (, 2 (, 1 (, 3 (, 8 (, 9 (, 2 (, 3 (, 2 (, 4 (, 2 (, 8 (, 28 (, 1 (, 8 (, 8 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 12 (, 3 (, 1 (, 8 (, 1 (, 3 (, 7 (, 1 (, 2 (, 12 (, 15 (, 8 (, 30 (, 1 (, 42 (, 1 (, 10 (, 4 (, 9 (, 2 (, 4 (, 3 (, 5 (, 12 (, 1 (, 12 (, 3 (, 6 (, 23 (, 17 (, 1 (, 16 (, 5 (, 5 (, 6 (, 6 (, 4 (, 5 (, 9 (, 1 (, 9 (, 3 (, 5 (, 4 (, 4 (, 2 (, 7 (, 5 (, 12 (, 30 (, 5 (, 7 (, 16 (, 7 (, 10 (, 4 (, 18 (, 1 (, 26 (, 2 (, 4 (, 30 (, 4 (, 22 (, 20 (, 7 (, 1 (, 7 (, 3 (, 4 (, 2 (, 14 (, 12 (, 1 (, 6 (, 2 (, 4 (, 291 (, 4 (, 7 (, 12 (, 1 (, 13 (, 9 (, 3 (, 1 (, 17 (, 5 (, 17 (, 1 (, 7 (, 10 (, 23 (, 8 (, 8 (, 1 (, 17 (, 12 (, 5 (, 15 (, 8 (, 7 (, 10 (, 4 (, 27 (, 38 (, 2 (, 26 (, 7 (, 4 (, 6 (, 3 (, 1 (, 2 (, 2 (, 10 (, 8 (, 6 (, 13 (, 70 (, 9 (, 8 (, 2 (, 9 (, 6 (, 5 (, 3 (, 13 (, 10 (, 15 (, 15 (, 7 (, 3 (, 16 (, 1 (, 2 (, 1 (, 1 (, 2 (, 2 (, 2 (, 12 (, 8 (, 3 (, 3 (, 1 (, 7 (, 12 (, 1 (, 1 (, 3 (, 2 (, 2 (, 6 (, 1 (, 1 (, 8 (, 2 (, 5 (, 1 (, 7 (, 17 (, 3 (, 20 (, 8 (, 3 (, 4 (, 35 (, 60 (, 10 (, 2 (, 16 (, 14 (, 1 (, 11 (, 6 (, 3 (, 5 (, 2 (, 2 (, 4 (, 12 (, 20 (, 5 (, 11 (, 7 (, 6 (, 3 (, 2 (, 4 (, 11 (, 3 (, 30 (, 1 (, 1 (, 11 (, 34 (, 78 (, 35 (, 18 (, 44 (, 2 (, 2 (, 94 (, 34 (, 14 (, 6 (, 2 (, 5 (, 40 (, 10 (, 2 (, 18 (

More than 50% of his earned Merit lost it's reason.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on December 09, 2023, 06:00:00 PM
- His account was recently red tagged (;u=2627711) for switching hands.

I have to clarify this, as it is not accurate.

The red tag is because from both your thread and this one ( I don't trust whoever is running the former Ratimov now Symmetrick account to make financial deals. And I want to warn the rest of the people of the same. Either it is not the same person who is managing the account, or if it is the same, all he has done since you created your thread until today make me think that there is a high risk if economic deals are made with him.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: ineedhelpplease on December 09, 2023, 10:43:40 PM
Heads-up about Ratimov / Symmetrick's situation:

- His account was recently red tagged (;u=2627711) for switching hands.
- The number of those which trust him decreases week after week ( At same time, the number of those distrusting him grows week after week ( At the moment 38 users trust him, while 55 distrust him.
- YOSHIE, _BlackStar, Shamm, KingsDen, Silence Scream, Wapfika and Jossque stopped trusting him andJollyGood distrusted him. Thank you for your involvement!
- He is still trusted by a substantial number of 38 users from which only 19 are recently active: Zilon, Julien_Olynpic, sky999, bubbalex, madnessteat, Snork1979, FontSeli, ajanwalker, Gianluca95, rby, nimogsm, my luck, FutureBitcoin, dimonstration, whyrqa, CarnagexD, imhoneer, Best_Change, KTChampions.

I wouldn’t call the “red tag for switching hands” much of a reason considering any user can give positive or negative reputation. However, I would call the “This user's email address was changed recently” pop up suspicious combined with the other evidence.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on December 10, 2023, 05:10:21 AM

I wouldn’t call the “red tag for switching hands” much of a reason considering any user can give positive or negative reputation. However, I would call the “This user's email address was changed recently” pop up suspicious combined with the other evidence.

Try to explain to me the reason for my actions in changing my password and email. I just foresee the scope of your imagination, and maybe one will make sense. But you would be very mistaken to think that the account changed ownership due to a password change. There can be many reasons.
But as for the negative tag left by a DT member, this is a pretty serious comment, and you probably don’t know the meaning of these ratings if you say that anyone can leave such a tag. The difference between any person and a person from DT is big.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: ineedhelpplease on December 10, 2023, 05:39:02 AM

I wouldn’t call the “red tag for switching hands” much of a reason considering any user can give positive or negative reputation. However, I would call the “This user's email address was changed recently” pop up suspicious combined with the other evidence.

Try to explain to me the reason for my actions in changing my password and email. I just foresee the scope of your imagination, and maybe one will make sense. But you would be very mistaken to think that the account changed ownership due to a password change. There can be many reasons.
But as for the negative tag left by a DT member, this is a pretty serious comment, and you probably don’t know the meaning of these ratings if you say that anyone can leave such a tag. The difference between any person and a person from DT is big.

Normally I don't see the act of changing your email suspicious at all but combined with the accusations here it does add up as some form of evidence, although not exactly a strong form of evidence, still noteworthy to point out. Especially seeing that his password hasn't changed either or else the pop up would've shown. Even then someone could just be like "he used a personal password specifically for bitcointalk and gave it to the buyer".

As for the person who gave him the reputation being a DT Member, that I was unaware of. I read the thread you linked and it was actually pretty helpful since I finally got to see what "DT" was after seeing it used literally everywhere on the forum. I knew they were like some sort of group of trusted people who were highly respected in the community that expose scammers and those type of stuff. But I never knew what the term "DT" meant or what else they did. I thought the person giving out the reputation was a normal user up until you pointed this out. This is because I haven't used this forum actively enough to know everyone yet. Since he is a DT member then he definitely must've reviewed the evidence and thoroughly investigated the situation out. So in the end, maybe it is a good point to keep in afterall along with his other points.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on December 12, 2023, 11:24:12 AM
More than 50% of his earned Merit lost it's reason.
Massive merit abuse.

The red tag is because from both your thread and this one ( I don't trust whoever is running the former Ratimov now Symmetrick account to make financial deals. And I want to warn the rest of the people of the same. Either it is not the same person who is managing the account, or if it is the same, all he has done since you created your thread until today make me think that there is a high risk if economic deals are made with him.
No one cares what you trust or not. Without any concrete evidence you can not leave a negative feedback to an account. Let's see what your feedback starts with
This account is very likely not operated by the person who created it,
You are admitting very likely not operated.

Why do some of you take JollyGood as a standard, have your own standard to earn good value.

If you have too much problem with him and want to show it in his feedback page, then go with a neutral.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on December 12, 2023, 11:44:47 AM
Without any concrete evidence you can not leave a negative feedback to an account.
Where do we draw the line? In another case, theymos posted this:
I'd say that there's a 25% chance of him being the original
That was enough for several red tags.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on December 12, 2023, 01:32:39 PM
No one cares what you trust or not. Without any concrete evidence you can not leave a negative feedback to an account. Let's see what your feedback starts with

How much more evidence does one need that dealing with Ratmetric would be high risk?

Petulant deleting of posts, rescinding sponsorship ("donation" LOL), removing trust ratings/inclusions/exclusions, name change, e-mail/password change, the list goes on and on. Not even talking about the verbal attacks on anyone who dares to mention him (freedom of speech FTW).

Alleged sale of the account is just one of many issues with this user. I can't blame anyone for adding red trust - there is enough stuff going on with it to call it "high risk".

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: nutildah on December 12, 2023, 02:14:00 PM
This was probably the fastest, steepest downfall of any well-established account, ever.

I can't believe he let what appeared to be a simple argument drag him all the way down to this level.

I also can't believe this thread has gone on for 19 pages, lol.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: paid2 on December 12, 2023, 02:19:44 PM
This was probably the fastest, steepest downfall of any well-established account, ever.

I can't believe he let what appeared to be a simple argument drag him all the way down to this level.

I also can't believe this thread has gone on for 19 pages, lol.

Was thinking the same.

Crazy when you realize that it started in AOBT ( topic. This is a good demonstration that when there's shit under the carpet, any little problem can bring it all back to the surface...

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on December 12, 2023, 02:38:10 PM
Without any concrete evidence you can not leave a negative feedback to an account.
Where do we draw the line? In another case, theymos posted this:
I'd say that there's a 25% chance of him being the original
That was enough for several red tags.
There are no line to draw unless clear evidence that can warrant a negative feedback. No clear evidence, in my book there are doubts, when there are doubts, I think a neutral could be the best we can go.

Even when the main man thought it's 25% which is one forth of the equation, he still has not gone for a negative feedback. But some over enthusiastic members did not mind to leave negative feedback. That's where we can see the DT became to easy to gain.

No one cares what you trust or not. Without any concrete evidence you can not leave a negative feedback to an account. Let's see what your feedback starts with

How much more evidence does one need that dealing with Ratmetric would be high risk?

Petulant deleting of posts, rescinding sponsorship ("donation" LOL), removing trust ratings/inclusions/exclusions, name change, e-mail/password change, the list goes on and on. Not even talking about the verbal attacks on anyone who dares to mention him (freedom of speech FTW).

Alleged sale of the account is just one of many issues with this user. I can't blame anyone for adding red trust - there is enough stuff going on with it to call it "high risk".

I am not a Symmetrick Ratimov's fan, in fact if anyone looks back to the history, I am fairly sure that they will find I was one of the early Ratimov critic. His plagiarism and such things, as a result he never liked me. Many times his dis-likeness escalated in the reputation board. But even after all these, I still don't see there needs a red warrant where no clear evidences of him is not the original owner.

A wrong is always wrong. Just because a person has lost all his credibility does not mean we justify a wrong as right over him.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on December 12, 2023, 09:00:18 PM
Where do we draw the line? In another case, theymos posted this:
I'd say that there's a 25% chance of him being the original
That was enough for several red tags.

I'm a little curious, but how is this percentage determined?
Is there an application for that, and what does the algorithm look like by which something abstractly like this is converted into percentages?

This was probably the fastest, steepest downfall of any well-established account, ever.

I can't believe he let what appeared to be a simple argument drag him all the way down to this level.

I also can't believe this thread has gone on for 19 pages, lol.

Yes, this was definitely an express self-destruction. The good thing is that he didn't put his hand in anyone's wallet, at least there are no such accusations. Of course, if we ignore the contest from which he withdrew his sponsorship, there is no abuse of exiting the high-rank level from this forum. About "ever", You've been here long enough to remember members like master-P (;u=89329) or yogg (;u=140827) who left their forum reputations with "fireworks".  ;)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on December 13, 2023, 06:47:05 AM
I'm a little curious, but how is this percentage determined?
My guess is it's a guess :P
In English: an educated guess.
In Dutch: natte vinger werk (lick your finger, stick it up, and feel how windy it is).

Is there an application for that, and what does the algorithm look like by which something abstractly like this is converted into percentages?

The good thing is that he didn't put his hand in anyone's wallet
Good point. Even though it seems crazy to destroy his reputation this way, at least it's (more or less) victimless.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on December 13, 2023, 12:52:54 PM
This was probably the fastest, steepest downfall of any well-established account, ever.
I can't believe he let what appeared to be a simple argument drag him all the way down to this level.
I also can't believe this thread has gone on for 19 pages, lol.

That's what happens with people who start to engage in threads where they are not invited. Still, anyone can join the discussion if they have something valuable to say. But when people start looking for problems in anything they see, this is not good at all. Some people always find negative things and most of the time they get rewarded for what they do. Sometimes their view was legitimate. But the success rate won't be 100%.

We all make mistakes. Sometimes I could be wrong, you could be wrong too. But, if you believe you are always right and unable to accept your mistakes, this is enough reason for your downfall. That was the case with Ratimov. He could have managed these things very well. He is not a scammer. All he had to do is, accept the mistake and promise to correct himself. Instead, he started digging his own grave.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on December 13, 2023, 02:27:09 PM
We all make mistakes. Sometimes I could be wrong, you could be wrong too. But, if you believe you are always right and unable to accept your mistakes, this is enough reason for your downfall. That was the case with Ratimov. He could have managed these things very well. He is not a scammer. All he had to do is, accept the mistake and promise to correct himself. Instead, he started digging his own grave.

In Ratmetric's case, it's not just one "mistake", it's the overall attitude towards the forum as a cow that has to be milked at any cost. Old toothless cow but it does sometimes kick those entitled farmers in the face.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on December 14, 2023, 12:08:43 PM
In Ratmetric's case, it's not just one "mistake", it's the overall attitude towards the forum as a cow that has to be milked at any cost. Old toothless cow but it does sometimes kick those entitled farmers in the face.

I agree that it's not one mistake. This happened because of his behavior and attitude. But my point was, he could have handled the situation very well. Even scammers are sometimes given a pass by the community due to insufficient proof. Ratimov wasn't a scammer. The problem is, he never handled criticism in a good way. He could have accepted the criticism.

Instead, he always attacked people who pointed out his bad side. People learn from their mistakes, but if someone believes they are always right and doesn't accept criticism for their wrongdoing, they are not going to survive.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 14, 2023, 01:53:57 PM
Ratimov wasn't a scammer.

Yet. He did not scam yet. But Halab's contest ( -- supposed to be sponsored by him -- will end soon (~2 weeks) and from that moment forward the winners of the contest will be in the legitimate situation to raise a flag against him. Given the feeling that multiple users (including DT) will support this flag, the outcome of such action would be turning Ratimov Symmetrick into a scammer.

Instead, he always attacked people who pointed out his bad side. People learn from their mistakes, but if someone believes they are always right and doesn't accept criticism for their wrongdoing, they are not going to survive.

Alternatively, he should have never presented the work of reputable authors as being his. Impersonating them! Stealing their work! Perhaps that would have been a much better approach. Just be happy for being named Newbie of 2019 and earn his ranking on the forum in a normal manner, like 99% of forum users do. Perhaps he would have earned his first 1000 merits in a year but he would have been someone with common sense.

Another better approach would have been to never aim to earn thousands of merits by copy-paste. What he did was like any of us would just copy-paste Andreas Antonopoulos's Mastering Bitcoin and earn 5000 merits from that topic. He did same thing, but with the help of multiple topics.

At some point he even tried to race LoyceV and show him that he can reach faster than Loyce to 10000 merits or 11000 or so (I can't find that post but I believe LV remembers the discussion).

Another post which he made from pure ego was after he was exposed for plagiarism by airfinex: LoyceV made a mention ( that Ratimov's light speed pace for earning merits decreased after airfinex's topic and, in exchange, Ratimov replied with a tone like he was ridiculing the entire forum even more:

That being said, after several topics calling him out for plagiarism his large Merit earnings have dropped significantly:

They fell for this reason alone:

All the most significant goals at this forum have been achieved, now can relax. Thanks to everyone who supported me and appreciated my posts. :)

After reaching 3000 merit, I decided to take a break from the forum. If I wanted to, I would continue to earn 200-400 merit a month. Maintaining this pace of activity is very difficult. I spended 5-30 hours of my time on each topic or big guide.

All these accusations did not affect my activity in any way..

Apparently, for a short moment, he was happy with earning stealing 3000 merits through plagiarism. Later he changed his mind and decided to steal some more. Like 3-4 times more.

So coming back, I guess these facts should have never happened. He could keep being pathetic at taking criticism, just like TimeLord is. But just act like a normal forum user. But noooo he wanted to be number 1! He wanted to be the best! He wanted to be the ace at everything!

And for this he tried all shenanigans possible. Until people finally allowed themselves to open their eyes about this thief.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Synchronice on December 14, 2023, 08:53:29 PM
Wow, this is the moment to say that lit started not only fire but a big explosion. I couldn't imagine if Ratimov was a kid.
By the way, how was he able to change his name on forum? As I see, there is not an option to change your name from profile settings and when I saw old threads, people were saying that it's hard to change name and you should have a very valid reason for that. So, what happened? It's not a good thing that forum administration allowed him to change his name after being exposed.

Also, why would someone buy his account? What's the point?

I think all the left trust should be removed from that account because this user built its account on lies, then was writing very offensive words, was acting like a rude kid and to hide facts and traces, changed his account name. Does his account deserve ban in this case or not?
Merit to GazetaBitcoin for exposing him. What can I say else :D I still can't believe what has happened, feels like being in a kindergarten :D

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 15, 2023, 07:13:41 AM
Merit to GazetaBitcoin for exposing him.

Thank you, but I did not see any merit from you, lol.

By the way, how was he able to change his name on forum? As I see, there is not an option to change your name from profile settings and when I saw old threads, people were saying that it's hard to change name and you should have a very valid reason for that. So, what happened?

He asked theymos for a name change and his request was approved.

It's not a good thing that forum administration allowed him to change his name after being exposed.

It's not a good thing, but he managed to fool theymos as well. He fooled 99% of this forum for years in a row; he fooled Russian mods even with such an embarrassing thing as transforming them into his personal garbage men ( So why couldn't he fool theymos as well?

Also, why would someone buy his account? What's the point?

Look Synchronice, don't take me wrong, but you don't quite seem to understand how this forum works.

Recently you said you added Ratimov on your Trust list because you like him (, despite any guideline for correct use of Trust system ( Eventually, Shishir99 gave you a good advice ( to stop arguing about the use of Trust system, because you were only exposing yourself more and more about how far you are from understanding it.

Now you are asking why someone would buy his account: to earn money with it, obviously! Account selling is an old practice and, the higher the rank of an account, the bigger the price is. This is because with a higher rank you can enroll in signature campaigns and earn more money as a Legendary -- for example -- compared with a Full Member. And, instead of spending 735 - 1030 days for becoming Legendary (and having also to earn 1000 merits), some cheaters prefer to buy an account. Same applies for accounts of lower ranks, if the cheater is cheap.

Speaking of Ratimov though, he tried his ultimate cheat on this forum: his account was until recently the fourth most merited account on entire forum (and now it's the fifth), so the possessor of such account could earn serious money not only from signature campaigns, but also even more by making custom deals with any company, by wearing its signature. And, as a proof, Ratimov left MixTum campaign ( for enrolling in Tumbler campaign, as the lattest one was paying 10$/post. Now imagine how much money he could earn from selling his account: the fifth most merited account from the forum and also enrolled in a campaign paying 10$/post! Practically, he would sell a gold mine. It would be a big price for the buyer but such would generate big sources of income. I believe these were his thoughts for his final shenanigan before exiting the stage.

Seriously though, was such question needed...? Aren't all these aspects clear for anyone...?

I think all the left trust should be removed from that account because this user built its account on lies, then was writing very offensive words, was acting like a rude kid and to hide facts and traces, changed his account name.

I agree here. Especially if someone else controls the account now.

Does his account deserve ban in this case or not?

He should have been banned when he was caught plagiarizing. But for a while now plagiarists don't get banned anymore and, for the situation to be even more ridiculous, they are unbanned! (!!!

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on December 15, 2023, 07:44:27 AM
as the lattest one was paying 10$/post
Ratimov was last active 4 days ago (;u=2627711), which is the day he received his second red tag (;u=2627711;dt) from DT. I don't know if he was kicked out of the campaign at that point, but the campaign ended yesterday anyway.
I guess we'll find out if he'll be back. He may have a few more Tricks up his sleeve.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Synchronice on December 15, 2023, 07:47:39 AM
So why couldn't he fool theymos as well?
Couldn't imagine if theymos wasn't checking profiles before doing anything with them. 5 minutes is enough for everyone to understand Ratimov's motives of changing account name.

Also, why would someone buy his account? What's the point?

Look Synchronice, don't take me wrong, but you don't quite seem to understand how this forum works.

Recently you said you added Ratimov on your Trust list because you like him (, despite any guideline for correct use of Trust system ( Eventually, Shishir99 gave you a good advice ( to stop arguing about the use of Trust system, because you were only exposing yourself more and more about how far you are from understanding it.

Now you are asking why someone would buy his account: to earn money with it, obviously! Account selling is an old practice and, the higher the rank of an account, the bigger the price is. This is because with a higher rank you can enroll in signature campaigns and earn more money as a Legendary -- for example -- compared with a Full Member. And, instead of spending 735 - 1030 days for becoming Legendary (and having also to earn 1000 merits), some cheaters prefer to buy an account. Same applies for accounts of lower ranks, if the cheater is cheap.

Speaking of Ratimov though, he tried his ultimate cheat on this forum: his account was until recently the fourth most merited account on entire forum (and now it's the fifth), so the possessor of such account could earn serious money not only from signature campaigns, but also even more by making custom deals with any company, by wearing its signature. And, as a proof, Ratimov left MixTum campaign ( for enrolling in Tumbler campaign, as the lattest one was paying 10$/post. Now imagine how much money he could earn from selling his account: the fifth most merited account from the forum and also enrolled in a campaign paying 10$/post! Practically, he would sell a gold mine. It would be a big price for the buyer but such would generate big sources of income. I believe these were his thoughts for his final shenanigan before exiting the stage.

Seriously though, was such question needed...? Aren't all these aspects clear for anyone...?
No, I mean, his account has negative trusts, might also get more negative trusts in near future and in the best case, might get banned too but I don't have that expectation. By the way, every signature campaign states that if user has negative trust from DT members, that user won't be able to enroll in signature campaign and that's why I asked, what's the point of buying an account that has negative trust and other issues?
I can't understand either why Royse let Ratimov to enroll in [banned mixer]'s signature campaign. Logically, he shouldn't have accepted him. If no one cares about trust, then what's the point of pointing it out in thread that users shouldn't have negative trust? Or why did Royse thought his negative trust was okay, I can't understand :D

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 15, 2023, 08:07:08 AM
No, I mean, his account has negative trusts, might also get more negative trusts in near future

If he sold his account already he probably managed to do it before receiving red tags. If he hasn't yet but he's trying to, it may be more difficult now, but not impossible. After all, it's still fifth most merited account from the forum. A buyer knowing how forum works would realize that this account is still valuable for making money.

in the best case, might get banned too but I don't have that expectation

I don't think he would be banned now, if he wasn't banned already for well documented and proven plagiarism...

By the way, every signature campaign states that if user has negative trust from DT members, that user won't be able to enroll in signature campaign and that's why I asked, what's the point of buying an account that has negative trust and other issues?

Not all campaigns state that. Look at digaran which, until recently, he was enrolled in a campaign while wearing 7 red tags from DT users. It's only up to the manager. If he will consider those feedbacks as irrelevant he can enroll anyone. And I am sure there would be managers interested in having Ratimov enrolled, even with 2 negative feedbacks.

If no one cares about trust, then what's the point of pointing it out in thread that users shouldn't have negative trust? Or why did Royse thought his negative trust was okay, I can't understand :D

As I stated above, not all campaigns have this rule. About what's the point of leaving feedbacks: it's for the sake of users which may be tempted to make deals with these accounts -- by reading those feedbacks they may avoid being scammed. Last, but not least, about Royse: Royse is a perfect example of how a campaign manager should not act. Winning the Antihero "award" at BCA 2022 ( was no coincidence. If enrolling digaran, which has 7 red tags is not enough proof, you may read here ( some more about Royse. He actually tends to act like Ratimov in some parts, lol.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on December 15, 2023, 10:46:19 AM
I don't know if he was kicked out of the campaign at that point, but the campaign ended yesterday anyway.

He and two other members made a deal in that campaign outside the official campaign, probably directly with the owner. As far as I understood, they were even paid in advance (for several months), so the campaign's closing does not apply to them. Of course, they will return the money because the promotion of the mixer will not be possible after 31.12
I think philipma1957 wrote somewhere about his deal, and the manager confirmed it somehow.

Considering the new rules that will be applied from January 1st, the decision has been made that we will end the campaign on Bitcointalk, and it's effective from this announcement. You are free to remove the bio information. If anything changes then Tumbler management hopes to come back to this forum again.
The Sceptical Chymist
This announcement does not effect above mentioned members.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on December 15, 2023, 10:51:52 AM
Of course, they will return the money because the promotion of the mixer will not be possible after 31.12
Is it confirmed Royse777 paid in advance for someone who created so much drama? This would explain his absence for 4 days, he may never come back.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 15, 2023, 10:58:58 AM
Of course, they will return the money because the promotion of the mixer will not be possible after 31.12

They will? I mean he. He will? Oo

It it confirmed Royse777 paid in advance for someone who created so much drama?

That, plus the fact that he enrolled a user with 7 negative tags from DT LMAO!

Speaking of Ratimov though, he tried his ultimate cheat on this forum: [...] imagine how much money he could earn from selling his account [...] I believe these were his thoughts for his final shenanigan before exiting the stage.

^Disregard that, I was wrong. Now this was, perhaps, his last move before doing the Houdini move:

This would explain his absence for 4 days, he may never come back.

I did not anticipate that he will also take a payment in advance for a service he won't provide =)))

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on December 15, 2023, 11:12:38 AM
It it confirmed Royse777 paid in advance for someone who created so much drama? This would explain his absence for 4 days, he may never come back.

As I said, philipma1957 already wrote about his deal with Tumbler, so I assume that all three users highlighted above have at least a similar agreement. It was said in a completely different context, and I am somehow sure that philip would not invent such things.

Okay I have the 6 month 180 day deal set up with [banned mixer]

I need posts counted by you.

I added signature.

this is first post 43836

I will add avatar in a minute.

The ban cost me well over 3000 usd and frankly I support it.

Would have not wanted to lose my six month prepaid signature contract. Had to refund ⅔ of it. But I think towing the government line still needs to be done.

As for Rattrick, we will probably know his status only after January 1st.
I somehow think that he just rented his account, why should they miss such an opportunity to make money.

Of course, they will return the money because the promotion of the mixer will not be possible after 31.12

They will? I mean he. He will? Oo

There were three users with special status. Whether or not all of them want to return the money, I can't answer that.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on December 15, 2023, 12:26:10 PM
Is it confirmed Royse777 paid in advance for someone who created so much drama? This would explain his absence for 4 days, he may never come back.

LoyceV and GazetaBitcoin, It wasn't Royse who hired Symmetrick and two other members for the campaign. It was [banned mixer] itself who had contracted with these three users and Royse's job was to check their posts. This is another reason why the campaign has ended already, but it does not affect these three users. It seems [banned mixer] was contacting some special forum members to hire them. philipma1957 and The Sceptical Chymist can confirm what I am saying. You can also understand if you have checked the campaign spreadsheet. Their payroll is C-type (Contract type). So, it's not Royse who paid them in advance.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on December 15, 2023, 12:38:11 PM

If enrolling digaran, which has 7 red tags is not enough proof
Pst, it was 3 red tags, I collected 4 after joining, FOR NO REASON, but that's not the point, the point is, DT tags could be given to anyone for arbitrary and stupid reasons or no reasons at all, for all we know you could be living next door to your love buddy ico something, lol.  There is also no way for you to know whether I have a few alter ego accounts in there or not, unless  you control the whole system  or have KYC from every DT member.

In case you missed it, the moment JG tagged me without ever providing any reason or explanation whatsoever, I immediately went to meta on a related topic and talked about the trust system being rendered useless by the efforts of such irresponsible DT's. BUT you know, there is this mentality here, when you get a tag, why not get 7, after all, you must have done something to deserve it, RIGHT? second lol.
Do not mistake my apology via PM with fear, that was respect, please note that, when I picked the stick everyone shat their pants and ran off from this forum, and you know, it was a mistake apparently to come to this topic and inject some long lost BALLS into some people to then later they come here one by one to speak up against symm's tyranny. So don't talk like I'm a freaking scammer WITH 7 tags, keep the thanks for yourself.  now keep mentioning me more, I need more fuel for my engine. 😉

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on December 15, 2023, 04:13:21 PM
Is it confirmed Royse777 paid in advance for someone who created so much drama? This would explain his absence for 4 days, he may never come back.

LoyceV and GazetaBitcoin, It wasn't Royse who hired Symmetrick and two other members for the campaign. It was [banned mixer] itself who had contracted with these three users and Royse's job was to check their posts. This is another reason why the campaign has ended already, but it does not affect these three users. It seems [banned mixer] was contacting some special forum members to hire them. philipma1957 and The Sceptical Chymist can confirm what I am saying.

Let's see what philipma1957 says (

Okay I have the 6 month 180 day deal set up with [banned mixer]

The ban cost me well over 3000 usd and frankly I support it.

Would have not wanted to lose my six month prepaid signature contract. Had to refund ⅔ of it.

So I understand that he and those who are in the same case received the payment in advance, among them Symmetrick, they do keep the payment for wearing the signature until 31 December and they will have to make a refund. In the case of philipma1957 he has already done so, and I understand that it will be 2/3, which in principle does not fit with having worked only one of the six months for the large number of posts he writes.

It would be interesting to know if Symmetrick has returned the money, which will be more than $3,000 as well, I understand. If he hasn't already, I think there's a big risk that he won't pay it back.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 15, 2023, 04:20:48 PM
It would be interesting to know if Symmetrick has returned the money, which will be more than $3,000 as well, I understand. If he hasn't already, I think there's a big risk that he won't pay it back.

And this was precisely what I and LV were thinking about:

Of course, they will return the money because the promotion of the mixer will not be possible after 31.12
They will? I mean he. He will? Oo

LoyceV and GazetaBitcoin, It wasn't Royse who hired Symmetrick and two other members for the campaign. It was [banned mixer] itself who had contracted with these three users

I guess it doesn't matter too much from where the money came from. Could be from Royse, from Tumbler themselves or from Lauda's uncle, lol. The problem is if Ratimov returned the money; in case he didn't return then the question is if he will return them -- especially seeing that he is offline for 4 days already. This is why I said that

Now this was, perhaps, his last move before doing the Houdini move

Meaning to pickpocket another huge amount, after he will also not pay one more huge amount (0.0435 BTC) to Halab's contest, where he declared himself as sponsor).

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: AB de Royse777 on December 15, 2023, 07:08:35 PM
philipma1957, The Sceptical Chymist, Symmetrick (and my guess is a few more) were personally invited by the management, I came to know it after I sent PM to philipma1957, The Sceptical Chymist. Later in the discussion between me and the management I learnt that Symmetrick was also one of them. As per my understanding they all were paid upfront for 6 months (management and I, never had a detailed conversation about it though).

When [banned mixer] launched their first review campaign, Symmetrick did a great job. If I remember correctly at the time of 2nd review Symmetrick was clean. His, TryNinja's and others reviews helped the team a lot. So my best guess is Symmetrick made a great impression for them. Besides considering his contribution on the forum he was one of the most valuable member in the community so I did not see anything wrong when everything was conducted.

Regarding refund, I read the same as you all from the post of philipma1957, I have no other information.

@Symmetrick, sorry to see the recent development however indeed your contribution in Tumbler project was appreciated greatly. Thank you.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on December 15, 2023, 07:43:40 PM
So sir Royse777, tell us, has he teleported to your new safe haven yet to continue the campaign or not?

And if he has received $3000 or more, doesn't necessarily mean he ran off with the money, he could have returned the money or even made a new deal with them,  but regardless of what is going on, nobody other than tumbler service can accuse him for scam, so I'd suggest everyone to refrain accusing him for things you are not a part of. Since this is between a service and symm alone.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: AB de Royse777 on December 15, 2023, 08:48:38 PM
I still haven't heard anything negative about Symmetrick from [banned mixer] team. If there are any negative thing happen then I am sure I will be the first person who will know about it. So, right now it looks all good until there is any update.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on December 16, 2023, 12:15:02 PM
I guess it doesn't matter too much from where the money came from. Could be from Royse, from Tumbler themselves or from Lauda's uncle, lol. The problem is if Ratimov returned the money; in case he didn't return then the question is if he will return them -- especially seeing that he is offline for 4 days already. This is why I said that.

Actually, I was writing to LoyceV because he said this;

Is it confirmed Royse777 paid in advance for someone who created so much drama?

But I also mentioned you so you also read this. In case LoyceV wanted to say that it was a bad decision from Royse because they hired Symmertrick after all that drama, I wanted to correct him that it wasn't him who made the decision. But yes, regarding the payment, no matter who paid that, if symmertrick does not pay back, I guess we might see several red tags on his profile.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: dkbit98 on December 16, 2023, 01:57:24 PM
The problem is if Ratimov returned the money; in case he didn't return then the question is if he will return them -- especially seeing that he is offline for 4 days already.
I am sure that was not the real Ratimov, he is long gone, and now person who purchased account from him is also gone (most likely) forever.
As much as original Ratimov was not perfect I don't think he would ever become scammer like this.
Let's calculate how much this guy earned... for six months of doing nothing, it was probably between $3600 and $6000 worth of Bitcoin, minus amount he paid to Ratimov for account purchase.
Doing individual deal with account like this that changed hands was... very high risk.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 16, 2023, 04:48:46 PM
Heads-up about Ratimov / Symmetrick's situation:

- The number of those which trust him decreases week after week ( At same time, the number of those distrusting him grows week after week ( At the moment 34 users trust him, while 59 distrust him.
- nimogsm, sky999, my luck and Snork1979 stopped trusting him, while DaveF (DT1), witcher_sense (DT1), CryptoPravda and sky999 distrusted him. Thank you for your involvement!
- He is still trusted by a substantial number of 34 users (including 3 from DT1) from which only 15 are recently active: Zilon, Julien_Olynpic, bubbalex, madnessteat, FontSeli, ajanwalker, Gianluca95, rby, FutureBitcoin, dimonstration, whyrqa, CarnagexD, imhoneer, Best_Change, KTChampions.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on December 20, 2023, 09:57:19 AM
I left Ratimov (now Symmetrick*) neutral feedback (;u=2627711):
I'll counter all the positive feedback Ratimov received. He deleted half his Merited posts, all feedback and Flag Support. He changed his nickname. After lots of name calling, he ignored all accusations made against him. He stopped posting in English. Some say the account changed ownership. He backed out of a $1600 sponsorship. I don't know what's going on, but I'm certain his attitude towards the forum changed. Let me put it this way for users who left positive feedback: would you trust this account again now? I don't. I think trading with this person is high-risk. Read the Reference topic.
I had to squeeze it to fit the 600 character limit.

For anyone who left Ratimov positive feedback in the past: Let me put it this way: would you trust Ratimov again now? I think "trading with this person is high-risk" applies at the moment, and for that, changing historic positive feedback can help protect others.

* Normally, I respect name changes for privacy, but in this case, I don't think it's right to change your username right before you abandon the English boards and shortly after that stop posting entirely.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 20, 2023, 10:32:12 AM
I left Ratimov (now Symmetrick*) neutral feedback (;u=2627711):
[...] would you trust this account again now? I don't. I think trading with this person is high-risk. Read the Reference topic.

If trading with Ratimov Symmetrick is high risk then shouldn't this feedback be a negative one though?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on December 20, 2023, 10:48:19 AM
If trading with Ratimov Symmetrick is high risk then shouldn't this feedback be a negative one though?

Of course. And LoyceV is well aware of it.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on December 20, 2023, 11:36:17 AM
If trading with Ratimov Symmetrick is high risk then shouldn't this feedback be a negative one though?
Of course. And LoyceV is well aware of it.
I considered it, but I also try to be conservative with negative feedback. For now, I think 2 DT-negatives are already a strong warning for anyone not to deal with the account.
We'll see if the sponsorship-thing turns into a Flag by one of the winners next month. If it's created, I'll probably Support it.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on December 20, 2023, 02:39:43 PM
I considered it, but I also try to be conservative with negative feedback.

Really? I would never have imagined it.  :P


For now, I think 2 DT-negatives are already a strong warning for anyone not to deal with the account.

Where does it say that if you think a deal with a user is high risk but he already has two feedbacks he doesn't need any more? I just read:

Neutral - Other comments.
Negative - You think that trading with this person is high-risk. You might also be able to add a flag.

For anyone who left Ratimov positive feedback in the past: Let me put it this way: would you trust Ratimov again now? I think "trading with this person is high-risk" applies at the moment, and for that, changing historic positive feedback can help protect others.

I completely disagree with this. Feedback have a date and for me if someone had a successful trade with Ratimov in the past he should not delete what he wrote, simply if he thinks he is high risk now he should add negative feedback as of today.

You are asking others to do what you do not want to do: to enhance the danger of trading risk. You prefer it to be enhanced by deleting old positive feedback instead of adding current negative feedback.

I guess we agree to disagree on this.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on December 20, 2023, 06:17:15 PM
Where does it say that if you think a deal with a user is high risk but he already has two feedbacks he doesn't need any more?
In my post :P
Seriously though, it's up to any potential trade partner to make apply their own judgement of the feedback on an account. I used neutral so it's a warning without harsh consequences. That may change in the future, but I wouldn't be surprised if Ratimov doesn't return.

I completely disagree with this. Feedback have a date and for me if someone had a successful trade with Ratimov in the past he should not delete what he wrote, simply if he thinks he is high risk now he should add negative feedback as of today.
I'd say: "it depends". User yogg went from  +32 / =0 / -0 a year ago ( to #  +13 / =0 / -43 now ( This means the majority of DT removed their positive feedback.
On the other hand, there's this account (;u=565024), where RHavar left positive feedback in 2016, and negative feedback in 2019. This way, it shows a timeline of events and going from trusted to untrusted.

You are asking others to do what you do not want to do: to enhance the danger of trading risk. You prefer it to be enhanced by deleting old positive feedback instead of adding current negative feedback.
It's more that I don't think the old feedback still applies.

I guess we agree to disagree on this.
Agreed :) I love democracy :)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 26, 2023, 09:36:36 AM
Heads-up about Ratimov / Symmetrick's situation:

- The number of those which trust him decreases week after week ( At same time, the number of those distrusting him grows week after week ( At the moment 32 users trust him, while 61 distrust him.
- bubbalex and imhoneer stopped trusting him, while FatFork and digaran distrusted him. Thank you for your involvement!
- He is still trusted by a substantial number of 34 users (including 1 from DT1) from which only 13 are recently active: Zilon, Julien_Olynpic, madnessteat, FontSeli, ajanwalker, Gianluca95, rby, FutureBitcoin, dimonstration, whyrqa, CarnagexD, Best_Change, KTChampions.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: nutildah on December 26, 2023, 09:54:00 AM
He deleted all his trust ratings, withdrew all his flags, is no longer eligible for DT & hasn't logged in since Dec 11th, safe to say the story is over.

As he committed forum self-immolation in spectacular fashion, there's really no point to continue to stomp around on his charred remains.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 26, 2023, 10:14:43 AM
safe to say the story is over.

I guess the story will be really over after Halab's contest ends... I feel some more things will happen after the contest announces its winners.

As he committed forum self-immolation in spectacular fashion, there's really no point to continue to stomp around on his charred remains.

You are right. I will discontinue these updates until the end of that contest...

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: mrust_mobile on December 26, 2023, 11:26:49 AM
He could have sold his account in secret and do a homerun but he wanted all the fireworks instead  ;D

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: paid2 on December 26, 2023, 04:21:09 PM
He could have sold his account in secret and do a homerun but he wanted all the fireworks instead  ;D

It looks like he did both  ;D

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on December 26, 2023, 04:26:00 PM
He could have sold his account in secret and do a homerun but he wanted all the fireworks instead  ;D

If he sold the account he doesn't have to care anymore if it's a secret or a firework. Fucked the buyer probably, or maybe not because the buyer seems to have profitably absconded with some signature money if I'm reading the latest nonsense correctly, but either way it's not like account buyers add any value to the forum.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: mindrust on December 26, 2023, 04:26:44 PM
He could have sold his account in secret and do a homerun but he wanted all the fireworks instead  ;D

It looks like he did both  ;D

The account is pretty much ruined though. I don't think the buyer paid the top dollar for the account. The only thing usable there is the huge amount of smerits (since he is not a merit source) and they are all tainted now. Every time he sends them, the receiving user will look like an alt of him.

He could have kept the situation under control till he sold the account.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on December 26, 2023, 04:36:16 PM
Anyone knows how many red tags were removed when he deleted them all? Back in the days I had an offer of 0.02 per case and price was $1000 per BTC, now lets just say $200 per tag, I won not one case, but so many of them like a class action. Now who said I can't do it?
If you need my evidence, tell me so I can provide them step by step, after 5 years I did it. 😉 remember not to challenge a deranged jobless clown.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on December 26, 2023, 04:39:56 PM
He could have kept the situation under control till he sold the account.

The alleged sale likely took place early in the drama and before the mixer ban, so the account was still very lucrative. Don't feel bad for Ratimov, I'm sure he made some decent coin out of this and is spinning up a new merit farm as we speak.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Shishir99 on December 26, 2023, 05:02:00 PM
And who knows if he has another account that may still be active in this forum? If someone loves forums and it become their daily routine to check Bitcointalk threads, they will still continue visiting the website to check threads without even logging in. Who knows maybe Lauda still watching us and sometimes laughing seeing how we often discuss her. Or, if someone takes the forum as one of the earning sources, you won't be able to kick them out of the community. They will be there with new names, and new identities and you will never know how many of them returned with a new identity. Probably, you could think that I am glad I haven't seen that stupid for a while, but you are getting engaged regularly with his alt accounts maybe you have a good understanding with his alt account without even understanding who it is! we don't know! think twice!

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on December 27, 2023, 05:48:15 AM
Fucked the buyer probably, or maybe not because the buyer seems to have profitably absconded with some signature money if I'm reading the latest nonsense correctly, but either way it's not like account buyers add any value to the forum.

This is not clear to me. It seems that indeed whoever was managing the account lately pocketed the money [banned mixer] gave him in advance and has disappeared from the forum but we have not heard anything official from them who are the ones who should create a flag if this is so.

It is not clear to me if maybe they do not say anything because they do not want to show that they have been fooled, if that has been the case.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on December 27, 2023, 06:24:52 AM
I read about this a couple of days ago, and I've been thinking of writing something substantial, but fuck it. I'm at a loss of words.

That bastard really bought himself low and sold him high.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on December 27, 2023, 02:21:44 PM

I guess the story will be really over after Halab's contest ends... I feel some more things will happen after the contest announces its winners.

He will soon deprive you of sleep.

Unfortunately, user Ratimov is dead.

Please take this into account if you rely on his participation in this or use his data.

This account will be blocked soon.

Do not contact anyone who will try to speak on his behalf, these are all scammers and speculators.

I don't know where exactly I should write about this, but I just saw your private message with a link to this theme, so I'm reporting it here.

Looks like this is the end of the story.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on December 27, 2023, 02:34:10 PM

I guess the story will be really over after Halab's contest ends... I feel some more things will happen after the contest announces its winners.

He will soon deprive you of sleep.

Unfortunately, user Ratimov is dead.

Please take this into account if you rely on his participation in this or use his data.

This account will be blocked soon.

Do not contact anyone who will try to speak on his behalf, these are all scammers and speculators.

I don't know where exactly I should write about this, but I just saw your private message with a link to this theme, so I'm reporting it here.

Looks like this is the end of the story.
Really sad story, only if he could have apologized for all the wrongdoings and continue participating without bullying people. But instead he chose to hide in shame. IMO, everyone deserves to be forgiven, even when you kill someone, God has provided the option of forgiving. It's never too late to correct the mistakes of the past as long as we have the chance, which means as long as we are alive. Because the moment we see the angel of death, no amount of apology and repent would do us any good. This should be a lesson for us all.

Now the comedy part:
Let us stay silent for 1 minute for the loss of our fallen hero. 😂
I hope he could do a final heroic act of dumping all his smerits on me, so I can rank up. Lol

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on December 27, 2023, 02:47:03 PM
Unfortunately, user Ratimov is dead.

Please take this into account if you rely on his participation in this or use his data.

This account will be blocked soon.

Do not contact anyone who will try to speak on his behalf, these are all scammers and speculators.

I don't know where exactly I should write about this, but I just saw your private message with a link to this theme, so I'm reporting it here.

Looks like this is the end of the story.

Unfortunately, there is no way we can confirm it. If there is any person who he personally could try to contact his family members to know the truth! If his death is true, then I am sorry for him. He could have been a better person, but no blame right now. But, since we are speculating that the account changed hands, we never know if it's true. I was never personally affected by any of his actions. But, I would request everyone not to hold anything bad for him since the person has passed away!

But, nothing is confirmed yet. Let's wait if we see something.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on December 27, 2023, 02:55:20 PM
Wow, what a timely death.

It looks like he had been preparing it.

I'm skeptical by nature, and when someone deletes all posts, feedbacks, announces that he is no longer a sponsor etc etc and suddenly after 15 days without logging in someone appears, who magically had the passwords to enter the forum, and announces his death, I don't believe it.

Although for forum purposes it is the same thing. He was dead before he announced it.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on December 27, 2023, 03:00:51 PM
Although for forum purposes it is the same thing. He was dead before he announced it.

Lauda also said that user Lauda is dead or something to that effect but obviously that didn't mean the person died.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: JollyGood on December 27, 2023, 03:54:21 PM
He deleted all his trust ratings, withdrew all his flags, is no longer eligible for DT & hasn't logged in since Dec 11th, safe to say the story is over.

As he committed forum self-immolation in spectacular fashion, there's really no point to continue to stomp around on his charred remains.
It really is pretty much over as far as a story is concerned. There is always a chance the account could/will be re-sold in future but that is a different matter and no doubt will be addressed if/when it happens. As for now though, the story is over regardless of whether he fulfils his commitments made towards prizes in other threads. Other than that, it was mentioned previously that he probably had more accounts therefore if it is true he never left and is focusing on other accounts.

He could have sold his account in secret and do a homerun but he wanted all the fireworks instead  ;D
If he sold the account he doesn't have to care anymore if it's a secret or a firework. Fucked the buyer probably, or maybe not because the buyer seems to have profitably absconded with some signature money if I'm reading the latest nonsense correctly, but either way it's not like account buyers add any value to the forum.
After the account was re-named and seemed to have changed hand, it was on the Tumbler signature campaign for a short while. We do not know if the buyer managed to make enough for his outlay to be returned.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: mrust_mobile on December 27, 2023, 03:59:19 PM
Unfortunately, user Ratimov is dead.

Please take this into account if you rely on his participation in this or use his data.

This account will be blocked soon.

Do not contact anyone who will try to speak on his behalf, these are all scammers and speculators.

I don't know where exactly I should write about this, but I just saw your private message with a link to this theme, so I'm reporting it here.

Why is the account getting blocked?

Selling accounts isn't against the forum rules.

Something is fishy. It smells.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 27, 2023, 06:08:46 PM
Wow, what a timely death.

It looks like he had been preparing it.

God forgive me if I'm wrong here, but this was also first thought I had. If I am wrong may God rest his soul.

But it's hard to believe such thing. First of all, knowing the way Ratimov used to act, this individual always used to do the best he could to shock. To impress. To amaze. To do something which people would consider stunning. Like being a best of best at everything and everybody to forget looking around and see that all he built he did through lies, shady actions and fooling the audience. Just like magicians do those tricks called "magic in your eyes". You are so amazed by what you see that you never think to look behind the magician or at his pockets etc.

Such announcement, done now, precisely 3-4 days before Halab's contest is over, which could lead to having the account also accused by a flag initiated by a contest winner and which could lead also to more red tags -- oh well, such announcement precisely in these moments seems for me just like a trick of a magician. Like he thought about "What can I do now to shock all these people and forget about a flag against me if I don't pay what I promised to pay?".

This gesture also looks like a way to protect, eventually, the account buyer or even himself, in case he did not sell the account yet. This account is already dramatically affected by the red tags received and, in case these tags would be correlated with other tags or a flag, it would make it useless. Impossible to sell, if he didn't sell it already. At same time, perhaps the buyer (in case he sold it though) asked him to give him a hand of help here and avoid a flag or other red tags. If that's the case, then what could Ratimov do? Exactly what he did all these years: to try, once again, to amaze the audience, to shock it, to leave it speechless. So he made that announcement. What else could shut people's mouth if not such an announcement? Literally, there was nothing else for him to invent in order to avoid a flag or more red tags after not paying for Halab's contest.

Furthermore, if such a sad incident actually happened, who is the one which kept making posts? And why would anyone make (Bitcoin-related posts) from the account of someone deceased? Who is the one which made the announcement? The buyer? And if it's the buyer, it's hard to believe that a buyer kept contact with the seller after the transaction was done. There would be no purpose for this. Even if this happened, who informed the buyer that Ratimov died? There are too many details which just don't add up here to believe that announcement...

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: bananaunana on December 27, 2023, 06:34:57 PM
Please tell me anyone, I have been accused of "targeting someones [Symmetricks] personality" by pointing out his recent name change from Ratimov to Symmetrick was an attempt from Ratomov to cover up his abuses.

Former Ratimov account changed his name earlier to cover up his abuses, when GazetaBitcoin presented it. Ratimov account changed name to Symmetrick and because Symmetrick (formerly known as Ratimov) gets often nominated in Bitcointalk Community awards for Anti Hero, his name appears often.
I can't stop laughing reading your post, what for? I still can't decipher it. There is no charade that people will not use their alts to do. You've expressed yourself much enough to know that you are more familiar with the forum than those who appear regularly. But this time, to directly target someone's personality. I hope it will be easier for you in the court of law to defend the "to cover up his abuses" remark if charged.

Did he tell you, or did you assume it? I'm amazed how people get to just say whatever comes to their head without a rethink.

In my impression, Ratimov and his name change was clearly motivated to cover up his abuses.
If I'm wrong, please show me anyone where my assumption is wrong?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on December 27, 2023, 09:08:01 PM
Although for forum purposes it is the same thing. He was dead before he announced it.
Interesting, I am out of emoji.
Bitcointalk is a ghost place now?

In my impression, Ratimov and his name change was clearly motivated to cover up his abuses.
If I'm wrong, please show me anyone where my assumption is wrong?
It was as clear as the crystal. The name change, the silence, and now the dead news. He is a mad man.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on December 27, 2023, 09:14:21 PM
The Ratimov account essentially became worthless, I’d be surprised if somebody bought it. Bitcointalk never ceases to amaze me, so many supposedly trustworthy, high ranked accounts have a huge fall from grace. The likes of Quickseller, Trade Fortress. You can now add Ratimov to the list.

The cynic in me doubts he is dead, seems like BS. If he is, RIP, I don’t believe it though.

It’s a real shame the way it played out for him on the forum. Totally self inflicted but I liked him, I guess I was tricked like so many he manipulated here.

His presence here will not be missed.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: JollyGood on December 27, 2023, 09:30:16 PM
Where did the rumours about him being dead originate?

Keeping that aside, there were some posts about him being that far ahead of the game that is would have been highly unlikely he did not have other accounts. It does sound like a far-fetched idea but if he sold the Ratimov/Symmetrick account while at the same time having several others to concentrate on, he could accept the fall from grace. As for his presence not being missed here, maybe he never left.

The Ratimov account essentially became worthless, I’d be surprised if somebody bought it. Bitcointalk never ceases to amaze me, so many supposedly trustworthy, high ranked accounts have a huge fall from grace. The likes of Quickseller, Trade Fortress. You can now add Ratimov to the list.

The cynic in me doubts he is dead, seems like BS. If he is, RIP, I don’t believe it though.

It’s a real shame the way it played out for him on the forum. Totally self inflicted but I liked him, I guess I was tricked like so many he manipulated here.

His presence here will not be missed.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Kingf1sher on December 27, 2023, 09:33:53 PM
Explain to me how you can delete your posts so quickly?
9 messages in 24 seconds..
although I think I understand, it opens a lot of tabs and then quickly deletes them..
or does it use software?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on December 28, 2023, 06:22:45 AM
Where did the rumours about him being dead originate?
From himself (

Explain to me how you can delete your posts so quickly?
9 messages in 24 seconds..
Middle-mouse button on the Delete (http://) button can be a lot faster than that.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Poker Player on December 28, 2023, 06:45:10 AM
Where did the rumours about him being dead originate?
From himself (

I believe that it was he himself who, after his death, has seen fit to come to the forum to give us the bad news.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: mrust_mobile on December 28, 2023, 06:59:30 AM
Hello forum.

I am mindrust.

I am sad to give you the bad news.

I am dead.

Rest in peace.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: NotATether on December 28, 2023, 07:01:53 AM
Regardless of whether this is true or not, he has basically admitted that the original owner no longer controls the account, so make of that what you will. I've already put him on my distrust list, personally.

I wonder whether his "death" was directly or indirectly caused by the exposure of his past plagiarism? ???

Explain to me how you can delete your posts so quickly?
9 messages in 24 seconds..
Middle-mouse button on the Delete (http://) button can be a lot faster than that.

That seems powerful and dangerous at the same time. At least phones and tablets don't have a middle mouse button emulation. :)

Hello forum.

I am mindrust.

I am sad to give you the bad news.

I am dead.

Rest in peace.


Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on December 28, 2023, 09:18:31 AM
I believe that it was he himself who, after his death, has seen fit to come to the forum to give us the bad news.
I'm very curious to know which internet provider he uses up there :P

Middle-mouse button on the Delete (http://) button can be a lot faster than that.
That seems powerful and dangerous at the same time.
Wait until you use it on the Delete button instead of the Merit button in a self-moderated topic :(

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: SamReomo on December 28, 2023, 09:30:32 AM
The Ratimov account essentially became worthless
Yes, I have been reading this thread for sometime and I have also noticed that a single thread destroyed the user Ratimov and he's no more a known member of the forum right now. Everyone had seen threads of Ratimov and he was considered as a highly reliable member of the forum but now no one even talks about him.

It's strange that a member like Ratimov has gone into dark and changed his name to Symmetrick ah, I think I didn't misspelled it, and now doesn't make any good posts at all. I'm shocked to see something like that but I still think that how can a user with so many merits can do that. If I'm not wrong then that guy has spent a lot of time on this forum.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: examplens on December 28, 2023, 11:22:52 AM
The Ratimov account essentially became worthless, I’d be surprised if somebody bought it. Bitcointalk never ceases to amaze me, so many supposedly trustworthy, high ranked accounts have a huge fall from grace. The likes of Quickseller, Trade Fortress. You can now add Ratimov to the list.

The cynic in me doubts he is dead, seems like BS. If he is, RIP, I don’t believe it though.

It’s a real shame the way it played out for him on the forum. Totally self inflicted but I liked him, I guess I was tricked like so many he manipulated here.

His presence here will not be missed.

You are not the only one who is suspicious of this claim, the only death that is obvious here is for the Ratimov forum account. We've seen announcements about someone's death, but after all the controversies on his part, it's clear why we all have doubts.
The closest scenario to me is where he wants to leave the forum as Ratimov because his reputation is ruined. At the same time, he has to return a few thousand dollars that he took in advance for renting his signature, I would say a very good reason to terminate the account finally. Proclaiming death is the best excuse, at least in front of those who expect money back.

Not that I don't have empathy, but it's sad when no one believes you if you say you died.

Explain to me how you can delete your posts so quickly?
9 messages in 24 seconds..
Middle-mouse button on the Delete (http://) button can be a lot faster than that.

Too fast for a dead man.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 28, 2023, 11:30:31 AM
9 messages in 24 seconds..

Meanwhile the account has only 6492 posts remaining. It still does not make any sense for this continuous purge of posts. What does Ratimov / the new account holder believe he achieves by deleting post after post? I understood at some point: at that moment the purpose was for covering any remaining evidence of plagiarism. But now?

The closest scenario to me is where he wants to leave the forum as Ratimov because his reputation is ruined. At the same time, he has to return a few thousand dollars that he took in advance for renting his signature, I would say a very good reason to terminate the account finally. Proclaiming death is the best excuse, at least in front of those who expect money back.

This is precisely same thing I mentioned here (

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on December 28, 2023, 01:55:29 PM
I understood at some point: at that moment the purpose was for covering any remaining evidence of plagiarism. But now?

I think he was just throwing a fit and trying to do as much damage as he could before leaving.

I doubt he cared about plagiarism when he decided to sell the account. It would have been the buyer's problem, who could just say "I bought the account" and get away with it. Even if there was no sale, he could probably log in from a different VPN/browser/etc and tell theymos "I bought the account". Much easier than deleting thousands of posts.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: Kingf1sher on December 28, 2023, 02:41:41 PM

Meanwhile the account has only 6492 posts remaining. It still does not make any sense for this continuous purge of posts. What does Ratimov / the new account holder believe he achieves by deleting post after post? I understood at some point: at that moment the purpose was for covering any remaining evidence of plagiarism. But now?

already 5420, I wonder where he ended up, in heaven or hell after death... they have good internet there and computers with at least 32GB of RAM)

His soul wants to delete all his messages, this will affect everyone who communicated with him, the moderator will have to delete most of the messages of these people...
This is a fair price for communication and friendship with this person..

upd: 4338

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on December 28, 2023, 05:39:56 PM
I think he was just throwing a fit and trying to do as much damage as he could before leaving.

I doubt he cared about plagiarism when he decided to sell the account. It would have been the buyer's problem, who could just say "I bought the account" and get away with it. Even if there was no sale, he could probably log in from a different VPN/browser/etc and tell theymos "I bought the account". Much easier than deleting thousands of posts.
None of it was needed. An apology with civilized behave could still keep this account as high as it was.
Symmetrick Ratimov messed up.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: JollyGood on December 28, 2023, 08:50:21 PM
Where did the rumours about him being dead originate?
From himself (
Another interesting development.

Where did the rumours about him being dead originate?
From himself (
I believe that it was he himself who, after his death, has seen fit to come to the forum to give us the bad news.
If that is the case then there is a possibility the account has not traded hands after all. Suggestions made earlier were that the account had been sold because the style of writing had changed in the Russian language posts he was making. Now it would point to him changing the name from Ratimov to Symmetrick but he would have kept control of it.

This is becoming very strange indeed.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on December 30, 2023, 06:32:43 PM
For some reason, Ratimov was banned ( No idea why though. My post from the other thread says the following:

Lol, on what basis what he banned now? He wasn't banned for years in a row of plagiarism, but he was banned now, when it does not even post anymore? He wasn't banned when he made you a garbage man but he was banned now? He was not banned when he threw all his dump into your yard Russian board but he was banned now? How so?

Furthermore, based on LV's last update ( of Trust lists, it seems that even the most loyal minion of Ratimov -- that is madnessteat -- jumped from the sinking boat. LOL! That was all with his loyalty.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: PowerGlove on December 31, 2023, 11:43:11 AM
I've kept track of Ratimov's meltdown since one of his broken-english insults made me laugh out loud: "Go fuck yourself, you piece of cocksucker." :D (Like so many of his other posts, that one is deleted, but JollyGood quoted it here (

Even though that was back in July, I still can't believe just how quickly Ratimov managed to ruin his account; he seems to have gone out of his way to basically take a high-altitude nosedive straight into the ground.

I've been deliberating on removing the positive feedback that I left him in August (but decided against it; I think I err on the side of keeping old feedback unchanged. I mean, given his radical change in stance towards the forum, I do kind of regret having left him positive feedback, but he was helpful and polite when I dealt with him, so I can't think of a legitimate reason to remove that feedback). I've also considered leaving him new negative feedback, but he's banned now, so I can't see that accomplishing anything.

I found the petulant destruction of so much forum content to be quite disturbing. It made me think of some potential countermeasures against similar temper tantrums in the future:

(1) Maybe posts shouldn't be able to be edited/deleted (except by mods/admins, of course). (I mean, I know this one is probably a step too far, but it does have some nice knock-on effects, like curbing various forum misbehaviors, and making it much easier to get to the bottom of contentious situations without the need for third-party forum archives. The initial post in a topic would probably need to be special-cased, as not being able to edit the OP would get pretty tiresome.)

(2) Maybe posts shouldn't be able to be edited/deleted once they've been merited? (This one has a nice symmetry/feel to it: merited posts are presumably worth reading or otherwise contain something of value, so "freezing" them once they've been merited makes sense, IMO. This would need the same special-casing as (1): editing a merited OP should still be allowed.)

(3) Maybe deleting merited posts should "undo" the merit and refund the sender(s)? (I kind of like the tit-for-tat here: if posters have the power to remove useful content, then merit-givers should have some mechanism to get those sMerits back. But, this interacts poorly with self-moderated topics, and gives those topic-starters the power to sometimes "delete" another user's merits. I guess that could be special-cased, but it would be pretty clumsy/awkward.)

(4) Maybe the amount of activity/rank that you lose by deleting a post should be on a percentage-based curve? (That is, after you've deleted something like 5% of your posts, you should start "de-ranking" superlinearly. I mean, this wouldn't have dissuaded Ratimov, but it might make saner users think twice before deleting a bunch of their posts.)

Anyway, just some thoughts I had.

Hope everyone's enjoying their end-of-year; I'm gonna get back to sitting in my comfy chair and "grading" my whiskies. ;)

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: suchmoon on December 31, 2023, 01:34:07 PM
(2) Maybe posts shouldn't be able to be edited/deleted once they've been merited? (This one has a nice symmetry/feel to it: merited posts are presumably worth reading or otherwise contain something of value, so "freezing" them once they've been merited makes sense, IMO. This would need the same special-casing as (1): editing a merited OP should still be allowed.)

This would get a bit silly if I want to correct a grammar error in a merited post, or e.g. replace imgur links.

In Ratimov's case, at least his self-mod topics should have been locked by admin instead of just letting those topics disappear or even helping him out by removing thread stubs. He could have been temp-banned once it became clear that this is an abuse of the self-mod feature. I think it's overkill to inconvenience everyone because mods/admins were too chickenshit to act on one case of forum feature misuse/abuse.

(3) Maybe deleting merited posts should "undo" the merit and refund the sender(s)? (I kind of like the tit-for-tat here: if posters have the power to remove useful content, then merit-givers should have some mechanism to get those sMerits back. But, this interacts poorly with self-moderated topics, and gives those topic-starters the power to sometimes "delete" another user's merits. I guess that could be special-cased, but it would be pretty clumsy/awkward.)

What happens to everyone downstream of these merit transactions, i.e. ones that the author of the deleted post merited with the half-life smerits?

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: PowerGlove on December 31, 2023, 04:55:43 PM
This would get a bit silly if I want to correct a grammar error in a merited post, or e.g. replace imgur links.
Yep, I'm with you. I wouldn't like not being able to fix mistakes in my posts either, but weighed against preventing good content from being deleted (or being edited too far away from what was originally merit-worthy), I think it bears thinking about. The Imgur issue is a very good point, though, and being able to run TryNinja's script was very helpful to many people (I think it's unfortunate that users had to take things into their own hands, and I would have preferred theymos co-ordinating with joker_josue and finding a way to modify the image proxy so that Imgur-links could be transparently redirected to "equivalent" TalkImg-links based on LoyceV's Imgur backup, but yeah). I've been sitting on a proposal called "CIPP" (Community Image Preservation Project) to decentralize the forum's image hosting and prevent something like the Imgur issue from ever happening again, but it's quite involved and I'm reluctant to make a push on something that most people don't seem to care all that much about (I had the energy to get 2FA over the finish line because I knew that that would both be appreciated and that it would improve things in a concrete way, but "CIPP" might be one of those things that I think is really important, but everyone else is like: "Meh").

What happens to everyone downstream of these merit transactions, i.e. ones that the author of the deleted post merited with the half-life smerits?
That's another good point. Finding a clean (doesn't have to be exact, IMO, only approximately correct) way to "refund" the sMerits might be more trouble than it's worth. But, the thought here is basically just to strongly disincentivize the deletion of good posts; sMerit refunds would be cool, but they're not essential ("losing" the merits you received for the posts you're deleting is the important part).

I don't know, I'm not super attached to any of these ideas, I'm just spitballing. I ran the Ratimov problem by my wife and she said (paraphrasing): "Why don't you make it so that you can't edit/delete more than a few posts a day?". Something in that vein might work out better (that is, it would seriously slow down future Ratimovs and hopefully give them time to cool off, but it wouldn't really inconvenience normal users).

Anyway, you're cutting into my whiskey time. So, stop making good points. ;D

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on January 01, 2024, 09:55:36 AM
(1) Maybe posts shouldn't be able to be edited/deleted (except by mods/admins
(2) Maybe posts shouldn't be able to be edited/deleted once they've been merited?
(3) Maybe deleting merited posts should "undo" the merit and refund the sender(s)?
(4) Maybe the amount of activity/rank that you lose by deleting a post should be on a percentage-based curve?
I'd vote against all of this. This is a forum and post management is part of normal forum usage. And Bitcointalk's mission is to be as free as possible (, which includes the occasional user doing weird things. I'm pretty sure I've deleted more than 5% of my posts (mostly bumps), and don't think I should be punished for that.

I ran the Ratimov problem by my wife and she said (paraphrasing): "Why don't you make it so that you can't edit/delete more than a few posts a day?".
Tell your wife that's not enough for me :P

As much as I dislike the complete wiping of self-moderated topics, I do appreciate that Bitcointalk's freedoms don't have limits.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: PowerGlove on January 01, 2024, 01:25:08 PM
I'd vote against all of this. (...)
Yeah; I guess I would, too. They all represent (well, (3) is salvageable, I think) a freedom-restricting countermeasure against what amounts to a very rare occurrence. So, I'm with you, and in general, restricting freedoms in response to exceptional events is almost always the wrong move. On that basis, I think (1), (2), (4) and (W) are probably untenable (though, if I were designing a forum from scratch, I'd be interested in exploring (1) and seeing if a strictly-additive posting model could work). I think (3) has merit though (no pun intended), and some variant of that idea is probably defensible: ignoring the details and just looking at it abstractly, I can't think of a good reason that a user should expect to be able to keep the merits they've received for posts they've deleted (or "erased" via editing).

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: JollyGood on January 01, 2024, 02:56:52 PM
Happy new year to you and to all the forum members. Enjoy your time sitting on the comfy chair.

I have decided to not comment on the various bits of excellent suggestions and comments you made as new years eve/day should be for everything and anything but a day for putting your thinking-cap on and getting tucked in to intellectual debate  ;D

Anyway, you're cutting into my whiskey time. So, stop making good points. ;D

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: digaran on January 01, 2024, 04:57:29 PM
I know he was rude, abusive, and essentially what we call a c*nt around these woods, but I'm pretty much certain he was a bigger man than some people around here. But don't mind me, by all means continue your off topic circle jerking on his fresh grave. Damn even his corps has more honour "comparing" to some people.

 ;D happy new year  ;D

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 06, 2024, 05:57:25 PM
I've kept track of Ratimov's meltdown since one of his broken-english insults made me laugh out loud: "Go fuck yourself, you piece of cocksucker." :D (Like so many of his other posts, that one is deleted, but JollyGood quoted it here (
I'm late to the drama party once again--not only did I miss that delightfully awful insult, but apparently I missed the banning of Ratimov as well.  I just learned about that in this thread, which was linked to from another one I was reading.  There's no answer to the question of why he got banned here, so is it a well-known fact that also flew right over my noggin or is it still a guessing game?

And yeah, a reputational nosedive is the best way to describe what happened to him.  Given his prior history and his apparent dedication to the forum, I really have to wonder what the hell was going on with him that he didn't try to maintain altitude, if you will.  I've seen other respected members go down in flames but maybe aside from Quickseller, Ratimov's disgrace and public shaming was the fastest and most complete destruction of a good reputation I've seen yet.

One wrong move, gents.  One wrong move.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: LoyceV on January 06, 2024, 07:18:49 PM
One wrong move, gents.  One wrong move.
One wrong move can happen to anyone. It's how you react afterwards that shows what you're made of.

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: PowerGlove on January 06, 2024, 08:48:04 PM
There's no answer to the question of why he got banned here, so is it a well-known fact that also flew right over my noggin or is it still a guessing game?
I'm not too sure about the details, but I've seen one or two mods describe his account as "banned"; it could be that "locked" is actually a little more accurate, especially if it was self-inflicted (that is, he might have intentionally used the "secret question" mis-feature [1] to mark his own account as "possibly compromised", which would put it in a state where it has to go through the account-recovery process to be brought back to life). Maybe I missed it, but it would be nice to know if this "ban" was staff-initiated or just the final piece of his temper tantrum.

Given his prior history and his apparent dedication to the forum, I really have to wonder what the hell was going on with him that he didn't try to maintain altitude, if you will.
I wonder that, too. I don't think this thread would have done nearly as much damage if he hadn't gone postal and decided to start deleting things. I think there's a tipping-point with destructive behavior and using something like a car as an analogy: once you've lost your temper and kicked a dent in the door, it's easier to justify ripping off the side-mirror, and then maybe jumping up-and-down on the hood like a wally, and at that point, once you're in full-on idiot-mode, things can easily escalate to just smashing the whole fuggin' thing and setting it on fire. (I mean, I've never had a car that I've hated that much, but I've come pretty close.) :D

[1] I've thought for a while now that that behavior (accounts being insta-locked when you correctly answer a secret question) is pretty much just a footgun for newer users. There is a good reason that it should work that way for older (data-breach-affected) accounts, but I wonder how many newer users realize that relying on that feature will just get them locked out of their accounts? In my view, the locking behavior should be date-gated, and the settings-page UI should be hidden from people that haven't already set a secret question/answer (or people that "clear" their existing question/answer).

Title: Re: Should Ratimov aka Symmetrick be in DT1?
Post by: JollyGood on January 06, 2024, 08:59:46 PM
I echo your words, I have never seen an account of that level of prominence implode the way the Ratimov account did. Though accounts will continue to go down the same path, it might never happen again to another prominent account (or one near that level).

Be careful there you do not want to get a reputation for being a regular latecomer. I wonder, what is it that is happening around you that stops you from joining the party on time? ;D

I'm late to the drama party once again--not only did I miss that delightfully awful insult, but apparently I missed the banning of Ratimov as well.  I just learned about that in this thread, which was linked to from another one I was reading.  There's no answer to the question of why he got banned here, so is it a well-known fact that also flew right over my noggin or is it still a guessing game?

And yeah, a reputational nosedive is the best way to describe what happened to him.  Given his prior history and his apparent dedication to the forum, I really have to wonder what the hell was going on with him that he didn't try to maintain altitude, if you will.  I've seen other respected members go down in flames but maybe aside from Quickseller, Ratimov's disgrace and public shaming was the fastest and most complete destruction of a good reputation I've seen yet.

One wrong move, gents.  One wrong move.