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521  Other / Politics & Society / Re: On the importance for nazis, commies and all extremists to stop fighting on: March 29, 2019, 09:29:57 AM
You just see what you want to see, and no one can change that but you. As long as you are this intellectually dishonest and lazy I am going to treat you as the intellectual poser bottom feeder you are. I don't care what you did in another thread, it is very much on topic and I have no desire to participate in a carefully curated thread that just so happens to segregate critique of your preferred ideology.

If the state does not use force of law to take inheritance, then the inheritance tax is not taking from inheritance, thus taking inheritance? You see your gap in logic here? Of course not, you only see your preferred reality. Fuck causality and economics, I GOTS TO HAS MUH COMMUNISM!

Oh, look, more personnal attacks.

Funny how the deeper we go, the more personnal attacks and yelling at semantics you do.

Never seen any scientist or honest person yelling for semantics. That's the base of a debate: define what you're discussing.

Also got a yes or no question for you.
Are those 2 situations identical:

A father passes away and his 1M$ house is inheritated by his 3 children

1/ The state comes in and take the house as inheritance is abolished. The children have nothing.

2/ The state says "hey sorry for your loss you can keep the house of course but you owe the state 200k$ as inheritance taxation, you got about a year or 6 months to pay it". The children either pay those 200k$ and keep the house or sell the house and keep the 800k$

Are those 2 situations identical? Yes or no question.

You can add some personnal attacks as you seem to love them. You already said that I was a fat lazy stupid dumb man without any logic or knowledge in laws, economics, psychology or history. Might add that I am ugly too, you haven't said that one yet.
522  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Macron to deploy French army against yellow vest protests on: March 29, 2019, 09:23:51 AM
As usual you are only interested in what serves your own narrative, not the truth, logic, or learning new things.

Can you read? Are you able to put words together?

What's your point? Minority have no right in democracy is false, they have the right that the majority accept to give them. That's true. And? That's all you want to say?
523  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Macron to deploy French army against yellow vest protests on: March 28, 2019, 08:42:39 PM

[again tells me to make a valid point, proceeds to make totally meaningless statements backed by nothing]

Backed by nothing but your own quote.

And again I've said I agree that democracy is mob rule. What's your point? Just saying democracy is mob rule?
Not a very useful point. But you're right. That's great. Next is fire is hot and water wet. Anything to add?
524  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: March 28, 2019, 03:51:26 PM

I hope the EU's Article 13 does not forbid funny, innocent and happy memes on this forum.

Article 13 doesn't aim memes.
525  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: emmanuel macron, oh tête de con, on vient te chercher chez toi !!! on: March 28, 2019, 02:53:59 PM
l'autre qui croit qu'un RIC changera notre vie

Marrant, pourquoi tu n'en veux pas si ça ne changera pas grand chose?

Et mieux vaut vouloir massacrer 20% de la population ou mettre les 10 commandements ou abroger toutes les lois que de ne rien dire d'autre que "le système actuel ne va pas, toutes vos propositions sont à chier et je n'ai rien à offrir en retour".
526  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: emmanuel macron, oh tête de con, on vient te chercher chez toi !!! on: March 28, 2019, 02:31:53 PM
Et le juge il s'appuie sur quoi pardi ? => La loi...
La jurisprudence est issue d'un vide juridique que comble une décision de justice. Donc non, le juge ne s'appuie pas toujours sur la loi pour trancher un litige.


grosse grosse groooooooooooosse connerie ici.

La jurisprudence ne comble absolument pas un vide juridique. C'est une connerie monumentale de dire ça.

En cas de vide juridique (ça arrive), le juge s'appuie autant que possible sur la loi et émet une décision qui doit être le plus possible en accord avec l'esprit de la loi. Parce qu'il n'y a aucun domaine avec un vide juridique complet hein, généralement c'est juste un cas très précis pas parfaitement définit et encadré.

Mais le juge doit prendre une décision en accord avec l'esprit de la loi jusqu'à ce que le vide juridique soit comblé.

Autrement dit, une décision de justice ne comble JAMAIS un vide juridique, elle le remplace temporairement mais toutes les décision suivantes devront être d'abord assujettie à la loi.

En gros quand un juge décide X, il obéit d'abord à la loi. S'il y a vide il obéit à l'esprit de la loi. Il s'appuie toujours sur la loi.

Et encore une fois, si tu as raison et que nous avons une vision déformée de la justice comme tu dis, sors moi une seule décision de justice ne faisant pas référence à la loi.
527  Other / Politics & Society / Re: On the importance for nazis, commies and all extremists to stop fighting on: March 28, 2019, 02:26:37 PM
I know you don't read my sources for a fact. Do you know how I know this (other than your shockingly obvious ignorance on all these subjects)? Because any time I post something your RESPOND INSTANTLY, and unless you are reading at a rate of 3 pages a second, you aren't reading the sources I provide. Also I have seen you claim to have read things here before, but then when pressed you demonstrate complete and undeniable ignorance of the subject matter. Whatever small portion you do bother to attempt to read you then skim over, never really paying attention or thinking critically about it, but only looking for points you can most easily argue. So not only are you ignorant, you are also a liar.

If your brain was a muscle you had to work out to stay in shape, you would be a huge tub of lard with Cheetos stuck in his fat rolls drinking from a 2 liter of Mountain Dew. This is just a joke to you. I have literally spent years of effort trying to learn the ins and outs of Communism and related topics which I personally consider very important, and you roll up with your lazy ass disingenuous approach, you might as well spit in my face. Your ignorant self assured lackadaisical attitude is an insult, and if you want to treat this like a game, I might as well make a game out of you because you waste my time.
So here there is litteraly nothing but personnal attacks. And sorry but reading your shit isn't long considering how short it is. Dude reading your little site takes what? 10 minutes? 30 tops if you're slow?
That said, again you only addressed ONE of the 10 planks listed on that page, I have a feeling you only looked them over until you could find something you felt you could make a point on then quickly ended any semblance of a thought process. I would love to see you try to argue the other planks.
I addressed one of the ten because that's what we call an example, and I've addressed ALL THE TEN here in a separate thread cause that was borderline off topic.
One simple question. Is or is not a fact that the state uses the force of law to take inheritance? I didn't ask you how much. This is a yes or no question. I patiently await your semantic gymnastics fat man.
I guess the personnal attack is all what you have now?

Answer is no. State doesn't use the force of law to take inheritance. Easy question.
528  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Macron to deploy French army against yellow vest protests on: March 28, 2019, 02:18:58 PM
[tells me to make a valid point, proceeds to make a totally meaningless statement backed by nothing]

Ok I'll rephrase. Direct democracy is mob rule yes. Where is the problem with that?
I didn't say direct democracy. I said democracy is mob rule.

You're funny you know?

direct democracy is just mob rule

And I'm the one being lazy?
Please get your shit together and make a point.
529  Local / Hors-sujet / démocratie liquide, proposition d'organisation sociale. Critiques bienvenues :D on: March 28, 2019, 02:16:52 PM

Alors avec toutes les discussions sur le RIC et les GJ et tout, je me suis dit "je vais lancer un sujet sur la démocratie directe". Sauf que c'est putain de long et compliqué de formaliser le fonctionnement d'une institution. Alors une fois lancé autant allez jusqu'au bout.

C'est une proposition d'organisation sociale. Je ne dis pas comment y arriver, je ne dis pas que c'est la meilleure chose possible, il me semble juste intéressant d'imaginer une société organisée différemment de ce qu'on connaît: on élit des chefs qui font ce qu'ils veulent une fois élus.

Toute critique ou idée par rapport à ça est bienvenue tant que c'est construit et pas juste "les gens sont trop cons pour que ça marche"  Smiley

1/ Chaque citoyen possède une carte d'identité digitale pratiquement impossible à pirater. Hypothèse raisonnable, il suffit de copier le modèle des banques, quiconque peut pirater votre ID digitale peut pirater votre compte bancaire, donc vous êtes dans une merde cosmique
2/ L'état est capable de créer un site internet ergonomique, une plateforme sur laquelle les citoyens peuvent se connecter avec leur ID digitale. Franchement on sait faire des plateformes ultra ergonomique donc je pars du principe que l'utilisation de la plateforme ne sera pas un problème. Un mélange de KickStarter et en mieux quoi.

Description théorique:
Chaque citoyen arrivant en âge de voter obtient immédiatement une voix valant 100 points utilisable à chaque vote auquel il a le droit de participer. On dit qu'il possède 100 points de vote ou 100PV

Chaque citoyen peut participer aux votes concernant sa localisation géographique, définie par sa résidence principale. Si le citoyen est SDF, il peut déclarer la mairie de son choix comme résidence principale.

Chaque citoyen peut proposer ce qu'il souhaite sur la plateforme. N'importe quoi. Sa proposition aura trois caractéristiques: un (ou plusieurs) type, une nature et un degré d'impact. C'est le citoyen proposant qui fixe le type et le degré d'impact.
Type: économie, éducation, armée, internationale, santé... il s'agit d'un tag en fait.
Nature: décision mineure (construire une nouvelle école), décision majeure (entrer en guerre avec pays X), loi, changement constitutionnel
Degré d'impact: local, départemental, régional, national, international

Toute proposition est automatiquement mise en attente à sa création, elle n'est pas votée. Pour être votée elle doit obtenir un degré de soutien, c'est à dire une quantité de VP engagé, dépendant de la nature et du degré d'impact. Une décision mineure aura besoin de 500kVP pour passer en statut votable par exemple, tandis qu'un changement constitutionnel aura besoin de 5MVP.

Chaque citoyen peut promettre 100VP réparti comme il le souhaite sur une ou plusieurs propositions. Il peut modifier son soutien à tout moment mais si une proposition qu'il soutenait est validée et passe en statut votable, les VP qu'il lui avait dédié sont bloqués pour une semaine.

Une proposition ayant obtenu le soutien suffisant passe en statut votable. Une proposition passe en statut votable uniquement en local, si le degré d'impact choisi par le citoyen ayant fait la proposition est au dessus de local, la proposition devra être d'abord votée en local, puis si elle réussi en départemental etc...

Une proposition ayant été votée avec le degré d'impact choisi par le citoyen initial est adoptée. Pour être votée une proposition doit amasser un pourcentage de VP favorable suffisant dépendant de sa nature et un suffrage exprimé suffisant dépendant de son degré d'impact. Par exemple, une décision mineure aura besoin d'une majorité simple favorable mais de toute de même 30% des voix exprimées sur la question.

Fonctionnement pratique:
Chaque citoyen peut répartir à loisir ses 100VP promis, à n'importe quel moment.

Chaque citoyen peut déléguer tout ou partie de ses 100VP effectifs à qui il souhaite répartis comme il le souhaite y compris dépendant des tags. On peut donc dire "je donne la moitié de mes VP à chacun de mes deux enfants" ou je donne mes VP à tel économiste sur une proposition avec le tag économie. A tel philosophe sur le tag santé. Ou a tel ami sur le tag politique internationale.

Chaque samedi les citoyens votent de 15h à 20h sur les propositions votable auxquelles ils sont admissibles. Ils donnent de 0 à 100VP au pour ou contre sur chaque proposition.

A 20h les votes sont bloqués et les citoyens n'ayant pas voté voient leur VP transféré à leur(s) délégué(s) en accord avec leur répartition sur chaque proposition où ils sont admissibles.

-Pas besoin d'être un spécialiste en tout. Si vous ne pensez pas vous y connaître en tel domaine ne votez pas sur tel domaine. Mais si vous avez une opinion sans être un spécialiste vous pouvez facilement déléguer votre vote à quelqu'un semblant partager vos idées mais s'y connaissant mieux que vous.

-Reduction de la corruption. Qui corrompre? Les personnes ayant beaucoup de VP délégué? Mais c'est une information qui n'est pas accessible ça.

-Manipulation des masses limitée. Il est beaucoup plus difficile de manipuler des gens h24. En ayant des élections tous les 5 ans il est beaucoup plus simple de manipuler l'actualité et les gens que s'ils ont le pouvoir en permanence. Pensez aux investissements colossaux sur les campagnes électorales, imaginez s'il fallait déployer ces efforts A CHAQUE VOTE. Impossible.

-Responsabilisation des citoyens. Chaque citoyen devient réellement responsable de ce qui ce passe. Nos interventions armées au MO sont le résultat d'une décision prise par la population, pas la décision arbitraire d'un dictateur élu 2 ans auparavant qui n'avait jamais prévenu qu'il entrerait en guerre.

-Education et changement des mentalités. N'appréciez vous pas les élections présidentielles? Ce moment où tous les citoyens se sentent concernés et s'intéressent à ce qui se passe? Ce moment où la France entière se dit "quel futur voulons nous?". Imaginez une société où les gens ont ce pouvoir en permanence, ne seraient-ils pas beaucoup plus impliqués dans la vie politique?

-Fin de l'abstentionnisme résigné. C'est la fin des gens disant que "les élections ne servent plus à rien". Si on ne vote pas c'est parce qu'on ne s'y connait pas assez ou qu'on estime que le sujet ne nous intéresse pas, pas parce qu'on se sent impuissant et que "de toute façon les politiciens c'est tous des menteurs".

-Amélioration perpétuelle. Les gens vont pouvoir apprendre de leurs erreurs quand de mauvaises décisions seront prises puisque c'est eux directement qui auront pris ces décisions.

-Adaptabilité. Le système de délégation permet de s'exprimer par représentant quand les sujets sont trop complexes pour nous ou trop obscurs.


-Temps d'adaptation. On ne passe pas d'un mouton servile votant une fois tous les 5 ans à un citoyen impliqué dans la vie politique en un instant.

-Les risques extrêmes. On peut se retrouver avec des décisions sur lesquelles il est impossible de revenir une fois prise.

-L'équilibre. Il faut que les décisions et lois votées s'équilibrent entre elles. C'est sans doute l'élément le plus difficile à gérer: comment intégrer une vision globale quand on ne prend que des micro décisions.

Voilà j'espère que cela n'aura pas été trop chiant à lire. Si ça intéresse quelqu'un tant mieux. Sinon au pire je suis content d'avoir couché mon idée sur papier :p
530  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Macron to deploy French army against yellow vest protests on: March 28, 2019, 01:57:56 PM
[tells me to make a valid point, proceeds to make a totally meaningless statement backed by nothing]

Ok I'll rephrase. Direct democracy is mob rule yes. Where is the problem with that?
531  Other / Politics & Society / Re: On the importance for nazis, commies and all extremists to stop fighting on: March 28, 2019, 01:31:30 PM
0 Chance of it happening of course.

Sure, with that kind of attitude. Wink
Ahah! Funny how 99% of people tell me I'm an utopist and how my ideals will never be real and how you come telling me "yo bro you're not ambitious enough, dream bigger!" Cheesy
I'm not fighting on the streets, and I'm on the other side of the world, so probably my thoughts here don't mean much, but if I were you I'd make it my #1 priority to get an ambitious but solid plan together amongst all yellow-vest stakeholders for what you want to accomplish and how to do it. Quite possibly, a left-right coalition is possible without compromising anyone's principles as long as you're willing to define exactly where your common ground is and where exactly you want to work together. From what I've heard, there is consensus on having more referenda, which is a start, but honestly this isn't very ambitious, and I doubt that it'd change much. Having an end goal of a multi-state federation might be one way to get huge changes via a left-right coalition, though I'm sure there are many other ideas.

If you have a dozen groups just thrashing against a vaguely-defined status quo for vaguely-defined goals, you're not going to get anywhere, and in fact you just give more credibility to the status quo.

It's a bit more than having more referenda, it's having the right as citizens to launch a referendum on any subject.
It's basically seizing the power from the government. That's why they're not really happy with the demand.

The result is dozen groups just trashing because there wasn't enough support for the revolution.

But believe me, I was there in the first weeks. The world has no idea how close we were to 1789 all again. A cop shooting was all it would have taken to break the country in civil war.

Sad it didn't happen. But every time the people protest like this, with one strong goal in mind (seizing the power back), there is a chance that we succeed. Might not be a huge chance but a chance is better than nothing.

installing direct democracy and free weapons (so big government but also powerful people).

Interesting idea, though IMO that'd end up being an Orwellian groupthink state where every imaginable minority is eventually persecuted.

Direct democracy is problematic in many ways, but most obviously because you can't actually vote on every little thing, even with technology. It isn't practical to vote on every proposed line in a trade agreement which most people won't even understand, for example. So you end up delegating, especially on the decision of which things warrant a vote, and this creates a bureaucratic class which really controls everything. This is basically how General Secretary Stalin came to be a dictator.

That's a very valid point you're raising but I think you don't have a high enough opinion of technology and people.

First, internet and blockchain allow for instant, at home, easy and secured voting on any subject you want. It also allows you to propose any subject/law/agreement you want.

But most importantly, it allows you to delegate power to anyone, instantly and to take it back at any moment instantly too.
A very easy thing to do would be:
-Everyone has 100 voting power (VP)
-You can chose anyone you wish to be your delegate. You can delegate all your VP or part of your VP. For example a parrent can delegate 33% of his VP to each of his 3 children.
-There is a vote every week on Saturday at 3pm on all the propositions that were made in the week and reached the criterias (like gathering enough local support to be proposed).
-You can vote from 3pm to 10pm on everything
-As soon as 10pm starts then if you haven't, voted, your VP gets sent to your delegates, which transforms their vote that was worth 100VP in a more powervul vote worth (100+delegated VP)

Of course you can chain this. You delegate your VP to your partner, who delegates her VP to a philosopher she likes. None of you vote, the philosopher gets 200 more VP.

Liquid democracy is crazy because it's self-organized but allows people to take the power back anytime there is an abuse. Every time a politician lies, once exposed he's dead.

We can even go more crazy and define areas of expertise. Is your law about education, economy, trade... When you propose a law you put tags on it. And you can define your delegation while taking tags into account. If decision is about economy I'll grant my voting power to this guy cause I know he's an expert. If it's about science, this guys has my VP. The law has 5 different tags? Then my VP is divided into 5 and goes to 5 different (or not) experts I trust.

It's not 1950. We can do this.
532  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Macron to deploy French army against yellow vest protests on: March 28, 2019, 10:37:56 AM
direct democracy is just mob rule where individuals have no rights because the minority always loses.

I think that's the illogical thing you've ever said, maybe? Don't know. You're not strong on logic bro.

Give me one organisation, any organisation, where minority has any right if the majority decides they don't?

So, you want me to argue your point for you? That's cute you criticizing my use of logic when your usual strategy is "NO U!", also you are literally contradicting yourself from one sentence to the next. Democracy is the rule of the majority or mob rule, and under mob rule the minority has no rights because... they are the minority...

Oh no, I want you to make a valid point that's all. That would be great if you made a clear claim one day.

You say it is mob rule?
Yes it is.

Any social organization is mob rule. There is no exception to that statement.
533  Other / Politics & Society / Re: On the importance for nazis, commies and all extremists to stop fighting on: March 28, 2019, 10:36:19 AM
So what part of what I explained is not making it impossible for this theoretical family to keep their inheritance of their farm? Oh right they are literally forced to sell it to pay the taxes. This is literal removal of inheritance rights. I don't give a shit if your opinion is it should be defined as 100% tax to meet your metric. This is the same game you always play, and exactly why I have no respect for you. You don't argue logic you argue semantics. You don't refute any of the points, you just call them wrong and crazy. You don't read any sources I present you just dismiss them and declare yourself correct. You are the ideological equivalent of a person with syphilis spreading it all around without a care in the world for anyone it effects, you just want some fuk. You don't give a damn if anything you say makes logical sense, just gimme muh Communism.

Contrary to what you say I read your sources.

So you still maintain that it is the same thing to seize the inheritance (here this farm) and to tax this inheritance for 20% of its value?

And I'm the one lacking logic?

I'm not talking semantics here, I'm talking numbers. There is a situation in which the family has nothing (abolition of inheritance right) and a situation where the family has 80% of the value of the farm or keep the farm and pay a debt of 20% of the farm value.

You're claiming those two situations are the same. You are wrong. Can't say much more.
534  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Macron to deploy French army against yellow vest protests on: March 28, 2019, 09:41:48 AM
direct democracy is just mob rule where individuals have no rights because the minority always loses.

I think that's the illogical thing you've ever said, maybe? Don't know. You're not strong on logic bro.

Give me one organisation, any organisation, where minority has any right if the majority decides they don't?
535  Other / Politics & Society / Re: On the importance for nazis, commies and all extremists to stop fighting on: March 28, 2019, 09:34:58 AM
Yeah I really doubt you have read that paper, because if you did you would see it contained government documents, records, and publicly verifiable events to back up these claims. Of course it is way easier to just keep believing what you believe rather than to do the work to learn something new when you might not agree with the implications of it. That seems to be your favorite way to handle these subjects fat man.

No, 1 + 1 = 2. Inheritance has been systematically stripping the backbone of this nation, and I will tell you how. One very straight forward simple example is a family farm. It may have been in the family for generations, and when it is left to the next generation, suddenly they owe taxes on what the family already owns and have already been taxed for over and over again. Usually coming up with such a large lump sum of money is not possible, and suddenly that farm which has been in the family for generations is forced to be sold because they cant pay the inheritance tax. Then companies like Monsanto swoop in and buy this prime land for pennies on the dollar. This is one primary way the industry of this nation has been systematically dismantled. Furthermore it removes incentive for people to work as hard to leave something for the next generation, because they know the government is just going to take it from their children anyway.

Again this is just ONE point of the entire ten planks which you didn't bother addressing. As usual you take the lazy way out, call it crazy, declare yourself correct and move on as if you just had a debate.

You're definitively crazy.

Your example is a good one but it is NOT the same thing as "abolishing inheritance right".

For god's sake taking 20% from something is NOT the same thing as taking 100% of something. How can't you see that??

You call me lazy but there is no lazyness in considering that what this site states is wrong. They litterally say "abolition of inheritance right is enforced" while giving as proof "inheritance taxes". Those two things are not equivalent, and by a very large gap!!! They are not equivalent by about 80%!!!

If communist abolition of inheritance right was enforced, your family example would be left with nothing. In  reality they would be left either with the farm and a 20% debt, or with 80% of the farm value.

Edit: as long as you continue with the afirmation that taking 20% from something is the same as taking 100% of something there is no logic, no truth and no point in your debate, your arguments or your ideas. Sorry man. Admit you're wrong and that this communist policy is not enforced by a very large gap. It doesn't mean that inheritance taxe is right. Just that it is not enforced.
536  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: emmanuel macron, oh tête de con, on vient te chercher chez toi !!! on: March 28, 2019, 09:30:11 AM

Je suis toujours en attente d'une proposition concrète "d'encadrement de la démocratie représentative". Et je suis sûr que je suis pas le seul.

Et 50 à 100 heures ça doit vachement dépendre du député. Pour ceux de LREM qui n'ont pas une seule fois voté contre la recommandation du gouvernement ça doit pas être trop de boulot de juste obéir.

De toute façon le problème c'est pas le salaire des députés ou leur existence. C'est qu'ils n'ont de comptes à rendre à personne.
537  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: emmanuel macron, oh tête de con, on vient te chercher chez toi !!! on: March 28, 2019, 09:28:17 AM
@Moglie :
Tu construit une maison ? pour toi meme ? pour un client ?
cas 1 : Si c'est pour toi meme (ta propre maison), es-tu autorise a le faire ? le permis de construire t'impose t'il de faire appel a un artisan ?  Va-t-il y avoir une inspection d'un bureau de control une fois que les tuiles sont poses ?
Si toi meme et non autorise, et en imaginant que la tuile tombe une fois que les travaux sont finis.  Ta responsabilité civil risque de ne pas te couvrir. 
Si artisan : il a une assurance, apres reste a savoir si c'est une erreur de pose ou alors un clou défectueux, une bourrasque de vent trop forte, une tuile poreuse ....
Si vérifie par un bureau de contrôle, c'est pareil que au dessus sauf que le bureau de control va payer pour environ 10 ou 20%

cas 2 : Tu construit une maison pour quelqu'un d'autre, es-tu un artisan ? si oui est-ce declare ou au black ? si declare tu a une assurance, si au black et bien il faudra trouver une solution avec la personne qui t'a paye car vous etes tous les deux en faute. Tu n'est pas un artisan, pourquoi construit tu le toit ? la réglementation autorise-t'elle n'importe qui a construire des maisons ? 

Cas 3 : pourquoi la tuile n'a-t'elle pas rattrapée par la gouttière. Une seule tuile qui glisse/se détache a 99% de rester dans la gouttière.

 Cette question me passionne Smiley
J'ai bosse en bureau de control pendant 5 ans et suis marié a une avocat en droit de la construction alors ces débats houleux on les a au moins une fois par semaine a la maison. 

Ah non mais attention, c'est complexe et intéressant Smiley
Mais dire qu'il n'y a pas besoin de loi c'est ridicule.

Je n'ai aucune connaissance en immobilier mais pas mal de membres de ma famille y sont et y a souvent des débats houleux sur la distribution des responsabilités entre l'artisan, l'assurance, le chef de chantier et le client xD


Et puis si tu construis une maison normalement tu dois le faire a plusieus mètres du bord de ta propriété. Je sais pas ce qu'il branle la le clampin qui s'est pris la tuile mais peut être qu'il le méritait ?
Ca dépend du règlement d'urbanisme (des fois tu peux construire en limite de propriété) mais je sais pas si le fait qu'il transgresse ta propriété te dédouane de ta responsabilité.

Un voleur s'introduit chez toi et se pète une jambe en tombant de ton escalier sans rambarde, es-tu responsable? Je demande parce que je sais que si ta piscine n'est grillagée et qu'un gosse du voisinage y pénètre et s'y noie pendant que t'es pas là tu es responsable. Des fois la loi c'est bizarre...
Sinon pour Rocou, pas besoin de loi si tu vas voir un juge ? Et le juge il s'appuie sur quoi pardi ? => La loi...
Mais non voyons, c'est ce qu'il t'explique. Pas besoin de loi xD
538  Other / Politics & Society / Re: On the importance for nazis, commies and all extremists to stop fighting on: March 27, 2019, 04:10:13 PM
Or you could split the country into far-left and far-right states, but allow for free movement between them so people can go to the side that they prefer and/or the side that works better.


That is some hard uthopian/dysthopian shit you have here.

I'll have to read your anarchist guide but it seems to me that anarchism is fundamentally in a non stable state.

Still the idea of my country divided in Nazi France and Communist France is pretty fun xD
Would love to see that from a theoretical point of view. 0 Chance of it happening of course.

Both far right and far left are oppression systems but I think you can remodel both of them to have something not really oppressive. Far left by installing direct democracy and free weapons (so big government but also powerful people). For far right I have no idea though.
539  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Macron to deploy French army against yellow vest protests on: March 27, 2019, 03:44:02 PM
Its your fucking county man. All I am telling you is you are making rather large bets without knowing your cards or what it is you are even betting. If you want to fix things you have to build a better system to displace the current system, not just burn it down and hope tyrants don't take advantage of the power vacuum. They have plans to deal with this, you don't.
That's why we're demanding direct democracy.
Burn this shit up, implement direct democracy. That's the plan.
540  Other / Politics & Society / Re: On the importance for nazis, commies and all extremists to stop fighting on: March 27, 2019, 03:43:07 PM
Communism is totally compatible with globalism. Furthermore global policy has been pushing further and further into Communist policies. If you want to understand actually go read some of the source material I presented you and think about it instead of just demanding I spoon feed you then spitting it out when you don't like the taste.

Problem is that I've read some of the sources you've given like this one:

Where there conclusion has absolutely 0 evidence. They conclude that wall street supports Bolchevick Revolution in the hope to spread communism every where. Yeah ok but there are no proof of that...

or this one:

Which as I stated in another thread is completely crazy. They litterally write that inheritance taxation is the same as abollition of inheritance rights. What can you say when someone tells you that 2 = 1?
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