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Author Topic: [ANN][LISK] Lisk | ICO | Dezentrale Anwendungen & Sidechain Plattform  (Read 113717 times)
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May 20, 2016, 10:37:15 PM

Sorry, in den letzten Tagen hatte ich viel zu tun und wenig Zeit für den Thread, für die News und Updates.
Bin da wohl etwas durcheinander gekommen, als ich den Post heute Morgen veröffentlichte. Gestern waren es natürlich noch fünf Tage. Schon geändert.

Danke für dein Engagement! Ich werde dir auf jeden Fall einen Obolus zukommen lassen nach dem Launch. Echt klasse! Smiley

Finde ich auch. Mit einem Obolus kann ich zwar nicht dienen  Roll Eyes trotzdem klasse.
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May 20, 2016, 10:55:06 PM

Ich finde das man Blockchain Applicationen eine Sonderstellung zuräumen sollte in dem diese gerade eben durch eine eigene Bezeichnung kenntlich macht. Wenn man dies nicht tut verallgemeinert man alles, und in meinen Augen ist das eine verpasste Chance da man glaubt durch den bereits bestehenden Konsenz der Bezeichung "App" näher an die User zu rücken und Vorteile zu gewinnen, für mich ist das ein kurzfristiges Denken und ein Irrglaube dessen tragweite noch nicht absehbar ist.  

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May 21, 2016, 06:12:55 AM

hier mal ein aktueller artikel:
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May 21, 2016, 08:28:59 AM

Für einen erfolgreichen Start von Lisk - Zusammenarbeit mit Transform.PR

Für einen erfolgreichen Start von Lisk haben wir eines der weltweit besten PR Unternehmen in Sachen Kryptowährungen engagiert.
Transform.PR arbeitet bereits mit Branchengrößen wie Ethereum, Factom, MaidSafe, und Dash zusammen.
Das Unternehmen wird von Michael Terpin, Unternehmer und Mitbegründer von BitAngels anfang 2013, geführt.

Mehr Informationen dazu: Lisk Blog

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May 21, 2016, 08:52:48 AM

Dazu noch eine entsprechende Pressemitteilung, unter anderem auch mit Vorstellungen der kürzlich neu aufgenommenen Team Mitglieder & Entwickler Isabella Dell und Francois-Xavier Thoorens sowie dem Hinweis, daß Lisk auch weiterhin auf der Suche nach guten und engagierten Entwicklern ist.

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May 21, 2016, 09:07:25 AM

Ich finde das man Blockchain Applicationen eine Sonderstellung zuräumen sollte in dem diese gerade eben durch eine eigene Bezeichnung kenntlich macht. Wenn man dies nicht tut verallgemeinert man alles, und in meinen Augen ist das eine verpasste Chance da man glaubt durch den bereits bestehenden Konsenz der Bezeichung "App" näher an die User zu rücken und Vorteile zu gewinnen, für mich ist das ein kurzfristiges Denken und ein Irrglaube dessen tragweite noch nicht absehbar ist.  

Aber das tun sie doch schon.

Blockchain Applications

Blockchain apps are set to disrupt the whole application market. They are based on blockchain technology resulting in an 100% runtime. At Lisk you can develop your own blockchain apps with modern web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

Aber Abkürzungen wie bzw. Bapps oder BApps würde ich persönlich nicht sonderlich sinnvoll finden. Damit können die Leute ohne Background doch deutlich weniger anfangen als mit Blockchain App. Natürlich gehen die Meinungen diesbezüglich auch auseinander und das ist ja auch gut so, weil dann auch eine Basis für Diskussionen und Kontroversen vorhanden ist.

Ich selbst bin mit Dapps auch nie richtig warm geworden, obwohl ich es als Hashtag #Dapp oder #dapps in meinen Tweets benutzte.
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May 21, 2016, 09:57:19 AM

ICO Bonus auf die Exchanges übertragen!

Seite heute zeigt die ICO Webseite für jeden Account und die entsprechenden Exchanges den jeweiligen Bonus an, der sich aus der Teilnahme in der entsprechenden Woche des ICO ergab. Erste Woche: 15%, zweite Woche: 10%, dritte Woche: 5%, vierte Woche: kein Bonus;

Kurz zusammengefasst:
Wenn ihr euch in eurem ICO Account unter eingeloggt habt, klickt auf “My LISK Keys”. Nun werden zwei verschiedenfarbige Boxen angezeigt. In der grauen Box könnt ihr euren finalen LSK Betrag sehen, den ihr zum Start von Lisk erhalten werdet. In der gelben Box wird euch der exakte LSK Betrag angezeigt, der als Bonus in den finalen Betrag eingegangen ist.


- Die graue Box zeigt den entgültigen Betrag von LSK an, den ihr erhalten werdet. Das bedeutet, die in der gelben Box enthaltene Summe ist bereits im Betrag der grauen Box enthalten.
- Prämien der Bonuskampagnen und der First-Day-Rewards werden nach den Start verteilt.
- Die Anzeige für den Bonus gilt selbstverständlich nicht für die Teilnehmer-Exchanges, die Crypti (XCR) umtauschten. Denn hier gab es ja einen Festkurs von 1300 Satoshi und keinen 15% - 5% ICO-Wochen-Bonus.

Blog Post
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Decentralized Application Platform

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May 21, 2016, 09:57:41 AM

Ich finde das man Blockchain Applicationen eine Sonderstellung zuräumen sollte in dem diese gerade eben durch eine eigene Bezeichnung kenntlich macht. Wenn man dies nicht tut verallgemeinert man alles, und in meinen Augen ist das eine verpasste Chance da man glaubt durch den bereits bestehenden Konsenz der Bezeichung "App" näher an die User zu rücken und Vorteile zu gewinnen, für mich ist das ein kurzfristiges Denken und ein Irrglaube dessen tragweite noch nicht absehbar ist.  

Für mich ist es genau umgekehrt. Es ist ein langfristiges Denken. Wir wollen ausbrechen aus der Bitcoin Welt, aus der Welt der verkomplizierenden Begriffe von Ethereum und den Bitcoin Core Entwicklern. Kein Otto Normalverbraucher in der realen Welt kann etwas von Blockchain, Coins, Mining, Forging, Sidechains, JavaScript, und co. Anfangen.

Lisk wird zwar in den nächsten 1-2 Jahren als Technik- und Entwicklerprodukt vermarktet. Wir wollen aber in den Consumer Markt. Jeder soll Lisk als alternativen App "Store" auf'm Smartphone haben. Jeder soll Lisk Apps benutzen. Und wenn es so sein wird, wird sie keiner benutzen weil sie dezentral sind oder auf der Blockchain laufen. Man wird sie benutzen, weil man sofort sein Geld (LSK) schicken und erhalten kann, weil es da endlich Gambling (z.B. Fußballwetten in der Schule) mobil gibt, weil man seine inGame Gegenstände weiterverkaufen kann, weil dieser neue Messenger nie offline ist, oder weil ein Notar simpel über 'ne App Dokumente beglaubigen lassen kann.

Es gibt heutzutage auch viele dezentrale Technologien. Sie benutzt aber keiner um des dezentralen Willens, sondern weil sie etwas einzigartiges ermöglichen. Zum Beispiel Filesharing, anonymes surfen oder unabhängiges Zahlungsmittel. Natürlich ist die Dezentralität ein Mittel um diese Sachen zu erreichen, aber das ist "nur" die Technik die dahinter steckt. Software ist ein "Enabler".

Das ist natürlich etwas Radikal, aber ich bin fest davon überzeugt das es oft nichts bringt Wörter zu erfinden. Manchmal ist es notwendig, sollte aber so selten gemacht werden wie möglich.

Ich bin fest Überzeugt, dass Blockchain ein Weltsbegriff wird. Auch wenn ihn 99% der Bevölkerung nicht verstehen werden. Deswegen denke ich sind wir mit "Blockchain Apps" gut positioniert für den technikaffinen Markt. Da das Wort "Apps" Bestandteil davon ist, können wir in 1-2 Jahren auf den Consumer Markt gehen, die dann einfach nur "Apps" sagen werden. Eventuell täusche ich mich und Blockchain wird ein Begriff den Jeder kennt und versteht. Dann sind wir mit "Blockchain Apps" perfekt positioniert.

Noch ein paar Wörter zu den Problemen von "Decentralized Applications".

- Wie wird es abgekürzt? Wie wird die Abkürzung ausgesprochen?
- Alleine im Englischen gibt es dafür 2 Schreibweisen (s & z). Dann wird in Deutsch z.B. von dezentralen Apps gesprochen, und in jeder anderen Sprache wird es auch übersetzt.
- Bitcoin ist eine dapp, heißt es also das Bitcoin auf Lisk läuft?

Das Alleinstellungsmerkmal von den Apps bei Lisk ist, dass diese immer auf ihrer eigenen Sidechain laufen. Deswegen ist der Begriff "Blockchain App" umso besser. Smiley

Du siehst ich bin fest überzeugt, dass der Begriff top ist. Was meinst du dazu, nachdem du meine Meinung gehört hast? Liege ich komplett falsch oder "macht" es Sinn was ich erzähle?

Poly, da warst du schneller. Hatte grad die Englischen Posts zitiert. Smiley Magst du folgendes Bild benutzen?


Lisk ICO Statistics

Today, we finalized the weekly ICO bonuses and applied them to their corresponding exchanges on the ICO website. This concludes all ICO numbers and we are happy to share a small statistic with the community.

All statistics are in our blog post! - Blockchain Application Platform
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May 21, 2016, 10:07:30 AM
Last edit: May 21, 2016, 10:32:28 AM by Poly#Crypto

09:57:19 AM
09:57:41 AM

War aber knapp  Cheesy Habe das Bild ausgetauscht.
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May 21, 2016, 10:37:46 AM

leider habe ich jetzt weniger lisk als vor der bonus kalkulation  Wink Cheesy

aber mir auch egal. hab ja noch über 150.000 lisk.

so dann hoffen wir mal das am 24.05. alles glatt geht.
ich denk mal am 24.05. spät abends oder am 25.05. früh die ersten börsen lisk führen.

poloniex wird wohl nicht gleich dabei sein, ich schätze die eher so ein, das die sich den code erstmal genau rein ziehen und ausführlich testen werden.

kann aber auch positiv sein, dann schnippst der kurs nicht gleich hoch, sondern geht erstmal langsam, aber stetig, nach oben.
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May 21, 2016, 11:04:42 AM

Nicht vergessen - heute 13.00 Uhr findet das erste Lisk Community Meeting statt.

Also jetzt  Wink  -> #genaral channel
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May 21, 2016, 11:49:27 AM
Last edit: May 21, 2016, 01:27:58 PM by Poly#Crypto

So viel kann man schonmal sagen: der 24.05.2016 als Start Termin steht fest.
Eine genau Zeit kann noch nicht genannt werden.
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May 21, 2016, 02:01:24 PM

Das Meeting war sehr informativ und klar.
Max hattte viele wichtige Dinge angesprochen. Hier mal eine kurze Zusammenfassung:

  • Testphase
  • Netzwerk Stabilität / Stresstest
  • Das aktuelle Team/ die Entwickler / weitere Entwickler werden gesucht:

  • Start von Lisk am 24.05.2016
  • Notwendige Schritte & Aufgaben bis zum Start
  • Finale Arbeiten am Clien v0.2.4 -> zum Start v0.3.0
  • Marketing & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (PR) / Ads CoinTelegraph, CoinMarketCap / Transform.PR, BitcoinPRBuzz

  • Anmerkungen zur Long Term Roadmap
  • Apps in der Entwicklung
  • Entwicklungen & Plan / Lisk Core Client
  • Core Apps

Das waren in etwa die Eckpunkte.
Für die vollständigen & detaillierten Erläuterungen loggt euch einfach nochmal ein und ruft den Chatverlauf des Kanals General ab.

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May 21, 2016, 02:15:05 PM

Here are the statements Max made. I will keep updating this post while the meeting continues.

Lisk Community Meeting Summary

Our agenda is looking the following:

In the beginning we will tell you where we stand at the moment. That means we will talk a bit about:

- Testing
- Network Stability
- Current Team

From there on we progress to the work we are doing at this moment. Our current work consists of:

- Launch Date
- All necessary tasks until launch
- Marketing

Finally, we will talk a bit about future development. What you can expect of Lisk in the future.

- A few hints about our Long Term Roadmap
- Apps in Development
- Development Plan
- Core Apps

After that is done, we will transition to a traditional AMA. So you can ask all kind of questions to us. 🙂


As you know we pushed out many versions in the last few weeks within the 0.2.x branch. Many of you had problems with the fork 3 issue. With every version we released the issue got smaller. With 0.2.3 we are finally at a state at which we can launch Lisk. Before the launch we will release another Lisk client with the number 0.2.4 in order to finalise the client for launch.

We want to thank everyone who participated during the tests and if you have any specific question about it, feel free to ask us in the AMA part later in the meeting.

Network Stability

This is an extremely important part of a cryptocurrency. It needs to run 24/7. With the latest update we finally got to a point at which we can say that our network is stable enough to be released. It's not perfect yet, but we did *a lot* during the past month alone. So you can expect *major* advancements in the coming months as well. Later on I will tell you a few things about our development plan, the network stability will be an important first part of it.

The next update 0.2.4 will contribute a lot more to network stability. It will be the final version we release at launch as 0.3.0.

Network Stability -> Stress testing

In terms of network stability I also want to point out that we successfully stress tested the network. We included a lot of transactions into the blocks, which are currently artificially limited to 25 transactions per block. The network survived. 🙂 So after we enhanced and optimised our code more, we can also increase the maximum transaction limit.

Transactions per block

This is important in order to be more secure from attacks. The more transactions a block can contain, the more expensive an attack becomes. In terms of transaction load of the network with 25tx/block, we are already at a point at which we could support a lot more users than there are right now. 🙂


As you know we recently hired @fixcrypt and @isabella. They are a huge help for us and are contributing greatly. We are very happy that we took this step before launch. Now that the launch is coming closer every minute, I want to make clear that we will begin to scout new developers shortly after launch. For that purpose we created an extra page on our website:

This is our current status on development progress, network stability, testing, and hiring. We have added a lot to Lisk since we began our journey early January. We have come a long way, but this is just the beginning.

Thanks to our extremely active community there are issues raised on GitHub every day. Please note an issue is not a fatal bug, but often just an enhancement or a glitch. These issues which often were quite important, and the problems with the "fork 3" error we had in the past weeks forced us to neglect the pre-launch roadmap a little bit.

I assure you that we didn't forget it. We will finish it up as soon as possible after launch. We did a lot more than stated on the pre-launch roadmap. As the changelogs are showing.

For example a feature which was not mentioned in the pre-launch roadmap is the complete back end switch to a new database engine. This allows us to scale past our previous limitations. If you want you can ask a few questions about the switch later. 🙂

This concludes the current status. Let me get to the current work and preparations for launch.

As you know, we will finally launch on May 24th! We are EXTREMELY happy about it. We are excited to see Lisk running in the wild, evolving into the next big thing in the technology world.

This date is final, we are putting all our efforts into that date. However, please note that this is still software development. While the day is 100% secure, we can't announce a specific time yet. We may be able to do it closer to launch (e.g. 23rd), but I can't give you one at this moment.

We are aware that a launch time is necessary. We will try our best to give you one. We just can't announce it today. We try our best to announce it on 23rd.

Now let's talk about what we need to do until launch:

1. We need to compile a list with all public keys, Lisk addresses and the LSK amount they receive. This will be the foundation of the genesis block.

2. Then we need to generate the genesis block in which every ICO exchange is listed in with the public key and the LSK amount they receive. This genesis block will be released shortly before launch, probably on 23rd. So that everyone can check if they are included correctly.

Please note that all non-validated accounts will be summarised in one single account. This way we can be 100% sure that everyone had his passphrase at least at one point of time (because he validated it). It's necessary so we can't be at fault at this point and people will lawyer up against us.

3. Our development team also needs to finalise the work on the final client Lisk v0.2.4. There are no major changes (in terms of core code) anymore, this way we can stay 100% sure that everything will work at launch.

4. Once we have the final v0.2.4/v0.3.0 client, Oliver will have to provide all the different binaries and docker version for it. We will have to add them to our download page on, do a cross-reading of all resources we have. (FAQ, Website, BTT Thread etc.) This way we will have a uniform web presence with up-to-date information.

5. We will also release several blog posts up to launch. The most important one for you being the guide on how to use the Lisk passphrase to access your LSK.

Many people asked for such a guide and we planned it all along. So stay tuned, it should appear at the latest by Monday on our blog.

Additionally, there is a lot more to do. A lot of small things which adds up to a huge work amount. We don't need to go into detail here. Above's are probably the main points of interest for you. 🙂


The last point of the current work agenda point is *Marketing*. We are moving mountains to let everyone be aware of Lisk at launch.

With over 1600 users in the chat alone, and about the same unique visitors on our website today. I think we are succeeding. 🙂

We bought ads on CoinTelegraph and today I will buy some on CoinMarketCap as well. A dear Lisk supporter also bought advertisements on Reddit, I don't know who it is. However I want to thank him for that. 👍

I tried Facebook ads a lot with many different angles in the past. It doesn't work. It's money wasting. 🙂 Facebook ads are only good for bigger marketing budgets (what we have in the future) to create awareness in the subconsciousness.

PR work

We are working together with Transform.PR to get major media coverage. We have worked on a simple, but effective strategy for launch and post-launch.

1. Mainstream outlets for credibility. (I had several interviews with *big*, industry standard news outlets.)
2. Cryptocurrency outlets for publicity and momentum. (Also here I had several interviews with news outlets.) This industry is moving faster. So a lot will come next week here. We have very known friends, who will help us in that regard. 😉
3. Tech/Dev/IoT outlets will be taken care off after launch. They will bring blockchain apps and usability to Lisk.

Additionally to Transform.PR we also hired BitcoinPRBuzz to get us a lot of smaller coverages on several Bitcoin and Blockchain related news sites. E.g. criptonoticias, Bitcoinist, and so on. We paid them for 7 press releases, which will be constantly released every few days. So that there is always buzz around Lisk for the first 2-3 weeks after launch.

This is just an effort to keep Lisk in the media. 🙂 Transform.PR will bring us the big news, while BitcoinPRBuzz will bring us constant smaller news.

Ok guys, now to the last point of my agenda. To summarise it again:

- A few sentences about our Long Term Roadmap
- Apps in Development
- Development Plan
- Core Apps

A few sentences about our long term roadmap

I talked a lot with Oliver about our vision and where we want to go. We have a pretty clear vision in our head, which is not yet formulated on paper. We will release a vision paper a few weeks after launch.

One big feature in our head is that the network will also provide the necessary infrastructure for the blockchain applications. That means we probably will have some kind of a "Delegate Marketplace" in which every delegate can insert his node information and his price. And then the app developers can rent the delegate nodes on the market, to secure their sidechain and applicaiton. This way we can have thousands of delegates on the network, which will have a task. Due to the renting, they can earn money and a constant need of LSK is needed.

More about that and other important features in the vision paper in a few weeks. 🙂

Apps in development

I know of a few community members who are developing blockchain applications right now. I read and heard about online shops, decentralized trust platforms, games, gambling apps, and more. I don't want to announce anything for these users. It will probably also take some time after launch. I just want to let you know that there is app development going on. It will just take a few weeks or maybe even months to get to a point, at which our network has a handful of great applications with real use-cases.

The development of blockchain apps isn't hard, but it's something entirely new. That's why it takes some time to mature.

Development Plan

We will release the Lisk core client as a beta version at launch, and the Lisk app platform as an alpha version. The Lisk core client can be seen as stable at this point of time, however we didn't have much time to fix some issues occurring on the sidechains. These will be fixed and taken care off. But the Lisk app platform will remain a prototyping platform for apps until we get into a beta version for the Lisk app platform.

It won't be dramatically long. So don't worry. 🙂 We just want to make some necessary changes to the sidechains, which will allow us to be more flexible in the future.

One thing is to make it more modular, so that the consensus algorithm can be swapped out. E.g. if someone wants normal PoS or PoW, he can get it. Or if he wants to have a 1min block time, he should only change 1 parameter. For this we need to change some things. 🙂

You can expect that during the first 3 months after release we will put the biggest focus on security, scalability, and optimisation of the whole Lisk ecosystem.

Obviously we will also finish up the pre-launch items and work on other things, but as written above we want to get the perfect foundation to build on in the coming years.

After that we will start to work on new features, core apps, and so on. More details later.

Core ~D~Apps
They are still a thing, yes. The blog post need to be changed to our latest terminology changes though. 😛

Once we feel the sidechains are stable enough to build very reliable applications with, we will work on the core apps.

Quick explanation: Core apps are features built on top of Lisk with our App SDK. They can be created pretty fast, without wasting costly space on our main blockchain.

Core Apps in our focus at this moment are: Messaging, identity (username, name, email, and more), a karma system, and an app rating/commenting system.

Okay guys, you did it. I'm finished! Cheesy

Lisk Community Q&A

I tried to get every question and answer, but there were a lot. If you really want all the information, head to the chat (channel: general) and read everything from 14:21 05/21/2016.

Q: what will our fee structure be for launch? dapp registration, delegate registration, etc?
A: We had the following numbers until now:

Delegate registration: 50
Dapp registration: 100

But! We feel that this may be too high now again, because of the huge success. Therefore we will reduce these numbers once again for launch. Maybe by half.

Q: Is there some news about OKcoin, poloniex or other exchanges?
A: I can't make any statements regarding exchanges. Unfortunately, today you won't get any information about that. Please wait for launch and the exchanges announcements. 🙂

Q: there will be a security standard for all delegate mainnet nodes (ddos protection, ssl,..)?
A: @liskfaucets: Sorry for the late answer. So it's impossible to declare such a standard in a decentralized environment (if we are not talking about protocol standards). We can't do anything, it's not really possible to check from the outside if the nodes are following known security practices.

Q: on the technical side, one thing I see as critical is having a trusted and verified DB snapshot available and updated on a daily basis. Is this in the works?
A: Yes, we are working on that. One reason 0.2.0 / 0.2.1 forked was the corrupt database snapshots. @isabella is working on a solution how we can prevent it. So yes, work-in-progress. For launch we heavily suggest to sync from 0 all the time. It will be very fast in the beginning anyway.

@redsn0w: Yes, in the beginning. That's why Isabella is working on the issue and solves it. I think a few weeks after launch it will be solved.

Q: The prices wont be auto-adjusted somewhow? Adjusting manually will be very inneficient i think.
A: Auto adjusting needs a reference point.

Q: i know right now DAO is a super trendy topic, but is there a DAO in Lisk's future?
A: @LSK In the future there will be something like a DAO very likely. 😉

Q: after start we will have PoS stage ? we must have only online wallets for in and coins on it ?
A: We will start with 101 genesis delegates and then the community can upvote their's and they will slowly replace ours. First week no delegate rewards.

Q: Any updates on IPFS?
A: @BlueStone: I will speak with IPFS in June in Berlin. Before that we will take a look at their white paper. After the meeting we can declare if it is in an usable state or not.

Q: @max: will it be possible to create apps (i.e. messaging) which are 100% free to use without the need to purchase any kind of lisk and/or tokens?
A: @haggis: Yes, this is possible. However the app dev needs to take care of that. (By setting the fee to 0, or implement another system) Be cautious of spam!

Q: @max: will it be a "live" launch or you will do genesis, and announce when network is up and running?
A: @vega: We will do the genesis, forge the first blocks. Check if everything is working correctly. Then announce it once it's stable. Maybe an hour after the first block created.

Q: @max Will you announce bounties for developers? I think that setting $1m aside for bounties would be a huge incentive for hundreds if not thousands of devs to flock to Lisk
A: @someonsomeone: Yes, we will announce bounties for developers. In the beginning these bounties will mainly consists of important features for the sidechains. E.g. a PoS/PoW consensus algorithm, integrating the EVM into it to execute Solidity smart contracts, or allow Bitcoin transactions within a sidechain. After some time we will then go to more "main stream" bounties, like "Create such an app and get XXXXX LSK".
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Q: For when a desktop wallet? It will be possible?
A: @jcmartinez: At launch there will be a desktop version for technical users. I hope we can quickly launch an 1-click full client then. Maybe a few weeks after launch. Non-technical users can use to access their LSK at launch.

Q: @max will you release an overview of the budget? How much goes to developers/bounties/advertising/etc?
A: @liskfaucets: Starting with the launch, we will release monthly transparency reports. They will include how much we paid for the different sections like marketing development and so on.
@liskfaucets: Ok, I misunderstood the question. We may give a very rough estimation for every area. Maybe in the vision paper.
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Q: how many weight of the genesis delegates will have?
A: @redsn0w: No it isn't. We can offer a maximum of 15% to them. I think this won't be enough to keep them long in the top 101.

there is no way to control vote weight after mainnet launch. but there won't be any rewards until block 60,480

Q: @max: what do you expect, when can we catch ETH ? in what period of time ?
A: @lux-1: ETH has an enormous momentum going on for now. On the one hand it's good for us, because we are being pulled up by them as well. On the other hand it becomes harder to catch up to them.

I think once we took care of a few code related things, e.g. the delegate marketplace, we will have a much more refined version for normal users. So the potential will definitely be there in like 1 year. Please note, in my predictions I'm usually too generous with time frames. 😛

Q: @max: what do you expect, what will be the price on launch day?
A: @lux-1: I don't talk about the price. 🙂

Q: @max: The plan is for Lisk to find and recruit new developers for the Team?
It seems that hiring a SoftwareHouse would be a faster and more reliable way of doing it. Is this beeing considered?
A: @hmachado: I had some interviews with software houses. It doesn't make sense for us. We want people who burn for Lisk, who love Lisk. Lisk should become a family. We don't want to simply hire some 3rd party devs. Additionally, it's a lot more expensive.

Q: what about an internal exchange @max ? could it be possible? Blockchain app to trade (buy and sell lisk) directly on Lisk or also to lend lisk
A: @redsn0w: An internal exchange as a blockchain application would be very cool. At least BTC<->LSK. I think someone will definitely do it in the future. For this every sidechain node would have a Bitcoin SPV installed, I don't see a reason against that.

Q: @max: will there also be a part time position for open position "Designer - Full Time"
A: @jasmine: Yes and no. We just named it full-time. But it's actually not that much work. However the requirements for our designer are extremely high, I'm quite pedantic if it comes to design.

Q: @max ETH is on a roll but they still aren't anywhere near unreachable because at the moment it is just hype without much actual apps doing anything... That is why I think that Lisk should put a priority on getting some top shelf apps up and running
A: @someonsomeone: I agree. That's why we are polishing our sidechains ASAP, then beginn massive efforts for app development.

Seems like people don't have a lot of questions. Mainly speculation and trading. 😛 I hope this is a sign that our information politics are good.

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May 21, 2016, 02:22:12 PM

Das Meeting war sehr informativ und klar.
Max hattte viele wichtige Dinge angesprochen. Hier mal eine kurze Zusammenfassung:

  • Testphase
  • Netzwerk Stabilität / Stresstest
  • Das aktuelle Team/ die Entwickler / weitere Entwickler werden gesucht:

  • Start von Lisk am 24.05.2016
  • Notwendige Schritte & Aufgaben bis zum Start
  • Finale Arbeiten am Clien v0.2.4 -> zum Start v0.3.0
  • Marketing & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (PR) / Ads CoinTelegraph, CoinMarketCap / Transform.PR, BitcoinPRBuzz

  • Anmerkungen zur Long Term Roadmap
  • Apps in der Entwicklung
  • Entwicklungen & Plan / Lisk Core Client
  • Core Apps

Das waren in etwa die Eckpunkte.
Für die vollständigen & detaillierten Erläuterungen loggt euch einfach nochmal ein und ruft den Chatverlauf des Kanals General ab.


Das bedeutet, man kann die komplette Konversation nachverfolgen?

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May 21, 2016, 03:07:24 PM

Für eine englische Zusammenfassung des kompletten Meetings einfach auf die grüne Überschrift klicken. v

Lisk Community Meeting Summary

Outlined is a summary of our first community meeting. Click the title to view the details in the blog post.

Where we stand

  • Testing
  • Network stability
  • Current team

Current work

  • Launch Date
  • Marketing
  • All necessary tasks until launch

Future Development

  • A few sentences about our long term roadmap
  • Apps in development
  • Development plan
  • Core apps


Kind regards,

Joel, Community Manager - Blockchain Application Platform
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May 21, 2016, 03:13:05 PM


Das bedeutet, man kann die komplette Konversation nachverfolgen?

Ja klar. Ich weiß allerdings nicht genau, wie viele Tage retur gespeichert werden.

Du kannst dich via oder in deinem RocketChat-Client ( einloggen, gehst im linken Naviagtionsfeld auf den entsprechenden Kanal und wenn die ersten Kommentare geladen sind, scrolls Du hoch. Dann wird der Verlauf nach und nach geladen.

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May 21, 2016, 04:00:16 PM

Ja klar. Ich weiß allerdings nicht genau, wie viele Tage retur gespeichert werden.

Alle. Wird nur immer langsamer je weiter man zurück scrollt. - Blockchain Application Platform
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May 21, 2016, 04:32:16 PM

Nun habe ich mir gerade den Chat-Client installiert, frage mich allerdings: wo ist er gelandet?
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May 21, 2016, 04:56:22 PM
Last edit: May 21, 2016, 05:10:10 PM by Poly#Crypto

Nun habe ich mir gerade den Chat-Client installiert, frage mich allerdings: wo ist er gelandet?

Hmm... Schau mal im /opt Ordner nach... so war das zumindest bei mir unter Ubuntu.
Ich habe das so gamacht.

Holen des Debian-Paketes:
# wget

Installieren via dpkg:
# sudo dpkg -i rocketchat_amd64.deb

oder ab Ubuntu 16,04 über apt:
# sudo apt install $HOME/rocketchat_amd64.deb

RocketChat ist nun im Ordner /opt zu finden und Du könntest es dort starten.
Ist aber blöd, also setzt Du eine symbolische Verknüpfung:
# sudo ln -s /opt/rocketchat/rocketchat /usr/local/bin/rocketchat

Nun kannst Du es im Terminal via rocketchat starten.
Und einen Menüeintrag kannst Du dir so natürlich auch nachträglich erstellen.

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