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Author Topic: Health and Religion  (Read 211023 times)
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March 04, 2016, 08:48:41 AM

Atheism and IQ

High IQ is usually regarded by those that possess it as an unmitigated good. Those gifted with superior intellect are not only smarter, they are also taller, healthier, and more athletic than average. In his 1920 study on high IQ children Lewis Terman noted that despite these advantages high IQ is not always beneficial. He found that the very brightest often grew up maladjusted in some way suffering from anxiety, depression, personality disorder, or nervous breakdowns.

In Mensa Magazine Bruce G Charlton posited three fundamental disadvantages of high IQ .

Charlton’s triad:
1)   Socialism
2)   Atheism
3)   Infertility

Charlton argued that IQ is associated with a tendency to embrace socialism, a rejection of religious teachings, and ultimately a declining fertility. The writings In the Economic Devastation thread especially the essays of Shelby Moore delve deeply into the topic of socialism. The purpose of this essay is to evaluate the second of Charlton’s triad. Is atheism toxic to mankind and if so why?

Religion Health and Wellbeing

The first hint can be found in large surveys measuring wellbeing and happiness. In a landmark survey of over 600,000 people Frank Newport and colleagues showed that the very religious not only report higher levels of overall wellbeing they are also more likely to have healthy eating and exercise habits.

Every religion reported superior wellbeing to that of atheist but the largest differences were found in the Mormons and the Jews. These minority religions each comprising about 1.7% of the US population. Examining these two groups will help us better understand the impact of religion on human health.

Mormon Demographics

Demographically Mormons differ greatly from society at large. Nearly two thirds of Mormons 66% are married compared with just over half 48% of the general population. Mormons have large families with a fertility rate of 3.4 children per woman double that of atheists.

Mormons may also have some immunity the detrimental effect IQ on fertility. In the general population increasing income (highly correlated with IQ) is associated with both declining fertility and declining religious commitment. In Mormons the reverse is true. Mormon fertility is positively correlated with income and Mormons with higher levels of formal education tend to be more religiously committed.

On multiple religious measures Mormons stand out for having exceptionally high levels of religious commitment. More than nine-in-ten Mormons report a belief in God and that the Bible is the word of God. Mormons are also very observant in their religious practices with more than eight-in-ten praying daily. Mormons strongly support a strict interpretation of their faith and the preservation of traditional beliefs and practices.

Are these demographic differences actually due to the Mormon religion? How can we be confident these are not just population level differences that happen to correlate with religion? To better answer that lets examine the Jews.

Jewish Demographics

Unlike Mormons who are a young religion and can be looked at as a single group the Jews are one of the oldest religions and have splintered into many subgroups. There are at least 5 different major types of Jews and these very drastically from each other. From most conservative to most liberal these are Ultra-Orthodox, Modern Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Secular (atheist) Jews.

Orthodox Jews believe their sacred scriptures the Torah is the word of god and should always be followed. Conservative Jews acknowledge that Jewish writings come from God, but believe that the Law should change and adapt, absorbing aspects of the predominant culture.  Reform Judaism does not believe that the Torah was written by God and do not demand the observance of all its commandments. Secular Jews don’t believe in God.

When people think of the Jews they often think of famous figures like Allen Greenspan or presidential candidate Bernie Sanders both secular Jews. Secular Jews tend to be liberal, democratic voters, and staunch Zionists. Orthodox Jews could not be more different. The Orthodox tend to be socially conservative, republican voters, and are often opposed to Zionism.

The Jews as a group are very smart. They consistently rank highest in the world on IQ studies significantly higher than even Asians who are their nearest competitors. If Charlton’s triad of IQ disadvantages is correct then the Jews should be particularly susceptible. Is this the case?

American Jewish Fertility by Religious Current
Religious SectAverage No. of Children per Woman
Modern Orthodox3.39

As Jews leave orthodoxy it appears their fertility plummets. The Ultra-Orthodox Jews are a group that has judged the outside world to be corrupt and toxic and like the Amish have separated themselves from it as much as possible choosing to live in isolated communities. They have a fertility rate of 6.72 which is very similar to Amish fertility rates . Modern Orthodox Jews strictly adhere to their faith but simultaneously advocate engaging with the outside world especially higher education. The Modern Orthodox fertility rate 3.39 is nearly identical to that of Mormons. The Modern Orthodox have a similar philosophy to that of Mormons in that they advocate engaging with the outside world as much as possible while maintaining strict adherence to their religious code. As Jews move away further away from their historic religious tradition their fertility plummets. Atheist Jews have a shockingly low fertility of 1.29 among the lowest in the world. For the Jews it appears the detrimental effects of high IQ are very real and that traditional religion offers some protection.

Toxicity of the Modern World

In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley envisioned a future where the masses were rendered infertile and controlled with pleasure and drugs. Is that the world we live in now? Anyone over that age of 25 may not realize how far traditional courtship and dating has been undermined by modernity. The tinder generation is being conditioned to swipe right on their onscreen app and meet up later for random sexual gratification. This phenomena has been described by Vanity Fair as nothing less than a dating apocalypse.

In Colorado long acting implantable contraceptives which a render women infertile for up to 10 years and require a doctor’s visit to remove have been implanted in 26% of young women age 15-24 as of 2013.

In 2015 an advisory body to the US Department of Health and Human Services recommended that Medicaid examine how often doctors are using “most effective” or “moderately effective” contraception. Only contraception deemed “highly effective” or “moderately effective” (Long acting implantable or long acting injections) would be included in the proposed measurement. Doctor’s with a low percentage of young patients using such contraception would presumably be rated as giving lower quality care.

We appear to be living in a “Utopia” of declining fitness and capability. An age of existential exhaustion manifested by an ageing, hedonistic society characterized by declining marriage, and near zero children.

Sin is the Situation

Quote from: Bruce Charlton
Sin is the situation where how we feel is ultimate human reality, and how we feel is known to be contingent and means nothing.
Sin is to embrace this nothingness as reality, to propagandize that nothingness is reality, to denigrate anything which saves us from nothingness.
And that is the reason we need to be ‘saved’.
And this is the reason why we cannot save ourselves.
We need to be saved from nothingness, and from those who brainwash us into a belief in nothingness, and from ourselves who propagate that reality is nothingness.
Sin is to embrace nothingness

Modern society is a mechanism for inculcating bad habits, especially the habit of seeking instant pleasure, intoxications and distractions; a habit of regarding ourselves as passive recipients for ‘entertainment’. A devout life is not so much about a flash of understanding but is mostly a matter of using insights into truth in building-up good habits; and this can be influenced by our will. A devout life enables one to build these habits and most importantly successfully pass them on to our children.

Quote from:  Terryl and Fiona Givens
Whatever sense we make of this world, whatever value we place upon our lives and relationships, whatever meaning we ultimately give to our joys and agonies, must necessarily be a gesture of faith. Whether we consider the whole a produce of impersonal cosmic forces, a malevolent deity, or a benevolent god, depends not on the evidence, but on what we choose, deliberately and consciously to conclude from that evidence… If we decide to leave the questions unanswered, that is a choice; if we waver in our answer that too is a choice: but whatever choice we make, we make it at our peril.

What we choose to embrace, to be responsive to, is the purest reflection of who we are and what we love. That is why faith, the choice to believe, is, in the final analysis, an action that is positively laden with moral significance.

In the end you must make a choice:

Wallow in the degradation of modernity


Celebrate purity of the human spirit

Your choice is one that echoes through time influencing not only your life but the lives of your children and grandchildren as well.
Choose Wisely

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the truth is religion is the reason why war never stops in the middle east. so im snot sure atheism is poison.
by the im catholic is just that atheism is not the only one to blame about what is happening to people right now.



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March 04, 2016, 11:56:31 AM

Not knowing what a reality is at different parts of the universe doesn't change that reality for me or the universe or you.

You are ignorant of the Butterfly Effect.

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March 04, 2016, 01:05:25 PM

Atheism can send the wrong message across to people, especially those weaker in faith but brushed off and laughed at by every religious sect out there. It is not a religion, just a group of non believers.

 Catch the winning spirit! 
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March 04, 2016, 04:44:28 PM

Atheism can send the wrong message across to people, especially those weaker in faith but brushed off and laughed at by every religious sect out there. It is not a religion, just a group of non believers.

Yet they all revolve around the same basic dogma... that God doesn't exist. Some of them don't participate in discussion about it, just like some weaker people of other religions don't go to church. Some atheists get together with other atheists and set up methods in their minds about how all things came into being, and about what the purpose of their lives might be. All of it is just like religion. So, it is a religion.


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March 04, 2016, 04:49:11 PM

Not knowing what a reality is at different parts of the universe doesn't change that reality for me or the universe or you.

You are ignorant of the Butterfly Effect.

The Butterfly Effect is a concept that small causes can have large effects. Initially, it was used with weather prediction but later the term became a metaphor used in and out of science.

The two significant parts of the above are the word "concept" and the words "weather prediction." Have you ever noticed that the weatherman is only right on what seems like random occasion? Have you ever noticed that concepts are not laws, but only ideas? Are you fluttering around like a butterfly?


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March 04, 2016, 05:44:15 PM

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March 04, 2016, 05:48:59 PM

Now you are touting a particular religion other than atheism?  Huh   Fickle.

Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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March 04, 2016, 06:00:42 PM

Now you are touting a particular religion other than atheism?  Huh   Fickle.

This is not new... I have been quoting Jesus to you for months... since you clearly have no clue what the man said in the bible
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March 04, 2016, 07:09:28 PM

Now you are touting a particular religion other than atheism?  Huh   Fickle.

This is not new... I have been quoting Jesus to you for months... since you clearly have no clue what the man said in the bible

Alright! You are not an atheist then. What's the point? All your quoting doesn't prove or disprove the fact that atheism is poison. If it does, how? The quoting of Jesus shows that God exists.


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March 05, 2016, 12:14:05 AM

Now you are touting a particular religion other than atheism?  Huh   Fickle.

This is not new... I have been quoting Jesus to you for months... since you clearly have no clue what the man said in the bible

Alright! You are not an atheist then. What's the point? All your quoting doesn't prove or disprove the fact that atheism is poison. If it does, how? The quoting of Jesus shows that God exists.


Atheists are actually able to say "Jesus" and recite quotes from the bible -- it's not a solely Christian ability. You need to learn what an atheist is.


No one asks this question enough.

The reason no one asks this question a lot is because most people have preconceived ideas and notions about what an Atheist is and is not. Where these preconceived ideas come from varies, but they tend to evolve from theistic influences or other sources.

Atheism is usually defined incorrectly as a belief system. Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods. Older dictionaries define atheism as "a belief that there is no God." Some dictionaries even go so far as to define Atheism as "wickedness," "sinfulness," and other derogatory adjectives. Clearly, theistic influence taints dictionaries. People cannot trust these dictionaries to define atheism. The fact that dictionaries define Atheism as "there is no God" betrays the (mono)theistic influence. Without the (mono)theistic influence, the definition would at least read "there are no gods."

Why should atheists allow theists to define who atheists are? Do other minorities allow the majority to define their character, views, and opinions? No, they do not. So why does everyone expect atheists to lie down and accept the definition placed upon them by the world’s theists? Atheists will define themselves.

Atheism is not a belief system nor is it a religion. While there are some religions that are atheistic (certain sects of Buddhism, for example), that does not mean that atheism is a religion. Two commonly used retorts to the nonsense that atheism is a religion are: 1) If atheism is a religion then bald is a hair color, and 2) If atheism is a religion then health is a disease. A new one introduced in 2012 by Bill Maher is, "If atheism is a religion, then abstinence is a sexual position."

The only common thread that ties all atheists together is a lack of belief in gods and supernatural beings. Some of the best debates we have ever had have been with fellow atheists. This is because atheists do not have a common belief system, sacred scripture or atheist Pope. This means atheists often disagree on many issues and ideas. Atheists come in a variety of shapes, colors, beliefs, convictions, and backgrounds. We are as unique as our fingerprints.

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March 05, 2016, 01:29:31 AM

Now you are touting a particular religion other than atheism?  Huh   Fickle.

This is not new... I have been quoting Jesus to you for months... since you clearly have no clue what the man said in the bible

Alright! You are not an atheist then. What's the point? All your quoting doesn't prove or disprove the fact that atheism is poison. If it does, how? The quoting of Jesus shows that God exists.


Atheists are actually able to say "Jesus" and recite quotes from the bible -- it's not a solely Christian ability. You need to learn what an atheist is.


No one asks this question enough.

The reason no one asks this question a lot is because most people have preconceived ideas and notions about what an Atheist is and is not. Where these preconceived ideas come from varies, but they tend to evolve from theistic influences or other sources.

Atheism is usually defined incorrectly as a belief system. Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods. Older dictionaries define atheism as "a belief that there is no God." Some dictionaries even go so far as to define Atheism as "wickedness," "sinfulness," and other derogatory adjectives. Clearly, theistic influence taints dictionaries. People cannot trust these dictionaries to define atheism. The fact that dictionaries define Atheism as "there is no God" betrays the (mono)theistic influence. Without the (mono)theistic influence, the definition would at least read "there are no gods."

Why should atheists allow theists to define who atheists are? Do other minorities allow the majority to define their character, views, and opinions? No, they do not. So why does everyone expect atheists to lie down and accept the definition placed upon them by the world’s theists? Atheists will define themselves.

Atheism is not a belief system nor is it a religion. While there are some religions that are atheistic (certain sects of Buddhism, for example), that does not mean that atheism is a religion. Two commonly used retorts to the nonsense that atheism is a religion are: 1) If atheism is a religion then bald is a hair color, and 2) If atheism is a religion then health is a disease. A new one introduced in 2012 by Bill Maher is, "If atheism is a religion, then abstinence is a sexual position."

The only common thread that ties all atheists together is a lack of belief in gods and supernatural beings. Some of the best debates we have ever had have been with fellow atheists. This is because atheists do not have a common belief system, sacred scripture or atheist Pope. This means atheists often disagree on many issues and ideas. Atheists come in a variety of shapes, colors, beliefs, convictions, and backgrounds. We are as unique as our fingerprints.

You need to learn what atheism is not. The major thing it is not is, atheism is not truth.

In your picture, above, you have falsely quoted the things that Jesus said. Do you really know the things that Jesus said? Have you really gotten into the Bible?

Wake up. Your atheism dream religion (yes, religion; see the atheism dogma you quoted above) is the exact thing that is killing you.


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March 05, 2016, 02:04:24 AM

Now you are touting a particular religion other than atheism?  Huh   Fickle.

This is not new... I have been quoting Jesus to you for months... since you clearly have no clue what the man said in the bible

Alright! You are not an atheist then. What's the point? All your quoting doesn't prove or disprove the fact that atheism is poison. If it does, how? The quoting of Jesus shows that God exists.


Atheists are actually able to say "Jesus" and recite quotes from the bible -- it's not a solely Christian ability. You need to learn what an atheist is.


No one asks this question enough.

The reason no one asks this question a lot is because most people have preconceived ideas and notions about what an Atheist is and is not. Where these preconceived ideas come from varies, but they tend to evolve from theistic influences or other sources.

Atheism is usually defined incorrectly as a belief system. Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods. Older dictionaries define atheism as "a belief that there is no God." Some dictionaries even go so far as to define Atheism as "wickedness," "sinfulness," and other derogatory adjectives. Clearly, theistic influence taints dictionaries. People cannot trust these dictionaries to define atheism. The fact that dictionaries define Atheism as "there is no God" betrays the (mono)theistic influence. Without the (mono)theistic influence, the definition would at least read "there are no gods."

Why should atheists allow theists to define who atheists are? Do other minorities allow the majority to define their character, views, and opinions? No, they do not. So why does everyone expect atheists to lie down and accept the definition placed upon them by the world’s theists? Atheists will define themselves.

Atheism is not a belief system nor is it a religion. While there are some religions that are atheistic (certain sects of Buddhism, for example), that does not mean that atheism is a religion. Two commonly used retorts to the nonsense that atheism is a religion are: 1) If atheism is a religion then bald is a hair color, and 2) If atheism is a religion then health is a disease. A new one introduced in 2012 by Bill Maher is, "If atheism is a religion, then abstinence is a sexual position."

The only common thread that ties all atheists together is a lack of belief in gods and supernatural beings. Some of the best debates we have ever had have been with fellow atheists. This is because atheists do not have a common belief system, sacred scripture or atheist Pope. This means atheists often disagree on many issues and ideas. Atheists come in a variety of shapes, colors, beliefs, convictions, and backgrounds. We are as unique as our fingerprints.

You need to learn what atheism is not. The major thing it is not is, atheism is not truth.

In your picture, above, you have falsely quoted the things that Jesus said. Do you really know the things that Jesus said? Have you really gotten into the Bible?

Wake up. Your atheism dream religion (yes, religion; see the atheism dogma you quoted above) is the exact thing that is killing you.


What? I quoted nothing except an excerpt from an atheism website. I'm certain none of it consists of Jesus' quotes.

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March 05, 2016, 03:01:25 AM

What? I quoted nothing except an excerpt from an atheism website. I'm certain none of it consists of Jesus' quotes.

But you quoted it from the standpoint that sounded like you were agreeing with it, the things in the atheism website. Those things are part of the dogma of the atheism religion. And you seem to agree with them.


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March 05, 2016, 03:59:55 AM

What? I quoted nothing except an excerpt from an atheism website. I'm certain none of it consists of Jesus' quotes.

But you quoted it from the standpoint that sounded like you were agreeing with it, the things in the atheism website. Those things are part of the dogma of the atheism religion. And you seem to agree with them.


And you said they were quoting Jesus. Your point?

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March 05, 2016, 07:58:17 PM

What? I quoted nothing except an excerpt from an atheism website. I'm certain none of it consists of Jesus' quotes.

But you quoted it from the standpoint that sounded like you were agreeing with it, the things in the atheism website. Those things are part of the dogma of the atheism religion. And you seem to agree with them.


And you said they were quoting Jesus. Your point?

As usual, you intentionally misunderstand.

In the picture of Jesus, above, the words are not quotes of Jesus found in the Bible.

The things in the referenced atheism site are the dogma of the atheism religion.

Do you have a point?


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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March 05, 2016, 08:26:09 PM

Have you considered that the universe is a scary and cold place, and considering it in its true nature does not make one happy? 
What makes a child happier: 1.) Believing a magical elf brings presents from the North Pole because of good behavior, or 2.) Understanding that presents come from mom and dad's hard work, and when you hear them worrying about money or fighting over it - you know in some small way you are a part of that stress? 
The truth rarely bring happiness, merely a sense of intellectual relief.  It also usually creates more questions than it answers, despite any temporary enlightenment.  How many of us would ever leave the womb, if given the choice?  It is warm and safe in there - and everything is taken care of.  But outside that womb is where life happens and things get complicated. 
Religion is like the intellectual womb - except this is one you have to choose to leave, and it's scary and takes strength of character to do so.
You can't keep holding somebody's hand their entire life. That's what Christianity does. It protects you from the harsh truth of reality and how you're going to die alone. It gives them a sense of happiness. It's less scary knowing that you're going to paradise rather than knowing that NOTHINGNESS awaits you after you die.

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March 06, 2016, 12:09:41 AM

Have you considered that the universe is a scary and cold place, and considering it in its true nature does not make one happy?  
What makes a child happier: 1.) Believing a magical elf brings presents from the North Pole because of good behavior, or 2.) Understanding that presents come from mom and dad's hard work, and when you hear them worrying about money or fighting over it - you know in some small way you are a part of that stress?  
The truth rarely bring happiness, merely a sense of intellectual relief.  It also usually creates more questions than it answers, despite any temporary enlightenment.  How many of us would ever leave the womb, if given the choice?  It is warm and safe in there - and everything is taken care of.  But outside that womb is where life happens and things get complicated.  
Religion is like the intellectual womb - except this is one you have to choose to leave, and it's scary and takes strength of character to do so.
You can't keep holding somebody's hand their entire life. That's what Christianity does. It protects you from the harsh truth of reality and how you're going to die alone. It gives them a sense of happiness. It's less scary knowing that you're going to paradise rather than knowing that NOTHINGNESS awaits you after you die.

This is certainly one way of looking at the world. It's one of many conclusions one can reach about the universe especially if one chooses to adopt the assumptions of nihilism.

However, this is far from the only logical conclusion one can reach. There are reasons to think that the universe is far more complex then we currently envision indeed that for all our science our understanding remains infantile.

Quantum Mechanics offers us a deep insight that the world is not as it appears to our senses. It is quantum mechanics that leads us to the conclusion that we may actually be living in a Holographic Universe. The idea the the the world around us indeed the entire universe is simply the projection of a deeper reality.  

In his essay The Universe Anonymint draws our attention to the the holographic principle. Specifically the fascinating notion that when you combine the the holographic principle with the thermodynamic quantities of heat and mechanical work it is relatively straightforward to derive Newton’s classical equation of gravity.

These ideas are difficult to grasp and at this stage they remain theoretical physics. However, there are a growing number of scientist who are taking them very seriously.

Below is a great introductory video on the topic. I recommend it to anyone who has difficulty accepting the possibility of a deeper fundamental truth and reality.

When you have two logical but competing and mutually exclusive intellectual structures both unfalsifiable from their starting assumptions what is the logical next step? How does one rationally choose between them?

One approach is to examine what happens to the individuals who chose to adopt these intellectual structures. This is approach that led me to gather the various data highlighted in the opening post.

Atheism is the acceptance of the following assumption:

Theism cannot be definitively and empirically proven and is therefore untrue.

This assumption leads to the rejection of religion when individual atheist decide that they are unconvinced by the available data. Acceptance of this assumption is an error for the following reasons:

1) Metaphysically because the choice (in isolation) voids the existing moral structure rendering the decision itself morally incoherent.

2) Biologically because a sound moral structure is necessary for a healthy life and rejecting traditional structures appears to reduce health, happiness, and fertility.

3) Anthropologically because religion is a critical and perhaps primary mechanism for overcoming our species-specific upper limit to group size which is set by purely cognitive constraints.

In addition we must consider that the assumption itself may simply be false. Specifically:

Theism may be correct and true even if it cannot be definitively and empirically proven.

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March 06, 2016, 01:55:53 AM

@CoinCube - does it bother you that you're simply making Religion a utilitarian necessity? "If you follow a religion, you'll be happier. healthier, etc". It doesn't matter if there's a god or not, right, as long as you're better off in a religion?

And then that the reverse is also true -- that if you're unhappier and unhealthier in a religion, you'd be better off not being in a religion?

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March 06, 2016, 09:25:25 AM

Atheism can send the wrong message across to people, especially those weaker in faith but brushed off and laughed at by every religious sect out there. It is not a religion, just a group of non believers.
Yes you are right. People should realize that Atheism comes from a lack of knowledge and information and misinterpretation of their understanding of what is and what is not.
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March 06, 2016, 09:41:07 AM

Alright! You are not an atheist then. What's the point? All your quoting doesn't prove or disprove the fact that atheism is poison. If it does, how? The quoting of Jesus shows that God exists.


Atheists are actually able to say "Jesus" and recite quotes from the bible -- it's not a solely Christian ability. You need to learn what an atheist is.


No one asks this question enough.

The reason no one asks this question a lot is because most people have preconceived ideas and notions about what an Atheist is and is not. Where these preconceived ideas come from varies, but they tend to evolve from theistic influences or other sources.

Atheism is usually defined incorrectly as a belief system. Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods. Older dictionaries define atheism as "a belief that there is no God." Some dictionaries even go so far as to define Atheism as "wickedness," "sinfulness," and other derogatory adjectives. Clearly, theistic influence taints dictionaries. People cannot trust these dictionaries to define atheism. The fact that dictionaries define Atheism as "there is no God" betrays the (mono)theistic influence. Without the (mono)theistic influence, the definition would at least read "there are no gods."

Why should atheists allow theists to define who atheists are? Do other minorities allow the majority to define their character, views, and opinions? No, they do not. So why does everyone expect atheists to lie down and accept the definition placed upon them by the world’s theists? Atheists will define themselves.

Atheism is not a belief system nor is it a religion. While there are some religions that are atheistic (certain sects of Buddhism, for example), that does not mean that atheism is a religion. Two commonly used retorts to the nonsense that atheism is a religion are: 1) If atheism is a religion then bald is a hair color, and 2) If atheism is a religion then health is a disease. A new one introduced in 2012 by Bill Maher is, "If atheism is a religion, then abstinence is a sexual position."

The only common thread that ties all atheists together is a lack of belief in gods and supernatural beings. Some of the best debates we have ever had have been with fellow atheists. This is because atheists do not have a common belief system, sacred scripture or atheist Pope. This means atheists often disagree on many issues and ideas. Atheists come in a variety of shapes, colors, beliefs, convictions, and backgrounds. We are as unique as our fingerprints.

You need to learn what atheism is not. The major thing it is not is, atheism is not truth.

In your picture, above, you have falsely quoted the things that Jesus said. Do you really know the things that Jesus said? Have you really gotten into the Bible?

Wake up. Your atheism dream religion (yes, religion; see the atheism dogma you quoted above) is the exact thing that is killing you.


What? I quoted nothing except an excerpt from an atheism website. I'm certain none of it consists of Jesus' quotes.

But you quoted it from the standpoint that sounded like you were agreeing with it, the things in the atheism website. Those things are part of the dogma of the atheism religion. And you seem to agree with them.


And you said they were quoting Jesus. Your point?

As usual, you intentionally misunderstand.

In the picture of Jesus, above, the words are not quotes of Jesus found in the Bible.

The things in the referenced atheism site are the dogma of the atheism religion.

Do you have a point?


You know quite well I didn't post any Jesus pictures and yet you try to convince everyone that I did.

My point is you were either lying or covering up your own confusion or trying to confuse other people. You made things up and then back-peddled. Again.

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