I am still having issues.. currently I have removed the R9 380 it is 3GB by the way and mined fine on another system. So I just have the 6 RX 480 but the miner stops mining.
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool coinotron.com:3344 -ewal molitar.miner2 -esm 2 -epsw pass2 -dpool "
http://sia-eu1.nanopool.org:9980/miner/header?address=<address>&worker=miner2&email=<email>" -dcoin sia -allpools -1 -ethi 16 -r 0 -eres 10 -gser 1
If I press S it will start mining again.
dbg log showed this is the last command before it stopped.
13:34:09:983 1d88 new buf size: 0
13:34:09:983 1d88 ETH: 12/21/16-13:34:09 - New job from coinotron.com:3344
13:34:09:983 1d88 target: 0x0000000100000000 (diff: 4294MH), epoch #95
13:34:09:985 1d88 ETH - Total Speed: 164.593 Mh/s, Total Shares: 28, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:15
13:34:09:999 1d88 ETH: GPU0 28.119 Mh/s, GPU1 27.911 Mh/s, GPU2 24.447 Mh/s, GPU3 28.116 Mh/s, GPU4 28.032 Mh/s, GPU5 27.967 Mh/s
13:34:10:003 1d88 SC - Total Speed: 2468.885 Mh/s, Total Shares: 46, Rejected: 0
13:34:10:003 1d88 SC: GPU0 421.787 Mh/s, GPU1 418.663 Mh/s, GPU2 366.711 Mh/s, GPU3 421.745 Mh/s, GPU4 420.481 Mh/s, GPU5 419.498 Mh/s
13:34:10:594 1028 recv: 51
13:34:10:594 1028 srv pck: 50
13:34:10:663 1028 srv bs: 0
13:34:10:664 1028 sent: 262
13:34:14:007 1be0 http send request:
13:34:14:169 1be0 http got answer: 0000000015fd7fe17964955fdef1ed34a2a73ae91e5fe71947db5116127c069e000000000000008
13:34:14:169 1be0 SIA job updated
13:34:15:606 1628 recv: 51
13:34:15:606 1628 srv pck: 50
13:34:15:680 1628 srv bs: 0
13:34:15:681 1628 sent: 262
13:34:16:976 ca8 SC: put share nonce e4f6576 enonce d4ce0047
13:34:16:976 ca8 SC round found 1 shares
If I than press the 'S' key I get this message.
13:36:27:485 1bf4 srv bs: 0
13:36:27:485 1bf4 sent: 223
13:36:27:617 6e0 srv bs: 0
13:36:27:617 6e0 sent: 223
13:36:27:744 1838 srv bs: 0
13:36:27:744 1838 sent: 223
13:36:27:878 1748 srv bs: 0
13:36:27:878 1748 sent: 223
13:36:28:171 1d00 GPU0 t=49C fan=0%, GPU1 t=48C fan=79%, GPU2 t=60C fan=81%, GPU3 t=58C fan=83%, GPU4 t=57C fan=81%, GPU5 t=43C fan=72%
13:36:28:173 1d00
13:36:29:026 1794 Restarting OK, exit...
Incorrect ETH shares: none
Pool switches: ETH - 0, SC - 0
Current ETH share target: 0x0000000100000000 (diff: 4294MH), epoch #95
Current SC share target: 0x0000000015fd7fe1 (diff: 50GH)
SC: Submitted share rejected!
SC: 12/21/16-13:36:25 - New job from sia-eu1.nanopool.org:9980
GPU0 t=49C fan=0%, GPU1 t=48C fan=79%, GPU2 t=60C fan=81%, GPU3 t=58C fan=83%, GPU4 t=57C fan=81%, GPU5 t=43C fan=72%
Restarting OK, exit...
I noticed when I first start up the miner at the beginning of the log this error shows up.
13:42:46:062 1b6c send: {"id": 2, "method": "mining.authorize", "params": ["molitar.miner2","pass2"]}
13:42:46:062 1b6c ETH: Stratum - Connected (coinotron.com:3344)
13:42:46:219 1b6c got 107 bytes
13:42:46:219 1b6c buf: {"error": null, "id": 1, "result": [["mining.notify", "d4bc1f1691ea43678881a905a7d82bb2"], "0800DBB1", 4]}
13:42:46:219 1b6c parse packet: 98
13:42:46:219 1b6c new buf size: 0
13:42:46:411 1db4 http got answer: