Yes that is why we choose ethereum classic to digital stores value because:
Scarcity: ETC is a scarce asset. It is estimated that the supply will level off near 210 million
tokens by the year 2070 with a capped maximum of 230 million tokens that can ever enter
circulation. This is an explicit design element of the Ethereum Classic protocol.
22 As of April
28th, 2017, there were approximately 91.1 million ETC floating in the market.23
Divisibility: Digital currencies represent some of the most divisible forms of payment
available in the world. The smallest possible unit of ETC, a “wei,” represents
0.000000000000000001 of a single token. ETC can be displayed out to eighteen decimal
places, creating one quintillion units within each.
Portability: ETC can be sent across borders electronically and clear almost instantly, making
it an alternative to bitcoin and far more portable than precious metals or fiat currency.
Fungibility: One unit of ETC represents the same exact value as another unit of equal size.
Verifiability: ETC are unique cryptographic tokens that are directly verifiable on the Ethereum
Classic blockchain, in real-time, from anywhere in the world.
Recognizability: ETC is gaining broader recognition as a transactional token with perceived
utility, with thousands of transactions now taking place on a daily basis