Newly configurable in external chain.json:
"state": { "startingNonce": NUMBER } - optional (mainnet: 0, morden: 1048576) - "dirty" starting world state
"network": NUMBER - required (mainnet: 1, morden: 2) - network id used to identify valid peers
"consensus": STRING - optional (default: "ethash", optional: "ethash-test") - specify smaller and faster pow algorithm, e.g. --dev mode sets "ethash-test". See cmd/geth/config/*.json for updated examples.
Dev mode (--dev) made compatible with --chain
debug_AccountExist method added to RPC and web3 extension methods (thanks @sorpaas)
Additional Morden testnet bootnodes
Add listen for SIGTERM to stop more gracefully, if possible
Nightly and tagged release distribution builds made available at (instead of Bintray)
Option: --chain <chainIdentifier|mychain.json> - specify chain identifier or path to JSON configuration file
geth attach command uses chain subdirectory schema by default, e.g. datadir/mainnet/geth.ipc instead of datadir/geth.ipc
Sometimes ungraceful stopping on SIGTERM, potentially causing corrupted chaindata
PublicKey method for protected transactions with malformed chain id causing SIGSEGV
Concurrent map read/writes for State Objects
Ignore reported neighbors coming from non-reserved addresses; prevents irrelevant discovery attempts on local and reserved IP's
RLP-decoded transactions include EIP155 signer if applicable (thanks @shawdon)