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Hi, my name is Eamon. I am an artist and life coach. I was a
software during the Internet bubble of '97-'01 and burned out hard.
I think bitcoin is the most exciting thing I've seen since I first
saw the Mozilla browser in 1993. I just finished a B.S. degree in
Psychology, and although I'd like to go on to medical school, I see
Bitcoin as a unique oppurtunity. I've worked for an Internet
startup, and I've had my own consulting company. I'm fresh, and
ready to work like hell launching a new idea. I guess I might be go
back to being a software architect for a while.
I think the most interesting thing about Bitcoin is "alternative block
chains". I also like using "prediction markets", such as Inkling Markets.
I put one prediction there, and would like to create more, but Bitcoin is
moving so fast!
I don't expect anyone to read this, since I guess we're all just trying to
get out of the Newbie box, but if there was one thing that I would want to
peirce through all the noise, it's this - "Life isn't fair. It's not your
job to make it fair. There is an oppurtunity here, take it, make it your
own, and spread the value to everyone you care about. If you could be a
thousand times more effective than you are RIGHT NOW, what would you be
- -----
If you want to give me money, track me down in person. I want to provide
value, not beg for it.
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