Activity: 4284
Merit: 5219
You're never too old to think young.
July 24, 2018, 04:39:37 AM |
Oh look.
Did you observe one big wall eaten and another waiting?
Nom nom nom. Isn't wall observation fun?
Activity: 1908
Merit: 3214
All good things to those who wait
July 24, 2018, 04:39:52 AM |
Good morning #hodlgang! Alright! Half of that 2500BTC wall in bearstamp eaten! Good job bullnance!
Activity: 3920
Merit: 2349
Eadem mutata resurgo
July 24, 2018, 04:41:30 AM |
the ETF application will fail
I'm hoping this is already priced in. Idk. Just because I'm all doomed out doesn't mean the market is, I guess. Still, poor Jay tho.  You are starting to act like fatty with your pussified passive aggressive irrelevant and nonsensical comments. By the way, I like to see that there are about three walls of 500 coins each for sale between $7800 and $8k, and perhaps they will be eaten through quickly given our current price movement? .... here, hold my beer, I'll show you something ...
Activity: 2856
Merit: 1520
Bitcoin Legal Tender Countries: 2 of 206
July 24, 2018, 04:42:09 AM |
it should help again. for whatever. .,-:-,,. .AMMMHMMHHMII, .AMMHHMMMHHMMHMMMHHA. .AMHHMMMMHIMMMMMMHMHHHHHL .AHHIHHMMHIMMMMMMMHMHHHMHLH: ,LHHIIHHHHIHMHMMMMMHMHHHLHHAIA ;IHHIHHMMH:IHMHMMMMMMHMHIHLIHHIA .:IHHII:':'..:.:IHMHMMHHHHIHHLIHH. ,I:AVI::.'. .'.'.::IAHMHMHHIALVAIHA ,A:AVI::.'. . . '.:IAVMMHAVLVAIVHHA .II:AHI:.'. . . ':IAVHMHMAHVHIHHH; ,A:H:HI::. . . .'.:IAIHHAMAIAHIHHLA .AIH:AHI:'. .'.:IIAHHMMAHHIHHIH, .AHI:AHI:.:.. .'.VIIHMHMMAIHIHIIA ;HHI:AHI:',,' . .,:AHVVL:IIHIHMMHHHIHIM; ;AII:HIPPT:TPHA. . .::''. . .VIHHMHMAHIHI:HM ;IAIV:HI::.,,,,:'. . .,:III::.:VIHHHMMHHHHIIHB AIHI:HII:I:VCLTV;:. ..VK CVTPA::IHMHHMHHIHIHV .LHH::HIHI:IA.TL/::. ..'VPTTI:'':IIHHHIHMIIHH' ;IHHIHIHHI:. ' '..:. .. .'. ' .':HIHMHHMMHIH IHMHIHIHHI:. . .:' . .. . .:IHHMMMMMHIV IHHMIHIHHI:. ..:'. .. ':. . ..:HIHMMMMMHV' HHMHIHIHHI::. ..::L..:-;. ':.. . .:IHMMHMMHIP HHMHIIHIHHI:.:. .. :''. .':.. ..:IHMMMHMHV HIHMMHHHIHI::. ..,.,, ,,,,,.,:.. .:IHMMHMMM' IIHHIMHMHIHI::. 'LP:'''''''P/. . .:IHMMMHMV :IIHHMMHMHHII:.. V:-,,,,-''. . ..:IMHMMMM' 'IHHMMHHMHHHA:.''::;;;::/' . . .::IMHMMMM ;IHMMMHHHMHMHA:...''''' . ..::':VHHMH: :IHHMMHMHHMMMHA:.. . . ..::'.'.':VHV ;IHIHMHHIHMMHMMMA.. . . ...:::'.'. .. T, :IIHMMHIHIHMMMMMMAAL::.::.::':. . . ,:. ;HIHHMHHIHHMHMMMMMHMHHIHI::.:.. : . . AHAA. .AHIHMMMHMHMHMMHMMMMHMHII::.:.. . . . ..:HMMH: AHV':HHMHHMHMMMHMMMMMHHI::.:.. .. . .AOAVA/'-.. :I''VHHMMMHHMMMHMMMMHMHI::... :. . . ..AOOLV/.:.:.:''--...,. ' .AHIHHMHHMMMMHMMMMMMMI:.... :. . .AAVAV/.:. . .: . .''''-. ,:HIIHHMMHMMMMHMMMMHMHI: .:.:: . . .:ANOO/.: .: . . . .. .. ',, ,;P':IHIHHMMHMMMMMMMMHMI:. .:.. . ..AVAOV/' .. .:.. .. . . HA. ,AH::AHIHHHMHMMMMMMMMMMHMA:. .::. ..:.OAVO/. '...::.::.. . . HHA ' :IIHIHHMHMMMMMMMMMHMHH:..:::.:..AOAVO/:.'..::.:..::.. . . HHH .::IHHIHMMHMMMMMMMMHMMHII.:.::'.:AOOAV/..: .:.:..:. . . . . . . HHH ,IHIHHIHMHMMMMMMMHMMHMV:.::::'. .:AOOVV/:.: .:. ..:.. . . .. . . HHH .:IHHIHHHMHMMMMMMMMMHMV::....:. .:/AOAV/. .:.:.. .. . . . . .. . IHHH :IHHHMHMMMHMMMMMMHMHHI::...:...:/AOAV/..: :. :. .. . . .. . AHHH AIHMHHMMHMMMMMMMMHMHHII:.. .:. ./OAOV/:..:... . . . . .. .. HHHH HIHIHHMMHHMHMMHMHHHIHI::.. . ./AO/A//...:.. . . . . .. . HHHH HHV'AHHHMHMHHHHIOIHIIII::..../AO/AV/ ..:.:.. . . . .. . ..::VH V'.:HHHMMHMMHHIHOIHHIII:::../VOAVV/.'...:. . . . . . ..::.::III .:HHHHMMHMHHMHOOIIII:I:::./OAHVO/: ..:.. . . . . . .. .::::III .:HHIHHMHMMMHHIOOIHII:::..OO//AO/.. .::.. . . . . . .. .::::IIIH HIHIIHHMMHMMMHHIOOIII:::.OOO/AO//..:..:.. . .. . . .. ..I:::IIIHH IHHIIHHMHMMHHIHI:OOO;:.OO/A:AO//. ...:.. .. . . . .:IAI::IIIH HHIHHHVVHMMHHIHI:::OOOO:O/.AO//. .. .... . .. . . ..:IIAI::IIH VHHHV'.:HMHHIHHI::.:..A/A:AVO/:. . ... .. . . . . ..:.:IIHAHIIII VHV VHHAIVHI:.'...A/A:AOOV/... . .. . . . . ..:.::IIHMHAIIH 'VHIHA'.'O:O:W:.:A/AO/.. .. . . . . .. .:..::IHMMHIII :V:I:I:.:... ..:A:IOO:.:.. . . . .... . ..:.:::IHHHHHII O:I:I::. .. . /A/:IOO::. .. . ..:::::. . ..:.::::IHMHHVII O.I:.. . . .:AV.:.IO:::.. . ..:II::.. .. .:.::::IHMHHIII O :I:. . . /A:...IOO::.. .. . . ..::.:. . ...:.::::IHMHVIII O.:I. .AW'. ..IOI::.:.. .. . .:.:. . .:..:::::IMHHIIII ,::.I. ..AHW' ...IOII:I:.:.. .. .. . . . . ..:..:.:::IMMVIIII B:I:.:I.AHW' . :IOII:I::.:... ... .. .. . . ....::.:.:::IMMHIIII 'VHHHHV:' . . :V.OO:I::.:... .:.. ... .. .. ..:::. .::.::AHMVIIII V:. .V. . . :V:HOO:II::.::.:. :.... ..:...::I::. ...::::MHMIIIII ':.. .V.. . .:V:.A:OO:III::::::.::..:.:.:I.::::.. . .. .:::MMHIIIII ':....V:OOO;V..:W:OO::IIII:II::II:I:I:II:::::. .. ..:::MHHAIIII '::.:..'.'. ..W:.OO.:II:::II::IIII:II:::.:.. . ...:::MMHMIIII ':I:.:.:....W:..OO:::II:::::I::::::..:.. .'. ..:::MMHVIIII ':III::.:.W/::OO:::.:I::I:::::.:.:.. .. .. .. ...:::MMHIIIII OO'WII:::W:I:OO::..:I:::II::..:... .. ... . ..:::AMMMIIIHH 'O O'WI:W:II:OO.:..:.:II:::I:..:... ... . . ..::MHVIIIHHH OO'OOOV::II:OO:.. .::.:II::.:.. .. .. . . .:..::AMMIIIIHHH O II:.:::OO.:.. ...:.:II:.:.. ... . . . ...:.::HMMIIIIHHH OO A:::.:OO:... . ...:.:I.::.:... . . . . ..:::AMHMIIIIHHH OO AM::.::OO::... . ...:.:.:.:.:..:.. . .. ...::IMMMMIIIIHHH O HHM.:.:OO::.. . . .:.:.:.:.:..:... .. . ..:AMHMMMIHIIHHI OOMM..:.:OO.:... . ...:...:..:.:..:.. .. . ..:HHMMHMIHIIHHI AMOOV..:.:OO:.:... . . ..:..:..:.::..:.. .. .:AHHMMMMIHIIHHH AMMOO.:.:::OO::.:.:.. . .:..:....::..:.::..:.:IHHMMMHVIHHIHHH AMMMOO.::.:OO::..:..:.. ...:..:..:..:..:.::.:::IHHMMMHAIHHIHHH AMMMM'OO::::OO:::..:... .. ...:..:..:..:.:.:::.:IHHMMMHIHHHIHHH MMMV..:OO::OO:::.::.::.... .:...:...:.:..::.::::IHHMMMHIHHHIHHH AMM'... .:OOO::::.:::..:..:. ..:. .:..:..:.::::.:::HHMMMIHHIIHHH AMM' . .. .:::::.:::.::...:.:. . .. . ..::.::.:::::IIVMMVIHHIIHHH MM' . . .:.:.::I:.:.:.:::..::.. . .. ..::..::.::I:IIIVMIIHHIIHHH AM' .. . . .::.:.::I:.::.:.:::..:. . . . ..:..::.:I:IIIIVIHHHIIHHH AM' . ... . ..:::.::..::.:::..:..:.. . .. .:.:.:I:IIIHIIVIHHHIIHHH AMV .. .. . .. .::.::..:.::::.:.:. .. . ... ..:I:IIIHIH:IIHHHHIIHII AMV . .. ... . .:. :.:...:I:..:.:.:.. . .:. ..:.:.:IIHIHH:AHHHHIIHII AMM' .. .. ... ..:::... . 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HI '::::.. .. ..::IIH::.::.:.:.. ... . . .:.:.:.:.: II
Rosewater Foundation
July 24, 2018, 04:42:30 AM |
You are starting to act like fatty with your pussified passive aggressive irrelevant and nonsensical comments.
I considered the Fatman a friend. That was a real blow. But this is no place for the timid. Is it Jay?
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
July 24, 2018, 04:44:12 AM |
Activity: 3598
Merit: 2386
Viva Ut Vivas
July 24, 2018, 04:46:43 AM |
Wow...the $7,800 resistance has been broken and..!!..!!... the price is still under $10k  Should we get started on the next blockchain? Perhaps blockchain on the cloud this time? Should we IPO? Perhaps something in Plastics? With some of that railway technology...
Activity: 2856
Merit: 1520
Bitcoin Legal Tender Countries: 2 of 206
July 24, 2018, 04:50:04 AM |
Wow...the $7,800 resistance has been broken and..!!..!!... the price is still under $10k  Should we get started on the next blockchain? Perhaps blockchain on the cloud this time? Should we IPO? Perhaps something in Plastics? With some of that railway technology... BIP 174 should be enough for moon. https://github.com/bitcoin/bipsEDIT: and ASCII art of course.
Activity: 3598
Merit: 2386
Viva Ut Vivas
July 24, 2018, 04:51:36 AM |
Also, someone hacked my Purse.io account today.
I had nothing in there as I pulled everything out last week due to someone mentioning having problems getting their money out.
But still...second account this week. I think I have everything of any importance set up with 2FA. Maybe it was due to trying to run a Bitcoin node on my laptop.
The thing keeps crashing on me anyway (database gets corrupted and wants to start over) so I'll give that a rest.
Rosewater Foundation
July 24, 2018, 04:52:10 AM |
Wow...the $7,800 resistance has been broken and..!!..!!... the price is still under $10k  Should we get started on the next blockchain? Perhaps blockchain on the cloud this time? Should we IPO? Perhaps something in Plastics? With some of that railway technology... BIP 174 should be enough for moon. https://github.com/bitcoin/bipsIbian successfully derailed my attempts to discuss this. Iirc he insisted on talking about Muslim men. Again.
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
July 24, 2018, 04:52:42 AM |
$7850 broke. CCMF.
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11729
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
July 24, 2018, 04:53:04 AM |
You are starting to act like fatty with your pussified passive aggressive irrelevant and nonsensical comments.
I considered the Fatman a friend. That was a real blow. But this is no place for the timid. Is it Jay? I don't know why upwards price pressures would be reasons for getting into nonsense. Most of the guys and gal panicking in here when the price pressures are DOWN rather than UP. I mean the news might not gotten out yet regarding whether we are going up or we are going into FOMO mode, which would likely come around the $10k testing price area, if that comes soon, and whether or not price breaks above that resistance.... until then, we gotta take these upwards moves with some precautions and perhaps skimming a bit of profits off of the incremental moves, just in case the upwards movement is a fake out. Regarding fatty, he is a BIG blocker bcash shill, who buys a large majority of the nonsense talking points and attacks on bitcoin.. so your proclaiming alliances with such poor judgement would not reflect well on you... but whatever you can associate with whomever you like.. and if you start aligning with other bcash shills, alt coin pumpers or bitcoin attackers, you might lose whatever credibility you have in these here parts... Regarding trolling me, I don't easily devolve into grudges, but sometimes there are at least short term cases of such... hahahahahahaha
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1061
July 24, 2018, 04:54:43 AM |
the ETF application will fail
I'm hoping this is already priced in. Idk. Just because I'm all doomed out doesn't mean the market is, I guess. Still, poor Jay tho.  You are starting to act like fatty with your pussified passive aggressive irrelevant and nonsensical comments. By the way, I like to see that there are about three walls of 500 coins each for sale between $7800 and $8k, and perhaps they will be eaten through quickly given our current price movement? .... here, hold my beer, I'll show you something ... Enjoying the fireworks, woo hoo
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
July 24, 2018, 04:55:02 AM |
Wow...the $7,800 resistance has been broken and..!!..!!... the price is still under $10k  Should we get started on the next blockchain? Perhaps blockchain on the cloud this time? Should we IPO? Perhaps something in Plastics? With some of that railway technology... BIP 174 should be enough for moon. https://github.com/bitcoin/bipsEDIT: and ASCII art of course. What are the broader implications of BIP 174?
Activity: 1908
Merit: 3214
All good things to those who wait
July 24, 2018, 04:55:52 AM |
Sorry I’m not confident we have bottomed. I think the ETF application will fail and the arse will fall out of the price. Then we bottom in early 2019.
This is a nice interim rally and lays the foundations for the long term recovery.
Actually, the chances for ETF approval are pretty good, considering the negotiation phase (questions from SEC and replies from VanEck SolidX Bitcoin Trust). Usually, if a submission enters that stage it means only one thing - the approval will be given provided that the details are settled. I think every concern of SEC and the 6 negative comments (compared to 200 positive) are met in the amendment sumbitted recently by the VanEck SolidX Bitcoin Trust: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1668039/000110465918038369/a18-2298_1s1a.htm#THERISKSYOUFACE_0815342. There are just not enough reasons to justify a reject decision IMO. The comment period expired, so we have to wait until 16 August or 45 days later to hear the decision by SEC.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
July 24, 2018, 04:58:17 AM |
Sorry I’m not confident we have bottomed. I think the ETF application will fail and the arse will fall out of the price. Then we bottom in early 2019.
This is a nice interim rally and lays the foundations for the long term recovery.
Actually, the chances for ETF approval are pretty good, considering the negotiation phase (questions from SEC and replies from VanEck SolidX Bitcoin Trust). Usually, if a submission enters that stage it means only one thing - the approval will be given provided that the details are settled. I think every concern of SEC and the 6 negative comments (compared to 200 positive) are met in the amendment sumbitted recently by the VanEck SolidX Bitcoin Trust: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1668039/000110465918038369/a18-2298_1s1a.htm#THERISKSYOUFACE_0815342. There is just not enough reasons to justify a reject decision IMO. The comment period expired, so we have to wait until 16 August or 45 days later to hear the decision by SEC. Zerohedge: Bitcoin ETF "Nearly Certain" To Win Approval Later This Year Take that for what ever it's worth.
Rosewater Foundation
July 24, 2018, 05:01:57 AM |
I don't know why upwards price pressures would be reasons for getting into nonsense.
You know me. I don't really need a reason. Regarding fatty, he is a BIG blocker bcash shill, who buys a large majority of the nonsense talking points and attacks on bitcoin.
No, I don't believe he does. I believe he was one of many sock puppet accounts operated by the great and powerful NLC, and I missed it. your proclaiming alliances with such poor judgement would not reflect well on you
I can accept that. Regarding trolling me, I don't easily devolve into grudges, but sometimes there are at least short term cases of such... hahahahahahaha
All in good fun, brother.
Activity: 2856
Merit: 1520
Bitcoin Legal Tender Countries: 2 of 206
July 24, 2018, 05:04:17 AM |
Wow...the $7,800 resistance has been broken and..!!..!!... the price is still under $10k  Should we get started on the next blockchain? Perhaps blockchain on the cloud this time? Should we IPO? Perhaps something in Plastics? With some of that railway technology... BIP 174 should be enough for moon. https://github.com/bitcoin/bipsEDIT: and ASCII art of course. What are the broader implications of BIP 174? partial offline signed transactions. in case you're are not connected and want to transfer BTC. it's like having a secondary ledger besides the main ledger (Bitcoin blockchain) and you can sync it later. (as I understand so far.) https://ethereumworldnews.com/de/bitcoin-improvement-proposal-bip174-offline-btc-transactions/
Activity: 4284
Merit: 5219
You're never too old to think young.
July 24, 2018, 05:12:24 AM |