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Question: Weekly closing price (Mar. 9, 2025):
<$75K - 1 (3.7%)
$75K to $80K - 0 (0%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (7.4%)
$85K to $90K - 4 (14.8%)
$90K to $95K - 10 (37%)
$95K to $100K - 1 (3.7%)
>$100K - 9 (33.3%)
Total Voters: 27

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26743484 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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July 18, 2018, 03:37:49 PM

I used to be very confused about Donald Trump until I realized he is the America most Americans actually want. Democracy is odd.

I like how Trump haters diss Donald without understanding that they’re dissing tens of millions US citizen.
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Welt Am Draht

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July 18, 2018, 03:38:15 PM
Merited by Biodom (1)

Saw on /r/bitcoin.

Food for thought.

But gold still hasn't equalled that 1980 high accounting for inflation, which we're told is the point of gold. It would've been $2600 in today's dollars so right now it's worth less than half what you laid out nearly four bleedin' decades ago. That's why I think gold is mainly good for holding down bits of paper if I can't find a rock.

Paper gold turned it to shite.
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July 18, 2018, 03:41:52 PM

LOL Mastercard  Roll Eyes

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🐺Dogs for President🐺

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July 18, 2018, 03:47:40 PM

Saw on /r/bitcoin.

Food for thought.

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July 18, 2018, 03:50:01 PM
Merited by cAPSLOCK (2), HairyMaclairy (1)

Just take the taxes side of things. You can't own the house because of the property taxes. You can't go anywhere without paying the taxes on the gas. You can't leave the country if you owe the IRS.
So it's fine if you're a statist cuck with no ambition. But it's no place for a sovereign individual.

Sovereign individual, ha! Since when has that ever existed?

So you speak your own language, hunt your own meat, grow your own crops, kill your own invaders, quarry your own stone, harvest your own wood, build your own house, drill your own oil, refine your own petrol, smelt your own iron, engineer your own vehicle, build your own roads, diagnose your own ailments, harvest your own herbs, extract your own medicines, and have no need for any form of money because sovereign individuals have no need for trade?

Let me guess, you even clone your own cells and incubate your own children? Or do come from a long line of immaculate conception?

Are you even born with your own innate knowledge and wisdom, an instinctual master of the world? The little prince, master of your own little planet?

Bitcoin may be trustless but is far far from being sovereign. Bitcoin is as close to socialism as money can be. It utterly depends on an egalitarian network of contributing participants.

It wasn't long ago we lived through feudalism. Your knight or earl was your lord, he had first rights to your bride-to-be, and murder was rarely an offense for insolence. You worked the land to the bone and payed most of your gains in tribute and were the first to starve when crops failed.

It wasn't too long ago we lived through human sacrifice to appease the sun, volcano, or weather gods.

It wasn't long ago we lived through slavery, where the mere color of your skin dictated your legal status.

It wasn't long ago we lived through the caste system, where how you were born is how you would die.

It wasn't long ago we lived through the wild wild west, where natives and settlers and outlaws murdered each other in their sleep with impunity.

It wasn't too long ago whether we were circumcised or not meant life or death in an oven or gas chamber.

It wasn't too long ago we were murdered for being an intellectual, midwife, healer, or believer, swept up in one cultural or social or religious revolution or another.

I guarantee, your ancestors most likely fall into one of those categories, and it's a freaking miracle your little squirt of DNA even made it to this forum.

Sovereign individual indeed.

Today, I pay my fair share of taxes and everyone leaves me the fuck alone.

It is not too high a price to pay, these tax-funded governments and social constructs of ours.

Your ancestors would spit in your face and shit on your grave if they could, to hear you trivialize how far society has come to build the states we live in now and how easy we have had it for the sacrifices they lived through.

All you ignorant, juvenile libertarian, conservative, racist alt-righter fuckers can all go proper fuck yourselves. History is not on your side. Bitcoin is not your personal savior.

You fuckers may be the most vocal, but you are not the majority by any means. Your own neuroses, insecurities and failures drive you to attack or disagree with anyone who might have a shred of thought different from your own carefully constructed house-of-cards conspiracy-theory cult bullshit.


Go Bitcoin go.

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July 18, 2018, 04:06:43 PM
Merited by Last of the V8s (1)

The polarization between left and right is a thing of the past.

Its the first time I see a leftist holding bitcoin. Its not impossible, and actually, it mades sense, if we think that some leftists hate the banking system, and bitcoin came to replace it.

Now the division is between bitcoiners and nocoiners. And the polarization is much higher than the one between left and right. The nocoiner hates bitcoin with a passion, the price can go to three digits and he still will not buy it.

Most nocoiners are also young people, and they have a faith in the State at religious levels. To follow the example of their masters, they acquire debt, lots of it, and live through it in a monastic way, like it was a path to illumination. The religious precept of the nocoiner is "liberation through debt".
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July 18, 2018, 04:14:02 PM

You aren’t poor.  At least, you aren’t dirt poor.  You enjoy the freedoms afforded anyone who is affluent in a Western country.  You are probably a white middle class male with a commensurate income.  

A lot of us lefties look at the poor in America and think that the divide is too great. They fear that what happens in America will eventually happen to their country too.  We also have our alt-right and our NeoNazis.

But here our poor have free high quality healthcare and there is a modest social safety net.  No one dies in the gutter. We don’t want to live in a society where people are desperate, because people with nothing to lose are extremely dangerous and violent.  We want a nice peaceful society where everyone has equal opportunity.   Part of that is not fucking over your poor.  If you fuck over your poor you end up with South Africa or Detroit.  Yes you can have gated communities but I don’t want to live like that.  I can walk down the worst street in my large city at 2am and not worry. I like that.  

A big part of the reason is because we take care of our poor, more or less.  Too many libertarians are like Marie Aintonette “let them eat cake”.  We all know how that worked out.

There was a study done several years ago in America on the quality of life of the average family who was living below the poverty level. They had internet access, at least one large screen TV, cable or satellite for that TV, at least one car, a computer, a videogame console, air conditioning and heat, and smartphones.
Yeah, modern technology has made life incredibly comfortable for almost everyone and things will only get more efficient from here. But that's simply existing, what humans (and any animal) really craves is reproduction. And women want the top men.

Doesn't matter if "poor" people had ten mansions and twenty private jets, as long as there are people with orders of magnitudes more than that that's who women will choose. It's about relative status. Especially now that there are no restrictions on sexual activity for women.
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July 18, 2018, 04:39:58 PM

All you ignorant, juvenile libertarian, conservative, racist alt-righter fuckers can all go proper fuck yourselves. History is not on your side. Bitcoin is not your personal savior.

You fuckers may be the most vocal, but you are not the majority by any means. Your own neuroses, insecurities and failures drive you to attack or disagree with anyone who might have a shred of thought different from your own carefully constructed house-of-cards conspiracy-theory cult bullshit.

Charlie Munger is that you? Awww... poor little Chucky is off his meds and wandering the lawn naked again. Warren needs to help him come back inside. It'll be ok.
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July 18, 2018, 04:47:12 PM

^ WTF is that?
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July 18, 2018, 04:49:16 PM
Merited by BobLawblaw (1)

^ WTF is that?

Something that ur just gonna copy and paste about 2 pages from now  Roll Eyes
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July 18, 2018, 04:51:28 PM
Last edit: July 18, 2018, 05:03:35 PM by V1lpu

^ WTF is that?

Something that ur just gonna copy and paste about 2 pages from now  Roll Eyes

I didn't copy/pasted anything from this thread. Crypto community is small and most of the memes circulated in tight space. Sometimes it's hard to find post in tons of conspiracy theories.
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Still a manic miner

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July 18, 2018, 05:14:39 PM

but we are not over that number yet.. Roll Eyes

btw, werent the Congress hearings today? any live feed?
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Viva Ut Vivas

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July 18, 2018, 05:20:06 PM

Today, I pay my fair share of taxes and everyone leaves me the fuck alone.

This, my friend, is the definition of extortion. Pay or get fucked with.

I am all for funding social buildings, schools, hospitals, fire fighting, all of those things.
I also do not support extortion.
These are two different things. You seem to think that one must exist in order for the other to happen.
Why do you think you believe this? Possibly those schools funded by extortion taught that this is normal?
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July 18, 2018, 05:24:52 PM

Saw on /r/bitcoin.

Food for thought.

Notice that final capitulation before it started in earnest.
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Addicted to HoDLing!

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July 18, 2018, 05:29:31 PM

Guys 'n' gals...

Looks like we're going Carolina soon.

About time!

via Imgflip Meme Generator
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July 18, 2018, 05:39:29 PM
Merited by JayJuanGee (1)

Just take the taxes side of things. You can't own the house because of the property taxes. You can't go anywhere without paying the taxes on the gas. You can't leave the country if you owe the IRS.
So it's fine if you're a statist cuck with no ambition. But it's no place for a sovereign individual.


Uh, hit someones nerve there. Create new account to write wall of words.

Long live the sovereign individual.

I can make any graph fit without a time-frame.
infofront (OP)
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Shitcoin Minimalist

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July 18, 2018, 05:40:25 PM

What's the actual tax rate in the states, anyway? In my country it's about 80%. 50% income tax, 25% sales tax and a whole bunch of taxes that are not openly advertised on anything you buy adding up to another 50%.

How much of your labor needs to be taken away before you no longer consider yourself "free"?

Federal tax rate depends on income and whether you're married/single. A married couple making a combined $150,000/year, for example, has a tax rate of 22%.

State income tax rates vary greatly. States like Texas, Florida, and several other have no income tax. California, the most "progressive" state in the country, has a top tax rate of 13.3%. Most large cities also have a small income tax.

Then, there are property taxes. These vary widely and are based on the value of your home. Mine are something like $2,400/year.

State sales tax is typically around 6-7%. There is no federal sales tax.

There are other taxes, which are hidden from most people, such as corporate income taxes, gasoline tax, etc.
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July 18, 2018, 05:45:53 PM

What's the actual tax rate in the states, anyway? In my country it's about 80%. 50% income tax, 25% sales tax and a whole bunch of taxes that are not openly advertised on anything you buy adding up to another 50%.

How much of your labor needs to be taken away before you no longer consider yourself "free"?

Then, there are property taxes. These vary widely and are based on the value of your home. Mine are something like $2,400/year.

State sales tax is typically around 6-7%. There is no federal sales tax.

There are other taxes, which are hidden from most people, such as corporate income taxes, gasoline tax, etc.

Man, I wish my RE taxes were this low.
In TX they are INSANELY high.
$10K on a moderately valued home. It's a high replacement of state tax.
I am not retired, but a typical retiree cannot pay this.
infofront (OP)
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Shitcoin Minimalist

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July 18, 2018, 05:53:32 PM

What's the actual tax rate in the states, anyway? In my country it's about 80%. 50% income tax, 25% sales tax and a whole bunch of taxes that are not openly advertised on anything you buy adding up to another 50%.

How much of your labor needs to be taken away before you no longer consider yourself "free"?

Then, there are property taxes. These vary widely and are based on the value of your home. Mine are something like $2,400/year.

State sales tax is typically around 6-7%. There is no federal sales tax.

There are other taxes, which are hidden from most people, such as corporate income taxes, gasoline tax, etc.

Man, I wish my RE taxes were this low.
In TX they are INSANELY high.
$10K on a moderately valued home. It's a high replacement of state tax.
I am not retired, but a typical retiree cannot pay this.

Ouch. The governments will take their pound of flesh one way or another I guess.
Last of the V8s
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Be a bank

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July 18, 2018, 06:07:11 PM
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