Rosewater Foundation
July 27, 2018, 02:26:42 AM |
Lets talk Bitcoin
My bitcoins are worth significantly less than they were yesterday. Yours? Nope. They're still my babies. However, I think you'll agree, in terms of purchasing power... Nevermind 
July 27, 2018, 02:27:35 AM |
Lets talk Bitcoin
My bitcoins are worth significantly less than they were yesterday. Yours? Nope. They're still my babies. However, I think you'll agree, in terms of purchasing power... Nevermind  You are right Rosewater.
Rosewater Foundation
July 27, 2018, 02:28:05 AM Last edit: July 27, 2018, 02:40:51 AM by Rosewater Foundation |

Activity: 368
Merit: 31
July 27, 2018, 02:38:58 AM |
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
July 27, 2018, 02:42:41 AM |
You are right Rosewater.
All we have to do is agree with you in order to get free merits?  I mean, yes, of course, that makes perfect sense. What a good idea Rosewater.
July 27, 2018, 02:48:53 AM |
Lets talk Bitcoin
My bitcoins are worth significantly less than they were yesterday. Yours? Nope. They're still my babies. 
Activity: 3612
Merit: 3748
born once atheist
July 27, 2018, 03:10:43 AM |
INDEED.. !!! Thank God we have Trump.. Thank God.. Can't even think what this country would have been with that Lunatic in power and all those blood suckers below working for that monster... !!!
You lost me there after thanking the invisible sky fairy....
infofront (OP)
Activity: 2660
Merit: 2920
Shitcoin Minimalist
July 27, 2018, 03:30:57 AM |
I just think it’s kinda cute how most of the Republican administration seems to be in bed with Russia. Quite literally.
It’s also fun to point out how many right wingers are traitors, prepared to sell democracy down the river for a few bucks.
I just hope all of us deplorable traitors can steer America away from socialism, lest we become a failed state like Britain.
July 27, 2018, 03:33:45 AM |
Activity: 3635
Merit: 4846
July 27, 2018, 03:52:06 AM |
There will be a new bull run with ore without the ETF's.
Activity: 4088
Merit: 5698
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
July 27, 2018, 04:12:18 AM |
The fact that the supposed solution is broken does not make the sales pitch.
I hear ya.  Zuck might have called SEC to do it today just to lift his spirits  Sidenote: twins cannot get a f-g brake. W0w, only 3%? I'd call that Bullish.  Hah, gawd I love that movie.  Well, it appears the dumping has cooled off a little, for now. A 5% drop doesn't appear too bad considering that some trader's ETF dreams are looking less probable than ever. Hopefully the CBOE has indeed put together a better argument than the twins. I noticed that today's ruling is 3 to 1. So at least there is one dissenter among the group.'s pick. IV. Conclusion
By precluding approval of cryptocurrency-based ETPs for the foreseeable future, the Commission is engaging in merit regulation. Bitcoin is a new phenomenon, and its long-term viability is uncertain. It may succeed; it may fail. The Commission, however, is not well positioned to assess the likelihood of either outcome, for bitcoin or any other asset. Many investors have expressed an interest in gaining exposure to bitcoin, and a subset of these investors would prefer to gain exposure without owning bitcoin directly. An ETP based on bitcoin would offer investors indirect exposure to bitcoin through a product that trades on a regulated securities market and in a manner that eliminates some of the frictions and worries of buying and holding bitcoin directly. If we were to approve the ETP at issue here, investors could choose whether to buy it or avoid it. The Commission’s action today deprives investors of this choice. I reject the role of gatekeeper of innovation—a role very different from (and, indeed, inconsistent with) our mission of protecting investors, fostering capital formation, and facilitating fair, orderly, and efficient markets. Accordingly, I dissent.
Hester M. Peirce, Commissioner I think we can agree on the bolded.
Activity: 3920
Merit: 5565
Note the unconventional cAPITALIZATION!
July 27, 2018, 04:18:29 AM |
Lets talk Bitcoin
My bitcoins are worth significantly less than they were yesterday. Yours? Strange. I have slightly more... So mine have grown. How can this be?
Jr. Member
Activity: 34
Merit: 8
July 27, 2018, 04:26:20 AM |
I just think it’s kinda cute how most of the Republican administration seems to be in bed with Russia. Quite literally.
It’s also fun to point out how many right wingers are traitors, prepared to sell democracy down the river for a few bucks.
I just hope all of us deplorable traitors can steer America away from socialism, lest we become a failed state like Britain. Yep. All them social democracy countries just keep on failing.
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
July 27, 2018, 04:31:38 AM |
I just think it’s kinda cute how most of the Republican administration seems to be in bed with Russia. Quite literally.
It’s also fun to point out how many right wingers are traitors, prepared to sell democracy down the river for a few bucks.
I just hope all of us deplorable traitors can steer America away from socialism, lest we become a failed state like Britain. Make Britain Great Again
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11698
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
July 27, 2018, 05:07:29 AM |
Maybe you just look down on those who attempt to engage in self-improvement BTC trading practices?
I think that's an astute observation. I don't have the gumption to trade. Full-stop. And this is why I suck at this. This remains exact within expectations of what could happen. Remember 3 weeks ago, we were down at $5,777-ish? O.k.? On the overall scheme of things, we would have been buying BTC all the way down to $5,777 - or whatever closest proximate buy order was filled.. perhaps $6k might have been the closest, depending on how far apart your buy orders are placed. Then when the BTC price went up, largely, from that point until nearly $8,500, then you would have been selling all the way up. Let's say for example, you did not hit the bottom, and you were only able to buy around $6,000, then you might have been selling from $6,500 up or maybe your orders are spread wider (because you don't like to be so active in your trades) and your sell orders would have begun to execute around $7k all the way up to $8,500.. Again, on the way up, let's say that your sell orders are spread kind of wide, and the closest one to hit was around $8k, and therefore, you might not be ready to buy back until $7k or something like that? Anyhow, if your orders are closer together, then more of them will trigger, but a $2,700 price swing (nearly a 50% swing in price) should have caused some orders to trigger - unless you are playing really large swings (and some folks do play the really large swings). Currently, I have larger gaps between my buy and sell orders, but once the orders start to trigger, then subsequent orders are relatively close together. Ok Jay. I'm going to start improving my Bitcorn position. No guts no glory. Wish me luck. hahahahaha.. . You know that I don't buy the "luck" thingie-ma-jiggie, but I do think that you should be able to set up something that prepares you for both price directions, while providing more insurance for downwards price movements, gives psychological comfort and also profits, somewhat from the likely ongoing BTC price volatility. Edit: Let me know if you want your own action figure.
I would not oppose such a thing. no homo. 
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11698
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
July 27, 2018, 05:17:40 AM |
Bbut... but Anon, it's like when you want a car engine to 'scale' to higher horsepower and speed, the most straightforward way is to simply add more cylinders! V32 engines for everyone so we can get places faster, amiright? /s
Stupid analogy is stupid. If you want a transportation analogy, a closer analog would be passenger demand for a certain train route exceeding capacity solved by adding more passenger cars to the train. Still a stupid analogy, but an order of magnitude closer to the situation at hand. Dude you are eating my merits! Put those pic'a'nic baskets down! For the record, I maintain that segwit was a mistake. And that bcash is shit. And no, these are not contradictory, Torque. Feel less and think more. O.k. great, so you cannot find another coin? Instead you want to come here and bash on segwit which was accepted through consensus and NOT likely to be diminished anytime soon, except you nutjobs just want some pie in the sky speculative things to complain about? Get the fuck out of here with your wordy words wordy man. same to you, but more of it.  
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11698
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
July 27, 2018, 05:29:08 AM |
Lets talk Bitcoin
My bitcoins are worth significantly less than they were yesterday. Yours? Strange. I have slightly more... So mine have grown. How can this be? The dollar value of my holdings has gone down; however, the total quantity of bitcoin has gone up, a little bit.
July 27, 2018, 05:37:26 AM |
You can convert pdfs to word documents, just google it it's very easy. Use to do it quite often in college when I was plagiarizing things. On topic, I personally think ETF's are coming just not on 10th of August. We will probably see a small drop when they delay it on the 10th. Most likely a bear trap, after that I think we will moon. All the news coming out and the price going up doesn't look like a coincidence to me. But then again what do I know I am a random stranger on the interwebz dyor.
Noted, No ETF, small rise until the 10th AUG, price drop, then back on the ETF news for new ATH, cheers What kind of drop: $100s, $1,000(s)? A technical indicator I would Imagine. Have to wait and see. Other question is how high will it go first, be nice to know that one. Winkelvoss ETF got declined, but that was never really what caused the speculation for a bull run. So this news coming out and resulting in a dip can be seen as a final buying opportunity. It is the VanEcks and SolidX ETF that really matters. I think a lot of people have heard about the speculation of a "BTC ETF" coming but they are being confused by the Winkelvoss twins ETF and end up selling today. VanEck and Solid X have tried before but failed, but now they collaborating together to get it approved. Perhaps this time it will succeed. CBOE seems to have joined them: pure speculation #dyor
Activity: 2310
Merit: 1422
July 27, 2018, 06:28:28 AM |
Whatever man...  I want one! Please 