Activity: 2604
Merit: 1748
July 31, 2018, 08:45:22 PM |
do you like ASCII art?
You just want to post more ASCII porn! Shocking. Er... do go on, maybe just a bit. All tasteful, like?
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
July 31, 2018, 08:46:37 PM |
Activity: 2856
Merit: 1520
Bitcoin Legal Tender Countries: 2 of 206
July 31, 2018, 08:56:52 PM |
do you like ASCII art?
You just want to post more ASCII porn! Shocking. Er... do go on, maybe just a bit. All tasteful, like? here we go! . ... .''.' . '. . '' ".'.:I:.'.. '. .'.:.:..,,:II:'.'.'.. '. .':.'.:.:I:.:II:'.'.'.'.. '. .'.'.'.'::.:.:.:I:'.'.'.'. . ' ..'.'.'.:.:I::.:II:.'..'.'.. . ..'.'':.:.::.:.::II::.'.'.'.'.. . ..'.'.'.:.::. .:::II:..'.'.'.'.'. . .':.''.':'.'.'.:.:I:'.'.'.'.'.. '.. .. ':. '.':'. ..:.::.::.:.'..' ':.'.'.. .. .:.:.':'. '.:':I:.:.. .'.'. ': .'.. . .. '..:.:'. .:.II:.:.. . .:.'. '.. '. . .. .. :.:.'. .:.:I:.:. . . ..:..:. :..':. . '. .:. :.:. .:.:I:.:. . . ..:I::. :: :: .. .. .. :'.'.:. .:.:I:'. ..:.:I:. :: ::. . '. '..:. .:.. .:II:' ,,;IIIH. ::. ':. . .:.::'.:::..:.AII;, .::",, :I .::. ':. . :..:'.:II:.:I: ,,;' ' .;:FBT"X:: ..:.. ':. . . .. :':III:. :.:A"PBF;. . .P,IP;;":: :I:..'::. . .. . .:.:II: A.'.';,PP:" . . ..'..' .: :.::. ':... . .. . .: .:IIIH:. 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AMMMMMMMMMM:IIIIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHV:::::: VHHHHMMIIIIMA:I::::.::..AMMMMMMMMMMM:IIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHV:::::::: HHHHMIIIIMMMA:II:I::AIIIMMMMMMMMMM:IIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHV::::::::: VHHHHIIIMMMMMMA:I:AIIIIIIMMMMMM:IIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHV::::::::"' HHHHHIIMMMMMMIMAAIIIIIIIIMMM:IIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHV:::::""' VHHHIIIIMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIII:IIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHV::""' VHHIIIMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHV VHHIMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHHV VHHHMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHHHV VHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHHHHHV
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1061
July 31, 2018, 09:02:06 PM |
Im a bit uncertain about tomorrow, the 1st August. For quite some time, I was believing it would spike up like it had in 2017, but 2017 was a bullish year. What do you think? Buy now or wait more?
Happy b-day b-cash. You will be one year old, and some folks might find it good to cash out of you in order to experience long term, rather than short term capital gains, perhaps? If I was a big risk taker I'd go all in bcash right now, then dump when Jbear shows up.  DO NOT be a risk taker  its how Roger works when the ship is sinking, one last pump then dump So many times before Roger has done this, you all see it. interesting markets with bitcoin, its like bears have figured out the bulls, or is it the other way around

Activity: 231
Merit: 43
July 31, 2018, 09:02:29 PM |
The long arm of the lady.
Activity: 4004
Merit: 11755
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
July 31, 2018, 09:17:47 PM |
Perhaps $6,666 to $8,888?
Get the fuck out of here with you Numerology, JJG.  You are rubbing off on me. Damn it!!!!! 
Activity: 3612
Merit: 3748
born once atheist
July 31, 2018, 09:26:17 PM |
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
yeah that video of him bragging about grabbing them by the pussy was pretty degrading.... ...oh wait a minute, I'm all confused. That was a different POTUS ...my bad....
Activity: 4004
Merit: 11755
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
July 31, 2018, 09:27:32 PM |
Haha, digged old stuff out - still good and correct.
Small blocks was dictated by the 'best' software devs and a fiat based blockstream, blocking on chain stream.
Bitcoin business devs moved on, since on-chain scaling is provenly possible in the global money world.
Sure, not with Raspis, censure and social engineering, but with decent tech and investment like minres already achieved over last years.
Do you have a BIP? Or are you merely suggesting that folks here migrate over to bcash, since bcash is surely superior to bitcoin with its segwit and lightning network and other second layer scaling, right? KISS is king. Complexity will die or never take off. I agree completely. I mean look at computers, the internet, and automobiles. They're so complex that they'll never take off. That's why we're still using the abacus, 2 tin cans on a string, and horses with carriages. KISS is king. We talk about unneeded over-engineering - that's all. If a road is getting too small and you have space left at its sides, you simply create more lanes - not complex bridges or tunnels and crosses ! (and charge for ppl need to use the safer road) - esp if all the shops and merchants are already built next to that road.  You are just making up shit. Surely sounds like a great analogy, but please snap back into reality for a while, no?  Thx for both. We know exactly what and when ppl start dumb fights.  Can I rephrase your statement? You believe that bcash is NOT a dumb fight. Right? I be like this: 

Activity: 231
Merit: 43
July 31, 2018, 09:32:40 PM |
https://www.cryptouniverse.at/canaan-announces-avalonminer-a9-the-most-efficient-7nm-bitcoin-miner-in-2018/Canaan releases even more products! A Bitcoin mining Television. Yes you heard right! Canaan Creative also announced some lifestyle products like a TV with 16nm mining chips inside. The TV features a 43″ 4K panel (We don’t know if LCD or OLED yet) and includes 26 A3210 16nm mining chips which can put out a hashrate of 2,8TH/s. Now for sure this is not a competitive industrial product, but a nice lifestyle product that can do the trick for marketing purposes.
Activity: 2604
Merit: 3056
Welt Am Draht
July 31, 2018, 09:33:16 PM |
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
yeah that video of him bragging about grabbing them by the pussy was pretty degrading.... ...oh wait a minute, I'm all confused. That was a different POTUS ...my bad.... Don't forget Hilary runs a pizza restaurant with a cannon in the basement that fires schoolchildren up her chuff or something. Then it slowly digests them like a venus fly trap over a period of weeks. Disgusting.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1061
July 31, 2018, 09:33:52 PM Last edit: July 31, 2018, 10:17:31 PM by mymenace |
Bill Clinton is a rapist. yeah that video of him bragging about grabbing them by the pussy was pretty degrading.... ...oh wait a minute, I'm all confused. That was a different POTUS ...my bad.... NSFWI wonder who taught men to grab girls by the pussy...is it still OK?   Amazing who believes the lies, especially the ones that tell you they are so smart Miley Cyrus B#$ws Bill Clinton? 
I heard through the bitvine (made that up) that Donald Trump is endorsing a new MLM where the downline is paid with...wait for it...bitcoins. Notice that Double Trouble and Donald Trump have the same initials.
Here's my "for real" take on this. I think we should concentrate our creativeness on other worthwhile endeavors that don't include sex, gambling (risk taking), drugs, etc.--just plain ole commerce. After the proverbial ball gets rollin', the before mentions are welcome to join the crowd along with religious and political concerns.
I'm not tryin' to police anything, it's just that I have a lot at stake. The 1.16 BTC I have in my hand tooled leather wallet is drivin' me crazy because I'm not sure how much of it to spend and how much of it to save as an investment. The Clinton Initiative Is Trump going to support Bitcoin?Would be nice to know. Hopefully on topic @infofront

Activity: 368
Merit: 31
July 31, 2018, 10:00:11 PM |
What's wrong with grabbing pussies, if they let you do it bunch of virgins..  BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST
July 31, 2018, 10:04:55 PM |
The year is 2039. Alt season is just 1 month away.
July 31, 2018, 10:08:06 PM |
The US has entered the Twilight Zone. Everyone, both parties and all beliefs.
Activity: 2856
Merit: 1520
Bitcoin Legal Tender Countries: 2 of 206
July 31, 2018, 10:15:24 PM |
What's wrong with grabbing pussies, if they let you do it
.,-:-,,. .AMMMHMMHHMII, .AMMHHMMMHHMMHMMMHHA. .AMHHMMMMHIMMMMMMHMHHHHHL .AHHIHHMMHIMMMMMMMHMHHHMHLH: ,LHHIIHHHHIHMHMMMMMHMHHHLHHAIA ;IHHIHHMMH:IHMHMMMMMMHMHIHLIHHIA .:IHHII:':'..:.:IHMHMMHHHHIHHLIHH. ,I:AVI::.'. .'.'.::IAHMHMHHIALVAIHA ,A:AVI::.'. . . '.:IAVMMHAVLVAIVHHA .II:AHI:.'. . . ':IAVHMHMAHVHIHHH; ,A:H:HI::. . . .'.:IAIHHAMAIAHIHHLA .AIH:AHI:'. .'.:IIAHHMMAHHIHHIH, .AHI:AHI:.:.. .'.VIIHMHMMAIHIHIIA ;HHI:AHI:',,' . .,:AHVVL:IIHIHMMHHHIHIM; ;AII:HIPPT:TPHA. . .::''. . .VIHHMHMAHIHI:HM ;IAIV:HI::.,,,,:'. . .,:III::.:VIHHHMMHHHHIIHB AIHI:HII:I:VCLTV;:. ..VK CVTPA::IHMHHMHHIHIHV .LHH::HIHI:IA.TL/::. ..'VPTTI:'':IIHHHIHMIIHH' ;IHHIHIHHI:. ' '..:. .. .'. ' .':HIHMHHMMHIH IHMHIHIHHI:. . .:' . .. . .:IHHMMMMMHIV IHHMIHIHHI:. ..:'. .. ':. . ..:HIHMMMMMHV' HHMHIHIHHI::. ..::L..:-;. ':.. . .:IHMMHMMHIP HHMHIIHIHHI:.:. .. :''. .':.. ..:IHMMMHMHV HIHMMHHHIHI::. ..,.,, ,,,,,.,:.. .:IHMMHMMM' IIHHIMHMHIHI::. 'LP:'''''''P/. . .:IHMMMHMV :IIHHMMHMHHII:.. 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Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
July 31, 2018, 10:34:10 PM |
wonder what he's going to talk about - he's specialisation topic is adultery if you pay 1 million dollar for a Bill Clinton speech he will talk about anything you want. One isn't really paying for a speech in these situations. What is being purchased is 1 million dollars worth of Clinton brand political influence. What confuses me is, doesn't the ripple foundation realize that the Clintons don't really have any political influence left to sell?
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
July 31, 2018, 10:57:52 PM |
Bitcoin dominance YTD 48.1%. 
Activity: 3822
Merit: 5504
July 31, 2018, 11:25:43 PM |
wonder what he's going to talk about - he's specialisation topic is adultery if you pay 1 million dollar for a Bill Clinton speech he will talk about anything you want. One isn't really paying for a speech in these situations. What is being purchased is 1 million dollars worth of Clinton brand political influence. What confuses me is, doesn't the ripple foundation realize that the Clintons don't really have any political influence left to sell? And then there's this irony... 
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
July 31, 2018, 11:25:56 PM |
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1061
July 31, 2018, 11:47:41 PM |
Bill Clinton is a rapist. yeah that video of him bragging about grabbing them by the pussy was pretty degrading.... ...oh wait a minute, I'm all confused. That was a different POTUS ...my bad.... NSFWI wonder who taught men to grab girls by the pussy...is it still OK?   Amazing who believes the lies, especially the ones that tell you they are so smart Miley Cyrus B#$ws Bill Clinton? 
I heard through the bitvine (made that up) that Donald Trump is endorsing a new MLM where the downline is paid with...wait for it...bitcoins. Notice that Double Trouble and Donald Trump have the same initials. Here's my "for real" take on this. I think we should concentrate our creativeness on other worthwhile endeavors that don't include sex, gambling (risk taking), drugs, etc.--just plain ole commerce. After the proverbial ball gets rollin', the before mentions are welcome to join the crowd along with religious and political concerns. I'm not tryin' to police anything, it's just that I have a lot at stake. The 1.16 BTC I have in my hand tooled leather wallet is drivin' me crazy because I'm not sure how much of it to spend and how much of it to save as an investment. The Clinton Initiative Is Trump going to support Bitcoin?Would be nice to know. Hopefully on topic @infofront Has all Clinton's connections already be found, as well as connections to bitcoin, is this the reason for market movements?