I will never forget. I was at a very remote area on the Yucatan peninsula for
Hurricane Mitch. We had a couple days to see it coming. No need to get into the story too far, but we were trapped. The roads to where we were had been blocked by striking construction workers. We were being used as a bargaining chip. And it looked like there was no way out. Seeing the storm coming on satellite television as well as watching the strange way the gulf and the sky were acting was... well... beautiful. And one of the most sobering 48 hours of my life.
You could really see that the storm was coming. The tide went out strangely right before it came in at twilight. I was standing on a balcony on the second floor of the place I was staying. And I saw the wave. Way out in the distance I saw it rolling in. I called to my wife. "Hey... you gotta see this. Umm... I do not think it is going to stop!"
It didn't. That surge blew RIGHT THROUGH the entire complex where we were, breaking all the plate glass doors on the first floor, and putting the whole development in about 5 feet of water. The ocean had just stretched up a couple hundred yards past where was normal and everything around us, including ourselves were now IN IT.
Pretty unforgettable. Watching all the things line up over those 48 hours, and the seeing the storm hit.
You can see where I am going, right? I am so acutely reminded of that time now. All the things are lining up.
-Over the last year big money has been buying up miner and whale back stock on the OTC markets
-Outflows at exchanges have been at record levels.
-A publicly traded company puts all of it's reserves in BTC. MSTR nearly doubles in price after that move.
-For the last three years the big players have been piling in. Fidelity, Baakt, and now Citigroup etc.
-Billionaires, Millionaires, family offices and hedge funds have been quietly taking positions
-The world is under political stress at levels we have not seen since WWII
-Faith in the USD and the stability of the country behind it is at an all time low
-We endure a once in a century pandemic (sort of?)
-Governments start printing fiat money at an unprecedented rate as we drift DEEPLY into uncharted territory. There is no end in sight.
-Negative interest rates are being normalized.
-There is a new socialist push being put forward by the powers that be "The Great Reset" "Build Back Better"
-The IMF is calling for a second "Bretton Woods moment and intends to create a one world money that will include negative interest rates on the rich and airdrops for the poor.
-At least one Central bank has stepped into the light regarding it's intentions to utilize Bitcoin
-Second layer solutions (Lightining, Liquid, Baakt, CashApp PayPal(?) etc) are all now well underway a will be there when the fee pressure starts to build
-The forks, and 99% of alts have now clearly failed.
-Celebrities are now starting to talk about Bitcoin.
What is going to happen when most of the float is dried up at the EXACT MOMENT that the herd starts to charge in? Well early adopters, and other Whales have their prices. It's talked about here a lot. 16,250? 100,000? 250k?
Thing is, these are going to be the only coins available. The ones people do not currently want to sell. It is going to get harder and harder to find Bitcoin to buy! It's a virtuous (or vicious depending on where you stand) cycle on a scale that is very rare, and arguably never seen before. The SS BITCOIN has pulled up it's anchor and is pushing out to uncharted waters. The institutional players coming in right now? I believe *most* of them are not in this for a 5-20% scalp. They realize this is a land grab. This is the distribution phase. They will pay almost whatever the early whales will sell for to claim their stake. That is beginning RIGHT NOW.
A hurricane is caused by a confluence of meteorological conditions that allow it to form and spin up. They are rare, thank God.
It's weirdly quiet out there right now. Google searches for Bitcoin are way down just the last few days. Even manic crypto/bitcoin twitter is yawning at least considering what is currently happening. It is reminding me of the 24 hours before Mitch's surge hit.
I am a dramatic soul... maybe I am too excited. But "A perfect storm"? I think history is being made... right now... big important history. A moment in time during which the world changed drastically. And it's just getting going. Right now we are drinking beer on the beach looking at all the strange cloud formations way off in the distance.
My wife and I were saved in the end, obviously. We are able to get to higher ground, and eventually the blockades were removed and a bus came to take us to Merida to ride out the storm.
This is, Gentlemen. We are on high ground. We have box seats in fact. We have waited a long time to watch this unfold. Maybe we still have to wait a little more?
I do not see any way for this storm not to hit. And in all it's never seen before glory it will sweep everything out of it's way as it reshapes the financial landscape for history.