June 2019 EverGreenCoin News Report:
- CoinToPay has disabled payment gateway services for EverGreenCoin because lack of liquidity since the Bittrex delisting. CoinToPay is supportive and will re-enable services when there is sufficient volume to provide them the needed liquidity.
- Facebook has blocked the PoE introduction page (
https://evergreencoin.org/proof-of-environment) for some unknown reason. This is the only URL that is blocked and we do feel the blocking is erroneous, as there is no known violation of FB's community standards. We are trying to get Facebook to remove the block. Community members are encouraged to share the PoE submittal form (
https://evergreencoin.org/poe-submit/) which is not blocked, as its first instruction is to read the introduction and links to it.
- Grants are being explored, both large and small. We feel confident we can get grant money for tree planting efforts. We will also apply for grants for other projects and goals. Please note: Grant money will never be used to buy EGC or support any secondary market.
- PoE is growing with more and more new people participating.
- Altilly, Emnanet, and Nova have recently added EGC.
- PoE scoring is now more public and all month long in our Discord, rather than only voting during the weekly meetings and only at the end of the month. You can score submissions with numeric reactions (0 through 9) in the #poe-scoring channel. This is done for more public and transparent third tier reward scoring and will make voting more accessible.
Amendment by Steven (occurred after recording) : The Android dev that had been working on the Android Lite wallet has came back into communication and will be resuming work in the coming weeks.
Thank you for the continued support and thank you to EcoWealth for presenting.