So already only for this reason I absolutely disagree with foundation buying MSC. Why doesnt the foundation own some MSC anyway from the start?
(couldnt have the rule been in august, for each BTC you send to exodus, you receive 99MSC; and 1 MSC goes to foundation?)
Then foundation would currently own 5000BTC and 5000MSC, instead of now having to buy MSC for some kind of reason. every 10 Mastercoins sold, an additional “dev Mastercoin” was also created, which are being awarded to the Exodus Address slowly over the years following the fundraiser. ... The reward is be structured so that we receive 50% of the reward by one year after the initial sale, 75% by a year later, 87.5% by a year later, and so on:
So... They already own 10% of mastercoins... Not bad...
I think we'll eventually see a disaster of epic proportions... Imagine somebody steals J.R. Willett private key and a private key of exodus address, he will be able to get almost a half of all mastercoins in existence... Which will let him to obtain bitcoins and smart property via distributed exchange before mastercoins become absolutely worthless.