@TheQuin, maybe you can drop an answer in this thread?:
I've found that replying to accusations made without evidence just brings more attention to them.
How the hell am i supposed to provide evidence? Providing the changed server seed hash? You could say i generated it.
There is no way to provide evidence since you can just say i'm faking them (or just tell me how).
But i can point out that:
var posting=$.post('/',post_variables);
posting.done(function(data){var result=data.split(":");
Interesting that in the javascript code the previous server seed hash is provided by the server and not just copied by the last "next_server_seed_hash".
I guess it would be risky if someone accidentally clicked on the verify link with a wrong server hash
You know, something like this would be a lot more fair:
The only way to provide evidence is that a decent number of people start recording their server seed hash before and after and i'm encouraging everyone to do that.
Did wetsuit did all the code? TheQuinn did you even check the code that is running on the server?