Staking engine will not split blocks with amount smaller than this threshold so there is no need to combine blocks manually with coin control anymore.
Can be set to 1010 max. Will add it to gui soon.
Any hypothesis as to why the chain broke?
Just a nasty bug that never got fixed.
Reason :TEK did not have a dev to do the job.
not entirely true, the need for a checkpoint was known and installed long ago, we were waiting to turn it on for everyone to be upgraded and during that time communication was lost. I had sent msg to have the last checkpoint server turned on and the orphans coincidentally stopped at that time and never thought about it again or checked to even see if it was on until i started getting msgs about orphans again.
i also find your tone insulting to anyone who has deved for this coin for free in any way, your input is non constructive. thanks have a great day.
Thunder it was never my intend to insult you or this project in any way.
I remember from our irc chat that it was clear that you have been keeping this project alive mostly on your own.
Besides from countless hours of hard-work also pouring in a lot of your own cash.
Not to mention that I have some TEK myself and the simple notion that English is not my native English.
So when it comes to my tone, most non-English ppl already are happy if they manage to speak and write some English and have often not really an idea if they used or expressed themselves poorly.
I am no exception. and have my spellings checker active all time whenever I write English.
In line with this try yourself to speak Dutch or any non English language of your choice and you would probably also make mistakes like that.
Anyway to avoid any further "insults" from what might be read from any future posts I will step back as such and will not post any more.
I wish you and every one else who kept this project alive good luck and BIG thanks for doing so.
Best regards