New Ping-Pong algo Creator Panel
BTC Ping Pong Algo Creator BTCThis is where you create/update the Ping-Pong Algo.
1 - CHOOSE ALGO TYPESTATIC MODEChoose a fixed price for Buy/Sell and C.A.T. will always Buy/Sell at these prices, without any adjustment.
Min % Guaranteed Gain. Is the minimal % of GAIN you want guaranteed from C.A.T. after a Buy-Sell/Sell-Buy operation. If this percentage is not guaranteed, C.A.T. will wait.
This Is The Only Mandatory Parameter-
Skip Orders With Total < Than. With this Option Active C.A.T. during his Algorithm will not consider orders with total amount lower than the parameter value.
Don't create ping with total < Than. After a successfull Ping-Pong the total amount of this order will be put in the "Cauldron" and from the "Cauldron" will be created new sell/buy orders. With this option activated you will limit the creation on "little orders". If total in Cauldron will be < than this parameter, C.A.T. will wait for more money in cauldron.
Never Sell Under/Never Buy Over with this option activated you will limit the creaton of orders with price too low or too high.
Sell All If Price Goes Under (Works only for Sell Orders) with this option activated C.A.T. will sell your order if the market price is too low. The sell price will be current the best buy price.
Sell All If % With Ref Price Is : (Works only for Sell+Pong Orders) Each PONG orders have a reference Price : the sell/buy price of the Original Pong Orders. C.A.T. during the algo calculate the % difference between the reference price and the current best Buy/Sell Orders. With this option activated you decide to sell a Pong Order if the % calculated is too negative. A Suggestion is to use value lower than -5%
Stop Ping Creation If Sell Value Is > : You can decide to Stop The ping Order Creation if the Current Best Sell Value if too high, C.A.T. will restart Ping Order Creation if the Best Sell Values return lower than your parameter
Stop Ping Creation If Buy Value Is < : You can decide to Stop The ping Order Creation if the Current Best Buy Value if too logw, C.A.T. will restart Ping Order Creation when the Best Buy Value return higher than your parameter
Never Buy/Sell Directly with this option you will never buy/sell directly and you orders will have 0.00000001 difference from the best Buy/Sell orders.
Never Recalculate User Ping Orders : With this option Checked, C.A.T. will not retry to calculate orders inserted from the GUI by the user. Price of these orders will remain static.
Run Algorithm For XX Minutes and then return all to primary/secondary currency : With this option Checked C.A.T. will normally run for the numbers of minutes set by user. After that amount of minutes C.A.T. will stop create Buy/Sell Ping Orders and will stop create PONG Orders of Buy/Sell Tipe (depending by your return currency choose)
All pending trades, buy pool and internal structure will remain frozen until user de-check this option.3 - CALCULATORPress the
CHECK Button in the CALCULATOR if you want to :
- Your Primary/Secondary Currency Balances
- Know the % Difference between the Lowest Sell Price & The Higher Buy Price
- A Suggestion about the price to start a Sell/Buy Orders (accordingly to the algo parameter you have set)
4 - GENERATE PING-PONGGENERATE PING-PONG Algo With the first orders.
- Choose Type+Price+Quantity and press ADD PING ORDER (repeat for each order you want to create)
- Press the ADD NEW PING ORDERS button and C.A.T will start to Work.