thanks for the list ofeefee, unfortunately still no luck though.
Some of you guys are on a different chain and then try using the nodes on the list. That doesn't work. You have to redownlad blockchain with these nodes.
I had issues last night were clients on wrong chain were talking to my peer.
If your in doubt don't do anything.
Can we get an update from the Dev, or do we have a Dev team that can assist?
Check, check, and run getinfo in your client. If they differ your on a different chain and your coins won't transfer.
Backup wallet, delete all but wallet.dar, add fluttercoin.conf, start client.
I checked bittrex, its 5 blocks off the explorer, but says "delayed" this point wait for a fix. I don't stak again until 7/2 so will hope for a fix by then
I checked my wallet, its still in sync with the explorer, I will dump my peers if anyone wants, but looks like we are past for a fork fix.