Honestly I'm surprised that Poloniex has not been having MORE problems over the last couple months of this AltCoinCrazyTime situation
Considering how much they're probably getting slammed on so many levels they're actually doing remarkably well.
Surprised that at least one other decent "Polo Alternative" site has not popped up yet either... I know there's other exchanges but really nothing with quite the same depth and traffic etc that Polo gets.
Seems like they should've gotten at least one other decent competitor by now, don't ya think? Or maybe the whole "Alt Coins Are Serious Business" thing has not really sunk in yet, with too many of the BTC Maximalists out there...?
I am with you on the 'doing remarkably well' front - until this last spike in altcoins taking up the market cap of alts by a huge multi-billion $ amount at the same time as Bitcoin has powered up, they were doing way less.
To expand to the point where a large slice of the all the BTC traded daily is via Polo, to trade in and out of alts, must be difficult to keep up with. Along with every malevolent fucker out there messing with them (to either manipulate the market or attempt to hack them) can't help.
Sure - I will curse them if they mess up, but really - I wouldn't want their 24/7/365 relentless problems to deal with, and Busoni has really cracked it way beyond what he could have imagined.
Competitors have just not been as savvy; Bittrex was there way before and Polo has overtaken it by miles. Compete with them? Pretty hard to even think of trying, how would anyone get even close (unless Polo doesn't deal with their issues).
My bet is they'll deal with it - they can afford to, it's just implementing it and phasing it in while every day must bring new chaos. It's not like they can shut down for a week and and upgrade their servers easily.
It's 24/7 trading in the biggest growing market out there. And (despite recent capacity and DDOS issues) they haven't really fucked up and not dealt with it honourably and fast.
Where would Monero have been without Polo's early adoption, after all.
I am not saying any exchange is safe to trust your money with, but Polo looks like one of the good guys and is facilitating a growth we have never seen before in Crypto.
I think we might want to give them the benefit of the doubt.