September 20, 2014, 12:13:18 AM |
I take it from your comments you're anti-gay? What if it were a guy? What, are you a time traveller from 1940? And what if I liked guys? There's something wrong with that, is there? The Litecoindark community is anti-homosexual? Homophobic? Notice your price keeps dropping lower and lower. Gypos said 10 sat was their target. Let's see how it works out for you. Especially with this coin standing for the anti-gay conservative Christian right as it does ... Might you call it Rush Limbaugh coin? You fellows are light fingered with the trademarks as it is anyway. Might also go about fixing your price rather than wondering where I stick what's in my pants. Oh, you outed me! I'm a big tranny with a personality disorder! And a Twitter account! Damned gays! Bother off with that and believe what you like. All the while your price just goes down and down. Might spend some energy fixing your problems instead of wondering what's in my pants. Amazing how you follow your dev like little mice and can't stand a question or two. Young I guess and a bit naive. Me and Loni's good cop/bad cop is nothing compared to the real sharks swimming in crypto behind the scenes. And why the obsession with you lot for tiny little 5 sat Pandacoin? There's a threat to the financial system and the world as we know it. Fun playing about with you lot though, passes the time. Shouldn't give it too much attention, Flapman1 is; - fudding here because he's invested/involved in pandacoin. - related to or friends with Manelecrypto (the twitterer). They share the same coin interests, country and maybe more. This can be concluded from a brief look at his post history  Good job Sherlock Bloody Bones! Let's go: 1. Guilty as charged. I am a full Pandacoin supporter. Is that a bloody sin to you wanks? So much competition between the two isn't there? I have some Dogecoin, some Halycon and sin of sins a bit of Britcoin also. There you go, nail me to the cross! 2. I'm great fast friends with Manelecrypto. No we're not boning each other (to my regret ... sorry Loni couldn't help myself, LOL) Friends or not we have different interests. She hates scam devs and scam coins like this one and this one. She's got the inside to lots of legal issues because frankly lots of big lawyers in LA want to do her and they tell her things such as Litecoin's planned assreaming of you lot. I could care less, I want money. She's also in with the gypsies. She isn't one, as white as you or me but they run entertainment back in her country and get into crypto (yes, the "gypos" have internet to respond to one idiot.) Being blond and all the gypsies love her and want to fuck your coin because of your insults. Doing it too, nice and slow before driving it home. Does that hurt me? Yes, I'll loose a bunch. I'm guessing this will crash down to 10 or, the dev will wander off to a new scam and when another community takes over there I'll be with a huge stash new year. Long term thinking is the thing, you see. Loni and I always have a laugh playing off at scam coins like this. LTCD seemed like a good one, thought revealing the LiteCoin problem would prompt a fix, not a general retreat into your collective arseholes. Such is life. Also Mr. Holmes Loni and I aren't from the same country although the way things are going there won't be an obvious difference in a few years between the two. With the new law all of her Gypsies are here anyway. Doesn't have to be that if Captain Picaird over here comes off his high horse .. Manelecrypto is a man and/or is you. Stop faking like it's a woman. He's/you're not part of anything . Your trolling is terrible. You just like spreading bullshit. You don't like other coins getting attention over your Panda bullshit. Guess what, no one cares. Have a good day. yeah that pic in your fake twitter photoshop garbage is a dude. if you cant see that maybe its because you dont want to admit you like dudes

Activity: 70
Merit: 10
September 20, 2014, 01:50:47 AM |
are you kidding me people, is the Coin named "one coin, first coin, the only coin"?? the first logo have no connection with the coin!

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
Litecoindark Reddit Moderator
September 20, 2014, 02:01:48 AM |
Wow I go out for a few hours and kids are back talking crap about gypos .What ever they are lol tank your coin na na na if they took that much time to find a job they would be contributing to society ten fold.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
September 20, 2014, 02:11:15 AM |
are you kidding me people, is the Coin named "one coin, first coin, the only coin"?? the first logo have no connection with the coin!
The denomination is 1 Litecoindark. Notice litecoindark written all around it.

Activity: 70
Merit: 10
September 20, 2014, 02:33:50 AM |
are you kidding me people, is the Coin named "one coin, first coin, the only coin"?? the first logo have no connection with the coin!
The denomination is 1 Litecoindark. Notice litecoindark written all around it. when the logo get resized to smaller size you will see only "1"!!
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
September 20, 2014, 02:47:42 AM |
It get fuckin cheaper and cheaper. How it's fucking possible if this community is so great. Peopme only dump, what a believers. I believe in bitcoin and nothing more. Bitcoin is the future better mine bitcoi instead of losing money for rigs what didn't even helped at all. Pfffff
So in the beginning, Btc didnt go up and down like this? Its under 400 bucks now. I've invested a lot in the last couple days. All the altcoins I invested in saved me from losing money. Had I just held it in btc, I would have lost money. Nobody can predict the future. I think you rent all the time and wait 2 months to make some money. I only buy miners for bitcoin. Sha256 is the best
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
September 20, 2014, 02:49:11 AM |
And bitcoin started as first and there will be no better one. Let's face that. Ltcd is very nice. But it wil be max 1 dollar in the future

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
Litecoindark Reddit Moderator
September 20, 2014, 02:51:24 AM |
iam thinking ltcd is starting to recover looking at the buys to sells hang on we could be in for a wild ride 
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
September 20, 2014, 02:54:06 AM |
are you kidding me people, is the Coin named "one coin, first coin, the only coin"?? the first logo have no connection with the coin!
The denomination is 1 Litecoindark. Notice litecoindark written all around it. when the logo get resized to smaller size you will see only "1"!! If the community wants that coin and wants the middle changed to LTCD, that can be easily changed. Its up to them.
September 20, 2014, 04:49:09 AM |
Some of the FUD got so bad that I ended up putting some on ignore. Got so tired of that fud. I believe in this coin and am holding my coins. If anything, all the FUD has done is make me hold my coins even more than before it started. Looking forward to what the DEVS bring out next for the coin.

Activity: 210
Merit: 10
September 20, 2014, 04:52:14 AM |
Some of the FUD got so bad that I ended up putting some on ignore. Got so tired of that fud. I believe in this coin and am holding my coins. If anything, all the FUD has done is make me hold my coins even more than before it started. Looking forward to what the DEVS bring out next for the coin.
Agreed. The page took a turn for the weird when there was talk of gypsy gangsters taking offence on twitter and making a revenge pact to destroy the coin.. I mean, wut.. Rule #1 of FUD. If there seems to be a lot of FUD. People are trying to make money off you.
September 20, 2014, 05:17:51 AM |
bitcoin now fhuters haha but price perfect lol no darksent no sms payment pff bad coin lol but good price LOL and slow payments hahah its verry verry over priced 1dollar for this coin thanks grrets iggy  think u used wrong translator engine.. LOL
September 20, 2014, 05:22:14 AM |
All logos are newbie logos. I don't like them. Litecoindark Dev should purchase a logo from a top logo designer at dribbble or behance.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
Litecoindark Reddit Moderator
September 20, 2014, 05:32:16 AM |
Ask yourself this how can the buy volume be so high and the price is dropping very very slowly .Someone people are loading up big time and people are giving away their coins lol. A big turn around is coming . Just watch the buys to sells and ask yourself should price be going up with demand hmm. 
September 20, 2014, 05:40:08 AM |
Some of the FUD got so bad that I ended up putting some on ignore. Got so tired of that fud. I believe in this coin and am holding my coins. If anything, all the FUD has done is make me hold my coins even more than before it started. Looking forward to what the DEVS bring out next for the coin.
Agreed. The page took a turn for the weird when there was talk of gypsy gangsters taking offence on twitter and making a revenge pact to destroy the coin.. I mean, wut.. Rule #1 of FUD. If there seems to be a lot of FUD. People are trying to make money off you. "gypsy gangsters taking offence on twitter and making a revenge pact to destroy the coin" Anonymous romanian gypsy gangters, using a social media broadcasting platform on the world wide web, are trying to manipulate the exchange rate of a virtual cryptographic currency in a virtual market, because they were offended by other anonymous users' comments about the avatar image they chose for their crypto currency propaganda channel on that social network. We are living in a Neal Stephenson novel.
September 20, 2014, 05:42:58 AM |
Some of the FUD got so bad that I ended up putting some on ignore. Got so tired of that fud. I believe in this coin and am holding my coins. If anything, all the FUD has done is make me hold my coins even more than before it started. Looking forward to what the DEVS bring out next for the coin.
Agreed. The page took a turn for the weird when there was talk of gypsy gangsters taking offence on twitter and making a revenge pact to destroy the coin.. I mean, wut.. Rule #1 of FUD. If there seems to be a lot of FUD. People are trying to make money off you. "gypsy gangsters taking offence on twitter and making a revenge pact to destroy the coin" Anonymous romanian gypsy gangters, using a social media broadcasting platform on the world wide web, are trying to manipulate the exchange rate of a virtual cryptographic currency in a virtual market, because they were offended by other anonymous users' comments about the avatar image they chose for their crypto currency propaganda channel on that social network. We are living in a Neal Stephenson novel. Whoever came up with that bs should be working for the US government!! LOL

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
Litecoindark Reddit Moderator
September 20, 2014, 05:45:42 AM |
Some of the FUD got so bad that I ended up putting some on ignore. Got so tired of that fud. I believe in this coin and am holding my coins. If anything, all the FUD has done is make me hold my coins even more than before it started. Looking forward to what the DEVS bring out next for the coin.
Agreed. The page took a turn for the weird when there was talk of gypsy gangsters taking offence on twitter and making a revenge pact to destroy the coin.. I mean, wut.. Rule #1 of FUD. If there seems to be a lot of FUD. People are trying to make money off you. "gypsy gangsters taking offence on twitter and making a revenge pact to destroy the coin" Anonymous romanian gypsy gangters, using a social media broadcasting platform on the world wide web, are trying to manipulate the exchange rate of a virtual cryptographic currency in a virtual market, because they were offended by other anonymous users' comments about the avatar image they chose for their crypto currency propaganda channel on that social network. We are living in a Neal Stephenson novel. lmao +1 careful they might sell the millions and millions of coins they have and crash the price . Oh and the avatar they choose has a 120 something followers Wow that's a lot of people out of 6 billion world wide.
September 20, 2014, 06:11:03 AM |
Some of the FUD got so bad that I ended up putting some on ignore. Got so tired of that fud. I believe in this coin and am holding my coins. If anything, all the FUD has done is make me hold my coins even more than before it started. Looking forward to what the DEVS bring out next for the coin.
Agreed. The page took a turn for the weird when there was talk of gypsy gangsters taking offence on twitter and making a revenge pact to destroy the coin.. I mean, wut.. Rule #1 of FUD. If there seems to be a lot of FUD. People are trying to make money off you. "gypsy gangsters taking offence on twitter and making a revenge pact to destroy the coin" Anonymous romanian gypsy gangters, using a social media broadcasting platform on the world wide web, are trying to manipulate the exchange rate of a virtual cryptographic currency in a virtual market, because they were offended by other anonymous users' comments about the avatar image they chose for their crypto currency propaganda channel on that social network. We are living in a Neal Stephenson novel. lmao +1 careful they might sell the millions and millions of coins they have and crash the price . Oh and the avatar they choose has a 120 something followers Wow that's a lot of people out of 6 billion world wide. As a semi-casual observer in the crypto world I have noticed a palpable upswing in the number of prominently-featured women being used to put a pretty face (or so they think) on various groups trying to promote this or that. There might be a few genuinely interested crypto-fan females among them, but I suspect the vast majority are just someone's sister or girlfriend or roomate's girlfriend or favorite stripper or what have you, pressed into service as a decoration to grab a few extra eyeballs. The telltale sign is that these women are never fat, or older than their 30's, or overtly unattractive - and this just doesn't represent a typical slice of the female population, let alone the kind of geeky population that is into crypto. As things get more desperate with the dwindling pool of people to sell to and the balooning pool of coins and services to choose from, I expect to see a lot more of these booth babe-ism tactics.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1041
September 20, 2014, 06:18:26 AM |
September 20, 2014, 06:28:08 AM |
amen to that. no worries here. and its just oppinions!! read the tweets.. not just the last 3 or 4 or 5.. you will see how many times they correct themselves.. oh i was wrong.thought it was a scam. i thought it was legit.guess not and so on.. and always referring to a few coins to fall back to. (crush maybe?)
and if they get it correct..wich is a 50-50 chance. they will say SEE I TOLD YOU SO!!