What I can say about the 2nd generation features is simple.
The LTCD 2.0 branch is based on a
complete redesign of blockchain-based currency. It has been forked directly from a project which I have been working on independently since before LitecoinDark was ever even an idea. Everything about the wallet, protocol -- even the blockchain itself has been redesigned to meet a new development paradigm.
I will not give specifics about the 2.0 branch or any of the 2nd generation features until I have finished the 2.0 whitepaper (something I had never intended to release as anything more than a case study or proof of concept until after I joined this team), however, by definition, since it shares almost (possibly even zero) code with bitcoin/litecoin/etc and was written from the ground-up addressing some of the issues with 1st gen blockchain currencies, it is no doubt 2nd generation.
In all honesty, LTCD 2.0 shares zero code with LTCD 1.x. Everything has been re-imagined. Mining, staking -- RPC/IPC connectivity, external dependencies, build systems, update procedures --
So I'm sure you can understand why we have not and
will not release any specifics until the whitepaper is ready to be published.
What I can give you, however, is this:
Nothing special. Except that it's "transcribing" into a "ledger" via IPC/BC-API (through a dynamically-linked library connecting to a ledger daemon implementation.)
This particular scribe implementation is written in C#. This particular ledger daemon, C++.
But don't expect 2.0 in the near future. As I said before, I'm slowing down my pace because I have other priorities that need attention as well. (Family/Work/Life, etc.)
Edit: I also said previously not to even bother giving place to claims that I make regarding progress. If you want to know what's going on, watch the code over the coming
months. LTCD isn't even 2 months old yet. Please, be patient.