So as far as them putting my name to this. If you read the OP on BCT, they put me as lead dev before I had a chance to announce the news to BC. I was upset since the gossip spread so fast I didnt even have time to talk on my own behalf and so I had them change the post to say i was ONLY a project manager.
It was never my intention to be a lead dev of a coin that I myself didnt write from scratch. If you followed BC, you would know that and you would know that this action went way beyond what anyone expected from me.
After they had my name on it, and people kept asking questions on BCT and they only wanna talk to me, i felt like i didnt really have a choice.
So the only choice i had was to pass up the offer in the first place(and i didnt have a time machine). And I would had to consider that they would put my name all over it and that i would be forced to take on a larger role for them. At the time, I really had not considered it. To me, I was just cloning Halo for them and doing markets which i had planned all year anyways. At the time of negotiation my rationale was to "get paid doing what i was planning on doing anyways".
So, i accepted and now there has been some drama which i never ducked.
Instead of worrying about the past my only intention is to focus on the future. SO I'm just going to continue coding and try my best. Which is all anyone should expect. Im not going to spend my time worrying if they bought on the back end. If there is selling below ico, you may be right although i have no idea how you would expect me to provide evidence of that no matter how rational your argument. So now im going to simply have to walk forward and put one foot in front of the other.
Err.. have to admit it doesn't sound too promising. I divested a couple of days back as it was too much of risk for me. Hope it becomes a success as crypto could really do good with such projects.Best of luck guys.
You forgot to read everything that David said. Obviously, Bitbay is for consumers and DD will have to be set up the way consumers want it. David has right to speak his mind and sometimes it can be different from what's good for Bay as a project. No big deal. David is a great dev as always and he has right to speak his mind. Bay is still as powerful as it ever was.
Personally, I think it doesn't make sense to put an ICO that'll release 33% of total ICO money everytime you get to a milestone. If Bitbay wanted to make money they would make it differently so they can get all the fund out in one shot without achieving milestone (easiest and most profitable way to run away with money) BUT they didn't. That means money from ICO isn't their motivation at all. Competing with Alibab is their goal.
You know the thing is, I believe in DD escrow. That was the reason I made it. I'm not the only one. Lots of people believe in it and there has been some contracts in Halo (we keep track of it). So although you are correct... ideally a society based on trust is a better one, we currently do not have a society based on trust. Simply turn on the news for a few minutes and listen to how corrupt and backwards society is.
I agree with you. There is definitely challenges in getting DD escrow to be used main stream. However, the same can be said for crypto.
Ive always been a fan of the old world and eye for an eye system. Regardless of its practicality because consumers want to feel comfortable
Instead of worrying about the past my only intention is to focus on the future. SO I'm just going to continue coding and try my best. Which is all anyone should expect. Im not going to spend my time worrying if they bought on the back end. If there is selling below ico, you may be right although i have no idea how you would expect me to provide evidence of that no matter how rational your argument. So now im going to simply have to walk forward and put one foot in front of the other.[/dzimbeck]
David role is a lead dev. People expecting him to answer questions regarding "alibaba" or "Ico money" is just plain retarded. How the hell would he know?
Main issue is that people think that Bay is just a smalltime crypto like any other altcoin and two or three people are working on it. That's far from the truth. I think there are people working in this project who have no clue about crypto or btctalk forum for that matter and lot of users on btctalk don't keep that in mind that world doesn't revolve around "btctalk" forum.

My advice to David would be. Don't feed the troll. Focus on your coding and forget about everything else that's going on in BTCtalk forum. This place is full of drama and that's not just the case for "bitbay" it happens to every single crypto that comes out. Most of the trolls aren't looking for "answer". They're just looking to start drama and by feeding them you're falling into their trap.
People who are holding bags of any other altcoin are just pissed off and some of them spend all day calling out every single altcoin that looks promising. Instead of blaming themselves for their loss they blame whole crypto community like a coward who don't have balls to blame himself for his loss. It's pathetic.