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2141  Economy / Reputation / Re: What's wrong with Vod, and Hhampuz on: May 14, 2019, 10:10:42 PM
Lots of excuses and brown nosing.
sucking OG's reproductive organs and licking OG's thingy behind

Now go and read my post again.
2142  Economy / Reputation / Re: What's wrong with Vod, and Hhampuz on: May 14, 2019, 09:44:48 PM
In my personal opinion, potentially losing the forum treasury holdings due to a momentary lapse of judgement by a single individual would be more significantly damaging to the forum, Bitcoin, our community [...]
May I step in for a second, lets not pick sides.

OGnasty announced on internet that he is forum treasurer, for example in this forum and that information is verifiable HERE.

It was in 2015. but you will probably find newer posts where he is braging around with his finances, anyway, from thread where he announced that he holds money for bitcointalk he also brags about something else:

I've shipped literally thousands of silver coins over the last 4 years

Then someone who brags about finances publishes video of his house with solar panels placed in environment together with houses surrounding it, and for example this post:

For those who need information, all these "double meanings/talking in riddles/talking like politician/taking gifts and donations/barking around" means shit.

As outsider, I see two possibilities. In case this is OG's house in video he is the one who will potentially cause damage to himself, in case this isn't his house - he is the one who will potentially cause damage to some random person (I hope I said this correctly).

Vod doxed OG, that is a fact, but also OG doxxed himself.

OG lost his privacy the moment he published that video, and he published that video on forum, place where people are looking for information, scammers and criminals as well., place available to 6 billion people. This forum isn't isolated society.

Don't blame only one side.

Hypothetically speaking, if I was after anyone's funds I certainly wouldn't wait them to fight with someone and someone to release someone's dox. You will see that only in very bad movies. I see so many users smarter than me and with much much bigger technical knowledge, still, living in a fairy tail, blind to see, or just playing games like politicians.

Regarding negative feedbacks, whoever didn't send -ve to Vod when he released dox, didn't send -ve when thread was edited, didn't send -ve when thread was thrashed and did tag Vod after someone "gave them green light" or someone told them to do it, they have no place in DT.
2143  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: May 14, 2019, 02:13:38 PM
U početku smo se ''zajedno namučili'' smišljajući kako ispuniti poreznu prijavu da prođe u sustavu i ne bude odbijena, a nakon toga, ja samo svaki put ispunim poreznu prijavu po ''istoj špranci'', kako smo prethodno dogovorili, samo promjenim brojke i to je to.
Ne moram ni donositi nikakve potvrde i papire.
Oprosti, koja to porezna prijava prolazi bez ikakvih potvrda i papira?

Zašto si ignorirao pitanja što sam napisao gore, spomenuo si pravdanje i "sretno s poreznom" kod konkretnog primjera sa PRIMLJENOM donacijom a s druge strane ne vidim kako bi pravdao bitcoin koji ti je stigao od ili trenutno koje si dobio također na jako sličan način.

Konkretnije pitanje, evo, imaš ovu adresu u profilu, kako prijavljuješ porez kod ovog:

Recimo, "tipkao sam na forumu i stake mi je dao nešto sitno"? , premda si rekao da:

kao ''dokaz'' poreznoj da se radi o poklonjenom bitcoinu pokazat ćeš im post na javnom forumu koji nije potpisan tvojim pravim imenom i prezimenom (a nije vidljivo ni pravo ime i prezime osobe koja ti šalje bitcoin)? I očekuješ da će to tvom poreznom referentu biti dovoljno?
OK, sretno s tim

Hoću reći, još konkretnije:

Bonus Rewards!

    Make at least 20 posts in the section gambling and get a free .001 BTC added to your total pay!
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    Get a free .0001 BTC weekly by setting your personal text to: Free Crypto in Telegram
    Bonus rewards are not required and are here for those who want to take advantage of them

Kako pravdaš "get a free" i "bonus rewards" od kad tvrdiš "sretno s tim na poreznoj"? Tvoj primitak od signature kampanja je jednako dokaziv kao i donacija koju sam naveo. Ispričao sam jedan vic - netko mi poklonio btc, u tvom slučaju, ispričao si "20 viceva" i netko ti isto tako dao btc. Zapravo, ispričao si "20 viceva" u bitcoin discussion i dobio na poklon "free" 0.001btc. Od nepoznate osobe nepoznatoj osobi.

Recimo da ti ja sad pošaljem btc u vrijednosti recimo 200$ na tu adresu jer mi se svidio tvoj "vic" koji si negdje ispričao, i, koja je javna, taj btc bi bio donirani, međutim, porezna ne dozvoljava anonimne donacije (hvala @Domchi):

6. Koja dokumentacija je potrebna kako bi dokazali da su kriptovalute poklonjene?
Ugovor o darovanju, potvrda o uplati ili bilo koji drugi ekvivalentni dokument iz kojeg se nedvojbeno mogu utvrditi barem slijedeći podaci: osobni podaci darovatelja i daroprimatelja, datum darovanja, datum stjecanja od strane darovatelja te vrijednost financijske imovine na dan stjecanja od strane darovatelja, vrijednost (broj jedinica i tržišna vrijednost) koja se daruje, potpis i dr.

I kad te porezna pita, gospodine, odakle vam ti bitcoini, što bi im ti odgovorio?

"Dao mi marlboroza jer mu je valjda moj vic bio smiješan"?

Što bi se točno dogodilo u ovom slučaju?

Eto, recimo da ja imam upravo takav slučaj - dao mi mladen.

Nemoj misliti da te zaj.ili nešto, pokušavam shvatiti što točno u ovom slučaju i kako pravdati poreznoj odakle mi taj bitcoin?

Isto tako airdropovi, bounty itd. Sve su to nekakve nagrade i pokloni od nepoznatih ljudi nepoznatim ljudima. Po svemu sudeći, mi se zapravo ni ne bi smjeli prijavljivati na te airdropove.

U biti, ako sam dobro razumio divne zakone, još bi svi koji smo dobili poklon od mladena mogli imati problem zbog ove donacije. Ima tu pomalo previše rupa u ovim mišljenjima, rekao bih...

Mislim da bi ovdje trebalo biti malo više od mišljenja nečijeg "fleksibilnog" poreznog referenta i da nečija prijava poreza ne smije ovisiti o tome koliko će "fleksibilni" referent "tražiti" ili neće, i da se takva "mišljenja" uopće ni ne bi trebala pisati po forumu.
2144  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: May 13, 2019, 09:19:57 PM
Dakle, ako sam te dobro razumio, kao ''dokaz'' poreznoj da se radi o poklonjenom bitcoinu pokazat ćeš im post na javnom forumu koji nije potpisan tvojim pravim imenom i prezimenom (a nije vidljivo ni pravo ime i prezime osobe koja ti šalje bitcoin)? I očekuješ da će to tvom poreznom referentu biti dovoljno?
OK, sretno s tim Smiley
Hoćeš reći da onda ovo što te Stake plaća i ostale signature kampanje ne može biti dokaz jer ćeš pokazati osobnom referentu postove na javnom forumu koji nisu potpisani tvojim pravim imenom i prezimenom i u biti ni ne znaš ni tko ti šalje bitcoin?

Kako si pravdao porez što si dobio od ostalih signature kampanja, recimo Jesi li poreznom referentu pokazao postove na javnom forumu koji nisu potpisani tvojim pravim imenom i prezimenom i rekao mu da te plaća kasino koji, ako se ne varam, nema licencu? Ili si rekao - ma internet zarada, a referent rekao ma OK  Huh

Kako je regulus pravdao što je zamjenio tezos što je dobio od mladena, najavio da će otići u mjenjačnicu, otišao u mjenjačnicu i održao kripto druženje ako mu post nije potpisan imenom i prezimenom također ni davatelj?

Ako ga nije zamjenio, kako će ga pravdat kad ga zamjeni?

Jesi potpisao nekakav ugovor ili je "prijavljujem se za signature campanju" bilo dovoljno za pravdanje, ili si prijavio internet zaradu, što je referentu bilo sasvim dosta, neovisno odakle ta zarada dolazi?

Dakle, ako već sve znaš, zašto postavljaš pitanja ovdje u topicu a onda ''komentiraš'' onoga tko ti je želio pomoći i odgovorio ti je na pitanja?
To je pretpostavka koja nije točna, pitam, jer me zanimaju infromacije kao i mnoge druge ovdje, učinilo mi se da si upućen.

Ne da m se više ''gubiti'' vrijeme na to, iskreno.
Super. Pričaš o porezima već 2 godine pa bar objasni kako prijaviti porez od signature campanje da neupućeni znaju točno kako ga prijaviti, ako postovi nisu potpisani imenom i prezimenom.
2145  Economy / Gambling / Re: *Win A Lamborghini Huracan With The Ultimate BTC Draw* on: May 13, 2019, 06:30:38 PM
and today have proven it all that they were just a joker. Sorry to those who bought the lottery ticket.
How do you know this? I checked site before 1600 UTC and there was still a message about draw - so basically you couldn't know this at the time you posted this. Spamming signature, aren't you?

Anyway, site is updated with following information: suspected  Roll Eyes
2146  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: May 13, 2019, 05:24:43 PM
Na bitcoine direktno se ne plaća porez već tek kada ih zamijeniš za fiat i povučeš na svoj račun u banci.
Znam ja to. Evo, povučem ovo na račun i koji porez plaćam? Dobio btc, ne plaćam porez, povukao na račun - plaćam koji porez? Kapitalne dobiti nema.

E sad, kako u poreznoj dokazati da je to došlo od ''poklonjenog'' bitcoina a ne trgovanog ili zarađenog, e to je stvarno neka druga i vrlo komplicirana priča Smiley
Kakva kompicirana priča i dokazivanje, pa nećemo sad valjda filozofirati, jednostavno je da jednostavnije ne može biti, da citiram opet:

Hvala svima, nadam se da se nas je dosta nasmijalo.
pa mi nije pošteno da svi ''mlađi'' izvisite zato nagradu od 20 xtz 1 mjesec poslije izlaska valute darujem svima ili vam odmah šaljem 0.01 BTC.
Vi deset ''odabranih'' mi pošaljite pm vašu btc adresu pa vam pošaljem po 0.01 btc, ili čekajte xtz, izbor je vaš.

Točno je bilo ovako kako je napisano, znači:

"Dajem merite za sljedećih 10 postova (viceva) i najbolji vic dobija nešto crypto valuta(kako je napisano u topicu), ali, s obzirom da sam dobar, evo još darujem 10 korisnika"

Tema i post su dokazi, ne vidim što se tu još ima i može dokazivati.

Mislim da ti je najbolje o tome razgovarati sa svojim poreznim referentom, u svojoj lokalnoj ispostavi porezne uprave po mjestu boravka.
Altenativno, kontakiraj službu za korisnike porezne službe.
Hoćeš reći da si poreznu sve ispitao a ovo nisi?  Undecided
2147  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: May 13, 2019, 04:36:25 PM
Ljudi moji ovo je sve meni jako zbunjujuće, pa ja evo pokušavam odgonetnuti kako platiti porez na ovo:

Hvala svima, nadam se da se nas je dosta nasmijalo.
Meni osobno je najbolji vic od marlboroza......e sad on je hero member pa mi nije pošteno da svi ''mlađi''
izvisite zato nagradu od 20 xtz 1 mjesec poslije izlaska valute darujem svima ili vam odmah šaljem 0.01 BTC.
Vi deset ''odabranih'' mi pošaljite pm vašu btc adresu pa vam pošaljem po 0.01 btc, ili čekajte xtz, izbor je vaš.

pozdrav svima

Eto, čovjek bio dobar pa darovao bitcoine, ili donirao, jel može netko od gospode koja se dopisuje sa poreznom upitati mišljenje o ovom specifičnom slučaju, koliko točno se mora platiti porez?  Smiley

Nagrada bili meriti al eto, mladen na te merite donirao nešto btca.
2148  Economy / Reputation / Re: What's wrong with Vod, and Hhampuz on: May 13, 2019, 01:05:55 AM
Look he's doing that cute thing that Lauda does by posting a picture or gif to try to make fun of you. Pretty cute marlie.
Why do you think I am joking? I am very serious, I got myself a brand new pair of horse blinkers.

Why is your "discussion" with Vod in my trust wall?

It's not?
Scare quotes?

It links to this thread because the public doxx post that you decided it was proper to merit was deleted..
I believe you can find that information in my previous post.

Further up in your post I see that you have another doxx problem..
Very interesting response to hhampuz's dox.
it's unfortunate that DT1 hasn't acted on that back then.
I am sorry to break your speculation, but someone did acted back then on this. Strange, nothing happened.

I'd take a look at it but it appears DT1 is okay with doxxing (my negative on Vod has been countered left and right).
It appears that DT1 is not ok with tagging Vod after he removed dox, I am not sure from where all these speculations are coming from. Why are you making things up?

Don't let them catch you selling an account though. Bad bad news!
You are not making much sense.

Try reading the thread for any other answers you need, I've explained my position many times quite clearly.
As I said, I (me) see everything clearly. Someone even quoted part of theymos's post to look like he said only something while he said many things, they forget to quote this part:

But I tend to think that since he edited his post and seems to genuinely regret at least the public doxxing part, it'd be best to forgive.

Here you go:
Red-trusting Vod over this is an appropriate usage of red-trust, since his actions here are highly trust-relevant.
Thank you for the green light theymos.

I see connection here

It'd be best to forgive - green light  Grin
2149  Other / Meta / Re: DT1 member lovesmayfamilis BAN on: May 13, 2019, 12:03:15 AM
He знaю, в этoм ли пpичинa, нo пocлeдниe cooбщeния oт нee были в paздeлe Scam Accusations. Ceйчac эти cooбщeния yдaлeны,  мoдepaтopoм или caмoй lovesmayfamilis.
Could it be you accidentally doxed someone?
If you are referring to ICO's, they are releasing their dox on websites they are running ICO's or information in scam accusation threads are pointing to false info released on their websites (names and pictures of people randomly taken from internet). Probably what moderator said.

Great, this serve as a perfect example to those who think some few members of the forum (especially DT members) are recieving some kind of privileges over others thinking they're untouchable. I'm not saying I'm happy you got banned for some past mistakes you must have made or maybe a misunderstanding but just saying your case as a DT member getting ban just prove the forum isn't biased.
Cmon, they exposed so many scams and are actively cleaning forum from scams. I don't see what is so great in this. Perhaps signature ban in this case would do it...just a thought.
2150  Economy / Reputation / Re: What's wrong with Vod, and Hhampuz on: May 12, 2019, 11:39:53 PM
For the meriters, I can understand the argument for red-trust, but I tend to think that it's at the wrong level. If the meriter was meriting it because they were actively thinking, "I want to make the forum really vicious, where everyone is constantly tearing each other apart for stupid things, and this post moves in that direction," even that's not really a trust-relevant motive, just a very unhelpful motive. And probably the meriters were thinking more innocent things than that.
I merited many posts where someone has used investigatory skills

and I also received merit for

There was a video and there was a house from that video, and I automatically pressed merit button without thinking too much and without thinking some people may see it the way they see it, I didn't use it for whatever some of you people are speculating I did.

I have never said I support this doxing, I have never said I support reporting him to government agency and I have never took anything outside this forum, and on side note IIRC I have never received answer to this doxing:

   Reply with quoteQuote ReplyReply Remove this messageDelete
Is this really necessary?

He even put his dox on trust wall;u=911719

If you want to remove me from merit source I am fine with that.
If someone wants to I am fine with that.
If someone wants to place negative on my wall - I am fine with that
If someone wants to place neutral comment - I am also fine with that

Make sure it is correct one. @teeGUMES:

I spoke with Vod and we have had the edited dox post removed.
Why is your "discussion" with Vod in my trust wall?

I would have preferred to be able to talk to you in a mature conversation and change your mind
Ok, no problem, we shall talk. Just give me a second to prepare myself for conversation...

"Ok, you got my full attention, talk!"
2151  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: May 12, 2019, 07:22:16 PM
Biće to interesantno kad se izregulira to sve.

Zamislite, platite nešto bitcoinom a ono porezna pita odakle vam bitcoin. Pa onda jeste ovo jeste ono, pa kapitalna dobit, jer ako ste kupili po nižoj cijeni bitcoin, čekali da malo naraste pa kupili neki proizvod sa tim bitcoinom pa i na to bi trebalo platiti porez na kapitalnu dobit, ne bi smjelo biti razlike između mjenjanja crypta u novac i plaćanja poreza na kapitalnu dobit i kupovine nečega kad je cijena porasla a vi imali koristi - pa i tu je nekakva zarada.

A ne daj bože neko izrudario ili trejdao

1) porez na rudarenje
2) porez na zaradu od trejdanja
3) porez na kapitalnu dobit ako je ima
4) PDV kad kupite proizvod

Netko kupi mobitel recimo, a ono papira treba više nego da je kupio stan.

Nego, jel izglasan kakav zakon u zadnje vrijeme u vezi crypto valuta ili još uvijek pričamo o mišnjenjima?  Smiley
2152  Economy / Gambling / Re: *Win A Lamborghini Huracan With The Ultimate BTC Draw* on: May 12, 2019, 05:33:38 PM
^^ Yeah, but those are all assumptions. We can say its even calculated prediction but none of it is reality. Do we have enough proof to call this thing a scam? No not right now. Whatever we say about them right now is our assumption.
If you are going to trust some random newbie account with random website who holds lottery that's fine, but I certainly won't, especially when he evaded to address important questions about this lottery. Strangely enough, there are not so many results on search engines.

However the %100 decision will be made tomorrow, if they fail to prove they actually gave away the lambo then we will know for certain they are scams.
Of course, company - unknown, btc addy - unknown, draw method - unknown, entries - unknown. We will know who won this, right?

Has anyone bought ticket?
2153  Economy / Reputation / Re: Am I a friend or foe of Bitcoin? on: May 12, 2019, 01:03:28 AM
I wish you would be more clear about exactly what you are talking about but I can assure you I do not intend to spread lies..
I was clear enough.
2154  Economy / Reputation / Re: Vod is a liar. on: May 11, 2019, 11:38:00 PM
That's what my report was based on.   Was OG lying when he wrote that, and how would he prove I knew he was lying?  How would he show I claimed I was getting a reward?  How would he know what form I was told to use?    Or will he just state we misunderstood his cherry picked words... again?

Obviously, the whole forum can see he has won.... again.

I am not following. You said you completed form 3949-A and you also said that you COULD qualify for reward (you didn't provide any more info about this)

Form 3949-A completed to be mailed.

I did not realize until talking to an agent that I could qualify for up to a 30% reward!   That means I could potentially refund part of the money lost by the initial scam victims.

And OG said this:

Depending on what form you file, yes. Vod claimed he was going to get a reward which means he’d have to file a form and sign under penalty of perjury that the information he’s providing is accurate.

I just checked it and this is not true, you can't get reward by filling form 3949-A, but you could get it if you fill another form, which you never said you filled, right? And I can't find part where you claimed what OG said you did.
2155  Economy / Reputation / Re: Am I a friend or foe of Bitcoin? on: May 11, 2019, 11:09:23 PM
Funnily enough they, vod, sbogovac, marlboroza, are not even from the US and seem delighted in sicking the US IRS on him..
How about you stop spreading lies about me around the forum? Asking questions and quoting someones posts =/= whatever you say it is.

I'm not sure what you mean by that comment.  
Yeah, I'm sorry about that.. It's just strange to me that I'm one of the only ones that sees this and has a problem with it..
Maybe their is something wrong with the way I think because it looks like plenty of people see it, and even encourage him, like......

OG and his Nasty Tax Scam...
Merited by Foxpup (3), Hhampuz (2), marlboroza (1), coinlocket$ (1)
The same as you think post #2 "this is stupid" is interesting and constructive , I think original thread was interesting and constructive. It would be reckless to use merit system as a like system, don't you agree?

As for topic:
The poll question is:  "How is crypto affected by reporting suspected fraud?"
It don't think it does, it shouldn't be different than reporting suspected fraud committed with real money, as for "Am I a friend or foe of Bitcoin?" you are friend. I like to remember when you came to Croatian local to warn people that someone is scammer. Only friend of community will do such thing.
2156  Economy / Reputation / Re: User some138 is a violent homosexual on: May 10, 2019, 11:29:59 PM
I never disappear especially against a bunch of retarded persons here who think they can do anything because we are not on equal positions. Total communism here unfortunately, by the way marlboroza and TMAN should really have micropenis since they like to mention it so much.
You seem obsessed with size of that thingy and...that thingy.
2157  Economy / Reputation / Re: Vod is a liar. on: May 10, 2019, 10:45:57 PM
my "SEC friend"

Are you a government snitch too? Over some small time mining operation?
You missed this part:

I am really sorry, but I couldn't find any legal information about this organization, and my "SEC friend" told me that if something looks fishy to outsiders (not to people who are "in" it) then it probably is, therefore Vod doesn't need to apologize.

" "SEC friend" " probably confused you here.


What steps can I take to avoid Ponzi schemes and other investment frauds?

Whether you are a first-time investor or have been investing for many years, there are some basic questions you should always ask before you commit your hard-earned money to an investment.

The SEC sees too many investors who might have avoided trouble and losses if they had asked questions from the start and verified the answers with information from independent sources.

When you consider your next investment opportunity, start with these five questions:

    Is the seller licensed?
    Is the investment registered?
    How do the risks compare with the potential rewards?
    Do I understand the investment?
    Where can I turn for help?


Here is another thing which my "SEC friend" told me:
  • Ask questions before investing.
If you choose to invest in these products, please ask questions and demand clear answers.

You can find very useful information on that page, Eddie13.

Got it? " "SEC friend" ".

For example, this one was (is?) useful question never answered, or post was removed, or never answered:

Really hope we have a new way to trade shares and receive dividends before the first ASICs arrive.

You will.

Are you located in the US?  I am just wondering about the possibility of the SEC coming to get you for trading an unregistered security?

That would be most sad as this is the one bitcoin investment that has promise.

Still don't understand? Scare quotes. Look:

Nice. I just calculated out the per-share amount in today's payment and it came out 0.00131686 / 0.00140476 = aprox 6.2% "missing bitcoins" sweet Smiley

Transaction: ed5840c188b8aa691fd6288aee480403f2e4138531360619b7ccb0cf34985e36

***disclaimer, that's my own & based on 12 shares:

My payment of 0.01580232 (12 shares worth) divided by 12 came to aprox 0.00131686 per share.

... err, I meant "seat" ... lol whatever. Thanks nonnakip & OgNasty.

" "seat" ". Scare quote eddie13. Got it now? Ok.

Any IDEA why this ex DT2 member is calling this operation best second investment?
Nastymining and Nastyfans rock! My second favorite investment after asicminer [...]
Isn't it donation? He,he.

Any idea why this user got dividend and not donation?
Yay, got my dividends... Behold the wholesome 5 Satoshi...  Grin

Ex DT2 member shilling again:
Those of us who have been around since the beginning know that trustworthiness, long term vision, and doing what is best to truly support bitcoin is what you are looking for in your BTC earning relationships. Live long and prosper Nastyfans!
Who added this shill account to DT2 Huh

You have to read "less edited" thread , I just came to page #100 and it is FUN FUN FUN! But you have to start reading it from the beginning, there are not so many pages but eventually they will grow in number as you read, seems someone archived every single page.

Ok, I have to confess, OG explained it:
I don't want to pretend I'm a lawyer, but from my understanding, all I am doing is mining BTC [...]

Mining, donations, but this person asked something:
How are the dividends going to work for the coins? They're rapidly approaching (if not already) dust status for individual seats. I don't really see how you can do a web interface to control payouts with the coins.

We've discussed a few options.  A threshold is the most obvious and easiest solution.  I prefer to think that the dust issue with Bitcoin is going to be addressed by the developers at some point, especially with the recent rise in value.  BTC has all of those decimal places for a reason, to think that dust will be a problem long term is a mistake in my opinion.  Nevertheless, we will address it.
Dividends? Aren't those....donations? Am I missing something? Ok, well that is very interesting thread to read, can anyone explain me what the fuck is Donation Re-Investment Program ??

Some other things that are being considered...
  • Donation Re-Investment Program

Distribution of donations to people who are having fun, you have to be kidding me:
The 0.08252801 BTC distributed with last distribution. I guess I pull it from the next distribution. I handle this as accidental donation and refund it with next distribution.

Reading further, oh no, it is ex DT shill again:
It's great to see nastyfans make decisions for the long term health of nastymining over immediate short term gains.

Well, enough reading of that long thread for me today, tomorrow, kids, we shall maybe talk about "200BTC loan and how it was maybe repaid  Smiley" and, and, about....this guy is fucking genius:

I am providing escrow services for a 1% gift (0.003 BTC minimum)
I will escrow altcoins for double the gift amount
3. I am not a bank.  Escrows are for a period of 30 days and an additional 1% gift will be required for each

Donations with voting power and percentages of distribution, gifts with percentages and minimum amounts etc etc...

So who is lying eddie13, Vod or OGNasty (just to point this you seems missed it)?

Given all facts observed since this thread started and the fact that some questions remained not answered, my conclusion for this thread is that Vod is not a liar, like stated in topic of this thread.
2158  Economy / Reputation / Re: (SteveStake) is encouraging spam. on: May 09, 2019, 10:59:58 PM
Seems Coin-desk/alcoholboy released new version of spambot, it is currently under heavy development and will be released soon. Some inside info from spambot team :

What we can buy with Bitcoin depends on our country's cryptocurrency rules. America, Canada, the Philippines, Brazil People can buy many things with Bitcoin in many other countries. Bitcoin can pay the ticket, the goods, the bills What we can buy with Bitcoin depends on our country. If our country accepts Bitcoin legally and in many cases the government accepts Bitcoin, then we can buy Bitcoin products that we need.

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I think is a good gambling site. There are many interesting features here that are a great way to entertain and earn money. I think will become a popular gambling site in the future, and its users will grow more. I have not heard any negative comments about so far. And I think is probably a safe and reliable gambling site. seemed to me a better betting site. Here are many benefits that will help give the best experience of the players. Also the interesting aspect of this site is that there is no need for registration now. Users can take part without registering here. And the features of, which I think are interesting, are a great way to entertain and earn money.
2159  Economy / Reputation / Re: User some138 is a violent homosexual on: May 09, 2019, 09:44:33 PM
OP report spam to moderator, no one cares about user's sexual orientation.

I just came here because of the title, violent and homosexual do not belong to the same sentence or the same person, gays are weak like pussies and anyone can beat the hell out of them. I would do this for free that is how much I hate homosexuals.
You know what they say about people who extremely hate homosexuals  Smiley

Oh, you will all love what I have found:

If You compare 2 images, You will notice that "current status" has changed from "online" to "offline"  Smiley

Hi guys

First of all I am a girl who like sports betting.

And now Mr/Miss Bitcoin Supremo will mysteriously disappear from this thread Smiley
2160  Economy / Reputation / Re: Vod is a liar who abuses the trust network to cover his lies. on: May 08, 2019, 10:14:29 PM
Did that just pop up when he last edited the thread a couple days ago?   Undecided
No. I'll check it and update this post.

July 18, 2017
No warning or disclaimer.

November 27, 2017

March 15, 2018
Message was redacted to this:

August 16, 2018
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