July 10, 2016, 05:35:11 PM |
Just a heads up i'm not going to post any further info on this. I want to keep XBC price down for us until releases begin. Price is going to go nuts at that point. "Hey remember when XBC was $1 haha"...
You can stop hyping your stacked XBC now.
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
July 10, 2016, 09:47:24 PM |
Will xbc get past the bagholder sell wall on poloniex?
Activity: 61
Merit: 0
July 11, 2016, 12:51:27 PM |
Will xbc get past the bagholder sell wall on poloniex?
Big wall removed, now we got some mini walls.
Activity: 1169
Merit: 1000
July 11, 2016, 01:57:40 PM |
what is the link with xbc?
Activity: 61
Merit: 0
July 11, 2016, 03:11:40 PM |
what is the link with xbc? I didn´t get it too 
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
July 11, 2016, 08:26:47 PM |
Anyone think we should raise a small amount for say christmas and get the poloniex team a crate of beer or whatever?
Activity: 61
Merit: 0
July 13, 2016, 02:25:32 PM |
and there goes down XBC again, I really like this coin 
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
July 13, 2016, 04:04:50 PM |
Was $.08 in January 2016, now $.60 July 2016. What if $6.00 early next year, then $60, then $600, then $6000? I think XBC is doing fine. Am trying to figure out a way to brand XBC as the elite Bitcoin. That is the niche that XBC can and will fill if marketed correctly and that is being worked on as we speak. That is exactly what XBC elite version of Bitcoin. Much more rare, more exotic, a billion people know about Bitcoin, 1000-10,000 people know about XBC? Maybe even less than that. That's why press releases are needed...we will gain some real traction and never look back.
Thats the spirit rushmybitcoin.Positive thinking leads to positive actions and positive results in the end.Onward we march etc etc 
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
July 13, 2016, 05:16:01 PM |
Was $.08 in January 2016, now $.60 July 2016. What if $6.00 early next year, then $60, then $600, then $6000? I think XBC is doing fine. Am trying to figure out a way to brand XBC as the elite Bitcoin. That is the niche that XBC can and will fill if marketed correctly and that is being worked on as we speak. That is exactly what XBC elite version of Bitcoin. Much more rare, more exotic, a billion people know about Bitcoin, 1000-10,000 people know about XBC? Maybe even less than that. That's why press releases are needed...we will gain some real traction and never look back.
I hope it stays down for a while myself.I only have about 120 now and am trying to accumulate back to 1000.Everyone should aim to have 1000 xbc.That was the magic number for bagholders back in the good old days.
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
July 13, 2016, 05:57:34 PM |
team members read your pm's please
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
July 13, 2016, 06:11:47 PM Last edit: July 18, 2016, 06:36:42 PM by BitcoinPlusBus |
BitcoinPlus Signature: [color=#F1F2F4].[/color] [url=][font=arial][color=#0079C1][/color][color=#F1F2F4][font=courier]■■[/font][/color] [color=#FCB53A][/color][/font][/url] [url=][color=#0079C1][u][b][i]Bitcoin proof of stake[color=#FCB53A][b]X[/b][/color]BC[/i][/b][/u][/color][/url] [color=#F1F2F4].[/color] [url=][font=arial][color=#0079C1] [font=courier]■■[/font][/color] [color=#FCB53A]XBC[/color][/font][/url] [url=][color=#787878][color=#0079C1]●[/color] [b][i]xbc[/i][/b] [color=#0079C1]●[/color] [b][i]xbc[/i][/b] [color=#0079C1]●[/color] [b][i]xbc[/i][/b] [color=#0079C1]●[/color] [b][i]xbc[/i][/b] [color=#0079C1]●[/color] [b][i]xbc[/i][/b][/color][/url] [color=#F1F2F4]..[/color] [color=#D0E1ED]●[/color][color=#C0D9E9]●[/color][color=#B0D1E6]●[/color][color=#A0C9E2]●[/color][color=#90C1DF]●[/color][color=#80B9DC]●[/color][color=#70B1D8]●[/color][color=#60A9D5]●[/color][color=#50A1D1]●[/color][color=#4099CE]●[/color][color=#3091CB]●[/color][color=#1081C4]●[/color][color=#CC0000]●[/color][color=#FF9900]●[/color] [url=][b][i][color=#CC0000]Transfer bitcoinplus Anywhere in the World with your[/color] [color=#0079C1]Bitcoin[/color][color=#FCB53A]Plus[/color] [color=black]wallet[/color][/i][/b] [color=#CC0000]●[/color][color=#FF9900]●[/color][/url]
July 14, 2016, 08:55:49 AM |
XBC needs to shake things up and have some new development to work on.There are many areas where bitcoin is lacking and you need to address this critical situation.Bitcoin is become too centralised and open too many doors to tyranny in worst case scenario instead of decentralised dream turning into centralised monster controlled by chinese mining cartel..You need to work on some type decentralised masternodes or something within your abilities at least until proper funding or expertise can do this..
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
July 16, 2016, 08:30:34 PM |
XBC needs to shake things up and have some new development to work on.There are many areas where bitcoin is lacking and you need to address this critical situation.Bitcoin is become too centralised and open too many doors to tyranny in worst case scenario instead of decentralised dream turning into centralised monster controlled by chinese mining cartel..You need to work on some type decentralised masternodes or something within your abilities at least until proper funding or expertise can do this..
And there I was thinking we had done a lot of shaking things up over the last few months.
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
July 16, 2016, 08:34:44 PM |
Remember to only use the link from the OP or the official website when downloading your XBC wallet.
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
July 17, 2016, 06:15:01 PM |
I had a question about messaging function in wallet.The instructions are on the OP but remember you will need to follow the instructions in order to create a public key for the address you want to use before sending any messages.
Create a new address first and go into the console and enter or copypaste this command smsgscanchain and wait until your wallet responds with the words "Scan Chain Completed" and then enter or copypaste the words smsggetpubkey followed by your address(leave a space between smsggetpubkey and your address)example: smsggetpubkey BS8jWiRYcEHneuLoD1mRdQH2JK3SQBzGFW
If done correctly your wallet will then tell you that your public key is now active and you can begin using the messaging function.You will only be able to message other wallets that are on the blockchain with active public keys or if they are not active on theblockchain you will need the person you are communicating with to set up their public key also.
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
July 18, 2016, 06:35:56 PM |
If anyone has any updates or news regarding XBC or crypto in general they can also start a thread on the official forum
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
July 18, 2016, 06:38:12 PM |
Remember if you want to support xbc on the forum here you can add this signature and it will appear under all past/present and future posts.= good exposure for xbc and free! BitcoinPlus Signature: [color=#F1F2F4].[/color] [url=][font=arial][color=#0079C1][/color][color=#F1F2F4][font=courier]■■[/font][/color] [color=#FCB53A][/color][/font][/url] [url=][color=#0079C1][u][b][i]Bitcoin proof of stake[color=#FCB53A][b]X[/b][/color]BC[/i][/b][/u][/color][/url] [color=#F1F2F4].[/color] [url=][font=arial][color=#0079C1] [font=courier]■■[/font][/color] [color=#FCB53A]XBC[/color][/font][/url] [url=][color=#787878][color=#0079C1]●[/color] [b][i]xbc[/i][/b] [color=#0079C1]●[/color] [b][i]xbc[/i][/b] [color=#0079C1]●[/color] [b][i]xbc[/i][/b] [color=#0079C1]●[/color] [b][i]xbc[/i][/b] [color=#0079C1]●[/color] [b][i]xbc[/i][/b][/color][/url] [color=#F1F2F4]..[/color] [color=#D0E1ED]●[/color][color=#C0D9E9]●[/color][color=#B0D1E6]●[/color][color=#A0C9E2]●[/color][color=#90C1DF]●[/color][color=#80B9DC]●[/color][color=#70B1D8]●[/color][color=#60A9D5]●[/color][color=#50A1D1]●[/color][color=#4099CE]●[/color][color=#3091CB]●[/color][color=#1081C4]●[/color][color=#CC0000]●[/color][color=#FF9900]●[/color] [url=][b][i][color=#CC0000]Transfer bitcoinplus Anywhere in the World with your[/color] [color=#0079C1]Bitcoin[/color][color=#FCB53A]Plus[/color] [color=black]wallet[/color][/i][/b] [color=#CC0000]●[/color][color=#FF9900]●[/color][/url]
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
July 18, 2016, 08:37:17 PM |
| can still buy around 1% of XBC for $1000 or so which is an amazing deal and one that won't be around too much longer. What is happening with BTM is exactly what's going to happen with XBC pretty soon and not too many stashes of 1% left either...only a handful of buyers will be able to purchase a quantity like that and once that opportunity is gone it is gone forever.
This is in response to a Poloniex trollbox question regarding the purchase of 1% of XBC:
38 DanCoinia 2016-07-17 07:37:35 if there is a limited suply of 85,885 xbc coins, what 1% would cost? 87 Hellblazer 2016-07-17 00:42:21 blackadder, XBC, BTM, LBC
There isnt a limited supply of 85,885 coins.The coinage grows @ approx 10% per annum through the staking process or at whatever the inflation rate it is set at.
July 18, 2016, 09:41:57 PM |
Current Block = 167038
Current Money Supply = 85937.90283687