So XBC needs a developer? Is that the biggest issue?
No. We have an agreement in place with Mammix who coded the current wallet for us that he has first refusal for all future work. You could say he is a freelance dev. Mammix is a coder based in the UK. He has his own coin - Boost Coin. Mammix looks after one of the TOR nodes. I look after the other.
It is up to the community to decide on the direction of the coin. Be it a mobile wallet or whatever. Specific ideas and suggestions should be placed on the dedicated forum accessed from the website - so that ideas do not get lost in this thread.
If the community does not come forward with ideas we will simply tick along until such a time an opportunity/idea presents itself.
New Technology is changing very quickly and most top coins now have an actual purpose and not just a digital monetary token. Yes XBC has anonymous messaging. But without the killer app using the technology it is lost amongst all the other coins with anonymous messaging.
There will be a host of similar coins such as us with relatively small market capital all in the same boat so going forward some sort of collaboration with similar coins may be an idea.
Update on mobile wallet. We have had quotes for around 1 BTC in total. But it would not be a staking wallet and there would be on going server costs. At the moment you can use which is a Payment Service that has XBC. You can use this a mobile wallet.