Currently, playing 'when to buy into more BTC game'...thinking I'll wait for a 'weekend weak dump' maybe?
Those currently who know my 'track record' on timing such, be sure to adjust your purchases accordingly, so you can
'mock' my 'timing' later.
(Hey, the wrong price at the wrong time is how I roll. On the other hand, if you HODL long enough does not matter)

Well, I recall that you were selling items from your attic, and so you bought some BTC in parts of 2019 with that generated extra money.
What is the source of the extra money that you have this time?
Is it just extra savings that you have accumulated from your regular income over the past year or so?
You did not want to buy BTC with that money earlier in 2019 as that money was coming in, but now, after BTC has gone up about 60% over the past two months you want to buy more BTC with that extra money that had been flowing in through the year? The upwards BTC price movement, currently, is causing you to feel that you are underinvested in BTC because you are thinking that you might be able to get rich quick.. over the next 1-2 years?
I am not going to say that you are going to be wrong in that kind of 1-2 year period, even if it is unclear about whether you will benefit in the short run or have better buying opportunities in the coming weeks or months before the halvening.
These days, I prefer to think about any new money that goes into bitcoin to have at least a 4 year investment time horizon. Of course, no problem if BTC
go shooting up from here, so then you would not have to stick with the 4 year investment time horizon thinking because once your injection of value is in profits you have options to pull it out at any time, but anyhow, since you and I should be in a similar position regarding having had already largely accumulated most of our BTC, it seems strange to me that someone who had already largely accumulated in the 3 digits would be experiencing any kind of meaningful FOMO feelings after about a 60% BTC price appreciation in the past two months, not withstanding any inclination just to do a bit of dollar cost averaging investing from time to time, as money comes in, as heslo's above response suggests.
Caretaker for the estate. Money passes to me, I get some each month from the estate, I then watch manger of the estate and keep majority to pass on to nieces and nephews..that kinda
thing. The whole get around IRS thing using estate planning. Thus enough monthly income, that the crypto is not needed in retirement anymore. Or at least till we have another recession
or some such, thus the Bitcoin buying and the long HODL bet on such.
Also, attic mining!

I should call the nieces and nephews as I look at all the junk I likely can't toss (worth something) but likely will die the attic/storage. Thus call them up and say, "Come and
get YOUR crap out of my attic!" That would be the logical solution on stuff I'll likely hoard till then anyway. They inherit it then. Just do so now! They can sell it on eBay!
Just move the process up a little bit. That or me sell on eBay. (so boring to do).
Anyway, I got back about 4 BTC buying it back from original 13 BTC I sold at $3,695 on 12/24/18 I think it was.
I was pleased with sell when it went down to like to a low of $3,400 per BTC then. Er, now, not so much

But 4 BTC back is better than the full 13 BTC down from that sell!
So anyway only 9 BTC down from original scream like a 9-year-old girl sobbing sale back then. Thus I HODL for less drama now.

I also can't let go of the fact that IF BTC and decentralized crypto dies on the vine and is taken over by banks (the blockchain) and such...I don't imagine fees for banks will go down..even
though for every fee still would be the top 1/2 of 1% or whatever usual $$$ ripoff.
With that kind of centralized control of crypto along with the current banking and finance system still in place it
is hard to imagine a world NOT full of Banker/Elite about 10-15 years. This assumes IF like that 1 BTC whale and you can move 1 billion in BTC for $26 bucks.
Imagine banks and the current elite controlling all that centralized blockchain coin but still getting current legacy fees like traditional banks on such.
Give that 100 years and we'd be under Royalty and everyone would be 'serfs' and onward and upward into feudalism again, IMHO. It would be bad indeed.
I'm 65 years old. I maybe, if extremely lucky, live another 25 years and be 'pinching' cute nursing aides in the Nursing Home, by that point in time.
So WTF, take a chance and HODL already. I may NEVER get that full 13 BTC back that I am currently down 9 BTC...but I'm trying to nibble it away.
I SHOULD dump my sh*tcoins and BSV and BCH, that fell from the sky on their forks and make the last 9-12 BTC up that way. But currently confused
with those sh*tcoins all pumping, big time! Some of which like LISK and SIACOIN I'm utterly befuddled on. But that is the other option of my plan to 'recover' those
last 9 BTC. But in 20/20 hindsight, indeed $3,400 coin was dire, so I should pat myself on back and that I only sold 13 BTC. So 9 BTC to go till recovery.

Knock Wood! I am buying dust here now that it is under 10k again, so it seems the BTC flavored kool-aid drinking I did in 2013 still has some magical effect.
