is live.
Please let us know if we left anything out in migration.
Tom is going to create a dedicated forum for web site enhancements, and new content suggestions.
I've tested the wallet download ability. We are currently working on the dynamic Version tag.
First of all: thank you for you work Thomas! The site has great potential.
I don't see the dedicated forum yet, but I agree with all the suggestions that Togo, West and you have made. On top of that, I think it would be good for investors to be able to find a direct link to the whitepaper.
I also think information could be provided in a less complicated way, right now, looking at the site from the eyes of a newcomer, I find it difficult to get a clear overview of what Biblepay really is about. When I'm visiting a site - especially when it's related to crypto - I'd like to be able to tell within 10 seconds what it's about.
For instance, the 'about biblepay' section, I think it would be better to use a few headers that unveil our core values: for example: spreading the gospel, giving to the poor and needy, decentralized governance via masternodes, etc. I'd like to be able to see within 2 seconds what I can expect if I decide to read the rest of the text (reading top-down).
To illustrate my point, below are separate pieces of information can be found spread across the 'about biblepay' section, and could better be condensed in one paragraph:
1. "At our core, we have chosen to allow 10% of the blockchain to pass through directly towards sponsoring orphans in 3rd world countries."
2. "For the first 6 months, 10% of each block was allocated to the foundation, for sponsoring orphans at 100%."
3. "10% of the emission of the blockchain went directly to sponsoring Orphans [...]."
4. "BiblePay automatically allocates 10% of each block subsidy to our DAO governance committee, with 100% of that being spent on charity."
The 10% figure comes up four times, which becomes repetitive without need.
There are some more point that I would like to highlight (this was just top-of-my-head), but I'll wait for the dedicated forum/topic