Heads up marketing team...
This is the second time I am repeating this, Just a pointer for a more effective marketing strategy, other than the guerrilla marketing we have been limited to. The other crypto 2.0 platforms are doing it right.
Solution: Create campaigns marketing directly to businesses who will IPO on the nxt blockchain, each of these businesses will then partially serve as autonomous marketing vehicle for the nxt platform
1) counterparty has got it right: They have got 7+ businesses plus Adam b Levine ready to go on their platform
2) watch the video bitshares video..Their main focus is to appeal to businesses
http://bitshares.org/This is why platforms like Apple app store, Amazon and ebay are so successful...The sellers and affiliate marketers on these platform actually work to promote their product listed there, which in in turn brings greater exposure to the platform. I have yet to see any consensus on a similar strategy..So if you are a key decision maker on the NXT marketing committee please think about this post, I should know I studied a bit of marketing in college and made a living working in the field for a while other than just writing code...
Just my 2 nxt..back to work.
yo ola.. PM'd you
im on the MC.. lets meet for coffee and talk about this ASAP
sent you my email
Responded, check your PM
Nxt's Achilles heel at the moment is marketing. Big time.
It doesn't have to be going forward... The marketing strategy has to be different : Most people have not clue what an asset/ decentralized exchange is..But I would argue that more than a third of the world population understand what it means to invest in a company no matter what the denominating currency is...They will likely find a way to invest if there is a potential return on investment and that way is wesleyh client.
There is a road split right now:
On one side of the split guerrilla / shotgun marketing which targets every and all outlets to spread awareness and onboard new user, has worked for us initially(great work to the marketing team. The community cannot thank you enough): people are now aware of what NXT is, at least most people who understand and are involved in crypto currencies. This will continue to work, but will not spur viral adoption. Should our major strategy continue on this path?
On the other side of the split: is to understand how continuing on the shotgun marketing approach will significantly limit the effectiveness of the appeal of the asset exchange...change this strategy and market to companies with potential...Again most people do not understand what an asset exchange is, I would say that more people understand what it means to invest in a company and receive dividends...I would argue that even your average joe understands this...The difference is the amount of time it would take for a potential on-boarder to understand what needs to be done to complete a goal...and for investing in a company, its way less time than understanding the concept of and asset exchange and one of the major determining factors in success of marketing/outreach.
An example solution to increase the amount of likely profitable businesses is to provide bounties to companies who can develop a plan and a business model that shows how it will make money(
key factor!), how it will attract users, development....etc all the element of a project to become successful...This will become immensely valuable to the companies and most importantly to the NXT platform because on one hand, we are enabling projects/business to thrive and on the other end, Nxt gains Indirect investors who are on-boarded by these companies, we will have hubs of autonomous companies bringing new users to the NXT platform everyday. If you do not understand this study Google's model: advertisers and content creators, apple app store and developers (businesses who market their product on the platform), amazon and its sellers/affiliates/ ebay...The list goes on..Yet nxt is hoping to become a platform greater than all of these, with currency as the first app..The early right marketing strategy is necessary if we are to retain competitive edge against the likes of euthereum....
Understand this...
In the short term (2-6 months) I don't think we will likely accomplish what bitcoin has because of infrastructure already developed and barriers to entry:
(1) technical : the concept of public ledger and Fundamental understanding of what money is, why overcoming "double spending" is important
(2) Ideological/political inclinations
(3) Mainstreaming and mainstream educational information which has stood the test of time, educating and on-boarding new users
But in the short term: We could do a better job of assimilating more people already involved in other crypto and help them see the light because NXT naturally is superior to most coins as of right now...Also people might skip the on-boarding process through bitcoin the "educational phase" all together to invest in companies whose shares are denominated in NXT.
And then we will have ease of use and features in wesleyh client :http://nxtra.org/nxt-client/ , cfb digital marketplace plus the allure of the possible and constant return on investment from the companies IPO'ing on the NXT blockchain to continue to help get the newbies educated...
CFB's digital goods store might be a game changer, look out for its IPO but we should not solely depend on just this one company..
Just my 2 nxts
I am dong my part as I can, back to work...