February 20, 2014, 12:33:55 PM |
... refunding NXT trolls? I agree, if they work against NEM success, why helping them, that is just irational. He is going around forums spreading disinformation to destroy image of NEM, while image is the most important thing in free market economy. Image is what makes people want things, majority of people are not technicians, just consuments.
Thing that bothers me is many of big NXT stakeholders are already very rich, they are selling their NXT constantly, Im afraid that after release they will buy gigantic amounts of NEM and they just dump it to crash market, or manipulate it other way.
Its sad to see a senior member act like troll, but refunding with be wrong, thats mob rule and would be agaist the spirit of the movement. I think his unfair trolling actually strengthens the community.  My point being that his actions are clearly in contradiction to his belief. A refund can't be an issue here because he clearly believes NEM will be a failure. If we take his words literally here, we are actually doing him a favour since he'll have his NXT back Anyway I hope he replies to my previous post and explains why he became a stakeholder and why he has changed his mind. Does he want his nxt back? If the suretified genius wants his money back, Nem should refund him  . I would support that. I think he being number 125 in the investor list means that he's got the stake only by stating interested.. That means he hasn't invested any NXT. But I have to say that 2kool4skewl has been a major influence in nxt community and he's known to be a fair and a decent fellow. I just don't get the hostility towards NEM here. But how about we let this go for now, Utopian makes any calls here, and it is pointless to talk about this. I for one would like 2kool4skewl to be a part of the NEM community, not against it.
February 20, 2014, 12:39:32 PM |
... refunding NXT trolls? I agree, if they work against NEM success, why helping them, that is just irational. He is going around forums spreading disinformation to destroy image of NEM, while image is the most important thing in free market economy. Image is what makes people want things, majority of people are not technicians, just consuments.
Thing that bothers me is many of big NXT stakeholders are already very rich, they are selling their NXT constantly, Im afraid that after release they will buy gigantic amounts of NEM and they just dump it to crash market, or manipulate it other way.
Its sad to see a senior member act like troll, but refunding with be wrong, thats mob rule and would be agaist the spirit of the movement. I think his unfair trolling actually strengthens the community.  My point being that his actions are clearly in contradiction to his belief. A refund can't be an issue here because he clearly believes NEM will be a failure. If we take his words literally here, we are actually doing him a favour since he'll have his NXT back Anyway I hope he replies to my previous post and explains why he became a stakeholder and why he has changed his mind. Does he want his nxt back? If the suretified genius wants his money back, Nem should refund him  . I would support that. I think he being number 125 in the investor list means that he's got the stake only by stating interested.. That means he hasn't invested any NXT. But I have to say that 2kool4skewl has been a major influence in nxt community and he's known to be a fair and a decent fellow. I just don't get the hostility towards NEM here. But how about we let this go for now, Utopian makes any calls here, and it is pointless to talk about this. I for one would like 2kool4skewl to be a part of the NEM community, not against it. Me too. It would be awesome if NXT and NEM worked together instead of being negative to each other. Like big projects that we can fund together.
February 20, 2014, 12:43:02 PM |
There is no guarantee that any of us will make a profit. It might fail. He should have thought of that before he decided to take part.
Refund is not even funny. "Oh wait, i changed my mind, can i have my m0niez back" He bought in because he found it "interesting", like anyone else. Now we wait.
Xpedite, stop talking about refunds. There are people that will believe you are some official voice here.
February 20, 2014, 12:45:03 PM |
Me too. It would be awesome if NXT and NEM worked together instead of being negative to each other.
NXT & NEM are working hand in hand. They definately are not competing. No coin is competing any other coin/ Holding wealth in two or more coins, makes ones fortune less prone to troubles. Make sure you all keep diversified assets, and noone will lose.
February 20, 2014, 12:56:30 PM |
Considering the interest in this coin and large number of stakeholders, dismissing this coin as a failure (before it's even released, no less) is really quite idiotic. The guy is a troll. Let him carry on making a fool of himself, especially as it's already out in the open he has a stake in the coin. Me too. It would be awesome if NXT and NEM worked together instead of being negative to each other.
NXT & NEM are working hand in hand. They definately are not competing. No coin is competing any other coin/ Holding wealth in two or more coins, makes ones fortune less prone to troubles. Make sure you all keep diversified assets, and noone will lose. Pretty much this. If NEM succeeds, it will drive interest for NXT and Vice Versa. Shooting NEM down is effectively shooting himself in the foot. He's either daft or has an agenda.
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
February 20, 2014, 12:58:20 PM |
This coin is going to be a huge success. NEM has generated a lot of heat 2 months before launch. Lets keep the momentum going until launch
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000 - Get paid for every post!
February 20, 2014, 01:06:10 PM |
I think he being number 125 in the investor list means that he's got the stake only by stating interested.. That means he hasn't invested any NXT.
But I have to say that 2kool4skewl has been a major influence in nxt community and he's known to be a fair and a decent fellow. I just don't get the hostility towards NEM here.
But how about we let this go for now, Utopian makes any calls here, and it is pointless to talk about this. I for one would like 2kool4skewl to be a part of the NEM community, not against it.
He's in the 'interested' list because he thought it was a joke. Only to realize now that its real competition.
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
February 20, 2014, 01:12:40 PM |
... refunding NXT trolls? I agree, if they work against NEM success, why helping them, that is just irational. He is going around forums spreading disinformation to destroy image of NEM, while image is the most important thing in free market economy. Image is what makes people want things, majority of people are not technicians, just consuments.
Thing that bothers me is many of big NXT stakeholders are already very rich, they are selling their NXT constantly, Im afraid that after release they will buy gigantic amounts of NEM and they just dump it to crash market, or manipulate it other way.
Its sad to see a senior member act like troll, but refunding with be wrong, thats mob rule and would be agaist the spirit of the movement. I think his unfair trolling actually strengthens the community.  My point being that his actions are clearly in contradiction to his belief. A refund can't be an issue here because he clearly believes NEM will be a failure. If we take his words literally here, we are actually doing him a favour since he'll have his NXT back Anyway I hope he replies to my previous post and explains why he became a stakeholder and why he has changed his mind. Does he want his nxt back? If the suretified genius wants his money back, Nem should refund him  . I would support that. Normally i would agree with this. However it would make a wrong impression about NEM. He is a stakeholder like us and his intentions should be regardless. When he wants to sell his NEM-coins after release - it will be his own decision. In my opinion we have to respect any opinion in regard of freedom of speech. Dont misunderstand my suggestion - I love NEM but we aren't here in North-korea where all opinions against the government are penal. Ignoring trolls like him would be the easiest and best way, I think.
Full Member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
NEM Enthusiast
February 20, 2014, 01:25:07 PM |
Hello all! I suggest using this logo for NEM. This is not a coin, it is necessary to deviate from a circular shape.  I love this! Nicely done! 
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
February 20, 2014, 01:29:13 PM |
Hi NEM Team There is a problem with the NEM stakeholderlist. I made my payment (see here: I now just checked the NEM stakeholderlist. Under my entry: 2462 CCrypt There is mentioned "bogus transaction" The transaction was not bogus. The blockchain confirms (6300 confirmations, see below): mark my entry with a "Y". Thanks, CC TRANSACTION : 11918600757800434071 » Timestamp : 07.02.2014 20:46:56 » Block : 6659609809470642884 » Amount : 600 » Fee : 1 » Confirmations : 6341 » Deadline : 1440 » Sender : 16430809332940249675 » Recipient : 14343293611098709683 You posted 15282129323430167748 as id. Obviously it was assumed this is a TXid which leads to TX that only has an amount of 50 NXT. What you posted was bogus. You should have posted 11918600757800434071 instead of 15282129323430167748. I'll add a comment to the stakeholder list that you made a mistake and if your TXID turns out to be unique you'll be cleared. Thanks patmast3r!
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
February 20, 2014, 02:01:54 PM |
utopianfuture (OP)
Sr. Member
Activity: 602
Merit: 268
Internet of Value
February 20, 2014, 02:02:06 PM Last edit: February 20, 2014, 02:15:14 PM by utopianfuture |
I temporarily took 2Kool4Skewl from NEM stakeholder list as I understand that he does not want to be there. In the first 20 pages of the fundraising, many people do not entirely understand about the scope as well as purpose of NEM so it was easy just to post "interested" there by a mistake. Contrary to what used to be in the first page of the fundraising thread , NEM do offer refund after the announcement of detail development plan (probably in 2 weeks or so) so if someone does not feel they fit in with NEM community, they can leave voluntarily.
As written in, at this stage NEM is first of all a community of which people share a certain ideas and goals and we going to build NEM/ Nemcoin as our decentralized payment platform together as we go along. I see no reason to keep people that are unhappy with NEM and this approach. There are no coins to share yet so it is not like we are taking anything from anyone. If 2Kool4Skewl wants to join back in, just say so before I make the unified stakeholder list and I will add him in.
The majority of NEM funding comes from Bitcoin and only about 30% of NEM stakeholders appear in NXT discussion before (see an excellent statistics by newcn) so I see NXT and NEM having quite a different demographics, also different technology and purposes. While I think there is a certain aspect of competition between the two blockchain, we can learn from each others as well. Some are developers of both NXT and NEM and they work across the aisle and I think that is a good thing. It will help advancing experiments and innovations in more directions. Compared to Bitcoin and other POW coins, NXT and NEM have more similarity and we can join force to emphasize our strength in a green economical network and highlight the problems with the computational arm-races used by Bitcoin and other POW coins. Let's focus on cooperation and innovation instead of envy and hatred as that are also NEM's core concepts and principles.
BTW, we appreciate active participants much more than passive ones/ investors. So contact me if you want to help in any way. Thanks.
Sr. Member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
1$ =1 MEC 2013 (2,56 $) 5$ =1MEC 2014 ?
February 20, 2014, 02:13:05 PM |
I temporarily took 2Kool4Skewl from NEM stakeholder list as I understand that he does not want to be there. In the first 20 pages of the fundraising, many people do not entirely understand about the scope as well as purpose of NEM so it was easy just to post "interested" there by a mistake. Contrary to what used to be in the first page of the fundraising thread , NEM do offer refund after the announcement of detail development plan (probably in 2 weeks or so) so if someone does not feel they fit in with NEM community, they can leave voluntarily.
As written in, at this stage NEM is first of all a community of which people share a certain ideas and goals and we going to build NEM/ Nemcoin as our decentralized payment platform together as we go along. I see no reason to keep people that are unhappy with NEM and this approach. There are no coins to share yet so it is not like we are taking anything from anyone. If 2Kool4Skewl wants to join back in, just say so before I make the unified stakeholder list and I will add him in.
The majority of NEM funding comes from Bitcoin and only about 30% of NEM stakeholders appear in NXT discussion before (see an excellent statistics by newcn) so I see NXT and NEM having quite a different demographics, also different technology and purposes. While I think there is a certain aspect of competition between the two blockchian, we can learn from each others as well. Some are developers of both NXT and NEM and they work across the aisle and I think that is a good thing. It will help advancing experiments and innovations in more directions. Compared to Bitcoin and other POW coins, NXT and NEM have more similarity and we can join force to emphasize our strength in a green economical network and highlight the problems with the computational arm-races used by Bitcoin and other POW coins. Let's focus on cooperation and innovation instead of envy and hatred as that are also NEM's core concepts and principles.
Good +1
Full Member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
NEM Enthusiast
February 20, 2014, 02:13:33 PM |
I temporarily took 2Kool4Skewl from NEM stakeholder list as I understand that he does not want to be there. In the first 20 pages of the fundraising, many people do not entirely understand about the scope as well as purpose of NEM so it was easy just to post "interested" there by a mistake. Contrary to what used to be in the first page of the fundraising thread , NEM do offer refund after the announcement of detail development plan (probably in 2 weeks or so) so if someone does not feel they fit in with NEM community, they can leave voluntarily.
As written in, at this stage NEM is first of all a community of which people share a certain ideas and goals and we going to build NEM/ Nemcoin as our decentralized payment platform together as we go along. I see no reason to keep people that are unhappy with NEM and this approach. There are no coins to share yet so it is not like we are taking anything from anyone. If 2Kool4Skewl wants to join back in, just say so before I make the unified stakeholder list and I will add him in.
The majority of NEM funding comes from Bitcoin and only about 30% of NEM stakeholders appear in NXT discussion before (see an excellent statistics by newcn) so I see NXT and NEM having quite a different demographics, also different technology and purposes. While I think there is a certain aspect of competition between the two blockchian, we can learn from each others as well. Some are developers of both NXT and NEM and they work across the aisle and I think that is a good thing. It will help advancing experiments and innovations in more directions. Compared to Bitcoin and other POW coins, NXT and NEM have more similarity and we can join force to emphasize our strength in a green economical network and highlight the problems with the computational arm-races used by Bitcoin and other POW coins. Let's focus on cooperation and innovation instead of envy and hatred as that are also NEM's core concepts and principles.
Well said!
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
February 20, 2014, 02:23:48 PM |
I temporarily took 2Kool4Skewl from NEM stakeholder list as I understand that he does not want to be there. In the first 20 pages of the fundraising, many people do not entirely understand about the scope as well as purpose of NEM so it was easy just to post "interested" there by a mistake. Contrary to what used to be in the first page of the fundraising thread , NEM do offer refund after the announcement of detail development plan (probably in 2 weeks or so) so if someone does not feel they fit in with NEM community, they can leave voluntarily.
As written in, at this stage NEM is first of all a community of which people share a certain ideas and goals and we going to build NEM/ Nemcoin as our decentralized payment platform together as we go along. I see no reason to keep people that are unhappy with NEM and this approach. There are no coins to share yet so it is not like we are taking anything from anyone. If 2Kool4Skewl wants to join back in, just say so before I make the unified stakeholder list and I will add him in.
The majority of NEM funding comes from Bitcoin and only about 30% of NEM stakeholders appear in NXT discussion before (see an excellent statistics by newcn) so I see NXT and NEM having quite a different demographics, also different technology and purposes. While I think there is a certain aspect of competition between the two blockchain, we can learn from each others as well. Some are developers of both NXT and NEM and they work across the aisle and I think that is a good thing. It will help advancing experiments and innovations in more directions. Compared to Bitcoin and other POW coins, NXT and NEM have more similarity and we can join force to emphasize our strength in a green economical network and highlight the problems with the computational arm-races used by Bitcoin and other POW coins. Let's focus on cooperation and innovation instead of envy and hatred as that are also NEM's core concepts and principles.
BTW, we appreciate active participants much more than passive ones/ investors. So contact me if you want to help in any way. Thanks.
You made well and truly the right decision. Now 2Kool4Skewl can consider if he wants to be with us or against us. 
February 20, 2014, 02:27:38 PM |
I temporarily took 2Kool4Skewl from NEM stakeholder list as I understand that he does not want to be there. In the first 20 pages of the fundraising, many people do not entirely understand about the scope as well as purpose of NEM so it was easy just to post "interested" there by a mistake. Contrary to what used to be in the first page of the fundraising thread , NEM do offer refund after the announcement of detail development plan (probably in 2 weeks or so) so if someone does not feel they fit in with NEM community, they can leave voluntarily.
As written in, at this stage NEM is first of all a community of which people share a certain ideas and goals and we going to build NEM/ Nemcoin as our decentralized payment platform together as we go along. I see no reason to keep people that are unhappy with NEM and this approach. There are no coins to share yet so it is not like we are taking anything from anyone. If 2Kool4Skewl wants to join back in, just say so before I make the unified stakeholder list and I will add him in.
The majority of NEM funding comes from Bitcoin and only about 30% of NEM stakeholders appear in NXT discussion before (see an excellent statistics by newcn) so I see NXT and NEM having quite a different demographics, also different technology and purposes. While I think there is a certain aspect of competition between the two blockchain, we can learn from each others as well. Some are developers of both NXT and NEM and they work across the aisle and I think that is a good thing. It will help advancing experiments and innovations in more directions. Compared to Bitcoin and other POW coins, NXT and NEM have more similarity and we can join force to emphasize our strength in a green economical network and highlight the problems with the computational arm-races used by Bitcoin and other POW coins. Let's focus on cooperation and innovation instead of envy and hatred as that are also NEM's core concepts and principles.
BTW, we appreciate active participants much more than passive ones/ investors. So contact me if you want to help in any way. Thanks.
+1 Thank you for bringing the thread back to the business of getting NEM moving forward. I am here to help. Just PM me if you need anything done.
February 20, 2014, 02:33:34 PM |
well said UP 