My hat goes off to Augusto Croppo, who first pointed out this his find with the IP address that is associate with The thread was moving very fast and I missed his post. Thank you Augusto, for your work and I only wish I saw your post earlier. I thought I read every post, but obviously did not. If you still think I and my brother are involved in the scam, I will give you my BTC transaction with CTS Miner, for you to verify.
So here is the next question. Who here is the best expert at tracking down bitcoin transactions and finding out who is currently holding our BTC? I can either pay you a commission on every BTC recovered or an hourly wage. Which ever you prefer?
In fact, I am thinking about putting together a team of people and form a bitcoin security firm that performs the following services:
1.) Investigates after the fact frauds involving bitcoin.
2.) Attempts to recover bitcoin that was obtained fraudulently and stop scammers from receiving product.
3.) Alert policing authorities and removal of the scammers support base. (ie. website, etc.)
4.) Investigates companies that offer their products for sale in bitcoin.
5.) Write a "Best Practices" white paper on how to not get scammed.
6.) Offer a searchable database of:
a.) Known bitcoin scams and their associated IPs and domains and other relevant details.
b.) "Un-verified" companies, involving bitcoin, that are asking for payment via bitcoin, wire transfer, western union and other forms of payment that are not reversable.
c.) Known comanies that have achieved particular levels of trust in the bitcoin community:
• Company is verified as legit via a pre-set of criteria that we will come up with.
• Company has shipped a product and product works.
d.) Allow the public to submit new companies for review and other relevant data to be verified.
e.) Mobile and tablet app version of the databse.
7.) New scam alerts available via email, notification services & sms.
This is a really good start from user dree12: else have some ideas for my new business?