Activity: 12
Merit: 0
May 17, 2014, 07:32:40 AM |
More good news! and now have working automatic payments. The only critical feature left with node-cryptonote-pool is address validation. If a miner connects and mines shares with an invalid address, this breaks automatic payments at the moment. Connetced to the pool and immediately found a share. However after that the process is called giving the error message: 2014-May-17 09:30:07.607308 Getting next job... 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607464 Timed out socket 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607561 READ ENDS: Connection err_code 125 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607622 Problems at read: Operation canceled 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607663 Unexpected reciec fail 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607698 Returning false because of wrong state machine. state: 5 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607745 Failed to invoke http request to / 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607782 Can't get new job! Disconnect and sleep.... simpleminer should be ok since I am solo mining for several days. Any idea what is going wrong?
Sr. Member
Activity: 560
Merit: 250
"Trading Platform of The Future!"
May 17, 2014, 07:35:34 AM |
Connetced to the pool and immediately found a share. However after that the process is called giving the error message:
simpleminer should be ok since I am solo mining for several days. Any idea what is going wrong?
Have you updated to the latest version? On a side note: I've increased minimum and starting share difficulty to 1000 because the server load was getting quite high and I don't want it to be overloaded if more hash comes online (500% optimizations expected soon).
May 17, 2014, 07:38:36 AM |
Is there any reason to mine under Windows? Is hasrate same in Windows and Linux?
May 17, 2014, 07:39:11 AM |
This coin is one of very few crypto that bring something new, but i think CPU mining would be a big downside. The botnet mining farm would make legit miners obsolete. Is there any reason to mine under Windows? Is hasrate same in Windows and Linux?
Hr is supposed to be the same on both Windows and Linux.
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1000
May 17, 2014, 07:59:01 AM |
May 17, 2014, 08:29:23 AM |
I'm already retweet it Hope more than more people/investor focus on MRO
May 17, 2014, 08:51:09 AM |
I received 10 M. From Reddit giveaway I suppose  . I am giving back to the community. Just tweet: #Monero internet money, true anonymity (your MRO address) First 3 will receive 3MRO.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
May 17, 2014, 08:58:16 AM |
More good news! and now have working automatic payments. The only critical feature left with node-cryptonote-pool is address validation. If a miner connects and mines shares with an invalid address, this breaks automatic payments at the moment. Connetced to the pool and immediately found a share. However after that the process is called giving the error message: 2014-May-17 09:30:07.607308 Getting next job... 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607464 Timed out socket 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607561 READ ENDS: Connection err_code 125 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607622 Problems at read: Operation canceled 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607663 Unexpected reciec fail 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607698 Returning false because of wrong state machine. state: 5 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607745 Failed to invoke http request to / 2014-May-17 09:30:08.607782 Can't get new job! Disconnect and sleep.... simpleminer should be ok since I am solo mining for several days. Any idea what is going wrong? I've the same problem. Any suggestion? Thanks
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1003
May 17, 2014, 09:28:19 AM |
Guys, is new efficient miner available? If so, how to build it, mine, etc.? I tried to use cpuminer-multi, but only 1 minute from the start I got a couple of accepts on pool and then nothing forever. What is wrong?
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
May 17, 2014, 09:29:52 AM |
More good news! and now have working automatic payments. The only critical feature left with node-cryptonote-pool is address validation. If a miner connects and mines shares with an invalid address, this breaks automatic payments at the moment. Connetced to the pool and immediately found a share. However after that the process is called giving the error message: simpleminer should be ok since I am solo mining for several days. Any idea what is going wrong? I've the same problem. Any suggestion? Thanks Downloading the current source and re-compiling fixes the issue. I am on Ubuntu linux and my former bitmonero software was compiled on 10.05.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
May 17, 2014, 09:37:28 AM |
Hi, is Monero mineable with Nvidia GPUs, or is it CPU only?
Sr. Member
Activity: 253
Merit: 250
Let's Boolberry
May 17, 2014, 09:50:08 AM |
The nethash rise to double since last day because someone has a optimized cpu minning tool And he said he will not share it free I want know how many guys using the minning tool? And when did the DevGroup launch the new minning tool?
Boolberry : @eddywise DRK: XqTbkj1hpCWBpBSvbWtzBRu5PxzJ2KoA3F BTC: 1FZYvzY4cPLwwZmU8rGPM7xGYjfjiZUmuZ Once desperately want, now desperate to forget
May 17, 2014, 09:51:11 AM |
Hi, is Monero mineable with Nvidia GPUs, or is it CPU only?
CPU Only
May 17, 2014, 10:58:09 AM |
So, just checking in to see if I'm doing everything right: I downloaded everything, ran the simplewallet.exe and copied the wallet address from the wallet.bin.address.txt. it returned 441NWFtLj3adEAkJBahBmQ3ErAawqFATpj9JDkAXr882LL8S8N4bA6tWGjQDPmNuFrejPCefUy4M4NV pNYq9eiZoPK3qEXk. seems to be a working wallet address? now i'm running the bitmonerod.exe and at the same time simpleminer.exe with the following .bat: simpleminer.exe --login=441NWFtLj3adEAkJBahBmQ3ErAawqFATpj9JDkAXr882LL8S8N4bA6tWGjQDPmNuFrejPCefUy4M4NVpNYq9eiZoPK3qEXk --pass x it seems i'm mining, pool dash says i have 2.00 hash/sec, i think that's gonna go up over time. i'm running an e5 xeon 8 core 2.67 ghz. most of the output says "getting next job.. bla bla.. job didn't change". from time to time a nice green "share submitted successfully" comes by. there were like 3 in 5 minutes. performance monitor indicates a load around 15%. isn't this a bit low? anyways, feedback would be welcome if everything's ok on my end. thx 
Activity: 1848
Merit: 1009
Next-Gen Trade Racing Metaverse
May 17, 2014, 11:00:58 AM |
Network hash is 536.61 KH/sec? Seems to me all the pools from the OP account for a little over 1% of the network, where are these hashes coming from then?  So, just checking in to see if I'm doing everything right: I downloaded everything, ran the simplewallet.exe and copied the wallet address from the wallet.bin.address.txt. it returned 441NWFtLj3adEAkJBahBmQ3ErAawqFATpj9JDkAXr882LL8S8N4bA6tWGjQDPmNuFrejPCefUy4M4NV pNYq9eiZoPK3qEXk. seems to be a working wallet address? now i'm running the bitmonerod.exe and at the same time simpleminer.exe with the following .bat: simpleminer.exe --login=441NWFtLj3adEAkJBahBmQ3ErAawqFATpj9JDkAXr882LL8S8N4bA6tWGjQDPmNuFrejPCefUy4M4NVpNYq9eiZoPK3qEXk --pass x it seems i'm mining, pool dash says i have 2.00 hash/sec, i think that's gonna go up over time. i'm running an e5 xeon 8 core 2.67 ghz. most of the output says "getting next job.. bla bla.. job didn't change". from time to time a nice green "share submitted successfully" comes by. there were like 3 in 5 minutes. performance monitor indicates a load around 15%. isn't this a bit low? anyways, feedback would be welcome if everything's ok on my end. thx  As of now 1 simple miner instance = 1 core, just open more miner instances.
Full Member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
Crypto Currency Supporter
May 17, 2014, 11:06:21 AM |
how much time to sync without the blockchain? I cant realize where to put the chain in order for the wallet to use it. srsly.
long time. are you on windows 7 or 8? If so, it goes here: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Bitmonero\blockchain.bin thank you very much, it synched alright, but now when I open my wallet.bin it says it couldnt connect to daemon host:8080 w/e .... any1 help on this?
May 17, 2014, 11:12:59 AM |
Network hash is 536.61 KH/sec? Seems to me all the pools from the OP account for a little over 1% of the network, where are these hashes coming from then?  So, just checking in to see if I'm doing everything right: I downloaded everything, ran the simplewallet.exe and copied the wallet address from the wallet.bin.address.txt. it returned 441NWFtLj3adEAkJBahBmQ3ErAawqFATpj9JDkAXr882LL8S8N4bA6tWGjQDPmNuFrejPCefUy4M4NV pNYq9eiZoPK3qEXk. seems to be a working wallet address? now i'm running the bitmonerod.exe and at the same time simpleminer.exe with the following .bat: simpleminer.exe --login=441NWFtLj3adEAkJBahBmQ3ErAawqFATpj9JDkAXr882LL8S8N4bA6tWGjQDPmNuFrejPCefUy4M4NVpNYq9eiZoPK3qEXk --pass x it seems i'm mining, pool dash says i have 2.00 hash/sec, i think that's gonna go up over time. i'm running an e5 xeon 8 core 2.67 ghz. most of the output says "getting next job.. bla bla.. job didn't change". from time to time a nice green "share submitted successfully" comes by. there were like 3 in 5 minutes. performance monitor indicates a load around 15%. isn't this a bit low? anyways, feedback would be welcome if everything's ok on my end. thx  As of now 1 simple miner instance = 1 core, just open more miner instances. hey cool, a reply, thx. so i'm just executed the .bat file another 3 times, i now have 4 simpleminer windows running. are they automatically spread out across the several cores? i just read somehwere there's a flag for the bat file to tell simpleminer how many cores to use?
Activity: 1848
Merit: 1009
Next-Gen Trade Racing Metaverse
May 17, 2014, 11:15:54 AM |
Small mining guide for people using Create these 2 batch files in the same map as your simpleminer.exe start_simpleminer.bat:while1 simpleminer.exe --login=YOUR_PUBLIC_ADDRESS_HERE --pass 123 goto :while1
start_pool_mining.batset /p var="Number of threads: "
set /a "x = 1" :while1 if %x% leq %var% ( start start_simpleminer.bat set /a "x = x + 1" goto :while1 )
********************************* To start mining, just double click "start_pool_mining.bat" and type in the number of threads you want to use. If one of the threads disconnects, it will automatically try to reconnect. tips welcome at 476vSXvkSEP9EjwiDDUS4Q86absLKEeYVg4piy6bpQLnUXoNwMbx1qQUjUxPg79TxUdyArDL6uukgWu LQkz4WaNFVhvAgVf  You should give this a try then. I haven't tried it myself. I'm using the easy-miner from the OP.
May 17, 2014, 11:25:17 AM |
Small mining guide for people using Create these 2 batch files in the same map as your simpleminer.exe start_simpleminer.bat:while1 simpleminer.exe --login=YOUR_PUBLIC_ADDRESS_HERE --pass 123 goto :while1
start_pool_mining.batset /p var="Number of threads: "
set /a "x = 1" :while1 if %x% leq %var% ( start start_simpleminer.bat set /a "x = x + 1" goto :while1 )
********************************* To start mining, just double click "start_pool_mining.bat" and type in the number of threads you want to use. If one of the threads disconnects, it will automatically try to reconnect. tips welcome at 476vSXvkSEP9EjwiDDUS4Q86absLKEeYVg4piy6bpQLnUXoNwMbx1qQUjUxPg79TxUdyArDL6uukgWu LQkz4WaNFVhvAgVf  You should give this a try then. I haven't tried it myself. I'm using the easy-miner from the OP. that actually worked.. i'm surprised. thx a lot! guess i'm mining then.. pool now says i have 4.0 hash / sec. i'll keep going and return when i need help using the actual wallet  thx a lot for the help, much appreciated!