So he got his extension for another 60 days and sealing the motion to seal the motion for the extension "on the ground that compelling reasons exist that are narrowly tailored by sealing" which is explained here somewhat. "narrowly tailored by sealing" seems to be standard legal lingo.
This is the SEC case of course.
Homero's got some deep dark secrets if this no nonsense judge keeps accepting this. Can only imagine the fabrication he's come up with to achieve this all. Still find it hard to believe these two cases are running parallel and influence each other specially now that Homero's been dropped form the class action case. Why would the SEC give a fuck about Shinners and his money grab attempt?
Need some reporter on the case to probe those to SEC attorneys and find out what is going on. Where's that Mike guy from the fire website thing who had the inside connection at the SEC?
Monday, November 28, 2016
31 order Order on Sealed Motion Mon 4:09 PM
ORDER granting28 Sealed Motion to Request an Extension of Stay for an Additional 60 days. Signed by Judge Jeffrey A. Meyer on 11/28/2016. (Gutierrez, Y.)
30 order Order on Sealed Motion Mon 3:18 PM
ORDER. The motion to seal (Doc. #29 ) is GRANTED on the ground that compelling reasons exist that are narrowly tailored by sealing. Signed by Judge Jeffrey A. Meyer on 11/28/2016. (Gutierrez, Y.)
utility Case Stayed Mon 4:09 PM
Case Stayed (Gutierrez, Y.)
Actually looking at the class action dates:
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time until December 6, 2016 and January 9, 2017 for Defendant Stuart Fraser to file a responsive pleading and for Plaintiffs to file a response thereto by Stuart A. Fraser. (Fisher, Sean)
Homero's extensions always seems to coincide with the dates of the class action. He's now got his 60 days which would be 28th January 2017. Shinners secured a response time to Uncle Stu's response by the January 9th 2017. Again Homer's sitting in the wings on that not revealing his cards via the SEC case. Happened with the last extension that his overlapped theirs by some time. Can only be the reason. He could have asked for 30 days or 45 days for the SEC up to 28th Dec. Why 60 if not to over lap theirs.
Whatever. Whole thing is becoming really annoying. We want to see some action! Not this constant bullshit paper shuffle!