Big today tomorrow, final round for the plaintiffs:
MOTION to Dismiss the First Amended Complaint by Stuart A. Fraser. Responses due by 12/27/2016 (Cave, Sarah)
Must say I am rather surprised another delay wasn't injected but it seems too late. Court closed today:
U.S. District Court of Connecticut will close on the following days:Christmas Day/Winter Holiday Monday, December 26
Unless they squeeze it in somehow tomorrow before the hour deadline whenever that is. Then again what would be the point, it is now either game on or game off. They need to counter Uncle Stu's last monster defense "control" sob story, they either got the ammo to move forward or they don't. Not like they would need more time to gather more bullshit out of Homero's mouth to counter that.
Still waiting for the plot twist in this one

has to be a catch somewhere somehow down the line. Maybe the whole thing was a ruse, go after both guns blazing, scares the shit out of Homero, he jumps ship pays them to leave him alone, charade continues with Uncle Stu until Homero's funds clear, now tomorrow, they merrily drop the case against Uncle Stu and bid him farewell.

Let's wait and see what transpires next!