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561  Economy / Gambling / Re: Why they need a license if bitcon is not money? on: April 29, 2024, 12:22:33 AM
Recently in the case against Samourai Wallet the funders were arrested for money transmitting without a license and the wallet did not exchange bitcoin to fiat money, which means USA recognizes bitcoin as money. IMO something doesn't have to be literally called money by the government to be money. I'd say that bitcoin is money because it's being used as payment for goods and services and that's what money is. The problem is that in the last interpretation, the US gov. claimed that bitcoin is property. So which is it?

I don`t think that serious countries will accept BTC. They have their fiat money and it is enough for all purposes.
Taxes we get on the profit. And i don`t think that someone get a bill with BTC in it. No, we got taxes in fiat money. I don`t like it but it is correct - when you get any profit - you pay taxes.

Colorado accepts bitcoin for payments, allowing you to pay state tax in bitcoin. I'd say they're being pretty serious about it Wink

In the US there are always some states that tend to take the initiative, but that happens with everything, from social rights to pretty much the opposite. However the problem is that is has become quite unpredictable so it is ok to use the service, but base your company there or make significant decisions. It is the same in international politics, US swings too much.
562  Economy / Gambling / Re: Sport Dictation Free trial !! on: April 29, 2024, 12:15:58 AM
I wonder how many people here have ever used a "dictation" system on-line and just by subscription, it is a nit out of the ordinary to just on that type of wagon. However it is quite more common to have that "physical", like the typical guy who seem to be in the know of horse racing events and can potentially give you a tip, for your tip of course. Perhaps knowing in person beats the online on this.
563  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 28, 2024, 09:24:39 PM
Among all the list of new supplies to Ukraine, there is a line that seems not that important:

Equipment for the integration of Western launchers, rockets and radars with Ukrainian air defense systems;

However this means much more that it looks at first. An integration of the air defence systems passed or existing in Ukraine with other NATO systems... what could this mean? Will the US AWACS and predators that are permanently observing the black sea and the frontlines be now integrated with Ukraine's air defence?

My guess is that NATO can perfectly spot any of the planes that are launching the FABs (probably Ukraine's unresolved issue at the front). Passing that information in real time and with accurate coordinates to Ukraine's ground to air systems may be the beginning of the end of the Ruzzian advantage.
564  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 28, 2024, 12:05:48 AM

Yes Ukraine has recently hit another refinery, not far from the front.

NATO has already deployed troops in Ukraine, but not for combat. As usual there are "advisors" meaning military intelligence officers, mainetenance & technical personnel, etc. It is not only Macron who is exremely angry at Putin for waging this stupid war.

There is zero chance of Ruzzia targeting any nuclear weapon as of now. It is just ridiculous. I guess deploying nukes in Poland would be a good response to the Ruzzian weapons in BealoruZZia.

Edited to add: Two main strikes actually, one a Refinery in Smolesnk (around 300 km from the border with Ukraine), but also in Krasnoyarskii (more than 500 km from dnipro), a depot of gliding bombs / gliding kits . It is evident that Ukraine knew what to hit. As more of a psy op, a helicopter was burned (and filmed while the sabotage was being carried out for proof) in an aerodrome in Moscow.

Both of these strikes are level God in difficulty, as they have to fly over the in theory protected territory where the Ruzzian army is.

565  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Publicly held Trump trials - ongoing on: April 28, 2024, 12:00:15 AM
There are two kinds of Trump trials. There are the government/court trials, and there are the trials of public opinion.


The hush money case against Trump weaves a colorful narrative with a tabloid publisher suppressing torrid affairs for a businessman-turned-politician and a hush money scheme orchestrated by a now-disbarred lawyer to a porn star.

But Trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records – so prosecutors have warned this will in many ways be a routine, document-heavy trial.


Banker Gary Farro testified to records that show Cohen changed course about two weeks later in October 2016 to instead open an account for another company – Essential Consultants – an entity ultimately used to pay Daniels in the hush money scheme to suppress her story about an alleged affair with Trump. (Trump has denied both alleged affairs.)

It is clear that this is not some short of casual spending or a simple scheme, it required the creation of opaque companies to get the money from A (the donations for a political campaign) to B, the account of a female porn professional that frequently calls Trump "tiny". As of now, the defence has failed to score any hit that might question the essence accusation.

566  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 27, 2024, 08:36:35 AM
The strategic planning of this war is known and now it is just a question of the US & Europe being able to execute the actions required. The "infinite" recruitment capacity of Ruzzia, its unlimited manpower are all myths. The frog needs unfortunately more boiling - this is part of the price to pay for all the time Ruzzia has ignored treaties - you cannot negotiate with such a bad faith in front.

Russian forces are likely to peak in late 2024, with increasing material challenges over the course of 2025.

 Russia faces significant limitations in the longevity and reliability of its industrial output. Of the tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, for example, approximately 80% are not new production but are instead refurbished and modernised from Russian war stocks. The number of systems held in storage means that while Russia can maintain a consistent output through 2024, it will begin to find that vehicles require deeper refurbishment through 2025, and by 2026 it will have exhausted most of the available stocks.

Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has assessed an industrial requirement to manufacture or source approximately 4 million 152mm and 1.6 million 122mm artillery shells in 2024. Russian industry has reported to the MoD that it expects to increase 152mm production from around 1 million rounds in 2023 to 1.3 million rounds over the course of 2024, and to only produce 800,000 122mm rounds over the same period. Moreover, the Russian MoD does not believe it can significantly raise production in subsequent years


Beyond 2026, attrition of systems will begin to materially degrade Russian combat power, while Russian industry could be disrupted sufficiently by that point, making Russia's prospects decline over time.

567  Local / Español (Spanish) / No quiero pagar impuestos por vender bitcoin on: April 27, 2024, 08:12:08 AM
Hey, llamame loco  Grin pero no me gusta pagar impuestos. Tampoco me gusta ir a la carcel o que me multen por eso no quiero pagar impuestos pero por lo legal. Total que lo que estoy preguntando es donde tengo q vivir y durante cuanto tiempo para poder pasar una buena cantidad de bitcoin (es para el futuro claro) a cash pagando lo minimo.

Basta con ser residente fiscal un año en alguna jurisdiccion favorable o como? Hay formas legales mas fáciles si estoy dispuesto a desplazarme o montar empresas?
568  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: El bloque 840000 podría ser el más valioso de la historia por el halving on: April 27, 2024, 08:07:27 AM
Lo que enfatizaba un tanto es en el "plano digital" como citaba, donde estas rarezas no son físicas sino lógicas, otorgadas en base a una asociación adicional que se le otorga al satoshi, sea por orden numeral u otra idea que conceptualmente pueda parecer relevante.
En realidad podríamos cuestionar lo mismo en el caso de los "NFT tradicionales". No me refiero aquí a los NFT basados en Ordinals, que sí tienen algo como un "valor añadido" por la seguridad que les da estar almacenados en una blockchain. Sino a los NFT tal como se popularizaron con Ethereum, que lo que contienen es un enlace a un sitio web donde se aloja una imagen, audio, mini-video etc.

Si somos sinceros de las imágenes que se venden como NFTs el 99% son de escaso valor artístico, es decir "solo por ser NFTs" tienen un valor muy superior al que tendría la misma obra (digital o analógica, si le restamos su "valor decorativo")  si no existiera esa moda. Habrá un par de casos de arte digital de alta calidad, en los que sí el valor se corresponde con su "valor artístico", a esos casos no me refiero porque tienen en común bastante con el mercado de arte "real", y el NFT sería una forma de asegurar la "propiedad" sobre el mismo. Tampoco a los DLCs de los videojuegos, en este caso se trata simplemente de otra forma de vender algo que le puede ser útil a los gamers.

Aparentemente eso significa que hay una especie de cambio de paradigma, que le confiere valor a algo por la rareza misma aún siendo digital.

Sin embargo, por las razones mencionadas en el último post el tema de las "convenciones" puede perjudicar al particular mercado de los "satoshis raros" en el futuro. Cualquiera podría inventar un sistema que compita con el "sistema de rarezas" de Casey. Creo que los valores "black" ya son un ataque a los valores originales: le confieren un valor superior también al último satoshi en el bloque, y no solamente al primero como en el sistema original. Ahora yo podría intentar vender el satoshi que está en el centro del bloque, que es igual de raro que el primero y el último. O empezar a contar los satoshis de manera diferente. Al final podríamos imaginar un sinnúmero de "rarezas" que multiplican la oferta ...

Esto me fastidia bastante. Parece gente intentando hacer no fungible algo que funciona porque es fungible. Por otra parte, a mi me da igual un sat que otro. Hay alguna manera en la que pueda vender algun sat raro q por casualidad haya llegado a mis manos en el pasado? Como funciona esto? Alguien tiene que certificar dicho satoshi para que se lo pueda vender al pirao de turno de este esquema piramidal?
569  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Biden is asking Congress to kill the American Bitcoin mining industry on: April 26, 2024, 04:39:29 PM
He is not looking to kill it, he is trying to impose the DAME tax, DAME means Digital Asset Mining Energy, and the idea is to start with this tax from 10%, then 20% in the next year and 30% on the 3rd year.

So, the plan isn't to ban the mining, but with those huge taxes, no one will want to mine there. Is not a good business. But i don't think congress will let that tax come to live, and if it does, they will stop it before the 3rd year, because other way people will start creating illegal farms.

Yep, the "asset industry" is not at all the mining industry. It is being, as usual, made into a partisan thing and all that crap. My guess is that the news might lower the price of electricity by less than 1% if any??

I think it is contrary to a good practice to selectively tax a certain use of energy - like for example taxing selectively the land for cattle (cows) because these are harmful for the environment (should I say to a greater extent than bitcoin?) or you could tax the energy used in producing diesel or gasoline cars for the same reason...but my favourite would be to tax the energy consumption of VISA and Mastercard, including the one used to take the employees to the office, etc...,to%20have%20been%2027%2C400%20TWh.

The CBECI estimates that global electricity usage associated with Bitcoin mining ranged from 67 TWh to 240 TWh in 2023, with a point estimate of 120 TWh. The International Energy Agency estimated global consumption of electricity during 2023 to have been 27,400 TWh.10 So, the CBECI estimates put electricity supporting Bitcoin mining in 2023 at about 0.2% to 0.9% of global demand for electricity

0.2% is quite a bit of energy to be honest.

570  Economy / Gambling / Re: More revelations on the challenges of physical casinos on: April 26, 2024, 01:01:01 PM
The popularity of online gambling platform have been on the increase for a while now thereby creating several arguments between them and the  physical outlets in terms of which is the best. There was an incidence I saw on twitter this money that made me decide to create this post so anyone who is bent on using physical shops should be cautious.

According to the tweet and the victim narration, he bet the game in a physical shop and won N16,700,000 (~$13,500) but the agent of the shop refused to pay him even after the betting company from their head office instructed him to pay. Not that the company did not pay the agent, they paid but the agent refused to pay him saying that someone else have come to withdraw the money. He approached the court only to get N3,000,000( $2,400) out of the total winning and was asked to go and look for the people that withdrew that money. Normally, when there is winning, the only way to withdraw is to tender the ticket to the agents who will take the ticket before paying the winning. So I do not know how someone will withdraw the winning of another and what the person used to make the withdrawal. I think the agent wanted to steal the entire money but due to the pressure from the court, he has to return part of it. I see this as a warning on the dangers of greedy agents in physical gambling platforms.


That is a quite surprising event, normally the legit agents would honour a ticket to the extent possible - they may not have the full amount or whatever - they can get in a lot of trouble and suffer demands and income loss if they fail to do so. But I would not take this isolated fact as a post on "limitations of physical" casinos, but rather as something you need to be aware of in case.
571  Economy / Gambling / Re: Sport Dictation Free trial !! on: April 26, 2024, 12:57:44 PM

Our unique blend allows us to deliver real-time insights through voice dictation, giving you the edge by revealing goals before they hit mainstream media, gambling plateforms, or TV screens!

Well I'm not surprised about some of the things you said because I already have a premonition about where this is going but talking about the lines on quote, what are you really talking about Huh Of what purpose is early revealing of goals scored to gamblers before it hits the media?  I'm flummoxed really, gamblers who desire to have profit from his bet doesn't want the frivolous distractions, so how would that benefit subscribers of yours? So much questions to ask on your post.

Seems nothing out of the ordinary to be honest. A Telegram channel that is supposedly going to give you more accurate predictions and insights that you'd normally get fro m free sources? It think that people will only pay if it is terribly good at it and even in that case many people bet trying themselves to get their own strategies, copying is not as fun as diy for gambling.
572  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 26, 2024, 10:53:48 AM
One must think why the 60 billion aid to Ukraine has been passed with the support of absolutely all democrats, but also by nearly half of the Republicans. There is no doubt that the representatives had to come and face the truth: The US voters do want to help Ukraine and want Ukraine to succeed.

Putin has been defeated in the political US fight. Have no doubt he has done the best he could on regards to stopping the aid, buying wills and throwing money and extortion to the problem. But he failed. And is not like a one vote fail, is like 100 of 200 fail.

Trump has been absent from the conversation, but this is a political loss on his stance about Ukraine, within his own party - at most, coming off his usual naps during his trial for paying a sex professional - he tweeted that this is very costly and thee like. I guess that he is trying very hard to ignore that two thirds of that money goes directly to several US states currently held by Republicans - e.g. Mississippi or Texas in the form of military contracts of huge sizes.

This is a full-blown diplomatic and political catastrophe for Putin, who can brag about some advances in the front, but at this point clearly understands that the current strategy of using FAB and then sending the "turtle tanks" may be short lived.
573  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 25, 2024, 02:56:59 PM

How a frog boils, but does not get out of the pan:

Ruzzia is planning to increase their weapons production, which can obviously be expected as the "Three days to Kiev" was cancelled and this is of course possible in a country were you can just ignore if the people would rather have better schools or better medical care.

What is significant is that the investment is not going to the latest in missiles, fifth gen fighters or sophisticated weapons that can penetrate any defence. They are going to produce... more shells. This gives an idea of how devastating this war has been for the best and most irreplaceable production of Ruzzia, now centering the efforts in first world war dumb explosives.

Given the size of the frog, this is not something to be taken lightly, but is a clear indication of how the future looks like for Ruzzia and for their reputation as weapons exporter too.

My guess? Putin is praying for a Trump victory, but should be careful of what he wishes on that regard.

One of the main developments has been the rapid emergence and massive scaling up of Russian civilian and military drones providing significant ISR and assault capabilities to the Russian armed forces, often launched with missiles for a maximum impact.

 While Russia has also invested in the production of modern tanks, ammunition, and EW systems, CSIS research has revealed Moscow is not self-sufficient and relies on partners such as Iran and North Korea to field enough of these weapons on the battlefield. The analysis has also shown that while Russia indeed improved its domestic arms production capacity in 2023 compared to 2022, it has nonetheless continued to tap into its Soviet-era stockpiles by, for instance, refurbishing and sending its 60- and 70-year-old tanks to Ukraine. Overall, last year saw Russia transition into a long war of attrition while increasingly shifting to low-cost and lower-quality weapons systems.

Smells of frog.

Wow.... I think that some people are going to think that I read this before my posting about future strategy...

More precisely, Western policymakers trying to support the Ukrainian war effort should do
the following:

▪ Continue supplying higher-end military equipment to Ukraine at a pace that exceeds
Russia’s production rate.
▪ Target Russia’s oil revenues.[...]The main way to seriously undermine Russia’s capacity
to increase spending on its defense industrial sector is by targeting its oil revenues
▪ Close sanctions loopholes and enforce existing export controls.
▪ Collaborate with the countries of the Global South. T
▪ Begin planning for a strengthened and empowered European defense industry.

dude... I should get paid for this.

To the stupid stuff...

As Russian Troops Broke Through Ukrainian Lines, Panicky Ukrainian Commanders Had No Choice But To Deploy One Of Their Least-Prepared Brigades

The situation in and around Ocheretyne is desperate for Ukraine

Is it time to mobilize women and teenagers yet? Because UA is winning so hard?

Yes, a light brigade inadequately armed left positions. Another one was sent to stabilise. A not really unusual fuck-up, not a "collapse" but certain you are giving here a real frog leap into calling for recruiting teens. BTW women are already fighting for Ukraine, given a gun, they kill Ruzzis perfectly well.

But hey... perhaps they should learn from Ruzzia and send teenagers into military targets and then claim they were hit:

n July 2023, an investigation revealed the factory recruits students of Alabuga Polytech, a branch of the Yelabuga Polytechnic College, as workers, some as young as 15. As of August 2023, the factory had several hundred students employed.[11] The students were promised a job and locally competitive salary of up to 70,000 rubles (US$700) per month as part of a work experience program. Instead, students enrolled were encouraged, and in some cases pressured, into working at the drone facility where their salaries are contingent on meeting production quotas

In a 2 April 2024 offensive, the drone factory was struck by an improvised drone apparently adapted from a civilian light aircraft, likely an Aeroprakt A-22. Ukraine's military intelligence said the strike "caused significant destruction of production facilities".[2] Local governor Rustam Minnikhanov said the attack brought no serious damage or disruption to production.[19][2] Russian media reported a nearby workers' dormitory was damaged, with 12 injured.[20][21]

So, following your theory, Ruzzia is winning so big that they use teens in a drone factory, in which they get killed because Ukraine cannot hit Ruzzia???

Boil frog boil.
574  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Final Nail in America's Coffin? by Ron Paul on: April 25, 2024, 02:05:48 PM
The truth about the aid to Ukraine: Most of the investment goes directly into the US factories and benefits the economy of regions that are typically depressed. Republicans are trying to make it look as an expense, while the order authorising to seize Ruzzian assets has been given.

For example, Mississippi's weapons factories are getting a fullbook or orders to replenish all stocks that are being sent to Ukraine. The funds range in the billion range.

US is the only winner of this war.
575  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Publicly held Trump trials - ongoing on: April 25, 2024, 01:59:10 PM
Trump just cannot help it. He just violated a gag order. Previously, he has been fined for tweeting shit about judges, their families, the witnesses ... beyond anything that you may have seen before in the US justice system.

I think they gave him a picture book too early in the trial.   Now they have nothing to distract him.  Sad

Maybe a Playboy subscription in exchange for not Xtweeting anything for, lets say 48 hours?

A textbook narcissist, he is got so many of the traits and tactics of narcissists that should be a case study like...

Patient 187 describes himself as the leader and saviour of his country:

- when he looses describes a situation in which "the largest conspiracy" took place to make him loose,
- his projects are "the biggest projects ever seen" and anyone who dares to question absolutely anything is described as a hater, criminal, conspirationists...
- Any and all failures are described as either "achivements" or "caused by his enemies". Responsibility for actions is nil, and once people do not serve his purpose he goes into full offensive onto them (e.g. the Vice president, his layers,...).

Unable to recognise any mistake, when there is objective information or data showing those, he denies the data, the producers of the information, the media that publishes it and even the colour of the background if given opportunity (e.g. unemployment data).
576  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 25, 2024, 07:36:13 AM
The aid to Ukraine has been signed by Biden, which was the only step left to start getting the supplies to Ukraine. Most of these are stored in Europe so they will start arriving.
Biden says the U.S. will send weapons to Ukraine within 'hours'

To put things into perspective, this was all the aid sent to Ukraine from January 2022 to January 2024. It is easy to see that is a huge package.

This is just all the aid until 5 months ago, just for measure.

And today it is Feodosia's turn to be attacked by drones, at an oil depot be the victim of someone smoking in the wrong place. It seems that there are plenty of places that can be easily be attacked by Ukrainian drones have people smoking around.

Maybe the resident trolls would like to evaluate how expensive this was and what little difference it makes, etc...?

Edited to add: It seems that Ukraine is preferentially targeting Ruzzia air defence. Preparing the ground for the F-16?
577  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 24, 2024, 07:08:38 PM
The important things:

- Ukraine knows what works and what does not.
- Ukraine can hit oil facilities. I expect that now to happen after the US elections. Latest drones are above the 1000 km of range (some say 3000 km, but I am not giving yet credit unless I see evidence).
- Ukraine has learnt from the Surovikin line and now has its own.
- Ukraine can stop Ruzzia in the front, is willing to do so and is willing to bleed Ruzzian economy hard.

I see that there is a clear direction. Optimal result: Crimea cut from railway lines this year.

I get that you're trying to concentrate on the positives, but at this point a child can see that cherry picking some facts that are adventitious to you usually means that someone is trying to mislead you.

"Branko mentioned the Excalibur, used by HIMARS" lol what!?! At this point i'm just going to assume that you're drunk or just trolling me.

Good that you could admit that Branko was right, still not sure why you continue discussing other price before the war even began and the current global shortage of 155mm shells. Until the shortage is gone might as well discuss the hypothetical price of 155mm shells if they were growing on trees, would be just as relevant.

"when you deny that Ruzzia is sending soldiers in Golfcarts to the front" cite where i deny that Russia is using golfcart like vehicles? Or shamefully just ignore this point and change the subject yet again.

"Or would you want to admit that 60 billion is the US aid is on top of the EU aid and is more that the rate given on previous years and that you are lying when trying to make it appear otherwise?"
Ohh boy, you actually believed that one too, huh? You know, it would help to develop some critical thinking skills instead of just blindly believing everything that you wish to be true. Let me explain so you don't set yourself up for another disappointment. Just because USA approves aid to Ukraine for $X (what congress passes) doesn't mean that $X will make it to Ukraine. In fact most will stay in US and only a small portion of that $Y will make it to Ukraine (what Kiel Institute accounts for).  Just look into the previous $113B congress passed

$113 billion: Where the US investment in Ukraine aid has gone
The largest chunk has gone directly to help Ukraine’s military

The US has actually spent a bit more than $43 billion on security aid for Ukraine since Russia’s invasion in February 2022.

Does the money go where it’s supposed to?

There have been indications of corruption. Zelensky, for instance, replaced the leadership at his defense ministry just before traveling to the US to address the United Nations and appear at the White House with Biden.  

And let me spell this out so you don't get confused on this one too, I'm only talking about USA, sure Brits just committed $0,6B and other countries commit too

"by your comments that Ukraine is just playing golf with the Scalps" are you sure you're not confusing me with someone else here? Or are you a bot that just generates positive messages to keep up Ukraine's morale?

Finally, it's getting ugly out there for Ukrainians, guess they decided to completely shred the constitution and citizens rights, hope everyone who has Ukrainian passport here managed to renew it or it's a one way ticket to execute American KPIsAnger among Ukrainians in Poland as Kyiv halts passport renewals

Lying or misreading little troll??

- Ruzzia is sending people in unarmoured vehicles to the frontline. did you lie or misread?
- 60 Billion is nearly as much as the aid sent by US in two previous years - regardless if sent in weapons or cash - Now I know you have not misread, so this one is lying for you. The rest... textwalling, your favourite when your are caught.
- Fronts collapsing... Lying or lying? (I cannot give you the honourable option).

Excalibur shells are used for long range expensive targets. Are you trying to imply that is not the case?i

 (I did say HIMARS because I was thinking of the rocket, but they are fired by conventional artillery, so I am happy to correct THAT, which is irrelevant to the case)

Branko is trying to imply that shells fired by Ukraine cost 100.000 US which is not the common case. See, he does not lie, just uses partial information. I am sure you are very familiar with using partial information uh? But let's just quote the same source:


So now that you bring the topic, and for the benefit of those soldiers and people that you are trying to get to their deaths by trying to deny what this means: Excalibur is one shot one kill. Would you like to be on the receiving end thinking... "oh well, at least it costed them a lot".

People living Ukraine... yes it happens. See below a link.... about people leaving Ruzzia... Boiling frogggggg

For the men leaving Russia after vast journeys across the world's biggest country, there is now often a final ordeal: visceral fear at the border followed by a rush of relief for those who reach the other side.
Hundreds of thousands of men have left Russia since President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24. Some feared they would be called up to fight, others simply sought new lives after war changed Russia more dramatically than at any time since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union.

578  Economy / Gambling / Re: Buidling a New Crash Game with Community Experience on: April 24, 2024, 06:51:40 PM
Surely, such approaches also work in the realm of gambling. You can copy everything from a well-known gambling site and make just some tiny changes, say, in color palette and house edges of some games and voila, a new site is born. Will it be successful depends on many things but its uniqueness is of a minor importance.
I recently started to realize the same thing. I've seen new games that take inspiration from existing mainstream games but they manage to survive because the production value is quite OK while the story and microtransactions are not as bad as others copycat. While characters are similar, they are distinct enough so they can avoid any plagiarism issues. I guess marketing plays a part in how the market perceives your product.

I am  not sure how the community experience is going to play in betting. It tends to be a bit more of a solo activity in general unless you are specifically betting with friends among yourselves - which does not require a site or an intermediary. Perhaps creating the community in this context is going to be the main challenge and will require very experienced mangement.
579  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Publicly held Trump trials - ongoing on: April 24, 2024, 03:42:50 PM
It would be hard to get much worse with his repeat opponent being a zombie who often can barely speak any more.

Pick a random time and watch for 10 minutes.  He's fine.

If Trump is a loser, who would you suggest for the Presidency? Look at Biden.

Biden would be fine, yes.  Or anyone in his cabinet, other than a handful of crazies pretty much anyone in the House or Senate.  I'd probably vote for 99% of non incarcerated Americans that would be eligible to run if it were between them and Trump.  That's around 100 million people.

I'd probably have to vote for Trump if he were running against you though.

Trump just cannot help it. He just violated a gag order. Previously, he has been fined for tweeting shit about judges, their families, the witnesses ... beyond anything that you may have seen before in the US justice system.

Pecker puts jury inside how AMI helped Trump in 2016 campaign: Pecker, who ran American Media Inc. during the 2016 election, [...]  testified about the “catch and kill” deals involving McDougal and Trump’s doorman. He said that he met with Trump and Cohen in 2015 where he agreed to be the “eyes and ears” of the campaign and look out for negative stories.

"Catch and kill deals" means finding about Trump misdoings and people who may disclose these to the press. Basically paying someone for silencing a scandal before it happens. Problem here, he charged that to "campaign expenses" and, apparently, evaded taxes and other stuff.

Gag order hearing goes badly for Trump: Judge Juan Merchan issued the gag order before the trial began, limiting Trump from publicly discussing witnesses, the jury, the district attorney’s staff and Merchan's family. He has not yet ruled on the district attorney’s motion to sanction Trump for allegedly violating the order, but it wasn’t hard to tell the judge’s sentiments. Merchan rejected the explanations that Trump attorney Todd Blanche offered for the offending posts after Trump’s attorney tried to argue that posts about Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen were political and not about the case
580  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 24, 2024, 02:47:52 PM
The important things:

- Ukraine knows what works and what does not.
- Ukraine can hit oil facilities. I expect that now to happen after the US elections. Latest drones are above the 1000 km of range (some say 3000 km, but I am not giving yet credit unless I see evidence).
- Ukraine has learnt from the Surovikin line and now has its own.
- Ukraine can stop Ruzzia in the front, is willing to do so and is willing to bleed Ruzzian economy hard.

I see that there is a clear direction. Optimal result: Crimea cut from railway lines this year.

The muddy waters in which some here live:

It is the houses special. I am not sure, but I think DaRude here is trying to make it look like getting 60 billion in aid is a bad thing and will not impact the rate of fatalities in the Ruzzian army? I mean... a 155MM shell is 300 US. 60B of shells would be like... 18 million shells? More than all that has been yet used in the war? A whole 6 year shell production of Ruzzia to their most optimistic stats? This is just to give an idea, not realistic, but... I would not want to be on the other side of this gun.

"" The cost for Excalibur has been estimated at around $100,000 per round, compared to about $3,000 for an unguided 155-mm shell."


I guess rest of your comments are just as accurate...wrong tenfold  Grin

Excalibur is an exception, used for targets that are at least x10 its cost. One shot, one less tank, one less Uragan... Your argument is very interesting, but does not stop the bullets.

LOL You make a claim that "a 155MM shell is 300 US" Branko corrects you by citing a full sentence from Business Insider, which estimates the price of different shells including the one you mentioned 155-mm shell at $3,000. Then instead of thanking him for correcting your blatant mistake (or being caught on a lie) your reply with some irrelevant comment about that other shell? Do you have reading comprehension issues that you really don't understand Branko's citation, or you're just incapable of admitting that you were wrong, so much so, that you'd rather make yourself sound like a fool and be made fun of?

Getting 60 billion would definitely impact the rate of Russian fatalities, but it's like someone giving Japan money after US nuked them, just to keep them fighting a bit longer. Would that increase Russian/American fatalities? Sure, but would it help Japan? Unlikely. I can't believe i have to explain this to you like you're a 6yr old, but here it goes, if something is bad for Russia, that doesn't automatically makes it good for Ukraine, as something bad for Russia can mean something even worse for Ukraine. Now if you don't care for Ukrainian losses and view this strictly from American point of view, than i stand corrected and you are right, finding fools to suicide themselves on your opponent is definitely advantageous.

Little troll, you have a reading comprehension issue: Branko mentioned the Excalibur, used by HIMARS which is only used for the expensive vehicles - occasionally to kill masses with cluster munition. Please, educate yourself.

Branko is right (on this) at todays prices as I am right at usual market prices which are around 300 US. There is no lie, there is no mistake in understanding. Todays prices are today, as production expands price is likely to go back to the mean as I just said. I hope you are have reading comprehension as opposed to lying when you deny that Ruzzia is sending soldiers in Golfcarts to the front? Would you like to admit that you were wrong or lying? Which of the two you like most?

Or would you want to admit that 60 billion is the US aid is on top of the EU aid and is more that the rate given on previous years and that you are lying when trying to make it appear otherwise?

You know what? It does not matter. At this point all Ruzzian soldiers and the command know what this means. I am sure that Ruzzis in the front feel very re-assured by your permanent denial of the fact that 60 billion of military equipment is going to be used on them. I am sure that the High Command of the Baltic fleet is very reassured by your comments that Ukraine is just playing golf with the Scalps as the artillery and tank crews are very reassured because the price of the Excalibur that will kill them is expensive.

Keep on boiling frog and dreaming of front collapses. Unless you would like to admit that you are lying when you say the front has collapsed?


Why the fuck would I waste my time with your straw people. Seems like your brain damage is getting worse, you're not even trying to tell the difference between reality and your fantasy world.

Me personally? I hope to save people from dying for the delirious dreams of a dictator or by giving any credits to the "information" provided by the resident trolls here,  and try to get a peace that I have enjoyed and wish for future generations. Unfortunately, none of that happens for free and without fighting.

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