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Author Topic: CRYPTSY stopping withdraw locking accounts without notifying users! Class Action  (Read 1007203 times)
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August 12, 2018, 11:15:31 AM

Gl**,   Grin
You’re right, nobody will get their coins back so might as well hunt down those who are guilty.  
Literally, Fuck off

3rd time you’ve posted this same long incoherent post today.  
Should we play a game?

Shall we play a game



iXcoin - Welcome to the F U T U R E!
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August 12, 2018, 11:47:16 AM

You just reposted this for the 4th time today.

Shall we play a game? 

`never be able to prove the legality of her claims.`
Never about getting money back, never gonna happen

Its all about the shills and the trolls

Look what coming, all new
 **ICO** Trolled Coin - | Anonymous | Safe | Secure | - [Free Airdrop] 2018

The Trolled

Did I mention it is SAFE and SECURE

The best Safe and Secure ICO

Remember Trolled Coin SAFE and SECURE   Shocked   Lips sealed Sad Undecided Embarrassed Angry Huh


Yeah Bitinstant to Gox then Cryptsy, WEX going the same way
any info on these guys
I can certainly do with my coin back
Not familiar with WEX but historically speaking the funds are gone for good.  The theft is planned well ahead of time, individual data is often destroyed and the thieves disappear - like Big Vermin ran to China.  Good luck tracking him.  
Of course he’s not in China - it was an inside job to grab key alts at that time.  
But I digress...
Seriously why the riddles.
I am sure you understand what I am looking for, if there is no coins,

There is only those that assisted!

seriously hornetnest future proves past - follow roger (we do see all roger)
We see scams here everyday many commited by chancers jumping on the ICO bandwagon suddenly finding themselves enriched from ill gotten gains and then their ego trys to convince them they are quite clever and on a level with academics and aristocratic peers but the reality is they are nothing because they produced nothing.Only people who know how things work in the real world outside this little fish pool inhabited by minnows who consider themselves sharks know that when the tide comes in and washes over the little pool those minnows will soon face reality when they find themselves in the ocean with the real whales and sharks.

Nothing new here - Future proves past

Vlad changing the subject a little and returning to the base of success.
Why do you think the ETF was denied? Remembering that it is your opinion, is it that the masses are scaring the big ones? Or can we conclude that it is the big ones that will scare the masses? Grin Roll Eyes
The masses have no idea what’s going on.  The masses in crypto are negligible.
I think the SEC Knows what will happen after the ETF, mass wealth transfer and it wants to show that it took the time to do its due dilligelence by denying the ETF multiple times.
That and what chain - which bitcoin are you gonna give the ETF to right now?  There’s no way.
There must be a defined winner with no more of this fork off nonsense going forward.  Once that is settled then the ETF will come and the price of the real Bitcoin will easily surpass $100,000 in the very first 6 months.  

Thinking inside the bubble - thats got to hurt

I thought he is now facing criminal charges for unjust enrichment or misappropriation of funds or something?
I know that for ICOs the token purchaser has a right to recover the money they invested.
If the utility token was actually a capital raising, this makes the issue fraudulent in nature and can lead to criminal sanctions. The international nature of token sales opens the issuer for a wide range of litigation not just where it was issued, but globally.
Different in his case of course.
In America you have to be present and charged.
And I bet the statute of limitations for every crime he committed is no more than 7 years.  2+ years have already passed.  
4-5 years ago I said chubby Magical Tux would

Get off cause it was an inside job and that’s exactly what happened.

Vern will

Not go to prison either - cause cryptsy too was an inside job, yet one more honey pot.

Shall we play a game

If watching the trolls, watches the secrets
And I do not hold the key
Do trolls that troll, troll each other
Belong to something called we
If the trolled dont like trolls and they be trolled hard
Who holds the key

Do trolls like bubbles, bubbles go pop
The trolled were trolled hard and my do they hop
Is the timing near, and the trolled do hear
For the coming trolls, your kingdom you fear

Shall we play a game

The trolled

Why do legendary members respond to newbies?;u=2288487

Name:    celeNG666
Posts:    20
Activity:    20
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Position:    Newbie
Date Registered:    17-07-2018, 20:51:29
Last Active:    09-08-2018, 20:34:01
Local Time:    12-08-2018, 04:04:34
Trust:    0: -0 / +0

Shall we play a game

Do trolls only live under one bridge?

dreamtrove: there needs to be a discussion of sauism
dreamtrove: safuism
dreamtrove: and dash
dreamtrove: sara parker must open dash withdawals
dollarpaying: GabbyCoin, Ppc $5 coming today ?
ivanescu11: yep
dollarpaying: ivanescu11, ok
ivanescu11: 5, 5.5
makeclone10: ppc 10$ buy now or cry late
dollarpaying: ivanescu11, ppc ?
ivanescu11: yep , i've just bought at @ 4
dollarpaying: ivanescu11, ok
dreamtrove: this market is one tweet away from parity, it's just risky here
dreamtrove: even for dash
ivanescu11: everything is risky in this life
ivanescu11: eating is risky too
ivanescu11: sleeping as well
ivanescu11: everything Cheesy
ivanescu11: but wex money are safu
ivanescu11: this is the most important thing for me , to know that we are safu
ivanescu11: According to an articles recently published in a few russian newspapers, some our customers consider WEX was sold, however, it is not for real. We do receive capital raising proposals, but not going to sell the company. Stay with us.
ivanescu11: 5 July
ivanescu11: and now is 12 august ... our money are safu
GabbyCoin: Ppc mooooon
doanhv: sell zec now or cry late
ivanescu11: yeah i agree with you
theeratat: them wil withdraw tomorrow
littleguy: any news on wex yet?
soheil_s: wex.nzUpdated 4 days ago domain information
littleguy: well thats somewhat a decent sign
xiaobao: Exit now
xiaobao: theeratat, Can you quit right away? How do you know to quit tomorrow? Are you wex?
bmijnen: Today is the day we all see that Coolie32 is full of shit Smiley
bmijnen: He had a source and today withdrawals would open Smiley
val12: Ppc0.001 soon?
ivanescu11: yeah
ivanescu11: 001
ivanescu11: or 007
val12: Nice to see ppc again at 4$ plus
val12: Smiley)
ivanescu11: it's nice to be important but is more important to be nice Smiley))
val12: I have set my order for ppc from 12.01.18:))
allpurposeflower: Wex is making us rich!
allpurposeflower: shitcoins holders unite
makeclone10: team wex true or ceo wex true ? who will true or false
rcgenie: what's going on with PerPetually Crashing
allpurposeflower: i think they call it a bear market
rcgenie: as in Grin and Bear it
makeclone10: The WEX token is a contract between us and users, according to which we are obliged to buy out the WEX tokens during a certain interval of time (2 years). In this case from the legal point of view it is the creditor’s right (right of the user) to get a compensation / payment for tokens
Flipflopflapz: If withdrawals open i will personally fly to redneck country and give old coolie a BJ in honour of pearl harbor
allpurposeflower: so bch can issue icos now
ab0572845497: Does anyone know when a withdrawal in Tacoin opens?
ab0572845497: Bitcoin*
the_bunker: no one can withdrawal c
the_bunker: better buy zec
the_bunker: buy zec now
ab0572845497: I buy zcash in out and sell in wex
the_bunker: buy zec'
ab0572845497: I'm afraid it's a scam
the_bunker: no scam
the_bunker: we're trading in a bbble
the_bunker: bubble
the_bunker: make your money
ab0572845497: I can do 4000$ from 1000$ in second but i dont know when the withdrawl will be possible
ab0572845497: How long are the withdrawals disabled?
McPants: Admin wants me to send all my btc his way for early exit, seems legit
the_bunker: Maintenance has finished successfully.
ab0572845497: ??
the_bunker: buy
the_bunker: buy
Loudermilk: ab0572845497 he was quoting the latest tweet from wex
ab0572845497: Reliable site?
Loudermilk: well, it was, at some point
ab0572845497: It same to BTC-E?
Loudermilk: yes and no
Loudermilk: I'm sorry, I have to go
Loudermilk: bye
dernoste: every day is the 22nd of July
Xeroxwc420: Big#zec#pump
tr4derz: Xeroxwc420, I expect 850$ to day
619Cookies916: whats gunna go off this morning?
Xeroxwc420: Big#zec#pump
tr4derz: Xeroxwc420, I expect 850$ to day
619Cookies916: whats gunna go off this morning?
Velvet78: nmc and ppc
619Cookies916: thanks
Xeroxwc420: Big#zec#pump
Xeroxwc420: Please
Xeroxwc420: I need 2 exit
tarasvitsentyi: Verified exchanger. Exchange WEX to BTC https://24bestex.SCAM/exchange_WEX_to_BTC/ . Change it is not too late!
tr4derz: zec zec zec big pump hiha
timzor: I don't see much difference in losing all my money and losing 75% of it. I'm sticking around to see what happens.
Budgiebop: morning fuckers
Budgiebop: bull run to nowhere
Xeroxwc420: seo cry when zec you buy
Budgiebop: crypto up hmmm september come early?
dernoste: tarasvitsentyi, scam
Adamadamuk: ppc 5000$ up to 5 years
makeclone10: Sara said buy now or cry late
manijak: Sara buying Ltc?
dernoste: always buy LTC
Budgiebop: well i just doubled my ltc Smiley
Budgiebop: thanks wex if u can just let me withdraw now
Budgiebop: you can't.......oh shit
Budgiebop: $26 more for ltc on here lol
sdegabriele: withdraw yes?
sdegabriele: awww, maybe tomorrow?
Budgiebop: anything posted yet?
Budgiebop: mtgox could get money bk in 2019
EdwardCryptoamos: summer 2019 was announced
EdwardCryptoamos: btc rise most likely Altcoin breather
AtomicForce: do you understand the difference between currency and wealth ?
tarasvitsentyi: Verified exchanger. Exchange WEX to BTC . Change it is not too late!
aqua12: tarasvitsentyi, idi nax
ab0572845497: Can I withdraw if my account is not verified?
derkish: where is admin when u need him
Rasmust86: ab0572845497, withdrawals are closed for all coins other than nmc, nvc, ppc, usdt, and zec, it doesnt matter whether you are verified or not, plus most users are unverified here.
ab0572845497: Thank u
GovBroker: Rasmust86, most users are unverified here? how do you know it?
azarashi: derkish, admin is kneedrag
Rasmust86: GovBroker, a lot of users from countries like US that cant get verified.
GovBroker: Rasmust86, US citizens are trapped here. but others are (were) able to verify. I don't know if verification runs at this crappy situation.
Rasmust86: GovBroker, it's just US citizens that cant be verified, there are other countries too.
Rasmust86: It is not just*
GovBroker: Rasmust86, therefore many users are trapped here... what a pity
catbuibk: We are stuck here. I dont know how to say except "FUCK WEX". That is all i can do
azarashi: too emotional...
Rasmust86: catbuibk,hopefully wex will go back to normal, we'll be fine.
dernoste: when?
dernoste: 22nd?
Budgiebop: if they shut wex down they go jail
Budgiebop: so in their interests to get operational
Budgiebop: And better for people to run scared at loss
Budgiebop: so if u have moved out in other coins best get back in
dernoste: jail?
dernoste: I do not think the cryptsy administrator is in jail!
tran230690: We trusted Wex, so we stayed. I Just hope that I am lucky enough not to lose all of my money. Hope that they don't sell the exchange to dangerous outlaw people
tran230690: no jail for them
mbtei555: safu
Wiyax001: i hate this word : HOPE
tran230690: Wiyax001, what can we do instead? Are we going to threaten them that they will go to jail if they make an exit-scam ?
azarashi: you can buy PPC
azarashi: it is uptrending
Rasmust86: PPC is going up in the real world for some reason as well.
tran230690: Rasmust86, what reason ?
azarashi: blame it on saev ehehe
kevinS: lmao well im down 706k then
kevinS: gg
Flipflopflapz: 706k you had here?
mrhaxchanger: any new of cashing out
kevinS: Flipflopflapz, nah, in total, this happens quite often, exit scam, fucking classic
kevinS: been in this since 2011/12
kevinS: nothing you can do about it
kevinS: i split it over 3 ledgers as well
Flipflopflapz: Damn daniel
kevinS: ikr
Flipflopflapz: I am attempting to withdraw some ZEC. I will let you all know how it gors
kevinS: i think its frozen because at current rate they cannot pay back tokens

Deer's with no eyes

You are being trolled/ speaking to one of them. eg Vlad2Vlad Wink

I am not speaking to them.
Shall we play a game
What informs the trolled every time I post?

Shall we play a game
What does a trapped troll feel like?

~there is only those that assisted~  Grin Grin Grin Grin

Future proves past
Game over

iXcoin - Welcome to the F U T U R E!
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August 12, 2018, 11:48:28 AM

Gl**,   Grin
You’re right, nobody will get their coins back so might as well hunt down those who are guilty.  
Literally, Fuck off

3rd time you’ve posted this same long incoherent post today.  
Should we play a game?

Shall we play a game



Wrong Answer

Shall we play a game

Wrong Answer

Shall we play a game

iXcoin - Welcome to the F U T U R E!
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August 12, 2018, 12:00:35 PM

Gl**,   Grin
You’re right, nobody will get their coins back so might as well hunt down those who are guilty.  
Literally, Fuck off
3rd time you’ve posted this same long incoherent post today.  
Should we play a game?
Shall we play a game
Wrong Answer
Shall we play a game
Wrong Answer
Shall we play a game
That is incorrect

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August 12, 2018, 12:03:44 PM

Gl**,   Grin
You’re right, nobody will get their coins back so might as well hunt down those who are guilty.  
Literally, Fuck off
3rd time you’ve posted this same long incoherent post today.  
Should we play a game?
Shall we play a game
Wrong Answer
Shall we play a game
Wrong Answer
Shall we play a game
That is incorrect

Wow, you’re the dumbest littering bot ever.  So this is how you accumulate tens of thousands of posts on multiple accounts.  Pathetic! 

Shall we play a game

iXcoin - Welcome to the F U T U R E!
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August 13, 2018, 12:57:40 AM
Last edit: August 13, 2018, 01:10:12 AM by mymenace

Ready Player one

Shall we play an ICO - the newest most successful CRYPTO CASH today.

Its about the shills and the trolls - Episode 4

ALL NEW  Wink Wink Wink
 **ICO**  ___ Trolled Coin ___   | Anonymous | Safe | Secure |   [Free Airdrop] 2018

No giveaways allowed here.
Exclusive membership

Only mymenace will be allowed addresses when announced. No censorship required. Topic will be moderated.

The Trolled

Did I mention it is SAFE and SECURE | The best Safe and Secure ICO | Remember Trolled Coin SAFE and SECURE   Shocked   Lips sealed Sad Undecided Embarrassed Angry Huh

Past posts prove future
Interesting. Ever since Cryptsy's involvement with Joshua Garza and the Paycoin scam I have 100% not used their service and recommend everybody else not to even consider doing business with them. The fact that an issue like this is even on a forum is absolutely unacceptable in a business standpoint and they're the only ones to blame. OP has multiple layered security that would keep any account safe even if they were hacked and sniffed for credentials. The fact that he has a password encrypting and saving service makes it impossible to forget his password. So somehow in a day his password became unusable with no records of any password change on the system? This is either a direct hack on cryptsy servers or more fraud (which they have proven themselves capable of by dealing with Mr. Garza). Which one do you think is worse?
Really Paycoin? We listed Paycoin like all the other exchanges, and accepter a prime controller post Garza. Which we never profited from nor used...
Again no clue how the user lost his password. Again his funds are nice, and safe in his account. Again all he has to do is RESET his password, and withdraw his funds. For some odd reason he refuses to do so.....
you forgot to mention the behind-the-scenes deals with Homero Joshua Garza, CEO of GAW and Paycoin scam. someone should dig out the leaked emails.

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born once atheist

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August 13, 2018, 02:51:31 AM

"Shall we play a game"

dude... just a little friendly advice from one legendary to another.
you are not helping your cause posting long clusterfuck quote walls of text of yourself and others.
no one one reads that shit and it makes you look obsessed.
just sayin...

Bitcoin...the future of all monetary transactions...and always will be
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August 13, 2018, 03:38:48 AM

Have anyone received back money from cryptsy scam?
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August 13, 2018, 03:50:05 AM

Have anyone received back money from cryptsy scam?

You have a choice, trolled coin

Newbie, Shall we play a game

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August 13, 2018, 04:27:37 AM

Have anyone received back money from cryptsy scam?

Not yet but soon the clowns who were dumb enough to settle will get some petty cash.

N00b, shall we play a game?

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August 14, 2018, 12:17:11 AM

Back on topic anyone?

Perv Vern
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August 14, 2018, 04:22:31 AM

Mymenace, you’re posting some really random crazy stuff.  Is there a point to any of it at all? Serious question.

iXcoin - Welcome to the F U T U R E!
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August 14, 2018, 04:27:29 AM

Mymenace, you’re posting some really random crazy stuff.  Is there a point to any of it at all? Serious question.

Read my fax

When have any of you ever been serious with me, literally, FUCK OFF

I have hunting to do.

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August 14, 2018, 12:13:41 PM

Re: Bruno vs Roger Ver (1st Bitcoin Match)

Re: mymenace vs Roger Ver (1st Bitcoin Match)

Round 2

Activity: 364 | Merit: 189 | Posts: 1458


Legendary Activity: 1582 | Merit: 1057 | Posts: 2901

they disgust me with their troll attacks - see the abuse start

I love how the US govt Jew shills Bitunlocker and Mymenace are using primitive, textbook cointelpro 101 tactics in this thread while pretending nobody is going to notice.
Step 1)  Create bogus persona
Step 2)  Post a bunch of jibberish
Step 3)  Get another guy to post more jibberish and start quoting and arguing with each other
You cannot be in intel and be 10x dumber than the target you're trying to infiltrate/disrupt.  You guys are dumb as fucking turnips.  This is why the Jews are going to be utterly destroyed.  They make believe they're the smartest guys in the room while being mentally deranged retards with Tay Sachs disease.

What do you call a deer with no eyes?
Roach, why is it homosexuals are homosexuals and gays are gay.
Do Goyim Abuse Young

We already have JayJuanGee the spam machine.  We don't need two low-life JIDF shills spamming the thread.  JayJuanGee is already perfectly capable of 10x more spam than either of you two paid shill idiots can accomplish.

No response time stamped

Obvious financial collapse signs.  Most domestic disputes revolve around money, and look how insane the boomercuck's arguments are getting now:

Round 1

Legendary Activity: 1904 | Merit: 1079 | Posts: 12280
🦅 BItCore BTX - BTC killer - 🦅


Legendary Activity: 1582 | Merit: 1057 | Posts: 2901

I do know Jujitsu.  I'm a Brazilian Jujitsu brown belt with more than a decade of experience.
I also have several years of wrestling experience as well.
Nothing you have is secret Roger, dear.
Your pretty little things will not help you.
You rat troll
Shall we play a game
Ready player one
Player 2 Ready - Whose up for round 2
Lets Play
Shall we play a game
That is incorrect
Shall we play a game
What do you call a deer with no eyes?
That is incorrect
Shall we play a game
Sadly, that is the wrong question
Legendary Activity: 1904 Merit: 1079 Posts: 12280
🦅 BItCore BTX - BTC killer - 🦅
Re: -- The Riddle of the Twin Brothers - Who Were, Are and Will Rule the World!
Today at 16:43:41
Merited by mymenace (1) +Merit  #4403

Logging off player one...

You are a full-on moron.   Roll Eyes

Ready player one

Shall we play a game

iXcoin - Welcome to the F U T U R E!
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August 14, 2018, 12:56:59 PM

Whats up Vlad

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August 14, 2018, 11:53:47 PM

Ignore. Don't quote. Move on. Stay on topic.

Rinse & repeat.

 ------>  It's just a Dummy!!
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August 16, 2018, 07:37:58 AM

Mymenace, Dude what do you keep going on about recovering your coins.  A settlement has been reached with the tools that got robbed but no coins will be given out, just some paltry dollar figure. 

Sign and collect your ramen money.

Past posts prove future trolling! 

Shall we play a game

iXcoin - Welcome to the F U T U R E!
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August 16, 2018, 12:44:18 PM

Mymenace, Dude what do you keep going on about recovering your coins.  A settlement has been reached with the tools that got robbed but no coins will be given out, just some paltry dollar figure.  
Sign and collect your ramen money.
Past posts prove future trolling!  
Shall we play a game

I did not reach any settlement, microguy (whateva) ended up with the coins
I saw what roger did at mtgox, yes i had coins there
Now what about all the other scams, nah - FUCK OFF ROGER
They will all be found, the shills, the trolls and then we will hunt the rest

Army of me, ... Wink

If you ain’t just trolling then count me in. 

Army of US...  Wink

Shall we change the game?

iXcoin - Welcome to the F U T U R E!
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August 16, 2018, 01:47:02 PM

Support Trolled Coin

Arm yourself about the trolls, be a lion, be ferocious

Hunt past posts, post that info, together we see all!

Trolled coin

It’s really hard to read your posts. 

But I’m down with any coin that trolls the trolls. 

iXcoin - Welcome to the F U T U R E!
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August 16, 2018, 08:55:59 PM

Could be. Thinking about it it is notoriously watched money if it moved to any exchange it would be seized.

@BitJohn - What are your thoughts about the giveaway of all 200+ wallets to random posters?

Thousands of customers hurt, people left bankrupt and this guy thinks it's a good idea to do a 'giveaway' with other peoples money - to literally just make himself appear like a hero in attempt to promote his dead forum 'goldcointalk'.

I would be very curious to hear what you estimate the balance to be of each of the 200+ wallets he gave away before the exchange went down?  Based on coins listed in this document (see pg. 21 and exhibit B)
I think the giving away of these wallets in such a wreckless manor is the ultimate insult to every Cryptsy customer. A case were someone literally acquired tens of millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency for $49,500 and gave it away. Do you know if ex-cryptsy employees were notified about this sale or was it done in the shadows? 

Something smells terribly wrong.
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