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February 13, 2025, 12:40:50 AM *
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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 4 (2.8%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (6.9%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.4%)
$95K to $100K - 29 (20.1%)
>$100K - 83 (57.6%)
Total Voters: 144

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26732002 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it

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June 22, 2018, 04:55:57 AM
Last edit: June 22, 2018, 05:33:10 AM by Hueristic

It's hard killing things. I deer hunt, and feel bad every time I shoot one. Another one of man's burdens I guess.
It's funny that.

Last week we lost a chicken.  What pissed me off is that it took the head off and didn't even eat the rest.  A few days later I get a call at work, the racoon is in my yard in broad daylight.  I rush home's on motherfucker.  She's got it chased up a tree.  I don welding gloves, leather jacket, goggles...ladder up against tree...grab a chunk of 5/8" ground rod that was handy.

I get up there and young racoon is looking at me like...WTF is this monkey about?

Anyway, long story, I DID stab him and I DID knock him 30' out of the tree and he had a real bad day...but at the critical moment I failed to focus my energy sufficiently on the killing blow.

It is hard killing things.

I just take them all to the casino and let them take care of the varmints. I pay enough for their room and board. Smiley

So can we finally call this a bottom or What?HuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuh

TBDR <<-- Too Big Didn't Read

I'm going to make up a new acronym for "did not read word too big" I'm sick of googling a word if it's only used to make you look intelligent.

Maybe, once in a while, people use a BIG word just to attempt to look smarter - but frequently, there is just BAD word choice going on.  Surely, there are also trolls out there, who engage in all kinds of disingenuous tactics to divert from the topic, but in the end, I believe that you are overstating the pretentiousness phenomenon.. and describing something that largely does not exist.  Lots of small brained peeps accused college educated folks of this, and some of those people fail and refuse to educate themselves while accusing the other person of pretending.

On the other hand, I will back track a little bit and say to you that I do recognize a phenomenon of ICO and/or Alt coin pumpers and bitcoin bashers engaging in attempts at over technicalizing and complicating their explanation of some matter that they are describing in order to make their CON job seem to be more important than it is...

In our current world of information and fake news, each of us has a responsibility to engage in critical thinking and critical reading, and figure out if some presenter is presenting genuine ideas badly or attempting to con us (whether intentional or not).  There can be some good people with good intentions that unwittingly get caught up in carrying the con water for someone else.

I certainly cannot disagree with the bolded. Now this "pretentiousness phenomenon" almost made it to the TBDR level. Tongue
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June 22, 2018, 05:03:02 AM

Much Wow. Tubgirl/Goatse dot (cx)/Lemonparty/?

That's so last millennium. Dude.

I heard Richard Paul Astley has a new song about crypto. It's called Rick-Something-Crypto-mumble Roll.
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June 22, 2018, 05:09:10 AM

AnonyMint, how is rpietila? I used to enjoy your discussions, though I never spoke.
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06/19/11 17:51 Bought BTC 259684.77 for 0.0101

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June 22, 2018, 05:57:28 AM

Much Wow. Tubgirl/Goatse dot (cx)/Lemonparty/?

That's so last millennium. Dude.

I heard Richard Paul Astley has a new song about crypto. It's called Rick-Something-Crypto-mumble Roll.

Nowadays in 4chan it's just traps everywhere and the occasional brazilian fart video from good ole MFXvideos.
How cool was/b in 2010 though.. I still remember the bitcoin begging threads with people getting bitcoin for free, they were like beads back in the days.
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11721

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

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June 22, 2018, 06:06:35 AM

Due to the increased centralization of big blocks,

The assertion that big blocks increases centralization is an unsupported bald one. Can you even define 'centralization'? If so, where are the figures showing this supposed centralization?

One sign of a troll is someone who wants to vehemently argue obvious points and to put the burden on others to support such obvious points.

0-conf-accepting vendors have to increasingly trust an increasingly centralized mining cabal.

You realize, of course, that the set of miners capable of mining BCH is exactly the same as the set of miners capable of mining BTC, right?

Capable of doing it and actually doing it seem to be two different things.

I'll take smaller blocks and lightning over that.
Fair enough. You payz yo money and you makes yo choice. I'll take the big blocks, thanks.

Too bad, you would not just flip off and spend your time over there with your fellow BIG blocker freaks (especially since you supposedly have the better system, but I doubt even you believe your own shit), as you already know peeps over here are a bit sick of your repetitive seemingly white knighting at best but more likely intentional trolling nonsense in these parts.
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11721

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

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June 22, 2018, 06:11:38 AM

[edited out]
Now this "pretentiousness phenomenon" almost made it to the TBDR level. Tongue

I am glad that you stuck it out, because I did not in no way attempt to use BIG words in order to attempt to marvel anyone nor to "put on airs."
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June 22, 2018, 06:19:38 AM

I'm going to check into that this weekend. Sounds interesting.

I think here's more:
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Activity: 1554
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Make Bitcoin glow with ENIAC

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June 22, 2018, 06:20:51 AM

hmmmm.... not sure about the market nowadays

reminds me of something I read the other day

"The day that soared up from earths furthermost strand
Augmenting with blood — and with firebrand
It grew with terror - like a breath that was lost
It seemed like the starlight - was slain by the frost."
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June 22, 2018, 07:11:59 AM
Last edit: June 22, 2018, 07:26:36 AM by FractalUniverse

EDIT2: See what I mean ? Sheeit.

from now on, this picture is what will come to my mind when someone says 'bagholder'.

*omg bitcoin looks crashy today. again :/
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We choose to go to the moon

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June 22, 2018, 07:20:05 AM
Merited by xhomerx10 (1), Ibian (1)

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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11721

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

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June 22, 2018, 07:21:51 AM

hmmmm.... not sure about the market nowadays

Not surprising that you don't know much.  You were part of the doom and gloom BIG blocker nutjob crowd in early 2017.  Why you want to come around now and spew some more doom and gloom?  Doubtful that you would really have any meaningful (especially when it relates to actual bitcoin rather than attacks on bitcoin) contribution, anyhow, right?
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June 22, 2018, 07:24:50 AM
Merited by Majormax (1)

Don't feel too bad about having anything written by anonymint going over your head. That guy is in a league of his own. Usually, just to get a dim inkling of understanding any of his posts requires many hours of research. However, if you do make the attempt to try and decipher his message, it usually leads to a much deeper understanding of how BTC actually works.

Well, the problem with Anonymint is that he starts from some small set of presumptions and then extrapolates one dictionary length from there, so if he gets any of the basis wrong, a lot of the rest is going to be totally out there.  The whole "knowledge age" thing for instance.  All it takes is a rudimentary understanding of the works of people like Joseph Tainter to know the odds of a dark ages collapse is VASTLY higher or even inevitable than any kind of knowledge age.  

There are diminishing returns to complexity of systems, and it's definitely possible to overshoot in terms of what is tenable by the finite human mind.  Take the tax and legal system for instance, they both just snowball out of control in complexity until they become totally useless and have to be scrapped entirely.  Civilization does not go upwards at a 45 degree angle on a chart increasing in complexity infinitely, and it's not possible for bitcoin to do so either.  You always have a few steps forward and a few back, and sometimes you get much more steps back than forward, which is a dark ages on the micro view.  

There is no guarantee of making it back to where you were either.  Regardless, the dark ages are a necessary evolutionary process in all systems to cleanse it of the overly complex, irrational, or inefficient.  As anyone can see, there's a whole lot of all three of these things in the world right now.
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June 22, 2018, 07:53:05 AM

.... If we are very lucky it will be a new crusade against Islam. ...

Funny how you make it sound like we actually all think that a crusade is a good thing and Islam is a bad thing (as far as my interpretation of being lucky is concerned) Smiley.
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Activity: 1554
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Make Bitcoin glow with ENIAC

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June 22, 2018, 07:56:52 AM

hmmmm.... not sure about the market nowadays

Not surprising that you don't know much.  You were part of the doom and gloom BIG blocker nutjob crowd in early 2017.  Why you want to come around now and spew some more doom and gloom?  Doubtful that you would really have any meaningful (especially when it relates to actual bitcoin rather than attacks on bitcoin) contribution, anyhow, right?

Hey, man.

It wasn't aimed directly at you ya know. We all have different strategies.
Some like to make money. Some like to buy the top and masturbate furiously down to the bottom.
As I remember you got some nice buys in at the 2013 top, I bet you got some sweet buys in near the 20k top too.

Now, I'm not judging.
It's just different strokes, you know.
Of course you know.

I can just imagine you sitting there watching your money getting flushed down the drain.
Smiling. Drooling. Angrily beating away at that three inch killa.

We all have to accept each other for who we are.

And I, for one, I salute you!!!

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What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger

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June 22, 2018, 07:58:54 AM

Here comes the last price crash! Brace for impact people!
As I've been saying, we need to fall bellow the 5.000€/6.600$ in order for the bears to be satisfied, only then can a new bull run start (I'm reading here and there good fundemental news about crypto as well)
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Activity: 3990
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Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

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June 22, 2018, 08:13:47 AM

hmmmm.... not sure about the market nowadays

Not surprising that you don't know much.  You were part of the doom and gloom BIG blocker nutjob crowd in early 2017.  Why you want to come around now and spew some more doom and gloom?  Doubtful that you would really have any meaningful (especially when it relates to actual bitcoin rather than attacks on bitcoin) contribution, anyhow, right?

Hey, man.

It wasn't aimed directly at you ya know. We all have different strategies.
Some like to make money. Some like to buy the top and masturbate furiously down to the bottom.
As I remember you got some nice buys in at the 2013 top, I bet you got some sweet buys in near the 20k top too.

Now, I'm not judging.
It's just different strokes, you know.
Of course you know.

I can just imagine you sitting there watching your money getting flushed down the drain.
Smiling. Drooling. Angrily beating away at that three inch killa.

We all have to accept each other for who we are.

And I, for one, I salute you!!!

Why don't you go beat off with your bcash pumping somewhere else?   You really think that when you come to the wall observer thread that you can affect the BTC prices with your negativity about BTC?  Why don't you go employ your multi-coin strategy in another thread?  Oh no, you want to impart some of your alt coin pumping wisdom, here?

My BTC portfolio and finances are doing quite well.  Remember BTC prices went up from $250 to $19,666.  

Sure we are in a bit of a correction right now, but still feels good to have BTC up 26x from the $250 prices that dominated 2015.... so investing and accumulating BTC has been a very profitable strategy for a large number of folks who have not gotten too distracted.

Yeah, so fucking what if you made more money by investing in other coins and moving your shit around.. (that is if you did), because the odds are not quite with you if you are all over the fucking place.  

I am not here to compete against you or anyone else regarding the performance of my investment because I have engaged in a strategy to tailor my investment for myself.. if you did happen to make decent money through other projects then good for you, but this is a BTC thread, and, if you are not here to talk about BTC then you are off topic, so why don't you go roll with your other alt coin and ico scam investment in other threads?
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June 22, 2018, 08:24:52 AM

Back below 6,5k

OK, I am calling it: I will not say never, but we won't see anything above 7k before 2019.
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June 22, 2018, 08:46:54 AM

Back below 6,5k

OK, I am calling it: I will not say never, but we won't see anything above 7k before 2019.

Because? The tree was shook and you thought the sky was falling?

Because of common sense Smiley
Rosewater Foundation
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June 22, 2018, 08:55:09 AM

ffs Roll Eyes
El duderino_
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BTC + Crossfit, living life.

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June 22, 2018, 09:16:14 AM

Back below 6,5k

OK, I am calling it: I will not say never, but we won't see anything above 7k before 2019.

Because? The tree was shook and you thought the sky was falling?

Because of common sense Smiley

after a small dive fools are back to talk about prices  Grin
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