raised more than a billion
Ever heard of the concept of buying the ICO from yourself so the issuer surreptitiously controls 80+% of the token supply?
Clearly flawed "design". Most annoying spammers would be perfectly able (and happy) to spend way more on posting than "legit" users. That's a FACT (See spam signature campaigns for reference).
Moderators of your own individual choosing who flag spam as not visible to you is not any more costly than having moderators who do the same thing.
The amount of spam that has to be filtered would be less due to it not being entirely free to post.
Remember the decentralized ledger only has to store a hash, not the entire content. Those who are serving the content may refuse to keep copies of spam which no one else ever pays to retrieve.
Are you presuming the moderators here are paid? By whom? So
if they are profiting, then are they impartial and objective?
Where is that genius IQ that I was told exists here?
Oh? So you are going to pick up the Shelby (anunymint) slack to inform us about something of substance? Or you just want to defend a troll? Aka banned person? By the way, if you have arguments that are really technical in nature, then you might want to present them in another thread.. If you want to spread some unsubstantiated and confusing claims like anunymint was presenting, then maybe you will find yourself in a similar fate, as him?
You’re an expert troll. Kudos.
Did you analyze my 12k + posts to find them unworthy?
The pattern was evident after only a dozen or so.
ooooh another list! can i be on it too. huh huh please please

Echo chambers need lists to keep everything tightly contained (anal-ized)
It’s likely anunymit on another ALT any way.
Theymos he is here
Somehow all of the rest of us manage to avoid copying and pasting our same long winded arguments multiple times...
Yeah right none of the 20859 pages of this thread are redundant.
Actually, the exclusion of data is vital to the formation of intelligence.
also thought so in 2013. But you did not address my challenge to you. Where is the evidence for your “good case” claim? You were implying that Shelby is not suitably equipped to do genius level work. Are you sure?
The savant Kim Peek, who was portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man, showed us what happens when the mind is unfiltered: you end up reading telephone directories
Could it be that what you perceive to be noise from Shelby is actually information which you are unable or unwilling to follow because of either your lack of IQ or more likely because of your preconditions, confirmation biases, and the maximum division-of-labor requiring effort to keep up with a domain expert?
Anyone that uses that term gets Auto Ignored now.
So you’d also cut your dick off because someone pointed at you and yelled rape? God misplaced the discernment module when he conceived you.
Somehow all of the rest of us manage to avoid copying and pasting our same long winded arguments multiple times... How do we ever survive it... Correct me if I am wrong but that is what got him banned right?
I think it was because he refused to combine posts and that is against the TOS. He was warned many times but being Shelby he feels he does not need to follow the rules and is above them. He then made a game of creating alts to avoid the banning. I believe all he has to do is apologize take his temp banning and then follow the rules to get reinstated.
Basically he has not been doing any of these things for a year or more: challenge you to go into the archives of what @mprep deleted and find one instance where he posted two consecutive posts in any thread. There is not one case you can find.