yeah...what I figure..took 1/2 of my BTC and Crypto and 1/2 of my traditional stocks etc and IF I manage
to continue to stay out of debt (and house is paid) I can slide by on my usual 35K salary I had before I retired
in Jan 2018 (3 years early) and same with alts and such till at least 65 years and have another small work IRA
to get me thru that last year to full retire at 66 years, and keep my BTC and maybe some alts in the process.
Also at 65 you can take medicade thus that is another 14k saved a year too boot...
so i can slide...thru what I see as a complete sh*tstorm in the next 3-5 years
so pay off your j.c. penny card, get new tires, neuter the cat, get some debt down ANYTHING before this
all at least if it does go kaput with a nice deep 40% correction you can say at least i did xxxy
of course I hope that if such happens BTC and crypto would act as a store of value and go sideways or up
in value while stocks etc dumped
but the above is 1/2 of all my crap gone..stay out of debt ... and still float is the goal
hopefully, I'm wrong and all will be just dandy crypto and otherwise...(but not seeing it)