El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13787
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
November 23, 2018, 12:10:54 AM |
alright into the HODLcave don't drink to much you party-thanksgiving animals
Activity: 2842
Merit: 1511
November 23, 2018, 12:18:41 AM |
Not me. I just feel like shit. Will get better if/when that rally comes though.
Hey, you shouldn't feel so bad. You're still on the rollercoaster unlike those guys who got their asses liquidated on margin. I'd probably forget about prices for a while and make hay while the sun shines (easier said that done when you've had a kick in the goolies, I know).
November 23, 2018, 12:20:10 AM Last edit: November 23, 2018, 12:36:13 AM by cryptovigi |
Hi there!!! I see plenty of hats in this thread... If you'd like to make your hats look better by removing its background in less than one minute: from this:  to that:  check my short tutorial: [TUTORIAL] Less than one minute to make your hat (or other avatar) look better!!And YES - I've already heard that my hat looks like the shit and only Homer can make hats... I did not even dare use his work in the tutorial thats why I used this shitty one ;-)
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13787
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
November 23, 2018, 12:22:21 AM |
Hi there!!! I see plenty of hats in this thread... If you'd like to make your hats look better removing background in less than one minute: from this:  to that:  check my short tutorial: [TUTORIAL] Less than one minute to make your hat (or other avatar) look better!!And YES - I've already heard that my hat looks like the shit and only Homer can make hats... I did not even dare use his work in the tutorial thats why I used this shitty one ;-) this are all XhomerX originalz .... thats the design he provides thats what we wear  (thx btw for suggesting)
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13787
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
November 23, 2018, 12:25:59 AM |
 hourly bullish orderblock (purple zone) could hold otherwise it will go for liquidity aiming 4K if it bounce we stay between the range of the purple zones now into the HODLcave 

Activity: 444
Merit: 31
Still a manic miner
November 23, 2018, 12:33:41 AM |
I´m starting to feel sick.. bottom should be close. Point of maximum pain and blah blah..
Enough of the bleeding. 80% correction done. The tide should change soon...
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11719
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
November 23, 2018, 12:37:11 AM |
Who is this amorphous "they" that you are referring to?
It was Micgoossens, obviously. He did it with his army of fifty men. Tbh, I don't care who was behind it, only that it was resolved. haha it think i wasn't around here @that time ..... and serious would jjg really be thinking that? (i think even he couldn't make that shit up  ) Pretty much Yefi confirmed that he did not have any information to really substantiate what he was suggesting. I think that the official story is quite plausible in this situation, which was that Adam left and Admin was having some difficulties managing the thread and complaints and reports. Initially, theymos took an easy route of closing the thread, but thereafter reconsidered his decision after there were reasonable proposals including the election of a new thread owner (which ended up becoming Infofront - through popular demand). Personally, the way that it worked out, I think that it was overkill to remove signatures from this thread, and I doubt that the dynamic of the thread would be changed too much by allowing signatures, here. Also, infofront's relative hands off (but a bit of hands on from time to time) does seem to have caused the thread to continue, even better than when Adam was here.. because sometimes Adam became part of the problem - especially once he became more jaded by some of the BIG blocker nonsense and seemingly largely made up conspiracies about this forum embarking in too much supposed "censorship." As far as I can tell, what micpeep(bot) says seems accurate that he was NOT involved in the forum on or before the reopening of the WO thread and the then discussions around transition of the thread ownership to infofront. i did read the thread but wasn't active on it.... i remember the thread was off for a few days etc but i mean't even JJG can't make this shit up, was about me not beeing one person  Your clarification doesn't seem to clarify, and I already provided decent explanation regarding you not being what you purport to be - don't get caught up in "not being one person" technicalities because that misses the point. Also, don't get caught up in some assertions that I am making anything up, because I have merely been stating what my current tentative conclusion are.. which is merely seeming to become repetitive for whatever weight my tentative conclusions have, they have already been made a sufficient number of times... it seems. In other words, old news.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1621
Self made HODLER ✓
November 23, 2018, 12:37:42 AM |
Not me. I just feel like shit. Will get better if/when that rally comes though.
Hey, you shouldn't feel so bad. You're still on the rollercoaster unlike those guys who got their asses liquidated on margin. I'd probably forget about prices for a while and make hay while the sun shines (easier said that done when you've had a kick in the goolies, I know). Yeah I know. Could be much worse. But still I am not in a positive mood to see any upcoming rally at this time. Yes, if the crypto winter lasts for much longer I will temporarily move onto other things just as I did during the last one and come back when I see the first signs of life again. In fact it is easier to hold when you simply don't think much (or at all) about it. Sooner or later we will be certain that the bottom is truly in... Hope it is not too far from here.
Activity: 28
Merit: 10
Hi Mayor old buddy. Glad to see you seem to have shaken the gloom and left the doom in the Rose garden.
Thanks for the kind words, Jimbo. I suspect that we're on a long-term slow downward trend until the next halving. I'm really trying to look on the bright side of all this. Excellent news about the new chompers. Keep living the dream for the rest of us.
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11719
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
November 23, 2018, 12:44:33 AM |
Pretty much Yefi confirmed that he did not have any information to really substantiate what he was suggesting. What I'm suggesting is that they made a dumb decision. Fair enough. Seems to have resolved decently well, even though we went through a a few weeks of transition turmoil ... .. and these kinds of set backs seem to be just a part of living and even perhaps a sign of the dangers of taking anything for granted.. such as the continued existence of this thread... whether its current culture or its various evolutionary stages.
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
November 23, 2018, 12:44:39 AM |
The bottom will be slow and we have will only know that it was the bottom in hindsight.
Expect another year of just hanging here in the air with nothing but blue sky below us.
Better get used to it.
Activity: 28
Merit: 10
November 23, 2018, 12:52:02 AM |
Reward-Drop ETA date: 23 May 2020 18:51:38 
Activity: 4088
Merit: 5719
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
November 23, 2018, 12:52:42 AM |
Happy American Thanksgiving, Ameri-bro's and sisters.
7:14am CST. Woke up early. Couldn't sleep after some rough nightmares. Already on beer #3.
Rick should be waking up any time now to start making lunch; his Dad is coming over to hang out with us today. Cool dude. Born Again Christian. Accepts that his big-dicked ginger son gets blacked. We generously donate to his Church...
Also, fuck that JJG guy.
LOL, I forgot even while watching Thursday football.  Well if that ain't good timing. I don't buy often, but I definitely bought this week, put in some orders, one hasn't filled ($3,800) and some sell orders for just shit and giggles day trading stuff. We'll see what happens but I am having fun so far.
You got balls, whenever I put sells in the price spikes and doesn't come back (well not for months anyway). I gave up on that shit.  Since the majority in this forum voted on the poll less than 4k by the end of the week, then for sure we are going up - 5.2K may be? We were very close to going sub 4k at one point. 5.2k would be cool to land on though, I have my doubts though, all of our US friends will be splashing their cash on Black Friday & their holiday season this weekend? $5200 was my guess but I'd like to be wrong by about 10k.   Happy Thanksgiving I gave them back a little the last two weeks. they should be fine now.  Thoroughly enjoying myself living happily ever after, currently in Mexico with my face full of fresh new implants, thinking it's almost time to declare happy hour. Picked up some Hendrick's gin in Playa, some Martini & Rossi extra dry vermouth here in my jungle town and was gifted a Rancho Escondido shotglass and a needle-less syringe to measure exactly 1cc of extra juice to accompany a stuffed Manzanilla olive. I think I'll make a perfect Martini. Better throw a glass in the freezer.
 I think it's the drugs
people get to a certain kind of rich...
I would be very rich if I didn't blow all my btc back on cocaine back in the day. I don't get the allure of cocaine. Sure it smells fantastic and gets you all giddy for a while, but is it really worth the stuffed, drippy nose for the next 3 days? God your dumb, thats why you smoke it!
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11719
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
November 23, 2018, 12:58:05 AM |
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for the best bitcoin old boys' club on the interwebs.
Boys and girl.
Activity: 3444
Merit: 4852
diamond-handed zealot
November 23, 2018, 12:58:54 AM |
as long as it holds out till new years day before final capitulation...I'm all good 
Jr. Member
Activity: 94
Merit: 1
November 23, 2018, 01:01:48 AM |
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for the best bitcoin old boys' club on the interwebs.
Boys and girl. is bobblawlaw the girl? 
Activity: 3444
Merit: 4852
diamond-handed zealot
November 23, 2018, 01:05:37 AM |
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for the best bitcoin old boys' club on the interwebs.
Boys and girl. is bobblawlaw the girl?  Tera, who I fear has become very ill
Activity: 28
Merit: 10
November 23, 2018, 01:08:13 AM |
I'm thankful about what's left of my health and for all the richly things I could have bought myself at the top but didn't that probably I would have hated anyway. 
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11719
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
November 23, 2018, 01:10:13 AM |
how's it going old friends? haven't really said anything here since 2014.
4 year cycles and all that....
blitz u still around? shroomsie? richie? risto?
All of those ones gonzo.. for a few years... Each of thems are Old news... an era that has passed..
Activity: 1844
Merit: 1338
XXXVII Fnord is toast without bread
November 23, 2018, 01:16:08 AM |
does anyone else feel like a rally is incomimg soon?
See (my) previous post.