All these delays are dragging the coin down. Within a few months it will be choked under tons of scamcoins.
Yes, this indeed is a competitive environment that you can't rest on your laurels.
I have no idea why so many of these coins that got released just yesterday gets so much trading volume.
One consolation is, two other coins that were higher before in cap with iXcoin are now lower:
Freicoin - This coin has one of the better dev. teams and has been cited in coindesk and several other media outlets.
Terracoin - This coin is listed in BTC-E.
So should coins like MoonCoin, KittehCoin and Particle that got released just a week ago be worth more than iXcoin? How much do you think these coins will be worth 1 or 2 1/2 years from now?
There is a game that is being played, if you panic then you may end up holding a crap coin rather than one with real value.
In the past month, these coins that where once higher in iXcoin in market cap are now lower:
Freicoin $ 1,763,407 $ 0.048 36,390,518 FRC $ 400 +2.22 %
Terracoin $ 1,694,606 $ 0.34 5,032,370 TRC $ 21,996 -0.25 %
EarthCoin $ 1,229,152 $ 0.0012 1,039,275,798 EAC $ 47,866 +2.12 %
Sexcoin $ 1,208,541 $ 0.021 56,834,825 SXC $ 109,326 +66.42 %
LottoCoin $ 1,153,164 $ 0.00021 5,400,145,811 LOT $ 91,474 -6.83 %
Cryptogenic Bullion $ 971,090 $ 1.03 938,375 CGB $ 17,323 +9.07 %
TagCoin $ 964,836 $ 1.26 767,236 TAG $ 6,376 +4.86 %
GoldCoin $ 923,932 $ 0.031 29,525,855 GLD $ 2,374 +9.28 %
BBQCoin $ 862,351 $ 0.028 31,239,422 BQC $ 980 +4.35 %
Fastcoin $ 605,619 $ 0.011 55,233,946 FST $ 6,888 +14.08 %
Frozen $ 547,013 $ 0.10 5,248,356 FZ $ 7,130 -7.15 %
Datacoin $ 440,856 $ 0.23 1,936,453 DTC $ 1,099 -4.05 %
StableCoin $ 409,819 $ 0.041 9,977,530 SBC $ 1,967 -3.11 %
42 Coin $ 269,630 $ 246,725 1.0928397 42 $ 8,674 -0.01 %
Philosopher Stones $ 261,397 $ 0.16 1,675,076 PHS $ 724 +3.76 %