February 21, 2014, 12:34:24 AM |
<in polite voice> Please elaborate on your hours of daily work that you do on this coin behind the scenes, that you have mentioned very frequently. Thanks! 

Activity: 95
Merit: 10
February 21, 2014, 12:48:57 AM |
Did a couple members take it on thier own and pay to have it listed on cryptorush?
Yes. It was xwebnetwork and mastercatz who stepped up and got it done. |thumbup| Couldn't or shouldn't this have been done by the dev's weeks ago?
February 21, 2014, 12:55:39 AM |
Hope that was polite enough.
…Remain polite is very good but if the other party is not polite their selves and structurally refuses to give answers to normal or critic questions and in the mean while censoring and deleting all messages they don’t like it is a very sad story. See what is happening. Some people are sarcastic or get already on their knees for Bumface: “Hope that was polite enough” and “<in polite voice>”These tekst is getting now already ad in the messages to Bumface to make him not upset or dare him to delete the message… Sad but reality nowadays…..
February 21, 2014, 12:58:37 AM |
Hope that was polite enough.
…Remain polite is very good but if the other party is not polite their selves and structurally refuses to give answers to normal or critic questions and in the mean while censoring and deleting all messages they don’t like it is a very sad story. See what is happening. Some people are sarcastic or get already on their knees for Bumface: “Hope that was polite enough” and “<in polite voice>”These tekst is getting now already ad in the messages to Bumface to make him not upset or dare him to delete the message… Sad but reality nowadays….. +1 to bad this is absoletly true! And you see it now! just a little of communication with Pool owners and one of the biggstes pools are willing to help!! Bumface its time to wake up or stop being the Dev of this coin and hire someone who can do the job! at this moment YOU CANT

Activity: 95
Merit: 10
February 21, 2014, 01:00:35 AM |
There has to be more than one dev of this coin...who are the other dev's?
February 21, 2014, 01:04:57 AM |
Hope that was polite enough.
…Remain polite is very good but if the other party is not polite their selves and structurally refuses to give answers to normal or critic questions and in the mean while censoring and deleting all messages they don’t like it is a very sad story. See what is happening. Some people are sarcastic or get already on their knees for Bumface: “Hope that was polite enough” and “<in polite voice>”These tekst is getting now already ad in the messages to Bumface to make him not upset or dare him to delete the message… Sad but reality nowadays….. +1 to bad this is absoletly true! And you see it now! just a little of communication with Pool owners and one of the biggstes pools are willing to help!! Bumface its time to wake up or stop being the Dev of this coin and hire someone who can do the job! at this moment YOU CANT can everybody quote this messages with +1 or something or it will be removed again when he wakes up!!! thanx

Activity: 95
Merit: 10
February 21, 2014, 01:06:56 AM |
Hope that was polite enough.
…Remain polite is very good but if the other party is not polite their selves and structurally refuses to give answers to normal or critic questions and in the mean while censoring and deleting all messages they don’t like it is a very sad story. See what is happening. Some people are sarcastic or get already on their knees for Bumface: “Hope that was polite enough” and “<in polite voice>”These tekst is getting now already ad in the messages to Bumface to make him not upset or dare him to delete the message… Sad but reality nowadays….. +1 to bad this is absoletly true! And you see it now! just a little of communication with Pool owners and one of the biggstes pools are willing to help!! Bumface its time to wake up or stop being the Dev of this coin and hire someone who can do the job! at this moment YOU CANT can everybody quote this messages with +1 or something or it will be removed again when he wakes up!!! thanx +1
February 21, 2014, 01:10:25 AM |
Hope that was polite enough.
…Remain polite is very good but if the other party is not polite their selves and structurally refuses to give answers to normal or critic questions and in the mean while censoring and deleting all messages they don’t like it is a very sad story. See what is happening. Some people are sarcastic or get already on their knees for Bumface: “Hope that was polite enough” and “<in polite voice>”These tekst is getting now already ad in the messages to Bumface to make him not upset or dare him to delete the message… Sad but reality nowadays….. Remarkable again ! I total agree what you say. You could be my brother 
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1011
jakiman is back!
February 21, 2014, 01:17:44 AM |
I wish that this post didnt have to be +1 but it is!! because bumface isnt doing his job AGAIN!!!! :S
or if he is, he's not telling us and making himself look bad on purpose. Maybe he enjoys it. =p
February 21, 2014, 01:18:52 AM |
Hope that was polite enough.
…Remain polite is very good but if the other party is not polite their selves and structurally refuses to give answers to normal or critic questions and in the mean while censoring and deleting all messages they don’t like it is a very sad story. See what is happening. Some people are sarcastic or get already on their knees for Bumface: “Hope that was polite enough” and “<in polite voice>”These tekst is getting now already ad in the messages to Bumface to make him not upset or dare him to delete the message… Sad but reality nowadays….. +1 to bad this is absoletly true! And you see it now! just a little of communication with Pool owners and one of the biggstes pools are willing to help!! Bumface its time to wake up or stop being the Dev of this coin and hire someone who can do the job! at this moment YOU CANT can everybody quote this messages with +1 or something or it will be removed again when he wakes up!!! thanx +1 ++2
February 21, 2014, 01:26:16 AM |
I wish that this post didnt have to be +1 but it is!! because bumface isnt doing his job AGAIN!!!! :S
or if he is, he's not telling us and making himself look bad on purpose. Maybe he enjoys it. =p It's is very simple. Bumface isn't doing his job again and again and again. Bumface can very simple contact al the pool owners, just because he as DEV get quick contact with them. One request from him and they will cooperate, i bet. But he neglects his duties and is only wining from time to time on this tread that people are to hard for him.

Activity: 96
Merit: 10
February 21, 2014, 01:34:56 AM |
I'm going to try to put a positive spin on things, since there seems to be so much negativity.
Bumface, thank you and to all of your fellow devs for creating UTC and creating the opportunity for me to have a chance to make some extra money. Personally, I think that you have done your part and are continuing to try to make UTC successful. I think you should take some time off, have a few beers, and wiggle your toes in the sand on a tropical beach somewhere. You gave us the tool (UTC) to give us the opportunity to possibly make a better life for ourselves. Many of us will continue to try to promote the growth of UTC and take it where you envisioned, when you created it. I also want to thank the pool operators for their tireless efforts to keep their pools up and running, while fighting off ddos attacks. They also have been a wealth of knowledge to new miners and a voice of calm, during chaotic moments in the chat rooms.
I would like for the UTC community to get behind bumface and the devs and not in front of them. It is our job as a community to make UTC grow. Look at some of the other popular alt coin communities where the community made the coin grow. Some here have done that and we should follow their example. UTC continues to grow in the face of downfall of other popular coins. With everyone's help, that can continue.
Once again, Thank you
Activity: 1059
Merit: 1020
February 21, 2014, 01:36:15 AM |
Guys stop feeding the trolls, I was talking to Ziggy/Bumface this morning about adding the votes to the pool, and doing XXXX campaigns for UTC. I added the Vote link 2 hours before anyone even mentioned it here. Some trolls trying to pretend Bumface had nothing to do with this and that they took the initiative first. Even when he tries to do something positive you jump in with the this poor attempt at discrediting him. It's time for this to stop. When the vote link went up on nitro, all of a sudden it's not Bumface but that other hero sitting here doing all the work. Let me see if this is your idea... What is the next step we discussed which I marked with XXXX, I know you don't know and tomorrow when it happens you can also take all the credit because Bumface does not do anything.
February 21, 2014, 01:36:55 AM |
There has to be more than one dev of this coin...who are the other dev's?
I am curious ! If there are more Devs's here i cannot imagine they have no management team meeting and speak to Bumface he has to be more open to the UTC community, he has to do more marketing and he has to delete less post just because he don’t like the text in the topic! So i think Bumface is alone. He is the only Dev, otherwise i can not imagine the are agreed whit his actions.
February 21, 2014, 01:51:15 AM |
Guys stop feeding the trolls, I was talking to Ziggy/Bumface this morning about adding the votes to the pool, and doing XXXX campaigns for UTC. I added the Vote link 2 hours before anyone even mentioned it here. Some trolls trying to pretend Bumface had nothing to do with this and that they took the initiative first. Even when he tries to do something positive you jump in with the this poor attempt at discrediting him. It's time for this to stop. When the vote link went up on nitro, all of a sudden it's not Bumface but that other hero sitting here doing all the work. Let me see if this is your idea... What is the next step we discussed which I marked with XXXX, I know you don't know and tomorrow when it happens you can also take all the credit because Bumface does not do anything.
If and when so Bumface was already in contact and busy with this then i ask you to go back about ten pages..... Some other people from the UTC community were asking about it and gave their advice in this.... Some people need credit for it . Again... and again... and again and againnnnn it must be told here: If Bumface was busy with this (or with other things), then it is the best way he gave a little update in this tread. Tel something to the community. We don’t need a long letter. But what we need is just a little update. And this is where it every time is going wrong with Bumface. He don’t communicate. He don’t update. And he don’t want to learn from this mistakes. If bumface want to stop feeding the trolss....then give from time to time serious short updates and show that you take the UTC community serious ! It is not difficult at all.
February 21, 2014, 01:56:58 AM |
Guys stop feeding the trolls, I was talking to Ziggy/Bumface this morning about adding the votes to the pool, and doing XXXX campaigns for UTC. I added the Vote link 2 hours before anyone even mentioned it here. Some trolls trying to pretend Bumface had nothing to do with this and that they took the initiative first. Even when he tries to do something positive you jump in with the this poor attempt at discrediting him. It's time for this to stop. When the vote link went up on nitro, all of a sudden it's not Bumface but that other hero sitting here doing all the work. Let me see if this is your idea... What is the next step we discussed which I marked with XXXX, I know you don't know and tomorrow when it happens you can also take all the credit because Bumface does not do anything.
hey - I don't like the trolling and I don't like the nastiness. But I also am as frustrated as everyone else. I DON'T CARE who does what. But I do care that people have asked over and over to get the exchange voting listed on pools and it hasn't happened. I like this coin. And there are only a couple of coins that I invest in long-term, this is one of them. I don't think its too much to ask to have this information listed on pools, or to hear why the devs don't want it listed. And I try to be polite here, just as many, many others do. I see people doing everything they can to promote this coin. These people aren't trolls.

Activity: 96
Merit: 10
February 21, 2014, 01:59:34 AM |
Guys stop feeding the trolls, I was talking to Ziggy/Bumface this morning about adding the votes to the pool, and doing XXXX campaigns for UTC. I added the Vote link 2 hours before anyone even mentioned it here. Some trolls trying to pretend Bumface had nothing to do with this and that they took the initiative first. Even when he tries to do something positive you jump in with the this poor attempt at discrediting him. It's time for this to stop. When the vote link went up on nitro, all of a sudden it's not Bumface but that other hero sitting here doing all the work. Let me see if this is your idea... What is the next step we discussed which I marked with XXXX, I know you don't know and tomorrow when it happens you can also take all the credit because Bumface does not do anything.
If and when so Bumface was already in contact and busy with this then i ask you to go back about ten pages..... Some other people from the UTC community were asking about it and gave their advice in this.... Some people need credit for it . Again... and again... and again and againnnnn it must be told here: If Bumface was busy with this (or with other things), then it is the best way he gave a little update in this tread. Tel something to the community. We don’t need a long letter. But what we need is just a little update. And this is where it every time is going wrong with Bumface. He don’t communicate. He don’t update. And he don’t want to learn from this mistakes. If bumface want to stop feeding the trolss....then give from time to time serious short updates and show that you take the UTC community serious ! It is not difficult at all. My fellow UTC community members, ask not what Bumface can do for you, ask what you can do for your UTC Community.
February 21, 2014, 02:02:39 AM |
Guys stop feeding the trolls, I was talking to Ziggy/Bumface this morning about adding the votes to the pool, and doing XXXX campaigns for UTC. I added the Vote link 2 hours before anyone even mentioned it here. Some trolls trying to pretend Bumface had nothing to do with this and that they took the initiative first. Even when he tries to do something positive you jump in with the this poor attempt at discrediting him. It's time for this to stop. When the vote link went up on nitro, all of a sudden it's not Bumface but that other hero sitting here doing all the work. Let me see if this is your idea... What is the next step we discussed which I marked with XXXX, I know you don't know and tomorrow when it happens you can also take all the credit because Bumface does not do anything.
hey - I don't like the trolling and I don't like the nastiness. But I also am as frustrated as everyone else. I DON'T CARE who does what. But I do care that people have asked over and over to get the exchange voting listed on pools and it hasn't happened. I like this coin. And there are only a couple of coins that I invest in long-term, this is one of them. I don't think its too much to ask to have this information listed on pools, or to hear why the devs don't want it listed. And I try to be polite here, just as many, many others do. I see people doing everything they can to promote this coin. These people aren't trolls. CORRECT! Maybe it is a idea TheStuhlman can reconsider his comment, because now it looks he dont know what he is talking about.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 21, 2014, 02:06:04 AM |
this is now your THIRD message without evidence, so cant find evidence, becasue i dont lie.......and you wonder why i always delete your sir are a nexus of negative energy, and we dont need you on this thread, we are trying to do a positive thing here. so i would apreaciate it if you would just leave us alone.
just becasue your bored, does not mean you should come in here to spread fub about me, first tyou say i lie, then i ask what about? and then you turn it around and say I have to answer YOUR questions, are you kidding me?
So answer the question for everyone.. What are you spending 10 hours a day on the coin doing when you do little on this thread but delete what you can't respond to? Please don't use the the word 'everyone' as I do not wish to be asociated with your childish little witch hunt. If I was Bumface I'd tell you to mind your own f*****g business.
You whine like a WoW gamer. Be quiet child.You should all mind your f*****g business you children. Pathetic. Leave Bumface alone!1!\\1!"!"
Official Ambassador for UTC-PND relations *donations here* UTC: Ujff1xrc8brmHkRaFG3BcG5nVScXdh5Wu1 BTC: 159uuxJCfUsG44N52NUsydi2bCNeFSYyTi
Activity: 1059
Merit: 1020
February 21, 2014, 02:12:23 AM |
Guys stop feeding the trolls, I was talking to Ziggy/Bumface this morning about adding the votes to the pool, and doing XXXX campaigns for UTC. I added the Vote link 2 hours before anyone even mentioned it here. Some trolls trying to pretend Bumface had nothing to do with this and that they took the initiative first. Even when he tries to do something positive you jump in with the this poor attempt at discrediting him. It's time for this to stop. When the vote link went up on nitro, all of a sudden it's not Bumface but that other hero sitting here doing all the work. Let me see if this is your idea... What is the next step we discussed which I marked with XXXX, I know you don't know and tomorrow when it happens you can also take all the credit because Bumface does not do anything.
hey - I don't like the trolling and I don't like the nastiness. But I also am as frustrated as everyone else. I DON'T CARE who does what. But I do care that people have asked over and over to get the exchange voting listed on pools and it hasn't happened. I like this coin. And there are only a couple of coins that I invest in long-term, this is one of them. I don't think its too much to ask to have this information listed on pools, or to hear why the devs don't want it listed. And I try to be polite here, just as many, many others do. I see people doing everything they can to promote this coin. These people aren't trolls. Adding the vote to pools was delayed, because of discussions with a certain big exchange that is still taking place. Bumface gave you an update on that, but the trolls publishing machine, was quick to cover his update with 6 or 7 pages of trolling. You can click on his nickname and read all his posts/updates then go to any other altcoin and click the DEV nickname and compare. The dev does not have to post everyday. If you want to see good news, then make some, every good community, I see on these forums will be making promo vids, pics, infographics.. etc etc.. Not one of these trolls suggested a Charity.. All they want is to buy your coins cheap because they know it will be worth a lot more soon.