February 26, 2014, 05:09:43 AM |
To whomever donated, you have done this coin and the community quite a favor. Much appreciated!
+1 so far 4.34128443 BTC donated in 52 transactions
I should be able to vote again in a few minutes, but wow,!! mega votes for utc XD very nice!! also with the quiz from earlier..... I wanted to clarify reasoning a bit for the quiz and intentions. Also raised the perk a bit. I'll edit below into the original post. -------------------------------- Prize doubled (heh) FYI: This quiz is just to help the community and add some fun. I intend / hope to do a quiz each week, if this is something everyone likes. I'll try to come up with different ideas to keep things exciting. I do not wish the quizzes to be all about a reward; more of something that can be added casually as you post and for enjoyment. However, I know it usually takes some amount of reward for many posters; which is understandable. The quiz is real though and prizes will be given. Words given so far using only, ULTRACOIN:Caution Contrail Calutron --------------------------------- don't forget to take a guess, how many words can we make with Ultracoin? you can just add to bottom of your comments Ultracoin Quiz: LOAN
February 26, 2014, 05:13:43 AM Last edit: February 26, 2014, 06:07:05 AM by MasterCATZ |
Okay ladies and gentlemen; boys and girls. I have for you the first ever Ultracoin Quiz!!!
 Step right up; Step right up! Everyone can play! Warm yourself up with a little brain noodling! On to the Quiz:How many different words can "we" come up with; using Only letters from the coin name Ultracoin? You do not have to use all the letters, but must only use letters in Ultracoin. I will start by giving one as an example: LOAN ------------------------------ Rules: -Each person can only submit 1 word for the quiz. Choose wisely  -again you must use only letters in Ultracoin but do Not have to use them all. -no using the same letter twice. E.G. ata -must be a real word. - do not post your address with your word submission; winners will be listed and can pm then. - You can post your word guess with any normal reply you are doing already; just add at the bottom : "Ultracoin quiz: your word here" Prize: no quiz is complete without some loot right? 1st place: 5 UTC 10 UTC 2nd place: 2.5 UTC 5 UTC 3rd place: 1 UTC 2.5 UTC (not a big fish xD) **What determines the winner will NOT be made public until 24hrs from now. I'll give out the prizes then / request address. I have already PM'ed myself with what determines the winner for this quiz. proof here:  This will last for 24hrs; to give everyone a chance to submit words. After this; I will post another screenshot of the same mail above, but showing contents (e.g.- what chooses a winner). A screenshot will be used as posts can be edited. I cannot edit a a received message. note: determination for a winner could be any number of things; word length, specific letters, word answer number, page on forum, random, specific words, etc. It could be many things and you won't know for sure; though it is already set. Good luck Fellow UTC'ers. Hope this helps with the lull in trade excitement right now. EDIT: 5:07 AM February 26, 2014 (UTC) Prize doubled (heh) FYI: This quiz is just to help the community and add some fun. I intend / hope to do a quiz each week, if this is something everyone likes. I'll try to come up with different ideas to keep things exciting. I do not wish the quizzes to be all about a reward; more of something that can be added casually as you post and for enjoyment. However, I know it usually takes some amount of reward for many posters; which is understandable. The quiz is real though and prizes will be given. Words given so far using only, ULTRACOIN:Caution Contrail Calutron I came up with over 400 words ... just removed them after re reading rules will pick the best then ... Ultracoin Quiz *LUNATIC* you never mentioned if we could use multiple of the same letters ie: troll
February 26, 2014, 05:20:57 AM |
Very nice!! that's the full list of words! Guess, it shouldn't require anymore brain power as to what words can be made. But as per the rules. Which word is your submission?  and again, we don't know exactly what chooses the winner yet for this quiz.
February 26, 2014, 05:22:01 AM |
I told you it wasn't a good idea to donate that much BTC, especially this soon.
PND guys are about to drop serious cash on mintpal early Wednesday morning (GMT).
Check their thread
I will never read the panda thread ive got some more money to throw at mintpal for UTC

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
February 26, 2014, 05:27:29 AM |
I still pledge to vote and send more btc when I get the chance.
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
February 26, 2014, 05:43:25 AM |
Ultracoin Quiz: Taco
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
February 26, 2014, 05:46:13 AM |
I still pledge to vote and send more btc when I get the chance.
I'm a stakeholder and am ready to send some as well. And I have NOT sold nor intend to in the near future.

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
February 26, 2014, 05:49:47 AM |
We as a community have done well. We are going to get UTC on another exchange, there is no doubt about that. Once crypto-trade unlocks the markets equity, and we have a solid exchange, only positive things will come our way.
Great job everyone.
Now don't get cocky, keep voting and finish the job.
February 26, 2014, 06:03:54 AM |
Ultracoin quiz: Toil
February 26, 2014, 06:12:32 AM |
Nice! Well done everybody!

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 26, 2014, 06:18:15 AM |
Good job, but when is the Exchange gonna go live?
Official Ambassador for UTC-PND relations *donations here* UTC: Ujff1xrc8brmHkRaFG3BcG5nVScXdh5Wu1 BTC: 159uuxJCfUsG44N52NUsydi2bCNeFSYyTi
February 26, 2014, 06:35:25 AM |
more worried about when Pandacoin (PND) will put their 4 BTC up so we know if we need to top it or not voting in under 6 hrs ? ( they said this afternoon GMT time 2 hrs ago ) tho I did make a quick buck on BTC trading today ....
February 26, 2014, 06:48:31 AM |
Good job, but when is the Exchange gonna go live? it launches 28 Feb
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
February 26, 2014, 06:48:56 AM |
well if PND gets choosen first we get choosen in 2days for sure
February 26, 2014, 07:01:07 AM |
To whomever donated, you have done this coin and the community quite a favor. Much appreciated!
It was paulr1, this guy kept his promise last night and payed 1.4BTC. He asked bumface also to donate, curious if he will do so. But we all have to realize that we are not yet at the finish. KEEP VOTING EVERY HOUR !!!! AND IF YOU CAN DONATE, EVEN SMALL BTC, THEN BYE VOTES !!!!
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
February 26, 2014, 07:16:12 AM |
I told you it wasn't a good idea to donate that much BTC, especially this soon.
PND guys are about to drop serious cash on mintpal early Wednesday morning (GMT).
Check their thread
Its actually quite the opposite. I'm a PND bagholder and will use my free votes on UTC. No need to pay anymore for votes. There is plenty of coin trading for both coins. the Moon!

Activity: 120
Merit: 10
February 26, 2014, 07:18:43 AM |
I told you it wasn't a good idea to donate that much BTC, especially this soon.
PND guys are about to drop serious cash on mintpal early Wednesday morning (GMT).
Check their thread
Its actually quite the opposite. I'm a PND bagholder and will use my free votes on UTC. No need to pay anymore for votes. There is plenty of coin trading for both coins. the Moon! a page right out of wolongs twitterbook... i smell a game of deception going on
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
February 26, 2014, 07:28:57 AM |
I told you it wasn't a good idea to donate that much BTC, especially this soon.
PND guys are about to drop serious cash on mintpal early Wednesday morning (GMT).
Check their thread
Its actually quite the opposite. I'm a PND bagholder and will use my free votes on UTC. No need to pay anymore for votes. There is plenty of coin trading for both coins. the Moon! a page right out of wolongs twitterbook... i smell a game of deception going on Well unless this post on the PND page is deception I think mintpal's paid votes system is nothing short of a scam. No point in actual voting if 1 BTC buys you 20,0000 votes.
Having said that, both sides are wrong, you guys and UTC's could have just come to an Agreement and saved a helluva lot of money instead of filling Mintpal's owners' pockets..
For instance, you could have let UTC win (since their main exchange, Crypto-Trade, was hacked and is gonna be offline for a long time), at the condition UTCers would help you with votes in the next few days.
With both teams voting, it would have been a sure thing.
PND is already traded on other exchanges and doing fine. We can wait.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 26, 2014, 07:31:47 AM |
Well guys you are quoting my posts on PND's threads.
I started a diplomatic effort for the best interest of both coins.
I consider myself super-partes and will let you know their proposition once majority is reached on the motion.
Thanks in advance.
User dreamlucky is right, what I said would be in the best interest of both communities, if you agree let everybody know.
Official Ambassador for UTC-PND relations *donations here* UTC: Ujff1xrc8brmHkRaFG3BcG5nVScXdh5Wu1 BTC: 159uuxJCfUsG44N52NUsydi2bCNeFSYyTi