UTC reward 20UTC!!!
R290 4GB Cards script like this! getting 138 average a card.
I hear a allot of people that gets 160-180? if someone nows the script and correct it UTC reward 20
color 0A
ultracoinminer -o stratum+tcp://ultra.leetpools.net:3333 -u x -p x --scrypt-jane --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 -I 18 -g 1 --thread-concurrency 42000,42000,42000 --lookup-gap 3,3,3 --gpu-threads 1 --gpu-powertune 20,20,20 --expiry 10 --scan-time 1 --queue 0 --auto-fan --gpu-engine 1010,1010,1010 --gpu-memclock 1390,1390,1390 -T
The secret is the Stilt Bios
https://litecointalk.org/index.php?topic=12830.390I recommend that bios for 290
MBA_C6711101-100_K2_AGR_STILTMP_V34.zip (DPM7 - 1.2250V)
You can flash bios on team viewer
1.Just download atiwinflash to desktop:
3.put the bios into folder atiwinflash
4.Open the Command Prompt window by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking All Programs, clicking Accessories, and then clicking Command Prompt.
cd desktop
cd ati_winflash_2.6.7
when you have rig with 4 cards you must prompt:
atiflash -p 0 nameofthebios.bin -f
now wait ~2 minutes when flash is done, you must flash another card :
atiflash -p 1 nameofthebios.bin -f
now wait ~2 minutes when flash is done, you must flash another card :
atiflash -p 2 nameofthebios.bin -f
now wait ~2 minutes when flash is done, you must flash another card :
atiflash -p 3 nameofthebios.bin -f
restart system when flash is done
and wait drivers will install
setup your card on msi afterburner beta 18
MEM 1400MHz
Powertune +20%
and mine:)
If you have 4GB ram, you must upgrade to 8GB then your 290/290x will work ~180khs