Activity: 984
Merit: 1000
May 12, 2014, 06:48:16 AM |
@Tante: you`re not causing trouble at all! In fact, you are explaining very well the technical details to non-IT-people like myself! Thank you! So, 22 Million is the definitive maximum and about 14 Million is the minimum? Those two numbers do not change regardless of what the hashrate does, correct?
May 12, 2014, 06:50:45 AM |
I dont get the whole "how many coins will be mined" thing sorry, would someone care to explain why the total amount of DRK to be mined might be going from 22 million to 11 million and what the implications are? can this be changed etc?
I'm sorry for causing trouble. I was going by memory, but it's more like 14 million. What happens is that the rewards are diminished when more people mine. The more hash rate on this coin, the lower the reward until it hits a minimum of 5 coins. If we really are at 7 coins right now, I imagine we'll be at 5 in a week or so. Next year, and each year after, the number of coins will also be reduced 7%. So our minimum of 5 coins will be reduced more and more each year. That is what the chart shows. I always thought it was likely that we'd "hug the minimum number of coins line" as I said back then, and it seems that's indeed what is happening now.... OK thanks, I understand a little better now.
Full Member
Activity: 280
Merit: 100
The Future Of Work
May 12, 2014, 06:52:50 AM |
@Tante: you`re not causing trouble at all! In fact, you are explaining very well the technical details to non-IT-people like myself! Thank you! So, 22 Million is the definitive maximum and about 14 Million is the minimum? Those two numbers do not change regardless of what the hashrate does, correct?
Yes, correct, though those numbers are not exact, just rounded ;P
Activity: 984
Merit: 1000
May 12, 2014, 06:56:43 AM |
Wow. I don`t think that has already been priced in.
May 12, 2014, 07:03:10 AM |
LOL !!!! I have just received info from my wallet when I wanted to send 1000 drk for new wallet address that the amount which I want to send it too large eeeee??? Any idea??? I have more than 1000 drk on wallet is a certain limit on clinet for purpose. I recommend this. 1) make an temporal account darkcoind getaccountaddress temporal darkcoind getaddressesbyaccount temporal 2) send to temporal address if error happens, lowering input, till no err. 3) check balance darkcoind getbalance temporal 4) send from temporal to Masternode address sendfrom <fromaccount> <todarkcoinaddress> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment] [comment-to]
darkcoind sendfrom temporal Masternode_address 1000
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1049
May 12, 2014, 07:07:18 AM |
Wow. I don`t think that has already been priced in.
It hasn't. And there is yet another thing that hasn't been priced-in or calculated, which is highly relevant with this... Most coin threads discuss about Blackcoin-type-multipools and how they should have their own multipools of this type or how mining-other-coins-and-dumping-them is so bad for the mined coins and so good for their own coin which they buy with the profits of dumping other coins, etc etc. The block reward formula of Darkcoin (decreasing reward as the hashrate escalates) allows it to BENEFIT from Blackcoin-type-multipools that mine other coins and dump them. For when, say, a blackcoin or whitecoin sends hashpower to Dark, then they are reducing DRK's inflation and thus elevate the price of current coins. The same is true for FPGA's, ASICs, etc. Other coins panic, DRK says "bring them on", we'll reach minimum block reward sooner / the total number of coins will bottom out....
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1005
DASH is the future of crypto payments!
May 12, 2014, 07:19:18 AM |
I`ve just added my 4 MNs  going to sleep now ufffff I would like to say BIG THANK YOU for Luke997 for his time he spends with me explaining me how to setup the masternodes. Milions of PM I`ve sent to him recently  Boy without you I think I could remain only a drk holder Thnx to Cheaplin for StepByStep manual it`s very helpful and other community people like TanteStefana and thelonecrouton who were always quick in respons for different questions. We have GREAT community and I`m proud to be one of you.
BE SMART, USE DASH ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1005
DASH is the future of crypto payments!
May 12, 2014, 07:20:12 AM |
LOL it`s a lot looking at 24h shock! Where are these 21 drk/block? 
BE SMART, USE DASH ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lalaine Cruz4k
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
May 12, 2014, 07:22:06 AM |
It's going to be really impressive when a masternode costs $10 000
May 12, 2014, 07:25:44 AM Last edit: May 12, 2014, 07:39:10 AM by JGCMiner |
@Tante: you`re not causing trouble at all! In fact, you are explaining very well the technical details to non-IT-people like myself! Thank you! So, 22 Million is the definitive maximum and about 14 Million is the minimum? Those two numbers do not change regardless of what the hashrate does, correct?
Yes, correct, though those numbers are not exact, just rounded ;P Not to be rude, but I think your response is a bit misleading. For one, 22 million is not a hard maximum and I think your 14 million number is a bit low. The key about that chart is the kink in the red line which represents when it was assumed that we are consistently at the 5 coin reward. The line behaves smoothly after that point because the only remaining effect is the 7% yearly reduction. After that kink 11 million coins are going to be minted. We are at 4.2 million now-- meaning a hard minimum of 15.2 million. Furthermore, I doubt we are going completely lock into 3000+ minimum difficultly in the next week or month (average is about 1500 now) so I think 16 million is a better minimum estimate. Also, if for some reason DRK gets unpopular or somebody makes a DRK-buying multipool or whatever then I think there is a chance of exceeding 22 million -- though I will agree that is unlikely. @ Macno All you have to remember is the faster DRK gets popular (in terms of net hashrate) is the slower it is minted. Also, only 11 million coins will be minted after the point when the minimum difficultly (DGW difficultly adjustment is sinusoidal) is consistently above 3000 -- which is probably still a ways in the future.
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
May 12, 2014, 07:35:30 AM |
Now isnt that just beautiful? A real testament for DGW !! Look at that symmetry!! Chaeplin, you know what we need now? The same for the masternode debug.log and voting system !! On a side note; I cant remember being so anxious, ever.
May 12, 2014, 07:42:39 AM |
Now isnt that just beautiful? A real testament for DGW !! Look at that symmetry!! Chaeplin, you know what we need now? The same for the masternode debug.log and voting system !! On a side note; I cant remember being so anxious, ever. I will do things for Masternode.
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1005
DASH is the future of crypto payments!
May 12, 2014, 07:44:36 AM Last edit: May 12, 2014, 08:29:01 AM by splawik21 |
Somebody can explain me why after sendin 4000 coins for 4 masternodes My wallet shows I have 2461 coins left insted blockchain shows me I have sent 120coin more? Every address where I sent coins have 1000 coin - checked. Hmmmm anybody have idea?
BE SMART, USE DASH ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Full Member
Activity: 280
Merit: 100
The Future Of Work
May 12, 2014, 07:46:03 AM |
What about p2pool  User dstorm on says s/he's just about figured out P2pool, and wants to test it out on testnet but unfortunately, it's not working (testnet that is, it's down) But thank goodness someone is working on this! And I totally agree, splawik21, this is a great community! Wish I knew more to help better! splawik21, maybe there is lag?
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1005
DASH is the future of crypto payments!
May 12, 2014, 07:51:25 AM |
That is good info, more we are the better is for all drk ppl 
BE SMART, USE DASH ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
May 12, 2014, 07:57:01 AM |
Somebody can explain me why after sendin 4000 coins for 4 masternodes My wallet shows I have 2461 coins left insted blockchain shows me I have sent 120coin more? Every address where I sent coins have 1000 coin - checked. Hmmmm anybody have idea?
That's total sent coin from start at your wallet. And remove pic, I found your address 
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
May 12, 2014, 07:57:43 AM |
HIRO network hashrate dropped to a massive 2,3GH/s...
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
May 12, 2014, 08:01:42 AM |
What about p2pool  User dstorm on says s/he's just about figured out P2pool, and wants to test it out on testnet but unfortunately, it's not working (testnet that is, it's down) But thank goodness someone is working on this! And I totally agree, splawik21, this is a great community! Wish I knew more to help better! splawik21, maybe there is lag? Tante, us forum ramblers do just as much!! IMHO. Look at Blackcoin, contracted a high-end PR firm to stay above water and try to bring value to their PoS strategy, branding all over the interwebs with prizes and bling.bling.bling... We raise awareness, rinse off the trolls, welcome new comers, bring life to We're not the brains but we are the heart and lungs! We gained 11m in market cap due to Darkcoin dev's talent, and a coherent, supportive and friendly community,! Seriously, DRK is LTC on steroids!