
Activity: 81
Merit: 10
July 07, 2014, 06:35:29 AM |
For a guy who has 'possibly' held LTC since 4 cents, you sure are weakhanded. What's next? You're going to sell the rest of your LTC, and attempt to call it a whore as well? What a joke.
July 07, 2014, 06:37:35 AM |
Vericoin is like a girl with loose morals who has dated ever guy in school and now is to be discarded like the crack hoe that she is My first play in the exciting and volatile world of P&D... its been a learning XP & a profitable one I feel lucky to have come out alive and in profit...its been exicting and fun to say the least To think that the devs are not somehow involved in this POS bullshit borders on a joke... Lets see how long they support this coin after its been pumped more times than a crack whore bye bye VERI(P&D)COIN  While being sad to read a hero member write such a post, will not discourage me and most of the VRC investors, which still trust in the enormous effort that the devs are doing and its advancements. In the probable case that is just FUD for getting cheap coins before the FIAT in wallet implementation and the ATMs addition bubble, is it really worth the profit to hurt your reputation like that? Like others are saying (here and in other media) thanks for the cheap coins... Eth.
July 07, 2014, 06:38:30 AM |
Is this real life?        ?? J/K Bougth 1 BTC @ 34k Bought 1 BTC @ 31K About to buy 2 BTC @ 29K then in a week rocket 
July 07, 2014, 06:41:24 AM |
The emotional comments pro & against is exactly what people that move the markets play off of & create. I don't think many of you can even comprehend how much $ is involved @ this point. Will surely be veri interesting as time progresses. Which ever side your on, may the #'s do what you want them too, good luck & thank you to the development team & supporters for all your previous & continued hard work.
July 07, 2014, 06:44:25 AM |
Or ist this just fantasy?
July 07, 2014, 06:45:22 AM |
Or ist this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide...
July 07, 2014, 06:52:06 AM |
Or ist this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide... No escape from reality
July 07, 2014, 06:53:39 AM Last edit: July 07, 2014, 07:14:07 AM by YipYip |
Vericoin is like a girl with loose morals who has dated ever guy in school and now is to be discarded like the crack hoe that she is My first play in the exciting and volatile world of P&D... its been a learning XP & a profitable one I feel lucky to have come out alive and in profit...its been exicting and fun to say the least To think that the devs are not somehow involved in this POS bullshit borders on a joke... Lets see how long they support this coin after its been pumped more times than a crack whore bye bye VERI(P&D)COIN  While being sad to read a hero member write such a post, will not discourage me and most of the VRC investors, which still trust in the enormous effort that the devs are doing and its advancements. In the probable case that is just FUD for getting cheap coins before the FIAT in wallet implementation and the ATMs addition bubble, is it really worth the profit to hurt your reputation like that? Like others are saying (here and in other media) thanks for the cheap coins... Eth. FUD...get real ...Crypto used to mean something more than ...P&D quick riches with ever more ripp off POS coins (at least teh scams where straight up PONZI's ...lolz) Honestly...POS ....and all of the trading at losses yeah right Who got all the coins at 1k because they are so totally dumping them in ever more lower highs Its a rigged game and as I said day trading it was fun but i feel sorry for the not so XP people who believe all the media bullshit.....once all the P&D is over and lets see how long the devs put the effort into continued support of teh coin Time will tell...aka BC I hope I am wrong 

Activity: 61
Merit: 10
July 07, 2014, 06:56:47 AM |
It can only drop so far before he loses a profit.
Who says this drop is from a rational whale trying to profit? It could just as easily come from someone with deeper pockets willing to take a loss to make the coin look bad. How many haters have posted here? How many people would benefit from a verifail? How many people have the devs or anyone on the team pissed off? Just saying there's more to think about than this single whale looking for profit. every other alt coin out there, including litecoin and bitcoin must be hating vericoin.. just saying

Activity: 64
Merit: 10
July 07, 2014, 06:58:35 AM |
Vericoin is like a girl with loose morals who has dated ever guy in school and now is to be discarded like the crack hoe that she is My first play in the exciting and volatile world of P&D... its been a learning XP & a profitable one I feel lucky to have come out alive and in profit...its been exicting and fun to say the least To think that the devs are not somehow involved in this POS bullshit borders on a joke... Lets see how long they support this coin after its been pumped more times than a crack whore bye bye VERI(P&D)COIN  While being sad to read a hero member write such a post, will not discourage me and most of the VRC investors, which still trust in the enormous effort that the devs are doing and its advancements. In the probable case that is just FUD for getting cheap coins before the FIAT in wallet implementation and the ATMs addition bubble, is it really worth the profit to hurt your reputation like that? Like others are saying (here and in other media) thanks for the cheap coins... Eth. FUD...get real ...Crypto used to mean something more than ...P&D quick riches with ever more ripp off POS coins (at least teh scams where straight up PONZI's ...lolz) Honestly...POS ....and all of the trading at losses yeah right Who got all the coins at 1k because they are so totally dumping them in ever more lower highs Its a rigged game and as I said day trading it was fun but i feel sorry for the not so XP people who believe all the media bullshit.....once all the P&D is over and lets see how long the devs put the effort into continued support of teh coin Time will tell...aka BC you'd b a fool not to b accumulating BC at current prices, just takes time 2 not jack it up.. buy cheap n wait for the pump.. easy come easy go.. boyfriend 
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1002
Bulletproof VPS/VPN/Email @ BadAss.Sx
July 07, 2014, 07:00:00 AM |
All those FUD...did those n00bs also checked the reality? 18mil from the 26mil are staking, the rest are coins for trading. And did the n00bs also understand this thing:
The devs did this on purpose...they released almost no news the last 4 days, so the quick profit "investors" get annoyed and jump out of the system, cause other p&d coins are taking a run on the chart. YES people, you all have been faked whahahahaha. Oh lovely how they can be fooled so now a days.
Those cheap coins, which most of them are sold with loss (LOL) are now in the hands of REAL investors. You whales are all been scammed by the devs. This is a natural process and they did it fine!!!
One thing you can say about them....they are SMART!!
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1002
Bulletproof VPS/VPN/Email @ BadAss.Sx
July 07, 2014, 07:05:26 AM |
you'd b a fool not to b accumulating BC at current prices, just takes time 2 not jack it up.. buy cheap n wait for the pump.. easy come easy go.. boyfriend  Shut up with your BC coin. This is a VRC thread. Move to your original thread.
July 07, 2014, 07:09:16 AM |
All those FUD...did those n00bs also checked the reality? 18mil from the 26mil are staking, the rest are coins for trading. And did the n00bs also understand this thing:
The devs did this on purpose...they released almost no news the last 4 days, so the quick profit "investors" get annoyed and jump out of the system, cause other p&d coins are taking a run on the chart. YES people, you all have been faked whahahahaha. Oh lovely how they can be fooled so now a days.
Those cheap coins, which most of them are sold with loss (LOL) are now in the hands of REAL investors. You whales are all been scammed by the devs. This is a natural process and they did it fine!!!
One thing you can say about them....they are SMART!!
Im PRO-VRC but damn, i dont think the devs are intentionally driving the price down. No way in hell.
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1002
Bulletproof VPS/VPN/Email @ BadAss.Sx
July 07, 2014, 07:10:51 AM |
Of course they are. So you get rid of the p&d groups and results in a stable course haha...they are smart in this.
July 07, 2014, 07:48:13 AM |
Well I am no one to say for sure if is a developer's strategy, or if its because of the fact most of investors are stacking the coins in the wallets for minting, or because FUDers are pushing it down before the next bubble... what doesn't make sense at all is the coin going down by itself alone due to all the FIRSTs it has achieved and the incoming feats.
In my opinion, I will still HODL long term because from the beginning that was my plan, wait till all the feats and goodies are out and then check whats the scenario.
For now and with the actual activity and performance of the devs just doesn't make sense to sell a single coin, this is not about prices, gentlemen, but about trying to forecast a future for this coin and in the alt crypto scene, which will result in the real profit (or loss) of the investment.
July 07, 2014, 07:55:43 AM |
All those FUD...did those n00bs also checked the reality? 18mil from the 26mil are staking, the rest are coins for trading. And did the n00bs also understand this thing:
The devs did this on purpose...they released almost no news the last 4 days, so the quick profit "investors" get annoyed and jump out of the system, cause other p&d coins are taking a run on the chart. YES people, you all have been faked whahahahaha. Oh lovely how they can be fooled so now a days.
Those cheap coins, which most of them are sold with loss (LOL) are now in the hands of REAL investors. You whales are all been scammed by the devs. This is a natural process and they did it fine!!!
One thing you can say about them....they are SMART!!
you are totally wright, i said that 1 hour before the hangout that if the news were awesome the pump will start , if its "ok" news like they were then the price will dirop, so i sold @36 and put a buy order @31 , woke up and presto got filled , its easy money boys and girls, a perfect example of a dead cat bouncing system with one small diffrence its far away from a dead cat .
July 07, 2014, 07:56:28 AM |
VRC also has the added benefit of interest so when you hodl, you also end up with more VRC 
July 07, 2014, 07:59:53 AM |
Vericoin is like a girl with loose morals who has dated ever guy in school and now is to be discarded like the crack hoe that she is My first play in the exciting and volatile world of P&D... its been a learning XP & a profitable one I feel lucky to have come out alive and in profit...its been exicting and fun to say the least To think that the devs are not somehow involved in this POS bullshit borders on a joke... Lets see how long they support this coin after its been pumped more times than a crack whore bye bye VERI(P&D)COIN  While being sad to read a hero member write such a post, will not discourage me and most of the VRC investors, which still trust in the enormous effort that the devs are doing and its advancements. In the probable case that is just FUD for getting cheap coins before the FIAT in wallet implementation and the ATMs addition bubble, is it really worth the profit to hurt your reputation like that? Like others are saying (here and in other media) thanks for the cheap coins... Eth. FUD...get real ...Crypto used to mean something more than ...P&D quick riches with ever more ripp off POS coins (at least teh scams where straight up PONZI's ...lolz) Honestly...POS ....and all of the trading at losses yeah right Who got all the coins at 1k because they are so totally dumping them in ever more lower highs Its a rigged game and as I said day trading it was fun but i feel sorry for the not so XP people who believe all the media bullshit.....once all the P&D is over and lets see how long the devs put the effort into continued support of teh coin Time will tell...aka BC I hope I am wrong  I think you are wrong. You are basically saying that the devs created a scam and now are dumping their coins. Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but the devs had put their name in the public domain and stated they are here for long to build this coin. This process involves real peoples' real money and the devs know that.
July 07, 2014, 08:00:35 AM |
tnx dumpers, just made it to 10 000 VRC  In a week worth 33 BTC
July 07, 2014, 08:08:38 AM |
Just watching the google handout This made me want to sell all my coins "We love Blackcoin" Patrick Nosker. Really? Because it was most of the Blackcoin members who have been on here fudding Vericoin to death! And now we love them. Also There was a blackcoin member who is friends with all the fudders who appeared on the hang-out. wtf!!! The blackcoin fuddersm ust be laughing their asses off right now. I am all for "keeps your friends close and your enemies closer" but this is stupid. First Vercoin welcomes Icoinic Expert and gives him 1,000 VRC Now Vericoin is all in love with Blackcoin, who have tried there best to destroy VRC.  This and NOTHING else explains clearly why many people off-loaded their coins! Blackcoin is a DEAD coin. Now we are mentioning them to try and help them back from the dead. Very Disapointed !